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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supporting the work of global virtual teams: the role of technology-use mediation

Clear, Tony January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role of technology-use mediation in supporting the work of global virtual teams. The work is set in the context of a longer term action research programme into collaborative computing and global virtual teams, initiated by Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand and Uppsala University in Sweden. Over the period since 1998, global virtual collaborations involving teams of students from both universities have been conducted annually. This thesis investigates the 2004 collaboration cycle, in which participants from St Louis University Missouri joined the collaboration. This was the first triadic collaboration, and covered Northern, Southern and Western aspects of the globe while traversing three widely divergent time-zones. In spite of the extensive experience in collaboration possessed by the coordinators at all three sites, the results of the global virtual trial were at best mixed. This repeated experience of dissatisfaction in our global virtual collaborations, in spite of the technology being in place has been a primary motivator for this work. Why is global virtual collaboration difficult? What roles and activities are critical? How can we do it better? These are not issues solely to do with the student actors in the global virtual teams, but more to do with the supporting cast, engaged in “activities which involve the shaping of other users activities of [technology] use” (Orlikowski et al., 1995, p.425). Thus came about my interest in exploring the topic of technology-use mediation. This thesis applies a research framework adapted from DeSanctis & Poole’s “Adaptive Structuration Theory” (1994) by the author. Initially applied to “facilitation” in virtual teams “Extended Adaptive Structuration Theory (EAST)” (Clear, 1999a), has undergone further development. The resulting research framework “Technology-use Mediated AST (TUMAST)” is applied here for the first time to investigate technology-use mediation activities performed during the global virtual collaborative trial. A corpus of data based on the email communications of supporting parties to the collaboration is analysed in depth in this study, applying a combination of grounded theoretic and structurational techniques. Thus a very rich and firmly grounded picture of the processes of technology-use mediation is built. This thesis represents the first known in-depth longitudinal study of technology-use mediation in a real global virtual team setting. From this exploratory study some novel theorizations have resulted. Methodologically it demonstrates analysis of technology-use mediation applying the TUMAST framework in a manner that captures the richness and evolution over time of these complex activities. Substantively it proposes a novel theory of “Collaborative Technology Fit (CTF)”. It is hoped that future global virtual team coordinators and researchers may apply the theory in order to map their situation, and diagnose their degree of collaborative alignment on multiple dimensions, thus enabling corrective actions to be taken. While the work arises in a tertiary education context, it reflects the reality of professionals at work in a global virtual team. Its application within other domains remains to be proven, but readings from the literature, and personal experience within global virtual software development teams suggest its wider applicability.

A Comparison of Four Frameworks of Teacher Leadership for Model Fit

DeHart, Corey Alan 01 August 2011 (has links)
Research has shown that effective school leadership has a positive influence on school effectiveness and student achievement. Current reform efforts include teachers, both formally and informally, as leaders of schools. However, there are currently no widely-accepted measurements or models to assess both formal and informal teacher leadership in schools. The purpose of this study was to compare model fit for the four-factor model of teacher leadership to model fit for three alternative models. The four-factor model was developed during the second administration of the Teacher Leadership Inventory (TLI), and the three alternative models were developed from the results and recommendations from the confirmatory factor analysis of that administration. Teacher responses to the second administration of the TLI constituted the data set for this study. Participants included 421 teachers from 23 schools in three East Tennessee school districts. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for each of the measurement models under investigation, and model fit indices and parameter estimates of all four models were used for comparison. Model fit indices indicate better model fit for the four-factor model over both the two-factor and five-factor models but not over the three-factor model. However, further evaluation of both parameter estimates and prior research provide support for the acceptability of the four-factor model over the three-factor model.

Testing the Hazard Rate, Part I

Liero, Hannelore January 2003 (has links)
We consider a nonparametric survival model with random censoring. To test whether the hazard rate has a parametric form the unknown hazard rate is estimated by a kernel estimator. Based on a limit theorem stating the asymptotic normality of the quadratic distance of this estimator from the smoothed hypothesis an asymptotic ®-test is proposed. Since the test statistic depends on the maximum likelihood estimator for the unknown parameter in the hypothetical model properties of this parameter estimator are investigated. Power considerations complete the approach.

