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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-based study of the energy efficiency of two different types of harvester cranes / Modellbaserad jämförelse av två skördarkranars energieffektivitet

Forsberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
In today’s forest industry two mechanized methods are used, the Tree Length (TL) method and the Cut To Length (CTL) method. With the Tree Length method, trees are harvested and extracted from the forest as a whole tree to be further processed whereas with the Cut To Length method trees are harvested, branches are removed and the tree is cut to desired length to be extracted by a forwarder. The Cut To Length method is now a day 100 percent mechanized and more and more emphasis is put on efficiency in both harvesting and forwarding the trees. Efficiency can be measured in trees harvested per hour but also in fuel consumption. As an effect, the performance of the machines is in higher demand. Ponsse Plc is a finnish forestry machine company with production in Vieremä where both harvesters and forwarders are manufactured. Cranes and loaders are also made by Ponsse to match their harvesters and forwarders. Ponsse manufactures two designs of harvester cranes; a sliding boom crane and a parallel crane. The different types of cranes have the same reach but with different geometries and weights, which also leads to different momentum of inertia. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate, from an energy efficiency point of view, the difference in performance between a sliding boom crane, C2, and a parallel crane, C22 by measuring the hydraulic pump’s flow and the rotational energy of the cranes. This has been done by modelling the cranes’ hydraulic circuits and by using 3D-CAD models with mass and inertias in Simulink. More specific, only the crane tips of the cranes have moved along a set trajectory, equal for both crane types. Different range and loads have been simulated. The energy needed for rotating the cranes have been calculated for different crane tip positions and compared. Simulink simulations gave beneficial results for the parallel crane when unloaded and acting at a shorter reach. For longer reach, the sliding boom crane was more efficient. The calculations of the cranes rotational energies showed that the parallel crane C22 yielded higher values than the C2 at shorter distance from the axis of revolution. The C2 crane had however slightly higher values than the C22 crane at longer reach, but it should be noted that differences were small. From this analysis, it is concluded that the C2 crane has an overall lower need of rotational energy and is therefore deemed the better crane. Keywords: Forest machines, hydraulics, efficiency / I världen idag existerar två mekaniserade skördartekniker inom skogsavverkningen, helträdsavverkning och kortvirkesavverkningen. Den första innebär att hela träd skördas och skotas ut till en uppläggningsplats medan man inom korttimmeravverkningen istället fäller träden med en skördare som sedan kvistar och till sist kapar trädet till önskad längd. Denna avverkning är numera 100 procent mekaniserad och effektivare avverkning är ständigt i blickfånget. Effektivare avverkning kan yttra sig i antalet fällda träd per timme men också i bränslekostnader. Dessa krav ställer i slutändan krav på skördarna och skotarnas prestanda. Ponsse Oyj är ett finskt skogsmaskinsföretag med fabrik i Vieremä som tillverkar både skördare och skotare. Till dessa maskiner tillverkar man även egna kranar. För skördare har man två olika designer, dels en bomkran och dels en parallellkran. Dessa båda krantyper har lika räckvidd men olika geometrier och vikt, vilket också innebär att masströgheterna skiljer dem åt. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka en av vardera krantypen, C2 från bomkrantypen och C22 från parallelltypen ur ett energieffektivitetshänseende. Detta har gjorts genom att mäta hydraulpumpflödet och kranarnas rotationsenergi. Mer specifikt har båda kranarna modellerats i Simulink med hydraulik och mekanik för att avgöra vilken av kranarna som är effektivast när kranspetsen har flyttats i en rörelse lika för båda kranarna. Kranspetsrörelsen simulerades med olika laster och för olika rörelser. Denna rörelse har varit i planet och för att jämföra kranarna vid vridning har kranspetsen placerats i olika positioner och masströgheten beräknats för vridning kring rotationsaxeln. För given rotationshastighet beräknades sedan vederbörande rotationsenergi för de olika positionerna. Simuleringarna resulterade i en fördel för parallellkranen vid korta sträckor och obelastad kran. För längre räckvid visade istället bomkranen bättre effektvärden. För rotation av kranarna kring dess rotationsaxel med kranspetsen i olika positioner visar parallellkranen C22 högre energivärden än bomkranen när kranspetsen är placerad fem meter från rotationsaxeln men för positioner längre ut, vid 9,9 respektive 10 meter påvisar C2 kranen kräva högre energi, om än i nivå med parallellkranen. Energieffektivast ur rotationshänseende är således bomkranen då den överlag behöver lägre energi eller i nivå med den andra. Nyckelord: Skogsmaskiner, hydraulik, effektivitet

