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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Hellre motion än tabletter”, Patienters erfarenheter av att få FaR vid diabetes typ 2

Abrahamsson, Birgitta, Hernberger, Barbro January 2008 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet har idag blivit en riskfaktor för att utveckla diabetes typ 2. I diabetessjuksköterskans arbete ingår samtal om livsstilsförändringar gällande bland annat fysisk aktivitet, vilket kan innebära att Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) skrivs som behandling av diabetes typ 2. Studiens syfte var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att ha fått FaR vid behandling av diabetes typ 2. Patienterna utgjordes av fyra kvinnor och fyra män med diabetes typ 2 som hade fått FaR efter maj 2007. Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Intervjuerna skrevs ned och analyserades därefter i fyra olika faser enligt Evans (2003).Studiens resultat presenteras i två huvudteman: Ökade motionsvanor och Ökad motivation och följande underteman: hellre motion än tabletter, för min egen skull, det blev allvar, insikt och hon ville väl. I diskussionsavsnittet framkommer att resultatet stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning och lyfter fram diabetessjuksköterskans betydelse vid förskrivning av FaR när det gäller att motivera patienten till ökad fysisk aktivitet. / <p>Program: Fristående kurs</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Var går gränsen? -en kvalitativ intervjustudie om pedagogers tankar och funderingar kring anmälningspliktens innebörd och konsekvenser / Where are the limits? : Qualitative interview study of preschool teachers' thoughts and reflections on the notification requirements meaning and impact

Andreasson, Linda, Clausson, Pernilla January 2010 (has links)
BAKGRUND:I bakgrunden beskriver vi vad litteratur och forskning tar upp kring anmälningsplikten. Vibeskriver olika varianter av misshandel och dess innebörd. Vi förklarar de lagar ochförordningar som pedagoger inom verksamhet som berör barn måste förhålla sig till. Vi taräven upp problematiken som förkommer vid en anmälan. Vi redogör även för tidigareforskning inom vårt ämne.SYFTE:Vårt syfte är att studera hur pedagoger i förskolan uttrycker sina tankar och känslor kring sinanmälningsplikt.METOD:Vi har valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod med en öppen intervju, då vi valt attintervjua sex pedagoger på tre olika förskolor. Till vår hjälp har vi använt en diktafon ochspelat in intervjuerna som vi sedan har transkriberat. Vi har valt att vara båda två underintervjuerna, för att därigenom söka ett trovärdigt resultat.RESULTAT:Vi har i vårt resultat kommit fram till att det finns en osäkerhet kring anmälningspliktensinnebörd och att definitionen av barn som far illa är svårt för respondenterna att förklara.Vidare har vi sett att frågan om att anmäla eller ej, beror på faktorer som stöd frånarbetskamrater och rektorer, hur säker pedagogen är på det hon sett verkligen stämmer ochvilken roll pedagogen har i en anmälningsprocess. I vårt resultat kommer det även fram att deintervjuade pedagogerna önskade fortbildning inom ämnet och att det hade bidragit till ensäkerhet inför en anmälan.

Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En litteraturstudie om hur FaR påverkar patienters upplevelse av hälsa

Andersson, Elin, Bengtsson, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet är en riskfaktor och bidragande orsak till sjukdom och ohälsa. Det är ett folkhälsoproblem som kostar samhället stora pengar varje år. Fysisk aktivitet på recept är en relativt ny företeelse och ett led i att försöka arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande. Sambandet mellan upplevelsen av hälsa och fysisk aktivitet på recept behöver klarläggas tydligare. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva patientens upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet på recept och hur det påverkar patientens hälsa. Metoden är en litteraturstudie baserad på 11 originalartiklar. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades för att få ett brett perspektiv. Resultatet presenteras i tre huvudteman: att vara fysiskt aktiv med FaR, att få ordinationen FaR och att förbli aktiv. Resultatet visar att FaR ger en ökad fysisk aktivitet och ger en ökad upplevelse av välbefinnande, livskvalitet och hälsa. Att få förskrivet FaR upplevs överlag som positivt och hjälper till att göra fysisk aktivitet till en vana. FaR inspirerar till en mer hälsosam livsstil. I den efterföljande diskussionen tas de delar av resultatet upp som var betydelsefulla för patienterna och på så sätt är viktiga för sjuksköterskans dagliga hälsofrämjande arbete. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

