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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kanonické kvantování midisuperspace modelů / Canonical quantization of midisuperspace models

Černý, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
In this work we will try to quantize midisuperspace model of spherically sym- metric spacetime with massless scalar field. On this type of spacetimes we apply Dirac method of canonical quantization, leading to Wheeler-DeWitt equations. We will attempt to solve those equation generally for aforementioned type of spa- cetimes. Our initial midisuperspace model is Roberts dynamical spacetime. As we will see later, Roberts metric behaves badly in the asymptotic region. Due to this problematic behaviour of Roberts spacetime at the boundary, we will choose to quantize its static version, the special Janis-Newman-Winicour spacetime. This midisuperspace model is static, asymptotically flat spacetime with scalar field and it contains a naked time-like singularity. For special Janis-Newman-Winicour spacetime we will then solve Wheeler-DeWitt equations.

La crítica de Etchemendy al formalismo

Gariazzo, Matías 09 April 2018 (has links)
Etchemendy’s Critique to Formalism”. John Etchemendy claims that,given the failure of the Tarskian intuitive notion of logical consequence, there isno reason to consider formality as a necessary condition for this relationship.This paper critiques this argument. First, it seeks to show that Etchemendy’scritique to Tarskian analysis assumes two requisites of elucidatory success thatcannot be held together reasonably. Secondly, it shows that, once the previousassumption is rejected, two arguments in favour of the extensional adequacyof the former argument actually support formalism. Finally, this paper reviewssome well known pragmatic considerations in favour of formalism. / John Etchemendy argumenta que, dado el fracaso del análisis tarskianode la noción intuitiva de consecuencia lógica, no hay razones para considerara la formalidad una condición necesaria para dicha relación. En el presentetrabajo critico este argumento. Primeramente, busco mostrar que la crítica deEtchemendy al análisis tarskiano asume dos requisitos de éxito elucidatorio queno es razonable adoptar conjuntamente. En segundo lugar muestro que, rechazadala anterior asunción, dos argumentos a favor de la adecuación extensionalde dicho análisis confieren apoyo al formalismo. Finalmente, menciono algunasconocidas consideraciones de índole pragmática en favor del formalismo.

Prise en compte des aspects polydispensés pour la modélisation d'un jet de carburant dans les moteurs à combustion interne / Taking into account polydispersity for the modeling of liquid fuel injection in internal combustion engines

