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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First step to a genomic CALPHAD database for cemented carbides : C-Co-Cr alloys

Li, Zhou January 2017 (has links)
CALPHAD (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams) denotes the methodology used to assess thermodynamic data based on experiments as well as on first principles calculations. Essential for this method is the coupling of phase diagram and thermodynamic properties. It has been widely and successfully applied for decades in the field of materials science and engineering. Nevertheless, some shortcomings of the existing thermodynamic databases call for updated descriptions with improved thermodynamic modeling from unary, binary to ternary and higher-order systems. This thesis attempts to pioneer the development of a new generation of CALPHAD databases taking C-Co-Cr alloys with subsystems, unaries and binaries, as example. The present modeling and assessment work not only validate the new models applied in the development of the next, the 3rd, generation database, but also result in improved descriptions in a wider temperature range.In this 3rd generation database, thermodynamic descriptions are valid from 0 K up to high temperatures above liquidus. The Einstein model, rather than the polynomial basis functions used in the previous 2nd generation database, is applied to model the harmonic lattice vibration contribution to the heat capacity of condensed phases at low temperatures. In addition, terms describing the electronic excitations and anharmonic lattice vibrations, as well as the magnetic contribution, are added. A generalized two-state model is employed for the liquid phase to describe the gradual transition from the liquid to amorphous state. A revised magnetic model is adopted accounting for both the ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic states explicitly. A newly suggested method to avoid violating the 3rd law of thermodynamics is adopted for e.g. stoichiometric phases. However, there is still some concern as Nernst’s heat theorem which states that 𝑑𝐶𝑃/𝑑𝑇 is zero at 0 K is not obeyed. All solution phases are modelled within the framework of the compound energy formalism (CEF).The task of the thesis is to construct an updated self-consistent thermodynamic description of the C-Co-Cr system for the third generation CALPHAD databases. The improvement is significant from a modeling point of view when compared to the second generation database. A good agreement between the calculated thermodynamic properties and the experimental data is achieved. The reliability of the extrapolations of unary and binary systems into higher order systems is demonstrated. / <p>QC 20170529</p>

Physical properties of graphene nano-devices

Hills, Romilly D. Y. January 2015 (has links)
In this doctoral thesis the two dimensional material graphene has been studied in depth with particular respect to Zener tunnelling devices. From the hexagonal structure the Hamiltonian at a Dirac point was derived with the option of including an energy gap. This Hamiltonian was then used to obtain the tunnelling properties of various graphene nano-devices; the devices studied include Zener tunnelling potential barriers such as single and double graphene potential steps. A form of the Landauer formalism was obtained for graphene devices. Combined with the scattering properties of potential barriers the current and conductance was found for a wide range of graphene nano-devices. These results were then compared to recently obtained experimental results for graphene nano-ribbons, showing many similarities between nano-ribbons and infinite sheet graphene. The methods studied were then applied to materials which have been shown to possess three dimensional Dirac cones known as topological insulators. In the case of Cd3As2 the Dirac cone is asymmetrical with respect to the z-direction, the effect of this asymmetry has been discussed with comparison to the symmetrical case.

One Million Paintings 2005-2007: A Thesis

clark, jared lindsay 01 January 2007 (has links)
I assist discarded collectives of objects to volunteer themselves for inclusion into the privileged legacy of flatness – assuring them they can be transformed into Painting. Reducing my interventions - often to mere arrangement - respects the possibility of this transformation while frankly retaining the objects' original functional identities. Every surface of any object is a readymade painting – especially flat ones. By stacking objects and aligning their surfaces on one privileged side into a flat mega-surface, I am composing and collaging – even building – a painting. With my amateur interest in German I latch upon the double meaning of "Bild" to title my objects, describing my continued interest in the space between painting and sculpture. All my projects transform found objects into ambiguous objects described by Donald Judd as "neither painting nor sculpture". In addition to the Bilds projects such as the Cutllages, the Kitsch Paintings, Soap Drawings, Text Tubes, and List Drawings investigate different ways to transform the found object into painting.While my work is formalist it is decidedly post-modernist in its embodiment of the qualities described by Craig Owens in The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism.

