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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A construção da carreira de reitoras: um olhar sobre as universidades federais

Campello, Gabriella Vasconcellos de Araujo 05 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:25:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriella Vasconcellos de Araujo Campello.pdf: 3110812 bytes, checksum: 7c12a2dd0598cfbb1bce139781eaf039 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-05 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The workplace environment in institutions of higher education has increasingly become more heterogeneous. For this reason, it is necessary to study the gender diversity of leadership positions in these institutions, which is a theme that has been rarely examined in the Brazilian literature. Women have made great gains in academia, but are still under-represented in university power and decision instances.The objective of this study is to understand the path women have taken in building their careers until reaching the rector position in Brazilian federal universities. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature and was developed in accordance with the assumptions of basic or generic qualitative studies. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with six female rectors in Brazilian federal universities.The use of a semi-structured script and the contents analysis procedure of the data gathered led to the study s main results. The results revealed the existence of a male gender role stereotype, which leads female rectors to adopt typical masculine behavior as a form of protection or in order to impose respect when they feel threatened. It was evident, nevertheless, that the adoption of masculine behavior does not exclude feminineness. These female rectors admit the existence of bias and discrimination against women and confirm the existence of a glass ceiling tied to the gender stereotype assigned to them. Another aspect covered by this study was the difficulty to conciliate multiple roles: mother, wife, housewife and professional, leading to a work/family conflict. It was observed that leadership attributes, both attitudinal and behavioral, the engagement in different academic projects and job positions, and the ability to undertake and promote changes, were crucial to gaining respect and credibility in a predominantly masculine environment. The results of this study show that, for a good performance in rector positions, attitudinal or behavioral aspects are as important, or even more important than the technical ones. / O ambiente de trabalho nas Instituições de Ensino Superior tem-se tornado cada vez mais heterogêneo. Por esta razão, é necessário o estudo da diversidade de gênero nos cargos de liderança dessas Instituições, tema pouco explorado na literatura brasileira. A mulher vem conquistando crescente espaço na academia, mas ainda é sub-representada nas instâncias de poder e decisão das universidades. O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender a trajetória percorrida por mulheres na construção de suas carreiras até alcançarem o cargo de reitoria nas universidades federais brasileiras. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza descritivo-exploratório, desenvolvida segundo as premissas do estudo qualitativo básico ou genérico. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com seis reitoras de universidades federais no Brasil. A utilização de um roteiro semiestruturado de questões e o procedimento de análise de conteúdo dos dados coletados conduziram aos principais resultados do estudo. Os resultados revelaram a existência do estereótipo do papel sexual masculino, que leva as reitoras a adotarem comportamentos típicos do homem como forma de proteção ou de imposição de respeito quando se sentem ameaçadas. Ficou evidente, contudo, que a adoção de comportamentos tidos como masculinos não exclui a feminilidade. As reitoras admitem a existência do preconceito e da discriminação contra as mulheres,e confirmam a existência do teto de vidro, ligado ao estereótipo de gênero atribuído a elas. Outro aspecto apontado por este estudo foi a dificuldade em conciliar múltiplos papéis: mãe, esposa, dona de casa e profissional levando ao conflito trabalho/família. Observou-se ainda que dentre os aspectos cruciais para obter reconhecimento e conquistar respeito e credibilidade em um ambiente predominantemente masculino, destacam-se os atributos de liderança, tanto atitudinais como comportamentais, o engajamento dessas mulheres com os diferentes cargos e projetos acadêmicos e a capacidade de empreender e promover mudanças. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, para o bom desempenho da função de reitora, os aspectos atitudinais ou comportamentais são tão ou mais importantes que os aspectos técnicos.

