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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Setor terci?rio: formalidade e informalidade: algumas especificidades da (re)produ??o do espa?o urbano de Bayeux-PB

Silva, Ric?lia Maria Marinho da 04 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RiceliaMMS.pdf: 3321311 bytes, checksum: de96c9c9d291e6ef67ae29f9db780343 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-04 / This work has as study object the tertiary sector and (the re)production of the urban space of Bayeux-PB. For in such a way, one became necessary to the construction of a theoretical boarding that context the national reality, to be able itself to understand the reality local. This way to construct allowed an opening of the field of vision how much to the relevance of if ahead studying the tertiary sector and its weight of the current configuration of the society in a country as Brazil, e especially in a city of a State northeastern, as it is the case of Bayeux. The theoretical boarding had as base the two circuits of the urban economy, the productive reorganization and the transformations in the world of the work, as well as, the space organization and the distinction between the economic and social space of the tertiary activities, from the logic of functioning of the establishments: the regulation. Besides working with referring official data to the tertiary sector, the empirical study it had as reference one hundred and sixty and establishments tertiary, located in four axles of circulation of the city of Bayeux - PB, which are: Av. Liberdade, Av. Engenheiro de Carvalho, Av. Francisco Marques da Fonseca and Av. Marechal Rondon, that they had appeared in such a way stimulated for the processes of urbanization and industrialization lived deeply from years 70 in the "Great Jo?o Pessoa" how much, in the countries of the underdeveloped capitalist world, as Brazil. Being thus, the objective of the work was to study the tertiary sector and its relation with (the re)production of the urban space, standing out the functioning logic / Esta disserta??o tem como objeto de estudo o setor terci?rio e a (re)produ??o do espa?o urbano de Bayeux-PB. Para tanto, fez-se necess?rio ? constru??o de uma abordagem te?rica que contextualizasse a realidade nacional, para se poder entender a realidade local. Essa maneira de construir permitiu uma abertura do campo de vis?o quanto ? relev?ncia de se estudar o setor terci?rio e seu peso diante da atual configura??o da sociedade num pa?s como o Brasil, e especialmente em um munic?pio de um Estado nordestino, como ? o caso de Bayeux. A abordagem te?rica teve como base os dois circuitos da economia urbana, a reestrutura??o produtiva e as transforma??es no mundo do trabalho, bem como, a organiza??o espacial e a distin??o entre o espa?o econ?mico e social das atividades terci?rias, a partir da l?gica de funcionamento dos estabelecimentos: a regulamenta??o. Al?m de trabalhar com dados oficiais referentes ao setor terci?rio, o estudo emp?rico teve como refer?ncia cento e sessenta e um estabelecimentos terci?rios, localizados em quatro eixos de circula??o do munic?pio de Bayeux PB, quais sejam: Av. Liberdade, Av. Engenheiro de Carvalho, Av. Francisco Marques da Fonseca e Av. Marechal Rondon, que surgiram impulsionadas pelos processos de urbaniza??o e industrializa??o vivenciados a partir dos anos 70 tanto na Grande Jo?o Pessoa quanto, nos pa?ses do mundo capitalista subdesenvolvido, como o Brasil. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o setor terci?rio e sua rela??o com a (re)produ??o do espa?o urbano, ressaltando a l?gica de funcionamento

Formalité pour certains espaces de configurations tordus et connexions de type Knizhnik - Zamolodchikov / Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov-type connections and 1-formality of orbit configuration spaces associated to finite groups of homographies

Maassarani, Mohamad 11 December 2017 (has links)
Pour X un espace topologique, l'algèbre de Lie de Malcev de son groupe fondamental (ou algèbre de Lie de Malcev de X) fait partie des invariants étudiés en homotopie rationnelle. Un espace est dit 1-formel si cette algèbre de Lie est quadratique. Les connexions de type Knizhnik-Zamolodochikov peuvent permettre d'établir des résultats de "formalité " des espaces de configurations de points sur les surfaces. On s'intéresse à une famille d'espaces X qui sont des espaces de configurations de points sur la sphère, tordus par l'action d'un groupe fini d'homographies. On étudie le groupe fondamental de X et on construit une connexion de type Knizhnik-Zamolodochikov qui permet de calculer l'algèbre de Lie de Malcev de X et de démontrer sa 1-formalité. / The Malcev Lie algebra of the fundamental group of X (or Macev Lie algebra of X) is an algebraic invariant of the space X studied in rational homotopy theory. The space X is 1-formal if its Malcev algebra is quadratic. One can use Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov-type connections to obtain "formality" (1-formality or filtered formality) results for configuration spaces of surfaces. In the thesis we consider a family of orbit configuration spaces X of the complex projective line associated to finite finite groups of homographies. We study the fundamental group of X and constuct Knizhnik– Zamolodchikov-type connections. This allows us to give a presentation of the Malcev Lie algebra of X and to prove the 1-formality of X.

A Comparative Study of the Quality between Formality Style Transfer of Sentences in Swedish and English, leveraging the BERT model / En jämförande studie av kvaliteten mellan överföring av formalitetsstil på svenska och engelska meningar, med hjälp av BERT-modellen

Lindblad, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Formality Style Transfer (FST) is the task of automatically transforming a piece of text from one level of formality to another. Previous research has investigated different methods of performing FST on text in English, but at the time of this project there were to the author’s knowledge no previous studies analysing the quality of FST on text in Swedish. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how a model trained for FST in Swedish performs. This was done by comparing the quality of a model trained on text in Swedish for FST, to an equivalent model trained on text in English for FST. Both models were implemented as encoder-decoder architectures, warm-started using two pre-existing Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) models, pre-trained on Swedish and English text respectively. The two FST models were fine-tuned for both the informal to formal task as well as the formal to informal task, using the Grammarly’s Yahoo Answers Formality Corpus (GYAFC). The Swedish version of GYAFC was created through automatic machine translation of the original English version. The Swedish corpus was then evaluated on the three criteria meaning preservation, formality preservation and fluency preservation. The results of the study indicated that the Swedish model had the capacity to match the quality of the English model but was held back by the inferior quality of the Swedish corpus. The study also highlighted the need for task specific corpus in Swedish. / Överföring av formalitetsstil syftar på uppgiften att automatiskt omvandla ett stycke text från en nivå av formalitet till en annan. Tidigare forskning har undersökt olika metoder för att utföra uppgiften på engelsk text men vid tiden för detta projekt fanns det enligt författarens vetskap inga tidigare studier som analyserat kvaliteten för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur en modell tränad för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text presterar. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra kvaliteten på en modell tränad för överföring av formalitetsstil på svensk text, med en motsvarande modell tränad på engelsk text. Båda modellerna implementerades som kodnings-avkodningsmodeller, vars vikter initierats med hjälp av två befintliga Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)-modeller, förtränade på svensk respektive engelsk text. De två modellerna finjusterades för omvandling både från informell stil till formell och från formell stil till informell. Under finjusteringen användes en svensk och en engelsk version av korpusen Grammarly’s Yahoo Answers Formality Corpus (GYAFC). Den svenska versionen av GYAFC skapades genom automatisk maskinöversättning av den ursprungliga engelska versionen. