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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nálezy mincí v interiérech kostelů v Čechách, jejich souvislosti a informační hodnota / Coin finds in churces interior in Bohemia, their archaeological contexts and information value

Kout, Adam January 2016 (has links)
(in English) This diploma thesis deals with coin finds and their contexts in church interiors in Bohemia. It evaluates this issue and methodology and puts emphasis on usage of metal detectors in archeology. Coin finds are divided according to their relevant locations to two categories - mass findings or single findings. The knowledge is then evaluated in terms of church interiors and also in wider context. For easier orientation, in the total context, a history of every mentioned church is drawn in connection with coin finds. Integral part of diploma thesis is a well arranged catalogue of coin finds in churches interiors in Bohemia. At the end, coin finds are evaluated from several different points of view.

Flight control sensor system parametric performance analysis for the fault inferring nonlinear detection system (FINDS) algorithm

Alikiotis, Dimitri A. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Excavations at a Neolithic Enclosure at Lower Luggy, near Welshpool, Powys, Wales

Gibson, Alex M., Bradley, P., Francis, Robert, Hill, Belinda, Higton, Alex, Ogden, Alan R., Sutherland, Tim L. January 2006 (has links)
No / Excavation at a cropmark enclosure in the Upper Severn Valley was undertaken to try and obtain material from which to provide relative and absolute dating for the site. Lying within an area rich in Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeology and in close proximity to a proven long barrow, the conventional later prehistoric date postulated for the enclosure was questioned. Excavation proved the site to have been a ditched enclosure with internal bank and a possible gate structure. Post-pits ran inside the bank. Finds were few but radiocarbon dates from the floor of the ditch proved the early Neolithic credentials of the monument which seemed to have continued in use for at least some 500 years.

Tuchlovicko v době laténské a době římské: archeologický výzkum z let 1967 a 1968 (A. Knor, J. Zeman) / Tuchlovice mikroregion in the latène and Roman period

Bursák, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This submitted thesis summarizes archaeological data about Iron Age and roman period settlement activity in the area of Tuchlovický potok downstream. Main focus is given to the elaboration of archaeological excavations, which were carried out in the years 1967 and 1968 by A. Knor and J. Zeman. The excavations followed up a large drain trench between Tuchlovice and Srby (district Kladno, Central Bohemia), where K. Motyková detected in the year 1966 the rests of roman period settlement with organic finds. Thirteen probes unearthed relatively widely spread rests of settlement, which was probably buried by a flood. The analysis of pottery sherds allows dating of the excavated settlement mainly to the 1.st century AD. Sampled wooden finds were submitted to dendrochronological surveys, but the recorded tree ring curve didn't match any so far known. Most important finds are a part of wooden fence and a piece from composite wooden jar. Other wooden artifacts and finds do not allow any functional interpretation. The research carried pointed to a great potential of this site for answering a wide spectrum of questions about prehistorical settlement sites and their relation to environment. The excavations also brought some rarely found organic finds like pollen, rests of plants and some other.

Seeing behind stray finds:understanding the Late Iron Age settlement of Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu, Finland

