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Adaptive Forest Policy : The Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction through Nature-Based Solutions in Swedish and Scottish Forest PolicyMagnusson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Climate change may cause significant changes to our relationship with nature, triggering large impacts on ecosystems and the societies dependent on their ecosystem services. Forests are seen as a mitigating solution for their abilities to store carbon, provide forest products, enhance biodiversity along with other forest ecosystem services (FES). Forest’s natural systems have shown resilience against climate-induced disasters and have been acknowledged as an important tool to mitigate climate change. However, to ensure the continued supply of these services requires adaptable management of forest ecosystems through policy. This study aims to analyse how Swedish and Scottish public FES-related policy integrates the adaptive and mitigating methods used in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Nature-based Solutions (NBS). The method of this analysis relied on three theoretical approaches; Policy integration, Environmental policy integration and Frames to see how the concepts and methods of NBS and DRR are implemented within Swedish and Scottish forest policy. The results showed that the main message from both Swedish and Scottish public FES-related policy is that humans are dependent on FES, therefore the protection of forest land and species cannot be under-prioritised. Both countries’ goals focus on becoming climate neutral by 2045 with an increased (Scotland) or sustained (Sweden) bioeconomy to be achieved alongside carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, and diversified usage of forests. Both countries recognise and use ecosystem services as a NBS to mitigate climate change and reduce disaster risk. The increase of biodiversity through afforestation, green infrastructure, and conservation as a method to create resilience is a common method of NBS within the policy documents, and its ability to prevent risks along several areal and hierarchical scales show methods of DRR. However, vague goals on the strategy to achieve this are seen within both countries’ policy which question their determination and ability to succeed. Their difference in forest ownership structure and history diverges their application of community engagement in FES management. It is now essential that both Sweden and Scotland implement a sustainable balance between their national strategy objectives for the sake of the environment and use the considerable political traction by methods of NBS and DRR to reach resilient forest ecosystems. Future research could further assess the results and consequences of the policy strategies to see if they have achieved inclusive, integrated forest resilience through adaptive policy.
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La protection des écosystèmes forestiers d'Afrique centrale à l'épreuve des nécessités de développement socio-économique : cas du Cameroun / The protection of central Africain forest écosystèmes within the test of socioeconomic development needs : the case of CameroonNkoue, Éléazar Michel 05 April 2019 (has links)
Les écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale en général, et ceux du Cameroun en particulier, sont très riches en ressources naturelles. Ils offrent de nombreuses opportunités aux populations pour leurs moyens de subsistance. Cependant, face à la mise en place du processus de développement socio-économique, ce milieu est confronté à de nombreuses menaces, notamment, la déforestation, la dégradation, le braconnage, la pollution, la surexploitation des ressources biotiques et abiotiques, etc. Le législateur camerounais, sous l’impulsion de l’action de la coopération internationale, a adopté plusieurs instruments juridiques internationaux et nationaux prévoyant des mesures de protection des écosystèmes forestiers durant la réalisation des projets de développement socio-économique. Toutefois, l'analyse minutieuse du dispositif normatif et institutionnel mis en place au Cameroun, montre que les mécanismes juridiques de protection des écosystèmes forestiers durant la réalisation des projets de développement socio-économique, quoique pluriels, restent ineffectifs et inefficaces. Beaucoup d’efforts restent encore à fournir sur certains aspects qualitatifs de la législation. L’application des mécanismes juridiques existants ne