User Interface Supporting Forest Machine Operators : Improve User Experience and Adaptability through Accessibility and Personalization

Krantz, Irma January 2023 (has links)
Forest machine operators work in an environment that requires simultaneous monitoring of several factors. This is done using a control and information system, MaxiXT, that should provide the right information at the right time. The interface plays an important role in improving efficiency and promoting a favourable working environment for operators. Therefore, it is important to have an interface that effectively meets the needs of users. The objective of this study was to design a prototype of a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for the forest machine drivers to find the information they need. The design thinking methodology was used in this study, with a focus on forest machine operators who are the users of the control and information system. The process involves conducting user research and user testing. The insights gathered from the user research, combined with the findings from literature studies, served as the foundation for developing the prototype. The prototype was tested in both Mid-Fi and Hi-Fi versions, generating valuable feedback and insights. Overall, the impressions of the future users were highly positive. The diverse personalities and backgrounds of the users revealed varying interests in interaction and expectations from the control and information system. This highlights the potential for personalizing the interface, while also providing default settings based on the most typical preferences of Swedish users. To ensure broader usability across a wider user group, it is essential to supplement this information with input from users in other countries.

Análise da capacidade técnica e econômica dos prestadores de serviços no setor de colheita florestal / Technique and financial analysis of harvest forestry sector contractors