Ledarskap och genus : En studie som undersöker hur genus tar sig i uttryck i rekryteringsannonser / Leadership and gender : A study that examines how gender is expressed in recruitment ads

Hodzic, Elma, Randenius, Ebba, Schubertsson, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Sverige anses idag vara ett av det mest jämställda länderna i världen. Även om kvinnor idag besitter över 50 procent av chefspositionerna inom både landsting och kommun så besitts endast 38,2 procent av chefspositioner inom samtliga sektorer på arbetsmarknaden av kvinnor. Minst kvinnor i chefspositioner finns inom den privata sektorn. Detta trots att företagsledare säger sig vilja ha jämställda arbetsplatser och styrelser. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka om en bidragande faktor till den skeva könsfördelningen mellan män och kvinnor, i chefspositioner inom mansdominerade branscher, kan vara vad företagen uttrycker sig eftersöka för typ av egenskaper i sina rekryteringsannonser. Det finns tidigare forskning som visar att en kvinna inte är benägen att söka ett arbete där det i rekryteringsannonsen eftersökes stereotypiska manliga egenskaper. Vår studie utgår ifrån begreppen transaktionellt ledarskap och transformativt ledarskap. Transaktionellt ledarskap kopplas till typiskt manliga ledaregenskaper och transformativt ledarskap kopplas till typiskt kvinnliga ledaregenskaper. / Sweden is today considered to be one of the most equal countries in the world. Although women today hold over 50 percent of the management positions in Botha county councils and municipalities, only 38.2 percent of managerial positions in all sectors of the labor market are owned by women. The least amount of women in managerial positions are in the private sector. This is despite the fact that business leaders say they want equal workplaces and boards. The purpose of our study is to see if a contributing factor to the skewed gender distribution between men and women in managerial positions, in male-dominated industries, can be what the companies express themselves to search for the type of properties in their recruitment ads. There is previous research that shows that a woman is not inland to seek a job where in the recruitment advertisement, stereotypical male attributes are sought. Our study is based on the concepts of transactional leadership and transformative leadership. Transactional leadership is linked to typically male leadership qualities and transformative leadership is linked to typically female leadership qualities. This thesis is written in swedish.

Föreställningar om karriärhinder för kvinnor / Imaginations about barriers of the carrier for women

