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Creating Art That Truly Reflects The Community: An Exploration Into Facilitation Of Devised, Community-engaged PerformanceGrile, Courtney 01 January 2013 (has links)
One purpose of community-engaged work is to build and reflect the community; to allow their voice to be heard. This research explores the relationship between the professional artist facilitator and participants in a community-engaged setting while applying devised theatre practices. The facilitating artist brings to the group their expertise in playmaking and storytelling. The research centers on how a facilitating artist might approach devising a community-engaged performance project with awareness of his/her ability to influence the group. How can the facilitator channel their influence to provide productive guidance for the collective creativity in order to honor the community’s intent and minimize the distortion created by the facilitator’s perspective? Are there guidelines that can be established in order to ensure that the community’s voice is undiluted? I begin by engaging in dialogue with established current practitioners in the field and examining literature published on the subject with this goal in mind. From this research a roadmap of perils and pitfalls, signs to look for that indicate tension or discomfort within the group, and techniques and tips for productively refocusing the group’s work have been created. The objective of the research is to formulate a philosophy on facilitation that aligns with my artistic mission and values, ensuring the work truly builds and reflects the communities from which it is produced.
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An Exploration of Tutors' Experiences of Facilitating Problem-Based LearningHaith-Cooper, Melanie January 2001 (has links)
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Främjande faktorer för sjuksköterskor att bedriva en evidensbaserad vård / Factors facilitating nurses’ use of evidence-based practiceOlsson, Robert, Olsson, Ellinor January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Evidensbaserad vård (EBV) är ett välkänt begrepp som används för att tillförsäkra patienter en säker vård som vilar på bästa tillgängliga bevis, beprövad erfarenhet och patientens individuella preferenser. Många studier har tidigare undersökt hinder för sjuksköterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV för att förklara gapet som kan uppstå mellan teori och praktik. Färre studier har undersökt vilka faktorer som främjar sjuksköterskors användande av EBV. Syfte Att genom en litteraturöversikt beskriva vilka faktorer som främjar sjuksköterskors möjligheter att bedriva en evidensbaserad vård. Metod Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science genomsöktes och 15 artiklar valdes ut (8 kvalitativa, 4 kvantitativa och 3 mixedmethod). Resultat Fem kategorier identifierades som främjande faktorer för sjuksköterskor att bedriva och/eller implementera EBV; arbetsmiljö, stöd, kunskap, sjuksköterskans inställning och organisation. Stöd i form utav underlättare var den mest framträdande faktorn. Slutsats Sjuksköterskan har ett individuellt ansvar att bedriva EBV och kan genom sin egen inställning påverka att en sådan vård bedrivs. De flesta främjande faktorer som framkom var dock tydligare kopplade till ledningen och chefens del i att främja användandet av EBV. / Background Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a well-known term used to ensure that patients receive a safe care based on the best research evidence, clinical expertise and patient individual preferences. A variety of studies have examined the barriers for nurses to conduct and/or implement EBP to explain the gap that can occur between theory and practice. Fewer studies have examined the factors facilitating nurses’ use of EBP. Aim Was to describe the factors facilitating nurses’ use of evidence-based practice through a literature review. Methods The study was conducted as a literature review. The databases searched were CINAHL, PubMed and Web of Science and 15 articles were chosen for the result (8 qualitative, 4 quantitative and 3 mixed-method). Results Five categories were identified as facilitating factors for nurses to conduct and/or implement EBP; work environment, support, knowledge, nurses’ attitude and organization. Support from facilitators were the most emerging factor. Conclusion Nurses have individual responsibility to conduct EBP and can through their attitude influence that it’s being used, though a majority of the facilitating factors identified were more direct connected to the leadership and managerial part in facilitating the use of EBP.