Hakamäki, V. (Ville) 20 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract The dissertation examines the settlement and interactions of the Late Iron Age communities of northern Finland by focusing on the archaeological sites and finds documented in the regions of Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. The point of departure for the study is to understand the data from a local point of view as in the previous evaluations the hunter-gatherer population inhabiting the area has been overlooked with most of the discussions revolving around the peasant influence arriving from southwestern Finland and Karelia. Partially for this reason, the period in question has appeared problematic and many questions regarding the settlement remain unadressed. The reason for the poor research situation articulates with the problems related to the archaeologica remains. Most of the material must be classified as so-called stray finds or archaeological objects to which no context can be determined without excavations taking place. These stray finds comprise the most significant portion of the available data, as besides them only a few burials, dwelling sites or other feasible remains are documented in Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. In spite of this, the research interest towards these finds has been relatively minor until recent years. The research questions are approached via three case studies, which represent stray finds that were excavated during the research process of the dissertation. These sites are addressed by taking into consideration their form, function and dating as well as examining their archaeological context on a borader geographical scale. In addition to the case studies, the dissertation considers previously known sites and finds in the research area and elsewhere in the interior and northern Fennoscandia. Based on the study, it is argued that several stray finds are associated with burial sites, dwellings and other indicators of settlement whose formation process has likely been affected by local traditions and subsistence as well as contacts and interactions with other Iron Age communities. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus tarkastelee Pohjois-Suomen myöhäisrautakautista asutusta ja väestön vuorovaikutussuhteita Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Kainuun maakuntien alueelta tunnettujen löytöjen ja kohteiden valossa. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä lähtökohtana on näiden teemojen hahmottaminen paikallisesta näkökulmasta, sillä monissa aikaisemmissa tulkinnoissa alueella asunut metsästäjä-keräilijäväestö on jäänyt kohtalaisen vähäiselle huomiolle keskustelujen keskittyessä Lounais-Suomesta ja Karjalasta tulleeseen talonpoikaisvaikutukseen. Osittain tästä syystä kyseinen aikakausi on pitkään näyttäytynyt ongelmallisena, eikä moniin alueen asutusta koskevaan kysymykseen ole voitu vastata. Syy myöhäisen rautakauden heikkoon tutkimustilanteeseen niveltyy arkeologiseen aineistoon liittyvään problematiikkaan. Valtaosa tutkimusalueelta talletetusta materiaalista on luettava niin kutsutuiksi irtolöydöiksi, eli arkeologisiksi esinelöydöiksi, jolle ei ilman kenttätutkimuksia ole mahdollista määrittää tarkkaa löytöyhteyttä. Irtolöydöt muodostavat merkittävän aineistokokonaisuuden, sillä niiden lisäksi Pohjois-Pohjanmaalta ja Kainuusta tunnetaan ainoastaan muutamia myöhäisrautakautisia asuinpaikkoja, hautoja tai muita arkeologisia kohteita. Tästä huolimatta, niihin kohdistunut tutkimuksellinen mielenkiinto on viimevuosiin saakka ollut pääosin vähäistä. Väitöskirja lähestyy aineistoa kolmen tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimukset koostuvat kaivauksin tutkituista irtolöytökohteista sekä niiden lähiympäristön sekä laajemman arkeologisen kontekstin havainnoinnista. Kaivauksin tutkittujen kohteiden lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös muuta myöhäiselle rautakaudelle ajoittuvaa aineistoa niin tutkimusalueella kuin sen lähialueilla. Tutkimuksen perusteella useat irtolöydöt voidaan liittää hautoihin, asuinpaikkoihin tai muihin asutuksesta kertoviin muinaisjäännöksiin, joiden muodostumisprosessiin ovat vaikuttaneet niin paikalliset traditiot ja elinkeinot kuin yhteydet ja vuorovaikutus muiden rautakautisten yhteisöjen kanssa.

Římsko-germánské vztahy a kontakty ve světle nálezů předmětů římské provenience v Čechách, zvláště TERRY SIGILLATY / Roman-germanic relationship and contacts in roman age in the light of finds from roman provenance in Bohemia, maily TERRA SIGILLATA fings

Halama, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Jakub Halama - anglický abstrakt dizertace Roman-germanic relationship and contacts in roman age in the light of finds from roman provenance in Bohemia, mainly TERRA SIGILLATA finds Abstract Dissertation thesis in particular are based on terra sigillata finds in Bohemia. In the first part of catalogue (certain finds) there are 103 pieces of terra sigillata from 52 localities (together 112 fragments and whole vessels). And in the second part of the catalogue (unsure or non-filed finds) other 23 - 24 pieces from 15 localities. Generally terra sigillata comes from German settlements, those are spread through all the main settlement areas of the Roman period. Records from the southwest Bohemia are also interesting. Main part from the datable 1st - 3rd century terra sigillata have goods from Rheinzabern (41 %) and from the central Gallia (35,9 %); ceramics from Westerndorf is less represented (7,7 %) and there are only few terra sigillata finds from the south Gallia, Trier, Heiligenberg and Pfaffenhofen. This combination of the finds is approximate to localities in Norikum province. Sigillata of this origin came through south Bohemia and Moravia, other direction went from Raetie through southwest Bohemia. Artifacts from 1st century and 1st half of the 2nd century appears in Bohemia very rare. The largest supply...

