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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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JACQUELINE TEIXEIRA 25 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Como membro do Núcleo de Extensão e Pesquisa em Educação Diferenciada - Nepedif - do Colégio Pedro II, que tem como um dos objetivos contribuir para a construção de um projeto de reorientação curricular para as escolas do primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental em territórios caiçaras, participei, com o grupo de pesquisadoras, de ações que visaram à aproximação, especificamente, com a comunidade do Pouso da Cajaíba, Paratiy - RJ. Tendo em vista o interesse em construir conhecimento sobre ela – quem é, como vive, seus anseios, lutas e privações – realizou-se uma microetnografia (ERICKSON, 2004) de um evento de letramento (SOARES, 1999) a partir da exibição do filme Narradores de Javé , de Eliane Caffé, devido à aproximação temática entre a ficção e a realidade da própria comunidade. Através das pequenas narrativas (BAMBERG e GEORGAKOPOULOU, 2008; BASTOS, 2009) que emergiram desse encontro, procurou-se investigar como os participantes construíram-se discursivamente, buscando compreender a complexidade identitária da comunidade em foco: entre o tradicional e o moderno. Alinhando-se aos Estudos Culturais, apresenta, também, como suporte analítico e interpretativo, as reflexões de Bauman (2003) sobre comunidades e fronteiras, Skliar (2003), sobre colonialismo e multiculturalismo e Goffman (1988, 2002) sobre interação e face. O hibridismo cultural em que hoje vive essa comunidade pode ser observado através de micro-deslocamentos temporais - passado/presente - e espaciais - os de dentro/os de fora, o aqui /o lá – presentes nas narrativas, trazendo à superfície embates, resistências e contradições que delineiam o sentimento e a identidade dessa comunidade. / [en] As a member of the Research and Extension Center for Differentiated Education - Nepedif - of Pedro II School, which aims to contribute to the construction of a curricular reorientation project for elementary schools in caiçaras territories, I participated together with a group of researchers of actions that aimed an approximation with the community of Pouso da Cajaíba, Paraty - RJ. Given the interest in building knowledge about it - who it is, how it lives, its yearnings, struggles and deprivations - a microethnography (ERICKSON, 2004) of a literacy event was held (SOARES, 1999) from the screening of the film Narradores de Javé , by Eliane Caffé, due to the thematic approach between fiction and the community reality itself. From the small narratives (BAMBERG and GEORGAKOPOULOU, 2008; BASTOS, 2009) that emerged in this meeting, we sought to investigate how participants discursively constructed themselves, seeking to understand the community identity complexity in focus: between the traditional and the modern. Aligned with the Cultural Studies, it also presents Bauman s (2003) reflections on communities and frontiers, Skliar s (2003) on colonialism and multiculturalism and Goffman s (1988, 2002) on interaction and face, as analytical an interpretative support. The cultural hybridity in which this community lives today can be observed through the temporal - past / present - and spatial - outsiders/insiders, the here / there - micro-displacements in the narratives, bringing to the surface clashes, resistances and contradictions that outline the feelings and identity of that community.

Investigating the Associations between Performance Outcomes on Tasks Indexing Featural, Configural and Holistic Face Processing and Their Correlations with Face Recognition Ability

