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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alguns efeitos da radiação de ponto-zero / Some Zero-point Radiation Effects

Sponchiado, Rodrigo Carvalho 04 March 2004 (has links)
A Eletrodinâmica Estocástica é uma combinação da Eletrodinâmica Clássica e a hipótese adicional de que existem campos eletromagnéticos aleatórios, independentes da temperatura, denominados radiação de ponto-zero ou flutuações do vácuo, responsáveis pelo surgimento de certas propriedades peculiares dos sistemas microscópicos, geralmente descritas pela Mecânica Quântica. Diversos novos resultados da teoria são apresentados nesse trabalho. No capítulo 1, é feita uma breve introdução aos principais conceitos e pressupostos da Eletrodinâmica Estocástica, necessários para melhor compreensão dos capítulos seguintes. No capítulo 2, a atuação dos campos do vácuo no indutor de um circuito elétrico simples é estudada. Conclui-se que deve existir um tipo de ruído na voltagem do circuito, adicional ao ruído de Nyquist-Johnson, que pode ser medido dependendo da magnitude de certos parâmetros do circuito e sob certas condições de temperatura. No capítulo 3, é estudado o comportamento de uma partícula eletrizada em um potencial metaestável, com uma barreira de potencial, sujeita às flutuações da radiação térmica e de ponto-zero. Mostra-se que, mesmo à temperatura muito baixa (T -> 0), as flutuações do vácuo ainda são capazes de promover o escape da partícula através da barreira de potencial. A Mecânica Quântica atribui o fenômeno ao tunelamento da partícula através da barreira. Um conjunto de dados experimentais são analisados e observa-se que a descrição da Eletrodinâmica Estocástica produz um excelente acordo com eles. No capítulo 4, é mostrado que os formalismos de Heisenberg e Schrodinger da Mecânica Quântica deixam de ser equivalentes quando se leva em conta os campos do vácuo nos cálculos. Dirac foi o primeiro a apontar essa não equivalência para casos da Eletrodinâmica Quântica Relativísitica. Um exemplo bem mais simples é apresentado, o oscilador harmônico eletrizado, em interação com o campo eletromagnético do vácuo. / The Stochastic Electrodynamics Theory is a combination of Classical Electrodynamics and the additional hypothesis that temperature-independent stochastic electromagnetic fields do exist. These electromagnetic fields are called zero-point radiation or vacuum fluctuations and are responsible for some peculiar properties of macroscopic systems, usually described by Quantum Mechanics. Some new results of the theory are given in this work. In chapter 1, a brief introduction of the main concepts and hypothesis of the Stochastic Electrodynamics Theory are given. They are necessary for a better understanding of the following chapters. In chapter 2, the influence of vacuum fields at the inductor of a simple electric circuit is studied. One concludes that a certain type of noise in the voltage, which is additional to the NyquistJohnson noise, must exist and can be measured depending on certain circuit parameters and under certain temperatures. In chapter 3, one studies the behavior of an electrified particle inside a metastable potential with a potential barrier, under the influence of the fluctuations of thermal and zero-point radiations. It is shown that, even if the temperature is very low (T -> 0), the vacuum fluctuations are still responsible for the escape of the particle through the potential barrier. Quantum Mechanics relates this phenomenon to the tunneling of the particle through the potential barrier. Experimental data are analyzed and it is shown that the description of Stochastic Electrodynamics gives an excellent agreement with them. In chapter 4, it is shown that the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures of Quantum Mechanics are not equivalent when the vacuum fields are taken into account. Dirac was the first to point out this non-equivalence for Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. A simpler example of this non-equivalence is shown in the context of Stochastic Electrodynamics: an electrified harmonic oscillator interacting with the electromagnetic vacuum fields.

