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EFFEKTIVISERING AV BYGGLOGISTIK: TRANSPORT- OCH MATERIALFLÖDE : En fallstudie vid Årstastråket (Etapp 1) i StockholmBasharkar, Wahidullah January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how construction logistics work for the ongoing project “Årstastråket” Stage 1, and to identify the logistics problems that the project may have. The aim then is to find solutions to these problems in order to avoid them in the upcoming projects. The study will include delopment of a standard template that can be used in logistics planning of the project. At the beginning of the study a comprehensive literature review of the available literature including reports and research articles was done to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subject in question. The result of this study is based on conducted case studies on the construction site, such as interviews and site visits. The majority of collection in the case study was mainly collected from 11 site visits, which then was supplemented with the information obtained from the interviews. The interviews were conducted with the local manager and supervisor of the project at “Årstastråket” Stage 1. In this study the construction logistics worked generally well, both in terms of transport- and material flow at the construction site. The main logistics problems identified in “Årstastråket” Stage 1 was particularly poor logistics planning of the project at an early stage, lack of visual communication and constant updating of construction site plan alongside project developing. The new developed standard template for logistics planning of the project at an early stage can be used in order to achieve the established goals and make the project even more effective.
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Den Temporära Fabriken och APO-entreprenad : Framtidens sätt att arbeta med arbetsplatsomkostnader? / The Temporary Factory and overhead cost contracts : The future way of working with general overhead costs?Mäkinen, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
I ett mångmiljardprojekt i Stockholms innerstad, Sergelhuset, har ett nytt sätt att arbeta med arbetsplatsens omkostnader (APO) vuxit fram. Istället för att byggentreprenören tar hand om allt temporärt på arbetsplatsen har beställarna valt att upphandla det i en separat, så kallad APO-entreprenad. Det innebär ansvar för bland annat projektorganisation, logistik, säkerhet och tillfälliga etableringar. Denna rapport är en undersökning av hur byggbranschen arbetar medarbetsplatsomkostnader (APO) i produktion och huruvida Ramirents koncept Den Temporära Fabriken kan hjälpa branschens behov av ökad samordning och effektivisering i byggproduktion. I rapportens inledande del framgår att behoven är mycket stora inom APO. Det är känt att området behöver ständig uppföljning och kontroll, men det finns fortfarande stora brister i genomförandet. Vidare redovisas resultat av intervjuer med projektchefer i ett flertal av Sveriges största byggbolag, för att se om det finns ett behov av en samordningstjänst inom APO. Även ledande personer inom byggbranschen har gett utlåtande om detta nya sätt att arbeta. Slutsatsen är att om en effektivisering av byggarbetsplatsen ska kunna ta fart på allvar behöver beställare, entreprenörer och APO-leverantörer samarbeta, gemensamt dela på risker och genomföra innovativa lösningar. Branschen behöver sluta arbeta med en slags stuprörsmentalitet och se att samverkan, långsiktigt förtroende- och värdeskapande är vägen framåt. / In a multibillion project called Sergelhuset in the city center of Stockholm, a new way of handling general overhead costs and general tasks in building projects (APO), was developed. Instead of the construction companies doing it as usual, the purchaser chose to buy the service from a third party. It would amount to project organization, logistics, safety and temporary solutions. The report investigates how the construction business handles general costs and whether Ramirent’s new concept The Temporary Factory can help increase efficiency on the construction site. It also contains information that shows great needs in this area and the needs of continuous follow up and control. The report includes interviews with prominent project managers and other field experts. To reach a higher level of efficiency the purchaser, construction companies and APO-provider need to cooperate, share risks and aim for high value creation in new innovative projects.
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Forecasting the Present / A Media-archaeo-genealogical Inquiry into Project CybersynGómez Venegas, Diego Ignacio 14 August 2024 (has links)
Diese Arbeit versucht, die techno-epistemologischen Grundlagen des Projekts Cybersyn zu entschlüsseln. Durch die Rekonstruktion des technologischen Archivs wird zum ersten Mal ein detaillierter Bericht über die technologischen Ereignisse vorgelegt, die dieses Projekt in Gang setzten. Als Versuch, die chilenische Industriewirtschaft nach den Theorien der Management-Kybernetik zu steuern, gilt das Projekt Cybersyn als eines der innovativsten technologischen Unternehmungen der frühen 1970er Jahre. Da es im Kontext der Regierung Allende und der sozialistischen Revolution in Chile entwickelt wurde, ist das Projekt in der Regel als ein Produkt eines solchen Prozesses interpretiert worden. Diese Arbeit fragt jedoch, ob ein solches Verständnis nicht eine umfassendere Bewertung des Projekts und seiner Tragweite behindert.
Daher wird in dieser Dissertation das technologische Archiv von Project Cybersyn untersucht, um zu klären, ob dieser Fall möglicherweise eine frühe Konkretisierung einer Techno-Episteme war, die wiederum einen epochalen Wandel signalisierte, in den unsere Gegenwart noch immer eingeschrieben ist. Mit Blick auf Wolfgang Ernsts Begriff der Agentur der Maschine zeigt diese Arbeit, dass sich in der operativen Konfiguration des Project Cybersyn klare technologische Prinzipien erkennen lassen, die nicht nur neue Modi für die Konfiguration und Zirkulation von Informationen vorschreiben, sondern auch für die Organisation und Interaktion zwischen maschinellen und menschlichen Agenturen. In diesem Sinne zeigt diese Dissertation, dass das technologische Archiv des Project Cybersyn das Entstehen einer Techno-Episteme und einer Techno-Politik signalisiert. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit, dass bei der Umsetzung von Project Cybersyn eine Reihe von technologischen Ereignissen einem allgemeinen Prozess des kollektiven Werdens weichen musste. Mit anderen Worten, diese Studie über das Projekt Cybersyn zeigt, dass dieser Fall als eine Vorhersage der Gegenwart funktioniert. / This research seeks to unravel the techno-epistemological principles underlying Project Cybersyn. By reconstructing its technological archive, this study presents for the first time a detailed account of the technological events that set this project in motion. As an effort to control Chile's industrial economy under the theories of management cybernetics, Project Cybersyn is considered one of the most innovative technological undertakings of the early 1970s. Developed in the context of the Allende government and the socialist revolution in Chile, the project has usually been understood as a product of such a process. This research asks, however, whether such an understanding may hinder a more comprehensive assessment of the project and its scope.
Accordingly, this dissertation examines the technological archive of Project Cybersyn in order to elucidate whether this case may have been an early concretization of a techno-episteme that, in turn, signaled an epochal shift in which our present is still inscribed. With attention to Wolfgang Ernst’s notion of the agency of the machine, this research shows that in the operational configuration of Project Cybersyn, clear technological principles can be discerned; principles that prescribe not only new modes for the configuration and circulation of information, but also for the organization and interaction between machine and human agencies. In this sense, this dissertation demonstrates that the technological archive of Project Cybersyn signals the emergence of both a techno-episteme and a techno-politics. Finally, this research shows that in the implementation of Project Cybersyn, a series of technological events gave way to a general process of collective becoming. In other words, this study of Project Cybersyn shows that this case operates as a forecast of the present.
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