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Extended Förster Theory of Electronic Energy Transport within Pairs of Reorienting Chromophoric MoleculesNorlin, Nils January 2009 (has links)
An extended Förster theory (EFT), previously derived (L. B.-Å. Johansson et al. J. Chem. Phys., 1996,105) has theoretically been adapted and used in simulations of donor-acceptor energy transfer (DAET), which is a process often referred to as FRET. It was shown that the classical Förster theory is only valid in the initial part of the fluorescence decay. In this thesis an EFT is derived and outlined for electronic energy transport between two fluorescent molecules which are chemically identical, but photophysically non-identical. The energy migration within such asymmetric pairs is partially reversible and therefore referred to as partial donor-donor energy migration (PDDEM). The previously derived model of PDDEM (S. V. Kalinin et al. Spectrochim Acta Part A, 2002,58) is an approximation of the EFT. In particular, the EFT accounts for the time-dependent reorientations as well as the distance that influence the rate of electronic energy migration. The reorientation of the fluorophores transition dipole moments has been simulated using Brownian dynamics. As a result, the related “k2-problem” has been solved. The EFT of PDDEM has also been studied regarding the effect of PDDEM on experimental observables e.g. quantum yield of fluorescence and steady-state anisotropies
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Energy Transfer in Organic-Inorganic Semiconductor StructuresBianchi, Francesco 09 July 2018 (has links)
In HIOS-Strukturen, die auf einem Quantengraben und einer angrenzenden organischen Deckschicht basieren, wurde eine effiziente Umwandlung von Wannier-Exzitonen in Frenkel-Exzitonen mittels resonantem Förster Energietransfer (FRET) demonstriert.
Das hier verwendete Design besteht aus einem spiro-annulierten Quarter-phenyl (L4P-SP3), das auf einen ZnO-Quantengraben (SQW) aufgewachsen wurde, um inkohärente Kopplung zu erreichen.
Mittels optischer Spektroskopie haben wir demonstriert, dass diese hybriden Strukturen Energietransfer vom SQW zu den organischen Molekülen mit einer Effizienz von bis zu 77% zeigen. Allerdings zeigen UPS-Messungen eine typ-II-artige Energieniveau-Anpassung zwischen ZnO und der molekularen Schicht, die zu einem sehr effizienten Ladungstrennungsvorgang (ηCT=0.9) führt, der die molekulare Emission unterdrückt.
Die erste beruht auf einer schnellen und hocheffizienten Energietransfer-Kaskade: nach der ersten Transferstufe wird die Anregungsenergie von der hybriden Grenzfläche weggeleitet, indem eine zweite Energietransferstufe eingeführt wird, bevor die Dissoziation der Exzitonen an der Grenzfläche statt-finden kann. Wir verwenden Sexiphenyl, L6P als endgültigen Akzeptor. In solch einer Struktur können wir eine Wiederherstellung der molekularen Emission um einen Faktor acht demonstrieren und zeigen, dass der Energietransferprozess zwischen L4P-SP3 und L6P den Ladungstrennungsprozess fast vollständig überholt.
Als andere Option haben wir die Energieniveaus angepasst, indem eine organometallische Donor-Monolage [RuCp*mes] ergänzt wird. Diese Zwischenschicht senkt die Austrittsarbeit von ZnO deutlich ab und führt so zu einer Anpassung der Niveaus zwischen die zwei Halbleiter. Während die Effizienz des Energietransfers unverändert bleibt, steigen die Emission von L4P-SP3 sowie die Lebenszeit der molekularen Photoluminescenz um einen Faktor sieben verglichen mit entsprechenden Strukturen ohne Zwischenlage. / In HIOS structures based on a quantum well and an adjacent organic overlayer, efficient conversion of Wannier excitons into Frenkel excitons via Förster-type resonant energy transfer (FRET) has been demonstrated. The design here in use consists of a spiro-annulated ladder-type quarter-phenyl (L4P-SP3), deposited on ZnO-based single quantum wells (SQW) to obtain incoherent electronic coupling. The SQWs we use are grown with extremely thin (2 nm) capping layer. With photoluminescence excitation and time-resolved spectroscopy, we demonstrate that these hybrid structures exhibit energy transfer from the inorganic material to the organic molecules with an efficiency up to 77%.
