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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lorentzova grupa a její aplikace v kvantové teorii gravitace / Lorentz group and its application in the theory of quantum gravity

Pejcha, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we are dealing with basic methods of theoretical physics focusing on quantum theory of gravity, that are: Hamilton-Dirac formalism for singular systems, Dirac`s method of quantizing systems with constraints and its mathematical formulation - refined algebraic quantization, representation of compact groups and representation of Lorentz group. We apply these methods to find eigenstates of Lorentz group and General linear group generators. We construct a physical Hilbert space on temporal part of 3+1 decomposition of Einstein-Cartan theory. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Politique et la micropolitique de la langue / Politics and micropolitics of language

Blinov, Evgeny 15 September 2014 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse était de développer le projet d'une recherche transversale dans le domaine des sciences sociales, instruite comme une philosophie politique du langage en mobilisant les concepts deleuziens, notamment celui de la micropolitique. Sa réalisation a demandé une contextualisation théorique et historique de la politique de la langue en France et en Russie - et en Union Soviétique -, compte tenu de l'importance exceptionnelle que les acteurs des deux grandes révolutions ont attribué à cette discipline. Selon l'hypothèse centrale de ce projet, la découverte de la micropolitique est le trait distinctif de chaque révolution, et c'est l'examen du "tissu moléculaire" autour de nouveaux centres de pouvoir qui rend possible le discernement des forces opérant la rupture politique, axiologique et épistémologique avec l'ancien régime. La recherche comparée des approches politiques de la langue en France et en Union Soviétique devait permettre d'éclairer leur rôle dans le contexte du nation-building républicain qui ouvre l'époque moderne, et dans la construction culturelle soviétique "nationale en forme, prolétaire en contenu" qui sert de modèle à la politique contemporaine de l'identité, particulièrement vis-à-vis des minorités. Le but de cette recherche fut enfin de présenter une nouvelle typologie des fonctions véhiculaires du langage qui se trouve au cœur du projet politique moderne / The general aim of this thesis is to develop a project of transversal research in the domain of social sciences that we designate as political philosophy of language by appealing to the concepts of the contemporary French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. The accomplishment of this task demands a theoretical and historical contextualization of language policy in France and Soviet Union in the revolutionary period with special attention to the importance attached to this field by the main politic-makers of bath countries. According to the central hypothesis of this project, the essential part of a revolution is the discovery of "molecular tissue" around the new canters of power that makes possible the mobilization of forces that will produce a political, axiological as well as epistemological rupture with an Old Regime. Comparative research of the language policies in France and the Soviet Union permits to reveal their impact on the republican "nation-building" which opens the so-called "political modernity" period and on the construction of the cultures "proletarian in content, national in form" in the Soviet republics. The latter is often used as the base for the contemporary politics of identity, especially concerning the minorities. Such research also opens a debate on the possibility of a "revolution in language", decidedly repudiated, by Saussure, and an analysis that makes possible an elaboration of a new typology of the vehicular functions of language.

Etude des instabilités de sillage, de forme et de trajectoire de bulles par une approche de stabilité linéaire globale / Study of wake, shape and path instabilities of bubbles through a global linear stability approach

