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Nestability v proudění supratekutého hélia vyvolaného torzními oscilátory / Flow instabilities due to torsional oscillators in superfluid heliumSkokánková, Tamara January 2019 (has links)
This Thesis is devoted to the investigation of superfluid helium flows due to torsional oscillators. In its first part, flow due to a torsionally oscillating disc suspended on a tungsten filament is studied (building upon the work of A. C. Hollis Hallett from 1952). Measurements of the motion of the torsionally oscillating disc were performed in superfluid helium at temperatures between 1.265 K and 2.157 K at saturated vapour pressure. Time traces of the disc angular deflection were obtained, and critical parameters related to the turbulent flow stability were determined. In laminar flow, scaling of drag forces with the dimensionless Donnelly number was verified. Based on these results, and comparison with the original work, a scenario of the decay of turbulent flow was suggested. The second part of this work is focused on the development and construction of a similar experiment for mK temperatures. A new type of oscillator was designed, a so-called "pillbox", and a series of testing measurements was performed both at room and mK temperatures.
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Development and validation of models for bubble coalescence and breakupLiao, Yixiang January 2013 (has links)
A generalized model for bubble coalescence and breakup has been developed, which is based on a comprehensive survey of existing theories and models. One important feature of the model is that all important mechanisms leading to bubble coalescence and breakup in a turbulent gas-liquid flow are considered. The new model is tested extensively in a 1D Test Solver and a 3D CFD code ANSYS CFX for the case of vertical gas-liquid pipe flow under adiabatic conditions, respectively. Two kinds of extensions of the standard multi-fluid model, i.e. the discrete population model and the inhomogeneous MUSIG (multiple-size group) model, are available in the two solvers, respectively. These extensions with suitable closure models such as those for coalescence and breakup are able to predict the evolution of bubble size distribution in dispersed flows and to overcome the mono-dispersed flow limitation of the standard multi-fluid model.
For the validation of the model the high quality database of the TOPFLOW L12 experiments for air-water flow in a vertical pipe was employed. A wide range of test points, which cover the bubbly flow, turbulent-churn flow as well as the transition regime, is involved in the simulations. The comparison between the simulated results such as bubble size distribution, gas velocity and volume fraction and the measured ones indicates a generally good agreement for all selected test points. As the superficial gas velocity increases, bubble size distribution evolves via coalescence dominant regimes first, then breakup-dominant regimes and finally turns into a bimodal distribution. The tendency of the evolution is well reproduced by the model. However, the tendency is almost always overestimated, i.e. too much coalescence in the coalescence dominant case while too much breakup in breakup dominant ones. The reason of this problem is discussed by studying the contribution of each coalescence and breakup mechanism at different test points. The redistribution of the gaseous phase from the injection position at the pipe wall to the whole cross section is overpredicted by the Test Solver especially for the test points with high superficial gas velocity. Besides the models for bubble forces, the simplification of the Test Solver to a 1D model has an influence on the redistribution process. Simulations performed using CFX show that a considerable improvement is achieved with comparison to the results delivered by the standard closure models. For the breakup-dominant cases, the breakup rate is again overestimated and the contribution of wake entrainment of large bubbles is underestimated. Furthermore, inlet conditions for the liquid phase, bubble forces as well as turbulence modeling are shown to have a noticeable influence, especially on the redistribution of the gaseous phase.
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Large Eddy Simulations for Dispersed bubbly FlowsMa, Tian, Ziegenhein, Thomas, Lucas, Dirk, Krepper, Eckhard, Fröhlich, Jochen 25 November 2014 (has links)
In this paper we present detailed Euler-Euler Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of dispersed bubbly flow in a rectangular bubble column. The motivation of this study is to investigate potential of this approach for the prediction of bubbly flows, in terms of mean quantities. The set of physical models describing the momentum exchange between the phases was chosen according to previous experiences of the authors. Experimental data, Euler-Lagrange LES and unsteady Euler-Euler Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model are used for comparison. It was found that the presented modelling combination provides good agreement with experimental data for the mean flow and liquid velocity fluctuations.