favorise pas l’atteinte des objectifs d’une protection efficace et efficiente des écosystèmes forestiers. Les problèmes liés aux ressources humaines et financières, de gouvernance forestière, d’incoordination institutionnelle, d’analphabétisme écologique, de la pauvreté généralisée des populations, de conflit entre la tradition et la modernité ont pour conséquence de relativiser l’effectivité et l’efficacité de la protection des espaces forestiers au Cameroun. Pour relever ce défi, il faut nécessairement mettre en œuvre de nombreuses actions, dont les plus pertinentes sont la reformulation du cadre législatif, l’amélioration du système de gouvernance et l’élaboration d’une convention internationale sur les forêts. / The forest ecosystems of Central Africa in general and those of Cameroon in particular, are very rich in natural resources. They offer many opportunities for people in terms of livelihoods. However, faced with the implementation of the process of socio-economic development, this environment is confronted with many threats including deforestation, degradation, poaching, pollution, overexploitation of biotic and abiotic resources, etc. The Cameroonian legislator, spurred by the action of international cooperation, has adopted several international legal instruments and has legislated on measures to protect forest ecosystems during the implementation of socio-economic development projects. However, a careful analysis of the normative and institutional framework put in place in Cameroon shows that the legal mechanisms for protecting forest ecosystems during the implementation of socio-economic development projects, although plural, remain ineffective and inefficient. There is still much work to be done on some aspects of legislation and enforcement of existing legal mechanisms to ensure that forest ecosystem protection objectives are effective and efficient. The problems of human and financial resources, forest governance, institutional incoordination, ecological illiteracy, widespread poverty of the people, conflict between tradition and modernity have the effect of putting into perspective the effectiveness and efficiency of the protection of forest ecosystems in Cameroon. Meeting this challenge requires the implementation of several actions, the most salient of which are the reformulation of the legislative framework, the improvement of governance and the elaboration of an international convention on forests.
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Análise bioeconômica do seqüestro florestal de carbono e da dívida ecológica: uma aplicação ao caso do Rio Grande do Sul / .Giacomelli Sobrinho, Valny 03 December 2007 (has links)
Though heavily criticized, the Kyoto Protocol has stood out as the key political tool in addressing climate change. However the only of its instruments (IET, JI, CDM) that allows industrialized and developing countries to cooperate towards mitigation of GHGs is CDM. The underlying assumption of forestry CDM is that forest plantations (afforestation/ reforestation) might help to remove carbon dioxide (the most representative GHG) emissions. This assumption takes for granted that forest plantations might compensate for the loss of natural forests. Therefore this alleged trade-off constitutes the very focus of this study. Due to high monetary price instability in brand new markets, like the carbon offset one, the analysis abstracts out money variables. Additionally, this engine helps overcome the trap set up by monetary prices as scarcity indicators. Thus, to go along with the bioeconomic analysis, a Gordon-Schaefer fishery-like model is applied to carbon forest sequestration in Rio Grande do Sul. This state is thought of bringing an interesting picture to the analysis of the claimed trade-off between natural and planted forests. This owes both to Rio Grande do Sul s unworthy deforestation rates and to its high natural-to-planted forest ratio. This land use assortment is thought of as if there were two countries or regions: a forest-rich one, where natural forests still remain, and a forest-poor one, where afforestation and/or reforestation takes place. Only physical units (MtC) are used to calculate exchange and interest rates as well as non-monetary prices. Next, a function that assigns the land use to natural and planted forests is arrived at. As such, it works as the emission removal demand. On the other hand, the emission supply function depends on the economic growth rates. The results show that, eventually, the sustainability of economic