Nelson, Elizabeth 25 July 2018 (has links)
Many important questions remain unanswered regarding how we recognize faces. Methodological inconsistencies have contributed to confusion regarding these questions, especially those surrounding three purported face processing mechanisms—featural, configural, and holistic—and the extent to which each play a role in face recognition. The work presented here aims to 1) empirically test the assumption that several face recognition tasks index the same underlying construct(s), and 2) contribute data to a number of ongoing debates concerning the reliability and validity of various methods for assessing integrative (i.e., holistic and/or configural) aspects of face processing. Experiment 1 tested the assumption that various tasks purporting to measure integrative face processing index the same construct(s). It is important to test this assumption because if these tasks are in fact measuring different things, then researchers should cease interpreting them as interchangeable measures. Using a within-subjects design (N = 223) we compared performance—as reflected by accuracy and reaction time measures, as well as two types of difference scores—across four of the most commonly used integrative face processing tasks: The Partial Composite Face Effect Task, the Face Inversion Effect Task, the Part Whole Effect Task, and the Configural/Featural Difference Detection Task. Analyses showed that within-task correlations were much stronger than those between-tasks. This suggests that the four conditions within each task are measuring something in common; In contrast, low correlations across tasks suggest that each is measuring something unique. This in turn suggests these tasks should not be seen as assessing the same integrative face-processing construct. Exploratory factor analyses corroborated the correlation data, finding that performance on most conditions loaded onto a single factor in unrotated solutions, but onto separate factors in direct oblimin-rotated solutions. In Experiment 2, we investigated the question of whether integrative face processing performance is related to face recognition ability. We did this by assessing the degree to which results from four widely-used integrative face processing tasks correlate with a measure of general face recognition ability, The Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT). The four integrative processing tasks used in this study only partly overlapped those from in Experiment 1. They were: The Complete Composite Face Effect Task, the Partial Composite Face Effect Task, the Part Whole Effect Task, and the Configural/Featural Difference Detection Task. As with Experiment 1, we used a within-subjects design (N = 260) and analyzed a variety of performance variables across these tasks. Analyses demonstrated low to moderate positive correlations between performance on the task conditions and performance on the CFMT. This suggests that the constructs the tasks reflect do contribute to face recognition ability to a modest degree. These analyses also replicated parts of Experiment 1, showing weak correlations between tasks. Also similar to Experiment 1, factor analyses generally revealed task conditions loading onto a common first factor in the unrotated factor matrix, but loading separately in the rotated factor solution. In addition to providing evidence regarding the nature of integrative face processing tasks, the data presented here speak to a number of other questions in this domain. For instance, they contribute to the debate regarding which kinds of difference scores (subtraction-based or regression-based) are more reliable, as well as the reliability of the various tasks used to investigate integrative face processing. In addition, the data inform the debate over whether the Complete or the Partial version of the Composite Face Effect Task is the superior measure of integrative face processing. In summary, the studies presented here indicate that the previous literature in face recognition needs to be interpreted with care, with an eye to differences in methodology and the problems of low measurement reliability. The various methods used to investigate integrative face processing are not assessing the same thing and cannot be taken as reflecting the same underlying construct.

Obličejová atraktivita a její koreláty v mezikulturní perspektivě / Facial attractiveness and its correlates in cross-culture perspective

Fiala, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Past studies, that studied facial attractiveness, focus mainly on fluctuating asymmetry, averageness, masculinity, femininity, and skin coloration influences on attractiveness assessment. Their findings have been used by intercultural studies. They have revealed that people from diverse areas prefer differential development of sexually dimorphic cues, according to, e.g. local health and economic situation. We have done an online questionnaire survey. We included Czech (N = 100), Iranian (N = 87) and Turkish (N = 185) facial stimuli and raters of both sexes. We have studied whether members of all the populations would utilize the facial colouration and sexual dimorphism cues in a similar way. We have also tested whether there were differences in the facial width to height ratio (fWHR) between the sexes in all the populations. We have also wondered if the populations differed in the variance of facial skin colouration. Raters from all the populations saw feminine women as attractive. Turks and Czechs found masculine men as attractive, while Iranian women found more average Iranian men as attractive. Averageness positively predicted the attractiveness of the Czech and Turkish faces of both sexes. Older and more average Czech men were considered more masculine by Czech women. More average and younger Czech...

