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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'entrée en vigueur de la loi / Entry into force of Statutes

Raptopoulos, Themistoklis 06 December 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les traits distinctifs de l’institution que désigne le terme « entrée en vigueur de la loi ». Il s’agit d’un ensemble de règles et de pratiques correspondantes qui permettent aux acteurs du système juridique de déterminer avec précision le moment à compter duquel devient obligatoire toute nouvelle loi. Pour qu’une telle détermination soit possible, le système juridique doit consacrer au moins une règle de droit commun, à savoir une règle qui permet de déterminer, à défaut de disposition contraire, la date d’entrée en vigueur de toute nouvelle loi. La consécration d’une telle règle présuppose l’existence d’un critère qui permet de déterminer avec précision le moment où la procédure d’édiction chaque nouvelle loi est achevée. En droit positif français, ce critère est la promulgation. Pour rendre compte de cette fonction de la promulgation, il importe de distinguer entre deux séries de conditions d’entrée en vigueur : les conditions particulières, dont dépend l’entrée en vigueur des lois d’après les règles du droit positif, et les conditions générales, dont la réunion est nécessaire pour qu’il soit en premier lieu possible de consacrer des règles d’entrée en vigueur. Concernant les conditions particulières, l’étude des règles de droit commun montre que, contrairement à une idée communément admise, la publication n’est pas une condition nécessaire de l’entrée en vigueur des lois. S’agissant des conditions générales, il s’avère que l’institution de l’entrée en vigueur présuppose une conception volontariste de la loi et un haut degré de formalisation de la procédure de son édiction. / This study aims at identifying the distinctive features of what is commonly referred to as “entry into force of statutes”. This term refers to a nexus of rules and practices that enable the agents of a legal system to determine in a precise manner the moment every statute becomes legally binding. For that to be possible, there must be at least one general rule that applies to any statute lacking a commencement clause. The existence of such a rule depends on the presence of a criterion that allows establishing the precise moment every bill becomes an enacted statute. In France, the relevant criterion is the formal act, known as promulgation, by which the Head of State signs a bill into law. In order to fully grasp the function thus performed by the act of promulgation, a distinction must be made between two kinds of conditions that can be said to be necessary for a statute’s entry into force. On the one hand, there are the specific conditions set out by the relevant rules of a legal system. On the other hand, there are some more fundamental conditions that a legal system must necessarily meet in order to provide for a general rule governing the entry into force of its statutes. As regards the conditions set out by the relevant rules of the French legal system, it turns out that, contrary to a commonly held idea, the rules in question do not make prior publication a necessary condition for the entry into force of statutes. As regards the aforementioned necessary conditions, it appears that the relevant rules and practices presuppose a voluntarist conception of law and, subsequently, a high level of formalism in the procedure followed for the enactment of statutes.

Formalismus v právu / Formalism in Law

Brezina, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is "formalism in law" as a concept that permeates an essential part of modern legal thinking. This work shows that it is usually perceived as a critical concept, but without a clear and steady meaning. In recent times, however, the discussion involving this concept changed so that it now includes individuals positively acknowledging themselves as formalists. An overview of this debate (only marginally concerning the Czech environment yet, however) forms the bulk of the thesis. The second essential part of it is a separate rethinking of the place of formalism in law, in all its aspects - in interpretation and application of law, in the creation of law, even in legal education and legal scholarship. This thesis consists of three unequal parts, the first of which is further divided into three sections. The first part deals with the formalism as a topic of discussion in legal philosophy during the entire 20th century, and the intention is to present this debate to Czech readers. Its first section is devoted to a topic typically linked to criticism of formalism in law in Western legal scholarship, as it presents the American legal realism of the interwar period. It shows it as a strong and visible culmination of earlier critical efforts visible on both sides of the Atlantic...

Princípio dos grandes desvios para estados de Gibbs-equilíbrio sobre shifts enumeráveis à temperatura zero / Large deviation principle for Gibbs-equilibrium states on contable shifts at zero temperature.