Bonnefis, Paul 12 March 2019 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur le couplage des déformations d'une bulle avec son sillage et sa trajectoire dans plusieurs configurations. Un formalisme de type eulérien-lagrangien permet d'écrire le problème sur un domaine mouvant faiblement déformé par rapport à la configuration de référence. Grâce à cette approche, il est possible d'étudier dans un cadre linéaire le couplage entre les déformations d'une bulle et les effets hydrodynamiques. En appliquant ce formalisme, on peut dans un premier temps calculer l'écoulement de base autour de la bulle et sa géométrie d'équilibre, et dans un second temps développer une approche de stabilité globale prédisant les seuils d'instabilité et les propriétés des modes d'oscillation. Afin de développer cette méthode, des résultats sur les oscillations linéaires de bulles et de gouttes dans un fluide au repos et sans influence de la gravité sont tout d'abord présentés et comparés à des résultats théoriques existants. Puis, le principe du formalisme eulérien-lagrangien est illustré en prenant pour problème modèle l'équation de la chaleur formulée sur un domaine arbitrairement déformé. Ce principe est ensuite appliqué aux équations de Navier-Stokes, aboutissant à une version linéarisée autour d'un domaine de référence incluant de manière complète les couplages entre déformations de la géométrie et perturbations de l'écoulement. On met en oeuvre sur le système obtenu une méthode itérative de Newton donnant accès à l'état de base, c'est-à-dire à l'écoulement stationnaire autour de la bulle et à sa forme d'équilibre. Ce même système permet par la suite d'effectuer une analyse de stabilité globale de l'écoulement autour d'une bulle qui se déforme. L'algorithme développé est d'abord appliqué au cas d'une bulle piégée dans un écoulement d'étirement, permettant de décrire des formes d'équilibre dans des régimes stables et instables. Le cas de la bulle en ascension dans un fluide pur est ensuite abordé. Une étude paramétrique est conduite, couvrant une vaste gamme de liquides allant de l'eau pure à des huiles de silicone très visqueuses. Les états de base calculés par la méthode de Newton ainsi que les seuils d'instabilité des sillages sont en bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Dans les cas des liquides très peu visqueux, notre approche décrit de manière plus précise les effets visqueux dans les couches limites et donne des résultats plus satisfaisants que les approches numériques existantes. Elle confirme par ailleurs que la déformation de la bulle joue un rôle mineur dans ces gammes de paramètres. Pour les liquides plus visqueux en revanche, on observe un couplage plus fort entre déformation et sillage. / This works deals with the coupling between time-dependent deformation, wake dynamics and path characteristics of a gas bubble in different configurations. An Eulerian-Lagrangian formalism is sought to formulate this problem in a moving domain having a small deformation compared to the reference configuration. This approach allows us to study the linear coupling between bubble deformations and hydrodynamic effects. This formalism makes it possible to first compute the base flow around a bubble and the corresponding steady shape, then to develop a global stability approach aimed at predicting the threshold of path instability and the properties of bubble oscillation modes. To develop this method, we first compute the linear oscillations of bubbles and drops in a quiescent fluid without gravity and compare them to existing theory. Then, the premise of the Eulerian-Lagrangian formalism is illustrated using a model equation, namely the heat equation written in an arbitrarily deformed domain. The same formalism is applied to the NavierStokes equations, yielding a linearized version of these equations in the neighbourhood of a reference domain, including the two-way coupling between shape deformations and perturbations of the base flow. With this system of equations at hand, we implement a Newton method that provides the steady state, i.e. the base flow around the bubble and its geometry. The same system allows us to carry out a global stability analysis of the flow past a deformable bubble. We first consider the situation where the bubble is trapped in a straining flow, for which we compute stable and unstable equilibrium shapes. We finally tackle the case of a buoyancy-driven bubble rising in a pure liquid. A parametric study is carried out over a wide range of liquids, from pure water to high-viscosity silicon oils. Steady states computed with the Newton method and instability thresholds are found to be in good agreement with experimental observations. For low-viscosity fluids, our approach captures the viscous effects that take place in the boundary layer better than existing computational approaches, yielding predictions for the onset of path instability in better agreemnt with observations. Furthermore, it confirms that time-dependent bubble deformations play a minor part for such liquids. In contrast, a stronger coupling between shape and path instabilities is observed in high-viscosity fluids

A Formalist Solution to a Formalist Problem: Filling the Lacuna Left by Chadha with a Revived Nondelegation Doctrine

Weekley, Peyson 25 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Nous étions les nerfs rêvant d’une émeute ; suivi de L’image du corps dans la poésie de Roger Des Roches

Bellemare, Claudie 05 1900 (has links)
La première partie de ce mémoire intitulé Nous étions les nerfs rêvant d’une émeute, propose une suite de poèmes dont le corps est le principal thème exploré. Il s’agit d’un corps mis à mal, remis en cause, mis en danger et en déséquilibre. Le corps est l’élément déclencheur des tensions. Il est détaillé dans son rapport physique à l’autre par le désir et la sensualité. Le corps physique et pensant est dépeint comme étant lui-même un monde entier traversé par les blessures, le temps, la maladie. Le texte devient corps. Les images, comme moyen de dire en résistance à la langue commune, révèlent la relation amoureuse d’une manière à la fois crue et sensuelle. La seconde partie de ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’image du corps dans la poésie de Roger Des Roches, et plus précisément dans les recueils Le Soleil tourne autour de la Terre et Tout est normal, tout est terminé. Ces derniers, qui s’inscrivent dans le paysage de la tendresse, de l’érotisme et du formalisme, explore le corps, surtout celui de la femme, comme moteur d’écriture. On y lit le rêve littéraire, c’est-à-dire la pulsion d’écrire. Chez Des Roches, le corps est écrivant, frontière, idéalisé. Il compare la jouissance sexuelle à la jouissance textuelle. / The first part of this memoir entitled Nous étions les nerfs rêvant d'une émeute, proposes poems with the body as the central theme. A bruised and beaten down body, constantly challenged, put in danger, out of its equilibrium. The body is also the trigger of many tensions. It's being detailed in its physical relationship with the other through desire and sensuality. The physical and thinking body is depicted as being a world by itself, a world marked by injuries, the passage of time and sickness. The text here is the body. The images, as means of saying in resistance with common language, reveals the love relationship in a crude and sensual way. The second part of this memoir analyzes the image of the body in the poetry of Roger Des Roches, more precisely in two books : Le Soleil tourne autour de la Terre and Tout est normal, tout est terminé. Set in a perspective of tenderness, eroticism and formalism, theses books explore mostly the female body as writing vector where we can read the literary dream, namely the drive of writing. In Des Roches poems, the body is a text, a frontier and an ideal. It compares sexual and textual pleasure.