Enterprise Architecture for Information System Analysis : Modeling and assessing data accuracy, availability, performance and application usage

Per, Närman January 2012 (has links)
Decisions concerning IT systems are often made without adequate decision-support. This has led to unnecessary IT costs and failures to realize business benefits. The present thesis presents a framework for analysis of four information systems properties relevant to IT decision-making. The work is founded on enterprise architecture, a model-based IT and business management discipline. Based on the existing ArchiMate framework, a new enterprise architecture framework has been developed and implemented in a software tool. The framework supports modeling and analysis of data accuracy, service performance, service availability and application usage. To analyze data accuracy, data flows are modeled, the service availability analysis uses fault tree analysis, the performance analysis employs queuing networks and the application usage analysis combines the Technology Acceptance Model and Task-Technology Fit model. The accuracy of the framework's estimates was empirically tested. Data accuracy and service performance were evaluated in studies at the same power utility. Service availability was tested in multiple studies at banks and power utilities. Data was collected through interviews with system development or maintenance staff. The application usage model was tested in the maintenance management domain. Here, data was collected by means of a survey answered by 55 respondents from three power utilities, one manufacturing company and one nuclear power plant. The service availability studies provided estimates that were accurate within a few hours of logged yearly downtime. The data accuracy estimate was correct within a percentage point when compared to a sample of data objects. Deviations for four out of five service performance estimates were within 15 % from measured values. The application usage analysis explained a high degree of variation in application usage when applied to the maintenance management domain. During the studies of data accuracy, service performance and service availability, records were kept concerning the required modeling and analysis effort. The estimates were obtained with a total effort of about 20 man-hours per estimate. In summary the framework should be useful for IT decision-makers requiring fairly accurate, but not too expensive, estimates of the four properties. / <p>QC 20120912</p>

Random Multigraphs : Complexity Measures, Probability Models and Statistical Inference

Shafie, Termeh January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with multigraphs and their complexity which is defined and quantified by the distribution of edge multiplicities. Two random multigraph models are considered.  The first model is random stub matching (RSM) where the edges are formed by randomly coupling pairs of stubs according to a fixed stub multiplicity sequence. The second model is obtained by independent edge assignments (IEA) according to a common probability distribution over the edge sites. Two different methods for obtaining an approximate IEA model from an RSM model are also presented. In Paper I, multigraphs are analyzed with respect to structure and complexity by using entropy and joint information. The main results include formulae for numbers of graphs of different kinds and their complexity. The local and global structure of multigraphs under RSM are analyzed in Paper II. The distribution of multigraphs under RSM is shown to depend on a single complexity statistic. The distributions under RSM and IEA are used for calculations of moments and entropies, and for comparisons by information divergence. The main results include new formulae for local edge probabilities and probability approximation for simplicity of an RSM multigraph. In Paper III, statistical tests of a simple or composite IEA hypothesis are performed using goodness-of-fit measures. The results indicate that even for very small number of edges, the null distributions of the test statistics under IEA have distributions that are  well approximated by their asymptotic χ2-distributions. Paper IV contains the multigraph algorithms that are used for numerical calculations in Papers I-III.

Auswirkungen der Passform alpiner Skischuhe auf skispezifische motorische Bewegungssituationen