Perez Reyes, Edgardo Enrique 13 March 2015 (has links)
Seja $\\Sigma_(\\mathbb)$ um shift enumerável topologicamente mixing com a propriedade BIP sobre o alfabeto $\\mathbb$, $f: \\Sigma_(\\mathbb) ightarrow \\mathbb$ um potencial com variação somável e pressão topológica finita. Sob hipóteses adequadas provamos a existência de um princípio dos grandes desvios para a familia de estados de Gibbs $(\\mu_{\\beta})_{\\beta > 0}$, onde cada $\\mu_{\\beta}$ é a medida de Gibbs associada ao potencial $\\beta f$. Para fazer isso generalizamos alguns teoremas de Otimização Ergódica para shifts de Markov enumeráveis. Esse resultado generaliza o mesmo princípio no caso de um subshift topologicamente mixing sobre um alfabeto finito, previamente provado por A. Baraviera, A. Lopes e P. Thieullen. / Let $\\Sigma_(\\mathbb)$ be a topologically mixing countable Markov shift with the BIP property over the alphabet $\\mathbb$ and a potential $f: \\Sigma_(\\mathbb) ightarrow \\mathbb$ with summable variation and finite pressure. Under suitable hypotheses, we prove the existence of a large deviation principle for the family of Gibbs states $(\\mu_{\\beta})_{\\beta > 0}$ where each $\\mu_{\\beta}$ is the Gibbs measure associated to the potential $\\beta f$. For do this we generalize some theorems from finite to countable Markov shifts in Ergodic Optimization. This result generalizes the same principle in the case of topologically mixing subshifts over a finite alphabet previously proved by A. Baraviera, A. Lopes and P. Thieullen.

O formalismo jurídico de Ernest Weinrib e seus reflexos na teoria da responsabilidade civil / Ernest Weinribs juridical formalism and its reflects on tort law theory