Memoirs of a Taboo : a novel ; Women in pre- and post-Victorian India : the use of historical research in the writing of fiction

Praveen, Radhika January 2018 (has links)
This practice-based creative writing doctorate supports the creation of a novel that is in part, historical fiction, based on research focusing on the discrepancies in the perceived status of women between the pre-Victorian and the postmillennial periods in India. The accompanying component of the doctorate, the analytical thesis, traces the course of this research in connection to the novel's structural development, its narrative complexity and its characters. The novel traces the journey of two women protagonists - each placed in the 18th- and the 21st-centuries, respectively - as they reconcile to the realities of their individual circumstances. The introduction to the critical thesis gives a brief synopsis of the novel. It also explains the rationale behind the approaches used in the novel, and in adopting a post-postcolonial and progressive voice throughout the fictional work. The first chapter in the critical thesis demonstrates how findings from the primary and secondary research have been applied to inform the writing of the novel. It also explains the influence of the Indian oral narrative tradition and its related approaches on the creative process with regards to the novel. The second chapter briefly surveys traditional assumptions about the liberal attitudes to female sexuality in ancient and pre-Victorian India through literary examples. It identifies possible reasons for the changing status of women in contemporary Indian society, specifically in Kerala, which forms part of the settings in the novel. The third chapter in the thesis examines Ambilli's process of self-acceptance or making peace with her past trauma. It draws on the Indian notion of karma, the folktales and storytelling tradition of south India, which believes in the philosophy that stories are one of the means by which women can reconcile to reality. The fourth chapter elaborates upon the narrative devices used in the novel; its metafictional element and the inspiration for it. The thesis concludes by analysing the process of the writing practice and places it within the context of the aims of the research subject: the changing status of women in India over the past three centuries with regards to their sexuality. Finally, the study contributes to contemporary literature by bringing to light some fascinating aspects of the public role of women in ancient and pre-Victorian India as well as some lesser-known historical incidents, and re-interpreting these in the novel in an engaging and informative narrative.

"Det är min skyldighet." : En kvalitativ jämförande studie mellan storstad och en mellanstor stad, om hur förskollärare förhåller sig till anmälningsplikten / "It is my obligation." : A qualitative comparative study between one large and one medium sized city, concerning how preschool teachers relate to obligatory enrolment

Eriksson, Jessica, Gyrling, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Anmälningsplikten innebär att förskollärare enligt 14 kap 1§ SoL har en skyldighet att anmäla till socialtjänsten när det finns misstankar om att ett barn far illa eller riskerar att fara illa. Det kan handla om misstanke om psykiskt-, fysiskt- eller sexuellt våld, omsorgsbrist eller andra områden där föräldern inte möter barnets behov. Definitionen om ett barn som far illa är ett brett begrepp som innefattar flera olika områden, vilket försvårar tolkningen för förskollärare om vad och när man ska göra en orosanmälan till socialtjänsten. Syftet med studien var att jämföra en storstad med en mellanstor stad för att med en kvalitativ metod undersöka hur förskollärare förhåller sig till anmälningsplikten till socialtjänsten vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa. Studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem förskollärare som har en förskollärarutbildning, är verksamma på förskolan samt har arbetslivserfarenhet av att arbeta inom förskolan. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats med en konventionell innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det både finns likheter och skillnader mellan förskollärares förhållningssätt till anmälningsplikten. Resultatet visade att det var viktigt med erfarenhet för att förstå hur anmälningsplikten fungerar i praktiken. De förskollärare som hade erfarenhet av att göra en orosanmälan upplevde en större trygghet i när och hur en anmälan ska göras till socialtjänsten jämfört med de förskollärare som aldrig gjort en anmälan. En stor påverkan till varför man övervägde att inte göra en orosanmälan till socialtjänsten var relationen till föräldrarna, man ville inte förstöra den goda kontakten som man har byggt upp. Resultatet visar också att förskollärarna saknar återkoppling från socialtjänsten när en orosanmälan har gjorts, för att kunna känna sig inkluderade och veta vad som händer i ett ärende. En av anledningarna till varför förskolan sällan får återkoppling från socialtjänsten beror på att de regleras av en starkare sekretess, vilket försvårar återkopplingen och samverkan från socialtjänsten till förskolan.

