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Learning Land and Life: An Institutional Ethnography of Land Use Planning and Development in a Northern Ontario First NationGruner, Sheila 16 November 2012 (has links)
This study examines intricately related questions of consciousness and learning, textually-mediated social coordination, and human relationships within nature, anchored in the everyday life practices and concerns of a remote First Nation community in the Treaty 9 region. Through the use of Institutional Ethnography, community-based research and narrative methods, the research traces how the ruling relations of land use planning unfold within the contemporary period of neoliberal development in Northern Ontario. People’s everyday experiences and access to land in the Mushkego Inninowuk (Swampy Cree) community of Fort Albany for example, are shaped in ways that become oriented to provincial ruling relations, while people also reorient these relations on their own terms through the activities of a community research project and through historically advanced Indigenous ways of being. The study examines the coordinating effects of provincially-driven land use planning on communities and territories in Treaty 9, as people in local sites are coordinated to others elsewhere in a complex process that serves to produce the legislative process called Bill 191 or the Far North Act. Examining texts, ideology and dialectical historical materialist relations, the study is an involved inquiry into the text process itself and how it comes to be put together. The textually mediated and institutional forms of organizing social relations—effectively land relations—unfold with the involvement of people from specific sites and social locations whose work is coordinated, as it centres on environmental
protection and development in the region north of the 51st parallel. A critique of the textually mediated institutional process provides a rich site for exploring learning within the context of neoliberal capitalist relations and serves to illuminate ways in which people can better act to change the problematic relations that haunt settler-Indigenous history in the contemporary period. The work asks all people involved in the North how we can work to address historic injustices rooted in the relations and practices of accumulation and dispossession. The voices and modes of governance of Aboriginal people, obfuscated within the processes and relations of provincial planning, must be afforded the space and recognition to flourish on their own terms.
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The United States Military Assistance Advisory Group in French Indochina, 1950-1956Weber, Nathaniel R. 2010 December 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the American Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) sent to French Indochina, from 1950 to 1956, when the United States provided major monetary and material aid to the French in their war against the communist Viet Minh. MAAG observed French units in the field and monitored the flow of American materiel into the region. Relying upon primary research in the National Archives, the thesis departs from previous interpretations by showing that MAAG held generally positive assessments of France‟s performance in Indochina. The thesis also argues that MAAG personnel were more interested in getting material support to the French, than in how that material was used, to the point of making unrealistic assessments of French combat abilities. By connecting primary research with the greater history of Cold War American military assistance, the thesis contributes to the scholarship on American involvement in Vietnam.
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Conception d’antennes et méthode de caractérisation des systèmes RFID UHF en champ proche et en champ lointain / Antenna design and characterization method of near-field and far-field UHF RFID systemsSouza, Aline Coelho de 07 October 2015 (has links)
La technologie d'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) a eu un essor très important ces dernières années notamment grâce à sa configuration polyvalente et aux innombrables possibilités d'intégration offertes par cette technologie notamment avec l'apparition d'un nouveau contexte applicatif celui des objets connectés. Depuis quelques années, des applications de la RFID UHF en champ proche ont été notamment développées afin de surmonter les problèmes liés à la dégradation de lecture des tags lorsqu'ils sont placés dans des milieux fortement perturbateurs. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse s'intéressent à l'étude de la technologie RFID UHF en zones de champ proche et de champ lointain. Les études portent plus particulièrement sur la conception d'antennes lecteur et d'antennes tag ainsi que sur les méthodes de caractérisation des systèmes RFID en zones de champ proche et de champ lointain. Une étude sur les caractéristiques des champs rayonnées par une antenne est réalisée afin de souligner les critères les plus pertinents en vue de concevoir des antennes pour les lecteurs RFID, performantes en zone de champ proche. A partir de l'état de l'art sur les antennes tags et les méthodologies de conception classiques, une nouvelle approche de conception est développée qui vise à améliorer la conception d'antennes tags en intégrant une vision appropriée pour tenir compte du niveau de puissance espéré dans une application donnée. Enfin avec pour objectif la caractérisation des tags RFID UHF, d'une part une approche est proposée permettant l'identification de familles de tags, et d'autre part, une procédure innovante pour la mesure de l'efficacité du transfert de puissance est proposée et validée expérimentalement. / The Radiofrequency Identification technology (RFID) has had a huge growth these last years, due to its versatility and the uncountable possibilities to integrate this technology in many different application (tracking and inventory of goods, access control, supply chain, etc.), and in particular the brand new context of internet of things projects. For some years, the near field UHF RFID applications has been developed in order to overcome the problems related to degradations of tag's read range when needing to use it in a perturbing environment. The research work presented in this thesis come as a study of the UHF RFID in near field and far field zones. This study focus more particularly on the design of reader and tag antennas and on the characterization method in near field and far field zones. A study on the characteristics of fields outgoing from an antenna has been made, in order to underline the important criteria for the design of performant UHF RFID reader antennas in near field zone. From the state of art about tag antennas design and classical methodologies, we propose a new approach that aims improving the design of tag antennas in a more suitable point of view that is getting the expected power level in a given application. Finally, with an objective to characterize UHF RFID tags, we first propose a new approach enabling the identification of tag families, and then propose a new innovating power transfer efficiency measurement procedure, that has been validated experimentally.