Morais Filho, Abilio Donizetti de 14 March 2006 (has links)
Os sistemas mecanizados de colheita florestal estão se modernizando com a introdução constante de novas tecnologias, visando o aumento da produção e a diminuição dos custos. A maior parte das máquinas disponíveis no mercado nacional são originárias da América do Norte e Escandinávia e possui um alto custo de aquisição. No entanto os prestadores de serviços no Brasil, responsáveis por mais de 60% da mão de obra utilizada nas florestas plantadas, estão trabalhando com tecnologia defasada, na maioria das vezes com tratores agrícolas adaptados para o serviço florestal. O presente estudo analisou as condições de trabalho de empresas prestadoras de serviços do setor de colheita florestal, abordando os aspectos econômicos, a qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores, as questões trabalhistas, as condições dos equipamentos, custos operacionais e, por fim, oportunidades crédito para investir em tecnologia. Foram analisadas trinta empresas do segmento de prestações de serviços florestais, sendo cinco de forma detalhada. Das trinta empresas analisadas, três atuavam no setor de colheita, implantação, manejo e transporte, sete no setor de colheita e transporte, três no setor de colheita, implantação e manejo, sete apenas em colheita, seis em transporte, duas em implantação e mane jo e duas em serviços de apoio. Dentre as empresas analisadas o serviço predominante era o corte com motosserra, seguido pelo transporte rodoviário, carregamento e baldeio. O faturamento anual das empresas pesquisadas variou entre R$ 100.000,00 e R$ 50.000.000,00, com 36,6% apresentando um faturamento médio entre R$ 2.500.000,00 e R$ 5.000.000,00. Já entre as cinco empresas analisadas detalhadamente, o faturamento anual variou entre R$ 1.020.000,00 e R$ 4.313.000,00, com uma média de R$ 2.373.000,00. O número de funcionários ficou entre 33 e 181 e de acordo com o SEBRAE as empresas foram classificadas como: uma pequena, duas médias e duas grandes. Os resultados indicaram que as empresas prestadoras de serviço não acompanham a evolução tecnológica, principalmente no setor de colheita, devido ao grande investimento inicial necessário e às condições desfavoráveis aos financiamentos, juros superiores a 12% ao ano e ausência de garantias contratuais com duração compatível com o período do financiamento. Durante a execução deste trabalho observou-se que os empresários do setor não incluem nas planilhas de custos a remuneração do capital e uma correta depreciação dos bens, prejudicando a renovação dos equipamentos, levando ao envelhecimento das máquinas utilizadas na produção. Através dos resultados conclui- se que os custos estão acima dos valores pagos pelos serviços quando computadas a depreciação e a remuneração do capital, com três empresas apresentando resultados negativos nas análises financeiras. As empresas terceirizadas não estão conseguindo acompanhar a evolução tecnológica e suas máquinas possuem idade média superior a 10 anos. Observou que a mecanização aumentou a qualidade de vida dos funcionários, porém a renda per capita anual dos trabalhadores é em torno de R$ 5.280,00, cerca de 39% menor que a renda média da população brasileira. / Due to wood increasing demand and a necessity of cost reduction, the forestry operations are being more mechanized. Most of the available machines are industrialized in North America and Scandinavia with a hight cost of investment. However, the forest contractors in Brazil are working with an old technology, mainly adapted agricultural tractors and precarious conditions of work. The objective of this study was to describe the financial conditions of forestry contractors, approaching the life quality aspects, working questions, the equipment techniques conditions, operational costs and, finally, economic credit to invest in technology. Thirty companies in the forest segment had been analyzed, being five in detailed form. Three companies have been working with harvesting, planting, forest management and wood transportation; three with harvesting, planting and forest management; seven with harvesting and wood transportation; seven with harvesting only; six with wood transportation; two with planting and forest management; and two more with support services, with an annual income between US$ 40,000.00 and US$ 20,000,000.00 with 36,6% of you present them presenting an average invoicing between US$ 1,000,000.00 and 2,000,000.00. The annual income enters the five analyzed companies varied between US$ 400,000.00 and US$ 1,720,000.00 with a average of US$ 950,000.00. The employees number varied between 33 and 181 and the companies were classified as: one small, two averages and two big. The main difficulties to investment in a new generation machines are high financial tax, more than 12% a year, and a lack of long term contracts to guaranty there payment capability. During the execution of this work it was observed that the contractors do not include in the table of costs the capital remuneration and a correct depreciation. Currently, the machines average ages are superior to 10 years. The final results concluded that the costs are above of the paid values for the services when computed the depreciation and the capital remuneration, with negative results in financial analyzes in three companies. The forestry contractors are not following the technological evolution. Finally, it was observed that mechanization increased the quality of life, however, annual per capita income is around US$ 2,112.00, approximately 39% smaller than the average Brazilian population.

Análise da capacidade técnica e econômica dos prestadores de serviços no setor de colheita florestal / Technique and financial analysis of harvest forestry sector contractors