Eça de Queirós e o extremo oriente / Eça de Queirós and the Far East

Vanzelli, José Carvalho 19 November 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo apresenta uma análise das representações do Extremo Oriente nas obras do escritor português Eça de Queirós (1845-1900). Através de um estudo amplo de obras de diversos momentos da carreira do escritor português, procuramos demonstrar que o Extremo Oriente queirosiano estabelece uma representação complexa das relações Ocidente-Oriente, não se limitando às imagens cristalizadas do Oriente na literatura portuguesa, em que se destacam o exotismo e o caráter imaginário. Como principais pilares teóricos, nos apoiamos nas teorias orientalistas, principalmente as de Raymond Schwab (1950) e Edward Said (1978), e da fortuna crítica queirosiana. Realizamos uma análise comparativa de textos ficcionais e não ficcionais do autor que, nomeadamente, compreende os romances O Mistério da Estrada de Sintra (1870), escrito juntamente com Ramalho Ortigão, O Mandarim (1880) e A Correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900); os textos de imprensa A Marinha e as Colônias (1871), A Pitoresca História da Revolta da Índia (1871), A França e o Sião (1893), Chineses e Japoneses (1894), A Propósito da Doutrina Monroe e do Nativismo (1896), França e Sião (1897); e o relatório consular A Emigração como Força Civilizadora (1979). / This study presents an analysis of the representations of the Far East in the works of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós (1845-1900). Through a comprehensive study of works produced by the Portuguese author at different moments of his career, we intend to demonstrate that the Queirosian Far East establishes a complex representation of East-West relations that is not restricted to the crystallized images found in the Portuguese literature, which highlight exoticism and an imaginary character. As our main theoretical framework, we use Orientalist theories, especially those of Raymond Schwab (1950) and Edward Said (1978), and critical texts on Eças works. We perform a comparative analysis of fictional and non-fictional texts of the writer, which includes the novels O Mistério da Estrada de Sintra (1870), jointly written with Ramalho Ortigão, O Mandarim (1880) and A Correspondência de Fradique Mendes (1900); the journalistic texts A Marinha e a Colônia (1871), A Pitoresca História da Revolta da Índia (1871), A França e o Sião (1893), Chineses e Japoneses (1894), A Propósito da Doutrina Monroe e do Nativismo (1896), França e Sião (1897); and the consular report A Emigração como Força Civilizadora (1979).

