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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mercado brasileiro de biodiesel sob a ótica dos leilões públicos promovidos pela ANP: 2005 a 2014

Amaral, Laila Cristina Gonçalves Silva 06 March 2015 (has links)
Há dez anos, as ações do Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel (PNPB) inseriram o biodiesel na matriz energética brasileira. A venda de biodiesel com a finalidade de suprir os estoques que o Governo necessita, para cumprir a exigência do porcentual de mistura obrigatória por lei, é realizada por meio de leilões e estes são regulamentados pela Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP). Tal regulamentação inclui e dá privilégios de participação nos leilões aos possuidores do Selo Combustível Social (SCS), que, por sua vez, é concedido às empresas que adquirem parcela de sua matéria-prima de agricultores familiares enquadrados no Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF). Diante disso, este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e estudar os fatores que influenciaram a evolução do mercado brasileiro de biodiesel sob a ótica da oferta deste produto nos leilões públicos realizados pela ANP. Primeiramente, buscou-se descrever a evolução da produção de biodiesel no Brasil, detalhar as principais variações comportamentais do mercado e verificar o cumprimento das principais funções do sistema. Para isso, foram feitas análises gerais acerca de volumes ofertados e arrematados, preços máximo e médio, e deságios. A análise da estrutura de mercado que melhor delineia o setor foi feita de acordo com o grau de concentração das empresas participantes dos leilões. Para isso foram utilizados o índice de Razão de Concentração (CR), o índice de Hirshman-Herfindahl (HH) e o índice de Entropia de Theil (TH). A partir do resultado desta, buscou-se detectar e quantificar os fatores que mais influenciaram tais índices. Para isso, foi utilizada a prática econométrica com um modelo de Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os dados coletados a partir do site da ANP foram analisados com a utilização do pacote estatístico StataCorp LP, versão 12.0, adotando o intervalo de confiança de 95% para a análise. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o mercado de biodiesel no Brasil foi concentrado inicialmente, porém, a partir do aumento da quantidade de empresas participantes, do percentual de mistura obrigatório e do amadurecimento do PNPB, o mercado foi se desconcentrando e efetivando-se em moderadamente concentrado. Assim, constatou-se que o setor de biodiesel é caracterizado pelo oligopólio como estrutura de mercado. Mais especificamente, oligopólio puro. / Ten years ago, the actions of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) inserted biodiesel in the Brazilian energy matrix. The sale of biodiesel in order to meet the stocks that the government needs to meet the requirement of mandatory blending percentage by law, is carried out through auctions and these are regulated by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). Such legislation includes and gives privileges to participate in auctions to the holders of the Social Fuel Seal (SCS), which, in turn, is granted to companies taking over part of its raw materials from family farmers framed in the National Family Farming Strengthening Program (PRONAF). Thus, this study aims to identify and study the factors that influenced the evolution of Brazilian biodiesel market from the perspective of supply of the product in public auctions held by the ANP. First, we attempted to describe the evolution of biodiesel production in Brazil, detailing the major behavioral changes in the market and verify compliance with the main system functions. For this, general analyzes were made about offered and auctioned volumes, maximum and average prices, and discounts. The analysis of the market structure that best outlines the sector was made according to the degree of concentration of the participants of the auction company. For this we used the concentration ratio index (CR), the Herfindahl-Hirshman Index (HH) and the entropy index of Theil (TH). From the result of this, we sought to detect and quantify the factors affecting such rates. For this, we used the econometric practice with a multiple linear regression model. The data collected from the ANP site were analyzed using the statistical package Stata Corp LP, version 12.0, adopting the 95% confidence interval for analysis. The results showed that the biodiesel market in Brazil was concentrated initially, however, from the increased amount of participating companies, the mandatory blending percentage and ripening PNPB, the market was to decentralizing and making effective in moderately concentrated . Considering the studied literature, it appears that the biodiesel industry is characterized by oligopoly as market structure. More specifically, pure oligopoly.