Estudo comparativo da reprodutibilidade do arco facial e de um novo dispositivo com nível de bolha para montagem de modelos maxilares em articulador semi-ajustável / Comparative study of the reproducibility of the face bow and a new bubble level device for mounting maxillary casts semi-adjustable articulator

Marina de Godoy Almeida Cintra 28 April 2015 (has links)
O arco facial tem seu uso descrito na literatura desde o início do século 20, e atualmente sua eficácia e precisão são controversas. Publicações recentes mostram que a sua reprodutibilidade é passível de erros. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a reprodutibilidade do arco facial com a de um novo dispositivo desenvolvido com nível de bolha para a montagem de modelos de gesso em articuladores semi-ajustáveis, por meio da análise de medidas realizadas com a Mesa de Erickson. Os modelos de gesso foram obtidos com moldes de alginato e montados em articulador semi-ajustável marca Bio-art, modelo a7 Plus. A avaliação da reprodutibilidade foi realizada em 10 participantes, com a obtenção de três montagens de seus modelos maxilares, sendo a primeira com o arco facial, a segunda com o dispositivo com nível de bolha estando o participante sentado e a terceira com o dispositivo com nível de bolha estando o participante em pé, cada método foi aferido 3 vezes, por 3 examinadores diferentes. Para cada montagem foram realizadas cinco medidas a saber: a) nas cúspides dos primeiros molares superiores de cada lado (dentes 16 e 26), b) cúspides dos caninos superiores de cada lado (dentes 13 e 23) e c) ponto interincisivo, localizado na linha média. Os valores obtidos foram submetidos ao Cálculo do Erro Técnico da Medida e ao Coeficiente de Variação interexaminador. O presente trabalho concluiu que o arco facial tem uma margem de erro em medidas repetidas maior do que o novo dispositivo desenvolvido. O novo dispositivo mostrou-se mais confortável para os participantes, mas necessita mais testes para avaliarmos sua eficiência. / The face bow has been described in the literature since the early 20th century, and currently its effectiveness and accuracy are controversial. Recent publications show that the reproducibility is error-prone. This study aimed to compare the reproducibility of the face bow with a new device developed with bubble level for the assembly of plaster models in semi-adjustable articulators, through the analysis of measurements performed with Erickson table. The plaster models were obtained with alginate molds and mounted on semi-adjustable articulator brand Bio-art, a7 Plus model. Evaluation of reproducibility was conducted in 10 participants, obtaining three assemblies of their maxillary casts, the first one with the face bow, the second with the bubble level device with the participant being seated and the third level with the device bubble being the participant standing, each method was measured 3 times by 3 different examiners. For each assembly five measurements were performed as follows: a) in the cusps of the upper first molars on each side (teeth 16:26), b) cusps of upper canines on each side (teeth 13:23) and c) interincisal point, located in midline. The values obtained were subjected to measurement of the Technical Error Calculation and inter Coefficient of Variation. This study concluded that the face bow has a margin of error in repeated measurements greater than the newly developed device. The new device was more comfortable for the participants, but it needs more testing to evaluate their efficiency.

Face perception in videos : contributions to a visual saliency model and its implementation on GPUs / La perception des visages en vidéos : contributions à un modèle saillance visuelle et son application sur les GPU

Rahman, Anis Ur 12 April 2013 (has links)
Les études menées dans cette thèse portent sur le rôle des visages dans l'attention visuelle. Nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre l'influence des visages dans les vidéos sur les mouvements oculaires, afin de proposer un modèle de saillance visuelle pour la prédiction de la direction du regard. Pour cela, nous avons analysé l'effet des visages sur les fixations oculaires d'observateurs regardant librement (sans consigne ni tâche particulière) des vidéos. Nous avons étudié l'impact du nombre de visages, de leur emplacement et de leur taille. Il est apparu clairement que les visages dans une scène dynamique (à l'instar de ce qui se passe sur les images fixes) modifie fortement les mouvements oculaires. En nous appuyant sur ces résultats, nous avons proposé un modèle de saillance visuelle, qui combine des caractéristiques classiques de bas-niveau (orientations et fréquences spatiales, amplitude du mouvement des objets) avec cette caractéristique importante de plus haut-niveau que constitue les visages. Enfin, afin de permettre des traitements plus proches du temps réel, nous avons développé une implémentation parallèle de ce modèle de saillance visuelle sur une plateforme multi-GPU. Le gain en vitesse est d'environ 130 par rapport à une implémentation sur un processeur multithread. / Studies conducted in this thesis focuses on faces and visual attention. We are interested to better understand the influence and perception of faces, to propose a visual saliency model with face features. Throughout the thesis, we concentrate on the question, "How people explore dynamic visual scenes, how the different visual features are modeled to mimic the eye movements of people, in particular, what is the influence of faces?" To answer these questions we analyze the influence of faces on gaze during free-viewing of videos, as well as the effects of the number, location and size of faces. Based on the findings of this work, we propose model with face as an important information feature extracted in parallel alongside other classical visual features (static and dynamic features). Finally, we propose a multi-GPU implementation of the visual saliency model, demonstrating an enormous speedup of more than 132 times compared to a multithreaded CPU.