Forslund, Linda, Olovson, Jennifer January 2003 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Antalet kvinnliga chefer är betydligt fler än för tio år sedan, men de är alltjämt något av en minoritet i storföretagen. Förändringsarbetet går långsamt trots gedigna insatser från både näringslivet och akademin, och det är fortfarande ett fåtal kvinnor i toppen. Under en mycket kort tidsperiod har kvinnor varit med om en genomgripande förändring, vilket medfört att föreställningar, attityder och värderingar inte förändrats i samma takt vare sig hos kvinnorna själva eller i omgivningen. Det diskuteras huruvida de fördomar och den konservatism som råder såväl i samhället som i organisationer utgör ett hinder för kvinnor att nå högre positioner inom näringslivet. Det spekuleras huruvida det är männen som hindrar kvinnorna i karriären då de utgör en majoritet i organisationerna och därefter eftersträvar en fortsatt homogen miljö att agera i. </p><p>Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att studera de föreställningar om karriärhinder som idag finns, enligt kvinnor som besitter chefspositioner. </p><p>Genomförande: För att uppnå syftet med denna uppsats har vi utfört en kvalitativ studie där data samlats in genom intervjuer med mellan- och toppchefer. Totalt har fjorton kvinnor intervjuats. </p><p>Resultat: Resultatet av vår studie indikerar att det är på organisationsnivå de huvudsakliga föreställningarna om hinder existerar. Dagens konstruktion av företag medverkar till att kvinnliga chefer måste marknadsföra sig själva mer för att förändra den sociala konstruktionen av mest lämpade kandidater till att även gälla kvinnor. Vi kan se en tendens till att själva debatten kring föreställningar om hinder omedvetet påverkat respondenterna och frågan är om föreställningar om hinder i själva verket utgör ett hinder för kvinnor. Vi finner även antydningar på att kvinnor fortfarande omedvetet anpassar sig till den rådande kulturen för att bevisa sin kompetens samtidigt som kvinnor anammar det manliga beteendet både medvetet och omedvetet. Vi ser en trend där kvinnor i allt högre utsträckning intar chefsroller, vilka vi i vår analys omnämner som den Nytida karriärlivsformen. I den Nytida karriärlivsformen blir förhållandena mer och mer jämställda både i hushållet och i arbetslivet. Vi ser en tendens till att de traditionella föreställningarna vad gäller en kvinnas invanda mönster om att konstant anta huvudansvaret för hem och barn till viss del minskar, då de använder sig av hjälptjänster i hemmet. Föreställningarna om att mannen utgör ett hinder för kvinnan tenderar främst att relatera till organisationsnivå. Detta då mannen har byggt upp en manlig kultur och ett sätt att arbeta som passar en man. I många fall eftersträvar de att bevara denna homogena miljö att arbeta i. Vi anser att respondenterna i vissa fall anser att de har gjort medvetna val, men att de i själva verket följt det traditionella mönstret.</p> / <p>Background: The number of females in head positions are a lot greater today than ten years ago, but women are still a minority in the large companies. The change is slow despite contributions from the industrial life and the academy. During a very short period of time women have gone through a rapid change where the imaginations, attitudes and values haven’t changed at the same speed, nor with the women themselves or in the environment in which they act. There are discussions about whether the judgements and the conservatism in society and in organizations build barriers for women to reach higher positions. There are speculations that suggest men to stop the women because of their majority in organizations, which creates a homogeneous environment that they do not wish to change. </p><p>Purpose: Our purpose with this essay is to study the imaginations about barriers of the career that exist today according to women in head positions. </p><p>Realization: In order to fulfill the purpose with this essay we have performed a qualitative study where data has been collected through interviews with women in middle and top positions. In total fourteen women were interviewed. </p><p>Result: The result gained from our study indicates that the main barriers are to be found at an organizational level. The construction of today’s companies contributes to the females in leading positions to market themselves more to change the social construction and let the most suitable candidates involve women. We can see a tendency towards that the debate in it’s self affected women, and the question is if the imaginations of barriers in themselves are a barrier for women. We also see tendencies where women still are unaware of that they adjust themselves to the culture of today, to prove their competence. At the same time women are aware and unaware about themselves copying the behavior of men. We can see a trend where women at a greater extension have head positions. In our analysis we name these women the"New group". In this group the relationships between husband and wife are more equal both at home and at work. The tendency we can see is that imagination about the woman having the head responsibility for home and children to a certain degree decreases because of services in the home. The imaginations about the man being a barrier mainly tend to connect to the organizational level where men built a male culture and a way of working that connects to a man. In many cases men seek to keep this homogeneous environment to work in. We believe that ourrespondents in some cases believe they were aware of their choices but what they really did was to follow the traditional construction.</p>

Kvinnor och ledarskap i kooperativa företag – Kooperativa Förbundet

Foric, Damir January 2007 (has links)
<p>Trots att Sverige är ett av de mest jämställda länder i världen är kvinnor kraftigt underrepresenterade i toppositioner i näringslivet. Denna studie analyserar kvinnligt ledarskap inom kooperativa företag. Ledarskap är en process där avsikten är att en person påverkar andra genom sitt handlande oavsett om denne innehar en formell position eller inte. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och illustrera hur kvinnliga styrelseledamöter leder, genom att ge insikt i deras erfarenheter, familjesituation, karriär och deras funderingar kring kvinnligtledarskap. I undersökningen ingick fyra kvinnliga styrelseledamöter i KF. Undersökningen visar att kvinnliga ledare är starka, kompetenta, demokratiska ledare som leder genom kommunikation och samarbete. Det framkom också att kvinnorna ser familjen som potentiell hinder i karriären. Undersökningen visar att bästa vägen till en framgångsrik karriär är att: att skapa ett bra kontaktnät, att våga ta chanser när de kommer upp, att aktivt söka högre positioner och inte vänta på att bli erbjuden de högre tjänsterna, att skaffa en mentor och att lära sig säga nej och inte ta på sig för många arbetsuppgifter som kan leda till utbrändhet.</p> / <p>Despite the fact that Sweden is one of the most equal societies in the world, the women are still underrepresented in the top positions in Swedish business world. This study is about female leadership in cooperative businesses. Leadership is a process where the purpose is to influence others regardless if that person has a formal leadership position or not. The purpose of this study is to describe and exemplify how female leaders in cooperative companies lead by giving insight in their experiences, family situation, career and their opinions about female leadership. For the purpose of the study interviews are conducted with four female board members of The Swedish Cooperative Union. The study shows that female leaders are strong, competent, democratic leaders who lead through open communication and teamwork. Female leaders think that a family is seen as potential obstacle in their careers. The study has shown that the keys to a successful career are: good contacts, taking a chance, actively show willingness and desire to advance, get a mentor, learn to say no and not to risk burning out in the beginning of the career.</p>