Kah, Damien 20 December 2010 (has links)
Le contexte général de cette thèse est la simulation numérique de l’injection de carburant dans un moteur à combustion interne, afin d’améliorer son rendement et de limiter la production de polluants. Intrinsèquement, il est possible de simuler l’ensemble de l’écoulement avec les équations classiques de la dynamique des fluides sans avoir recours à des outils de modélisation supplémentaires liés au caractère diphasique. Mais, les tailles des structures générées pendant l’injection (gouttes de diamètre < à 10 μm) conduisent à des temps de calculs prohibitifs pour une application industrielle. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire d’introduire une modélisation diphasique. C’est dans ce contexte que deux régions sont formellement distinguées: le cœur liquide dense proche de l’injecteur, appelé écoulement à phases séparées, et le spray constitué d’une population de gouttes polydisperse générées après le processus d’atomisation en aval de l’injecteur. Ce travail de thèse étudie les modèles Eulériens pour la description de spray évaporants et polydisperses, en vue d’applications industrielles. Ils représentent une alternative potentielle aux modèles Lagrangiens qui sont majoritairement utilisés en industrie mais présentant des inconvénients majeurs. Ainsi, le modèle multi-fluide est étudié dans un premier temps. Bien que prometteur, deux difficultés sont soulignées: le coût requis pour une description précise de la polydispersion, et son incapacité à décrire les croisements de gouttes (particle trajectory crossing, PTC). La thèse propose des solutions à ces deux limitations. Elles reposent sur des méthodes de moments. Premièrement, le modèle appelé Eulerian Size Multi Size Moment (EMSM) permet de résoudre des sprays évaporants et polydisperses de manière bien plus efficace que le modèle multi-fluide. Des outils mathématiques sont utilisés pour fermer le système d’équations associé au modèle, et combinés à des schémas de types volumes finis appelés schémas cinétiques, afin de préserver la réalisabilité du vecteur de moments, pour le transport et l’évaporation. Une réponse à la seconde limitation est apportée avec le modèle appelé Eulerian Multi Velocity Moment (EMVM) basé sur le transport de moments en vitesse d’ordre élevé. Une distribution bimodale peut être localement reconstruite à partir des moments en utilisant une méthode de quadrature de moments ( QMOM) en une ou plusieurs dimensions d’espace. De la même manière, l’utilisation de schémas cinétiques permet de préserver la réalisabilité du vecteur de moment. De plus, une étude mathématique approfondie de la dynamique du système en une dimension d’espace en révèle toute la complexité et représente une étape indispensable en vue de l’élaboration de schémas de transport d’ordre élevé (supérieur ou égal à 2).Afin de les tester, ces deux modèles ainsi que les outils numériques associés sont implémentés dans MUSES3D, un code académique de simulation numérique directe (DNS) dédié à l’évaluation des modèles de spray. Des résultats de grande qualité démontrent le potentiel des modèles. L’extension du modèle EMSM dans un contexte industriel est ensuite considérée, avec son implémentation dans IFP-C3D, un code résolvant des écoulements réactifs sur des maillages non structurés et mobiles dans un formalisme RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) en présence de sprays. Le formalisme ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) est utilisé et le modèle EMSM réécrit dans ce formalisme afin de mener des calculs en maillage mobile. De plus, une étude numérique a permis d’étendre les propriétés de précision et de stabilité obtenues en maillage fixe. La robustesse du modèle EMSM est alors démontrée avec succès dans IFP-C3D sur un cas impliquant un mouvement de piston, ainsi que dans le cadre d’une comparaison avec le code MUSES3D. Enfin, des résultats très encourageants prouvent la faisabilité d’un calcul d’injection dans une chambre de combustion d’un spray polydisperse avec le modèle EMSM. / The general context of the PhD is the simulation of fuel injection in an internal combustion engine, in order to improve its thermal and ecological efficiency. This work more generally concerns any industrial device involving a multiphase flow made of liquid fuel injected in a chamber filled with gaz: automotive or aircraft engines, or turbo machines. In and of itself, it is possible to simulate this flow without any modeling. However the small structures created during injection (droplets of diameter until 10 μm or less) lead to a prohibitive computational cost for any industrial application. Therefore modeling is necessary. In this context, two areas are formally distinguished: the dense liquid core close to the injector called separate-phase flow, and the spray made of a polydisperse droplet population (i.e. droplets with different sizes) generated after the atomization processes downstream of the injector. This PhD work investigates Eulerian models for the description of polydisperse evaporating sprays, for industrial computations. They represent a potential alternative to Lagrangian models, widely used at present, yet suffering from major drawbacks. Thus, the Multi-Fluid model is assessed. Although it is very promising, two difficulties are highlighted: its cost for a precise description of polydispersity, and its inability to describe particle trajectory crossing (PTC). Solutions to these two limitations are considered. Both rely on high order moment methods. First, the Eulerian Multi Size Moment (EMSM) proposes a much more efficient resolution of polydisperse evaporating sprays than the Multi-Fluid model does. Mathematical tools are used to close the model and combined with original finite volume kinetic-based schemes in order to preserve the moment-set integrity, for evaporation and advection. An answer to the second limitation is provided with the Eulerian Multi Velocity Moment (EMVM) based on high order velocity moments. A bimodal velocity distribution can be locally reconstructed for the moments using the quadrature method of moments (QMOM), in one or multi-dimensions. Here also, finite volume kinetic-based schemes are studied in order to preserve the moment set integrity. Moreover, a mathematical study of the one-dimensional dynamic system highlights its peculiarity and constitutes a necessary basis for the design of high order numerical schemes. In order to assess them, both the models and their numerical tools are implemented in the MUSES3D code, an academic DNS solver that provides a framework devoted to spray method evaluation. Achievements of the EMSM and the EMVM models are presented. The extension of the EMSM model to an industrial context is then considered, with its implementation in the IFP-C3D code, a 3D unstructured reactive flow solver with spray. In order to perform computations within a moving domain (due to the piston movement) the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formalism is used. A numerical study has been achieved, in order to extent to this formalism the properties of accuracy and stability of the EMSM model, which already induces strong stability condition in an Eulerian approach. The robustness of the EMSM model in the IFP-C3D code has been successfully demonstrated on a case involving a moving piston, and also on a comparison with the MUSES3D code. Moreover, very encouraging results demonstrate the feasibility of the EMSM model for spray injection.