Temporal Dynamics of Emotion Regulation Strategies: An ERP Study

Olowe, Omorinsola January 2018 (has links)
Distraction and cognitive reappraisal are two widely used types of emotional regulation strategies that are thought to be reliable when down-regulating our emotions to negative or unpleasant stimuli. Gross‘s process model of emotion generation (Gross, 1998) holds that they differ in the time they intervene in the emotiongenerative process and also how they impact emotional responses when they are used to regulate negative emotions. Distraction which involves attentional deployment is expected to operate earlier than reappraisal that entails meaning evaluation and reevaluation. Cognitive reappraisal encompasses various strategies that are used to regulate our emotions through reinterpretation. Self-focused and situation-focused reappraisal are two of them. The former is considered more efficient and thus would lead to a greater attenuation of the LPPthan the latter. To test this prediction, electrocortical responses to angry faces when using these strategies were measured using the late positive potential (LPP). Twenty four healthy participants were recruited for the study and were cued to down-regulate their emotions using these strategies while angry and neutral facial stimuli were seen on a computer screen. Contrary to prediction, distraction did not modulate the LPP earlier than reappraisal. However, supporting our hypothesis self-focused strategies largely modulated the LPP than situation-focused strategy. The pattern of result suggests that reappraisal might have an influence on the early neural processes of emotion generation and that the subcategories of cognitive reappraisal have a differential effect on emotional regulation.