Kvinnor som ledare i ett kooperativt företag / Women as leaders in a cooperative company

Sayas Cuaréz, Cristian, Stepanian, Talin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Föreställningar om karriärhinder för kvinnor / Imaginations about barriers of the carrier for women

Forslund, Linda, Olovson, Jennifer January 2003 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet kvinnliga chefer är betydligt fler än för tio år sedan, men de är alltjämt något av en minoritet i storföretagen. Förändringsarbetet går långsamt trots gedigna insatser från både näringslivet och akademin, och det är fortfarande ett fåtal kvinnor i toppen. Under en mycket kort tidsperiod har kvinnor varit med om en genomgripande förändring, vilket medfört att föreställningar, attityder och värderingar inte förändrats i samma takt vare sig hos kvinnorna själva eller i omgivningen. Det diskuteras huruvida de fördomar och den konservatism som råder såväl i samhället som i organisationer utgör ett hinder för kvinnor att nå högre positioner inom näringslivet. Det spekuleras huruvida det är männen som hindrar kvinnorna i karriären då de utgör en majoritet i organisationerna och därefter eftersträvar en fortsatt homogen miljö att agera i. Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att studera de föreställningar om karriärhinder som idag finns, enligt kvinnor som besitter chefspositioner. Genomförande: För att uppnå syftet med denna uppsats har vi utfört en kvalitativ studie där data samlats in genom intervjuer med mellan- och toppchefer. Totalt har fjorton kvinnor intervjuats. Resultat: Resultatet av vår studie indikerar att det är på organisationsnivå de huvudsakliga föreställningarna om hinder existerar. Dagens konstruktion av företag medverkar till att kvinnliga chefer måste marknadsföra sig själva mer för att förändra den sociala konstruktionen av mest lämpade kandidater till att även gälla kvinnor. Vi kan se en tendens till att själva debatten kring föreställningar om hinder omedvetet påverkat respondenterna och frågan är om föreställningar om hinder i själva verket utgör ett hinder för kvinnor. Vi finner även antydningar på att kvinnor fortfarande omedvetet anpassar sig till den rådande kulturen för att bevisa sin kompetens samtidigt som kvinnor anammar det manliga beteendet både medvetet och omedvetet. Vi ser en trend där kvinnor i allt högre utsträckning intar chefsroller, vilka vi i vår analys omnämner som den Nytida karriärlivsformen. I den Nytida karriärlivsformen blir förhållandena mer och mer jämställda både i hushållet och i arbetslivet. Vi ser en tendens till att de traditionella föreställningarna vad gäller en kvinnas invanda mönster om att konstant anta huvudansvaret för hem och barn till viss del minskar, då de använder sig av hjälptjänster i hemmet. Föreställningarna om att mannen utgör ett hinder för kvinnan tenderar främst att relatera till organisationsnivå. Detta då mannen har byggt upp en manlig kultur och ett sätt att arbeta som passar en man. I många fall eftersträvar de att bevara denna homogena miljö att arbeta i. Vi anser att respondenterna i vissa fall anser att de har gjort medvetna val, men att de i själva verket följt det traditionella mönstret. / Background: The number of females in head positions are a lot greater today than ten years ago, but women are still a minority in the large companies. The change is slow despite contributions from the industrial life and the academy. During a very short period of time women have gone through a rapid change where the imaginations, attitudes and values haven’t changed at the same speed, nor with the women themselves or in the environment in which they act. There are discussions about whether the judgements and the conservatism in society and in organizations build barriers for women to reach higher positions. There are speculations that suggest men to stop the women because of their majority in organizations, which creates a homogeneous environment that they do not wish to change. Purpose: Our purpose with this essay is to study the imaginations about barriers of the career that exist today according to women in head positions. Realization: In order to fulfill the purpose with this essay we have performed a qualitative study where data has been collected through interviews with women in middle and top positions. In total fourteen women were interviewed. Result: The result gained from our study indicates that the main barriers are to be found at an organizational level. The construction of today’s companies contributes to the females in leading positions to market themselves more to change the social construction and let the most suitable candidates involve women. We can see a tendency towards that the debate in it’s self affected women, and the question is if the imaginations of barriers in themselves are a barrier for women. We also see tendencies where women still are unaware of that they adjust themselves to the culture of today, to prove their competence. At the same time women are aware and unaware about themselves copying the behavior of men. We can see a trend where women at a greater extension have head positions. In our analysis we name these women the"New group". In this group the relationships between husband and wife are more equal both at home and at work. The tendency we can see is that imagination about the woman having the head responsibility for home and children to a certain degree decreases because of services in the home. The imaginations about the man being a barrier mainly tend to connect to the organizational level where men built a male culture and a way of working that connects to a man. In many cases men seek to keep this homogeneous environment to work in. We believe that ourrespondents in some cases believe they were aware of their choices but what they really did was to follow the traditional construction.