However, UPS measurements show a type-II energy level alignment between ZnO and the molecular layer, resulting in a very efficient charge separation process (ηCT=0.9) that suppresses the molecular emission.
The first idea relies on a fast and highly efficient cascade FRET: following the primary transfer step from the QW, the excitation is conveyed away from the hybrid interface by a secondary transfer-step within the organic layer. As final acceptor we select ladder-type sexiphenyl (L6P). In such a structure, we demonstrate a recovery of the molecular emission by a factor eight, showing that the intermolecular FRET outpaced almost entirely the charge separation process.
As alternative option, we tune the energy levels at the interface by introducing an organometallic donor monolayer [RuCp*mes]. The interlayer reduces substantially the ZnO work function, aligning the frontier levels of the inorganic and organic semiconductor. Optical experiments show the benefits of the interlayer: while the FRET efficiency is unaffected, the L4P-SP3 emission and its photoluminescence lifetime increase by a factor of seven, when compared to the same structure without interlayer.
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Role Gdaňsku v zahraniční politice nacistického Německa, 1933-1939 / The City of Danzig in the Foreign Policy of the Nazi Germany, 1933-1939Bandžuch, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is an evolution of the Free city of Danzig in 1930's and the role it played in German and Polish politics during the aforemetioned period consecutively to the evolution of the situation in the city of Danzig in 1920's. The particular elementary processes of the Free city of Danzig's nazification are described here as well as key moments that fundamentally affected the city's standing within the local as well as international political environment. The thesis also focuses on the analysis of the Polish and German foreign policy's influence over the power ballance between relevant actors and to which extent the situation in Danzig contributed to the increase of tensions between Poland and Germany, which in the end led to the beginning of the WWII. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Petrarca a Dresda: dai manoscritti alle stampeForner, Fabio 02 July 2020 (has links)
La SLUB di Dresden conserva non solo preziosi manoscritti con le opere di Petrarca, molti di questi in italiano, ma anche moltissime stampe. I manoscritti e le stampe petrarcheschi presenti a Dresda sono una spia del successo dell’opera di Petrarca, ma anche, più in generale, della cultura italiana della quale Petrarca è considerato il campione in quanto padre dell’umanesimo. Ma dopo il XVIII secolo e in particolare nel XIX secolo Petrarca, dismesse nell’immaginario di molti intellettuali le vesti del filosofo morale, diventa sempre più il grande poeta volgare che ha descritto in versi perfetti il suo amore per Laura. Petrarca a Dresda diviene, durante il Romanticismo, il poeta del Canzoniere, l’opera poetica degna della raffinatissima traduzione metrica che Karl Förster porta a termine durante il primo ventennio del XIX secolo proprio nella capitale sassone, porto sicuro per tante opere e per tanti lettori del Petrarca volgare.