Ciência empírica e justificação: por uma leitura epistemológica do Aufbau / Empirical science and justification: an epistemological approach to Carnap\'s logical Aufbau

Rejane Maria de Freitas Xavier 20 August 1990 (has links)
A interpretação usual da obra de Rudolf Carnap, Der Logische Aufbau der Welt (Aufbau),assentada sobretudo na sua leitura por parte de Goodman e de Quine na década de 50, toma-o como um projeto empirista de explicitação dos nexos lógicos entre os conceitos de diferentes domínios teóricos e \"o dado\". Essa interpretação minimiza o problema epistemológico, central no Aufbau, da legitimação (da justificação, da validade de jure) das pretensões de conhecimento das ciências factuais (Realwissenschaften, em contraposição às Formalwissenschaften). Ao examinar o projeto de Carnap como um projeto neotranscendental de justificação do conhecimento empírico, inverte-se a prioridade concedida ao esclarecimento conceitual entre as motivações do Aufbau. Na concepção de epistemologia que subjaz a esta abordagem do Aufbau, Hume e Kant, empirismo e racionalismo aparecem como representações estilizadas e simplificadas da polarização que se exerceu sobre Carnap frente a um tópico proposto pela tradição filosófica: o conhecimento empírico, as leis universais das ciências factuais, são ou não são passíveis de justificação racional (e de que modo)? Tal inversão permite entender as teses e os passos da teoria da constituição de Carnap de maneira a dar conta de forma coerente e sistemática de aspectos dessa obra que a maioria das análises trata de modo fragmentado e desconectado. Sob essa luz, são abordado temas como a escolha do instrumental formal da teoria da constituição, o papel da teoria das descrições definidas e do modelo das definições implícitas, a tese da extensionalidade, o estruturalismo, o formalismo, as pressuposições extrasistemáticas, a relação da ordem epistêmica com a ordem lógica, a distinção entre \"o sistema\" (na forma ideal em que o concebe a teoria da constituição) e o \"esboço provisório\" que Carnap propõe no Aufbau a título de exemplo. Quatro problemas principais que comprometem seriamente esse projeto de Carnap são examinados contra o pano de fundo da leitura epistemológica proposta. Os dois primeiros (suposições extra-sistemáticas e construção do tempo e do espaço) dizem respeito ao \"esboço provisório\", mas são dificuldades que não se devem ao estado provisório dos próprios conceitos científicos mas à incapacidade desse esboço de ater-se aos preceitos da teoria da constituição de que pretende ser uma aplicação. As duas dificuldades restantes (finitismo e decidibilidade, e caráter inteiramente formal do sistema) afetam a própria concepção do sistema ideal. Como desiderata da teoria da constituição, terminam por se revelar incompatíveis com traços fundamentais do conhecimento empírico de cuja preservação não é possível abrir mão sem descaracterizá-lo profundamente. O caráter original do projeto carnapiano de justificação racional completa e cabal de todo o conhecimento empírico termina portanto por conduzi-lo a posições incompatíveis com o próprio empirismo. Para preservar \"o caráter aberto e a inevitável incerteza de todo conhecimento empírico, Carnap abrirá mão do sistema único e total de conceitos científicos como garantia da objetividade e da possibilidade de comunicação, substituindoo, depois do Aufbau, pelo princípio de tolerância ou da convencionalidade das formas de linguagem / The usual interpretation of the work of Rudolf Carnap, Der Logische Aufbau der Welt (Aufbau), rests on its reading by Goodman and Quine in the 50s, and takes it as an empiricist attempt to establish the logical connections between concepts of different theoretical domains and \"the given\". This interpretation minimizes the epistemological problem, central to the Aufbau, of the legitimation (justification, validity de jure) of the claims to knowledge of the factual sciences (Realwissenschaften, as opposed to Formalwissenschaften). By examining Carnap´s project as a project of neotranscendental justification of empirical knowledge, the priority given to conceptual clarification between the motivations of the Aufbau is reversed. In the conception of epistemology behind the new approach of the Aufbau, Hume and Kant, empiricism and rationalism appear as simplified and stylized representations of the polarization that is exerted on Carnap in his definition against a topic proposed by the philosophical tradition: the universal laws of empirical science are or are not capable of rational justification (and how)? This allows us to understand the arguments and the steps of Carnap\'s theory of constitution as coherent and systematic aspects of this work, often analysed in fragmented and disconnected ways. In this light, topics such as the choice of the formal instrumental of the theory of the constitution, the role of definite descriptions theory and of the use of implicit definitions, the thesis of extensionality, structuralism, formalism, extra- systematic assumptions, the relationship of epistemic and logic order, the distinction between \"the system\" (in the ideal way in which the theory of the constitution conceives it) and the \"tentative outline\" Carnap proposed in the Aufbau as an example are addressed. Four main problems which seriously undermine Carnap´s project are examined against the backdrop of the epistemological reading proposed. The first two (extrasystematic assumptions and construction of time and space) concern the \"tentative outline\", but they are not due to the provisional state of scientific concepts themselves but to the inability of this sketch to stick to the precepts of the theory of the constitution of which it aims to be an application. The two remaining difficulties (finitism and decidability, and the entirely formal character of the system) affect the conception of the ideal system. Being desiderata of the theory of the constitution, they will eventually prove incompatible with fundamental features of empirical knowledge of whose preservation one can not give up without deeply disfiguring it. The original character of the Carnapian project of a complete and full rational justification of all empirical knowledge thus ends by leading to a position incompatible with empiricism itself. To preserve the \"open character and the unavoidable uncertainty\" of all empirical knowledge, Carnap will then relinquish the unique and full system of scientific concepts as a guarantee of objectivity and of the possibility of communication, replacing it, after the Aufbau, by the principle of tolerance or conventionality of language forms