Solução numérica da equação quase-clássica para a função de Wigner matricial de dois átomos frios colidindo à presença de um feixe laser / Numerical solution of the quasi-classical equation for the matrix Wigner function of two cold atoms colliding in the presence of a laser beam

Rulli, Clodoaldo Cordeiro 08 March 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho implementamos um programa computacional capaz de descrever passo-a-passo o processo de colisão entre dois átomos confinados numa armadilha magneto-óptica em regime frio. Para isso utilizamos o formalismo de Wigner, que é uma formulação equivalente à mecânica quântica, para encontrar-mos uma aproximação quase-clássica para as equações que descrevem o sistema. Este formalismo permite-nos separar os graus de liberdade externos dos átomos colidentes, que podem ser tratados de maneira quase-clássica, dos graus internos de liberdade, os quais não tem contraparte clássica e, portanto, são tratados quanticamente / In this work we implement a computer program that describes, step by step, the collision process between two atoms confined in a magneto-optical trap in the cold regime. Here we utilize the Wigner-function theory, which is a formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of a phase space, to find a quasi-classical approx¬imation of the dynamical equations that govern the time evolution of the system. This approach allows us to describe the dynamics in terms of external and internal degrees of freedom. The former degrees of freedom are treated quasi-classically, while the latter, because they do not have a classical counterpart, are treated quan¬tum mechanically


[pt] Percebendo uma dificuldade quase generalizada de se desenvolver uma análise crítica da obra do arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer, e verificando que o discurso corrente se consolidou numa polarização entre detratores e enaltecedores, pautados respectivamente na idéia de um formalismo gratuito ou de uma exuberância criativa, buscou-se inicialmente esclarecer as razões dessa leitura reducionista, relacionando-a aos pressupostos mais amplos do Movimento da Arquitetura Moderna. Para tanto fez-se necessária uma revisão historiográfica dos princípios norteadores da arte moderna e seu vínculo com as fontes originais do pensamento formalista a partir do exame da teoria inaugural de Konrad Fiedler e seu desdobramento no campo da história e da crítica modernas. Desse modo constituiu-se um corpo teórico que permitiu entender as reações polêmicas e radicais que mobilizaram os principais centros orientadores do projeto moderno em arquitetura. Do Conjunto da Pampulha até a construção de Brasília a obra de Niemeyer se tornou ao mesmo tempo elemento provocador e expressão concreta de tensões latentes que permeavam o Movimento. Do ponto de vista contemporâneo coloca-se em pauta uma análise crítica acerca da adesão da arquitetura moderna ao idealismo positivista em sua vertente predominante, o funcionalismo, guiado por um imperativo moral que supunha uma reforma social a ser protagonizada pela arquitetura. No entanto à medida que evidencia-se o caráter utópico desse programa, a crítica revisionista reclama os aspectos exclusivos do campo de atuação da arquitetura enquanto se percebe em Niemeyer um precursor em vista de sua recusa em aderir a princípios predeterminados e dedicar-se a arquitetura como espaço autônomo da pesquisa artística associando-se assim aos princípios da teoria formalista da arte. / [en] Noticing an almost universal difficulty of developing a critical analysis of the work of the architect Oscar Niemeyer, and checking that the current discourse has consolidated a polarization between detractors and uplifting, ruling respectively the idea of a free formalism or of a creative exuberance, it has been searched to initially clarify the reasons for this reductionist reading, relating it to a broader assumptions of the Modern Movement in architecture. For that, was required an historiographical revision of the guiding principles of modern art and the link with the original sources of the formalistic thought making an examination at the inaugural theory from Konrad Fiedler and the unfolding in the field of modern history and criticism. Thereby was formed a theoretical body, which allowed to understand the controversial and radicals reactions that mobilized the main guiding centers of the architecture modern project. From the Pampulha’s project to the construction of Brasilia, Niemeyer s work became at the same time a provocative element and a concrete expression of latent tensions that were part of the Movement. From the contemporary point of view, is put on the agenda a critical analysis of the accession of the modern architecture to the positivist idealism in the predominant side, the functionalism, guided by a moral imperative that supposed a social reform to be leaded by the architecture. However as soon as it became evident the utopian character of this program, the revisionist critique complains the unique aspects of the field of architecture, while Niemeyer is perceived as a precursor because of his refusal to adhere to predetermined principles and dedicate himself to a architecture as a autonomous space of artistic research and associating himself to the principles of formalist theory of art.