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Lithic raw material usage in the archaic Northeast : debitage analysis of the Gaudreau Site, Weedon, QuebecPotter, Bethany 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of industrial wireless communications systems’ securitySoderi, S. (Simone) 07 June 2016 (has links)
The worldwide success of wireless communications was originally fueled by the possibility to replace existing cables with wireless solutions. This phenomenon imposed the development of security engineering as a multidisciplinary field. Although wireless solutions can reduce installation costs and allow introducing new services, the end–users expect it to have the same level of security as they would normally have with wired solutions. Secure communications is an important part of the overall security of industrial wireless communications systems (IWCS).
The aim of this thesis is to develop new security engineering methodologies for IWCS. The author develops countermeasures against confidentiality and integrity attacks and carries out a security analysis covering the protocol, electromagnetic and physical layer. In the first part of the thesis, Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is utilized to secure communication in an intra–vehicular network. Simulations and measurement campaigns are also conducted to evaluate the impact of the overhead on security in a tunnel, considering line–of–sight (LOS) and non–LOS (NLOS) scenarios.
Electromagnetic analysis (EMA) is an important step in the development of safety–related systems. Today, the increasing usage of smaller integrated circuit also increases the susceptibility to electromagnetic (EM) interference. From near–field (NF) to far–field (FF) transformation, a method for the evaluation of the emissions leakage is investigated. The virtual EM (VEM) interface of the device–under–test (DUT) is studied, and it is described how an adversary can exploit it for denial of service (DoS) attacks. An effective jamming attack model is studied, and the theoretical calculations are validated with experiment–based results.
Finally, focusing attention on physical layer security, two algorithms are developed. Active radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) implements the exchange of a public key during the setup of secure communication. Afterwards, utilizing a jamming receiver in conjunction with the spread spectrum (SS) watermarking technique, the watermark–based blind physical layer security (WBPLSec) protocol is presented. The analysis and results indicate how the WBPLSec seems to be a valuable technique for deploying physical layer security by creating a secure region around the receiver. / Tiivistelmä
Langattoman tietoliikenteen maailmanlaajuista suosiota kiihdytti alun perin mahdollisuus korvata tietoliikennejärjestelmissä käytetyt kaapelit langattomilla ratkaisuilla. Ilmiö lisäsi myös tarvetta kehittää alan turvatekniikkaa monialaisen tutkimuksen pohjalta. Vaikka langattomat ratkaisut merkitsevät pienempiä asennuskustannuksia ja tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia luoda uudenlaisia palveluja, järjestelmien loppukäyttäjät edellyttävät kuitenkin niiden turvallisuuden olevan vastaavalla tasolla kuin langallisissa verkoissa. Myös teollisuuden langattomien tietoliikennejärjestelmen turvallisuus riippuu pitkälti viestintäkanavien turvallisuudesta.