Dispersion of two dimensional coflowing jet in the intermediate field

Guo, Hong Wei, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
An analytical dispersion model has been derived to determine the distribution of velocities and concentrations of a tracer in a two-dimensional jet in a coflowing ambient fluid. The particular novelty of this model is that it bridges the gap between near-field (where initial momentum dominates behaviour) and far-field (where ambient turbulence is more important) domains. We describe this domain as the ???intermediate field???. In a literature review of coflowing jets we find several laboratory studies and models which can predict the velocities (and in some cases concentrations) in a 2D jet, however they all have shortcomings. None could fully account for ambient turbulence, and all were strictly near-field, i.e. they are unable to describe behaviour when ambient turbulence dominates the initial shear. A brief review of analytical far-field models was also undertaken. There are standard solutions for the dispersion of a 2D continuous source but none that allow for an initial source momentum or non-uniform velocity. As opposed to the near-field coflow approach used by other researchers we start from the far-field, modifying the simple diffusion models by perturbing the governing equations to allow for the initial momentum. Models are developed for both along-stream velocity and the concentration field of a tracer. From the velocity model, a comparison is made with experimental data available from one researcher (Wang, 1996) and an existing near-field coflow model PJCMERG (Davidson, 1989). The initial conditions (width and excess velocity) for our model are determined by Gaussian curve fitting to an arbitrary point in the near-field. The diffusivity parameter is used to adjust (tune) the model until the centreline velocity profile matches. We can always achieve this match and to a much closer degree than PJCMERG. There are no available laboratory or field data for concentrations of a tracer in a 2D coflowing jet although the near-field model PJCMERG does have a tracer component. We demonstrate how PJCMERG cannot converge to any far-field model, while our model provides a neat transition between the near-field and far-field. We have started the extension of the 2D model to the more common 3D situation although we have yet to carry out any comparisons with other models or data. The model development is included in an appendix for other researchers to pick up.

Survey protocols for the stream-breeding frogs of Far East Gippsland : the application of habitat modelling and an assessment of techniques

