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Development of a trans-rotational temperature diagnostic for vibrationally-excited carbon monoxide using single-photon laser-induced fluorescenceLeiweke, Robert John 30 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Pulmonary Toxicity of Manufactured NanoparticlesPeebles, Brian Christopher 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Thermal Stability of Anodic Oxide Coatings - Strength and Durability of Adhesively Bonded Ti-6Al-4V AlloyTiwari, Rajesh Kumar 16 September 2002 (has links)
The lap shear strength of chromic acid anodized, primed, Ti-6Al-4V alloy bonded with a high performance FM-5 polyimide adhesive has been investigated as a function of thermal treatment for selected times at various temperatures in air. The research findings indicate that the lap shear strength decreases with the increase in duration of the thermal treatment at constant temperature and with the increase in temperature at constant time. The bond fails increasingly in the oxide coating with increasing treatment temperature and time of treatment. Surface analysis results for debonded specimens suggest that the process leading to failure is the formation of fluorine-containing materials within the oxide, which weakens the adherend-adhesive bond. The formation of the fluorine components is facilitated by treatment at elevated temperatures. This study suggests that the presence of fluoride ions in the anodic oxide coating, prior to bonding, is detrimental to the bond strength of adhesively bonded Ti-alloy when exposed to high temperatures.
The wedge test configuration was used to investigate the influence of temperature on the bond durability of adhesively bonded chromic acid anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy in air. Based on the average crack length vs. exposure time data, the bond durability varied in the order -25°C > 24°C > 177°C. In each case, the bonded joint failed cohesively within the adhesive, irrespective of the temperature of exposure. XPS analysis and scanning electron photomicrographs of failure surfaces revealed that the failure occurred at the scrim cloth/adhesive interface.
The influence of thermal treatment history on the bond durability of adhesively bonded chromic acid anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy immersed in boiling water was also investigated. The average crack length vs. immersion time indicated no significant differences for specimens that were thermally treated and then bonded compared to the non-thermally treated specimens. In addition, the failure mode was cohesive within the adhesive for specimens prepared using various thermal treatment conditions. The crack growths for samples treated for 0.5 hour and 1.0 hour and for non-thermally treated specimens for any given exposure time were equivalent. In addition, cohesive failure (failure within adhesive) was observed for each specimen under each treatment condition. The specimens that were bonded and then thermally treated for 3 hours, failed in the oxide coating immediately upon insertion of the wedge. Surface analysis results for debonded specimens suggest that the process leading to failure is the formation of fluorine-containing materials within the oxide. The measured average activation energy for the formation of aluminum fluoride species is 149 kJ/mol. The high activation energy suggests that the rate of aluminum fluoride formation is substantial only at high temperatures.
In summary, the presence of fluorides in the anodic oxide coatings prior to bonding is detrimental to the overall strength and durability of adhesively bonded chromic acid anodized Ti-6Al-4V joints which have been exposed to high temperatures (350°C-399°C). / Ph. D.
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Electroactive Environments for Mesenchymal Stem Cells Osteogenic DifferentiationGuillot Ferriols, María Teresa 30 December 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El aumento de la esperanza de vida conlleva la aparición de problemas muscoloesqueléticos afectando a la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Las nuevas terapias regenerativas óseas se centran en el uso de las células madre mesenquimales, MSCs, encargadas de la regeneración del tejido in vivo. La inducción de un fenotipo osteogénico prediferenciado in vitro, previo a la implantación de las MSCs, resulta en una mejor capacidad de regeneración del tejido óseo. Habitualmente se han empleado medios de diferenciación osteogénica que contienen dexametasona. Estos métodos son poco eficientes, por lo que el uso de métodos físicos está adquiriendo relevancia.