Väitöksen tavoitteena on kehittää uusia menetelmiä, joilla teollisuuden langattomat tietoliikennejärjestelmät voitaisiin turvata. Väitöksessä kehitetään toimenpiteitä tietoliikennejärjestelmien luottamuksellisuuteen ja koskemattomuuteen kohdistuvia hyökkäyksiä vastaan ja toteutetaan turvallisuusarviointi, joka kattaa järjestelmän protokollakerroksen sekä sähkömagneettisen ja fyysisen kerroksen. Väitöksen ensimmäisessä osassa hyödynnetään HIP–protokollaa (Host Identity Protocol) liikennevälineen sisäisen tietoliikennejärjestelmän turvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Lisäksi siinä kuvataan simulaatiot ja mittaushankkeet, joiden tavoitteena on arvioida käytetyn protokollan turvallisuusvaikutuksia esteettömän (line–of–sight, LOS) ja esteellisen (non–line–of–sight, NLOS) näköyhteyden tapauksissa.
Sähkömagneettinen analyysi on tärkeä vaihe turvajärjestelmien kehitysprosessissa. Järjestelmissä käytetään yhä enemmän pieniä integroituja piirejä, mikä voi myös altistaa ne sähkömagneettisille (electromagnetic, EM) häiriöille. Väitöksessä tutkitaan lähikenttä–kaukokenttä -muunnokseen perustuvan arviointimenetelmän avulla sähkömagneettisen vuotosäteilyn tasoa. Lisäksi perehdytään testattavan laitteen (device under test, DUT) virtuaaliseen EM–liitäntään ja kuvataan, miten vastaavaa liitäntää voidaan hyödyntää palvelunestohyökkäyksissä. Väitöksessä tutkitaan myös tehokasta häirintämallia ja validoidaan teoreettisten laskelmien tulokset kokeellisesti.
Lopuksi väitöksessä keskitytään tietoliikennejärjestelmän fyysisen kerroksen turvallisuuteen ja kehitetään kaksi algoritmia. Aktiivisen radiotaajuisen tunnistusmenetelmän avulla voidaan vaihtaa julkisia avaimia turvallista tietoliikenneyhteyttä muodostettaessa. Lisäksi esitellään vesileimausmenetelmään perustuva fyysisen kerroksen salausmenetelmä, WBPLSec. WBPLSec luo vastaanottimen ympärille suoja–alueen, minkä ansiosta se vaikuttaa analyysin ja tutkimustulosten perusteella olevan tehokas menetelmä toteuttaa fyysisen kerroksen suojaus.
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Fabriquer les peuples du Nord dans les films soviétiques : acteurs, pratiques et représentations / The Peoples of the North made in Soviet films : actors, practises and representationsDamiens, Caroline 02 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations des peuples autochtones du Nord forgées par les films et téléfilms soviétiques de fiction. Mobilisant plusieurs approches — l’analyse filmique, l’histoire culturelle du cinéma, l’histoire des représentations et l’histoire politique soviétique —, elle confronte les films à des sources non-films (presse, archives papier, entretiens), afin de mettre en lumière la construction d’une subjectivité et d’un regard. Il s’agit également de décortiquer la fabrication des représentations, dans ses dimensions à la fois les plus concrètes et les plus symboliques. En ce sens, la question de la participation ou de la non-participation des autochtones à la création de leur image filmique, que ce soit devant ou derrière la caméra, constitue une autre interrogation centrale. Les représentations filmiques des peuples du Nord, tiraillées en permanence entre visions du « progrès » et de l’« authenticité », opèrent à l’écran comme autant d’images qui permettent à l’Union soviétique d’évaluer sa propre perception de la modernité. Des années 1920 aux années 1980, les figures cinématographiques autochtones circulent entre deux pôles d’un continuum, qui va de l’incarnation d’une arriération à éliminer au nom de la soviétisation à celle d’une harmonie avec la nature, désormais perdue ou menacée. Par ailleurs, en prenant en compte la question de la contribution des autochtones à la création de leur propre image, cette thèse s’attache à montrer que le film constitue un espace complexe, où plusieurs lectures et usages sont possibles selon la position des participants. / This thesis focuses on the representations of indigenous peoples of the North in Soviet fiction films and made for TV movies. Mobilizing several approaches — film analysis, the cultural history of cinema, the history of representations and Soviet political history — it confronts films with non-film sources (press, paper archives, interviews) in order to highlight the construction of a subjective point of view. It also studies the production of these representations, in both its most concrete and symbolic dimensions. The issue of the participation or non-participation of indigenous peoples in the creation of their image on film, whether in front of or behind the camera, is another central question. The filmic representations of the peoples of the North, constantly torn between visions of “progress” and “authenticity,” operate on the screen as images that allowed the Soviet Union to evaluate its own perception of modernity. From the 1920s to the 1980s, images of indigenous people shifted along a spectrum ranging from the incarnation of backwardness to be eliminated in the name of Sovietization to the embodiment of harmony with nature, now lost or threatened. Moreover, taking into account the question of the contribution of the indigenous people to the creation of their own image, this thesis demonstrates that cinema became a complex space, where different readings and uses were possible according to the position of the participants.