growth hinges on a region s or country s ecological situation namely, equilibrium, credit or debt. The economic and environmental advantages of each mitigation strategy CDM and natural forest conservation are crosschecked. A nearly 40-year long overshoot rate is, after all, estimated for the forest sector in Rio Grande do Sul. The estimates suggest that CDM might help relieve environmental stress only where ecological credit is reported. Where ecological debt is already on, CDM was found unable to compensate for conservation disregard. / Apesar das críticas que tem sofrido, o Protocolo de Kyoto tem-se constituído na principal ferramenta política para enfrentar a mudança climática. No entanto o único de seus instrumentos (comércio internacional de emissões, implementação conjunta e MDL) que prevê a cooperação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento para mitigar as emissões de GEE é o MDL. A modalidade florestal do MDL pressupõe que as plantações florestais (florestamento/reflorestamento) podem ajudar na remoção das emissões de dióxido de carbono (o GEE mais representativo). Esse pressuposto aceita que as plantações florestais podem compensar a perda de florestas naturais. Por isso esse proclamado trade-off constitui o foco principal deste estudo. Devido à grande instabilidade dos preços monetários em mercados incipientes como o do carbono, a análise abstém-se de utilizar variáveis monetárias. De resto, esse artifício ajuda a contornar certas dificuldades decorrentes da utilização dos preços monetários como indicadores de escassez. Assim, a análise bioeconômica prossegue com a aplicação, ao seqüestro florestal de carbono no Rio Grande do Sul, de um modelo similar ao de Gordon-Schaefer, tradicionalmente empregado na gestão da pesca. Por duas razões principais, o caso do Rio Grande do Sul contribui para a análise do suposto trade-off entre florestas naturais e plantadas. Em primeiro lugar, por não se registrarem taxas de desmatamento pronunciadas no estado. Em segundo lugar, pela elevada proporção de florestas naturais em relação às florestas plantadas em seu território. A repartição do uso do solo entre as florestas é utilizada para estudá-las como se representassem nações ou regiões diferentes: uma, rica em florestas, onde as formações florestais nativas permanecem em pé; outra, pobre em florestas, onde as plantações florestais se estabelecem através de florestamento e/ou reflorestamento. Apenas unidades físicas (MtC) são utilizadas para calcular taxas de câmbio, taxas de juro e preços não-monetários. A seguir, deduz-se uma função que reparte o uso da terra entre florestas naturais e plantadas. Essa função equivale à demanda por remoção de emissões. Sua contraparte é a função oferta de emissões, que depende das taxas de crescimento econômico. Os resultados mostram como, em última análise, a sustentação do crescimento econômico está condicionada à situação ecológica (dívida, crédito ou equilíbrio) de um país ou região. Em cada cenário, confrontam-se as vantagens econômicas e ambientais das estratégias do MDL e da conservação de florestas naturais. Além disso, estima-se uma taxa de overshoot para a atividade florestal no Rio Grande do Sul ao longo dos últimos 40 anos aproximadamente. As estimativas sugerem que o MDL pode aliviar pressões ambientais somente onde se registre crédito ecológico. Onde o endividamento ecológico já esteja em curso, o MDL não substitui a conservação.
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Contribution du 36Cl au fond radiologique de Meuse/Haute-Marne : Distribution des pools actuels et transfert entre les compartiments des écosystèmes terrestres / 36Cl contribution of the radiological background in Meuse/Haute-Marne : distribution of current pools and transferts into the several compartments of the terrestrial ecosystemPupier, Julie 24 June 2015 (has links)