El hueso es un tejido con propiedades piezoeléctricas debido a las fibras de colágeno que forman parte de su matriz extracelular. Este estímulo ha sido relacionado con su capacidad de responder al estrés mecánico y autoregenerarse, donde juegan un papel importante las MSCs. Éstas se encuentran en un entorno electroactivo, y son precisamente estas señales físicas las que pueden influir en su proceso de diferenciación osteogénica pudiendo ser empleadas para su prediferenciación in vitro de forma efectiva. Para comprobar esta hipótesis, en la presente Tesis Doctoral se han diseñado soportes de cultivo piezoeléctricos en 2 y 3 dimensiones basados en el uso del polímero piezoeléctrico polifluoruro de vinilideno (PVDF) combinados con partículas magnetostrictivas de ferrita de cobalto (CFO). Esta combinación permite la estimulación de los soportes de cultivo aplicando un campo magnético con un biorreactor. Este campo magnético genera la deformación del componente magnetostrictivo, que es transmitida a la matriz polimérica, deformándola y generando un campo eléctrico. Ésta última es transmitida a las células cultivadas en estos soportes para estudiar su efecto sobre la diferenciación osteogénica.
En el primer capítulo se desarrollaron y caracterizaron membranas electroactivas de PVDF fabricadas por el método de separación de fases inducida por no-solventes. Se empleó etanol como no-solvente, dando lugar a membranas homogéneas altamente porosas. Estas cristalizan en fase g. Se optimizó un recubrimiento basado en la técnica capa a capa (LbL), empleando recombinámeros similares a la elastina (ELRs) que contenían secuencias de adhesión celular RGD. Se estudió la respuesta celular inicial de las MSCs y se comparó con los mismos soportes recubiertos únicamente con fibronectina adsorbida. La presencia de los ELRs es necesaria para promover la adhesión inicial de las MSCs en este tipo de soportes. En el segundo capítulo se combinó el PVDF con CFO, usando agua como no-solvente. Las membranas eran no simétricas, con una superficie lisa, que fue empleada para cultivo celular, con una mayoría en fase b, la más electroactiva. Se recubrieron y caracterizaron las membranas mediante LbL con colágeno tipo I y heparina. Se estudió el comportamiento de las MSCs sobre el LbL, resultando esencial para la proliferación celular en el caso de las membranas PVDF-CFO. En el capítulo tres se desarrollaron films de PVDF y PVDF-CFO cristalizados en presencia del líquido iónico [Bmim][Cl]. La presencia de éste indujo la nucleación del PVDF en fase b. Las MSCs eran capaces de adherirse y proliferar. Se realizaron ensayos de estimulación piezoeléctrica empleando un biorreactor magnético. Las MSCs respondieron a la estimulación incrementado la longitud de sus adhesiones focales, así como reduciendo la vimentina en el citoplasma. Finalmente, se diseñaron soportes de cultivo piezoeléctricos en 3D. Para ello se desarrollaron microesferas de PVDF y PVDF-CFO mediante la técnica de electropulverizado. Las microesferas se encapsularon en hidrogeles de gelatina junto con las MSCs. Se estimularon y tras 7 días, se observó un incremento en la expresión del factor de transcripción RUNX2 en las muestras estimuladas demostrando que la estimulación piezoeléctrica es capaz de activar en mayor medida la diferenciación de las MSCs. / [CA] L'augment de l'esperança de vida comporta l'aparició de problemes muscoloesquelètics afectant la qualitat de vida dels pacients. Les noves teràpies regeneratives òssies es centren en l'ús de les cèl·lules mare mesenquimals, MSCs, encarregades de la regeneració del teixit in vivo. La inducció d'un fenotip osteogènic prediferenciat in vitro, previ a la implantació de les MSCs, resulta en una millor capacitat de regeneració del teixit ossi. Habitualment s'han fet servir mitjans de diferenciació osteogènica que contenen dexametasona. Aquests mètodes són poc eficients, per la qual cosa l'ús de mètodes físics està adquirint rellevància.
L'os és un teixit amb propietats piezoelèctriques a causa de les fibres de col·lagen que formen part de la seva matriu extracel·lular. Aquest estímul ha estat relacionat amb la capacitat de respondre a l'estrès mecànic i autoregenerar-se, on juguen un paper important les MSCs. Aquestes es troben en un entorn electroactiu, i són precisament aquests senyals físics els que poden influir en el seu procés de diferenciació osteogènica podent ser emprats per a la seva prediferenciació in vitro de manera efectiva. Per comprovar aquesta hipòtesi, a la present tesi doctoral s'han dissenyat suports de cultiu piezoelèctrics en 2 i 3 dimensions basats en l'ús del polímer piezoelèctric polifluorur de vinilidè (PVDF) combinats amb partícules magnetostrictives de ferrita de cobalt (CFO). Aquesta combinació permet l'estimulació dels suports de cultiu aplicant un camp magnètic amb un bioreactor. Aquest camp magnètic genera la deformació del component magnetostrictiu, que és transmesa a la matriu polimèrica, deformant-la i generant un camp elèctric. Aquesta última és transmesa a les cèl·lules cultivades en aquests suports per estudiar-ne l'efecte sobre la diferenciació osteogènica.