Solução numérica da equação quase-clássica para a função de Wigner matricial de dois átomos frios colidindo à presença de um feixe laser / Numerical solution of the quasi-classical equation for the matrix Wigner function of two cold atoms colliding in the presence of a laser beam

Clodoaldo Cordeiro Rulli 08 March 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho implementamos um programa computacional capaz de descrever passo-a-passo o processo de colisão entre dois átomos confinados numa armadilha magneto-óptica em regime frio. Para isso utilizamos o formalismo de Wigner, que é uma formulação equivalente à mecânica quântica, para encontrar-mos uma aproximação quase-clássica para as equações que descrevem o sistema. Este formalismo permite-nos separar os graus de liberdade externos dos átomos colidentes, que podem ser tratados de maneira quase-clássica, dos graus internos de liberdade, os quais não tem contraparte clássica e, portanto, são tratados quanticamente / In this work we implement a computer program that describes, step by step, the collision process between two atoms confined in a magneto-optical trap in the cold regime. Here we utilize the Wigner-function theory, which is a formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of a phase space, to find a quasi-classical approx¬imation of the dynamical equations that govern the time evolution of the system. This approach allows us to describe the dynamics in terms of external and internal degrees of freedom. The former degrees of freedom are treated quasi-classically, while the latter, because they do not have a classical counterpart, are treated quan¬tum mechanically

O formalismo no juízo de admissibilidade dos recursos / The formal aspects regarding permission to appeal specially to the Higher Courts

Heloisa Leonor Buika 30 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar se o exagero de exigência das formalidades aplicado no momento de admissibilidade impede o conhecimento dos recursos. / This dissertation analyses the formal aspects regarding permission to appeal especially to the Higher Courts. One of the main targets was to investigate whether exaggerated formalities, i.e., those imposed conditions on permission to appeal prevent hearing and considerations regarding the appeals\'merit.

Tutela jurisdicional de urgência e as exigências do direito material

Baggio, Lucas Pereira January 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo pretende analisar a relação entre direito material e direito processual à luz do paradigma do formalismo-valorativo, a fim de buscar a solução para intrigantes problemas existentes em matéria de tutela jurisdicional de urgência, em especial a delimitação dessa modalidade diferenciada de tutela, a adequação procedimental, suas técnicas e a influência que sofre do direito material quanto ao preenchimento dos requisitos autorizadores de sua aplicação e quanto à escolha do meio a ser empregado em sua efetivação. / The present study analyzes the relations between Material Law and Process in the light of the methodological paradigm of axiological formalism. It is aimed at seeking the solution to intriguing problems related to urgency jurisdictional tutelage, focusing on limiting this distinctive tutelage kind, its procedural adequacy and the influence it suffers from the Material Law in regards to meeting the authorization requirements to be applied and also in choosing the executive means to enforce it.

Fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil / Theoretical foundations of tort law

Catarina Helena Cortada Barbieri 19 June 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata dos fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil a partir da perspectiva exposta na obra de Emest Weinrib. A questão central do trabalho refere-se, de um lado, à discussão da abordagem formalista, que permite a compreensão do direito e de sua autonomia em relação a outras esferas - em especial à política - e, de outro lado, à relação entre o formalismo e a fundamentação da responsabilidade civil na justiça corretiva. Por fim, o trabalho analisa as críticas oferecidas ao arcabouço teórico weinribiano, procurando discutir os limites da obra de Weinrib e as possíveis falhas de interpretação dos próprios críticos. / This thesis examines the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort as presented in the work of Ernst Weinrib. It discusses both the formalist approach to torts, which allows for the understanding of Law as autonomous from other areas - notably, from politics - and, on the other, the connections between formalism and the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort from the standpoint of corrective justice. This thesis also analyses the criticism Weinrib\'s work has received, discussing the limits of Weinrib\'s contribution and the possible flaws of some critical approaches.