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The Internationalization of Family Firms : Facilitating and Constraining FeaturesKoopman, Martin, Sebel, Kevin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Research has shown that family firms play an important role in modern economies and that they maintain special characteristics and features in comparison to non-family businesses. Furthermore, it is evident in literature and practice that internationalization is a crucial process and strategy in the present global business environment.</p><p><strong>Problem:</strong> These findings however, have not led to a family business internationalization strategy. Only some studies have been conducted concerning the influence of the special features of family firms on the process of internationalization. This means that there is a gap between theory and practice.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> To increase the academic understanding of the phenomenon internationalization of family businesses, through the use of both theoretical and empirical findings.</p><p><strong>Research questions:</strong> This study attempted to fulfill the purpose by providing answers to several research questions. The main research questions are: What is the current state of knowledge about internationalization, family business features and previous research in internationalization of family firms? How do the family business features theoretically influence the internationalization process? How do the family business features empirically influence the internationalization process? What are the theoretical contributions and practical managerial implications of these findings?</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> A solid literature research has been conducted in order to determine the theoretical influences of family business features on internationalization. The empirical testing of the expectations was conducted through a qualitative approach by taking personal interviews at eight companies, four in The Netherlands and four in Sweden, and studying secondary documentation.</p><p><strong>Findings:</strong> The study shows that it is difficult to decisively determine the either facilitating or constraining influence of family business features on internationalization. The results show that the 23 features which have been studied in the sample are facilitating or constraining under certain conditions (see table 5, p. 108). This implies that managers, researchers and consultants will be required to study these conditions first in order to determine the facilitating or constraining effects in a company. In addition, a model has been constructed illustrating the empirical findings concerning the internationalization process (see figure 8, p.112). Finally, concerning internationalization theories, it is determined that family businesses tend to use the Network approach in starting their internationalization process, the Stage approaches in further developing the international operations and support their process through the Resource-based view and the Knowledge-based view.</p>
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Doença grave e internação em terapia intensiva: experiências em longo prazo de pessoas adoecidas e cuidadores / Serious illness and hospitalization in intensive care unit: long term experiences of sick people and caregiversCasarini, Karin Aparecida 07 June 2013 (has links)
Os efeitos do adoecimento grave combinados com uma internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) têm sido associados à presença de consequências psicológicas de curto e longo prazos relacionadas a uma recuperação pobre, com funcionamentos físico e psíquico prejudicados, e uma pior qualidade de vida, caracterizada por perda de capacidades, maior número de sintomas físicos e maior número de alterações psicológicas negativas. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as experiências vividas pela pessoa adoecida e seu cuidador principal em relação à doença grave e à necessidade de internação em UTI, buscando conhecer as consequências dessas experiências sobre a vida dessas pessoas. Trata-se de um estudo clínico descritivo, com utilização de método qualitativo de pesquisa. Adotaram-se, como referencial teórico, as ideias fenomenológicas de Stein e as psicanalíticas de Winnicott. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas e observações participantes ao longo de pelo menos seis meses a partir da alta da UTI, com duas duplas pessoa adoecida-cuidador. O corpus da pesquisa, composto pelas transcrições das entrevistas e pelos registros das observações participantes, foi analisado de modo a obter uma caracterização das experiências e seus encadeamentos para cada dupla participante e, posteriormente, uma identificação de elementos comuns presentes nos diversos encadeamentos das experiências das duas duplas. A análise permitiu a descrição de dois eixos temáticos: \"modos como pessoas adoecidas e cuidadores vivenciam a doença grave\" e \"cuidado e sua relação com a abertura para subjetividade\". O primeiro eixo temático possibilitou a descrição das repercussões da doença grave e da internação em UTI na vida das pessoas adoecidas e seus cuidadores, especialmente em relação à vivência de estados de desamparo e desorganização psíquica, afetando potencialmente a condição de integração. O segundo eixo temático descreveu experiências de cuidado em saúde e sua relação com os modos como as pessoas podiam apropriar-se da realidade vivida, permitindo uma análise da correspondência das ações de saúde e das necessidades apresentadas. O estudo possibilitou a reflexão sobre ambientes de cuidado à saúde, entendidos como aqueles que podem ser facilitadores da expressão e exercício de potencialidades pessoais, contribuindo para a recuperação e manutenção da saúde das pessoas adoecidas. A subjetividade mostrou-se como um elemento de auxílio na organização e compreensão das necessidades em saúde, favorecendo o reconhecimento das singularidades pessoais e a constituição de ambientes facilitadores. A aproximação das experiências dos cuidadores permitiu, ainda, compreender as dificuldades