The effects of tax morale on tax compliance in the mining industry

Netshaulu, Thina January 2016 (has links)
Many tax authorities across the globe, including South Africa, continuously develop new methods to maximise tax collection and rely on taxpayers' voluntary tax compliance. Prior tax compliance studies confirm that taxpayers' tax morale is influenced by various economic, non-economic and social factors. However, limited research has been conducted on the effects of tax morale on tax compliance in the mining industry in South Africa. The objective of this study is to determine the factors that influence tax morale in the mining industry, and to determine the perceived effects of tax morale on tax compliance in the mining industry. The current study reports the results of a survey conducted amongst South African taxpayers in the mining industry. The survey contained a structured and open-ended questionnaire, which was sent to the participants via email. The findings show that the majority of the participants in this study are not happy with most of the public services they receive from government. They were of the opinion that corruption and waste in our government is high, and that a large proportion of collected tax is wasted on unnecessary expenses. Further to this, the majority of participants indicated that government does not share sufficient information on how it is spending collected revenue. However, a large proportion of participants believe that paying their fair share of taxes is the right thing to do, as it is required by law. These participants indicated that tax evasion is not acceptable and every taxpayer must pay their fair share of taxes when it is due and required. This study found that the complexity of tax law, fairness and equity, direct democracy, role and efficiency of tax officials, trust in government, as well as tax audit and tax compliance cost have an impact on taxpayers in the mining industry's tax morale. Tax audit is perceived to have both a positive and negative influence on these taxpayers' tax morale. However, various economic and noneconomic factors identified in existing literature as influential on taxpayers' tax compliance were not found to have an influence on taxpayers in the South African mining industry. This may be due to the fact that the majority of the participants indicated that they pay taxes due on behalf of the company to comply with the tax law and other regulations that govern the mining sector. / Mini Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Taxation / MCom / Unrestricted

Spectroscopie d'impédance appliquée à la composition corporelle en néphrologie et en dialyse : caractérisation des facteurs d'influence / Bioimpedance Spectroscopy and Body Composition in Nephrology and Dialysis : Factors of Influence

Cridlig, Joëlle 05 June 2013 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est l'étude de la bioimpédancemétrie appliquée à des populations particulières de néphrologie (hémodialyse, insuffisance rénale et transplantation), afin d'évaluer l'apport de cette technique et les facteurs d'influence modifiant la mesure ou son interprétation. Nous avons pu identifier (à travers deux appareils d'impédancemétrie) plusieurs profils de patients, selon leurs « réponses » à la technique de bioimpédance, en fonction des séances d'hémodialyse, de l'âge, des comorbidités, de matériel implantable, de la fonction rénale après transplantation. Il y a une bonne validité des données physiques mesurées. Sur les valeurs calculées, il y a des valeurs aberrantes, tant sur les volumes hydriques que sur le diagnostic d'hydratation (calcul de l'excès d'eau). La principale hypothèse est l'existence d'algorithmes dans les logiciels, établis sur des populations caractéristiques, et avec de nombreux facteurs correctifs, mais qui restent inadaptés dès que le sujet mesuré s'éloigne un peu de ces patients « normés ». La présence de matériel dans le corps humain influencerait les mesures et rendrait les algorithmes inadaptés. Ce travail nous amène à conclure que quelque soit le logiciel, donc l'appareil utilisé, le patient devrait être son propre témoin de mesure, hypothèse non vérifiée dans la littérature. Enfin, le deuxième point de recherche pourrait être la notion d'une fréquence tissulaire propre à chacun, autre que la classique fréquence de 50 kHz, celle théorique à laquelle l'effet capacitif membranaire est maximal, et caractérise donc la cellule. Notre étude montre que cette fréquence est loin d'être de 50 kHz. Les études restent à faire / The goal of this work is to study bioimpedance through different and particular people in nephrology (hemodialysis, renal disease or kidney graft), to assess this electrical engineering and the factors of onfluence that can change the measures or their meaning. We succeed to identify (through two bioimpedance instrument) several profiles of patients, according to their "response and behaviour" to this bioimpedance technique, depending on hemodialysis sessions, age, morbidity, presence of electrical device or after kidney transplantation. Through our population, we find a good validity of the electrical and physical measures. But when the values body composition are calculated from the electrical data, there is often aberrant values, concerning body composition, fluid compartment or the excess water. The main hypothesis is the existence of algorithms in the devices, compiled from statistics on healthy populations, with several corrective factors, but these algorithms probably don't fit with "particular" population. This work allows us to propose that what are the devices used, the patient might be his own measure witness. There is no study in the literature. Finally, an idea could be the existence of a specific tissue frequency, specific to each one, and different from the theoretical frequency of 50 kHz. This 50 kHz frequency corresponds to the highest cell membrane capacity and so characterizes the cell. Our study shows that the frequency corresponding to this highest reactance is precisely not 50 kHz. The hypothesis is the existence of a own characteristic frequency. Sudies remain to be done

