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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Kun työrauha horjuu:kotitalousopettajien käsityksiä työrauhahäiriöistä ja niiden taustatekijöistä

Belt, A. (Aino) 19 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Working peace is a basic requirement for teaching and learning, yet it provides constant challenge for teachers. Although working peace and working peace disturbances at school are well known phenomena, there is little specific knowledge of working peace in home economics, despite home economics differing from the other subjects of comprehensive school upper classes. Furthermore, where knowledge does exist, it seldom appears to be fully exploited. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of working peace disturbances within home economics. By examining home economics teachers’ perceptions of working peace, this doctoral dissertation aims to clarify how working peace disturbances are seen by those who are in the key position to solve them. The topic is approached by using phenomenography that enables clarification of variations in individual views. Consequently, the everyday thinking within the target group becomes visible. The data for this study were collected by interviewing 14 home economics teachers in Northern Finland. The interview themes followed three viewpoints derived from scientific literature: how to define working peace disturbances, what are seen as factors behind working peace disturbances, and how to intervene in these disturbances. Based on the findings of this study, home economics teachers’ perceptions of working peace can be condensed into four categories of perception representing an expanding awareness of working peace disturbances. Working peace disturbances can be seen either as an unavoidable nuisance, as a result of deficient resources, as a matter of atmosphere, or as a teaching task. Seeing working peace disturbances as unavoidable does not give constructive options to influence working peace. Focusing on deficiencies in physical learning environments gives useful knowledge for those allocating school resources but does not help with everyday working peace disturbances. On the other hand, seeing working peace disturbances as questions of atmosphere or as teaching tasks shifts the focus to issues that teachers can influence. The teacher can aim to improve classroom atmosphere or teach proper code of conduct, potentially resulting in better working peace. A teacher’s experience of their personal abilities to influence working peace disturbances is a crucial part of the teacher’s well-being and resilience at work. / Tiivistelmä Työrauha on opetuksen ja oppimisen perusedellytys, ja sen turvaaminen tuottaa jatkuvasti haasteita opettajille. Työrauha ja työrauhahäiriöt ovat ilmiöinä hyvin tunnettuja, mutta kotitaloustuntien työrauhasta on niukasti täsmätietoa, vaikka kotitalous oppiaineena poikkeaa muista yläkoulun oppiaineista. Toisaalta työrauhahäiriöistä olemassa olevakin tutkimustieto vaikuttaa puutteellisesti hyödynnetyltä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä kotitaloustuntien työrauhahäiriöistä. Selvittämällä kotitalousopettajien omia käsityksiä työrauhahäiriöistä saadaan esiin se, millaisina työrauhahäiriöt näyttäytyvät häiriötilanteiden ratkaisujen avainhenkilöille. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on fenomenografinen. Fenomenografia tuo näkyviin laadullisesti erilaiset, määrällisesti pienetkin erot kohdejoukon arkiajattelussa. Tutkimusaineisto on koottu haastattelemalla 14 pohjoissuomalaista kotitalousopettajaa. Teemahaastattelujen teemoina olivat seuraavat kolme tieteellisestä kirjallisuudesta johdettua näkökulmaa työrauhahäiriöihin: mitä pidetään työrauhahäiriönä, mitä nähdään työrauhahäiriön taustalla selittävinä tekijöinä ja miten työrauhahäiriöön puututaan. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalousopettajien käsitykset työrauhahäiriöistä kiteytyvät neljään laajuudeltaan erilaiseen käsitystapaan. Työrauhahäiriöt voidaan nähdä joko pakollisena riesana, ulkoisten puitteiden puutteina, ilmapiirikysymyksenä tai opetustehtävänä. Käsitystavat kuvastavat työrauhahäiriöitä koskevan tietoisuuden laajenemista pakollisesta riesasta ulkoisten puitteiden kautta ilmapiirikysymykseksi ja opetustehtäväksi. Kaksi viimeistä käsitystapaa ovat laajuudeltaan samantasoisia. Työrauhahäiriöiden näkeminen pakollisena riesana ei anna rakentavia mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa työrauhaan. Opettajan keskittyminen ulkoisten puitteiden vajavaisuuksiin kertoo opetusjärjestelyjen ja fyysisen oppimisympäristön keskeisyydestä kotitalousopetuksessa. Tällainen tieto on tarpeellinen koulujen resursseista päättäville, mutta ei auta arjen työrauhahäiriötilanteissa. Työrauhahäiriöiden kokeminen ilmapiirikysymykseksi tai opetustehtäväksi suuntaa huomion sellaisiin tekijöihin, joihin opettaja voi itse vaikuttaa. Opettajan kokemus omasta kyvykkyydestä työrauhan ylläpitämisessä on keskeinen osa opettajan työhyvinvointia ja työssäjaksamista.