Barbieri, Catarina Helena Cortada 28 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da relação entre a teoria formalista do direito elaborada por Ernest Weinrib e sua teoria de fundamentação da responsabilidade civil derivada do formalismo. O objetivo do trabalho é mostrar que, apesar de o formalismo apresentar uma formulação distintiva e inovadora de racionalidade jurídica, que enfatiza a relação entre forma e conteúdo do direito, o modelo de racionalidade jurídica do formalismo não fornece uma explicação adequada para algumas áreas do direito e, especificamente no caso da responsabilidade civil, da responsabilidade objetiva, que, nessa visão, é considerada um erro jurídico. O formalismo jurídico weinribiano é um projeto teórico ambicioso que a um só tempo procura rechaçar posições céticas como os estudos críticos do direito (critical legal studies) e posições instrumentalistas, especialmente a análise econômica do direito e o positivismo jurídico. Ele apresenta uma teoria geral que mostra o direito como um lócus de racionalidade moral imanente e um método, fundado na inteligibilidade imanente, para compreender essa racionalidade e ver o direito como um fenômeno autônomo em relação à política e a outras esferas de racionalidade. O método formalista permite a intelecção do direito como um fenômeno imanentemente coerente por meio da apreensão das estruturas organizadoras e justificadoras implícitas nos arranjos jurídicos, isto é, as formas da justiça corretiva e da justiça distributiva. Com base nisso, o formalismo sustenta que a forma imanente ao direito privado e, consequentemente, à responsabilidade civil é a justiça corretiva. Este trabalho reconstrói criticamente as principais teses que integram o formalismo e que são fundamentais para entender a rejeição à responsabilidade objetiva, considerada uma monstruosidade conceitual, com especial ênfase na premissa epistemológica formalista da inteligibilidade imanente como a melhor maneira de se compreender o direito e na premissa da coerência estrutural que os arranjos jurídicos devem apresentar. A tese discute o modo como o formalismo jurídico se insere no debate metodológico contemporâneo, definindo o formalismo jurídico como uma teoria de avaliação e justificação jurídica e, portanto, dotada de uma dimensão prescritiva, e apresentando o impacto dessa definição na postura que o formalismo assume em relação à responsabilidade objetiva. A tese ainda analisa a relação entre essa dimensão prescritiva e o posicionamento do formalismo em relação à responsabilidade objetiva, rotulando-a de erro jurídico, e conclui com uma discussão sobre as razões desse posicionamento que, argumentase, é equivocado , que se baseiam na assunção das premissas da inteligibilidade imanente e do critério de coerência estrita que marcam o método de conhecimento formalista. / This dissertation focuses on the relationship between juridical formalism as elaborated by Ernest Weinrib and his theory of the foundation of tort law. The dissertation argues that despite formalisms distinctive and innovative account of legal rationality that emphasizes the relationship between laws form and substance, this account does not provide an adequate explanation for specific areas of law. Particularly in the case of tort law it does not adequately explain strict liability, which is deemed a juridical error. Weinribs juridical formalism is an ambitious theoretical project that challenges: skeptical accounts of law, such as critical legal studies; instrumentalists account of law exemplified by economical analysis of law; and juridical positivism. Weinribs theory attempts to explain law as a locus of immanent moral rationality. The theory is based on a methodology that adopts the premise of immanent intelligibility as a way to comprehend this rationality. This approach allows the theorist to grasp law as a phenomenon autonomous from politics and other spheres of rationality. The formalist method allows the intelligibility of law as an immanently coherent phenomenon through the apprehension of the organizing and justifying structures implicit in juridical arrangements, i.e., the forms of corrective justice and distributive justice with which formalism argues that the immanent form of private law and, therefore, of tort law is corrective justice. This dissertation reconstructs critically the main theses that support formalism, which are essential to understanding its rejection of strict liability considered a conceptual monstrosity. This dissertation focuses on the formalist epistemological assumption of immanent intelligibility as the best way of comprehending law and on the premise of internal structural coherence that juridical arrangements should display. This thesis discusses the way in which juridical formalism can be located within the contemporary methodological debate, and defines formalism as an evaluative and justificatory juridical theory. As such, formalism encompasses a prescriptive dimension. This dissertation also identifies how the definition of formalism as a prescriptive theory impacts on its analysis of strict liability. The dissertation then analyses the relationship between this prescriptive dimension and the formalist position regarding strict liability. It concludes that formalisms mistake regarding strict liability can be traced back to its epistemological assumptions regarding immanent intelligibility and coherence.

Estudo dos parâmetros dosimétricos de sementes de Iodo-125 desenvolvidas pelo IPEN-CNEN/SP utilizadas em braquiterapia por simulação computacional pelo método de Monte Carlo / Study of dosimetric parameters for iodine-125 brachytherapy sources development from IPEN-CNEN/SP using Monte Carlo Method