Kvinnor som ledare i ett kooperativt företag / Women as leaders in a cooperative company

Sayas Cuaréz, Cristian, Stepanian, Talin January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnor och ledarskap i kooperativa företag – Kooperativa Förbundet

Foric, Damir January 2007 (has links)
Trots att Sverige är ett av de mest jämställda länder i världen är kvinnor kraftigt underrepresenterade i toppositioner i näringslivet. Denna studie analyserar kvinnligt ledarskap inom kooperativa företag. Ledarskap är en process där avsikten är att en person påverkar andra genom sitt handlande oavsett om denne innehar en formell position eller inte. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och illustrera hur kvinnliga styrelseledamöter leder, genom att ge insikt i deras erfarenheter, familjesituation, karriär och deras funderingar kring kvinnligtledarskap. I undersökningen ingick fyra kvinnliga styrelseledamöter i KF. Undersökningen visar att kvinnliga ledare är starka, kompetenta, demokratiska ledare som leder genom kommunikation och samarbete. Det framkom också att kvinnorna ser familjen som potentiell hinder i karriären. Undersökningen visar att bästa vägen till en framgångsrik karriär är att: att skapa ett bra kontaktnät, att våga ta chanser när de kommer upp, att aktivt söka högre positioner och inte vänta på att bli erbjuden de högre tjänsterna, att skaffa en mentor och att lära sig säga nej och inte ta på sig för många arbetsuppgifter som kan leda till utbrändhet. / Despite the fact that Sweden is one of the most equal societies in the world, the women are still underrepresented in the top positions in Swedish business world. This study is about female leadership in cooperative businesses. Leadership is a process where the purpose is to influence others regardless if that person has a formal leadership position or not. The purpose of this study is to describe and exemplify how female leaders in cooperative companies lead by giving insight in their experiences, family situation, career and their opinions about female leadership. For the purpose of the study interviews are conducted with four female board members of The Swedish Cooperative Union. The study shows that female leaders are strong, competent, democratic leaders who lead through open communication and teamwork. Female leaders think that a family is seen as potential obstacle in their careers. The study has shown that the keys to a successful career are: good contacts, taking a chance, actively show willingness and desire to advance, get a mentor, learn to say no and not to risk burning out in the beginning of the career.