Abilio Donizetti de Morais Filho 14 March 2006 (has links)
Os sistemas mecanizados de colheita florestal estão se modernizando com a introdução constante de novas tecnologias, visando o aumento da produção e a diminuição dos custos. A maior parte das máquinas disponíveis no mercado nacional são originárias da América do Norte e Escandinávia e possui um alto custo de aquisição. No entanto os prestadores de serviços no Brasil, responsáveis por mais de 60% da mão de obra utilizada nas florestas plantadas, estão trabalhando com tecnologia defasada, na maioria das vezes com tratores agrícolas adaptados para o serviço florestal. O presente estudo analisou as condições de trabalho de empresas prestadoras de serviços do setor de colheita florestal, abordando os aspectos econômicos, a qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores, as questões trabalhistas, as condições dos equipamentos, custos operacionais e, por fim, oportunidades crédito para investir em tecnologia. Foram analisadas trinta empresas do segmento de prestações de serviços florestais, sendo cinco de forma detalhada. Das trinta empresas analisadas, três atuavam no setor de colheita, implantação, manejo e transporte, sete no setor de colheita e transporte, três no setor de colheita, implantação e manejo, sete apenas em colheita, seis em transporte, duas em implantação e mane jo e duas em serviços de apoio. Dentre as empresas analisadas o serviço predominante era o corte com motosserra, seguido pelo transporte rodoviário, carregamento e baldeio. O faturamento anual das empresas pesquisadas variou entre R$ 100.000,00 e R$ 50.000.000,00, com 36,6% apresentando um faturamento médio entre R$ 2.500.000,00 e R$ 5.000.000,00. Já entre as cinco empresas analisadas detalhadamente, o faturamento anual variou entre R$ 1.020.000,00 e R$ 4.313.000,00, com uma média de R$ 2.373.000,00. O número de funcionários ficou entre 33 e 181 e de acordo com o SEBRAE as empresas foram classificadas como: uma pequena, duas médias e duas grandes. Os resultados indicaram que as empresas prestadoras de serviço não acompanham a evolução tecnológica, principalmente no setor de colheita, devido ao grande investimento inicial necessário e às condições desfavoráveis aos financiamentos, juros superiores a 12% ao ano e ausência de garantias contratuais com duração compatível com o período do financiamento. Durante a execução deste trabalho observou-se que os empresários do setor não incluem nas planilhas de custos a remuneração do capital e uma correta depreciação dos bens, prejudicando a renovação dos equipamentos, levando ao envelhecimento das máquinas utilizadas na produção. Através dos resultados conclui- se que os custos estão acima dos valores pagos pelos serviços quando computadas a depreciação e a remuneração do capital, com três empresas apresentando resultados negativos nas análises financeiras. As empresas terceirizadas não estão conseguindo acompanhar a evolução tecnológica e suas máquinas possuem idade média superior a 10 anos. Observou que a mecanização aumentou a qualidade de vida dos funcionários, porém a renda per capita anual dos trabalhadores é em torno de R$ 5.280,00, cerca de 39% menor que a renda média da população brasileira. / Due to wood increasing demand and a necessity of cost reduction, the forestry operations are being more mechanized. Most of the available machines are industrialized in North America and Scandinavia with a hight cost of investment. However, the forest contractors in Brazil are working with an old technology, mainly adapted agricultural tractors and precarious conditions of work. The objective of this study was to describe the financial conditions of forestry contractors, approaching the life quality aspects, working questions, the equipment techniques conditions, operational costs and, finally, economic credit to invest in technology. Thirty companies in the forest segment had been analyzed, being five in detailed form. Three companies have been working with harvesting, planting, forest management and wood transportation; three with harvesting, planting and forest management; seven with harvesting and wood transportation; seven with harvesting only; six with wood transportation; two with planting and forest management; and two more with support services, with an annual income between US$ 40,000.00 and US$ 20,000,000.00 with 36,6% of you present them presenting an average invoicing between US$ 1,000,000.00 and 2,000,000.00. The annual income enters the five analyzed companies varied between US$ 400,000.00 and US$ 1,720,000.00 with a average of US$ 950,000.00. The employees number varied between 33 and 181 and the companies were classified as: one small, two averages and two big. The main difficulties to investment in a new generation machines are high financial tax, more than 12% a year, and a lack of long term contracts to guaranty there payment capability. During the execution of this work it was observed that the contractors do not include in the table of costs the capital remuneration and a correct depreciation. Currently, the machines average ages are superior to 10 years. The final results concluded that the costs are above of the paid values for the services when computed the depreciation and the capital remuneration, with negative results in financial analyzes in three companies. The forestry contractors are not following the technological evolution. Finally, it was observed that mechanization increased the quality of life, however, annual per capita income is around US$ 2,112.00, approximately 39% smaller than the average Brazilian population.