Operador de Rulle para cadeias de Markov a tempo Contínuo

Busato, Luisa Bürgel January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho divide-se em três partes. Na primeira parte fazemos uma breve descrição de cadeias de Markov a tempo discreto e tempo contínuo. Na segunda parte, seguindo o artigo [5], introduzimos o formalismo termodinâmico no espaço de Bernoulli com símbolos dados em um espaço métrico compacto, generalizando a teoria usual onde o espaço de estados é finito. Após, seguindo o artigo [1], introduziremos uma versão do Operador de Ruelle para cadeias de Markov a tempo contínuo. Ainda, a partir de uma função V que funcionará como uma perturbação, definiremos um operador de Ruelle modificado e, para este operador, mostraremos a existência de uma auto-função e uma auto-medida. / This work is divided in three parts. In the first one, we give a brief description of Markov chains in both discrete time and continuous time. In the second one, following the article [5], we introduce the thermodynamic formalism in the Bernoulli space with symbols in a compact metric space, generalizing the usual theory, where the space of states is finite. Then, following the article [1], we will introduce a version of Ruelle Opemtor for Markov chains in continuous time. Also, using a V function, which will be seen as a perturbation, we will define a modified Ruelle operator and, for this operator, we will show the existence of a eigenfunction and a eigenmeasure.

Modélisation thermodynamique des propriétés d’excѐs des saumures naturelles et industrielles / Thermodynamic Modelling of the Excess Properties of Natural and Industrial Brines