Dos modelos de gesso ás imagens tridimensionais /

Gallão, Simone. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Lídia Parsekian Martins / Banca: Lourdes Aparecida Matins dos Santos-Pinto / Banca: Dirceu Barnabé Raveli / Banca: Kurt Faltin Junior / Banca: Vitoria Aparecida Muglia Moscatiello / Resumo: Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três estudos que tiveram como objetivos: pesquisar a presença de bactérias e fungos em modelos de gesso; avaliar a precisão e a reprodutibilidade de medidas dentárias lineares em modelos de gesso originais e duplicados utilizando paquímetro digital e em modelos digitais medidos com o Software Brasileiro O3d e; correlacionar medidas faciais, em indivíduos leucodermas, de 12 a 17 anos, com medidas transversas das arcadas em oclusão normal e avaliar diferenças entre os gêneros. Da amostra total de 78 pares de modelos, foram utilizados 44 pares de modelos de gesso para o primeiro estudo, armazenados desde os anos 1980 e 1981. O material para a pesquisa de micro-organismos foi colhido com auxílio de swab e semeado em culturas de Infusão de Cérebro-Coração (BHI) e Caldo Sabouraud Glicose para posterior plaqueamento e identificação das colônias. Para o segundo estudo outros 34 pares de modelos de gesso foram selecionados, preenchendo os seguintes requisitos de inclusão: presença de todos os dentes permanentes de 1° molar a 1° molar; oclusão normal; sem coroas protéticas; nenhum tratamento ortodôntico prévio; apinhamentos ou espaçamentos menores ou iguais a 2 milímetros. Os modelos originais e os duplicados foram medidos com paquímetro digital (Digimess®). Os modelos de gesso duplicados foram escaneados a laser e medidos pelo Sistema O3d (Widialabs®). Dos modelos utilizados no segundo, foram selecionados 21 pares de modelos de gesso para o terceiro estudo, por apresentarem medidas cefalométricas que foram consultadas e tabuladas. No primeiro estudo ocorreu, em 25% dos modelos, crescimento bacteriano de Estafilococos coagulase negativa; Micrococcus sp.; Bacillus sp. e bacilos gram-negativos não fermentadores e, em 5,7%, crescimento fúngico de Cladophialophora sp.; Trichosporon beigelii; Aspergillus flavus e Aureobasidium pullulans... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research was developed in three studies that had as objectives: search the presence of bacteria and fungi on dental models.; evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of linear dental measures in original and duplicated gypsum models using digital caliper and in digital models measured by O3d Brazilian Software and correlate facial measures, in Caucasian individuals, between 12 and 17 years old, with transverse measures of normal occlusion arches and evaluate gender differences. From the original sample of 78 pairs of models, 44 pairs of dental models stored since 1980 and 1981 were used for the first study. The material for the microbiological search was collected with swab and cultivated in Brain-Heart Infusion cultures (BHI) and Sabouraud Dextrose Broth for subsequent plating and colonies identification. For the second study 34 pairs of dental models were selected following the inclusion requirements: presence of all the permanent teeth from 1st molar to 1st molar; normal occlusion; with no prosthetic crowns; no previous orthodontic treatment; 2 millimeters or less crowdings or smaller spacings. The original and the duplicated models were measured with digital caliper (Digimess™). The duplicated dental models were laser scanned and measured by O3d software (Widialabs™). From the models used for the second study 21 pairs of gypsum models were selected for the third study, because they had cephalometric measures that were consulted and tabbed. In the first study happened, in 25% of the models, bacterial growth of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; Micrococcus sp.; Bacillus sp. and nonfermenting Gram-negative bacillus and, in 5,7%, fungal growth of Cladophialophora sp.; Trichosporon beigelii; Aspergillus flavus and Aureobasidium pullulans. So, it's important that the dentist avoid crossed contamination and the digital models technology can avoid to store dental... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Reconhecimento de faces com filtragens de frequências espaciais altas e baixas nos hemicampos visuais direito e esquerdo / Facial recognition in high and low spatial frequency filtering in the right and in the left hemifields