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Impact of cholesterol and Lumacaftor on the folding of CFTR helical hairpinsSchenkel, Mathias, Ravamehr-Lake, Dorna, Czerniak, Tomasz, Saenz, James P., Krainer, Georg, Schlierf, Michael, Deber, Charles M. 07 December 2023 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the gene that codes for the chloride channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Recent advances in CF treatment have included use of small-molecule drugs known as modulators, such as Lumacaftor (VX-809), but their detailed mechanism of action and interplay with the surrounding lipid membranes, including cholesterol, remain largely unknown. To examine these phenomena and guide future modulator development, we prepared a set of wild type (WT) and mutant helical hairpin constructs consisting of CFTR transmembrane (TM) segments 3 and 4 and the intervening extracellular loop (termed TM3/4 hairpins) that represent minimal membrane protein tertiary folding units. These hairpin variants, including CF-phenotypic loop mutants E217G and Q220R, and membrane-buried mutant V232D, were reconstituted into large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine (POPC) vesicles, and into corresponding vesicles containing 70 mol% POPC +30 mol% cholesterol, and studied by single-molecule FRET and circular dichroism experiments. We found that the presence of 30 mol% cholesterol induced an increase in helicity of all TM3/4 hairpins, suggesting an increase in bilayer cross-section and hence an increase in the depth of membrane insertion compared to pure POPC vesicles. Importantly, when we added the corrector VX-809, regardless of the presence or absence of cholesterol, all mutants displayed folding and helicity largely indistinguishable from the WT hairpin. Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements suggest that the corrector alters lipid packing and water accessibility. We propose a model whereby VX-809 shields the protein from the lipid environment in a mutant-independent manner such that the WT scaffold prevails. Such ‘normalization’ to WT conformation is consistent with the action of VX-809 as a protein-folding chaperone.
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Structure and optical properties of complex aggregate-structures of amphiphilic dye-systemsAl-Khatib, Omar 18 October 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Untersuchungen an selbstorganisierten, tubulären J-Aggregaten amphiphiler Cyaninfarbstoffe, 3,3’-bis(2-sulfopropyl)-5,5’,6,6’-tetrachloro-1,1’-dioctylbenzimidacarbocyanine, im Weiteren C8S3 genannt, dargestellt. Ziel der Arbeit ist es an die Aggregate eine Lage Polyelektrolyte zu adsorbieren, sowie nachzuweisen, dass diese Methode geeignet ist, um einen Energietransfers zwischen dem Aggregat und funktionellen Gruppen in der Adsorbatschicht zu erreichen. Die tubulären Aggregate sind supramolekulare Strukturen, die sich spontan und selbstorganisiert aufgrund des amphiphilen Charakters der Cyaninfarbstoffe in wässrigen Lösungen bilden. Die Farbstoffe ordnen sich in einer Doppelschicht an, die die Wand der Röhren bildet mit etwa 13 nm Durchmesser und Längen bis zu 1 µm und mehr. Die Aggregate bilden exzitonische Anregungen aus, die sich in einer typischen Rotverschiebung (J-Aggregat) der optischen Absorption sowie einer charakteristischen Aufspaltung in mehrere schmale Banden zeigt. Die negative Oberflächenladung der Aggregate wird genutzt, um positiv geladene Polyelektrolyte (PE) anzulagern. Drei exemplarische PE, die sich in Ladungsdichte und Persistenzlänge unterscheiden, werden untersucht. In allen drei Fällen ist es gelungen Aggregate mit einer 2-3 nm dicken Polyelektrolytschicht zu umhüllen, wobei die molekulare Ordnung der Aggregate nur geringfügig gestört wird. Durch Einsatz von Farbstoffdotierten Polyelektrolyten konnten Experimente zum Nachweis des Förster-Energietransfer durchgeführt werden. Die Farbstoffdotierungen sind kovalent an die PE gebunden, wodurch sie in der PE-Umhüllung lokalisiert sind. Durch Wahl geeigneter Farbstoffe konnte ein Energietransfer vom Farbstoff (Donator) zum Aggregat als auch umgekehrt vom Aggregat zum Farbstoff (Akzeptor) nachgewiesen werden. Es ergeben sich hohe Transferraten, da die Farbstoffe in der PE-Schicht deutlich dichter am Aggregat liegen, als die theoretisch berechneten Förster-Radien. / The following dissertation deals with investigation on tubular J-aggregates of amphiphile cyanine-dyes, 3,3’-bis(2-sulfopropyl)-5,5’,6,6’-tetrachloro-1,1’-dioctylbenzimidacarbocyanine (C8S3). Aim of this work is to adsorb a layer of polyelectrolyte on C8S3-aggregates