The energy spectrum made from the resolved velocity from Euler-Euler LES is presented and discussed.
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[pt] O escoamento anular é caracterizado por um núcleo gasoso fluindo a alta
velocidade com um filme líquido no seu entorno, molhando a parede do duto. A
presença de gotículas líquidas no núcleo gasoso resulta em impacto relevante em
características do escoamento anular, como gradiente de pressão e propriedades das
ondas presentes no filme líquido. A formação de gotículas se dá usualmente na
crista das ondas de perturbação presentes na interface líquido-gás. No presente
trabalho, é realizado um estudo do regime anular com presença de gotículas em
tubulações verticais utilizando o Modelo de Dois Fluidos unidimensional. Um
modelo de transferência de massa das gotículas é desenvolvido e acoplado ao
modelo de Dois Fluidos. O modelo resultante permite capturar a evolução
automática da interface gás-líquido e a formação de ondas de filme líquido e sua
influência no desprendimento e deposição de gotículas. Analisa-se o desempenho
de três modelos de entranhamento de gotículas disponíveis na literatura, além de
um modelo de deposição de gotículas. Considerando que gotículas são criadas por
cisalhamento nas cristas das ondas de perturbação, modificações dos modelos são
propostas com a finalidade de melhor capturar a influência das ondas do filme
líquido nos processos de entranhamento e deposição de gotículas. Parâmetros do
escoamento como gradiente de pressão, espessura do filme do líquido e variáveis
relacionadas com as ondas interfaciais são avaliados, mostrando boa concordância
com dados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. / [en] Annular flow is characterized by a high velocity gas core flow, with a thin
liquid film around it, wetting the pipe wall. The presence of liquid droplets in the
gas core has relevant impact on annular flow characteristics, such as pressure drop
and liquid film wave properties. Droplets are usually created by shear at disturbance
wave crests, along the gas-liquid interface. At the present work, vertical annular
flow with droplet entrainment is studied using the 1-D Two-Fluid model. A droplet
mass transfer model is developed and coupled to the Two-Fluid model. The
resulting model allows capturing the automatic evolution of the gas-liquid interface,
liquid film wave formation and the waves influence on droplet entrainment and
deposition. A performance analysis in carried out for three droplet entrainment
models available in literature, as well as one deposition model. Taking into account
that droplets are created by disturbance wave crest shearing, model modifications
are proposed, aiming to better capture the influence of liquid film waves on droplet
entrainment and deposition mechanisms. Flow parameters such as pressure drop,
film thickness and wave features are evaluated, showing good agreement with
experimental data found in literature.
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Modélisation 2D de l’évolution temporelle d’un streamer en interaction avec un liquide diélectrique à pression atmosphériqueOuali, Anthony 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire signe la fin de ma maîtrise dans le cadre du master Sciences et Technologies
des Plasmas (STP), à l’Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, en partenariat avec l’Univer-
sité de Montréal dans le cadre d’une double diplomation. L’objectif de cette double tutelle,
portée par Ahmad Hamdan à Montréal et Flavien Valensi à Toulouse, est l’étude d’une
décharge streamer en interaction avec une goutte d’eau au moyen du développement d’un
modèle numérique. La goutte est positionnée entre deux électrodes pointes, le tout, sur un
support en Téflon.
Pour ce faire un modèle fluide permettant de suivre l’évolution spatio-temporelle des élec-
trons, des ions positifs et des ions négatifs a été construit en python. L’équation dérive-
diffusion est résolue, en 2D, pour chaque espèce, ainsi que l’équation de Poisson afin d’obtenir
le champ électrique dans tout le domaine de calcul. Les coefficients de transport sont tabulés
en fonction du champ électrique réduit dans l’hypothèse d’équilibre avec le champ électrique
local. La photoionisation, jouant un rôle important pour la propagation du streamer positif
à pression atmosphérique, a également était prise en compte au travers de la résolution de
trois équations d’Helmholtz.
