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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intense Adolescent Work and Deviance: Theoretical Mechanisms and Long-Term Outcomes

Rocheleau, Gregory C. 23 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Kritische Ereignisse und private Überschuldung. Eine quantitative Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs

Angel, Stefan, Heitzmann, Karin 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird untersucht, ob kritische Ereignisse (z. B. Arbeitslosigkeit) bzw. ein durch kritische Ereignisse ausgelöster finanzieller Schock die Überschuldungswahrscheinlichkeit privater Haushalte signifikant erhöhen (Schockthese). Weiters wird getestet, ob der Effekt kritischer Ereignisse durch kostensparende Handlungen abgeschwächt werden kann (Copingthese) bzw. von der finanziellen und sozialen Ausgangssituation beeinflusst ist (Vulnerabilitätsthese). Datengrundlage sind österreichische Befragungsdaten (ECHP 1995 bis 2001; EU-SILC 2004 bis 2008), auf Basis derer Panel-Regressionsmodelle geschätzt werden. Für die untersuchten kritischen Ereignisse kann kein direkter Effekt auf die Überschuldungswahrscheinlichkeit nachgewiesen werden; sehr wohl aber wirkt sich ein finanzieller Schock signifikant aus. Die Evidenz für eine Gültigkeit der Copingthese ist schwach, aber auch nach Kontrolle unbeobachteter, zeitkonstanter Faktoren stabil. Schätzungen zur Überprüfung der Vulnerabilitätsthese zeigen je nach verwendetem Vulnerabilitätsindikator unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Komplexität des Entstehungszusammenhanges: Überschuldung kann weder ausschließlich auf das Konsumverhalten bzw. Kosten-Nutzen-Erwägungen der Haushalte, noch ausschließlich auf exogene Schocks zurückgeführt werden.

Går mobbade elever miste om skolundervisning? : En studie om mobbningens inverkan på olovlig frånvaro

Oona, Tuominen January 2021 (has links)
Nationalekonomisk litteratur har visat att utsatthet för skolmobbning kan ha negativa konsekvenser på lång sikt såsom lägre utbildningsnivå och löner. I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida olovlig frånvaro kan vara en mekanism som ligger till grund för de långsiktiga följderna genom att studeraorsakssambandet mellan mobbning och skolkning. Därtill undersöks ifall elevernas kön har en påverkan i denna fråga. OLS samt paneldatametoden fixed effects används i studien med hjälp av data på kommunnivå från finska enkätundersökningen Hälsa i skola för åren 2017 och 2019. I studien hittas inget starkt bevis för att mobbning skulle orsaka olovlig frånvaro hos offren eftersom den mest pålitliga modellen inte finner något signifikant samband. Dock tyder övriga resultat på att det kan finnas ett i verkligheten. Andra modeller estimerar att en procentenhets ökning i andelen mobbade elever orsakar ungefär 0,2 procentenheters ökning i andelen skolkande elever. Resultaten indikerar att det kan finnas könsskillnader i denna fråga. / It has been shown in the economical literature that being bullied at school may have negative consequences in the long run, such as lower educational levels and wages. This paper examines whether school absenteeism could possibly be one mechanism behind the long-run consequences by studying the causality between bullying and truancy. Gender’s role in the question has also been examined. OLS and panel data method fixed effects along with Finnish survey data for 2017 and 2019 are applied. No strong evidence that bullying would lead the victims to truant was found as the most reliable model couldn't find any significant association. Other results, though, suggest that such causality might exist. Alternative models estimate that a one percentage point increase in the share of students bullied causes an increase of approximately 0,2 percentage points in the share of truants. The results indicate that there might be gender differences regarding the topic.

Revisionens kostnadsutveckling : En jämförande studie mellan publika bolag och kommuner i Sverige / The development of audit fees : A comparative study between listed companies and municipalities in Sweden