Hecht, Robert 27 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der alpine Skisport stellt in unserer Gesellschaft eine der beliebtesten Wintersportarten dar. Ausgehend von der Faszination der Berge in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde die Sportart nahezu für jedermann zugänglich und entwickelte sich zu einem bedeutenden Wirtschaftsfaktor. Die Komplexität des alpinen Skisports ist für die Vielzahl der Personen jedoch nicht unproblematisch und beinhaltet Risiken, welche sich nicht selten als Ursache von Verletzungen darstellen. Das Zustandekommen der sportlichen Leistung ist dabei von mehreren Faktoren abhängig und je nach Leistungsniveau unterschiedlich gewichtet. Aus der Studienlage heraus wird ersichtlich, dass mehrere leistungsbestimmende Komponenten existieren, die sowohl konditionelle als auch koordinative Fähigkeiten als wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Ausführung der Skitechnik umfassen. Zudem wird deutlich, dass die Bedeutung der Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit im Konstrukt der Leistungsstruktur eine übergeordnete Rolle einnimmt. Nach Meinung verschiedener Autoren ist die Qualität skispezifischer Bewegungen daher auch in Abhängigkeit zur Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit zu sehen. Der Stellenwert dieser koordinativen Fähigkeit muss außerdem in Verbindung entstehender Verletzungen genannt werden, wodurch ihr als Faktor im sportmotorischen Anforderungsprofil eine vorrangige Stellung zuteil wird. Besonders im Breitensport, in dem der Leistungsgedanke in den Hintergrund rückt, scheint daher die Überlegung einer Risikoreduzierung oder Sturzvermeidung in Abhängigkeit des Materials sinnvoll zu sein. Speziell der Skischuh stand im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen dieser Studie, da er als Ausrüstungsgegenstand entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Übertragung von Steuerimpulsen nimmt. Das Bindeglied zwischen Mensch und Material bestimmt maßgeblich die Bewegungsregulation, die unter anderem von der Wahrnehmung außen einwirkender sensomotorischer Reize abhängig ist. Der Einfluss charakteristisch unterschiedlicher Schuhe auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit wurde bislang jedoch noch nicht untersucht und stellt daher das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit dar. In Abhängigkeit der differenten Schuheigenschaft wurde außerdem die Fußsensibilität beim Tragen alpiner Skischuhe untersucht. Die in den insgesamt 3 Einzelstudien verwendeten Skischuhe unterschieden sich hauptsächlich in der Leistenbreite. Verwendet wurde ein sportlich orientierter Schuh (Breite 98mm) und ein komfortorientiertes Modell (Breite 103mm). Zur Quantifizierung der Gleichgewichtfähigkeit wurde ein spezifischer Prüfstand verwendet, der aus einer flexibel gelagerten Ebene bestand, auf der der Proband mittels alpiner Sicherheitsbindung arretiert wurde. Zur Simulation der skispezifischen Bewegung bestand die Aufgabe darin, so ruhig wie möglich zu stehen. Mittels Vibrationserzeugers wurde zur Messung der Fußsensibilität die Vibrationsreizschwelle plantar bestimmt. Zusammenfassend kann aus den Ergebnissen geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich ein in der Leistenbreite schmalerer und damit scheinbar fest sitzender Schuh positiv auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit auswirkt. Beeinflusst durch die mit diesem Schuh festgestellte bessere Vibrationsreizwahrnehmung ist somit von einer besseren Bewegungsperformance auszugehen, durch die das Verletzungsrisiko reduziert werden könnte.

France on a Pedestal: How Extensive Work-Life Policies Fail to Achieve Gender Equality for Women in the Work-Place

Lloyd, Cecily A 01 January 2012 (has links)
The topic of work-life balance has become a highly contentious issue in many industrialized societies since the post-war period. Consequently, the topic has also become more prevalent in academic, managerial and national discussions. European states, both on the national level and as a bloc, have made notable advancements in assisting with work-life balance. The policies vary across different European countries, bringing into question the government‟s ability to influence women‟s employment decisions and effectively achieve higher levels of gender equality in the workplace. This paper studies France, and its extensive family policies aimed at facilitating work-life fit. France is known, and often commended, for its government subsidies and tax deductions for childcare, as well as full-time publicly funded day care for children under the age of six. Despite these measures, women on average still earn less than men. This paper makes the argument that work-life policies in France are not doing enough to help women in the workplace across different demographic and employment categories. Furthermore, the programs in place fail to address core issues of gender equality in the home, which undermines the efficacy of these policies to achieve equality for women in the work force.