Simulation Model for Forestry Ground and Vegetation Damage / Simulationsmodell för skogsmark och markskador

Hökfors, Elias January 2021 (has links)
Training simulators are valuable tools in education of forest machine operators. One important part of the education is to learn about damages occurring due to the forest machines and how they can be avoided. Two types of damages are especially severe, soil compaction and formation of wheel ruts. Compaction reduces the amount of water and nutrients in the soil, and impedes root growth. Furthermore, water is gathered in wheel ruts, leading to transport of organic materia and heavy metals into water courses. These damages can be avoided through planning of the harvesting activities with respect to season, weather, and the conditions on the site. The main focus point is to avoid driving on wet soil, since wetness makes it more susceptible to damage.  The aim of this thesis is to investigate how this should be incorporated in a simulator. Implementations are made in Unreal Engine with AGX Dynamics for Unreal, which already has a deformable terrain called AGX Terrain. This terrain was investigated by creating two terrain materials, representing dry and wet Swedish forest soil, and driving a forwarder on them.  AGX Terrain was found to be simple to use and gave fair results, the rut depths were comparable in size with empirical results. However, it was limited in the sense that shearing was not taken into account and there was no possibility of having different material properties across the terrain. A potential solution to these problems is suggested, in which a more extensive way of computing stress propagation and the resulting damages is used. Further investigations has to be made in order to find out if this approach is of good use.

Compactação do solo causada pelo tráfego de máquinas na colheita de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden

Silva, Jair Rosas da [UNESP] 23 May 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-05-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:02:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_jr_dr_botfca.pdf: 1243112 bytes, checksum: a6ff73d1d32431a4754520748d549e85 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Foram avaliados os efeitos causados ao solo pelo tráfego de máquinas florestais de corte e baldeio de madeira, com ênfase à compactação, em floresta de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, de 91 meses de idade, através do comportamento de parâmetros físicos e mecânicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, com 480 g.kg-1 de areia total e 430 g.kg-1 de argila. Os tratamentos avaliados foram o trânsito anterior ao experimento, a fase de corte e processamento de madeira, efetuada por colhedora (harvester) sobre esteiras e a fase de extração, por trator transportador autocarregável (forwarder) com rodado de pneus, considerando-se as condições de presença ou ausência de cobertura de galhada. Os parâmetros físicos empregados na avaliação foram: densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, água disponível no solo, taxa de infiltração de água, temperatura do solo e estabilidade de agregados a seco. Os parâmetros mecânicos avaliados foram resistência do solo à penetração e ao cisalhamento, densidade máxima do solo, teor de água crítico para compactação e grau de compactação. Também foram avaliadas a área de contato rodado-solo e a pressão de rodados sobre o solo. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo os resultados obtidos submetidos à análise de variância pelo Statistical Analysis System (SAS), com aplicação do teste Tukey a 5% e 10% de significância. Comparativamente, a densidade do solo, a resistência mecânica ao cisalhamento e a pressão de rodados sobre o solo foram maiores após o tráfego do trator transportador em relação ao conferido pela colhedora de madeira. Os parâmetros porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, água disponível e estabilidade de agregados a seco foram maiores na fase de corte de madeira do que na fase de baldeio... / A study of soil compaction was carried out on a Red-Yellow Latosol with 43% of clay and 48% of sand, according to some soil physical and mechanical parameters in a harvester of a 91-month-old Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex-Maiden forest. The aim was to evaluate the influence caused by the traffic of a 100 kWa-tracked harvester followed by a 190 kWa-wheeled-forwarder, over and without slash, in comparison to the soil conditions before the harvesting operations. The physical parameters used were soil dry bulk density, total porosity, air-filled porosity, micro porosity, soil water availability and infiltration rate, temperature and soil mean aggregate sizes. The mechanical parameters were soil penetrometer resistance, shear strength, Proctor test and machine ground pressure. A randomized-block trial with 15 replicates was used, applying Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and Tukey test at 5% and 10% significance levels. Results showed that wheeled-forwarder increased soil dry bulk density, soil shear strength and soil machine pressure in relation to the tracked-harvester. Thus, the parameters total porosity, air-filled porosity, micro porosity, soil water availability and soil mean aggregate sizes were higher on harvesting than on wood hauling. The wheeled-forwarder operating without slash produced a higher soil dry bulk density, temperature and soil compaction degree. Also, this work condition decreased total porosity and air-filled porosity in relation to the same operation accomplished over slash. Micro porosity, water availability, soil infiltration rate, soil penetrometer resistance and the maximum soil dry bulk density were not affected by both machines working on both slash conditions. All the soil mechanized operations evaluated were rated higher than 2 MPa on soil penetrometer resistance parameter, looked like a soil limit to allow the root growing... (Complete abstract, click eletronic address below)