Axén, Linus, Fyhrlund, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion Revisionskostnaden styrs till stor del av förhållandet mellan utbud och efterfrågan. Tidigare studier har funnit ett flertal bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar revisionskostnadens storlek i publika bolag och kommuner. Behovet av en jämförande studie har tidigare påpekats för att kartlägga revisionskostnadernas skillnader över tid. Syfte Syftet med studien är att jämföra och förklara utvecklingen av revisionskostnadernas storlek i publika bolag och i den kommunala sektorn över tid. Metod Studiens deduktiva ansats innebär att tidigare forskning och befintliga teorier har legat till grund för att härleda uppställda hypoteser. En longitudinell studie har genomförts för att mäta förändringar och utveckling över tid. Kvantitativ data har samlats in i form av sekundärdata. Slutsats Studiens resultat visar att ett flertal bakomliggande faktorer förklarar revisionskostnadens storlek över tid. Bolagsstorlek, risk och andra uppdrag har i studien ett signifikant samband med revisionskostnaden. I kommuner kan revisionskostnaden förklaras av storlek, skattekraft, resultat och antal mandat. Under perioden 2005-2011 har revisionskostnaden för publika bolag minskat med 0,5 %, medan revisionskostnaderna i kommuner har ökat med 12,8 %. Skillnaden kan till stor del förklaras av revisionens olika ändamål och påverkan av omvärldsfaktorer. / Introduction The audit fee depends mainly on the relationship between demand and supply. Former studies have found multiple underlying independent variables that affect the audit fee in listed companies and municipalities. The need of a comparative study to analyze the differences in audit fees over time between the two has previously been pointed out. Purpose The purpose of the study is to compare and explain the development of audit fees in listed companies and municipalities over time. Method The study’s deductive method means that previous research and existing theories have been the foundation from which hypothesis have been derived. A longitudinal study has been performed to measure changes and development over time. Quantitative data has been collected as secondary data. Conclusion This study indicates that multiple underlying independent variables explains the audit fees over time. The size of the company, risk and non-audit fees have a significant positive relation with the audit fee. In municipalities the audit fee relates to size, tax base, results and number of mandates.  During the period between 2005 and 2011 the audit fees for listed companies decreased with 0.5 %, whereas the audit fees for municipalities increased with 12.8 %. The difference can largely be explained by differing purposes of the audit and effect of global factors.

The Impact of Emission Trading System on Economic Growth and Gross Fixed Capital Formation / Utsläppshandelns påverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt och investeringar

Wall, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Policymakers' action of mitigating and slowing down the continued increase of carbon emission is a significant global priority. One way to internalise the negative externality of pollution is to put a price on greenhouse gases and use the market-based approach of emission trading systems. On the other hand, according to economic reasoning, pollution is an essential tool for economic development. This paper aims to investigate the economic effects of introducing the first international emission trading system of greenhouse gases, the EU emission trading system, by observing the economic growth and gross fixed capital formation. Mankiw, Romer, and Wiel's (1992) theory is utilised in this study and based on cross-country and cross-state panel data between 1999-2012, an empirical analysis using the fixed effects model was followed. The finding shows that the EU emission trading system has a negative effect on the growth of real gross domestic product per capita compared to states and countries not participating in an emission trading system. In addition, the first phase results having a positive effect and the second phase has a negative effect on the economic growth compared to states and countries not participating in an emission trading system. There is no statistical evidence of the effect on gross fixed capital formation as a percentage share of GDP. Organisations can use the findings to decide whether developing countries can afford the consequence of an implemented emission trading system since it tends to slow down growth. However, further research needs to consider the effect of the financial crisis of 2008 and the interpretation of the EU emission trading scheme.

Har inflationen någon relation till den ekonomiska tillväxten? : En paneldata analys över 19 OECD länder / Does inflation have any relation on economic growth? : A panel data analysis of 19 OECD countries

Jareke, Emelie, Hyyppä Bennet, Katarina January 2022 (has links)
Det finns olika aspekter som påverkar den ekonomiska tillväxten, där ibland inflation. Det har under många år pågått diskussioner om hur förhållandet mellan dessa två variabler ser ut. Denna uppsats analyserar sambandet mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och inflation. Utöver detta besvarar studien om inflation har någon statistisk signifikant relation till den ekonomiska tillväxten. I studien används paneldata från 19 OECD-medlemsländer från 1976 till 2020. För att analysera data utformas en regressionsmodell genom att använda BNP per capita som beroende variabel samt inkludera sju oberoende variabler (inflation, utländska direktinvesteringar, inhemska sparande, bytesvillkor, befolkningstillväxt, humankapital samt initial BNP). Resultatet från regressionsanalysen som utfördes genom fixed effects least squares dummy variable modellen tyder på ett negativt samband mellan inflation och BNP per capita. Däremot är resultatet enbart statistiskt signifikant om inte länder-, perioddummies eller initial BNP inkluderas. / There are various aspects that affect economic growth, including inflation. For many years, there have been discussions about the relationship between these two variables. This thesis analyzes the relation between economic growth and inflation. In addition, the study answers whether inflation has any statistically significant relation to economic growth. The study uses panel data from 19 OECD member countries from 1976 to 2020. To analyze the data, a regression model is designed by using ln GDP per capita as a dependent variable and including seven independent variables (inflation, foreign direct investment, domestic savings, terms of trade, population growth, human capital and initial GDP). The results of the regression analysis are conducted using the fixed effects least squares dummy variable model indicate a negative relationship between inflation and GDP per capita. However, the result is only shown to be statistically significant unless countries-, period dummies or initial GDP are included.