Oliveira, Tiago Batista de 09 March 2016 (has links)
As expectativas da Organização Mundial de Saúde para o ano de 2030 são que o número de mortes por câncer seja de aproximadamente 13,2 milhões, evidenciando a elevada parcela desta doença no problema de saúde mundial. Com relação ao câncer de próstata, de acordo com o Instituto Nacional do Câncer, o número de casos diagnosticados no mundo em 2012 foi de aproximadamente 1,1 milhão, enquanto que no Brasil os dados indicam a incidência de 68 mil novos casos. O tratamento deste tipo de neoplasia pode ser realizado com cirurgia (prostatectomia) ou radioterapia. Dentre a radioterapia, podemos destacar a técnica de braquiterapia, a qual consiste na introdução (implante) de pequenas fontes radioativas (sementes) no interior da próstata, onde será entregue um valor elevado de dose no volume de tratamento e baixa dose nos tecidos ao redor. No Brasil, a classe médica estima uma demanda de aproximadamente 8000 sementes/mês, sendo o custo unitário de cada semente de pelo menos U$ 26,00. A Associação Americana de Físicos na Medicina publicou alguns documentos descrevendo quais parâmetros e análises devem ser realizadas para avaliações da distribuição de dose, como por exemplo, os parâmetros Constante de taxa de dose, Função radial e Função de anisotropia. Estes parâmetros podem ser obtidos através de medidas experimentais da distribuição de dose ou por simulações computacionais. Neste trabalho foram determinados os parâmetros dosimétricos da semente OncoSeed-6711 da empresa Oncura-GEHealthcare e da semente desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Dosimetria de Fontes de Braquiterapia do Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações (CTR IPEN-CNEN/SP) por simulação computacional da distribuição de dose utilizando o código MCNP5, baseado no Método de Monte Carlo. A semente 6711 foi modelada, assim como um sistema dosimétrico constituído por um objeto simulador cúbico de 30x30x30 cm3 preenchido com água. Os valores obtidos da semente 6711 foram comparados com alguns apresentados na literatura, onde o parâmetro Constante de taxa de dose apresentou erro relativo em relação ao valor publicado no TG- 43 de 0,1%, sendo que os outros parâmetros analisados também apresentaram boa concordância com os valores publicados na literatura. Deste modo, pode-se considerar que os parâmetros utilizados nas simulações (espectro, modelagem geométrica e avaliação de resultados) estão compatíveis com outros estudos, sendo estes parâmetros também utilizados nas simulações da semente do IPEN. Considerando as análises de incerteza estatística, os valores obtidos da semente do IPEN são semelhantes aos valores da semente 6711. / Expectations of the World Health Organization for the year 2030 are that the number of cancer deaths is approximately 13.2 million, reflecting the high proportion of this disease in global health issue. With respect to prostate cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute, the number of cases diagnosed worldwide in 2012 was approximately 1.1 million, while in Brazil the data demonstrated the incidence of 68,000 new cases. The treatment of cancer can be performed with surgery (prostatectomy) or radiation therapy. Among radiotherapy, we can highlight the brachytherapy technique, which consists in the introduction of small radioactive sources (seeds) within the prostate, which is delivered a high dose value in the treatment volume and low dose in the surrounding tissues. In Brazil, the medical profession estimates a demand of approximately 8000 seeds / month, and the unit cost of each seed at least US $ 26.00. The AAPM protocol TG-43 recommend the dose-rate constant, radial dose function and anisotropy function for dosimetric analysis LDR brachytherapy seeds. In this work, Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to assess the dosimetric parameters of the OncoSeed-6711, manufactured by Oncura-GEHealthcare, and a seed developed by Radiation Technology Center, using the MCNP5 code. A 6711 seed, anIPEN seed and the 30x30x30cm3phantom filled with water were modeled to simulatethe dose distribution. The 6711 seed parameters were compared with literature, and the results presented relative error less than 0.1% for Λ. In comparison with the 6711 seed, the IPEN model seed dosimetric parameters were similar, account the statistical uncertainty.

Efeitos de canais inelásticos no transporte eletrônico: um exemplo além do formalismo de Landauer / Effects of inelastic channels in electronic transport: an example beyond the Landauer formalism