Provinciální keramika doby římské a doby stěhování národů v Čechách / The Pottery from the Roman Provinces in Bohrmia during the Roman and Migration Perios

Rypka, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
Luboš Rypka Římsko-provinciální keramika doby římské a období stěhování národů v Čechách (The Pottery from the Roman Provinces in Bohemia during the Roman and Migration Period). Unpublished master thesis. ÚPRAV FFUK Praha (Institute of Prehistory and Early History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague). Praha/Prague 2012. Keywords: Roman-provincial pottery, archaeological finds, Roman imports, Roman Period, Migration Period, Bohemia Abstract In his master thesis, author focuses on the finds of Roman-provincial pottery in Bohemia during the Roman and Migration Period from 68 sites in 58 cadastral units. A number of 208 pottery sherds from the settlements of Roman and Migration Period as well as 16 preserved whole or only slightly damaged vessels from the graves of Migration Period, are analyzed. Together, there must had been at least 173 up to 194 ceramic vessels of Roman-provincial origin imported into region of Bohemia. The main stress is putted on an elaborate catalogue of finds. In the analytical part, the 11, respectively 12 main categories of Roman-provincial pottery featured in Bohemia are set aside, the essential finds are briefly discussed and the possible directions of supply of (not only) ceramic import from the Roman Provinces into Bohemia are outlined.

Andando no fio da navalha: riscos e armadilhas na confecção de laudos psicológicos para a justiça / Walking on the razors edge: avoiding ethical pitfalls while performing psychological evaluations for the court

Shine, Sidney Kiyoshi 03 April 2009 (has links)
A perícia psicológica é um recurso previsto no Código do Processo Civil para instruir litígios processuais em Vara de Família. O laudo psicológico como documento escrito resultante da avaliação psicológica pericial deve preencher requisitos formais para ser aceito enquanto prova pericial pelo Direito. O laudo psicológico deve preencher requisitos técnicos e éticos para ser considerado um trabalho cientificamente aceitável na Psicologia. Estudou-se uma amostra de 31 representações (denúncias éticas) contra psicólogos que produziram laudos no período de 1997 a 2005 julgados pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia 06. As categorias de análise criadas a partir da literatura especializada permitiram: conhecer o motivo da representação, identificar o profissional representado e discriminar o que o laudo deve conter para ser considerado um operador de verdade. Os resultados revelaram uma amostra heterogênea. Havia apenas quatro laudos psicológicos periciais sendo que os demais documentos eram declarações, pareceres e relatórios de atendimento psicoterapêutico. O maior número de representações partiu de pessoas que não foram atendidas ou avaliadas por estes psicólogos. O grupo profissional que recebeu o maior número de representações foi o dos que realizaram psicodiagnósticos ou terapias de crianças (21 profissionais). Do total, 20 representações foram arquivadas ou terminaram em absolvição. Oito profissionais foram condenados por fazerem afirmações a respeito de pessoas sem fundamentação técnica condizente. Três casos prescreveram. Concluiu-se que existe desconhecimento por grande parte da categoria sobre o trabalho desenvolvido no campo da Psicologia Jurídica, especificamente na Vara da Família. O psicólogo judiciário que atua nesta área produzindo laudos não é o profissional mais representado no CRP-06. Quase dois terços dos trabalhos escritos foram considerados isentos de falhas técnicas ou éticas. Os laudos considerados aceitáveis pelos padrões da profissão também o são para fim de prova judicial. As falhas mais graves não são da ordem da linguagem (problemas semânticos ou sintáticos), como também não são de dificuldade de comunicação da matéria psicológica ao leitor leigo, mas de estratégias de avaliação psicológica equivocadas. Os documentos escritos foram gerados a partir de atendimentos que desconsideraram aspectos importantes das famílias envolvidas em litígios processuais. Atribuiu-se tais falhas à atuação contratransferencial, falta de familiaridade com o trabalho com famílias e desconhecimento das relações de poder no trato com advogados e juízes. Alerta-se para o risco ético de se prescrever encaminhamentos jurídicos (sentenças) como resultado da avaliação psicológica, extrapolando o objeto e o objetivo da Psicologia. Reconhece-se o processo de normalização que é efetivado pela avaliação psicológica para fim de normatização da conduta pelo Poder Judiciário como forma de dirimir o conflito social. A atuação das Comissões de Ética dos Conselhos Regionais e Federal possui importante papel para garantir o exercício da cidadania e a normatização da prática psicológica. DESCRITORES: Laudo Psicológico Prova Pericial Infrações Éticas - Avaliação Psicológica Psicologia Jurídica / Psychological evaluation is a legal asset in the due process of Family Law litigations. It must fulfill certain requirements to be accepted as a means to provide truth for the justice. It must present ethical and technical requirements to be considered a result of sound recognized psychological practice. 31 complaints of professional misconduct relating to the producing of psychological evaluation documents for Family Law courts were reviewed. These complaints were filed with Professional Board for Psychology 06 and processed during 1998 and 2005. Categories of analyses were devised through available scientific literature in the field. The reasons for the complaint, the identification of the respondent (the person that the complaint is filed against) group and the criteria to review the contested document were analysed. The result shows different kinds of written documents but only three complete psychological evaluations performed for the court. The largest group of respondents were clinical child psychologists (21 respondents). 20 complaints were either dismissed or considered that a rule violation was not established. Eight psychologists were found responsible of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct violation by making statements about people without sufficient scientific basis. Three cases expired. There is a general lack of knowledge about forensic psychological activities in Family Law courts. The forensic psychologist whose activity is to perform child custody evaluations is not the prevalent group of respondents. Almost two thirds of all the contested written reports were considered flawless. Psychological evaluations contested but not sanctioned were found valid and useful in court. Semantic or syntax problems of language or incompetence to convey psychological subject to lay people were not the basis of filed complaints. There seems to be problems with psychological evaluation strategies instead. Important dynamic family issues were ignored leading to faulty conclusions stated on written reports. Acting out of counter transference feelings, lack of experience in work with families involved in justice, and lack of knowledge of the power struggle in dealing with lawyers and judges are thought to be reasons for the misconduct. A warning is made against psychological evaluation that addresses the merit of the case, thus performing an act alien to the object and objective of psychological practice. It is recognized that psychological evaluation leads to the normalization of human conduct then ruled acceptable or not through legal standards. Social conflicts should be ruled by courts and not by psychologists. The works of Professional Board of Psychology both regional and federal are of paramount importance for the active citizenship and responsible provision of psychological services.