16 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Em uma sociedade em profunda e constante transformação, onde a quantidade de informação disponível é cada vez maior, tem-se por consequência um expressivo aumento no grau da complexidade do ensino em geral, sobretudo no nível superior. Para melhor lidar com estas questões é cada vez mais exigido do docente que desenvolva competências necessárias à boa execução da atividade docente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo explorar, analisar e compreender a experiência e percepção dos envolvidos neste fenômeno, estando os sujeitos em análise inseridos na entrega de conteúdo didático em sala de aula na instituição em questão. Buscou-se averiguar a existência de um conjunto de competências, valores e habilidades docentes, presentes nos docentes que operavam neste entorno. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e fenomenográfica. O discurso dos sujeitos foi então analisado e categorizado de acordo com as descrições da literatura sobre competências. Como principal resultado, foi possível estabelecer um conjunto de competências consideradas como mais importantes pelos docentes e dirigentes da instituição de ensino em análise e entender que competências docentes não estavam estruturadas seguindo um modelo definido, ainda que os docentes fossem avaliados antes de ingressarem na instituição. / [en] In a society in deep and constant change, where the amount of information available is increasing, as a result it is visible a significant increase in the degree of complexity of teaching in general, especially on the higher education level. To better deal with those issues is increasingly required of teachers to develop competences related with successful execution of his duties. This study aimed to explore, analyze and understand the experience and perception of those involved in this phenomenon, with the subjects under discussion inserted in the delivery of educational content in at the institution in question. It was sought to examine the existence of a set of competences, values and skills, present in people working in this environment. It was conducted a qualitative study of phenomenological inspiration. The speech of the subjects was then analyzed and categorized according to the descriptions of the literature about competences. As main result, it was possible to establish a set of teaching competences considered as most important ones by teachers and board of directors of this institution and understand that teaching competences were not organized under a defined model, although teachers were evaluated before working on this institution.


30 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] As organizações vêm passando por significativas transformações impulsionadas pela tecnologia, e que impactam mercados, sociedade e, particularmente, as profissões. (FARAJ et al., 2018). As High Growth Firms, fundos de investimento e aceleradoras se tornaram importantes vetores de capital e empregos (ISENBERG, 2013; IBGE, 2017). O sucesso neste chamado ecossistema de inovação e novos negócios é medido principalmente pela velocidade de crescimento das empresas, pela capacidade de antecipar produtos e processos, e pela rapidez com que dominam novos mercados (JOHNSON e LAFLEY, 2010; SALVATO e RERUP, 2018). São características que influenciam as noções temporais dos atores organizacionais, afetando suas percepções sobre competência e as expectativas dos tempos de execução e resposta (D ADDERIO et al, 2019; ORLIKOWSKI, e SCOTT, 2016). O presente estudo parte da experiência dos profissionais deste ecossistema para, à luz de uma abordagem fenomenográfica e processual (LANGLEY e TSOUKAS, 2010), compreender como a competência no uso do tempo é percebida nas rotinas organizacionais pressionadas por inovação e crescimento. Identificaram-se três maneiras por meio das quais o fenômeno é concebido por quem o vivencia: Otimizar atividades; Realizar objetivos; e Explorar possibilidades. No espaço de resultado foram identificadas ainda seis dimensões que estruturam e distinguem as concepções: Horizonte da atenção, Artefatos de estruturação temporal, Norteador da competência, Objetivos organizacionais priorizados, Nível da Competência, e Foco temporal. Os achados sugerem que inovação e crescimento influenciam de modos distintos a concepção de competência no uso do tempo. A partir deles, propôs-se um modelo teórico sobre a relação entre temporalidades, artefatos e sensemaking na geração