Impact of Indigenous Culture on women leadership in Pakistan : How does indigenous culture of Pakistan restricts career progress and leadership abilities of females of Pakistan

Manzoor, Shafta January 2015 (has links)
“Although the subject of female leadership is very well documented at an international level, Pakistan still lacks enough research in this area. This scarcity of research gives rise to a commonly held belief that gender equality has been achieved in Pakistan which hides the gender stereotypes and discrimination practices still prevailing in the country.” “Digging into the experiences of thirty working women, this study examined the effect indigenous culture of Pakistan has in shaping their life experiences as well as career success. The study followed a qualitative research approach with phenomenological theoretical framework. Fifteen females were interviewed from urban areas and fifteen from rural areas to draw a holistic picture of indigenous culture of Pakistan and its effect on career success of females.” “Female participants of this study were interviewed on skype and the data gathered through these interviews was analysed using grounded theory approach. Interviews were taken in Urdu and transcriptions were prepared in English to conduct analysis for this study. Seven categories were initially developed through open coding, followed by three clusters through axial coding an lastly the study created a theoretical framework through selective coding. Findings of the study indicate that indigenous culture strongly effects the career success of working women in Pakistan. Based on thematic analysis, the study concludes that indigenous culture of Pakistan puts taboos on females in the form of family bevahior, expectations and the structurally enforced inferior status of females which effects their leadership skills negatively and restricts their career growth.” “Indigenous culture of Pakistan creates mobility issues for women which restricts the possibility to join better jobs at other places instead of their home town and it also effects expansion of entrepreneurial ventures by restricting females to their home towns. Apart from social mobility, culture restricts the decision making power of females which effects their self-recognition and vision development and other skills necessary to become a better leader. Females also face difficulty managing work and family life because of the uneven domestic work burden on females and the concept that woman is the caretaker of house no matter how tough her job gets. Single females don’t face the problem of managing house work and family life however they face issues such as social immobility, preference of male colleagues over them because of their perceived short work life, lack of decision making power and lack of self-confidence.” “The participants were of the view that despite of all the challenges brought by culture, they are still struggling for their career and fighting against the taboos put by culture.” “Respondents of this study agreed that their family support is most important factor for them to stand against the cultural taboos and pursue their dreams. Therefore, this study concludes that there is a strong need to change the mind-set prevailing in these societies that female is a creature who has to be agreeable and caretaker of family and who is responsible for saving relationships. Although efforts have been done to give women equal rights in Pakistan, these efforts will become more meaningful if general perception of society about women and their role starts to change which will require awareness programmes and cooperation from academic institutions and policy makers.” Page 4 of 97 Impact of Indigenous culture on Female Leadership in Pakistan “This study recommends a future research on the perception of males about female colleagues working with them in order to examine if males of countries like Pakistan are ready to accept female leaders. As this study was conducted on females only, for future it is recommended to examine the mind set of males of the society to draw a comparison between situation of females and impact of males mind set on this situation.”