vividas para a construção da função do cuidar, destacando necessidades especificamente apresentadas por eles. / The combined effects of serious illness with hospitalization at the ICU - Intensive Care Unit have been associated with the presence of short-term and long-term psychological consequences related to poor recovering, running with impaired physical and mental functioning, a worse quality of life characterized by loss of abilities, a greater number of physical symptoms as well as a greater number of negative psychological changes. The aim of this work was to understand the lived experience by sick people and their main caregivers related to the serious illness, besides the need to hospitalization at ICU trying to learn the consequences of such experiences in the life of those people. It is a descriptive clinical study with the use of qualitative researching method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted as well as observations of the research participants - two double ill persons and their respective caregivers - for at least six months from the intensive care unit discharge. The researching corpus, consisting of the interviews transcripts along with participants\' observation records, were analyzed in order to obtain the characterization of experiments and their linkage to each pair of participants, followed by an identification of the common elements present in the various threads of the two pairs\' experiences. Adopted, as theoretical, phenomenological ideas of Stein and psychoanalytical ideas of Winnicott. The analysis allowed the description of two main themes: the way sick people and caregivers experience severe diseases, furthermore care and its relationship with the opening to subjectivity. The first thematic area made it possible the description of serious illness impact also hospitalization at ICU in the life of sick people and their caregivers, mainly in relation with the experience of states of helplessness and psychic disorganization, potentially affecting the integration condition. The second area described experiences of health care and its relation with the way by which people could take ownership of their lived reality, allowing results of correspondence analysis of health actions toward the needs presented. The study has enabled reflection of health care environments understood as those which can be facilitators of expression and exercise of personal potential, contributing to the recovering and maintenance of health in sick people. Subjectivity has revealed to be a helping element in the organization and understanding of health needs, promoting the recognition of personal uniqueness, also the provision of facilitating environments. The approximation of caregivers\' experience still allowed understanding the difficulties encountered in the function of taking care highlighting specific needs presented by them.
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Análise de fatores que influenciam o aprendizado empreendedor de mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade socialNascimento Filho, Manoel do January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta tese é analisar fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento do aprendizado empreendedor em mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. O trabalho realizou 5 etapas principais: (i) entrevistas qualitativas; (ii) revisão sistemática da literatura; (iii) análise do diagnóstico Sebrae; (iv) análise do conjunto de informações obtidas em pesquisa qualitativa (revisão sistemática da literatura, entrevistas) e quantitativa (survey), empregando como ferramenta o software NVIVO e; (v) elaboração de mapas conceituais para proposição de diretrizes para formação empreendedora demulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade. Os resultados atingidos foram: (i) confirmação dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor (ii) verificação frente à literatura dos fatores que facilitam e barreiras que dificultam o aprendizado empreendedor; (iii) identificação de perfil de gestão de mulheres microempreendedoras e empreendedoras individuais e oportunidades de conteúdos para capacitação em gestão; (iv)associações entre as fontes de informação e elaboração de cenários, e (v) mapa conceitual das associações existentes entre fatores facilitadores barrerias e características das mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. A principal preposição desta tese é a sistematização da informação existente na literatura junto a evidências provenientes do cotidiano de especialistas e gestores, para proposição de diretrizes norteadoras para um projeto pedagógico desta natureza. / The general objective of this thesis is to analyze factors that influence the development of entrepreneurial learning in women in situation of social vulnerability. The work carried out 5 main steps: (i) qualitative interviews; (ii) systematic review of the literature; (iii) analysis of the Sebrae diagnosis; (iv) analysis of the set of information obtained in qualitative research (systematic literature review, interviews) and quantitative (survey), using the NVIVO software as a tool; (v) elaboration of conceptual maps for the proposal of guidelines for entrepreneurial training of women in situations of vulnerability. The results achieved were: (i) confirmation of facilitating factors and barriers that impede entrepreneurial learning; (ii) verification of the factors facilitating barriers and barriers to entrepreneurial learning; (iii) identification of the management profile of women entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs and opportunities for content for training in management; (iv) associations between the sources of information and the elaboration of scenarios, and (v) conceptual map of the existing associations between facilitating sweeping factors and characteristics of women in situations of social vulnerability. The main preposition of this thesis is the systematization of information existing in the literature along with evidence from the daily routine of specialists and managers, to propose guiding guidelines for a pedagogical project of this nature.