Penha, Felipe Campos 06 December 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a influência de canais de espalhamento inelástico no transporte eletrônico. Primeiramente, expomos o formalismo de Landauer usual para o cálculo da corrente elétrica em sistemas em que o espalhamento é puramente elástico. Como exemplo, calculamos a corrente para um potencial delta de Dirac a partir de suas probabilidades de transmissão. A amostra correspondente é aquela de uma camada muito fina com impurezas (não-magnéticas) contida em uma heterostrutura semicondutora. Mostramos que a distorção do potencial quântico devido à voltagem aplicada pode ser desprezada no cálculo da corrente elétrica, abaixo da energia de Fermi do emissor. Subsequentemente, acoplamos o potencial delta a um oscilador harmônico quântico para modelar a presença de fônons no sistema. Encontramos modos inelásticos de transmissão que se tornam acessíveis para energias cada vez maiores, múltiplas do quantum hω. Devido à conservação de probabilidade, a abertura de cada novo canal corresponde a bicos\" nas probabilidades de transmissão dos modos abaixo deste, em função da energia de incidência do elétron. No caso de uma delta atrativa, ressonâncias assimétricas com perfil de Fano são observadas. Adaptamos o formalismo de Landauer, incluindo canais inelásticos independentes. Seguindo um trabalho anterior de Emberly e Kirczenow (2000), mostramos que existe uma forma de se levar em conta possíveis coincidências nos estados de espalhamento finais aplicando o princípio de exclusão de Pauli. Isto leva as distribuições dos estados de espalhamento a estarem fora de equilíbrio, já que dependem umas das outras. Resolvendo o problema auto-consistentemente, somos capazes de obter a corrente elétrica a partir das probabilidades de transmissão do potencial quântico. Nossos resultados demonstram que as ressonâncias de Fano do potencial atrativo dão origem a uma diminuição da inclinação da corrente elétrica contra a voltagem aplicada, já que elétrons são presos\" ao potencial por um tempo infinito. Mostramos este efeito num regime de voltagens baixas em comparação com a energia de Fermi, para o qual desprezamos a distorção do potencial quântico devido à voltagem aplicada. Além disso, uma comparação com os resultados do formalismo de Landauer mostra que uma discrepância significativa é observada para o caso de o oscilador estar inicialmente excitado e fortemente acoplado ao elétron. / In this work, we study the influence of inelastic scattering channels in electronic transport. We first present the usual Landauer formalism, for calculating the electric current in systems where the scattering is purely elastic. As an example, we calculate the current for a Dirac delta potential from its transmission probabilities. The corresponding sample is that of a very thin layer with (non-magnetic) impurities within a semiconductor heterostructure. We show that the distortion of the quantum potential due to the applied voltage can be ignored in the calculation of an electric current below the Fermi energy of the emitter. Then we couple the delta potential to a quantum harmonic oscillator to model the presence of phonons in the system. We find inelastic transmission modes that become available for increasing energies, multiple of the quantum hω. Due to conservation of probability, the opening of each new channel corresponds to kinks\" in the transmission probabilities of lower modes as a function of the energy of the impinging electrons. In the case of an attractive delta potential, asymmetric resonances with a Fano-like profile are observed. We adapt the Landauer formalism by including the independent inelastic channels. Following a previous work by Emberly and Kirczenow (2000), we show that there is a way to take into account the possible coincidences in the final scattering states using Pauli\'s exclusion principle. This causes the distributions of the scattering states to be out of equilibrium, as they depend on each other. Solving the problem self-consistently, we are able to obtain the electric current from the transmission probabilities of the quantum potential. Our results demonstrate that the Fano resonances of the attractive potential gives rise to a decrease of the slope in the electric current versus the applied voltage, as the electrons are trapped\" in the potential for a finite amount of time. We have shown this effect in a low voltage regime with respect to the Fermi energy, for which we ignore the distortion of the quantum potential due to the applied voltage. Furthermore, a comparison with the results from the Landauer formalism shows that a significant discrepancy is seen for the oscillator initially in its excited mode and strongly coupled to the electron.

Form factors and correlation functions in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory from twistor space