Le modèle a été validé en comparant le terme source par impact électronique, supposé pro-
portionnel à l’émission lumineuse, obtenu numériquement, à la lumière émise par la décharge
enregistrée expérimentalement dans le domaine visible à l’aide d’une caméra ICCD. La dy-
namique de la décharge a pu être étudiée grâce à l’évolution spatio-temporelle du champ
électrique, de la densité électronique et de la densité de charge d’espace.
L’influence de la constante diélectrique de la goutte sur la dynamique de la décharge a été
ensuite étudiée. La répartition spatiale du champ électrique étant modifiée par le diélec-
trique, son influence sur la décharge est importante. La vitesse de propagation des streamers
est diminuée lorsque la permittivité de la goutte diminue ainsi que la valeur de la densité
électronique dans le canal conducteur une fois formé.
Enfin, l’angle de contact entre la goutte et le Téflon a été modifié. Les résultats ainsi obte-
nus permettent de prédire le comportement de la décharge sur des géométries pouvant être
rencontrées dans différentes situations expérimentales / This thesis marks the completion of my Master’s degree in the framework of the Plasma
Sciences and Technologies (STP) program at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, in
partnership with the University of Montreal for a dual degree. The objective of this joint
supervision, led by Ahmad Hamdan in Montreal and Flavien Valensi in Toulouse, is to study
a streamer discharge interacting with a water droplet through the development of a numer-
ical model. The droplet is positioned between two pointed electrodes, all placed on a Teflon
To achieve this, a fluid model capable of tracking the spatiotemporal evolution of electrons,
positive ions, and negative ions was constructed in Python. The drift-diffusion equation is
solved in 2D for each species, along with the Poisson equation to obtain the electric field
throughout the computational domain. Transport coefficients are tabulated as a function of
the reduced electric field, assuming local equilibrium with the electric field. Photoionization,
which plays a significant role in the propagation of positive streamers at atmospheric pres-
sure, is also taken into account through the solution of three Helmholtz equations.
The model was validated by comparing the source term due to electron impact, assumed
to be proportional to the emitted light, obtained numerically, with the light emitted by the
discharge recorded experimentally in the visible range using an ICCD camera. The discharge
dynamics were studied through the spatiotemporal evolution of the electric field, electron
density, and space charge density.
The influence of the dielectric constant of the droplet on the discharge dynamics was then
investigated. The spatial distribution of the electric field is modified by the dielectric, thus
having a significant impact on the discharge. The streamer propagation velocity is reduced
when the permittivity of the droplet decreases, as well as the value of the electron density
within the formed conductive channel.
Lastly, the contact angle between the droplet and Teflon was modified. The obtained re-
sults allow predicting the behavior of the discharge on geometries encountered in different
experimental situations.
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Closure relations for CFD simulation of bubble columnsZiegenhein, Thomas, Lucas, Dirk, Rzehak, Roland, Krepper, Eckhard 28 May 2014 (has links)
This paper describes the modelling of bubbly flow in a bubble column considering non-drag forces, polydispersity and bubble induced turbulence using the Eulerian two-fluid approach. The set of used closure models describing the momentum exchange between the phases was chosen on basis of broad experiences in modelling bubbly flows at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Polydispersity is modeled using the inhomogeneous multiple size group (iMUSIG) model, which was developed by ANSYS/CFX and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Through the importance of a comprehensive turbulence modeling for coalescence and break-up models, bubble induced turbulence models are investigated. A baseline has been used which was chosen on the basis of our previous work without any adjustments. Several variants taken from the literature are shown for comparison. Transient CFD simulations are compared with the experimental measurements and Large Eddy Simulations of Akbar et al. (2012).