de ciclos de aprendizagem generativa. Acrescenta-se ainda que a fenomenografia foi considerada como alternativa propícia para discutir as teorias atuais sobre temporalidade nas organizações. / [en] Organizations have been going through significant changes driven by technology, impacting markets, society and, particularly, professions. (FARAJ et al., 2018). High Growth Firms, investment funds and accelerators have become important vectors of capital and jobs (ISENBERG, 2013; IBGE, 2017). Success in this so-called innovation and new businesses ecosystem is mainly measured by the speed of growth, the ability to anticipate products and processes, and the velocity to dominate new markets (JOHNSON and LAFLEY, 2010; SALVATO and RERUP, 2018). These are characteristics that influence the temporal notions of organizational actors, affecting their perceptions of competence and expectations response times (D ADDERIO et al, 2019; ORLIKOWSKI and SCOTT, 2016). This study draws from the experience of professionals in this ecosystem to, in the light of a phenomenographic and process approach (LANGLEY and TSOUKAS, 2010), understand how competence in the use of time is perceived in organizational routines pressured by innovation and growth. Three ways in which the phenomenon is conceived by those who experience it were identified: Optimizing activities; Accomplishing goals; and Exploring possibilities. In the outcome space, six dimensions that structure and distinguish the conceptions were identified.: horizon of the attention, temporal artifacts, competence reference, prioritized organizational objectives, level of competence, and temporal focus. The findings suggest that innovation and growth influence the concept of competence in the use of time in different ways. From them, a theoretical model on the relationship between temporalities, artifacts and sensemaking in the generation of generative learning cycles was proposed. It is also added that phenomenography was considered as a suitable alternative to discuss current theories about temporality in organizations.

Concepções de empreender e o desenvolvimento da competência empreendedora: um estudo à luz da fenomenografia

Amaro, Rubens de Araújo 20 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rubens de Araujo Amaro.pdf: 1348722 bytes, checksum: 12b080e8bccba20a651d20c7fd52ff89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie / The central objective of this study is to analyze how different conceptions of enterprise influence the development of the enterprising competency, taking as a reference the phenomenographic assumption that a single phenomenon is experienced in different ways by individuals. Generally, studies in this field treat competency as a set of attributes held by individuals and activated in real situations to resolve problems and take opportunities. They are based on a realist ontology, where subject and object are considered separate entities, and on an objectist epistemology, which presupposes that there is an objective meaning to all dimensions of the social world, waiting to be discovered by researchers. As a result, a set of individuals attributes that are independent of context are identified. These studies do not take into consideration the influence of the meanings that individuals attribute to their activities when developing their competency for enterprising. This gap is filled by this research, which is based on the idea that the different conceptions entrepreneurs have of their activities both form and organize the attributes put into play when these activities are performed. For this purpose, qualitative research using a methodology that is little known in organizational studies, phenomenography, was conducted. The main authors of this investigation approach are Ference Marton, Roger Säljö and John Bowden in the education area, and Gloria Dall Alba and Jörgen Sandberg in the competency area. This research was performed with twelve young entrepreneurs who participated in a pre-incubation program at a university located in the state of São Paulo. The data was collected based on two rounds of phenomenographic interviews held at the start and end of the program. Minutes from meetings between the students and the program advisors and with consultants from the junior company connected with the university were also used. The data was analyzed using phenomenographic techniques and the results point to the existence of three different ways of conceiving of