Lach, Adeline 04 November 2015 (has links)
Les saumures naturelles sont des ressources en eau de plus en plus convoitées et utilisées par les industriels, que ce soit pour la production d’eau potable (dessalement de l’eau de mer…) ou pour la récupération de substances valorisables (le lithium, le potassium, le magnésium, la silice …). Les saumures industrielles sont aussi souvent utilisées dans différents procédés comme fluides caloporteurs ou lors d’extraction de minerai (phosphore, alumine…). Cependant, ces solutions aqueuses complexes présentent des propriétés thermodynamiques qui s’écartent de celles des solutions aqueuses diluées (dites idéales). Des approches de calcul spécifiques sont alors nécessaires pour pouvoir déterminer ces propriétés. Cette étude s’intéresse au calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques d’excès (coefficient osmotique, capacité calorifique, densité …) de ces systèmes. Celles-ci dépendent toutes de la dérivée de l’énergie libre de Gibbs d’excès (G^ex) par rapport à la concentration en sels dissous, à la température ou à la pression. Suite à une revue bibliographique des différents modèles thermodynamiques permettant de calculer l’énergie libre de Gibbs d’excès, le modèle de Pitzer a été sélectionné pour décrire les propriétés d’excès d’un système contenant c cations, a anions et n espèces neutres. Les propriétés thermiques et volumiques ont été, dans un premier temps, établies pour un système contenant des espèces neutres avant d’être implémentées dans le logiciel PhreeqC, logiciel de géochimie qui permettait déjà le calcul du coefficient osmotique, de l’activité de l’eau et du coefficient d’activité. Le logiciel issu de cette modification, PhreeSCALE, permet désormais, lorsque les paramètres d’interaction de Pitzer sont connus, de calculer les propriétés d’excès telles que le coefficient osmotique, la capacité calorifique ou la densité d’une saumure en tenant compte de la spéciation exacte de la solution. Dans le cas où les paramètres d’interaction sont à déterminer, PhreeSCALE peut être couplé à des logiciels d’optimisations pour établir de nouveaux jeux de paramètres, calés sur les propriétés mesurées des solutions. Les applications de cette étude s’appuient sur plusieurs systèmes qui sont soit des saumures industrielles, soit des saumures naturelles. Le système NaOH-H2O a été sélectionné en raison des salinités élevées dans l’eau (jusqu’à 29 mol.kgw-1 à 25°C). Pour représenter au mieux l’ensemble des propriétés sur toute la gamme de concentrations, la dissociation partielle de l’espèce NaOH a dû être prise en compte. Les autres systèmes étudiés sont des saumures chlorurées, plus caractéristiques des saumures naturelles. Une approche par étape a permis d’établir les paramètres d’interaction pour cinq systèmes binaires (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 et BaCl2). Puis, des systèmes ternaires et un système quinquénaire composés de ces cinq électrolytes, ont été étudiés. Dans chaque cas, la capacité calorifique et la densité ont été déterminées. Finalement des abaques, tenant compte des conditions de température et de pression, ont pu être tracées pour le système NaCl-H2O. / Natural brines are water resources that are increasingly sought and used by industrialists both to produce drinking water (e.g. seawater desalinisation) or retrieve economically exploitable substances (lithium, potassium, magnesium, silica, etc.). Industrial brines are often used in various processes as coolants or in ore processing (phosphorus, alumina, etc.). However, the thermodynamic properties of these complex aqueous solutions differ somewhat from those of so-called "ideal" diluted aqueous solutions. Specific calculation methods must therefore be used to determine these properties. This study focuses on calculating the thermodynamic excess properties of these systems (osmotic coefficient, heat capacity, density, etc.). All of these depend on the derivative of the excess Gibbs free energy (G^ex) in relation to the concentration of dissolved salt, temperature or pressure. A literature survey of thermodynamic models capable of calculating excess Gibbs free energy was done and the Pitzer model was chosen to describe the excess properties of a system containing c cations, a anions and n neutral species. Thermal and volumetric properties were determined for a system containing neutral species and these were then added to PhreeqC, a geochemical model that makes it possible to calculate the osmotic coefficient, water activity, and the activity coefficient. The resulting model, PhreeSCALE, now makes it possible, when the Pitzer interaction parameters are known, to calculate excess properties such as the osmotic coefficient, the heat capacity, and the density of a brine, taking into account the precise speciation of the solution. If the interaction parameters must be determined, PhreeSCALE can be coupled with optimisation software to determine new parameter sets based on properties measured in solution. The applications of this study are based on several systems that are either industrial or natural brines. The NaOH-H2O system was chosen because of its high salinities in water (up to 29 mol.kgw-1 at 25 °C). To best represent all of the properties over the entire range of concentrations, the partial dissociation of the NaOH species had to be considered. The other systems studied are chloride brines, which are more like natural brines. A multi-step approach made it possible to determine the interaction parameters for five binary systems (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, and BaCl2). Ternary systems and one quinary system made up of all five electrolytes were then studied. In each case, the heat capacity and the density were determined. Charts taking into account temperature and pressure conditions were drawn for the NaCl-H2O system.

Calculations of Nuclear Energies Using the Energy Density Formalism

Pu, William Wei-Ta 08 1900 (has links)
The energy density formalism (EDF) is used to investigate two problems. The EDF is a phenomenological method that incorporates as much knowledge of infinite nuclear matter as possible. In this formalism the energy of the nucleus is expressed as a functional of its density. The nucleus energy is obtained by minimizing the function, with respect to the density. In this report, the EDF is used to investigate the mercury isotope shift anomaly following the aforementioned suggestion. Specifically, nucleon densities with different degrees of central depression are generated. Energies corresponding to these densities are obtained. The density with the minimum energy is the preferred one. Based on the findings of the present work, it can be concluded that a central depression in the lighter mercury isotopes does not-appear- to be a possible explanation for the isotope shift anomaly. And the anomaly remains unresolved.