Untersuchungen zur Teilflächenbewirtschaftung : Untersuchungen zur Anwendung ausgewählter teilflächenspezifischer Bewirtschaftungsmethoden am Beispiel eines Auenstandortes der Elbe / Investigations on partial area cultivations

Ponitka, Jens, Pößneck, Jörg 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der teilflächenspezifischen Bewirtschaftung ist die optimale Bodenbehandlung in Abhängigkeit aller verfügbaren und verwertbaren Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Bodenleitfähigkeit, Bodenuntersuchungen, feldspektroskopische Messungen von Pflanzenbeständen und die Ertragsdatenerfassungen durch Mähdrescher.

Einflussfaktoren des Gewichtsstatus und der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit im Einschulungsalter

Oelze, Janine 18 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die kindliche Lebenswelt unterlag im vergangenen Jahrhundert enormen Veränderungen. Der Alltag der Kinder und Jugendlichen ist geprägt durch einen zunehmenden Bewegungsmangel, der die Entwicklung auf motorischer, kognitiver und sozialer Ebene beeinträchtigt. Motorische Defizite, Übergewicht und Adipositas, chronisch-degenerative Erkrankungen sowie psychosomatische Störungen werden bereits bei immer jüngeren Kindern beobachtet. Die Ursachen für diese Entwicklung sind Gegenstand zahlreicher Forschungsbestrebungen, die allerdings aufgrund differenter methodischer Herangehensweisen und abhängig von der Stichprobenauswahl häufig zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen gelangen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand vor dem Hintergrund der Relevanz einer adäquaten Entwicklung im Kindesalter darin, den Gewichtsstatus, die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit, das Bewegungsverhalten, die familiäre Situation sowie vorliegende Entwicklungsbeeinträchtigungen von Schulanfängern auf einer umfassenden biopsychosozialen Ebene einzuschätzen. Die anschließenden Zusammenhangsanalysen sollten Aufschluss über die Bedingungsfaktoren des kindlichen Unter- und Übergewichts sowie motorischer Leistungsschwächen zum Schuleintritt der Kinder geben. 4.281 Erstklässler absolvierten den Deutschen Motoriktest für Kinder und Jugendliche (DMT 6-18). An einer Elternbefragung nahmen 3.003 Erziehungsberechtigte teil und die Befunde der Schuleingangsuntersuchung lagen von 5.629 Schulanfängern vor. Unter den untersuchten Erstklässlern wiesen 4,8 % starkes Untergewicht (≤ 3. Perzentile) und 8,9 % leichtes Untergewicht (> 3. bis ≤ 10. Perzentile) auf. Lediglich 5,0 % der Kinder waren übergewichtig (≥ 90. bis < 97. Perzentile), weitere 2,4 % adipös (≥ 97. Perzentile). Im Motoriktest zeigten 36,8 % der Schulanfänger überdurchschnittliche Ergebnisse, lediglich 11,8 % lagen unter dem Altersdurchschnitt. Anhand der Mittelwertunterschiede und Effektstärken konnten keine relevanten Einflüsse des Bewegungsverhaltens, der familiären Situation sowie der medizinischen oder geistig-sprachlichen Auffälligkeiten auf den Gewichtsstatus der Kinder festgestellt werden. Die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit der Kinder wurde entscheidend durch den wöchentlichen Umfang ihrer Sportaktivität, der Schichtzugehörigkeit der Familie, vorliegenden Störungen der Feinmotorik sowie vom Übergewicht oder der Adipositas der Schulanfänger beeinflusst. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung lässt sich der Entwicklungstrend der Zunahme von Übergewicht und motorischen Leistungsdefiziten bereits im Kindesalter nicht verallgemeinern. Anscheinend können sowohl die Familie als auch der Kindergarten, die Schule und der Sportverein den aufkommenden Bewegungsmangel durch das wachsende Angebot medienorientierter Freizeitbeschäftigungen zu einem großen Teil kompensieren. Alarmierende Berichte über die Zunahme von Übergewicht und Adipositas bereits im Kindesalter bei gleichzeitig reduzierter körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit und einer allgemeinen Bewegungsarmut konnten nicht bestätigt werden, allerdings sollten sowohl der Gewichtsstatus als auch die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit im Kindesalter, insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer regionalen Verteilung, weiter untersucht werden.