En el primer capítol es van desenvolupar i caracteritzar membranes electroactives de PVDF fabricades pel mètode de separació de fases induïda per no solvents. Es va emprar etanol com a no-solvent, donant lloc a membranes homogènies altament poroses. Aquestes cristal·litzen en fase g. S'optimitzà un recobriment basat en la tècnica capa a capa (LbL), emprant recombinàmers similars a l'elastina (ELRs) que contenien seqüències d'adhesió cel·lular RGD. Es va estudiar la resposta cel·lular inicial de les MSCs i es va comparar amb els mateixos suports recoberts únicament amb fibronectina adsorbida. La presència dels ELR és necessària per promoure l'adhesió inicial de les MSCs en aquest tipus de suports. En el segon capítol es va combinar el PVDF amb CFO, usant aigua com a no-solvent. Les membranes eren no simètriques, amb una superfície llisa, que va ser emprada per a cultiu cel·lular, amb una majoria en fase b, la més electroactiva. Es van recobrir i caracteritzar les membranes mitjançant LbL amb col·lagen tipus I i heparina. Es va estudiar el comportament de les MSCs sobre el LbL, resultant essencial per a la proliferació cel·lular en el cas de les membranes PVDF-CFO. Al capítol tres es van desenvolupar films de PVDF i PVDF-CFO cristal·litzats en presència del líquid iònic [Bmim][Cl]. La seva presència va induir la nucleació del PVDF en fase b. Les MSCs eren capaces d'adherir-se i proliferar. Es van realitzar assajos d'estimulació piezoelèctrica emprant un bioreactor magnètic. Les MSCs van respondre a l'estimulació incrementant la longitud de les seves adhesions focals, així com reduint la vimentina al citoplasma. Finalment, es van dissenyar suports de cultiu piezoelèctrics en 3D. Per això es van desenvolupar microesferes de PVDF i PVDF-CFO mitjançant la tècnica d'electropolveritzat. Les microesferes es van encapsular en hidrogels de gelatina juntament amb les MSCs. Es van estimular i després de 7 dies, es va observar un increment en l'expressió del factor de transcripció RUNX2 a les mostres estimulades demostrant que l'estimulació piezoelèctrica és capaç d'activar més la diferenciació de les MSCs. / [EN] Life expectancy increase entails the presence of musculoskeletal disorders producing a substantial impact on patient's quality of life. New bone regenerative therapies are focused on the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the main effectors of bone regeneration in vivo. Over the years, it has been demonstrated that the induction of a pre-differentiated phenotype in vitro, before MSCs implantation, results in a better capacity for bone tissue regeneration. For this purpose, biochemical approaches based on the use of osteogenic differentiation medium containing dexamethasone have traditionally been used. These methods are not efficient, which has favoured the use of physical methods as an alternative.
Bone is a piezoelectric tissue due to the collagen fibres that conform its extracellular matrix. This stimulus has been related to its ability to respond to mechanical stress and self-regenerate, a process in which MSCs play a key role. MSCs are subjected to an electroactive environment. It is hypothesised that these physical signals may influence their osteogenic differentiation process and be used to effectively pre-differentiate them in vitro. To test this hypothesis, along this Doctoral Thesis, piezoelectric cell culture supports have been designed in 2 and 3 dimensions based on the use of the piezoelectric polymer poly(vinylidene) fluoride (PVDF) combined with magnetostrictive cobalt ferrite oxide (CFO) nanoparticles. This combination allows the stimulation of culture supports by applying a magnetic field with a bioreactor. This magnetic field induces the deformation of the magnetostrictive component, which is transmitted to the polymeric matrix, generating a deformation and producing an electric field, which is transmitted to the MSCs to study its effect on their osteogenic differentiation.