Längs med Hjälmarens stränder och förbi - relationen mellan den gropkeramiska kulturen och båtyxekulturen / Along the shores of Lake Hjälmaren and beyond – the relationship between the Pitted Ware Culture and the Boat Axe Culture

von Hackwitz, Kim January 2009 (has links)
The nature of the relationship between the Pitted Ware Culture and the Boat Axe Culture has dominated Swedish Middle Neolithic research, since the question was raised a century ago. Basically, the debate is concerned with whether or not the two material cultures express two different ethnical groups. Proponents for the currently established perspective stress that the cultures represent two distinct ethnic groups. A large amount of research has focused on identifying differences between the two cultures in the archaeological record. This study will test an alternative approach to the archaeology of the Middle Neolithic. Rather than presuming an antithetical relationship between the two cultures attention will be given to investigating the relationship between the Pitted Ware Culture and the Boat Axe Culture. This will be done by a landscape centered approach. In the first case I will test the conventional opinion expressing that the two cultures are spatially separated to the coast and the inland. In addition, the analysis seeks to understand how different activities were located in relation to various landscape phenomena. In the second case study, phenomenology and current landscape theory combined with a viewshed GIS-analysis will form the basis for a discussion regarding the localisation and function of the Pitted Ware sites. In the third case I will discuss connective features of the Middle Neolithic landscapes in the Lake Hjälmaren area. Focus will be given to the long-term processes and the reproduction of the cultural landscapes over time. Based on the results, I will propose that the Middle Neolithic archaeological record, rather than being the result of two ethnic groups, express a dynamic and active society that manifests itself through a variety of different places, which were maintained for specific purposes.

Andando no fio da navalha: riscos e armadilhas na confecção de laudos psicológicos para a justiça / Walking on the razors edge: avoiding ethical pitfalls while performing psychological evaluations for the court