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Electrical properties of the µs pulsed glow discharge in a Grimm-type source: comparison of dc and rf modesEfimova, Varvara, Hoffmann, Volker, Eckert, Jürgen 02 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The electrical properties, in particular the U–I characteristics, current and voltage signal shapes within the pulse, are important parameters for the understanding of the processes taking place in the pulsed glow discharge (PGD). The electrical properties are also closely related to the analytical performance of the PGD such as sputtering rates, crater shapes and emission yields. Moreover, the dependence of the U–I plots on the density of the discharge gas can be used to estimate the gas temperature. This result is relevant for the analysis of thermally fragile samples. Nevertheless, there is a lack of PGD studies where the current and voltage signals are considered in detail. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the electrical properties of PGD. The influence of the PGD parameters (duty cycle and pulse duration) on the electrical properties is examined. The results highlight the optimum parameters for particular analytical applications. The question, whether direct current (dc) and radio frequency (rf) discharges behave similarly is also discussed and all experiments are performed for both modes. The comparative studies reveal strong similarities between dc and rf pulsed discharges. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Modelagem matemática e simulação numérica de escoamentos bifásicos gás-sólido em colunas de leito fluidizado circulante / Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flows in risers of circulating fluidized bedsCabezas Gómez, Luben 24 March 2003 (has links)
Foram desenvolvidos estudos de modelagem e simulação numérica de escoamentos bifásicos gás-sólido na coluna ascendente de leitos fluidizados circulantes utilizando um modelo Euleriano de duas fases separadas. O sistema de equações diferenciais parciais conservativas governantes foi obtido através de um procedimento tradicional. Ambas as fases foram assumidas como meio contínuo. Aplicou-se o procedimento de médias estatísticas de Euler, enfatizando a obtenção dos modelos hidrodinâmicos A e B desenvolvidos no IIT/ANL. Realizou-se análise comparativa de correlações para transferência de quantidade de movimento na interface. Discutiu-se a formulação de condições de contorno apropriadas. As equações diferenciais parciais médias foram discretizadas em volumes de controle Eulerianos. As equações de continuidade foram resolvidas implicitamente. As equações de quantidade de movimento foram resolvidas através de um procedimento explícito-implícito. Foram desenvolvidas simulações numéricas para uma coluna ascendente típica de leitos fluidizados circulantes. Desenvolveu-se análise paramétrica da influência de vários aspectos físicos e matemáticos sobre o escoamento. Avaliou-se resultados de simulação através de metodologia de identificação e caracterização de estruturas coerentes. Estudou-se o efeito da função de arrasto na interface sobre os processos dinâmicos que caracterizam estas estruturas coerentes. Foram realizados estudos numéricos de turbulência a partir de resultados de simulação direta. Várias conclusões e recomendações para futuros trabalhos foram propostas com base nas análises realizadas. Foram apresentadas algumas considerações gerais relativas a aspectos críticos na modelagem e simulação com modelo das duas fases separadas. / Studies were carried out on modeling and numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flows in the riser of circulating fluidized beds using an Eulerian two-fluids model. The system of conservative partial differential governing equations was derived through a traditional procedure. Both phases were assumed as a continuum. The Euler averaging procedure was applied emphasizing the derivation of the so called hydrodynamic models A and B developed at IIT/ANL. A comparative analysis was performed among correlations for momentum transfer at the interface. The formulation of suitable boundary conditions was discussed. The average partial differential conservative equations were discretized on Eulerian control volumes. The continuity equations were solved implicitly. The momentum equations were solved through an explicit-implicit procedure. Numerical simulation was performed for a typical circulating fluidized bed riser. A parametric analysis was carried out regarding the influence on the flow of various physical and mathematical aspects. Results of simulation were evaluated through a methodology of identification and characterization of coherent structures. The effect of the interface drag function on dynamic features of those coherent structures was addressed. Numerical studies on turbulence were performed from results of direct simulation. Several conclusions and recommendations for future work were put forward on the basis of the performed analyses. Some general considerations were presented regarding critical features of modeling and simulation through Eulerian two-fluids models.