In the first chapter, electroactive PVDF membranes manufactured by the non-solvent induced phase separation technique were developed and characterised. Ethanol was used as a non-solvent, which gave rise to highly porous homogeneous membranes crystallised in the g phase. A coating protocol based on the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique, using elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) containing RGD cell adhesion sequences, was optimised. MSCs' initial cellular response was studied and compared with the membranes coated with adsorbed fibronectin. The presence of the ELRs was necessary to promote MSCs' initial adhesion in this type of support. In the second chapter, PVDF was combined with CFO, using water as a non-solvent. The membranes were not symmetrical, with a smooth surface used for cell culture, with a majority in phase b, the most electroactive. Membranes were coated and characterised by LbL with type I collagen and heparin. The behaviour of MSCs on LbL was studied, essential for cell proliferation in the case of PVDF-CFO membranes. In chapter three, PVDF and PVDF-CFO films crystallised in the presence of the ionic liquid [Bmim][Cl] were developed. The presence of ionic liquid induced PVDF nucleation in the b phase. MSCs were able to adhere and proliferate. Piezoelectric stimulation tests were performed using a magnetic bioreactor. MSCs responded to stimulation by increasing the length of their focal adhesions and reducing vimentin in the cytoplasm. Finally, 3D piezoelectric culture supports were designed. For this, PVDF and PVDF-CFO microspheres were developed using the electrospray technique. The microspheres were encapsulated in gelatin hydrogels together with the MSCs. They were stimulated, and after 7 days, an increase in the expression of the transcription factor RUNX2 was observed in the stimulated samples, demonstrating that piezoelectric stimulation is capable of activating the differentiation of MSCs to a greater extent. / La presente tesis doctoral no podría haberse realizado sin la financiación del
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través de la beca para formación de personal
investigador BES-2017-080398 y a la Agencia Estatal de Investigación a través de los
proyectos PID2019-106000RB-C21 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033, PID2019-106099RB-
C41 y –C43 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033. / Guillot Ferriols, MT. (2022). Electroactive Environments for Mesenchymal Stem Cells Osteogenic Differentiation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191003 / Compendio
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Biogeochemical DefluoridationEvans-Tokaryk, Kerry 09 June 2011 (has links)
Fluoride in drinking water can lead to a crippling disease called fluorosis. As there is no cure for fluorosis, prevention is the only means of controlling the disease and research into fluoride remediation is critical. This work begins by providing a new approach to assessing fluoride remediation strategies using a combination of groundwater chemistry, saturation indices, and multivariate statistics based on the results of a large groundwater survey performed in a fluoride-contaminated region of India. From the Indian groundwater study, it was noted that one technique recommended for defluoridation involved using hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) as a solid phase sorbent for fluoride. This prompted investigation of bacteriogenic iron oxides (BIOS), a biogenic form of HFO, as a means of approaching bioremediation of fluoride. Batch sorption experiments at ionic strengths ranging from 0.001 to 0.1 M KNO3 and time course kinetic studies with BIOS and synthetic HFO were conducted to ascertain total sorption capacities (ST), sorption constants (Ks), and orders of reaction (n), as well as forward (kf) and reverse (kr) rate constants. Microcosm titration experiments were also conducted with BIOS and HFO in natural spring water from a groundwater discharge zone to evaluate fluoride sorption under field conditions. This thesis contributes significant, new information regarding the interaction between fluoride and BIOS, advancing knowledge of fluoride remediation and covering new ground in the uncharted field of fluoride bioremediation.