Rui de Moraes Júnior 06 March 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar se o reconhecimento de faces ocorre prioritariamente por processamento analítico ou holístico nos hemisférios cerebrais em homens e mulheres por meio do estudo do espectro de frequência espacial. Para isso, no Experimento I, 40 voluntários (20 mulheres) realizaram duas sessões. Em cada uma delas foram memorizadas 14 faces para uma tarefa de reconhecimento. Nesta, cada face foi apresentada por 300 ms, e em uma das sessões as imagens foram apresentadas somente no hemicampo visual direito, e noutra só no hemicampo visual esquerdo por meio de uma adaptação do método do campo visual dividido. A tarefa dos participantes foi assinalar o grau de confiabilidade de sua resposta (confidence rating method) ao discriminar as faces memorizadas de outras inéditas. Os estímulos da tarefa de reconhecimento foram apresentados em três condições: (1) em frequências espaciais altas, FEAs, (2) em frequências espaciais baixas, FEBs, e (3) sem filtragem, SFE. As frequências de respostas aos graus de confiabilidade permitiram calcular as curvas ROC e os parâmetros Az e da da Teoria de Deteção de Sinal. Por meio destes, foi comparado o desempenho do reconhecimento facial nas diferentes faixas do espectro espacial. De maneira complementar, foi realizado uma ANOVA para testar a diferença dos tempos de resposta no reconhecimento entre as filtragens. Não foi evidenciada especialização hemisférica no reconhecimento de faces com filtragem espacial. Mas homens, de modo tênue, perceberam melhor faces em FEBs e mulheres em FEAs. Para verificar se este resultado não se deu em função da apresentação lateralizada, foi realizado o Experimento II, nos moldes de uma sessão experimental do Experimento I, mas com apresentação central. Vinte voluntários (10 mulheres) participaram do experimento. Novamente, homens e mulheres foram mais sensíveis às faces em FEBs e FEAs, respectivamente. Deste modo, conclui-se que homens utilizam mais recursos holísticos e mulheres, por sua vez, operações analíticas. Os resultados dão bases para a não ocorrência de especialização hemisférica de frequencias espaciais no reconhecimento de faces em longos tempos de exposições. A diferença de sexo observada e nos atenta para a necessidade de controle amostral por sexo em pesquisas da área. / This study aimed to investigate whether face recognition occurs primarily by analytic or holistic processing in the cerebral hemispheres of men and women through the study of the spatial frequency spectrum. Therefore, in Experiment I, 40 volunteers (20 women) performed two sessions. In each of, 14 faces were memorized for a recognition task and each face was presented for 300 ms. Images were presented only in the right visual hemifield in a session, and in another only in the left visual hemifield by means of an adaptation of the method of divided visual field. The participants task was to assign the reliability of their response (confidence rating method) to discriminate the study faces from distractors. The recognition task stimuli were presented in three conditions: (1) at high spatial frequencies, FEAs, (2) at low spatial frequencies, FEBs, and (3) unfiltered, SFE. The frequencies of responses to the degree of reliability used to calculate ROC curves and parameters Az and da of the Signal Detection Theory compared the performance of face recognition in different bands of the spectrum. In a complementary way, an ANOVA was conducted to test response times differences in the recognition between filtering. There was no evidence of hemispheric specialization in face recognition with spatial filtering. But men had better performance in recognizing faces in FEBs and women faces in FEAs. To verify that this result was not in function of lateralized presentation, Experiment II was conducted, along the lines of an experimental session of Experiment I, but with central presentation. Twenty volunteers (10 women) participated in the experiment. Again, men and women were more sensitive to faces in FEBs and FEAs, respectively. Thus it follows that men use holistic resources and women analytical operations. The results provide no basis for the occurrence of hemispheric specialization of spatial frequencies in face recognition over long exposure times. The sex difference observed brings us to the need for control sample by sex in spatial frequency research.

Avaliação cefalométrica do perfil mole de paciente face longa submetido à cirurgia ortognática: estudo retrospectivo