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Modelagem do particulado em sistemas gás-sólido utilizando o modelo de dois fluidos e o método dos elementos discretos / Study of the dynamic in gas-solid systems using the two-fluid model and the Discrete Element MethodBraun, Meire Pereira de Souza 04 July 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar um estudo teórico e desenvolver simulações computacionais envolvendo a dinâmica de sistemas gás-sólido. O foco principal do trabalho é a modelagem do particulado através da análise das forças de contato entre partículas de materiais granulares utilizando modelos contínuos baseados na mecânica dos solos e na teoria cinética dos escoamentos granulares (sistemas grandes com muitas partículas, formulação Euleriana - Volumes Finitos) e modelos discretos baseados nas características físicas dos materiais (sistemas intermediários e número limitado de partículas, formulação Lagrangeana - Método dos Elementos Discretos). Investigam-se os modelos existentes na literatura com intuito de melhorar os modelos contínuos e discretos baseados na interação entre as partículas que caracterizam a dinâmica do particulado em sistemas gás-sólido. Propõe-se uma nova abordagem para a determinação do coeficiente de rigidez da mola baseada em uma equivalência entre os modelos lineares e não-lineares. Utiliza-se o código fonte MFIX para realizar simulações computacionais da dinâmica de sistemas gás-sólido, analisando o processo de fluidização, mistura e segregação de partículas, influência das correlações de arrasto, e análise das forças de contato entre as partículas através do novo método para a determinação do coeficiente de rigidez da mola . Os resultados obtidos são comparados com dados numéricos e experimentais da literatura. / The purpose of the present study is to perform a theoretical study and develop numerical simulations involving dynamic in gas-solid systems. The focus of the work is the modeling of particulate matter using continuous models based on soil mechanics and the kinetic theory of granular flows (large systems with many particles, Eulerian formulation - Finite Volume) and discrete models based on physical characteristics of the particles (intermediate systems and limited number of particles, Lagrangian formulation - Discrete Element Method). It is proposed a new approach to determine the normal spring stiffness coefficient of the linear model through the numerical solution for the overlap between particles in non-linear models. The linear spring stiffness is determined using an equivalence between the linear and the non-linear models. It is used the MFIX computational code to perform numerical simulations of the dynamics of gas-solid systems. It is analyzed the processes of fluidization, mixing and particle segregation and the influence of drag correlations. The proposed approach for normal spring stiffness coefficient is applied in the numerical simulations of two problems: single freely falling particle and bubbling fluidized bed. The results were compared with numerical and experimental data from literature.
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Analysis of the two-fluid model and the drift-flux model for numerical calculation of two-phase flowMunkejord, Svend Tollak January 2006 (has links)
<p>Flerfasestrømning er av betydning i en lang rekke anvendelser, blant annet i olje- og gassindustrien, i den kjemiske og i prosessindustrien, inkludert i varmepumpende systemer, samt i sikkerhetsanalyse av kjernekraftverk. Denne avhandlingen analyserer modeller for tofasestrømning, og metoder for numerisk løsning av disse modellene. Den er derfor ett bidrag til å utvikle pålitelige ingeniørverktøy for flerfase-anvendelser. Slike verktøy trengs og forventes av ingeniører i industrien.</p><p>Den tilnærmede Riemann-løseren framsatt av Roe har blitt studert. Roe-skjema for tre ulike modeller for tofasestrømning har blitt implementert i rammen av en standard numerisk algoritme for løsning av hyperbolske bevaringslover. Disse skjemaene har blitt analysert ved hjelp av referanse-regnestykker fra litteraturen, og ved sammenlikning med hverandre.</p><p>Et Roe-skjema for den fire-liknings ettrykks tofluid-modellen har blitt implementert, og det har blitt vist at en andreordens utvidelse basert på bølge-dekomponering og fluksdifferanse-splitting virker godt, og gir forbedrede resultater sammenliknet med det førsteordens skjemaet.</p><p>Det har blitt foreslått et Roe-skjema for en fem-liknings totrykks tofluid-modell med trykkrelaksering. Bruken av analoge numeriske metoder for fire-liknings- og fem-liknings-modellene gjorde det mulig med en direkte sammenlikning av en metode med og uten trykkrelaksering. Numeriske eksperiment demonstrerte at de to framgangsmåtene konvergerte til samme resultat, men at den fem-liknings trykkrelakserings-metoden var betydelig mer dissipativ, særlig for kontakt-diskontinuiteter. Videre viste beregninger at selv om fem-liknings-modellen har reelle egenverdier, så produserte den oscillasjoner for tilfeller der fire-liknings-modellen hadde komplekse egenverdier.