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Effets des fluorures sur l'activité antimicrobienne des antibiotiques contre Staphylococcus aureus et Pseudomonas aeruginosaRiazi, Mansour 12 1900 (has links)
L’émergence des souches bactériennes résistantes aux antibiotiques est un phénomène inquiétant, qui se répand à travers le monde. Staphylococcus aureus et Pseudomonas aeruginosa sont des bactéries pathogènes opportunistes multi résistantes qui peuvent causer plusieurs maladies. Cependant, ces bactéries deviennent difficiles à traiter avec des antibiotiques sans occasionner de toxicité. Alors pour trouver des solutions, c’est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles molécules afin de combattre les agents pathogènes résistants. Grâce à leur action pharmacologique, les fluorures exercent un certain effet antibactérien au niveau de l'émail des dents; donc, leur association aux antibiotiques pourrait bien a méliorer l’activité antimicrobienne. De ce fait, nous nous sommes proposés d’étudier les activités in vitro de la vancomycine (VAN), l’oxacilline (OXA), la ceftazidime (CFT) et la méropenème (MER) libre ou associée au fluorure de sodium (NaF) et fluorure de lithium (LiF) qui ont été évaluées sur des souches S.aureus et P.aeruginosa sensibles et résistantes, par la méthode de la microdilution en bouillon, déterminant leur concentration minimale inhibitrice (CMI), leur concentration minimale bactéricide (CMB), leur courbe cinétique (Time-Kill). Leur cytotoxicité sur les globules rouges humains, et leur stabilité à la température de 4°C et 22°C ont été étudiées. Les associations des antimicrobiens aux dérivés des fluorures ont montré une amélioration de l’effet des antibiotiques par la réduction des leurs concentrations et toxicité pour traiter correctement ces pathogènes résistants. Par conséquent, des antibiotiques associés aux dérivés de fluorure pourraient devenir une option de traitement contre des souches résistantes afin de diminuer la toxicité causée par de fortes doses des antibiotiques conventionnels. / The emergence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics is a worrying phenomenon, which has spread worldwide. Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are multi-resistant opportunistic pathogenic bacteria that can cause many diseases. However, they have become difficult to treat with antibiotics without causing toxicity to humans. It is therefore necessary to develop new molecules against resistant pathogens to combat this problem. Due to their pharmacological action, fluorides have an antibacterial effect on tooth enamel which suggests that their combination with antibiotics could improve antimicrobial activity. Thus, we proposed to study in vitro activities of vancomycin (VAN), oxacillin (OXA), ceftazidime (CFT) and meropenem (MER) alone or combined with sodium fluoride (NaF) and lithium fluoride (LiF ) that were evaluated against resistant and susceptible strains of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa by antimicrobial susceptibility testing , in determining their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), and kinetics (Time-Kill). The evaluation of cytotoxicity on human red blood cells, and determination of stability at two different temperatures (4°C, 22°C) were also performed. Associations of antibiotics with fluoride derivatives showed an improvement by increasing the effect of antibiotics with minimal levels necessary to achieve the same result by reducing their toxicity and to properly kill these resistant pathogens. Therefore, antibiotics associated with fluoride derivatives could become a treatment option against resistant strains and at the same time reduce the toxicity caused by high doses of conventional antibiotics.
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Silver Diamine Fluoride and Oral Health-Related Quality of LifeJavdan, Nazafarin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the association between Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life as assessed by “The Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale” questionnaire. Methods: Parents of healthy children (ASA I and II) ages 1-5 with early childhood caries with reversible pulpitis who had application of SDF filled out a questionnaire at baseline and again after one month. The questionnaire was designed to evaluate the child’s behavior, physical abilities, pain, temperament, and how well the child gets along with others. Results: Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to determine if responses to various ECOHIS items and the total scores were different between the two time points. Conclusion: Children with dental caries who had application of SDF reported less dental pain, less eating problems, higher quality of sleep and overall higher quality of life at one-month follow up compared with the baseline.