Le 36Cl est utilisé dans les études hydrologiques en raison de son caractère conservatif. Il apparaît cependant que le Cl- participe à un cycle biogéochimique complexe associé au turnover de la matière organique. Le flux de 36Cl atmosphérique a été déterminé (suivi mensuel des eaux de pluie sur deux ans) et varie saisonnièrement avec des valeurs accrues au printemps - été. L'importance de la période d'échantillonnage a été mise en évidence indiquant qu'une période de 6 mois est recommandée afin de lisser les variations saisonnières et les pics sporadiques du flux de 36Cl. Le flux atmosphérique moyen du 36Cl à notre site, constituant le flux d'entrée majoritaire dans son cycle biogéochimique, est de (75±6) atoms.m-2.s-1.La distribution du Cl et du 36Cl a été étudiée dans l’écosystème forestier grâce au développement des protocoles adéquats. 72% du Cl et 80% du 36Cl sont présents sous forme organique dans le sol alors qu'ils sont principalement sous forme inorganique dans la végétation. Les rapports mesurés dans la végétation (~ 200 x 10-15 at.at-1) sont similaires à ceux provenant des apports atmosphériques (~ 180 x 10-15 at.at-1) et ceux mesurés dans le sol sont un ordre de grandeur supérieur. Ces derniers augmentent significativement à 5-15 cm dans la fraction organique du profil de sol alors que dans la fraction inorganique une faible augmentation apparaît à 15-30 cm. Nous attribuons ces observations au recyclage du 36Cl du pic nucléaire des années 1950-1960. Ces résultats indiquent que la distribution du 36Cl diffère de celle du Cl suggérant des processus dynamiques d’immobilisation et de remobilisation du 36Cl liés au renouvellement de la matière organique. / 36Cl is widely used in hydrological studies since it is considered as a conservative tracer. However it appears that Cl- participates in a complex biogeochemical cycle linked to the organic matter turnover. The 36Cl atmospheric fallout rate has been determined (monthly record of rainwater samples during two years) and varies seasonally with higher values during spring – summer. The sampling period should at least span 6 months to avoid any biais in the fallout rate determination due to the monthly variations or any sporadic bursts of 36Cl. The mean 36Cl fallout rate at our site, corresponding to the main input of its biogeochemical cycle, equals (75±6) atoms.m-2.s-1. The distribution of Cl and 36Cl has been studied into the ecosystem thanks to the development of appropriate protocols.72% of the Cl and 80% of the 36Cl are contained in the organic fraction in soil while they are mainly in inorganic form in the vegetation. 36Cl/Cl measured in vegetation (~200 x 10-15 at.at-1) are within the range of the ones measured in the rainwater samples (~180 x 10-15 at.at-1), while the 36Cl/Cl ratios are 10 times higher in soil. 36Cl/Cl in soil increase significantly at a depth of 5-15 cm in the organic fraction while a slight increase is observed in the inorganic fraction at 15-30 cm deep. This suggests that 36Cl originating from the massive input of 36Cl introduced in the atmosphere more than 50 years as a consequence of nuclear tests, might still be recycling.These results emphasize that the distribution of 36Cl and Cl are not similar suggesting a possible occurrence of dynamic processes of 36Cl accumulation and release associated with the turnover of the organic matter.
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Indikatoren zur Freiraumstruktur sowie zum Landschafts- und Naturschutz: Ausgewählte Ergebnisse des IÖR-MonitorsWalz, Ulrich, Schumacher January 2010 (has links)
Der Beitrag stellt erste Ergebnisse des Monitors der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) für die Bereiche Freiraum sowie Landschafts- und Naturschutz vor. Hier geht es um die quantitative Beschreibung des Zustands, der Entwicklung und Belastung von Freiräumen durch Kernindikatoren. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Schutzgütern Biodiversität und Boden (mittelfristig) sowie der Erholungseignung der Landschaft. Auf Basis von Flächennutzungsinformationen verschiedener Zeitschnitte werden Analysen über die Ausstattung und Struktur der Freiräume in Deutschland einschließlich ihrer Nutzungsänderungen auf Landes-, Kreis- und Gemeindeebene durchgeführt.
In der Kategorie Freiraumstruktur werden raumbezogene Kennzahlen zum Wald, zum Grünland und zu Streuobstwiesen vorgestellt. Dabei ergeben sich durch die bundesweite Auswertung von topographischen Geobasisdaten (ATKIS Basis-DLM) prinzipiell neue Möglichkeiten. Daneben werden aber auch Grenzen des aktuellen Bearbeitungsstandes dieser Daten sichtbar, wie sich beispielsweise bei Informationen zum Streuobst zeigt.
In der Kategorie Landschafts- und Naturschutz werden drei aggregierte Indikatoren vorgestellt: zu den Schutzgebieten insgesamt, zu Gebieten des Natur- und Artenschutzes und zu Gebieten des Landschaftsschutzes. Die kartographische Darstellung und statistische Auswertung von Geofachdaten verschiedener Schutzgebiete liefert wichtige Informationen für die Landschaftsplanung. Raumbezogene Analysen auf dieser Basis geben zielgerichtete Hinweise auf den anthropogenen Nutzungsdruck in geschützten Landschaften sowie die Dynamik dieser Entwicklung.