Holloway, Simon, n/a January 1997 (has links)
This study developed a heirarchical approach to improve the efficiency and reliability of surveys for stream-breeding frogs in the montane forests of south-eastern Australia. Areas with suitable climate for some of these species were first determined by bioclimatic modelling. Landscape and habitat preferences were then determined for the four species commonly found in far East Gippsland, along with an assessment of survey techniques from which effective survey protocols were developed. The climate of localities at which five stream-breeding species had been previously found was modelled using BIOCLIM, and maps of the predicted potential distributions having similar climate were developed. Litoria phyllochroa was found to occur in coastal to alpine areas from Melbourne to Nowra, and potentially further inland, in areas with relatively low temperatures and low summer rainfall. Litoria lesueuri had a slightly larger known and predicted distribution, covering a wide range of values for the temperature and precipitation parameters. Both species had predicted areas inland from Melbourne and the Blue Mountains where they had never been recorded, probably largely due to land clearing. The rare Heleioporus australiacus had a slightly more northerly distribution, closer to the coast and adjacent ranges from Central Gippsland to just north of Sydney, with a generally warmer climate and large range of average annual precipitation values. Litoria citropa occupies an even narrower area along the coast, extending slightly further north again, with a climatic profile of few extremes but with relatively high rainfall particularly in summer. The rare Mixophyes balbus had a more northerly known and predicted narrow range along the NSW coast, just extending into Victoria and Queensland, characterised by the subtropical influence of higher summer rainfall. The southern extension into far East Gippsland appears to have an extreme sub-climate, and is hence considered highly susceptible to climate change. Future monitoring sites for these species can now be systematically chosen to include their full climatic range, so that any negative effects of climate change on amphibian populations may have a greater chance of detection. Four species were found commonly enough in the far East Gippsland study area for more detailed study - the three stream-breeding specialist species, L. phyllochroa, L citropa, and L. lesueuri, along with Crinia signifera which was not restricted to streams but commonly found along them. Three species, L. phyllochroa, L citropa and L. lesueuri, were not found at the few higher altitudes sites on the Errinundra Plateau, however they may have been restricted by habitat requirements other than altitude. Litoria phyllochroa was otherwise widespread, but preferred larger in-stream pools and backwaters for breeding with overhanging vegetation for perch and call sites. The other three species preferred stream reaches characterised by wide bedrock outcrops and associated wide break in the tree canopy, which may allow their preferred perch sites on rocky substrates to retain heat after sunset. Litoria lesueuri tadpoles were found in both unconnected and connected pools, and the common association of this species with bedrock outcrops may explain its range being largely restricted to granitic substratum where these outcrops mostly occurred. Litoria citropa preferred reaches with bedrock and boulder outcrops, although frogs used both rocky and vegetative substrates as perch sites, with tadpoles caught in both unconnected pools and backwaters. Crinia signifera tadpoles were mostly restricted to unconnected pools, with frogs generally only detected within or very close beside these. Habitat models varied in their predictive ability, from 67.5% for L. phyllochroa frogs to 92.7% for L. lesueuri tadpoles. Models developed from normally-distributed habitat variables by discriminant function analysis were generally more predictive than those from logistic regression analysis. The occurrence of frogs and tadpoles of L. phyllochroa, L. citropa and L. lesueuri can be predicted by the measurement of five habitat variables along a 50m reach: average width between the banks, average channel width, an average of the maximum depth of channel cross-sections along the reach, channel slope, and proportion of the stream length as pools. The occurrence of C. signifera along reaches can be predicted with the additional measurement of the proportion of the banks covered in ferns, the maximum cross-sectional channel depth along the reach, and the number of unconnected pools. Several different techniques for surveying frogs were compared for the four species commonly found along the streams. Probability of detection models were derived for each species for each technique, which allowed calculation of the statistical confidence of detecting a species that actually occurred at a site for any given number of surveys. For transect-based techniques, models were also developed which allowed determination of the minimum number of surveys required without detecting a species to be 95 percent statistically confident that the species did not occur there, for various transect lengths. This level of confidence can be obtained for the four common species by four surveys using the reliable night encounter technique along 500m stream transects, during the period from Ocotber to March, with air temperatures above 10°C. The application of habitat models to select favourable 50m reaches for survey also generally improved the detectability of each species. Timer-activated tape recorders, which automatically recorded the calls of frogs for many consecutive nights at a site, were very efficient at detecting all species except the quietcalling L. lesueuri. Night encounter surveys along stream transects detected all species from a reasonable effort, and dip-netting for tadpoles was also effective for most species. Active visual encounter surveys were less reliable, and day encounter surveys detected few frogs but provided some additional data when other activities were being performed along the streams. The findings of this study have important implications for future amphibian surveys and monitoring undertaken in East Gippsland and the south coast of New South Wales. If the standardised survey techniques recommended by this study are used in Environmental Impact Assessments, their results can be objectively assessed and defended. The use of habitat modelling and improvement in survey reliability can also be used more efficiently to find sites with populations suitable for monitoring. The likely amount of effort required by a long-term monitoring program can also be determined so as to largely overcome daily variations in the detection of each species.