LAERCIO COSTA RIBEIRO 26 December 2005 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades eletrônicas e de transporte de uma molécula artificial diatômica que consiste de dois pontos quânticos conectados a dois contatos submetidos a um potencial externo. Cada ponto quântico é descrito por um nível de energia no qual os elétrons estão fortmente correlacionados pela interação Coulombiana no interior e entre os pontos quânticos. Duas topologias são consideradas para o sistema: uma corresponde aos dois pontos dispostos numa linha de condução e o outro a uma configuração em paralelo. O problema é tratado com as funções de Green obtidas a partir do formalismo de Keldysh para o sistema fora do equilíbrio. Estas funções permitem o cálculo da carga nos pontos quânticos e da corrente elétrica no sistema. A física do sistema é controlada principalmente pelas várias interações Coulombianas. Para a configuração em paralelo existem dois canais interferindo para a propagação do elétron pelo sistema, cujas propriedades dependem do estado de carga de cada ponto quântico. Para a configuração em série a corrente é controlada pela possibilidade da carga ser drenada de um ponto quântico ao outro. O estado de carga em cada ponto quântico e a corrente elétrica são discutidos em detalhe para as duas configurações e para diferentes valores dos parâmetros que definem o sistema. / [en] In this work we study the electronic and transport properties of an artificial diatomic molecule consisting of two quantum dots connected to two leads under the effect of an applied potential. Each dot is described by one energy level in which the electrons are supposed to be strongly correlated due to intra-dot and inter-dot Coulomb interaction. Two topologies are considered for the system: one corresponds to two dots along a conducting line and the other in a parallel configuration. The problem is treated using the out-of-equilibrium Green function Keldysh formalism. The Green functions permit the calculation of the charge in the dots and the electronic current of the system. The physics is controlled mainly by the various Coulomb interactions. For the parallel configuration there are two interfering channels for the electron to go along the system, which properties depend upon the state of charge of each dot. For the serial configuration the current is controlled by the possibility of the charge to be drained from one dot to the other. The state of charge at each dot and the electronic current are discussed in detail for the two configurations and for different values of the parameters that define the system.

Thermodynamic formalism, statistical properties and multifractal analysis of non-uniformly hyperbolic systems

Wang, Tianyu 20 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

NExpTime-complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains

Lutz, Carsten 20 May 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: „Description logics (DLs) are a family of logical formalisms well-suited for the representation of and reasoning about conceptual knowledge on an abstract logical level. However, for many knowledge representation applications, it is essential to integrate the abstract logical knowledge with knowledge of a more concrete nature. As an example, consider the modeling of manufacturing processes, where it is necessary to represent 'abstract' entities like subprocesses and workpieces and also 'concrete' knowledge, e.g., about the duration of processes and physical dimensions of the manufactured objects [2; 25].”

A Generalization of Square-free Strings

Mhaskar, Neerja January 2016 (has links)
Our research is in the general area of String Algorithms and Combinatorics on Words. Specifically, we study a generalization of square-free strings, shuffle properties of strings, and formalizing the reasoning about finite strings. The existence of infinitely long square-free strings (strings with no adjacent repeating word blocks) over a three (or more) letter finite set (referred to as Alphabet) is a well-established result. A natural generalization of this problem is that only subsets of the alphabet with predefined cardinality are available, while selecting symbols of the square-free string. This problem has been studied by several authors, and the lowest possible bound on the cardinality of the subset given is four. The problem remains open for subset size three and we investigate this question. We show that square-free strings exist in several specialized cases of the problem and propose approaches to solve the problem, ranging from patterns in strings to Proof Complexity. We also study the shuffle property (analogous to shuffling a deck of cards labeled with symbols) of strings, and explore the relationship between string shuffle and graphs, and show that large classes of graphs can be represented with special type of strings. Finally, we propose a theory of strings, that formalizes the reasoning about finite strings. By engaging in this line of research, we hope to bring the richness of the advanced field of Proof Complexity to Stringology. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


ZHU, XIANGDONG 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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