Determining Analytical Potential Energy Functions of Diatomic Molecules by Direct Fitting

Huang, Yiye January 2001 (has links)
The fully quantum mechanical 'direct-potential-fit' (DPF) method has become increasingly widely used in the reduction of diatomic spectra. The central problem of this method is the representation of the potential energy and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) correction functions. There are a number of problems associated with the existing method and potential forms. This thesis delineates these problems and finds solutions to some of them. In particular, it is shown that use of a different expansion variable and a new treatment of some of the expansions resolves most of the problems. These techniques have been successfully tested on the ground electronic states of the coinage metal hydrides and the Rb2 molecule. To address the problem of representing 'barrier' potential curves, a flexible new functional form, the 'double-exponential long-range' (DELR) potential function, is introduced and applied to the B barrier state of Li2. In addition, the Lambda-doubling level splitting which occurs for singlet Pi electronic states has been taken into account by extending the effective Schrodinger equation. The computer program DSPotFit developed in our laboratory for performing DPF analyses has been extended to incorporate the ability to fit the analytical potential energy functions to tunneling predissociation line widths for quasibound levels. Finally, an attempt is made to investigate whether there exists a hump in the ground state rotationless potential curve of beryllium hydride.

Determining Analytical Potential Energy Functions of Diatomic Molecules by Direct Fitting

Huang, Yiye January 2001 (has links)
The fully quantum mechanical 'direct-potential-fit' (DPF) method has become increasingly widely used in the reduction of diatomic spectra. The central problem of this method is the representation of the potential energy and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) correction functions. There are a number of problems associated with the existing method and potential forms. This thesis delineates these problems and finds solutions to some of them. In particular, it is shown that use of a different expansion variable and a new treatment of some of the expansions resolves most of the problems. These techniques have been successfully tested on the ground electronic states of the coinage metal hydrides and the Rb2 molecule. To address the problem of representing 'barrier' potential curves, a flexible new functional form, the 'double-exponential long-range' (DELR) potential function, is introduced and applied to the B barrier state of Li2. In addition, the Lambda-doubling level splitting which occurs for singlet Pi electronic states has been taken into account by extending the effective Schrodinger equation. The computer program DSPotFit developed in our laboratory for performing DPF analyses has been extended to incorporate the ability to fit the analytical potential energy functions to tunneling predissociation line widths for quasibound levels. Finally, an attempt is made to investigate whether there exists a hump in the ground state rotationless potential curve of beryllium hydride.

The reciprocal effects of fit, product attributes, ownership status and dominance of the parent brand on parent brand attitude:cases study of United Daily News and Appledaily.

Shih, Kai-yu 25 July 2005 (has links)
Many firms attempt to ensure the success of new product introductions by applying an existing, well-known brand name to the product. The strategy, known as brand extension, has become commomplace. In recent years, the strategy has been used in media industry. Especially, since the Internet started gaining in popularity in the mid-1990s, the newspaper industry has started applying brand extensions to online markets. For example, United Daily News, Chinatimes, and so on has developed websites of various types. However, we doubt whether it¡¦ll affect consumers¡¦ attitude toward the parent brand. For this reason, we attempt to figure out consumers¡¦attitude toward the newspaper brand when a newspaper office has introduced extensions with good or poor fit. Besides, in this study, we also propose that three factors including ownership status, product attributes, and dominance of the parent brand will influence consumers¡¦s evaluation of the parent brand. Previous research have provided mixed evidence about the reciprocal effects of a brand extension on its parent brand and rarely studied the impact of these four factors on parent brand evaluation, especially in media industy. As a result, we select United Daily News and Appledaily as two objects of the study and find out the extensions (websites) with good and poor fit of these two newspaper brands through group discussing. After T-test analysis, we have some findings as follows: 1.There¡¦s no significant effect of fit on parent brand attitude toward United Daily News, but there¡¦s significant difference for Appledaily. 2.The consumers who think of the newspaper brand as more dominant have higher evaluation of attitude toward the parent brand than those who think of the newspaper brand as less dominant, whether extensions with good or poor fit introduced. 3.The owners of newspaper brands have higher evaluation of attitude toward the parent brand than nonowners, whether extensions with good or poor fit introduced. 4.The product attributes of newspapers brands will affect consumers¡¦s attitude toward the newspaper brands.

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