Compactação do solo causada pelo tráfego de máquinas na colheita de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden /

Silva, Jair Rosas da, 1943- January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Torres Fenner / Banca: Cláudio Angeli Sansígolo / Banca: Sérgio Hugo Benez / Banca: Jorge Roberto Malinovski / Banca: Fernando Seixas / Resumo: Foram avaliados os efeitos causados ao solo pelo tráfego de máquinas florestais de corte e baldeio de madeira, com ênfase à compactação, em floresta de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, de 91 meses de idade, através do comportamento de parâmetros físicos e mecânicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, com 480 g.kg-1 de areia total e 430 g.kg-1 de argila. Os tratamentos avaliados foram o trânsito anterior ao experimento, a fase de corte e processamento de madeira, efetuada por colhedora (harvester) sobre esteiras e a fase de extração, por trator transportador autocarregável (forwarder) com rodado de pneus, considerando-se as condições de presença ou ausência de cobertura de galhada. Os parâmetros físicos empregados na avaliação foram: densidade do solo, porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, água disponível no solo, taxa de infiltração de água, temperatura do solo e estabilidade de agregados a seco. Os parâmetros mecânicos avaliados foram resistência do solo à penetração e ao cisalhamento, densidade máxima do solo, teor de água crítico para compactação e grau de compactação. Também foram avaliadas a área de contato rodado-solo e a pressão de rodados sobre o solo. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo os resultados obtidos submetidos à análise de variância pelo Statistical Analysis System (SAS), com aplicação do teste Tukey a 5% e 10% de significância. Comparativamente, a densidade do solo, a resistência mecânica ao cisalhamento e a pressão de rodados sobre o solo foram maiores após o tráfego do trator transportador em relação ao conferido pela colhedora de madeira. Os parâmetros porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, água disponível e estabilidade de agregados a seco foram maiores na fase de corte de madeira do que na fase de baldeio... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: A study of soil compaction was carried out on a Red-Yellow Latosol with 43% of clay and 48% of sand, according to some soil physical and mechanical parameters in a harvester of a 91-month-old Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex-Maiden forest. The aim was to evaluate the influence caused by the traffic of a 100 kWa-tracked harvester followed by a 190 kWa-wheeled-forwarder, over and without slash, in comparison to the soil conditions before the harvesting operations. The physical parameters used were soil dry bulk density, total porosity, air-filled porosity, micro porosity, soil water availability and infiltration rate, temperature and soil mean aggregate sizes. The mechanical parameters were soil penetrometer resistance, shear strength, Proctor test and machine ground pressure. A randomized-block trial with 15 replicates was used, applying Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and Tukey test at 5% and 10% significance levels. Results showed that wheeled-forwarder increased soil dry bulk density, soil shear strength and soil machine pressure in relation to the tracked-harvester. Thus, the parameters total porosity, air-filled porosity, micro porosity, soil water availability and soil mean aggregate sizes were higher on harvesting than on wood hauling. The wheeled-forwarder operating without slash produced a higher soil dry bulk density, temperature and soil compaction degree. Also, this work condition decreased total porosity and air-filled porosity in relation to the same operation accomplished over slash. Micro porosity, water availability, soil infiltration rate, soil penetrometer resistance and the maximum soil dry bulk density were not affected by both machines working on both slash conditions. All the soil mechanized operations evaluated were rated higher than 2 MPa on soil penetrometer resistance parameter, looked like a soil limit to allow the root growing... (Complete abstract, click eletronic address below) / Doutor