Contributions au formalisme de l'élargissement Stark des profils de raies

Boland, Denis 16 March 2012 (has links)
La spectroscopie est un outil primordial pour le diagnostic des plasmas, qu'il s'agisse de ceux des étoiles, permettant d'espérer comprendre toujours mieux leurs formations et leurs évolutions, ou celui des laboratoires, tout spécialement ceux rencontrés dans le cadre des expérimentations visant la fusion thermonucléaire contrôlée, telles que le projet ITER.La modélisation des profils de raie Lyman-alpha de l'hydrogène conduit à élaborer différentes approches dont le formalisme mérite d'être toujours investigué, et possiblement enrichi, en vue d'améliorer nos capacités de diagnostic. Nous avons donc successivement exploré une approche par intégrale de chemin, en vue de conserver au maximum l'information liée à la nature quantique des processus d'interaction, puis le rôle de la chronologie, le potentiel d'interaction du système atomique avec le plasma ne commutant pas à deux instants différents, et enfin une approche modélisant le champ électrique par des processus stochastiques dont les propriétés statistiques déterminent les caractéristiques des profils de raie des plasmas étudiés. Dans ce dernier cas, le travail réalisé montre que la modélisation du champ électrique par des processus stochastiques contient de sérieuses pistes de recherche de nature à améliorer encore les résultats obtenus. / Spectroscopy is an essential tool for plasma diagnostics, especially for studying stars, allowing hope to understand always better their origin and their evolution, or for laboratory plasmas, especially those encountered in the experiments for controlled thermonuclear fusion, such as ITER.Modeling profiles of Lyman-alpha hydrogen leads to develop different approaches whose formalism deserves to still remain under investigation, and can possibly be enriched, to improve our diagnostic capabilities. We therefore explored the subject successively by a path integral approach, in order to retain maximum information related to the quantum nature of the interaction process, then the role of chronology, as the interaction potential of the atomic system with the plasma does not commute at two different times, and finally we worked on an approach modeling the electric field by stochastic processes whose statistical properties determine the characteristics of the line profiles of the studied plasmas. In the latter case, the work shows that the modeling of the electric field by stochastic processes contains serious research possibilities which should be able to further improve present results.

Sólitons e teorias não lineares integráveis / Solitons and Nonlinear Integrable Systems

Santana, Vinicius Teibel 02 July 2009 (has links)
Uma generalização dos modelos de Toda bidimensionais pela inclusão de campos de Dirac é estudada através de métodos algébricos que possibilitam a construção de cargas e soluções para o modelo. Após desenvolver o formalismo matemático necessário, as cargas conservadas do modelo em questão são determinadas para soluções sóliton, a partir da órbita do vácuo. Uma comparação direta com o modelo de sine-Gordon revela que o mesmo processo de interação entre os sólitons ocorre em ambas as teorias, indicando a possibilidade deste modelo ser utilizado para analisar a equivalência entre esse modelo e os de sine-Gordon e Thirring. / A generalization of two dimensional Toda models by the inclusion of Dirac fields is studied through algebraic methods that allow the construction of charges and solutions. After developing the necessary mathematical formalism, the conserved charges of such model are determined forsoliton solutions belonging to the orbits of the vacuum. A direct comparison between Toda model coupled to matter fields and sine-Gordon model shows that the same interaction process among solitons occurs in both theories, indicating the possibility of this model to be used to analyze the equivalence between sine-Gordon and Thirring models.

Vom subjektiven zum objektiven Gedanken.