enterprise within the group: (1) As an extension of a profession; (2) As an economic activity; (3) As an economic activity with a social impact. The evidence shows that these ways of experiencing enterprise lead to different strategies for learning and competency development. The evidence also shows that the individuals who had the deeper conceptions (2 and 3) developed their competency on more complex levels and obtained more success on the program, having their business projects evaluated and being invited to the incubation stage. After they participated in the program, their conceptions remained the same, which shows that learning occurred within the conception the individuals already possessed when they entered the program. This evidence helps to look at competency development in a new light. In order to develop professional competency it is necessary to go beyond the transmission of content required for good professional performance. It is fundamental to promote interventions that transform the conceptions individuals have of their activities. Individuals with deeper conceptions develop competencies on deeper levels. / O objetivo central desse estudo é analisar como as diferentes concepções de empreender influenciam o desenvolvimento da competência empreendedora, tomando-se como referência o pressuposto fenomenográfico de que um mesmo fenômeno é experienciado de diferentes maneiras pelos indivíduos. Em geral, os estudos nesse campo tratam a competência como um conjunto de atributos detidos pelos indivíduos e que são mobilizados em situações reais para solucionar problemas e aproveitar oportunidades. Partem de uma ontologia realista, em que sujeito e objeto são considerados entidades separadas, e de uma epistemologia objetista, que pressupõe haver um significado objetivo em todas as dimensões do mundo social à espera da descoberta pelos pesquisadores. Como resultado, identifica-se um conjunto de atributos individuais independentes do contexto. Esses estudos não levam em consideração a influência dos significados que os indivíduos atribuem às suas atividades no desenvolvimento de sua competência para empreender. Essa lacuna é preenchida por essa pesquisa, que toma como ponto de partida que as diferentes concepções que os empreendedores possuem de suas atividades tanto formam quanto organizam os atributos colocados em jogo para desempenhá-las. Para atingir esse propósito, foi conduzida uma pesquisa qualitativa utilizando uma metodologia pouco conhecida nos estudos organizacionais, a fenomenografia. Essa abordagem de investigação tem como principais autores Ference Marton, Roger Säljö e John Bowden na área de educação, e Gloria Dall Alba e Jörgen Sandberg na área da competência. Essa pesquisa foi realizada com doze jovens empreendedores participantes do programa de pré-incubação de uma universidade situada no Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados a partir de duas rodadas de entrevistas fenomenográficas realizadas no início e no final do programa. Foram utilizadas também as atas de reuniões desses jovens com os orientadores do programa e com consultores da empresa júnior ligada à universidade. Esses dados foram analisados utilizando-se técnicas fenomenográficas e os resultados apontam para a existência de três maneiras diferentes de conceber o empreender dentro do grupo: (1) Como uma extensão da profissão; (2) Como uma atividade econômica; (3) Como uma atividade econômica de impacto social. As evidências mostram que essas maneiras de experienciar o empreender dão forma a diferentes estratégias de aprendizagem e de desenvolvimento da competência. As evidências também mostram que os indivíduos que partilham das concepções mais profundas (2 e 3) desenvolveram sua competência em níveis mais complexos e obtiveram mais sucesso no programa, tendo seus projetos de negócio avaliados e convidados para a etapa de incubação. Após a participação no programa, as concepções permaneceram as mesmas, o que mostra que a aprendizagem se deu dentro da concepção que os indivíduos já possuíam quando entraram no programa. Essas evidências ajudam a lançar um novo olhar sobre o desenvolvimento de competências. Para desenvolver a competência profissional é preciso ir além da transmissão de conteúdos necessários ao bom desempenho profissional. É fundamental promover intervenções que transformem as concepções que os indivíduos possuem de suas atividades. Indivíduos com concepções mais profundas desenvolvem competências em níveis mais complexos.