Koster, Laura Rijkje Anne 26 July 2017 (has links)
Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik hat sich bis heute, mit Ausnahme der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, als erfolgreichste Theorie zur Beschreibung der Natur erwiesen. Störungstheoretische Rechnungen für bestimmte Mengen in Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) haben bisher unerreicht präzise Vorraussagen ermöglicht, die experimentell nachgewiesen wurden. Trotz dieser Erfolge gibt es Teile des Standardmodells und Energieskalen bei denen die Störungstheorie versagt und man nach Alternativen suchen muss. Vieles können wir hierbei verstehen, indem wir eine ähnliche Theorie untersuchen, die sogenannte planare N=4 Super Yang-Millstheorie in vier Dimensionen (N=4 SYM). Es existieren viele Indizien dafür, dass die Theorie exakte Lösungen zulässt. Dies lässt sich zurückführen auf die Integrabilität der Theorie, eine unendlich dimensionale Symmetriealgebra, die die Theorie stark einschränkt. Neben besagter Integrabilität besitzt diese Theorie auch andere spezielle Eigenschaften. So ist sie des am besten verstandenen Beispiels der Eich-/Gravitations Dualität durch die AdS/CFT Korrespondenz. Ausserdem sind die Streuamplituden von Gluonen auf Baumgraphenniveau in N=4 SYM die selben wie in Quantenchromodynamik. Diese Streuamplituden besitzen eine elegante Struktur und stellen sich als deutlich simpler heraus, als die dazugehörigen Feynmangraphen vermuten lassen. Tatsächlich umgehen viele der zur Berechnung von Streuamplituden entwickelten Masseschalenmethoden die Feynmangraphen, indem sie vorrübergehend manifeste Unitarität und Lokalität aufgeben und dadurch die Rechnungen stark vereinfachen. Alle diese Entwicklungen suggerieren, dass der konventionelle Formalismus der Theorie mit Hilfe der Wirkung im Minkowskiraum nicht der aufschlussreichste oder effizienteste Weg ist, die Theorie zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit untersucht der Hypothese, ob dass stattdessen Twistorvariablen besser geeignet sind, die Theorie zu beschreiben. Der Twistorformalismus wurde zuerst von Roger Penrose eingeführt. Auf dem klassischen Level ist die holomorphe Chern-Simonstheorie im Twistorraum äquivalent zur klassischen selbst-dualen Yang-Mills Lösung in der Raumzeit. Die volle Twistorwirkung, welche eine Störung um diesen klassisch integrablen Sektor ist und durch eine Eichbedingung auf die N=4 SYM Wirkung reduziert werden kann, produziert unter einer anderen Eichbedingung alle sogenannten maximalhelizitätsverletzenden (MHV) Amplituden auf Baumgraphenniveau. Durch die Einführung eines Twistorpropagators konnten auch NkMHV Amplituden effizient beschrieben werden. In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir den Twistorformalismus um auch Größen, die sich nicht auf den Masseschalen befinden, beschreiben zu können. Wir untersuchen alle lokalen eichinvarianten zusammengesetzten Operatoren im Twistorraum und zeigen, dass sie alle Baumgraphenniveau-Formfaktoren des sogenannten MHV-Typs erzeugen. Wir erweitern diese Methode zu NMHV und öher NkMHW Level in Anlehnung an die Amplituden. Schliess lich knüpfen wir an die Integrabilität an, indem wir den ein-Schleifen Dilatationsoperator in dem skalaren Sektor der Theorie im Twistorraum berechnen. / The Standard Model of particle physics has proven to be, with the exception of general relativity, the most accurate description of nature to this day. Perturbative calculations for certain quantities in Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) have led to the highest precision predictions that have been experimentally verified. However, for certain sectors and energy regimes, perturbation theory breaks down and one must look for alternative methods. Much can be learned from studying a close cousin of the standard model, called planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions (N = 4 SYM), for which a lot of evidence exists that it admits exact solutions. This exact solvability is due to its quantum integrability, a hidden infinite symmetry algebra that greatly constrains the theory, which has led to a lot of progress in solving the spectral problem. Integrability aside, this non-Abelian quantum field theory is special in yet other ways. For example, it is the most well understood example of a gauge/gravity duality via the AdS/CFT correspondence. Furthermore, at tree level the scattering amplitudes in its gluon sector coincide with those of Quantum Chromo Dynamics. These scattering amplitudes exhibit a very elegant structure and are much simpler than the corresponding Feynman diagram calculation would suggest. Indeed, many on-shell methods that have been developed for computing these scattering amplitudes circumvent the tedious Feynman calculation, by giving up manifest unitarity and locality at intermediate stages of the calculation, greatly simplifying the work. All these developments suggest that the conventional way in which the theory is presented, i.e. in terms of the well- known action on Minkowski space, might not be the most revealing or in any case not the most efficient way. This thesis investigates whether instead twistor variables provide a more suitable description. The twistor formalism was first introduced by Roger Penrose. At the classical level, a holomorphic Chern-Simons theory on twistor space is equivalent to classically integrable self-dual Yang-Mills solutions in space-time. A quantum perturbation around this classically integrable sector reduces to the conventional N = 4 SYM action by imposing a partial gauge condition. This action generates all so-called maximally helicity violating (MHV) amplitudes at tree level directly, when a different gauge was chosen. By including a twistor propagator into the formalism, also higher degree NkMHV amplitudes can be described efficiently. In this thesis we extend this twistor formalism to encompass (partially) off-shell quantities. We describe all gauge-invariant local composite operators in twistor space and show that they immediately generate all tree-level form factors of the MHV type. We use the formalism to compute form factors at NMHV and higher NkMHV level in parallel to how this was done for amplitudes. Finally, we move on to integrability by computing the one-loop dilatation operator in the scalar sector of the theory in twistor space.