Bantekas, Evangelos 01 November 2018 (has links)
Hegel führt die traditionelle formale Logik, wie sie in Kants Konzept der reinen allgemeinen Logik ihre für ihn abschließende Gestalt erfahren hat, innerhalb seiner Systematik auf die Psychologie der produktiven Einbildungskraft und des Denkens zurück. Kants Konzeption der transzendentalen Logik, und mit ihr die neuzeitliche Erkenntnistheorie, wird aus gesamtsystematischer Hinsicht in der Philosophie des subjektiven Geistes verortet, und insbesondere in der Phänomenologie des Geistes und der Psychologie der Anschauung und Vorstellung. In logischer Hinsicht leistet Kant nach Hegel nur eine Übersetzung phänomenologischer Inhalte der psychologischen Vorstellung in relativ unterentwickelte und isolierte objektivlogische Strukturen (reine Reflexions- und wesentliche Verhältnisbestimmungen), wodurch er über den psychologischen Reflex des Begriffs nicht hinauskommt. Der logische Inhalt bzw. der objektive Gedanke dagegen basiert in seiner formalen Dimension auf die Realisierung des Begriffs im Prozess der endlichen Teleologie, aus deren Perspektive auch phänomenologische und logische Dimensionen von Struktur- und Verhältnisbestimmungen differenziert werden können (Inhalte der kontemplative Erwägung der Konstruktionsbedingungen des unausgeführten subjektiven Zwecks im ersten Fall, Funktionalität von Strukturverhältnissen im Prozess der Ausführung des subjektiven Zwecks im zweiten Fall). Der logische Inhalt ist konkret im Vergleich zum phänomenologischen Inhalt der psychologischen Vorstellung und abstrakt im Vergleich zum realsystematischen Inhalt als Korrelat der absoluten Methode. / Within his system Hegel relegates traditional formal logic, as it found its fulfillment in Kant´s concept of pure general logic, to the psychology of productive imagination and thought. Kant´s conception of transcendental logic, and with it a modern epistemological standpoint more generally, is also allocated in the philosophy of subjective spirit, and more specifically in the phenomenology and the psychology of intuition and representation. From a logical standpoint Kant does not, according to Hegel, go beyond translating phenomenological contents of the psychological representation into the relatively simple structures of the determinations of reflection and essential relations, thereby staying within the realm of the mere psychological reflex of the concept. Determinate logical content or objective thought on the contrary is based in its formal dimension on the actualization of the concept in the process of finite teleology. From this perspective it is possible to coherently distinguish between phenomenological and logical dimensions of structural and relational determinations (contents of the contemplative assessment of the conditions of construction of the yet unexecuted subjective finite end on the one hand, functionality of structural relations in the process of executing this end on the other). The logical content is concrete compared to the phenomenological one and abstract compared to the content of the real parts of the system as the correlate of absolute logical method.

Justificação da decisão judicial : a motivação e o precedente

Motta, Otávio Luiz Verdi January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe que a atual compreensão sobre interpretação judicial influencia no modo de ver a tutela dos direitos. Para isso, parte-se do entendimento de que trabalhar com o direito não é trabalhar com um objeto pronto antes da interpretação, mas com indeterminação. Isso conduz à conclusão de que a interpretação jurídica é um caminho que se percorre por meio de escolhas. Com o reconhecimento de que interpretar envolve escolher, realça-se o papel da justificação das decisões judiciais como ponto fundamental da atividade jurisdicional. Dado que a finalidade do processo civil é a tutela dos direitos, a justificação da decisão abre espaço para a tutela dos direitos em duas perspectivas. De um lado, considerando-se que no processo a interpretação tem o fim de decidir um caso, estrutura-se o discurso da motivação voltado à obtenção de uma decisão justa para as partes, o que corresponde a um meio de colaborar para a tutela dos direitos numa perspectiva particular. De outro, considerando-se que por meio da resolução do caso reduz-se a sua indeterminabilidade, estrutura-se o discurso do precedente voltado à tutela dos direitos numa perspectiva geral por duas frentes: promove-se um tratamento isonômico das pessoas e cria-se um ambiente mais seguro para o desenvolvimento da vida social. / This study proposes that the current understanding of judicial interpretation influences the way we understant the protection of rights. In order to achieve this conclusion, we start from the understanding that dealing with the law does not means to deal with a given object finished before the interpretation process, but with indeterminacy. This leads to the conclusion that legal interpretation is a path that runs by making choices. With the recognition that interpretation involves choosing, it is emphasized the role of the justification of judicial decisions as a key point of judicial activity. Given that the purpose of civil proceedings is the protection of rights, the justification of the decision opens the way for the protection of rights in two perspectives. On the one hand, considering that in the judicial process the interpretation happens for the function of dispute resolutions, it is possible to oganize a discourse of the judicial reason giving aiming to achieve a fair decision for the parties, which corresponds to a means to colaborate for the protection of rights in a particular perspective. On the other hand, considering that through the resolution of the case the indeterminacy of the law is reduced, it is possible to organize a discourse of the judicial precedent aiming to achieve the protection of rights in a broad perspective by two fronts: promoting a isonomic treatment of people and creating a safer enviroment for the development of social life.