and to proof the capability of this method to establish an energy-transfer between the aggregate and functional groups in the adsorbate-layer. The tubular aggregates are supramolecular structures, that form entirely spontaneous and self-organized due to amphiphilic character of the investigated cyanine-dye derivative in aqueous solution. These dyes arrange themselves in a double-layer, assembling the hull of the tubular structure, with outer tube-diameters of approximately 13 nm and length of more than 1 µm. Due to the regular and dense arrangement of the dyes excitonic excitation establishs with the structure, that causes a J-aggregate typical red-shift in absorption and a characteristic band-splitting. The aggregates offer a negative surface-charge in aqueous solution. This is utilized to adsorb oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (PE) by electrostatic adsorption. It is shown exemplarily for three different kinds of PE that differ in charge-density and persistence-length. In all three cases a successful PE-wrapping of 2-3 nm thickness has been performed. The molecular order within the aggregates has been disturbed only weakly. Dye-labelled PE experiments proof Förster-energytransfer. The dye-labels are covalently bound to PE, fixing and localizing the labels in the wrapping-layer. With appropriate dye-labels an energy-transfer from labels in the coating (donor) towards the aggregate and vice versa, from aggregate to the dye-labels (acceptor) has been revealed. Caused by the localisation of the labels within the PE-coating, the distances of aggregate and label are always smaller than the theoretically calculated Förster-radii, resulting in a high efficiency of the transfer-rates.
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Entwicklung molekularer Werkzeuge zur Erforschung des Lipidstoffwechsels / Synthese einer FRET-Sonde der sauren SphingomyelinasePinkert, Thomas 11 July 2017 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden fluoreszierende Sphingomyelin-Analoga zu Studium der sauren Sphingomyelinase (ASM) synthetisiert. Ausgehend von L-Serin wurde ein Sphingosin-Derivat mit natürlicher Stereochemie dargestellt. Anschließend wurde mittels Phosphorodichloridat-Chemie eine Aminoethylphosphat-Gruppe installiert. Zweifache Fluoreszenzmarkierung ergab Sonden mit der Fähigkeit zu Förster-Resonanzenergietransfer (FRET). Diese wurden als Substrate der ASM akzeptiert und erlaubten die Verfolgung der Enzymaktivität in vitro. Durch die Analyse der photophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Fluorophore wurde das allgemeine Konzept der Phasentrennungs-gestützten Signalverstärkung (PS) abgeleitet. Dieses Konzept wurde erfolgreich bestätigt durch die Synthese einer 30-mal leistungsfähigeren zweiten Generation der FRET-Sonde. Ein homogener Assay wurde entwickelt, der die Quantifizierung der ASM-Aktivität erlaubte. Unter Verwendung von gereinigter rekombinanter humaner ASM, HeLa-Zelllysaten oder Lysaten von murinen embryonalen Fibroblasten (MEFs) als Enzymquelle wurde ausschließlich unter den von der ASM bevorzugten Bedingungen eine vollständige und spezifische Hydrolyse der Sonde beobachtet. Des Weiteren erlaubte die Sonde die Detektion relativer Unterschiede der Aktivität der ASM in kultivierten MEFs mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit Zweiphotonenanregung (2PE). / Fluorescent sphingomyelin analogues have been synthesized to probe the acid sphingomyelinase (ASM). Starting from L-serine, a sphingosine with natural stereochemistry was synthesized. Subsequently, phosphorodichloridate chemistry was used to install an aminoethyl phosphate moiety. Dual fluorescent labeling afforded probes capable of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). They were recognized as substrates of ASM and allowed for monitoring of the enzyme’s activity in vitro. Through analysis of the fluorophores’ photophysical properties, the general concept of partition aided amplification of a FRET probe’s signal (PS) was developed. This concept was successfully confirmed by the synthesis of a second-generation probe with 30-fold improved response. A homogenous assay was developed, which allowed for a quantitation of ASM activity. Using either purified recombinant human ASM, or lysates of HeLa cells or mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) as an enzyme source, complete and specific cleavage was observed exclusively under conditions preferred by ASM. Furthermore, the probe enabled the detection of relative levels of ASM activity in cultivated MEFs using fluorescence microscopy with two-photon excitation (2PE).