Teorias de calibre no formalismo de 1ª ordem / First Order Formalism in gauge Theories

Camargo Filho, Rogerio Tadeu da Rocha 26 April 2019 (has links)
O principal objetivo do presente trabalho é expor o procedimento de quantização de teorias de Yang-Mills, através do método de Faddeev-Popov, no formalismo de 1a Ordem, e investigar num primeiro momento sua equivalência (clássica e quântica) ao formalismo usual (2a Ordem) e algumas de suas aplicações, principalmente no cálculo de correções quânticas. Para isso, ideias gerais a respeito do processo de quantização via formalismo de Faddeev-Popov foram expostas, e posteriormente utilizadas no processo de quantização de teorias de Yang-Mills no formalismo de 1a Ordem. Apresenta-se também as ideias gerais relativas ao método de regularização dimensional utilizado no cálculo de correções quânticas à nível de 1-loop para a teoria de Yang-Mills no formalismo de 1a ordem, utilizando-se, para isso, computação simbólica. Foi demonstrado que via formalismo de 1a Ordem, a estrutura ultravioleta encontrada no propagador do bóson de gauge é consistente com a renormalizabilidade da teoria. Embora tenhamos diferenças quanto a estrutura das interações neste novo formalismo, a estrutura das divergências ultravioletas continua a mesma do formalismo usual. / The main objective of the present work is to expose the quantization procedure of Yang- Mills theories in first order formalism, by Faddeev Popov\'s method. We want to investigate the classical and quantum equivalence between first and second order formalism, and look and analyze the differences in practical calculations of quantum corrections. Therefore, the general ideas about quantizantion by Faddeev-Popov\'s method was exposed, and used later in first order theory. It is also presented in this work, the main ideas concerning to dimensional regularization used in quantum corrections calculations at one-loop order for Yang-Mills theories, using for that, symbolic computation. It has been shown that upon using the first order formalism, the ultraviolet structre found in gauge boson propagator is also consistent to the theory\'s renormalizability. Although we have differences concerning to interactions structures in this new formalism, the ultraviolet structures from usual formalism is also found in it.