Realismo e formalismo como pólos de composição fílmica / -

Lucas Bastos Guimarães Baptista 03 November 2014 (has links)
O projeto tem por objetivo o estudo da composição fílmica a partir da polarização entre realismo e formalismo. Em um primeiro momento, compreende os principais pontos definidos por André Bazin e Hollis Frampton, apresentando algumas de suas observações e críticas do que consideravam as características fundamentais do cinema. Em seguida, é proposta uma ampliação dessa comparação, num diálogo com obras e autores que de alguma maneira orbitaram em torno de Bazin e Frampton. Investigando as maneiras pelas quais as duas tendências se opõem, e quais aspectos relativos à composição são evidenciados por elas, o trabalho busca ainda uma possível complementaridade, uma abordagem que as considere igualmente como partes de um mesmo espectro. / The purpose of this project is the study of film composition by means of the polarity between realism and formalism. At first, it covers the main points defined by André Bazin and Hollis Frampton, presenting some of their insights and criticisms, and what they considered to be the fundamental qualities of cinema. From this follows an attempt to amplify the comparative outlook, in a dialogue between authors and films that were closely related to Bazin and Frampton. As the work investigate the ways by which both tendencies oppose each other, and what aspects of film composition are revealed by this opposition, it looks for an approach which considers them equally as parts of the same spectrum

Estudos em não-comutatividade via formalismo simplético

Marcial, Mateus Vinicius 30 July 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-09T15:50:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusviniciusmarcial.pdf: 309214 bytes, checksum: 32932a3589065bf56d233ca033176742 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-06-29T12:07:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusviniciusmarcial.pdf: 309214 bytes, checksum: 32932a3589065bf56d233ca033176742 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T12:07:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusviniciusmarcial.pdf: 309214 bytes, checksum: 32932a3589065bf56d233ca033176742 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta tese, inicialmente, realizamos um estudo introdutório sobre sistemas vinculados, onde os formalismos de Dirac e Faddeev-Jackiw-Barcelos Neto-Wotzasek (este também chamado de formalismo simplético) são apresentados. O formalismo simplético tem uma peculiaridade, que é a de usar os vínculos para deformar a estrutura geométrica do espaço de configuração. O objetivo principal de ambos os métodos é o de se chegar aos parênteses de Dirac, que se constituem na ponte para os comutadores da mecânica quântica. Também apresentamos uma breve revisão de teorias não-comutativas e dinâmica de fluidos. Com base no formalismo simplético, apresentamos um método que permite obter versões não-comutativas de sistemas comutativos. Este método foi ilustrado em um sistema mecânico arbitrário não-degenerado e em um oscilador quiral. Os resultados encontrados estão em acordo com os resultados já apresentados na literatura. O trabalho original desta tese consiste na utilização do formalismo simplético de indução de não-comutatividade (FSINC) em mecânica de fluidos, mais especificamente, nos modelos para fluidos irrotacionais e rotacionais. As versões não-comutativas de tais modelos apresentaram interessantes resultados, como o comportamento quiral do fluido e a possibilidade de relacionar a viscosidade do fluido com o parâmetro de não-comutatividade. / In this thesis, initially, we present a introductory study about constrained systems. It was based on Fadeev-Jackiw-Barcelos Neto-Wotsasek and Dirac formalisms. The former is also called symplectic formalism. The symplectic formalism has a peculiarity, it uses the constraints to deform the structure geometric of the space. The main objective both formalisms is to get the Dirac brackets among the variables. Which are the bridge to construct the commutators of the Quantum Mechanic. Further, we have done a brief review about Noncommutative theories and dynamic of fluids. We have used the simplectic formalism to construct a method that allows to get non-commutative versions of the commutative systems. This method was exemplified in two systems, Nondegenered Mechanic System and Quiral Oscilator. The results carryed out are in agreement with the results that exist in the literature. The original work of this thesis consist in the application of the simplectic formalism of induction of the Noncommutativity (SFIN) in Fluid Mechanic, more especifcly, in the irrotational and rotational fluid model. The noncommutative versions of this models revealed interesting results, for example, the chiral behavior of the fluid and a possibility of to turn on the viscosity of fluid with the parameters of the noncommutativity of the models.

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