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Struktura, vývoj a funkce mikrobiálních společenstev v odumřelém dřevě / Assembly, successional development and functioning of microbial communities in deadwoodBernardová, Natálie January 2020 (has links)
Dead wood is one of the most important reservoirs associated with forest ecosystems. In natural forests, its volume is counted in hundreds of m3 ha-1 , whereas it reaches only tens of m3 ha-1 in productive commercial forests. In contrast to soil and plant litter, deadwood is unevenly distributed on the forest floor. The specific physicochemical properties such as high content of recalcitrant polymers, low nitrogen level and impermeability negatively affect the rate of decomposition especially in the initial stages of wood deconstruction. The deadwood decomposition is very slow in comparisons with other substrates, it accumulates and thus it represents the important reservoir of nutrients. This thesis is focused on the structure, development and function of microbial (fungal) community in decomposing deadwood in unmanaged forest. Functional screening of fungi isolated from fruit bodies collected from coarse deadwood was set aside. Physico-chemical properties of deadwood including pH, carbon and nitrogen content and microbial biomass were estimated for four wood decomposition stages and three different tree species. New generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq platform) was applied for fungal community structure analysis based on ITS2 fragment. Fungal functional screening was based on physico-chemical...
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Interactive effects of elevation and forest-use intensity on tropical tree diversity in Veracruz, Mexico.Monge González, María Leticia 21 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Altération bactérienne des minéraux dans les écosystèmes forestiers pauvres en nutriments : Analyse des communautés bactériennes et identification des mécanismes impliqués / Mineral weathering bacterial communities in nutrient-poor forest soil : anlaysis of the bacterial communities and genes involvedLepleux, Cendrella 03 December 2012 (has links)
Dans les écosystèmes forestiers pauvres en nutriments, les minéraux du sol constituent la principale source de nutriments inorganiques nécessaires à leur bon fonctionnement. Néanmoins ces nutriments ne sont pas directement accessibles aux racines des arbres. C'est l'action conjointe de facteurs abiotiques, comme le pH ou la circulation de l'eau, et biotiques comme les racines ou les microorganismes du sol dont les bactéries, qui vont conduire à l'altération de ces minéraux. A ce jour, nos connaissances sur les communautés bactériennes impliquées dans le processus d'altération et leur distribution dans des sols forestiers restent limitées, notamment à des habitats tels que la rhizosphère et la mycorhizosphère. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de caractériser les communautés bactériennes colonisant les minéraux du sol et leur aptitude à altérer les minéraux et enfin d'identifier les gènes bactériens impliqués. La combinaison d'approches cultivable, non cultivable et de biogéochimie sur des minéraux enterrés pendant 4 ans dans un sol forestier, a démontré que leur surface était colonisée par des communautés bactériennes spécifiques, capables d'altérer les minéraux et présentant des capacités métaboliques limitées, suggérant que ce support pourrait être considéré comme un habitat : la minéralosphère. La relation minéral/bactéries a été testée in situ via un amendement minéral sur une plantation et a mis en évidence l'impact de la disponibilité en nutriments sur la structuration des communautés bactériennes capables d'altérer les minéraux. L'étude génétique réalisée sur la souche modèle PML1(12) a révélé l'implication de plusieurs mécanismes dans la fonction altération / In nutrient-poor forest ecosystems, minerals are the main source of inorganic nutrients for the long lasting functioning of the forests. However, these nutrients are not directly accessible to the tree roots. It is the joined action of abiotic factors, such as pH and water circulation, and biotic factors such as tree roots and soil microorganisms, and notably bacteria, which leads to the solubilisation of these minerals. To date, our knowledge of the bacterial communities involved in the mineral weathering process and their distribution in forest soils is very limited and remains restricted to habitats such as the rhizosphere and mycorrhizosphere. The goals of this PhD thesis were to characterise the mineral associated bacterial communities, their ability to weather minerals and finally to identify the bacterial genes involved in the mineral weathering process. The combination of geochemical, cultivation-dependent and -independent approaches applied on minerals grounded in a forest soil during 4 years, revealed that the mineral associated bacterial communities were specific, able to weather minerals and had restricted metabolic abilities. These results suggest that minerals could be considered as a true ecological habitat: the mineralosphere. The mineral/bacteria relationship was tested in situ through a mineral amendment applied on a small-scale plantation, which has highlighted that the nutrient availability impacted the functional structure of the mineral weathering bacterial communities. At least, random mutagenesis applied on a model mineral weathering bacterial strain revealed that its mineral weathering ability resulted from several molecular mechanisms