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Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence Depolarisation : Experimental and Theoretical DevelopmentRyderfors, Linus January 2008 (has links)
<p>We have studied fundamental aspects of time-resolved two-photon excited fluorescence depolarisation. The thesis presents experimental as well as theoretical progress. We show that a multi-photon induced instrumental response function obtained from a suspension of gold nanoparticles is appropriate for the analysis of two-photon excited fluorescence decays obtained using time-correlated single photon counting detection. Theoretical expressions have been derived for the fluorescence anisotropy decay obtained upon two-photon excitation of various molecular systems in liquid solutions: a) an anisotropic rigid rotor that undergoes rotational diffusion in the presence of ultrafast unresolved restricted reorientations, e.g. librations. b) a molecular group covalently attached to a stationary macromolecule, and undergoing local reorientation in a uniaxial ordering potential. A new approach to the analysis of two-photon excited fluorescence depolarisation experiments was developed, which combines data obtained by using linearly and circularly polarised excitation light, in a global manner. In the analysis, knowledge about unresolved reorientations was obtained from one-photon excitation studies of the corresponding systems. By means of this procedure it has been possible to obtain quantitative information about the molecular two-photon absorption tensor for perylene and two of its derivatives. Thereby the symmetry of the final excited and intermediate vibronic states could be assigned. The analysis reveals that the two-photon transition studied with the 800 nm laser exhibits mixed character. An important finding from the experiments was that the two-photon absorption tensor appears to be solvent dependent. Furthermore, the thesis presents the first theoretical treatment of two-photon excited donor-donor energy migration in the presence of molecular reorientation and which applies the extended Förster theory. Explicit expressions for molecules that belong to the point groups D<sub>2h</sub>, D<sub>2</sub> and C<sub>2v</sub> are given. Preliminary experiments are finally also reported on a two-photon excited donor-donor energy migration system consisting of a bisanthryl-bisteroid. </p>
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Single-Molecule Metal-Induced Energy Transfer: From Basics to ApplicationsKaredla, Narain 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence Depolarisation : Experimental and Theoretical DevelopmentRyderfors, Linus January 2008 (has links)
We have studied fundamental aspects of time-resolved two-photon excited fluorescence depolarisation. The thesis presents experimental as well as theoretical progress. We show that a multi-photon induced instrumental response function obtained from a suspension of gold nanoparticles is appropriate for the analysis of two-photon excited fluorescence decays obtained using time-correlated single photon counting detection. Theoretical expressions have been derived for the fluorescence anisotropy decay obtained upon two-photon excitation of various molecular systems in liquid solutions: a) an anisotropic rigid rotor that undergoes rotational diffusion in the presence of ultrafast unresolved restricted reorientations, e.g. librations. b) a molecular group covalently attached to a stationary macromolecule, and undergoing local reorientation in a uniaxial ordering potential. A new approach to the analysis of two-photon excited fluorescence depolarisation experiments was developed, which combines data obtained by using linearly and circularly polarised excitation light, in a global manner. In the analysis, knowledge about unresolved reorientations was obtained from one-photon excitation studies of the corresponding systems. By means of this procedure it has been possible to obtain quantitative information about the molecular two-photon absorption tensor for perylene and two of its derivatives. Thereby the symmetry of the final excited and intermediate vibronic states could be assigned. The analysis reveals that the two-photon transition studied with the 800 nm laser exhibits mixed character. An important finding from the experiments was that the two-photon absorption tensor appears to be solvent dependent. Furthermore, the thesis presents the first theoretical treatment of two-photon excited donor-donor energy migration in the presence of molecular reorientation and which applies the extended Förster theory. Explicit expressions for molecules that belong to the point groups D2h, D2 and C2v are given. Preliminary experiments are finally also reported on a two-photon excited donor-donor energy migration system consisting of a bisanthryl-bisteroid.
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