Sidney Kiyoshi Shine 03 April 2009 (has links)
A perícia psicológica é um recurso previsto no Código do Processo Civil para instruir litígios processuais em Vara de Família. O laudo psicológico como documento escrito resultante da avaliação psicológica pericial deve preencher requisitos formais para ser aceito enquanto prova pericial pelo Direito. O laudo psicológico deve preencher requisitos técnicos e éticos para ser considerado um trabalho cientificamente aceitável na Psicologia. Estudou-se uma amostra de 31 representações (denúncias éticas) contra psicólogos que produziram laudos no período de 1997 a 2005 julgados pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia 06. As categorias de análise criadas a partir da literatura especializada permitiram: conhecer o motivo da representação, identificar o profissional representado e discriminar o que o laudo deve conter para ser considerado um operador de verdade. Os resultados revelaram uma amostra heterogênea. Havia apenas quatro laudos psicológicos periciais sendo que os demais documentos eram declarações, pareceres e relatórios de atendimento psicoterapêutico. O maior número de representações partiu de pessoas que não foram atendidas ou avaliadas por estes psicólogos. O grupo profissional que recebeu o maior número de representações foi o dos que realizaram psicodiagnósticos ou terapias de crianças (21 profissionais). Do total, 20 representações foram arquivadas ou terminaram em absolvição. Oito profissionais foram condenados por fazerem afirmações a respeito de pessoas sem fundamentação técnica condizente. Três casos prescreveram. Concluiu-se que existe desconhecimento por grande parte da categoria sobre o trabalho desenvolvido no campo da Psicologia Jurídica, especificamente na Vara da Família. O psicólogo judiciário que atua nesta área produzindo laudos não é o profissional mais representado no CRP-06. Quase dois terços dos trabalhos escritos foram considerados isentos de falhas técnicas ou éticas. Os laudos considerados aceitáveis pelos padrões da profissão também o são para fim de prova judicial. As falhas mais graves não são da ordem da linguagem (problemas semânticos ou sintáticos), como também não são de dificuldade de comunicação da matéria psicológica ao leitor leigo, mas de estratégias de avaliação psicológica equivocadas. Os documentos escritos foram gerados a partir de atendimentos que desconsideraram aspectos importantes das famílias envolvidas em litígios processuais. Atribuiu-se tais falhas à atuação contratransferencial, falta de familiaridade com o trabalho com famílias e desconhecimento das relações de poder no trato com advogados e juízes. Alerta-se para o risco ético de se prescrever encaminhamentos jurídicos (sentenças) como resultado da avaliação psicológica, extrapolando o objeto e o objetivo da Psicologia. Reconhece-se o processo de normalização que é efetivado pela avaliação psicológica para fim de normatização da conduta pelo Poder Judiciário como forma de dirimir o conflito social. A atuação das Comissões de Ética dos Conselhos Regionais e Federal possui importante papel para garantir o exercício da cidadania e a normatização da prática psicológica. DESCRITORES: Laudo Psicológico Prova Pericial Infrações Éticas - Avaliação Psicológica Psicologia Jurídica / Psychological evaluation is a legal asset in the due process of Family Law litigations. It must fulfill certain requirements to be accepted as a means to provide truth for the justice. It must present ethical and technical requirements to be considered a result of sound recognized psychological practice. 31 complaints of professional misconduct relating to the producing of psychological evaluation documents for Family Law courts were reviewed. These complaints were filed with Professional Board for Psychology 06 and processed during 1998 and 2005. Categories of analyses were devised through available scientific literature in the field. The reasons for the complaint, the identification of the respondent (the person that the complaint is filed against) group and the criteria to review the contested document were analysed. The result shows different kinds of written documents but only three complete psychological evaluations performed for the court. The largest group of respondents were clinical child psychologists (21 respondents). 20 complaints were either dismissed or considered that a rule violation was not established. Eight psychologists were found responsible of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct violation by making statements about people without sufficient scientific basis. Three cases expired. There is a general lack of knowledge about forensic psychological activities in Family Law courts. The forensic psychologist whose activity is to perform child custody evaluations is not the prevalent group of respondents. Almost two thirds of all the contested written reports were considered flawless. Psychological evaluations contested but not sanctioned were found valid and useful in court. Semantic or syntax problems of language or incompetence to convey psychological subject to lay people were not the basis of filed complaints. There seems to be problems with psychological evaluation strategies instead. Important dynamic family issues were ignored leading to faulty conclusions stated on written reports. Acting out of counter transference feelings, lack of experience in work with families involved in justice, and lack of knowledge of the power struggle in dealing with lawyers and judges are thought to be reasons for the misconduct. A warning is made against psychological evaluation that addresses the merit of the case, thus performing an act alien to the object and objective of psychological practice. It is recognized that psychological evaluation leads to the normalization of human conduct then ruled acceptable or not through legal standards. Social conflicts should be ruled by courts and not by psychologists. The works of Professional Board of Psychology both regional and federal are of paramount importance for the active citizenship and responsible provision of psychological services.

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