Formalismo termodinâmico para shifts de Markov enumeráveis topologicamente mixing / Thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing countable Markov shifts

Torres, Jose Manuel Chauta 03 February 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese são estudados alguns tópicos sobre otimização ergódica e formalismo termodinâmico que generalizam resultados, de Contreras, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi e Lopes (2008) no primeiro caso e Baraviera, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) no segundo, para contextos onde não existem medidas de Gibbs, ou, em outras palavras, não é satisfeita a propriedade BIP. É demonstrada a existência de subações calibradas para potenciais coercivos de variação finita em espaços shift transitivos de alfabeto enumerável. O método usado é a construção da barreira de Peierls nesse contexto. Provam-se algumas das propriedades da barreira de Peierls e, como consequência das construções, é mostrada uma classificação dos shifts que possuem subações calibradas e limitadas. Posteriormente é realizado um estudo do formalismo termodinâmico para potenciais somáveis de variação finita e pressão finita com medida maximizante única f em shifts topologicamente mixing. Fazendo uso dos resultados de Freire e Vargas (2015), são estudadas a famlia de estados de equilbrio correspondente com f e a famlia de funções 1/B log h_ B , onde h_B são auto vetores do operador de Ruelle para Bf . É demonstrado que os pontos de acumulação quando B vai para infinito são subações uniformemente contnuas. Finalmente é provada uma propriedade dos grandes desvios para a famlia de estados de equilbrio \\mu_B com hipóteses sobre a convergência de uma famlia de funções g_B que normaliza o operador de Ruelle para cada B> 1 (Veja seção 4.4) / In this thesis, the study of topics on ergodic optimization and thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts is presented. It provides a generalization of the previous results, in Contreras, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi and Lopes (2008) for the first subject and Baraviera, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) for the second one, to situations where there are no Gibbs measures, ie, the BIP property is not verified. The existence of calibrated subactions for coercive potentials with finite variation over transitive countable Markov shifts is proved. The method is based on the construction of the Peierls barrrier in this context. Some properties of the Peierls barrier are proved and, as consequence of the proof, a classification of the Markov shifts which support calibrated and limited subactions is shown. Subsequently, the thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing Markov shift and summable potentials with finite variation, finite pressure and unique maximizing measure f is studied. Using results in Freire and Vargas (2015), the class of equilibrium states corresponding with f and the class of functions 1/ log h_B are studied where h_B are the eigenfunctions for the Ruelle operator. It is proved that its accumulation points, as goes to infinity, are uniformly continuous subactions. Finally, it is proved a large deviation principle for the equilibrium states family \\mu_B , assuming a hypothesis about the convergence in a family of functions that normalizes the Ruelle operator (See section 4.4 for more details).

Formalismo termodinâmico para shifts de Markov enumeráveis topologicamente mixing / Thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing countable Markov shifts