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Faculty Competence in Facilitating Clinical SimulationKronziah-Seme, Rose 01 January 2017 (has links)
Clinical simulation is a teaching strategy to assist nursing students to connect classroom knowledge to the clinical setting. Teaching clinical simulation requires special training, but many nursing faculty who teach clinical simulation do not receive clinical simulation training. The purpose of this study was to determine if the effects of formal versus informal simulation training impacted nursing faculty's self-ratings of their competency in facilitating simulation and identify areas for needed educational support. A quantitative descriptive approach was used and grounded in the National League for Nursing and Jefferies (NLN/JSF) theoretical framework. This framework focuses on the relationship between teacher, student, and educational experience. Data on 102 faculty members from prelicensure nursing programs in Maryland completed the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH-SV) survey. Data analysis using the independent-samples t-test revealed no significant difference in nursing faculty's perceptions regarding how they facilitate clinical simulation between nursing faculty who are formally trained to teach clinical simulation and those who are not. However, there was a significant difference in one element of the DASH-IV which measured the skill of helping students achieve or sustain good performance. The data will contribute to the nursing simulation literature by providing a better understanding of what faculty members perceive as their strengths and weaknesses in teaching clinical simulation. The findings of this study can influence positive social change in nursing by providing nursing administrators with information about faculty perceptions of clinical simulation and influence decisions on training of nursing faculty in using clinical simulation.
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The Internationalization of Family Firms : Facilitating and Constraining FeaturesKoopman, Martin, Sebel, Kevin January 2009 (has links)
Introduction: Research has shown that family firms play an important role in modern economies and that they maintain special characteristics and features in comparison to non-family businesses. Furthermore, it is evident in literature and practice that internationalization is a crucial process and strategy in the present global business environment. Problem: These findings however, have not led to a family business internationalization strategy. Only some studies have been conducted concerning the influence of the special features of family firms on the process of internationalization. This means that there is a gap between theory and practice. Purpose: To increase the academic understanding of the phenomenon internationalization of family businesses, through the use of both theoretical and empirical findings. Research questions: This study attempted to fulfill the purpose by providing answers to several research questions. The main research questions are: What is the current state of knowledge about internationalization, family business features and previous research in internationalization of family firms? How do the family business features theoretically influence the internationalization process? How do the family business features empirically influence the internationalization process? What are the theoretical contributions and practical managerial implications of these findings? Method: A solid literature research has been conducted in order to determine the theoretical influences of family business features on internationalization. The empirical testing of the expectations was conducted through a qualitative approach by taking personal interviews at eight companies, four in The Netherlands and four in Sweden, and studying secondary documentation. Findings: The study shows that it is difficult to decisively determine the either facilitating or constraining influence of family business features on internationalization. The results show that the 23 features which have been studied in the sample are facilitating or constraining under certain conditions (see table 5, p. 108). This implies that managers, researchers and consultants will be required to study these conditions first in order to determine the facilitating or constraining effects in a company. In addition, a model has been constructed illustrating the empirical findings concerning the internationalization process (see figure 8, p.112). Finally, concerning internationalization theories, it is determined that family businesses tend to use the Network approach in starting their internationalization process, the Stage approaches in further developing the international operations and support their process through the Resource-based view and the Knowledge-based view.