Untersuchungen zur Teilflächenbewirtschaftung : Untersuchungen zur Anwendung ausgewählter teilflächenspezifischer Bewirtschaftungsmethoden am Beispiel eines Auenstandortes der Elbe

Ponitka, Jens, Pößneck, Jörg 08 December 2006 (has links)
Ziel der teilflächenspezifischen Bewirtschaftung ist die optimale Bodenbehandlung in Abhängigkeit aller verfügbaren und verwertbaren Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Bodenleitfähigkeit, Bodenuntersuchungen, feldspektroskopische Messungen von Pflanzenbeständen und die Ertragsdatenerfassungen durch Mähdrescher.

Teacher Perceptions of African-American Principal Leadership

Brown, Darlene 20 May 2005 (has links)
This study investigated teachers' perceptions of African- American principals' leadership and the extent to which those perceptions varied according to their race, gender, years of teaching experience, and years working with the principal. The results of this exploratory study are intended to enhance the empirical data reflecting the leadership characteristics of the African-American principal and to contribute to the research on leadership in general. The participants in this study consisted of 32 African-American principals and 164 teachers in schools representing 12 states during the 2004-2005 school year. Each teacher participant completed either an electronic or paper version of the Leadership and Management of Schools Survey Instrument (LMSS) which addressed the leadership and management traits of the principal and the demographic data on the teachers. The findings indicated that African-American principals are perceived as using high levels of transformational and transactional leadership. Additionally, results indicated that race influences the leadership credibility of the African-American principal. There did not appear to be a significant relationship between teachers' perceptions and gender of a teacher, gender of the principal, or both, and no relationship was found between the years of teachers' experience and their perceptions of the African- American principals. However, teachers' perceptions of African- American principals' leadership and management qualities increased positively with the number of years of experience working with the principal. Indications from these findings can be useful to universities, colleges, and school districts in making informed decisions concerning the training, recruitment, and placement of African-American principals.