Alguns efeitos da radiação de ponto-zero / Some Zero-point Radiation Effects

Rodrigo Carvalho Sponchiado 04 March 2004 (has links)
A Eletrodinâmica Estocástica é uma combinação da Eletrodinâmica Clássica e a hipótese adicional de que existem campos eletromagnéticos aleatórios, independentes da temperatura, denominados radiação de ponto-zero ou flutuações do vácuo, responsáveis pelo surgimento de certas propriedades peculiares dos sistemas microscópicos, geralmente descritas pela Mecânica Quântica. Diversos novos resultados da teoria são apresentados nesse trabalho. No capítulo 1, é feita uma breve introdução aos principais conceitos e pressupostos da Eletrodinâmica Estocástica, necessários para melhor compreensão dos capítulos seguintes. No capítulo 2, a atuação dos campos do vácuo no indutor de um circuito elétrico simples é estudada. Conclui-se que deve existir um tipo de ruído na voltagem do circuito, adicional ao ruído de Nyquist-Johnson, que pode ser medido dependendo da magnitude de certos parâmetros do circuito e sob certas condições de temperatura. No capítulo 3, é estudado o comportamento de uma partícula eletrizada em um potencial metaestável, com uma barreira de potencial, sujeita às flutuações da radiação térmica e de ponto-zero. Mostra-se que, mesmo à temperatura muito baixa (T -> 0), as flutuações do vácuo ainda são capazes de promover o escape da partícula através da barreira de potencial. A Mecânica Quântica atribui o fenômeno ao tunelamento da partícula através da barreira. Um conjunto de dados experimentais são analisados e observa-se que a descrição da Eletrodinâmica Estocástica produz um excelente acordo com eles. No capítulo 4, é mostrado que os formalismos de Heisenberg e Schrodinger da Mecânica Quântica deixam de ser equivalentes quando se leva em conta os campos do vácuo nos cálculos. Dirac foi o primeiro a apontar essa não equivalência para casos da Eletrodinâmica Quântica Relativísitica. Um exemplo bem mais simples é apresentado, o oscilador harmônico eletrizado, em interação com o campo eletromagnético do vácuo. / The Stochastic Electrodynamics Theory is a combination of Classical Electrodynamics and the additional hypothesis that temperature-independent stochastic electromagnetic fields do exist. These electromagnetic fields are called zero-point radiation or vacuum fluctuations and are responsible for some peculiar properties of macroscopic systems, usually described by Quantum Mechanics. Some new results of the theory are given in this work. In chapter 1, a brief introduction of the main concepts and hypothesis of the Stochastic Electrodynamics Theory are given. They are necessary for a better understanding of the following chapters. In chapter 2, the influence of vacuum fields at the inductor of a simple electric circuit is studied. One concludes that a certain type of noise in the voltage, which is additional to the NyquistJohnson noise, must exist and can be measured depending on certain circuit parameters and under certain temperatures. In chapter 3, one studies the behavior of an electrified particle inside a metastable potential with a potential barrier, under the influence of the fluctuations of thermal and zero-point radiations. It is shown that, even if the temperature is very low (T -> 0), the vacuum fluctuations are still responsible for the escape of the particle through the potential barrier. Quantum Mechanics relates this phenomenon to the tunneling of the particle through the potential barrier. Experimental data are analyzed and it is shown that the description of Stochastic Electrodynamics gives an excellent agreement with them. In chapter 4, it is shown that the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures of Quantum Mechanics are not equivalent when the vacuum fields are taken into account. Dirac was the first to point out this non-equivalence for Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. A simpler example of this non-equivalence is shown in the context of Stochastic Electrodynamics: an electrified harmonic oscillator interacting with the electromagnetic vacuum fields.

Fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil / Theoretical foundations of tort law

Barbieri, Catarina Helena Cortada 19 June 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata dos fundamentos teóricos da responsabilidade civil a partir da perspectiva exposta na obra de Emest Weinrib. A questão central do trabalho refere-se, de um lado, à discussão da abordagem formalista, que permite a compreensão do direito e de sua autonomia em relação a outras esferas - em especial à política - e, de outro lado, à relação entre o formalismo e a fundamentação da responsabilidade civil na justiça corretiva. Por fim, o trabalho analisa as críticas oferecidas ao arcabouço teórico weinribiano, procurando discutir os limites da obra de Weinrib e as possíveis falhas de interpretação dos próprios críticos. / This thesis examines the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort as presented in the work of Ernst Weinrib. It discusses both the formalist approach to torts, which allows for the understanding of Law as autonomous from other areas - notably, from politics - and, on the other, the connections between formalism and the theoretical foundation of the concept of tort from the standpoint of corrective justice. This thesis also analyses the criticism Weinrib\'s work has received, discussing the limits of Weinrib\'s contribution and the possible flaws of some critical approaches.