Determinants of Financial Development

Bzhalava, Eri January 2014 (has links)
Determinants of financial development Abstract The paper studies effects of country level determinants on the rate of financial development and, in particular, assesses the empirical question whether democracy and political freedom can enhance financial development, as measured by Bank Private Credit to GDP and Liquid Liabilities to GDP. Using Fixed Effects estimation techniques and a panel data for a list of 39 countries over the period 1990 to 2011, we provide evidence that suggests positive link between political openness and financial development. The empirical evidence also confirms financial openness and real per capita income to be positively correlated to financial deepening and in contrast, we find that size of financial sector does not spur the rate of financial development.

Playing the European Postal Code Lottery? : Analysis of Time to Market of new Drugs on the European Market

Rumetshofer, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis seeks to investigate the vastly varying time to market of newly approved drugs across Europe. Firtsly, I use a country fixed effects model on data of newly approved drugs from 2014 to 2017 from 18 European countries. I investigate the correlations between medication specific characteristics and the launch time and find that drugs intended to treat HIV, rheumatism or hepatitis are correlated with a faster launch time. Orphan drugs, though they represent a third of the dataset are found to be insignificantly correlated with time to market. Using a drug fixed effects model, I research important country characteristics in relation to the launch time and find that countries with higher imports of medications are correlated with a quicker time to market. Countries with larger medication export sectors experience a longer waiting time, which could be linked to companies trying to hinder the parallel export of new drugs.

Changing Circumstances, Changing Outcomes?: Longitudinal Relations Between Family Income, Cumulative Risk Exposure, And Children’s Educational Success

Thomson, Dana January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Eric Dearing / Emerging research in developmental psychology and neuroscience suggests that childhood poverty is associated with high levels of exposure to multiple contextual risks, which cumulatively lead to persistent elevated stress levels that have a direct, as well an indirect (e.g., through parental processes), impact on child cognitive, academic, and socioemotional functioning (Evans & Kim, 2013). Such research has begun to change the way that scholars and practitioners envision the context of poverty, the persistence of the income-achievement gap, and the types of interventions that may be most effective in addressing disparities in children’s long-term educational success. However, research on the relations between poverty-associated stress and child outcomes is still in its infancy and many questions remain. In particular, it is unclear whether changing family economic circumstances matter, a question of concern for developmental science and public policy. Moreover, there is little work on moderators of relations between income, stress, and child outcomes, which could help identify factors that buffer children from the harm of stressful home environments. With longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics’ Child Development Supplement, the present study used fixed effects models to examine within-child associations between changes in family income, cumulative risk exposure (as measured by an index that includes a range of poverty-related stressors, such as economic strain, neighborhood crime, and physical and psychological home environments), and children’s cognitive, academic and socioemotional functioning. In addition, moderators of these associations were investigated in order to identify potential protective mechanisms and crucial levers for interventions and policy development. On the whole, findings were consistent with the cumulative stress model. On average, the estimated direct effects of changes in family income (i.e., prior to examining mediation or moderators) were not significant for changes in child outcomes. Yet, changes in income were, for the sample as a whole, indirectly related via changes in cumulative risk exposure: increases in income predicted decreases in cumulative risk exposure which, in turn, predicted improvements in achievement and declines in externalizing behavior. Additionally, these relations were moderated by child age, initial level of family income, and initial level of cumulative risk. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology.

International and domestic Migration Patterns : International immigration effect on internal out-migration patterns in the German states between 1993 and 2016

Frey, Reik January 1994 (has links)
Internal migration has frequently been subject of empirical research. This study attempts to find a relationship between international immigration and internal out-migration in all German states, covering the time period between 1993 and 2016. The underlying theories were established by Card et al. (2008), Schlömer (2012), Florida (2002) and Chiswick and Miller (2015). These were used to develop a modified version of the gravity model. The dataset was received from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt). The regressions were executed using a fixed effects model and a pooled OLS as a robustness check. The empirical findings suggest no evidence of a statistically significant effect of international immigration on internal out-migration patterns in the covered period. Control variables suggest policymakers to focus on other factors when the effects of immigration policies on internal out-migration are being considered.

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