The maritime strategy of China in the Asia-Pacific region

Huang, An-hao January 2009 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how and why a continental-oriented China has shifted its maritime strategic orientation and naval force structure from its coast toward the far seas in an era of interdependent international system. Generally, China is an ancient continental land power with an incomplete oceanic awareness. With the transformation after the Cold War of China’s grand strategy from landward security to seaward security, maritime security interests have gradually become the most essential part of China’s strategic rationale. Undoubtedly, the quest for sea power and sea rights has become Beijing’s main maritime strategic issue. Given China’s escalating maritime politico-economic-military leverage in the Asia-Pacific region, its desire to become a leading sea power embodying global strategic thinking means that it must expand its maritime strategy by developing its navy and preparing for armed confrontation in terms of international relations realism. Conversely, Beijing’s maritime policy leads at the same time towards globalization, which involves multilateralism and strategic coexistence of a more pragmatic kind. / This research analyses Chinese maritime strategy in the Asia-Pacific by asking: ‘Whither the Chinese maritime strategy in the ever changing Asia-Pacific security environment since the PRC was established in 1949?’ In general, contemporary China’s national security strategy is closely connected with its maritime strategy and with its comprehensive security plan for its economy, its energy supplies and its sovereignty. According to China’s view of its security environment, the traditional territorial scramble is changing from control of the land to the control of territorial waters, of maritime strategic resources, and of critical sea lanes. As a result, maritime economic competition has become a key focus for many nations. Given this, it is understandable that China’s maritime expansion from the coast to the high seas is part of its strategic approach. As a consequence, this study asks: ‘In order to shape a Sinocentric maritime security environment for China’s rising sea power, how has Beijing’s approach to maritime strategic expansion shifted from one of military antagonism toward one of strategic coexistence in the region.’ / In recent years, Beijing has, purposefully, changed its maritime strategic thinking from Maoist-style coastal defence activities to offshore defence and ultimately a far sea defence. Importantly, this strategic aspiration is clear in China’s recent national defence white papers. According to the 2004 Defence White Paper of China, Beijing clearly acknowledges a shift from China’s traditional land power to a maritime power and its priority apropos the building of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) for winning command of the high sea and for conducting strategic counter-strikes. Meanwhile, according to China’s 2006 Defence White Paper, Beijing clearly states that China’s security concerns energy, resources, finance, information and international shipping routes are mounting. To achieve a comprehensive maritime capacity, the PLAN’s mission is urgent. It is to extend China’s offshore capabilities and to increase its maritime strategic depth. In the recent 2008 Defence White Paper, Beijing emphasizes that struggles for strategic resources, strategic locations, and strategic dominance have intensified. This implies that the PLA has shifted the focus of ground force operations from regional defence toward trans-regional mobility. This infers that the direction of maritime strategy must shift from offshore defence to far sea defence / In a few words, maritime strategy is a grand-strategic opportunity, only littoral states are fortunate enough to have. China is one such state. With China’s politico-economic-military use of the sea growing in recent years, the natural expansion of its maritime strategic ambitions and long-range power projection capabilities have generated much concern. Regarding the maritime security dilemma in the Asia-Pacific, undeniably, the crux of the problem is whether an emerging maritime China can play the role of a responsible stakeholder there.

Dispersion of two dimensional coflowing jet in the intermediate field

Guo, Hong Wei, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
An analytical dispersion model has been derived to determine the distribution of velocities and concentrations of a tracer in a two-dimensional jet in a coflowing ambient fluid. The particular novelty of this model is that it bridges the gap between near-field (where initial momentum dominates behaviour) and far-field (where ambient turbulence is more important) domains. We describe this domain as the ???intermediate field???. In a literature review of coflowing jets we find several laboratory studies and models which can predict the velocities (and in some cases concentrations) in a 2D jet, however they all have shortcomings. None could fully account for ambient turbulence, and all were strictly near-field, i.e. they are unable to describe behaviour when ambient turbulence dominates the initial shear. A brief review of analytical far-field models was also undertaken. There are standard solutions for the dispersion of a 2D continuous source but none that allow for an initial source momentum or non-uniform velocity. As opposed to the near-field coflow approach used by other researchers we start from the far-field, modifying the simple diffusion models by perturbing the governing equations to allow for the initial momentum. Models are developed for both along-stream velocity and the concentration field of a tracer. From the velocity model, a comparison is made with experimental data available from one researcher (Wang, 1996) and an existing near-field coflow model PJCMERG (Davidson, 1989). The initial conditions (width and excess velocity) for our model are determined by Gaussian curve fitting to an arbitrary point in the near-field. The diffusivity parameter is used to adjust (tune) the model until the centreline velocity profile matches. We can always achieve this match and to a much closer degree than PJCMERG. There are no available laboratory or field data for concentrations of a tracer in a 2D coflowing jet although the near-field model PJCMERG does have a tracer component. We demonstrate how PJCMERG cannot converge to any far-field model, while our model provides a neat transition between the near-field and far-field. We have started the extension of the 2D model to the more common 3D situation although we have yet to carry out any comparisons with other models or data. The model development is included in an appendix for other researchers to pick up.

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