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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bibliotekariers och lastbilschaufförers syn på "Lyssna dig rik"-kampanjen : En utvärdering av klustergruppskampanjen "Lyssna dig rik" på ett huvudbibliotek / Librarians´ and lorry drivers´ view on the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign : An evaluation of the cluster group campaign "Lyssna dig rik" at a main library

Larsson, Sabina, Braun, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a study of Futurum.kom´s campaign "Lyssna dig rik". Futurum.kom is a regional marketing project between Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and 25 public libraries in the county of Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg. The aim of the Futurum.kom project is to strengthen the role of the public library in society. "Lyssna dig rik" was a cluster group campaign with the aim of making people know about the possibilities of loaning audiobooks in libraries. The target group was lorry drivers in the age of 30-65 with the possibilities to listen to audiobooks at work. The analysis is based on the following issues:  Which were the stated goals with the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign?  Which interventions were made at the main library to achieve the stated goals with the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign?  Which became the external results of the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign?  In which way became the external results in the target area of the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign at the main library, an effect of the interventions of the cluster group and main library? The method is a case study and an evaluation study mainly based on interviews with librarians and lorry drivers. The study reveals that the majority of the interviewed lorry drivers did notice the "Lyssna dig rik" campaign. They were on the other hand already aware of the fact that audiobooks are available in libraries and they didn’t change their opinions about audiobooks and libraries as a result of the campaign.

Mellan Hantverk och Outsourcing : Utmaningar vid inköp av litteratur på andra språk än svenska och engelska vid svenska folkbibliotek

Edkvist, Alexander, Norling, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Between craftsmanship and outsourcing - challenges in purchasing literature in languages other than Swedish and English at Swedish public libraries. This paper examines how ten librarians working in Swedish public libraries perceive challenges connected to the acquisition of books in languages other than Swedish and English. It makes an attempt to explain how these challenges affect the librarians’ acquisition process and push it towards either a craftsmanship based process or a process based on a high degree of outsourcing responsibility. The method used was qualitative interviews with librarians that had acquisition of books in languages other than Swedish or English as part of their work responsibilities. A total of eight interviews, two of them group interviews with two participants, were conducted. Five of the interviewed librarians worked in a large city, while five worked in three smaller municipalities. The analysis was inspired by Evans’ & Saponaro’s model of the collection development process and Brian Quinn’s use of George Ritzer’s theory of McDonaldization to examine the state of academic libraries in the U.S.A. Three main challenges are discussed; identifying user needs, absence of language or literature knowledge and poor availability of books. The interviewed librarians acquisition processes could be said to exist on a scale between a high degree of craftsmanship and a high degree of outsourcing. One factor pushing librarians towards an outsourcing of responsibility was absence of language knowledge, which lead to a higher degree of dependency on vendor assessment of literature. Mandatory purchasing agreements and lack of adequate technical and cataloging services inhouse were also factors affecting the acquisition process as they lead to less choice in vendor selection and as a consequence hindered the librarians’ ability to take on responsibility in selecting and acquiring books.

Mångspråksbibliotekariers kompetenser / The Competences of Multi-language Librarians

Bergholtz, Helene January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to gain greater knowledgeabout some multi-language librarians’ perception of theircompetences in the library activities that are conductedtowards people with other mother tongues than Swedish, inwhat way these competences are gained and whichcompetences they miss. The method that is used to answerthe research questions in the study is semi-structuredinterviews with four public librarians who mainly work withmulti-language activities. Lundmark’s competence model isused together with theory of the competence term to analyzethe collected data. The results that can be drawn is that themulti-language librarians in this study consider manydifferent competences to be needed in the profession, but thatthe formal education, language skills, ability to conductsurrounding analysis, personal and social competences arementioned as very important. The librarians described theirwork tasks and responsibilities as varying, which results in ademand of certain competences. The professionalcompetence is mainly obtained via university studies and canbe updated through both formal and non-formal education.Strategic competence can be further developed throughtraditional courses and regional or local competencedevelopment efforts but also through individual initiatives asnews coverage. Everyone possesses personal and socialcompetences in some form, and these competences are oftendeveloped through experiences in a person’s personal andprofessional life. The different competences are not separatedfrom each other but overlapping and completing each other.