Huumevalistus ja sen muunnelmat:opettajien käsityksiä ehkäisevään huumetyöhön suuntautuneesta koulukasvatuksesta ja opetuksesta

Mäkitalo, O. (Outi) 02 December 2008 (has links)
Abstract The objectives of this study are to describe and analyse upper secondary school teachers’ views on education and teaching directed at drug use prevention. The aims of the study are to identify the different ways in which teachers perceive drug prevention in upper secondary school education, as well as to examine different meanings given to different perceptions and the variation of such perceptions in order to give a holistic view on the phenomenon. Drug prevention and the related teaching and education were approached by analysing the teachers’ common understanding on intoxicants, drugs in particular, and their methods of drug use prevention. The approach chosen was the phenomenographic method. Teachers’ views and their characteristics were compiled into clearly separated categories. The data were collected by interviewing the same teachers twice. The interview started with selected key questions and was thus semi-structured in nature. The objective of the interview was to give the teachers an opportunity to present their own views on their own lifeworld. The analysis of empirical data focussed on the variation in the ways teachers experience drug prevention. The teachers’ views were studied by means of direct and indirect intentionality, and the critical aspects of their view as well as the knowledge contained in them were examined. The study includes descriptions on the teachers’ knowledge on the issue and content of their drug prevention methods collected by means of ‘what’ questions. ‘How’ questions were used to obtain information on their actions and behaviour as teachers and educators. The study is based on the variation theory in the context of upper secondary school. The study creates several concept categories and explicitly describes their meanings. The meanings related to the critical aspects of different concept categories on drug prevention teaching and education open new horizons and provide teachers with tools for comparing different concepts and creating new links to the world. The study created tools for changing one’s opinions and extending one’s horizons, which in turn permits qualitative changes in one’s perceptions. The tools can be used and finalised in practical drug use prevention teaching and education. The study gives us a more profound understanding of the upper secondary school teachers’ views on drug prevention in teaching and education. It also provides us with better understanding of, and commitment in, phenomenographic research and qualitative change in drug prevention teaching and education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa kuvataan ja analysoidaan lukion opettajien käsityksiä ehkäisevästä huumetyöstä ja siihen liittyvästä koulukasvatuksesta ja opetuksesta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tunnistaa opettajien erilaisia tapoja ymmärtää ilmiö ja paljastaa käsityksiin liittyvät merkitykset sekä kuvata käsitysten vaihtelut kokonaiskuvan muodostamiseksi ilmiöstä. Ehkäisevää huumetyötä ja siihen suuntautuvaa opetus- ja kasvatustoimintaa lähestyttiin mm. tutkimalla opettajien arkiymmärrystä päihteistä ja heidän tapojaan toteuttaa ehkäisevää huumetyötä. Tutkittavaa ilmiötä lähestyttiin fenomenografisen metodin kautta. Käsitykset ja niiden ominaispiirteet tiivistettiin selkeästi toisistaan erottuviin käsitystyyppeihin. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla lukion opettajia kaksi kertaa. Samat opettajat osallistuivat molempiin haastatteluihin. Haastattelun alussa käytettiin avainkysymyksiä, jolloin siinä oli piirteitä puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta. Haastattelutilanteessa oli tavoitteena, että opettajat voisivat esittää omaa ajatteluaan omasta elämismaailmastaan. Empiirisen aineiston analysoinnissa keskityttiin tarkastelemaan ilmiöön liittyviä opettajien käsitysten vaihteluita. Opettajien käsityksiä tutkittiin intentionaalisuuden suoran ja epäsuoran aspektin kautta ja paljastettiin käsitysten kriittiset aspektit ja niihin sisältyvä tieto. Tutkimuksessa on kuvauksia opettajien tietoperustasta, mitä-kysymysten avulla tuotettua sisältötietoa ehkäisevästä huumetyöstä ja miten-kysymysten avulla tuotettua tietoa toiminnasta ja tavasta olla opettajana tai koulukasvattajana. Tutkimuksen taustalla on variaatioteoriaa, johon kontekstin kautta liittyy lukion opetus- ja kasvatustoiminta. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin useita käsitystyyppejä ja paljastettiin niihin liittyviä merkityksiä eksplisiittisesti. Käsitystyyppien kriittisiin aspekteihin liittyvät merkitykset ehkäisevän huumetyön opetuksesta ja koulukasvatuksesta avaavat uusia perspektiivejä ja mahdollistavat opettajille käsitysten vertailut ja uusien suhteiden muodostamisen maailmaan. Tutkimus tuotti välineitä käsitysten muutoksiin sekä maailman laajenemiseen mahdollistaen näin osaltaan ajatusten laadullisen muutoksen. Välineitä voidaan käyttää ja jalostaa käytännössä ehkäisevän huumetyön opetus- ja kasvatustyössä. Tämän tutkimuksen myötä ymmärrämme paremmin lukion opettajien erilaisia käsityksiä ehkäisevän huumetyön opetuksesta ja koulukasvatuksesta. Tämän tutkimuksen kautta ymmärrämme myös osaltaan paremmin tavan sitoutua fenomenografiseen tutkimukseen ja laadulliseen muutokseen opetuksessa.

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