Active automatic chassis actuation for an excavator

Boes, Christoph 26 June 2020 (has links)
This paper shows an electrohydraulic control system to stabilize the chassis of a mobile machine driving across an off-road ground profile. The active hydraulic suspension system is based on new electronics, SW- and control architectures and the use of state of the art industrial components. The paper shows, that the static and dynamic performance of the system is dominated by the servo valve, which represents the central component of the system.

Design of a workstation for teleoperated forwarders : Exploring the future work within forestry

Persson, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
This thesis work has been the result of a five-year Industrial Design Engineering education at Luleå University of Technology. The project has investigated the possibilities of teleoperating forest machines using a human-centered design approach. The work has been conducted for Skogforsk, which is the Swedish institute for forestry. The project’s objective was to present ideas on how future teleoperation can improve the work as a forwarder operator. The aim was to identify the forwarder operators’ specific needs and explore how the development of a teleoperated workstation can address those needs. The project has been carried out using three phases; Inspiration, Ideation, and Impleentation. During the first phase, the project investigated how the work is carried out today and what needs a forwarder operator has. The operators’ needs can be summarised in three different areas; transporting the machine, loading and unloading, and planning. Two kinds of operators can be seen today, the ones who are motivated primarily by working in the forest, and the ones who are motivated by the production and self-competitiveness. During the Inspiration phase, the project also tested what problems exist today with operating a forwarder using teleoperation with the system implemented in the Truedsson Forestry Lab in Uppsala. It was identified that screens are an essential complement to using head-mounted displays such as VR-goggles while not offering the same amount of precision and presence in work as the goggles. It was also identified that the operators did not feel that the machine being an extension of them due to lost feedback of motion and sound. Perceived and actual control of the machine differed, and the operators did not identify the machines’ behavior during transportation. Apart from these issues, the current view did not offer a complete overview of the area around the machine. Neither did it offer visuals on the sides of the machine, and the logs sortings. Along with the identified issues, opportunities for improvement guided the explorational work through creative workshops to solutions presented and tested in either an operational test or in a video test. The ideas included the implementation of sound focusing on the gripper, which was appreciated by the operators. The precision using screens was improved by projecting the gripper’s position on the ground plane. For control of the transportation work, the project proposed solutions for indicators on tilt, roll, and the wheels of the machine. Nevertheless, it proposed an idea of projected tracks improving the work to become more proactive by highlighting obstacles and the near term position of the machine. The project also tested overview improving ideas such as drone views, and a 360 degrees view which may have potential in the future teleoperation work. Several other ideas were tested and can be seen in the Results chapter. For future work, the project proposes more tests of various ideas in a more reality-based setting. The project also proposes future work focusing on defining the future user better. For the individual operators reading this thesis work, I hope this paper can show the potentials of teleoperation, as well as prove that the development is aware of both the difficulties and the possibilities with teleoperating forest machines. For the forestry industry, I hope this paper can inspire future work to use the technology to favor the operators’ needs, and not only adapt the current cabin to work being carried out remotely. It is important to note that work in the cabin and work carried out remotely will have a significant difference