Delay effects on synchronization in networks of dynamical systems

Murugesan, Manju Shrii 18 November 2013 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden wir die Wirkung der Verzögerung Kupplung auf Netzwerke von chaotischen erkunden dynamischer Systeme mit dem Rahmen der Master Stabilität Formalismus. Wir werden untersuchen das Phänomen der Verzögerung-verstärkter und Verzögerungen-induzierte stabile Synchronisation in einer willkürlichen Verzögerung gekoppelt Netzwerk von zeitkontinuierlichen dynamischen Systemen. Wir demonstrieren, dass es immer existieren eine erweiterte Regime des stabilen synchronen Zustand als eine Funktion der Kopplungsstärke geeignete Verbindung Verzögerungen, die nicht ohne Verzögerung in die Kupplung beobachtet werden kann. Wir schlagen eine partielle verzögerung Verbindung als eine Kombination von sowohl den momentanen und der komplett Verzögerung Verbindung mit gewissen Gewichten Bestimmung ihrer Beiträgen. Wir werden zeigen, dass die partielle Verzögerung Verbindung beide Grenzfälle des momentanen und der komplett Verzögerung Kupplung am synchronizabilit von Netzwerken übertrifft. Der Rahmen fuer Master Stabilität Formalismus ist mit einem Netzwerk von intrinsischen Zeitverzögerung Systeme, deren Knoten Dynamik durch Verzögerung Differentialgleichungen beschrieben erweitert, zum ersten Mal in der Literatur und veranschaulicht das allgemeine Verhalten des Master-Stabilisierungsfunktion in Netzwerken skalare Zeit Einschaltverzögerung Systeme auf den Synchronisations-Eigenschaften des Netzes. Außerdem untersuchen wir das Zusammenspiel von Lärm und verzögert in das Phänomen der Lärmverstärkter Phasensynchronisierung in beiden unidirektional und bidirektional gekoppelt zeitverzögerung systeme. / In this thesis, we will explore the effect of delay coupling on networks of chaotic dynamical systems using the framework of master stability formalism. We will investigate the phenomenon of delay-enhanced and delay-induced stable synchronization in an arbitrary delay coupled network of time-continuous dynamical systems. We will demonstrate that there always exist an extended regime of stable synchronous state as a function of coupling strength for appropriate coupling delays, which cannot be observed without any delay in the coupling. We will also propose a partial delay coupling as a combination of both the instantaneous and the completely delay coupling with certain weights determining their contributions. We will show that the partial delay coupling outperforms both limiting cases of the instantaneous and the completely delay coupling on the synchronizability of networks. The framework of master stability formalism is extended to a network of intrinsic time-delay systems, whose node dynamics are described by delay differential equations, for the first time in the literature and illustrated the generic behavior of the master stability function in networks of scalar time-delay systems based on the synchronization properties of the network. We also investigate the interplay of noise and delay in the phenomenon of noise-enhanced phase synchronization in both unidirectionally and bidirectionally coupled time-delay systems.

\"Conversa de bois\", de João Guimarães Rosa: uma leitura à luz poética do próprio autor / Conversa de Bois, by João Guimarães Rosa: a reading in the light of the authors poetics

Vaz, Valteir Benedito 29 June 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho, num primeiro momento, foi extrair das 65 cartas que João Guimarães Rosa remeteu à sua tradutora para o inglês, Harriet de Onís, durante a tradução de Sagarana, as linhas gerais que configuram sua poética. Um breve panorama da gênese e da recepção deste livro, seguidos pelos comentários às mencionadas cartas, abriu nossa pesquisa. Depois disso realizamos uma análise do conto Conversa de bois, oitava narrativa de Sagarana, enriquecida pelas declarações do escritor na referida correspondência em torno do seu processo de criação. Para complementar a análise e esclarecer certas questões relativas à técnica compositiva do autor não tratadas especificamente em sua poética, recorremos a alguns conceitos-chave de pensadores de diferentes tradições que, embora desenvolvidos em épocas distintas, encontram seu lugar nesse estudo do universo heteróclito criado por JGR. Uma atenção especial foi dada ao Formalismo Russo (Roman Jakobson (1896-1982), Viktor Chklóvski (1896- 1984), Iuri Tyniánov (1894-1943) e Ossip Brik (1888-1945)) cujos preceitos muitos deles em consonância com a poética rosiana foram uma referência válida para a metodologia de nossa análise. / The first, aim of this work was to draw the general lines that establish João Guimarães Rosas poetics from the 65 letters the author sent to his translator Harriet de Onís, during her English translation of Sagarana whose brief genetic and receptive panorama, together with Rosas epistolary remarks, open our research. After that, we performed an analysis of the short story Conversa de bois, Sagaranas eighth narrative, taking into consideration the mentioned writers informations about his creative process. To enlighten the analysis and clarify certain questions related to the author´s compositional technique, we made use of some key-concepts of thinkers from different traditions, which, in spite of belonging to different periods, found their place in this work about the heteroclite universe created by JGR. A special attention was given to Russian Formalism (Roman Jakobson (1896-1982), Viktor Chklóvski (1896-1984), Iuri Tyniánov (1894-1943) e Ossip Brik (1888-1945)) whose precepts many of them in consonance with Rosas poetics were a valid reference for the methodology of our analysis.

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