The effect of a workplace intervention programme on return to work after stroke

Ntsiea, Mokgobadibe Veronica 06 February 2014 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Physiotherapy))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2013. / Stroke impacts on a survivor’s ability to participate in community activities such as return to work (RTW) and affects people who are still within the working age. Return to work contributes to life satisfaction and social identity at least partly through independence gained from income-generation. The impact of RTW programmes for stroke survivors is limited and not generalisable to South Africa. This study aimed to bridge this gap in South Africa, and was conducted within the Gauteng province as it comprises the largest share of the South African population. Objectives and Methodology: The aim of the study was to determine the current practice in RTW intervention programmes for stroke survivors in the Gauteng Province of South Africa and to establish the effect of a workplace intervention programme on the rate of RTW of previously employed stroke survivors. This study had two stages: Stage one: A cross sectional survey was performed using a self administered questionnaire to establish current practice in RTW intervention programmes and the therapists’ perceived barriers and enablers of RTW after stroke. Stage two study included: a) a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a six week RTW intervention, with follow-up at three and six months. The workplace intervention programme was tailored according to the functional ability and workplace challenges of each stroke survivor and was as follows: Week one: Assessment for work skill. The assessment included work modules which identified potential problems such as: visual discrimination; eye hand coordination; form and spatial perception; manual dexterity; colour discrimination; cognitive problems, and job specific physical demand factors. Week two: The therapist interviewed the stroke survivor and employer separately to establish perceived barriers and enablers of RTW. This was followed by a meeting between the therapist, stroke survivor and employer/supervisor to discuss and develop a plan to overcome identified barriers and to strengthen identified enablers based on consensus between stroke survivor and employer. Week three: A work visit for the stroke survivor to demonstrate what they did at work and identify what they could still do safely and what they could not do. This included vocational counselling and coaching; emotional support; adaptation of the working environment; advice on coping strategies to compensate for mobility and upper limb functional limitations; and fatigue management. Weeks four, five and six: continuation of the work visits, while monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments as per stroke survivor and employer’s needs. This was done at the workplace while the participants continued with their usual therapy at the hospital. The control group received usual care. The primary outcome was RTW rate. The secondary outcomes included activities of daily living (measured with the Barthel Index); mobility (measured with the Modified Rivermead Mobility Index); basic cognitive function (measured with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and perceived quality of life (measured with the Stroke Specific Quality of life Scale). Another aim of stage two study was to: b) establish the stroke survivors’ and employers’ perceived barriers and enablers of RTW (this was done with the experimental group only); and to: c) identify predictors of RTW. Stage one study results: Thirty six (68%) of the 53 questionnaires sent to stroke rehabilitation facilities were returned. Seventeen (47%) of the 36 clinical settings referred stroke survivors to facilities offering RTW services; 12 (33%) facilities did not refer stroke survivors for RTW and did not offer RTW services; and seven (20%) facilities offered RTW services. Of the seven facilities that rendered RTW services for stroke survivors, five (71%) communicated with the employer to discuss reasonable accommodation and four (57%) did assessments for potential to RTW. The most common reason given by the 29 facilities for not offering RTW services was that they referred stroke survivors to other therapists who offered these services. The second most common reason was the unemployment status of the stroke survivor at the time of having stroke. The therapists’ most commonly perceived barriers of RTW were the severity of the stroke survivors’ physical impairments (n = 3) (36%) and their employment status (n = 11) (31%) at the time of having stroke. The most commonly perceived enablers were willingness of the employer to reasonably accommodate the stroke survivor at work (n = 12) (33%), family support (n = 8) (22%) and increased length of hospital stay to allow for intensive rehabilitation (n = 7) (19%). Stigma in the workplace was the only variable which had a statistically significant relationship with the type of clinical facility therapists worked at (p = 0.02). Stage two study results: The average age for the study group was 45 (SD: 8.7) years and the average stroke duration was 4.6 (SD: 1.8) weeks. There were 41 (51%) male stroke survivors and 39 (49%) female stroke survivors. Majority (55%) of the stroke survivors were breadwinners (63%), had a grade 11 to 12 educational level (64%), an income above R5000 (46%) and had a helper (74%) whom they did not have to pay (81%). Stroke survivors who returned to work had better quality of life at six months after stroke than those who did not RTW (p = 0.05). Results from the qualitative study indicated that the perceived enablers of RTW included: ability of the employer to provide reasonable accommodation and good interpersonal working relationships between stroke survivor, employer and co-workers. The perceived barriers of RTW included: unaffordable reasonable accommodation costs; inaccessible transport; having cognitive (memory and attention) and speech impairments and high unemployment rates. The overall RTW rate was 20% at three months follow-up and 40% at six months follow-up. Twenty seven percent of the stroke survivors in the intervention group returned to work at three months compared to 12% in the control group (p = 0.13). At six months, the majority of stroke survivors (60%) in the intervention group returned to work compared to 20% in the control group (p <0.001). The following factors were predictive of RTW: male gender (p = 0.03); fewer speech problems (p = 0.02); increased time off work post stroke (p = 0.001); ability to perform activities of daily living (p = 0.02); good mobility (p = 0.01) and good cognitive ability (p = 0.02). The stroke survivors in the intervention group were 5.2 times more likely to RTW than those in the control group at six months following stroke, and for every unit increase in the activities of the Barthel Index and Montreal Cognitive assessment score, the likelihood of RTW increased by 1.7 and 1.3 respectively. Conclusion: A RTW intervention consisting of workability assessments and workplace visits was effective in facilitating RTW for stroke survivors in Gauteng province, South Africa. Key predictors of RTW included male gender; increased time off work post stroke; ability to perform activities of daily living; good mobility and good cognitive ability and were identified as facilitating RTW; speech problems were identified as barriers to RTW. Overall, these results suggest the need to direct resources towards increasing work place intervention strategies after stroke.

Os fatores de influência no processo decisório do estudante na escolha do ensino superior privado