程怡禎, Cheng, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法以及次級資料分析法,探討美商資訊業台灣分公司女性最高領導人現象,以及他們的領導風格在運用轉換型領導四構面時之情形。 本研究透過與這幾位女性領導者或是其直屬部屬的直接訪談,深入了解女性領導者之領導特質與領導風格,並從女性領導人的言語之間,獲得其思想意涵及生命經驗的陳述。 本研究發現可歸納為下列三點: 1. 在美商資訊業分公司女性領導人之共同特質及背景方面:由四個個案的背景可歸納出,學經歷等專業技術背景,並非外商公司挑選領導者的重要考量,擁有外商分公司的運作經驗,掌握分公司運作的文化,為分公司賺取高額業績及利潤,才是能獲得全球營運總部青睞的領導人選。 2. 領導風格方面:本研究將美商資訊業台灣分公司女性領導人之領導風格以Bass & Avolio(1993)的轉型領導理論四構面來進行分析: (一) 在「魅力或理想化影響」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者,都擁有極佳的溝通能力,她們透過溝通的方式來影響員工,取得員工的信任,並主動接納來自員工的意見,積極營造組織內部互動的氛圍,減少層級間的隔閡,欲塑造一種「平民式的魅力」。 (二) 在「激發鼓舞」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者強調目標的明確性,並願意提出優渥資源,作為獎勵,在總公司設計,較輕鬆且人性化的員工活動中,表揚這些達成甚至超越目標的優秀員工,如同母親對小孩一般,或擁抱、或口頭讚賞的方式,營造家庭和諧氣氛,讓被讚賞的員工獲得鼓舞,並激發其他員工見賢思齊。 (三) 在「智識啟發」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者展現的類型為「存在導向」與「理想導向」。關心安全、信任與團隊合作的提昇,並願意融合多方知識及多元看法,為企業經營激發創意。 (四) 在「個別化關懷」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者表現較多在「發展取向」與「個別化取向」。領導者願意栽培部屬,開發部屬潛能,並給予更具挑戰性的工作。同時也願意與部屬培養互信情誼,重視與員工的互動,建立一對一的關係。 3. 最後,本研究結合受訪者的觀點以及次級資料,認為這幾位女性領導人,在20世紀末同時站上美商資訊業分公司最高領導者的位置主要是因為台灣社會對於女性領導人的接納、美商企業兩性平等的文化、女性善於溝通勇於表現的特質,符合美商企業文化、以及女性積極經營人際關係的特質,滿足美商資訊業台灣分公司領導人,需與國際採購及協力廠商充分配合的角色。 然而,女性領導在台灣本土企業卻無法普遍,本研究也探討出其限制包括:工作環境的壓抑、女性在職場中的角色仍未被充分認識、女性的自我設限。 展望未來,由於女性典範已建立、女性自我期許提升、企業注重女性福利及成長等因素,台灣女性領導者在台灣將越來越普遍並被接納。 / This research applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and second-handed data analysis to study the situation of woman leadership in Taiwan Branch of American IT Company in the end of 20th century. And analyst their leader style by the 4 scopes of transformation theory. The research findings can be concluded to 3 points. 1. According to the 4 cases, we can find that the real experience of foreign business, understanding of business culture, and earning revenue and profit are the key concerns when choosing the leader in the branch of American company. 2. According to the Bass & Avolio’s (1993) transformation theory, we can find that the female leadership in Taiwan Branch of American IT Company: A. In the scope of “Charisma or idealized influence”, they all have excellent communication skills; they can influence their employees through communication, and gain the trust from employees. They accept the opinion from employees and actively build the atmosphere of fully interaction. B. In the scope of “Inspirational motivation”, they all emphasize on the clear objective and would like to offer premium or even surprise as motivation. They praise the employees who performed well or even beyond expectation in the casual, public occasion. With hug like mother to her children or orally praise, they can build the harmonious and motivate other employees to act as these models. C. In the scope of “Intellectual stimulation”, these female leaders act as existentially oriented intellectual stimulation and idealistically oriented intellectual stimulation. They concerned about the upgrade of safe, trust, and team spirit, and would like to blend the knowledge and thinking from different aspects. D. In the scope of “Individual Consideration”, they performed in the way of “develop orientation” and “individual orientation”. They would like to develop their employees and give those potential employees challenging mission. They also would like to build the trust with their employees, interact with them and have one by one relationship. 3. Last but not least, the research also combined the interviewees’ opinions and second-handed data, concluded that these female leaders can all attend this position right in the end of 20th century are mainly from the following reasons: The acceptance of this society, the culture of the American entrepreneur, the characteristic of the female which include good at communication, willing to perform themselves, and aggressively improve their relationship, which can satisfy the role of leader in Taiwan branch- need to be the bridge of headquarter and the supplier in Taiwan. However, female leadership is not common in local company in Taiwan. This research also finds the limitation comes from: the constrain of the work environment, the unknown of the role of female in working place, and the limit from female themselves. Seizing the future, due to the role model of female leader has been set, the self-expectation of female has been upgraded, and the entrepreneur put more and more effort on the female welfare and growth, the female leadership will be more popular and accepted.

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