Jose Manuel Chauta Torres 03 February 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese são estudados alguns tópicos sobre otimização ergódica e formalismo termodinâmico que generalizam resultados, de Contreras, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi e Lopes (2008) no primeiro caso e Baraviera, Lopes e Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) no segundo, para contextos onde não existem medidas de Gibbs, ou, em outras palavras, não é satisfeita a propriedade BIP. É demonstrada a existência de subações calibradas para potenciais coercivos de variação finita em espaços shift transitivos de alfabeto enumerável. O método usado é a construção da barreira de Peierls nesse contexto. Provam-se algumas das propriedades da barreira de Peierls e, como consequência das construções, é mostrada uma classificação dos shifts que possuem subações calibradas e limitadas. Posteriormente é realizado um estudo do formalismo termodinâmico para potenciais somáveis de variação finita e pressão finita com medida maximizante única f em shifts topologicamente mixing. Fazendo uso dos resultados de Freire e Vargas (2015), são estudadas a famlia de estados de equilbrio correspondente com f e a famlia de funções 1/B log h_ B , onde h_B são auto vetores do operador de Ruelle para Bf . É demonstrado que os pontos de acumulação quando B vai para infinito são subações uniformemente contnuas. Finalmente é provada uma propriedade dos grandes desvios para a famlia de estados de equilbrio \\mu_B com hipóteses sobre a convergência de uma famlia de funções g_B que normaliza o operador de Ruelle para cada B> 1 (Veja seção 4.4) / In this thesis, the study of topics on ergodic optimization and thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts is presented. It provides a generalization of the previous results, in Contreras, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Garibaldi and Lopes (2008) for the first subject and Baraviera, Lopes and Thieullen (2006), Bissacot, Mengue e Pérez (2006) for the second one, to situations where there are no Gibbs measures, ie, the BIP property is not verified. The existence of calibrated subactions for coercive potentials with finite variation over transitive countable Markov shifts is proved. The method is based on the construction of the Peierls barrrier in this context. Some properties of the Peierls barrier are proved and, as consequence of the proof, a classification of the Markov shifts which support calibrated and limited subactions is shown. Subsequently, the thermodynamic formalism for topologically mixing Markov shift and summable potentials with finite variation, finite pressure and unique maximizing measure f is studied. Using results in Freire and Vargas (2015), the class of equilibrium states corresponding with f and the class of functions 1/ log h_B are studied where h_B are the eigenfunctions for the Ruelle operator. It is proved that its accumulation points, as goes to infinity, are uniformly continuous subactions. Finally, it is proved a large deviation principle for the equilibrium states family \\mu_B , assuming a hypothesis about the convergence in a family of functions that normalizes the Ruelle operator (See section 4.4 for more details).

Proposta de arquitetura de um ambiente multiagente com aplicação de formalismo visual para representação de conhecimento / Proposal of architecture of a multi-agent environment with visual formalism application for knowledge representation

Lacerda, Sirlon Thiago Diniz 03 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-18T08:38:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Sirlon Thiago Diniz Lacerda - 2015.pdf: 16227764 bytes, checksum: 8abb90761dfd3d2ad77d95ef823f6bb9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-02-18T08:41:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Sirlon Thiago Diniz Lacerda - 2015.pdf: 16227764 bytes, checksum: 8abb90761dfd3d2ad77d95ef823f6bb9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-18T08:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Sirlon Thiago Diniz Lacerda - 2015.pdf: 16227764 bytes, checksum: 8abb90761dfd3d2ad77d95ef823f6bb9 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-03 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos- Finep / The multi-agent paradigm has been increasingly used to solve complex problems. Its flexibility allows for use in various industries, including the energy sector. The result of the expansion of the electricity distribution network is a lot of updates in the georeferenced technical data of the electricity distributors. This continuous process of updating makes the quality of information is impaired, so that there is need for human intervention to correct inaccurate or incorrect data. As a solution, this paper proposes a multi-agent environment with a graphical interface that can be used by less experienced users and therefore requires less cognitive effort in creating agents. The agents’ actions are focused initially on refining contents of a database from another. The environment has in its structure agents that extract and update information as well as inference agents with hybrid intelligence capacity. The interface that represents the IF..THEN rules is the largest contribution of the proposed system. Finally, three solutions are presented for the refinement of a geo-referenced database to demonstrate the facilities created for environmental use. / Cada vez mais tem-se utilizado o paradigma multiagente na resolução de problemas complexos. Sua flexibilidade permite a utilização em diversos setores, entre eles o setor elétrico. Dentro de uma distribuidora de energia elétrica, uma das consequências da expansão da malha de distribuição é a grande quantidade de atualizações nos dados técnicos georreferenciados. Esse processo contínuo de atualização faz com que a qualidade das informações seja prejudicada, de forma que haja necessidade de interferência humana na correção de dados imprecisos ou incorretos. Como solução, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um ambiente multiagente com uma interface gráfica que possa ser utilizada por usuários menos experientes exigindo, portanto, menor esforço cognitivo na criação de agentes. As ações dos agentes são focadas, inicialmente, no refinamento do conteúdo de um banco de dados a partir de outro. O ambiente possui como estrutura agentes que extraem e atualizam informações, bem como agentes de inferência com capacidade de inteligência híbrida. A interface que mascara o modelo de regras SE...ENTÃO inseridas no ambiente caracteriza-se como maior contribuição do ambiente proposto. São apresentadas, ainda, três soluções para o refinamento de uma base de dados georreferenciada a fim de demonstrar as facilidades criadas para uso do ambiente.

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