in what advantages to offer. We will most definitely see operators working in the forest for many years ahead, and the future operators of teleoperation will probably not be the ones that are motivated by work in the forest today. This means that a new kind of user will emerge supplementing the current users rather than replacing them. / Detta examensarbete är resultatet av en femårig civilingenjörsutbildning inom Teknisk Design på Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Projektet har utforskat möjligheter för fjärrstyrning av skogsmaskiner genom en användarcentrerad designprocess indelad i tre faser; Inspiration, Ideation, och Implementation. Arbetet har genomförts på uppdrag av Skogforsk som är det svenska forskningsinstitutet för utveckling av det svenska skogsbruket. Målet med projektet har varit att presentera idéer kring hur framtidens fjärrsyrning kan förbättra arbetet som skotarförare. Syftet med projektet har varit att identifiera skotarförarens behov och utforska hur utvecklingen av fjärrstyrning kan ta hänsyn till dessa behov. Under den första fasen undersöktes arbetet som det ser ut idag och skotarförarens behov fastställdes genom intervjuer och observationer. Behoven kan sammanfattas till tre huvudsakliga delar; transport av maskin, av och pålastning, samt planering av arbete. I dagsläget kan två olika användare ses, de vars största motivation är arbetet i skogen, och de som motiveras främst av hög produktion och egenutveckling. Under första fasen så undersöktes problem med fjärrstyrning genom test med en fjärrstyrd skotare i Truedsson Forestry Lab i Uppsala. Det identifierades att skärmar är ett nödvändigt komplement till VR-glasögon trots att de idag inte erbjuder samma precision och närhetskänsla. Det identifierades också att förare uppgav att de inte fick samma koppling till maskinen som ljud och vibrationer annars erbjuder i hytten. Uppfattad och verklig kontroll över maskinen skiftade mellan styrning i maskin, och på distans. Förarna uppmärksammade inte slirning, glid, eller lutningsförändringar vid fjärrstyrning. Förutom dessa problem så erbjöd det befintliga systemet inte kontinuerlig överblick runt om maskinen. Lastens uppbyggnad saknades och inte heller visuell blick av området nedanför lastutrymmet kunde erhållas. Med utgångspunkt ur identifierade problem med fjärrstyrning och möjligheter för utveckling av dagens arbete, utforskades idéer genom kreativa workshops under andra fasen. Under tredje fasen valdes idéer ut, utvecklades, och testades genom antingen ett fysiskt operatörstest, eller ett videotest. En av idéerna testade implementering av ljud med fokus på gripen vilket uppskattades av alla testförare. Skärmarnas precision förbättrades genom projicering av gripens position på horisontella ytor. För att förbättra kontroll av maskin utforskade projektet implementering av olika indikatorer kring lutning och hjulbeteende. En idé kring projicerande hjulspår med fokus på proaktivt uppmärksammande av maskinens position och potentiella hinder, utforskades i syfte att förbättra arbetet. Projektet undersökte även diverse vyer för överblick, som drönarvyer, och en 360 graders vy som kan ha potential för framtida fjärrstyrningsarbete. Andra idéer som testades kan ses i Resultat kapitlet. För framtida arbete rekommenderas fler, och mer verklighetsbaserade tester. Det rekommenderas även att framtidens användare definieras bättre för att styra utvecklingen i rätt riktning. För den individuella föraren som läser detta arbete hoppas jag denna examensrapport kan visa på potential för framtida fjärrstyrningsarbete. Jag hoppas även att rapporten kan visa på att utvecklingen är medveten om såväl svårigheter som möjligheter. För skogsindustrin hoppas jag denna rapport kan inspirera framtida arbete att fokusera på fördelar med fjärrstyrningstekniken med utgångspunkt i förarnas behov, och inte bara anpassa dagens arbete i hytten att ske på distans. Det är viktigt att märka på att arbete på distans och i hytten kommer erbjuda olika fördelar. Vi kommer antagligen se förare i skogen i många år framöver och det är troligt att framtidens operatörer inte är de som motiveras av arbete i skogen. Det innebär att en ny typ av användare kommer växa fram som kommer komplettera dagens förare snarare än att byta ut dem.

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