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L'image de l'Orient dans des récits de voyage portugais du XVIème siècle : vers une nouvelle image mythique de l'Orient / The image of the East in Portuguese travel accounts of the 16th century : the birth of a new mythical image of the EastJésus, Stéphanie de 07 March 2014 (has links)
Les Grandes Découvertes portugaises furent une étape fondamentale dans la rencontre entre Occident et Orient. Bien que l'Orient ne fût pas un territoire totalement inconnu des Européens, la distance et les difficultés que rencontraient les voyageurs occidentaux qui se rendaient en Orient à l'époque médiévale, faisaient des informations qu'ils transmettaient des denrées presque aussi rares et précieuses que les épices ou les étoffes pour lesquelles ils empruntaient la fameuse route de la soie. Le succès retentissant qu'a connu le récit de l'illustre explorateur italien Marco Polo témoigne de l'intérêt que l'Orient suscitait à cette époque. Ce récit marqua les esprits et continua de distiller merveilles et mythes dans l'imaginaire européen jusqu'au début du XVI° siècle. Aussi avant le premier voyage de Vasco de Gama (1497-1498) et malgré les échanges commerciaux de la route de la soie, la connaissance de l'Orient restait très approximative, voire parfois fantaisiste. À la suite de la découverte du chemin maritime vers les Indes, la rencontre des Portugais avec l'Orient permit d'actualiser cette connaissance. Les voyageurs portugais offrirent aux Européens des récits qui rompirent avec la tradition livresque médiévale, en reportant des observations faites in loco et donc plus proches de la réalité orientale. Mais bien que ces voyageurs aient contribué à la démythification de certains mythes associés à l'Orient, l'image de l'Orient que leurs récits transmettaient à leur tour, continua d'être régie par les lois de l'imaginaire. Notre thèse porte sur l'image renaissante de l'Orient et constitue une étude des images et symboles qui furent associés à l'Orient dans cinq récits de voyages portugais du XVI°. Afin de dégager les permanences et les évolutions de cette image, nous nous intéresserons dans un premier temps à l'image de l'Orient de l’Antiquité au Moyen Age, à travers toutes les informations qui circulaient sur ce dernier, de la littérature latine aux récits de voyageurs tels que Marco Polo et Jean de Mandeville, en passant par les débuts de la cartographie. Puis nous nous intéresserons à l'image renaissante de l'Orient à travers l'étude d'un corpus de cinq récits de voyages portugais que nous considérons représentatifs des différents aspects de cette nouvelle vision mythique de l'Orient et qui sont les suivants: Peregrinação de Fernão Mendes Pinto, Algumas coisas sabidas da China de Galiote Pereira, Tratado das Coisas da China de Gaspar da Cruz, Verdadeira Informação das terras do Preste João das Índias de Francisco Álvares et le Livro do Oriente de Duarte Barbosa. / The Portuguese discoveries were an essential step in the meeting between the West and the East. Although the East wasn’t a land completely unknown by the Europeans, the distance and the difficulties that the western travellers who were going to the East during Middle Ages had to face with, made the informations they transmitted goods almost as rare and precious than the spices or fabrics for which they had taken the famous silk road. The significant success of the relation of the renowned Italian explorer Marco Polo demonstrates the interest that the East provoked in these times. This account left a deep impression and continued to spread marvels and myths in the European imagination until the early XVIth century. Before the first travel of Vasco da Gama (1497-1498) and despite the trade of the Silk Road, the knowledge of the East remained approximate, indeed sometimes fanciful. After the discovery of the sea route to the Indies, the meeting of the Portuguese with the East permitted to update this knowledge. The Portuguese travellers offered to the Europeans, accounts that broke with the medieval tradition, reporting observations made in loco and as a consequence closer to the eastern reality. But although these travellers contributed to the demystification of some myths linked to the East, the image of the East they transmitted continued to be ruled by the laws of imagination. Our tesis will talk about the Renaissance’s image of the East and constitute a study of the images and symbols that were associated to the East by five Portuguese travel accounts of the XVIth century. So as to determinate the permanences and the evolutions of this image, we will at first talk about the image of the East from Antiquity to Middle Ages. Then we will talk about the Renaissance’s image of the East by studying five Portuguese travel accounts that we consider representative of different aspects of this new mythical image of the East. This accounts being Peregrinação of Fernão Mendes Pinto, Algumas coisas sabidas da China of Galiote Pereira, the Tratado das Coisas da China of Gaspar da Cruz, the Verdadeira Informação das terras do Preste João das Índias of Francisco Álvares and the Livro do Oriente of Duarte Barbosa.