Rodriguez, Alexandre 18 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Rodriguez.pdf: 1690800 bytes, checksum: d7314b26c213c6834849a25fbf8cfae2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-18 / Based on the available information on the development of private higher education in Brazil, this study aims to identify what factors influence the decision process of the student for admission to this level of education. Understanding the factors influencing the graduate student takes the measure in recent years, higher education institutions strongly compete for the attention of a new student profile, which until then had no opportunity to enter higher education. The methodology used is the multiple case study conducted with students entering two IES: The Catholic University of Sao Paulo School (PUC-SP) and Eniac, located in the cities of São Paulo and Guarulhos, respectively. The proposition of this research is comparatively evaluate the factors that influence the decision making process of students of both institutions. It is assumed the importance of knowing the similarities and individual differences, environmental influences and social as well as the factors preceding the date of the decision process according to the personal formation of each individual. The work also discusses the theories of consumer behavior in the course of the decades of the last century and their influence on marketing strategies. Is adopted, although an analysis model adapted to understanding the decision process of the student who had recently joined. The data, collected through in-depth interviews were the main sources of student discourse analysis, which considered the individual dimensions, the social and professional student. The results indicate similarities and differences in the speech of students of both institutions, revealing that the individual brings greater or lesser relevance to the variables under discussion, according to their social and personal. The expectations of students regarding the enrollment in higher education also vary in each institution. While a student seeks his professional and social ascent, the other aims to maintain the social status and family where you are / Fundamentado nas informações disponíveis sobre a evolução do ensino superior privado no Brasil, este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar quais são os fatores de influência no processo de decisão do estudante para o ingresso neste nível educacional. A compreensão dos fatores influentes do aluno de graduação se dá à medida que, nos últimos anos, as instituições de ensino superior competem fortemente pela atenção de um novo perfil de aluno, que até então não tivera oportunidade de ingressar no ensino superior. A metodologia utilizada é o estudo de caso múltiplo realizado com alunos ingressantes de duas IES: A Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e a Faculdade Eniac, localizadas nas cidades de São Paulo e Guarulhos, respectivamente. A proposição da pesquisa é avaliar, comparativamente, os fatores de influência no processo decisório dos alunos de ambas as instituições. Assume-se a importância de conhecer as similaridades e diferenças individuais, as influências ambientais e sociais, bem como os fatores antecedentes ao início do processo de decisão de acordo com a formação pessoal de cada indivíduo. O trabalho ainda discorre sobre as teorias do comportamento do consumidor, no transcorrer das décadas do século passado, bem suas influências sobre as estratégias de marketing. Adota-se um modelo de análise adaptado para compreensão do processo de decisão do estudante recém-ingresso. Os dados obtidos e coletados, por meio de entrevista em profundidade, foram as principais fontes de análise do discurso dos estudantes, que considerou as dimensões individuais, as sociais e a profissional estudante. Os resultados obtidos indicam semelhanças e diferenças no discurso dos estudantes das duas instituições, revelando que o indivíduo aporta maior ou menor relevância às variáveis em discussão, de acordo com a sua condição social e pessoal. As expectativas dos estudantes com relação ao ingresso no ensino superior também variam em cada instituição. Enquanto um estudante busca a sua ascensão profissional e social, o outro tem como objetivo de manter a condição social e familiar em que se encontra

Vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procesui / The influence of consumers behaviour factors on consumers purchase decision making process

Jakimavičiūtė, Judita 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota ir įvertinta vartotojų elgsenos veiksnių įtaka sprendimo pirkti priėmimo procese, iškeltos vartotojų elgsenos problemos, susiję su vartotojo sprendimu pirkti bei pateikti siūlymai, kaip šias problemas spręsti. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu tiriama vartotojų elgsenos samprata, pateikiamos skirtingos Lietuvos bei užsienio autorių nuomonės apie vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių įtaką vartotojų elgsenai bei vartotojų sprendimo priėmimo procesui. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama UAB „MSF Lithuania“ įmonės veikla, atliktas tyrimo metodikos pagrindimas bei iškelta pagrindinė tyrimo hipotezė. Anketinės apklausos metodu nustatytos demografinės charakteristikos ir veiksniai, turintys daugiausiai įtakos parduotuvės „Marks & Spencer“ vartotojui priimant sprendimą pirkti, bei jų priklausomybė, SPSS programa susisteminami tyrimo metu gauti duomenys, patvirtinama ar atmetama hipotezė ir daromos išvados. / In Master‘s Work analized and evaluated consumer‘s behaviour factors that influence the purchase decision making process, also raised the problems related to the customer purchase decision and made recommendations to solve these issues. The first part examined the theoretical aspects of consumer behaviour concept, compared Lithuanian and foreign author‘s opinion on the internal and external factors that influence consumer behaviour and customer decision making process. In the second part examined “MSF Lithuania“ Ltd. activities, investigated methodology validation and raised fundamental research hypothese, by questionnaire survey method determined consumer behaviour factors that affect “Marks & Spencer“ customer purchase decision the most. By SPSS program systematized the data obtained during the investigation, confirmed or rejected hypothese and draw conclusions.

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