Tv-spel på bibliotek : En spelsamlings utveckling och utmaningar

Holmats, Ann January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka ett biblioteks tv-spelsamling och se hur samlingen växt fram och utvecklats utifrån de utmaningar man mött och kan tänkas möta i framtiden då tv-spel är ett medium som sedan några år finns på allt fler bibliotek, men inte är helt okontroversiellt. Frågeställningarna i denna uppsats var: Hur såg starten för tv-spelssamlingen ut? Hur ser arbetet med tv-spelssamlingen ut och hur har det utvecklats genom åren? Möter tv-spelssamlingen utmaningar som inte andra samlingar gör? För att besvara dessa frågor gjordes en semistrukturerad intervju med två bibliotekarier som arbetat med en tv-spelssamling sedan start. De svar som framkom var att arbetet med att bygga grundbeståndet skedde likt det sätt som föreslås av litteraturen genom att en policy skapades samt att man tog hjälp av spelare för att välja spel. Biblioteket valde att ha en stor bredd på samlingen för att locka många låntagare och man strävar efter god kvalitet på spelen genom att titta på sammanställningar av recensioner. Den största förändringen som skett med spelsamlingen var att spelen fick lov att flyttas bakom disk och utlånen av dem sker numera helt manuellt. Detta för att problemen med stölderna innan denna förändring var så pass svåra att man funderade på att sluta med spel. Andra utvecklingar som skett är att lånetiden förlängts från en vecka till två. De konsoler man köper in spel till har förändrats då en ny generation av konsoler släppts sedan starten av samlingen. De spelarrangemang man anordnade regelbundet i början har försvunnit, men detta kopplas till att spelen inte längre ses som något speciellt utan nu är en vanlig del i samlingen. Utmaningar som är specifika för denna samling är att spelen måste ha licens för att få lånas ut och att många spel med god kritik inte kommer med licens. Kostnaden är även den stor, men det är inte längre ett lika stort problem då stölderna minskat och man har en fast summa man får för inköp. Inköpen av spel till de äldre generationerna blir svårare då det blir färre spel som släpps till dem och färre recensioner skrivs. De intervjuade bibliotekarierna tror även att det krävs lite extra när man arbetar med denna samling då inköpsvägarna inte är samma som för spel. Som avslutning på uppsatsen gavs tre råd att tänka på vid arbete med en tv-spelssamling på bibliotek: skaffa kunskap om PEGI, ha åldersgräns på utlånen och läs spelrecensioner.

Biblioteksidéer på import : En historisk analys av artiklar om utländsk biblioteksverksamhet publicerade i Biblioteksbladet 1916–1930

Ottosson, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to examine how much and what was written in Sweden about foreign libraries and their design between 1916 and 1930. This is done by analysing articles published in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet, using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Firstly, the results of the quantitative approach show that a total of 55 articles were published on the subject, within the selected period. They also show who wrote each article, and that they mostly reported on details of statistics, finances, interior design and the everyday practical work of Public, Central and Children’s libraries. Secondly, the findings from the qualitative approach, an interpretative reading of five of the 55 articles, reveal four recurring themes that illuminate the messages behind the factual details in the texts. These themes are, that the library should be for everyone; that Sweden, in some ways, had fallen behind in the development of libraries; that the details are shared to help build new and better libraries; and that libraries should adapt to suit its users. Finally, the combined results of these studies illustrate not only what the authors of the articles found to be the most interesting aspects of various foreign library systems, but also lend insight to the state of the Swedish library organisation and system of the time.

En härlig blandning av människor både på scen och i publiken : Om strategier för programverksamheten hos HBTQ-certifierade bibliotek / A magnificent diversety of people both on stage and in the audience : Strategies for public events at LGBT-certified libraries

Klaar, Anna, Åberg, Emmi January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine what strategies can be identified at LBGTQ-certified libraries in Sweden when arranging public events. The strategies are based on Douglas Rabers (1996) theory about library identities. To answer the purpose of this thesis we interviewed four librarians, who at the moment of the thesis worked at different LGBTQ-certified libraries. The results showed that all the strategies could be identified and that the librarians used all of them while working with the libraries' public events. The individual libraries had different purposes with the public events that had LGBTQ-theme; they wanted to create encounters between marginalised groups and others, broaden their events, or educate the local community. We also found that quality, marketing and the way librarians treated LGBTQ-people also were important to the interviewed librarians. In the interviews with the librarians we could also identify conflicts between the strategies. This thesis concluded that the librarians needed to use all three strategies to accomplish the different purposes of the public events at their libraries. We also concluded that the different strategies could be connected to the LGBTQ-certificate