</p><p>Et Roe-skjema har blitt konstruert for driftfluks-modellen med generelle lukningslover. Roe-matrisen er helt analytisk for det tilfellet at man kan anvende Zuber-Findlay-slipp-loven som beskriver boblestrømning. Dermed er dette Roe-skjemaet mer effektivt enn tidligere fullt numeriske Roe-skjema for driftfluks-modellen.</p><p>En isentropisk diskret-nivå-flerfasemodell har blitt presentert. En diskusjon av hvordan man kan ta hensyn til ulike interfase-trykkmodeller har blitt gitt. Med de passende modellene for interfase-trykk og -fart, var samsvaret svært godt mellom diskret-nivå-modellen og det fem-liknings Roe-skjemaet.</p><p>Multi-steg- (MUSTA) metoden har som siktemål å komme nær oppstrøms-metodene i nøyaktighet, samtidig som den bevarer enkelheten til sentrerte skjema. Her har metoden blitt brukt på driftfluks-modellen. Når antallet steg økes, nærmer resultatene fra MUSTA-metoden seg det man får med Roe-metoden. De gode resultatene til MUSTA-metoden er avhengige av at man bruker et stort nok lokalt grid. Derfor er hovedfordelen med MUSTA-metoden at den er enkel, snarere enn at man sparer regnetid.</p><p>En karakteristikk-basert metode for å spesifisere grensebetinglser for flerfase-modeller har blitt testet, og funnet å virke godt for transiente problem.</p> / <p>This thesis analyses models for two-phase flows and methods for the numerical resolution of these models. It is therefore one contribution to the development of reliable design tools for multiphase applications. Such tools are needed and expected by engineers in a range of fields, including in the oil and gas industry.</p><p>The approximate Riemann solver of Roe has been studied. Roe schemes for three different two-phase flow models have been implemented in the framework of a standard numerical algorithm for the solution of hyperbolic conservation laws. The schemes have been analysed by calculation of benchmark tests from the literature, and by comparison with each other.</p><p>A Roe scheme for the four-equation one-pressure two-fluid model has been implemented, and a second-order extension based on wave decomposition and flux-difference splitting was shown to work well and to give improved results compared to the first-order scheme. The convergence properties of the scheme were tested on smooth and discontinuous solutions.</p><p>A Roe scheme has been proposed for a five-equation two-pressure two-fluid model with pressure relaxation. The use of analogous numerical methods for the five-equation and four-equation models allowed for a direct comparison of a method with and without pressure relaxation. Numerical experiments demonstrated that the two approaches converged to the same results, but that the five-equation pressure-relaxation method was significantly more dissipative, particularly for contact discontinuities. Furthermore, even though the five-equation model with instantaneous pressure relaxation has real eigenvalues, the calculations showed that it produced oscillations for cases where the four-equation model had complex eigenvalues.</p><p>A Roe scheme has been constructed for the drift-flux model with general closure laws. For the case of the Zuber-Findlay slip law describing bubbly flows, the Roe matrix is completely analytical. Hence the present Roe scheme is more efficient than previous fully numerical Roe schemes for the drift-flux model.</p><p>An isentropic discrete-equation multiphase model has been presented. The incorporation of different interfacial-pressure models was discussed, and examples were given. With the adequate models for the interfacial pressure and velocity, the agreement was very good between the discrete-equation model and the five-equation Roe scheme.</p><p>The flux-limiter centred (FLIC) scheme was tested for the four-equation two-fluid model. Only the first-order version (FORCE) of the scheme was found to work well, but it was rather diffusive. The purpose of the multi-stage (MUSTA) method is to come close to the accuracy of upwind schemes while retaining the simplicity of centred schemes. Here it has been applied to the drift-flux model. As the number of stages was increased, the results of the MUSTA scheme approached those of the Roe method. The good results of the MUSTA scheme were dependent on the use of a large-enough local grid. Hence, the main advantage of the MUSTA scheme is its simplicity.</p><p>A multiphase characteristic-based boundary-condition method has been tested, and it was shown to be workable for transient problems.</p>
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