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Advances in Gas Chromatography and Vacuum UV Spectroscopy: Applications to Fire Debris Analysis & Drugs of AbuseZackery Ray Roberson (9708611) 07 January 2021 (has links)
In forensic chemistry, a quicker and more accurate analysis of a sample is always being pursued. Speedy analyses allow the analyst to provide quick turn-around times and potentially decrease back-logs that are known to be a problem in the field. Accurate analyses are paramount with the futures and lives of the accused potentially on the line. One of the most common methods of analysis in forensic chemistry laboratories is gas chromatography, chosen for the relative speed and efficiency afforded by this method. Two major routes were attempted to further improve on gas chromatography applications in forensic chemistry.<br> The first route was to decrease separation times for analysis of ignitable liquid residues by using micro-bore wall coated open-tubular columns. Micro-bore columns are much shorter and have higher separation efficiencies than the standard columns used in forensic chemistry, allowing for faster analysis times while maintaining the expected peak separation. Typical separation times for fire debris samples are between thirty minutes and one hour, the micro-bore columns were able to achieve equivalent performance in three minutes. The reduction in analysis time was demonstrated by analysis of ignitable liquid residues from simulated fire debris exemplars.<br> The second route looked at a relatively new detector for gas chromatography known as a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectrophotometer. The VUV detector uses traditional UV and far-ultraviolet light to probe the pi and sigma bonds of the gas phase analytes as well as Rydberg traditions to produce spectra that are nearly unique to a compound. Thus far, the only spectra that were not discernable were from enantiomers, otherwise even diastereomers have been differentiated. The specificity attained with the VUV detector has achieved differentiation of compounds that mass spectrometry, the most common detection method for chromatography in forensic chemistry labs, has difficulty distinguishing. This specificity has been demonstrated herein by analyzing various classes of drugs of abuse and applicability to “real world” samples has been demonstrated by analysis of de-identified seized samples.<br>
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Modelování rušení pro xDSL / Interference modelling for xDSLČermák, Josef January 2008 (has links)
This work is focused on the subject of the interference modelling for xDSL technologies. First, the xDSL technologies are explained. Following is the presentation and description of the different kinds of the xDSL technologies. The next part deals with the basic parameters of metallic cable lines – especially the primary and secondary parameters. Nowadays wider bandwidths are used for the achievement of higher data transmission rates. During a higher frequency signal transmission a more intensive line attenuation appears. To identify the transfer characteristics of the lines while using an xDSL system, mathematic models of transmission lines are applied. That is why these mathematic models are dealt with in the next chapter. At the end of this section the mathematic models are compared using the modular and phase characteristics. The main aim of the work is to describe the different impacts which influence the efficiency of the xDSL systems. First, the causes interfering from the inside of the cable are deeply explained: Near End Crosstalk (NEXT), Far End Crosstalk (FEXT), Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Following is the explanation of the external interfering impacts: Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Impulse Noise. The next goal of this thesis is a design of a workstation for the tests of spectral features and the efficiency of the xDSL systems. The work also presents a designed GUI application and its description. The GUI application is an instrument for the choice or data entry of the final interference. The last chapter describes a realization of a measurement and shows the measured characteristics which were recorded on the ADSL tester and oscilloscope.
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Měření směrových charakteristik antén / Measurement of the antenna directional patternDivín, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis is dealing with measuring antennas in far field. Especially with automation this measure, direction sensors made by optical mouse, Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection and remote unit this workplace, which can made communication with PC by USB. It describes the making control program for the PC.
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