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Guides d’onde en verres et vitrocéramiques fluorés dopés terre rare élaborés par PVD pour l’émission dans le visible et la conversion de fréquence / Fluoride glasses and glass-ceramics rare earth doped waveguide prepared by PVD for visible emission and frequency conversionDieudonné, Belto 13 November 2012 (has links)
Le projet s’inscrit dans le développement de sources lasers RGB miniaturisées pour l’affichage et la vidéoprojection, la conversion de fréquence dans les cellules solaires.Les verres fluorés ZLAG (ZrF4-LaF3-AlF3-GaF3) codopés terres rares ont été considérés. Ce verre possède une faible énergie de phonon, une forte solubilité des terres rares et peut être fabriqué en couche mince par la technique PVD. Il est de plus le précurseur de vitrocéramiques transparentes. On a observé dans les verres massifs et les guides d’onde des émissions bleue, orange et rouge avec un codopage Pr3+-Yb3+, bleue et rouge avec un co-dopage Tm3+-Yb3+. L’émission RGB dans les verres tri-dopés Tm3+-Er3+-Yb3+ semble prometteuse. Par ailleurs, la vitro-céramisation a permis d’augmenter de plus de 30% les sections efficaces d’absorption des ions Pr3+ et Yb3+.Une efficacité de transfert de 92% a été obtenue dans les verres co-dopés 0,5Pr3+-10Yb3+ pour le processus de conversion d’un photon bleu en deux photons IR. / The project joins in the development of miniaturized laser sources RGB for display and videoprojection, frequency conversion in solar cells.Fluoride glasses ZLAG ( ZrF4-LaF3-AlF3-GaF3) co-doped with rare earths were studied. This glass has a low phonon energy, a strong solubility of the rare earth ions and can be fabricated as thin films by PVD. It is also the precursor of transparent glass-ceramics. Similar emissions in both co-doped bulk and waveguides have been observed ; blue, orange, red emission for Pr3+-Yb3+ and blue, red emission for Tm3+-Yb3+. The RGB emission in bulk Tm3+-Er3+-Yb3+ tri-doped glass seems promising. Furthermore, the absorption cross section of Pr3+ and Yb3+ ions has been increased by 30% with the ceraming process.An energy transfer efficiency (ETE) of 92% has been obtained for co-doped glass with 0,5Pr3+-10Yb3+ for the conversion process of a blue photon into two infrared one.
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Réalisation et caractérisation de HEMTs AlGaN/GaN sur silicium pour applications à haute tension / Realization and characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on silicon for high voltage applications.Nguyen, Thi Dak Ha 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution aux développements de HEMTS AlGaN/GaN sur substrat de silicium pour des applications basses fréquences sous fortes tensions (typiquement 600V) comme les commutateurs pour la domotique ou les circuits de puissance des véhicules électriques. Elle a été menée en collaboration étroite avec Picogiga International qui a réalisé toutes les épitaxies. Elle est composée de trois parties : développement d'une technologie de fabrication, étude des courants de fuite, amélioration du pouvoir isolant de la barrière et recherche d'un comportement “normally off”. La réalisation de contacts ohmiques peu résistifs est l’étape cruciale de la fabrication des HEMTs AlGaN/GaN de puissance. Une optimisation de l'empilement des métaux utilisés, de la température et du temps de recuit ainsi que la recherche d'un compromis sur la distance métallisation – gaz d'électrons, nous a permis de réaliser des contacts ohmiques proches de l'état de l'art (0,5 Ohm.mm). L’origine des courants de fuite a été systématiquement étudiée sur cinq types d'épitaxies différentes. La distance grille – drain et les courants de fuites ont été identifiés comme étant les deux facteurs limitant la tension de claquage. Selon la structure, les courants de fuite ont lieu soit à travers la grille (~e-8 A/mm à 210V), soit en parallèle au canal (e-5 A/mm). Dans les deux cas, ces courants sont comparables aux courants de fuite au travers du tampon (i.e. courants mesurés entre deux mésas). Ces courants de fuite, ont été attribués aux couches de transition nécessaires à l'adaptation de l'épitaxie des couches de nitrure sur le substrat de silicium. La réalisation de HEMT AlGaN/GaN sur silicium pour les applications à haute tension passera donc par une amélioration de ces couches tampons.Nous avons démontré qu'il est possible d'améliorer l'isolation