"Öppna dörren till en värld där berättelserna bor" : En studie av bibliotekariers förhållningssätt till barns läsning och sagostunder / "Open the door to a world where stories live" : A study of librarian's various approaches toward children's reading and storytime programmes

Nyström, Sarah, Oskarsson, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the various approaches librarian's may have toward children's reading and toward storytime programmes, and also to discuss if and how these different approaches can influence their planning, execution and follow-up of the storytime programme. Eight qualitative interviews were conducted with nine librarian's who work with storytime programmes at public libraries. A model of three approaches toward reading and storytime was used to analyze the results of the interviews. The study found no indications that the librarian's approaches toward reading and storytime affect how they plan, execute or follow-up the storytime programmes. The results indicate that practical factors, such as staffing shortage or lack of time, are far more influential, as well as the personal view of the storytime-giver.

”Man behöver språket för att visa sig som människa” : Språkcaféer – en väg till empowerment / You need language to show who you are as a human : Language cafes - a path to empowerment

Södergren, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether publiclibraries language cafés can support or enable the empowerment of the participants. Empowerment means that the individuals ability to take control of their own lives is strengthened and that the individual becomes more independent. Empowerment also means that the individual takes part in a community. An important part of this is the language. I have developed two research questions: What forms of empowerment can be seen in the respondents' statements? What role do language cafés play for people from other countries, in terms of empowerment? The thesis empirical material consists of interviews whit five people involved in different languages cafes in public libraries in the city of Malmö. The theory used to analyze the material is the concept of empowerment. Based on this concept, I have selected a few keywords to structure the empirical material, identity and self-confidence, social context and vertical and horizontal empowerment. It was found that language cafés fill an important function for the participants' empowerment regarding language, social context, self-confidence and the opportunity to be part of a community. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Tio år med stadsdelsreformen i Göteborg med omnejd. Synpunkter hos anställda vid sex folkbibliotek och inom kultur och fritid / An investigation of six libraries in Gothenburg and its neighbourhood relating to a City Council reform. Results and viewpoints.

Londrén, Maria January 2004 (has links)
This is a comparative study of six public libraries in the city of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The main purpose of this master thesis is to describe these libraries relating to a reform in the city council of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The comparison deals with a period of ten years, 1990-2000. In order to respond to this I formulated two questions: Are there any differences in the activities of these libraries? Has this reform influenced the librarians in their way of working and if so, why? I have studied relevant literature such as annual reports, investigations and analyses in order to be able to formulate the questions. The subjects of the interviews were librarians and those of a higher level of librarianship. They have all been employees in the libraries during 1990-2000. I have made fourteen qualitative interviews. This project has made me aware of differences appearing in the public libraries in Gothenburg. It has also made me aware of varieties of the goals of the public libraries investigated and noticeable changes of the working methods for librarians and for those of a higher level of librarianship. Current research as well as my investigation show the need for a better cooperation and indicate sensibility for the needs of the citizens. It also indicates an increased need of well formulated goals and evaluations as well as the importance of a continuous dialogue and sensibility. Economical priorities have been made by the politicians. The availability of the libraries is of importance and the needs have increased. There is a need for more resources in order to overcome the increased differences in these areas in the city of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket / Local learning centre on a library : collaboration with possibilities and challenges.

Magnusson, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud’s and Terje Thomsen’s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau’s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre. The major findings show that the actors have different associations and expectations of their local learning centre. The group of municipal representatives emphasized the mission of a motivator as an important element in their strive towards the goal to raise the regional level of education, while the library staff and the students were more concerned about the local learning centre as a physical place with the physical and personal service for distance education. At the same time, they all emphasised the physical place for studies, the technical utilities and the library resources as important factors in creating the local learning centre. According to the group of actors, the library staff is an important resource as a guide and support for literature and information seeking and to makes sure that the students have access to course literature and access to loans from other schools and institutions. However, the number of tasks has increased and the role of the library staff has become more blurred. / Uppsatsnivå: D

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