Nameless wonders and dumb despair: rhetorics of silence in mid-nineteenth-century U.S. poetry and culture

Borchert, Nick 01 August 2017 (has links)
Taking a cue from the occasional reticence of the often-exuberant American Romantic poetics, this project tracks what I call “rhetorics of silence” in verse: those moments where words are declared to be inadequate, impertinent, unavailable, unintelligible or otherwise unsuitable for a task that the poet has proposed. In this respect, the term “silence” functions here as a broad metaphor encompassing a number of meta-linguistic or meta-poetic gestures aimed at highlighting the shortcomings of knowledge and representation. Whereas earlier critics have noticed these silences in haphazard ways, this project looks toward a systematic account of why and when nineteenth-century poets rely on gestures to the space beyond language. This intervention is especially useful for reading the seminal American poets Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Because Whitman seems celebratory and Dickinson doleful, it has often been difficult to offer productive readings of the two in tandem. Where Whitman does resemble Dickinson, it is often thought to be in his poems that abandon or despair of his project for a democratic poetics. By contrast, working through the lyric and political verse of the lesser-known poetry of John Rollin Ridge, this project reads visionary and despairing silences as alike rhetorical gestures aimed at highlighting the common humanity of the poet and the reader. “Silence” is therefore an outgrowth of American ideology, albeit one that frequently allows poets to expand and query that ideology in ways that are not possible in the many corresponding but often blither deployments of rhetorical silence in the culture at large.

L'apport d'un logiciel de simulation d'algorithmes dans le processus enseignement-apprentissage de l'algorithmique chez des apprenants débutants : cas de l'ENSET de Libreville / The contribution of an algorithm simulation software in the algorithmic teaching-learning process for novice learners : case of the Libreville ENSET

Ovono, Médard-Sylvain 04 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude de l'apport de l’introduction des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement (TICE) dans le processus enseignement-apprentissage de l'algorithmique chez les apprenants débutants, en particulier une application de simulation d'algorithmes (AlgoBox). L'utilisation de cet artefact computationnel a pour objectif de proposer une contribution afin de juguler le problème du fort taux d'échec constaté par les responsables administratifs et pédagogiques depuis plusieurs années dans l'enseignement de l'algorithmique et de la programmation à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de l’Enseignement Technique (ENSET) de Libreville. Ainsi, la mise en place d'un dispositif expérimental conformément aux hypothèses émises et faisant suite à une première expérimentation d'identification et d'analyse de certains indicateurs, a permis de faire l'étude de l'apport du logiciel de simulation d'algorithme. Au terme de cette recherche, il est établi une légère augmentation des performances des apprenants vraisemblablement due non seulement à l’apport de l’artefact, mais aussi à la réactivation des connaissances liées aux savoirs implicites portées par la tâche prescrite. Il convient donc de préconiser d’accompagner l’usage de cette application par la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle approche afin de permettre la construction d’une pédagogie adaptée (Ginestié, 2008). / This thesis has for object to study of the contribution of the introduction of the TICE's in the teaching-learning process of the algorithmics to the novice learners, in particular an application of simulation of algorithmics (AlgoBox). The use of this computational artifact aims at proposing a contribution in order to solvat the problem of the high rate of failure noticed by the administratives and pedagogicals responsibles for several years in the teaching of the algorithmics and programmations at Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique (ENSET) of Libreville.Thereby the implementation of an experimental device according to the emitted hypotheses and following upon a first experiment of identification and analysis of certain indicators, has allowed making the study of the contribution of the simulation software of algorithm. At the end of this research, it is therefore note a slight increase in the performances of the learners most probably due not only to the contribution of the artifact, but also to the reactivation of implicit knowledge carried out by the prescribed task. It is thus advisable to foresee to accompany the use of this application by the implementation a new approach so as to allow the construction of an adapted pedagogy (Ginestie, 2008).

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