de la barrière en AlGaN grâce à une hydrogénation du matériau. En effet un traitement de surface des transistors par un plasma hydrogène permet, par diffusion, d'y incorporer de l'hydrogène qui passive les dislocations traversantes. Après traitement, les courants de fuite de grille sont réduits et la tension de claquage est repoussée à 400V avec des courants de fuite de l'ordre de e-6 A/mm. Dans ces conditions, le claquage a alors lieu en surface de l'échantillon, il n'est plus limité que par la distance grille-drain. Ce résultat ouvre la voie à la réalisation de HEMT à forte tension de claquage (V~600V).L’effet du plasma fluoré SF6 sur les caractéristiques électriques des HEMT (AlN/GaN)/GaN (la barrière est en super-réseaux AlN/GaN) a été étudié pour la première fois dans cette thèse. Les ions fluor incorporés dans cette barrière agissent comme des donneurs qui font augmenter la densité du gaz bi-dimensionnel d'électrons et décaler la tension de pincement vers les tensions négatives. Cet effet est à l'opposé de celui observé dans les HEMT à barrière en AlGaN. Ce résultat élimine la possibilité de réaliser les HEMT (AlN/GaN)/GaN “normally off” par un dopage au fluor, une technique simple et efficace qui donne de bons résultats sur les HEMT à barrière AlGaN. D’autre part, il apporte quelques réponses expérimentales aux prévisions théoriques d'utiliser le fluor pour les dopages de type n ou p dans les nitrures d'éléments III. / This thesis is a contribution to the development of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on silicon substrates for low frequency and applications under high voltages (typically 600V) as switches for home automation or power circuits of electric vehicles. It was conducted in close collaboration with Picogiga who made all epitaxy. It is composed of three parts: development of manufacturing technology, study of leakage currents, improving the insulating barrier and search behavior “normally”.The realization of low resistivity ohmic contacts is the crucial step in the manufacture of AlGaN / GaN HEMTs power. Optimization of the stack of metal used, the temperature and annealing time and the search for a compromise on the distance metallization - electron gas, has allowed us to achieve ohmic contacts around the state s (0.5 Ohm. mm).The origin of the leakage current has been systematically studied in five different kinds epitaxy. The distance gate - drain and leakage currents were both identified as being factors limiting the breakdown voltage. According to the structure, the leakage currents take place either through the grid (~ e-8 A/mm at 210V), or in parallel to the channel (e-5A/mm). In both cases, these currents are comparable to leakage currents through the buffer (ie current measured between two mesas). These leakage currents were attributed to transition layers required for the adaptation of the epitaxial nitride layers on the silicon substrate. Achieving AlGaN HEMT / GaN on silicon for high voltage applications pass through to an improvement in these buffer layers.We have demonstrated that it is possible to improve the insulation of the AlGaN barrier through hydrogenation of the material. In effect a surface treatment by a hydrogen plasma allows, by diffusion, to incorporate hydrogen which passivates the through dislocations. After treatment, the gate leakage current is reduced and the breakdown voltage of 400V is pushed with leakage currents of the order e-6A/mm. Under these conditions, when the breakdown occurs at the surface of the sample, is no longer limited by the gate-drain distance. This result opens the way for the realization of HEMT with high breakdown voltage (V ~ 600V).The effect of plasma fluorinated SF6 on the electrical characteristics of the HEMT (AlN/GaN)/GaN (barrier is AlN/GaN superlattices) was studied for the first time in this thesis. The fluorine ions incorporated in the barrier act as donors that increase the density of the two-dimensional gas of electrons and the shifting to the voltage clamping negative voltages. This effect is opposite to that observed in the HEMT in AlGaN barrier. This result eliminates the possibility of the HEMT (AlN/GaN)/GaN "normally off" by fluorine doping, a simple and effective technique that gives good results on AlGaN HEMT barrier. On the other hand, it brings some experimental answers to theoretical predictions using fluorine doping for n-type or p in III nitrides.