Gimenez, Carla Maria Melleiro [UNESP] January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:15:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gimenez_cmm_me_araca.pdf: 1105773 bytes, checksum: f2479a9550dc0f8c41d72931fbc19a5b (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A face longa é uma deformidade dentofacial com envolvimento esquelético, de prognóstico desfavorável em termos de metas de correção e estabilidade, que interfere intensamente na qualidade funcional do sistema estomatognático e na percepção estética da imagem individual. Esse desequilíbrio vertical é mais comumente observado nos pacientes portadores de má oclusão de Classe II, sendo a estratégia de tratamento mais bem sucedida a combinação dos procedimentos ortodônticos aliados à cirurgia ortognática. O presente trabalho teve a proposição de comparar o perfil tegumentar pós-operatório de pacientes padrão face longa submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico, com os parâmetros descritos na análise cefalométrica de Legan e Burstone (1980). Para isso, 32 telerradiografias pós-cirúrgicas com um mínimo de 6 meses de acompanhamento foram submetidas a traçado manual (repetido 4 vezes) e digitalização (também repetida 4 vezes) no programa DFPlus para análise cefalométrica. Os resultados permitiram verificar que 9 das 11 mediadas avaliadas encontravam-se estatisticamente diferentes da norma avaliada; contudo, ao verificar-se o desvio padrão permitido na norma, os achados deste trabalho situam-se dentro da mesma. As condições experimentais deste estudo permitiram concluir que a análise cefalométrica estudada não foi exata para avaliação da qualidade do resultado pós-operatório na população estudada, devendo, portanto, a avaliação dos resultados após a cirurgia ortognática ser principalmente clínica, e que a estética facial não está totalmente relacionada com as medidas preestabelecidas na análise cefalométrica. / The high mandibular plane angle is a dentofacial deformity with skeletal changes, unfavourable prognosis relationed with objectives of correction and stability, which interfere on stomatognatic system's functional quality and on esthetic perception of individual image. This vertical desarrangement is more usual in Class II patients, considering the best form of treatment the combination of orthodontic approach with orthognathic surgery. The aim of this research was to compare the postoperative tegumentar profile of vertical facial growth pattern patients treated by orthognathic surgery approach, in relation with the norms discribes in literature on the Legan & Burstone cephalometric analysis (1980). Thirty two postoperatives lateral cephalograms, with a accompaniment minimum of six months de was submiting to manual tracing, digitalization on DFPlus program and cephalometric analysis. The results indicate that 9 of the 11 avaliable references was statisticaly diferent of the norm, although if examine the admited pattern deviation on the norm, the basis was placed into the same. The experimental conditions of this study permit to conclude that the studied cephalometric analysis was not exact to evaluate the quality of postoperative results on the verified sample. Therefore, the postoperative results' assessment must be mainly clinical; and the facial esthetic is not whole relationed with preestabilished measurements on cephalometrics analysis.

Uma nova versão de um sistema de detecção e reconhecimento de face utilizando a Transformada Cosseno Discreta

Marinho, Adriano da Silva 30 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:36:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2501696 bytes, checksum: a1f65e686060aa68aa5e43dee1e6c0b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Reliable identification systems have become key components in many applications that provide services to authenticated users. Since traditional authentication methods (such as using passwords or smartcards) can be manipulated in order to bypass the systems, biometric authentication methods have been receiving more attention in recent years. One of the biometric traits is the face. The problem of recognizing faces in video and photo still is an object of research, since there are many factors that influence the detection and recognition, such as lighting, position of the face, the background image, different facial expressions, etc. One can perform face recognition using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In order to adjust a face recognition system to uncontrolled environments, two improvements for it were developed in this work: a image normalization module with respect to rotation and scale, and a change in the feature extraction module through the insertion of a non-ideal low-pass filter. The system and its modifications were tested on the following face databases: UFPB, ORL, Yale, and VSoft GTAV, developed specially for the job. Tests showed the efficiency of the image normalization module, but the system still is not adequate for every environment. / Sistemas de identificação confiáveis tornaram-se componentes chaves de várias aplicações que disponibilizam serviços para usuários autenticados. Uma vez que métodos de autenticação tradicionais (como os que utilizam senhas ou smartcards) podem ser manipulados com o objetivo de burlar os sistemas, métodos de autenticação biométrica vêm recebendo mais atenção nos últimos anos. Um dos traços biométricos é a face. O problema do reconhecimento de faces em vídeo e foto é objeto de pesquisa, uma vez que existem muitos fatores que influenciam na detecção e no reconhecimento, tais como: iluminação, posição da face, imagem ao fundo, diferentes expressões faciais, etc. É possível realizar reconhecimento facial utilizando a Transformada Cosseno Discreta (DCT). Com o intuito de adequar um Sistema de Detecção e Reconhecimento de Faces a ambientes não controlados, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas duas melhorias para ele: um módulo normalizador de imagens em relação à rotação e à escala e uma modificação na etapa de seleção de atributos, por meio da inserção de um filtro passa-baixas não ideal. O sistema e suas modificações foram testados nos bancos de faces UFPB, ORL, Yale, GTAV e Vsoft, desenvolvido especialmente para o trabalho. Os testes mostraram a eficácia do módulo de normalização da imagem, mas ainda assim o sistema não é adequado para qualquer ambiente.

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