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Výpočet výše majetkové újmy způsobené na lesích v oblastech realizací vodohospodářských staveb / The Calculation Of The Amount Of Material Injury Caused By The Forests In The Areas Of Implementation Of Water Management StructuresBureš, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Problem situations in damage to forests as a result of construction activities is the total of its quantification, because of not only to damage to the forest and the land intended for the performance of the function of the forest, but also to damage to the water feature of the forest. The emergence of the crop damage and forest grounds occurs at the same time damage to the management. Broken water conditions on the forest grounds, inter alia, that the environmental damage (or one of its components), are also material injury for the owner of the forest, because it directly affect the amount of the additional costs linked to its management in the forest. The existing decree MZe ČR no. 55/1999 Coll. on the method of calculating the amount of loss or damage caused to forests assesses only the injury or damage to the forest and the land intended for the performance of the functions of the forest, but does the forest and its other non-production function as a forest ecosystem. The damage (the material injury) on the water feature of the forest is not the above mentioned decree dealt with. Initially formulated the problem lies in finding the right way of solving how to objectively quantify the financial damage to the forest, inc. damage to the water feature of the forest and thus closer to the actual damage to the exaktnosti forest, resulting in direct connection with the location and the realisation of the buildings.
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Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems Under Global Change: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mapping, Classification, and ProjectionAkane Ota Abbasi (17123185) 10 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Global forest ecosystems provide essential ecosystem services that contribute to water and climate regulation, food production, recreation, and raw materials. They also serve as crucial habitats for numerous terrestrial species of amphibians, birds, and mammals worldwide. However, recent decades have witnessed unprecedented changes in forest ecosystems due to climate change, shifts in species distribution patterns, increased planted forest areas, and various disturbances such as forest fires, insect infestations, and urbanization. These changes can have far-reaching impacts on ecological networks, human well-being, and the well-being of global forest ecosystems. To address these challenges, I present four studies to quantify forest dynamics through mapping, classification, and projection, using artificial intelligence tools in combination with a vast amount of training data. (I) I present a spatially continuous map of planted forest distribution across East Asia, produced by integrating multiple sources of planted and natural forest data. I found that China contributed 87% of the total planted forest areas in East Asia, most of which are located in the lowland tropical/subtropical regions and Sichuan Basin. I also estimated the dominant genus in each planted forest location. (II) I used continent-wide forest inventory data to compare the range shifts of forest types and their constituent tree species in North America in the past 50 years. I found that forest types shifted more than three times as fast as the average of their constituent tree species. This marked difference was attributable to a predominant positive covariance between tree species ranges and the change of species relative abundance. (III) Based on individual-level field surveys of trees and breeding birds across North America, I characterized New World wood-warbler (<i>Parulidae</i>) species richness and its potential drivers. I identified forest type as the most powerful predictor of New World wood-warbler species richness, which adds valuable evidence to the ongoing physiognomy versus composition debate among ornithologists. (IV) In the appendix, I utilized continent-wide forest inventory data from North America and South America and the combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to produce the first data-driven map of forest types in the Americas. I revealed the distribution of forest types, which are useful for cost-effective forest and biodiversity management and planning. Taken together, these studies provide insight into the dynamics of forest ecosystems at a large geographic scale and have implications for effective decision-making in conservation, management, and global restoration programs in the midst of ongoing global change.</p>
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