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Caracterização de uma microválvula fabricada usando o polímero piezoelétrico poli(fluoreto de vinilideno) (PVDF) integrada a saída de um microbocal sônico / Characterization of a microvalve using the piezoelectric polymer poly(viniyidene fluoride) (PVDF) integrated to a micronozzle endWiederkehr, Rodrigo Sérgio 17 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a seqüência de fabricação de uma microválvula piezoelétrica posicionada na saída de um microbocal sônico. A técnica usada para fabricar os microbocais foi o jateamento utilizando pó de alumina e o substrato usado foi de vidro. As microválvulas são atuadores fabricados com o polímero poli(fluoreto de vinilideno) (PVDF) que é um material piezoelétrico. Os microbocais têm um formato convergente-divergente com diâmetro na entrada de 1 mm e com diâmetro na garganta em cerca de 240 microns. O atuador foi fabricado no modo bimorfo (duas folhas do polímero coladas com polarização opostas) com dimensões de 3 mm de largura por 6 mm de comprimento. Ambas as folhas do polímero são recobertas por um filme condutor de 200 nm de espessura usados como eletrodos. Aplicando uma voltagem entre os eletrodos uma folha expande enquanto a outra contrai gerando um movimento vertical do atuador. O movimento vertical pode ser maior ou menor dependendo do valor da tensão aplicada. Os dispositivos foram testados usando uma linha de gás, aplicando tensões DC e AC nos eletrodos do atuador. Para controle, também foram realizadas medidas em bocais sem atuadores. No caso onde foram aplicadas tensões DC nos atuadores, a pressão de entrada foi constante de 266 Pa. Aplicando uma tensão de +300 V DC nos eletrodos, o atuador teve um movimento vertical na direção oposta ao do microbocal de 20 microns (movimento de abertura). Neste caso o fluxo de gás medido, quando a razão de pressão entre a entrada e a saída atingiu 0,5, foi de 150 cm3/min. Aplicando uma tensão de -300 V DC (o que significa um movimento vertical de fechamento de 13 microns), o fluxo de gás medido, quando a razão de pressão foi de 0,5, foi de 134 cm3/min. Assim, existe uma faixa de fluxo entre 134 cm3/min e 150 cm3/min que pode ser controlada através do atuador. Em uma das medidas onde se aplicou uma tensão AC (200 V com 5 Hz de freqüência), foi utilizada uma pressão de entrada 13300 Pa. Neste caso, para uma razão de pressão de 0,5, onde o bocal se encontrava blocado, foi observado um fluxo de 847 cm3/min. Considerando que o fluxo do bocal sem atuador, nas mesmas condições de medida foi de 614 cm3/min, concluímos que o dispositivo no modo AC funciona como uma microbomba. A relevância deste trabalho está a utilização do poli(fluoreto vinilideno) (PVDF) na fabricação de um atuador para uso como microválvula. Este material que ainda não havia sido testado para esta finalidade. A fabricação dos microbocais foi feita em um substrato de vidro usando a técnica de jateamento também é inédita. Esta técnica é bastante usada na fabricação de microestruturas na superfície do vidro. Mas nunca tinha sido usada para a fabricação de microbocais que são canais em formato cônico que atravessam o substrato. / This work describes the fabrication and test of a microvalve integrated in a micronozzle. The technique used to fabricate the micronozzles was powder blasting using aluminum oxide powder and glass as substrate. The microvalves are actuators made from PVDF (poli(vinylidene fluoride)), that is a piezoelectric polymer. The micronozzles have convergent-divergent shape with diameter of 1mm at the entrance and throat around 240µm. The actuators were fabricated as a bimorph structure (two piezoelectric sheets were clamped together with opposite polarization) with dimensions 3 mm width and 6 mm length. Both sheets are recovered with a conductive thin film with 200 nm of thickness used as electrodes. Applying voltage between the electrodes one sheet expands while the other contracts and this generate a vertical movement to the entire actuator. If the voltage is changed, this movement can be higher or lower. The devices were tested in a gas line applying DC and AC voltages between the actuator\'s electrodes. Measurements were also realized using a micronozzle without actuator, for control. In the case where DC voltage was applied between the actuators electrodes, the inlet pressure was kept constant in 266 Pa. Applying +300V DC voltage between the electrodes, the actuator moved 20µm vertically in the opposite direction of the micronozzle (it opened). In this case the volume flux rate, for a pressure ratio (outlet / inlet) of 0.5, was 150 cm3/min. Applying -300V DC between the electrodes (that means it closed 13 microns in the micronozzle direction), for a pressure ratio of 0.5, the volume flux rate was 134 cm3/min. With these results, we conclude that it is possible to control the flow through the device in the range between 134 and 150 cm3/min. Flow measurements were also performed applying AC voltage (200V AC with frequency of 5 Hz) between the actuator electrodes and with the inlet pressure kept constant in 13300 Pa. In this case, with a pressure ratio (outlet / inlet) of 0.5, blocking the micronozzle, the flow rate measured was 847 cm3/min. Considering that the flow rate measured for the micronozzle without actuator was 614 cm3/min, in the same measurement conditions, we concluded that the device, in AC mode, was working as a micropump. The relevance of this work was the use of the poly(vinylidene) (PVDF) in the fabrication of the actuators and use it as a microvalve. The micronozzles were fabricated in a glass substrate using the powder blasting technique that was also new.
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