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A study on Consumer¡¦s adoption of Mobile TVCheng, Huei-ying 30 August 2010 (has links)
Because of the popularity of the 3G mobile technology and the development of digital broadcasting technologies, the mobile television (TV) has become a potential killer application within the telecom industry. This research examines mobile user¡¦s intention to use and the use behavior of mobile TV. The theory underlying the study is the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) that takes performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating condition as independent factors and the intention and behavior of usage as dependent variables. Two online surveys were conducted to evaluate the theory. The result from the first survey shows that the performance expectancy, the effort expectancy and the social influence factors have significant influences on the mobile TV user¡¦s intention toward using mobile TV services. The facilitating condition has a positive significant relationship with the usage behavior. The result different from the previous studies is no significant relationship between the intention and use behavior. However, the follow-up survey conducted a year later shows that the facilitating condition and intension to use have positive significant impacts on the use behavior. This study can help firms to better understand the factors that affect the intention and behavior of using mobile TV.
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Distriktssköterskors/sjuksköterskors strategier för att överbrygga språkbarriärer i vårdmötetEliasson, Gun January 2011 (has links)
För att kunna främja god folkhälsa och omvårdnad samt utjämna ojämlik hälsa ställer den ökade migrationen med en ökad andel utrikesfödda högre krav på distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors kommunikation i vårdmötet. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka strategier distriktssköterskan/sjuksköterskan inom primärvård använde för att överbrygga språkbarriärer samt att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan dessa strategier och hur sjuksköterskan uppfattade kvaliteten i omvårdnaden. Metod: Jämförande och deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Enkäter sändes ut till sjuksköterskor på vårdcentraler i kommuner med hög andel utrikesfödda. Resultat: De strategier vilka framförallt användes var kroppsspråk samt professionell tolk. Sjuksköterskorna uppfattade att kvaliteten i omvårdnaden vid språkbarriärer var relativt hög. Medelstarka samband framkom dels mellan uppfattad patientdelaktighet och användande av professionell tolk och dels mellan omvårdnadskvalitet och användande av material för omvårdnadsåtgärder. Signifikanta skillnader gällande omvårdnadskvalitet samt hur sjuksköterskorna uppfattade kvaliteten i kommunikationen framkom. Slutsats: Förutom att sjuksköterskor på ett adekvat sätt använder samt utvecklar olika strategier för att överbrygga språkbarriärer, kan även ett varmt och professionellt bemötande ha betydelse i kommunikationen för att uppnå god omvårdnad samt folkhälsa. / To promote good public health and quality of care as well as to equalise health inequalities, the increased migration with more foreign-born individuals put more demands on district nurses and nurses' communication in the health care encounter. Purpose: To investigate which strategies the nurse in primary care used to bridge language barriers and to investigate whether there was any correlation between these strategies and how they perceived the quality of care. Method: A comparative cross-sectional and descriptive study with quantitative approach. Questionnaires were mailed to nurses in health care clinics in municipalities with a high share of foreign-born. Results: The primarily used strategies was body language as well as professional interpreter. The nurses perceived that the quality of care was relatively high whenever it occurred a language barrier. Moderate correlation was seen between perceived patient participation and the use of professional interpreters and between quality of care and the use of materials for nursing interventions. Significant differences in the quality of care and how nurses perceived the quality of communication was found. Conclusion: Besides that nurses adequately use and develop different strategies in bridging language barriers, also a warm and professional approach may have an important role in the communication to achieve appropriate nursing and public health.
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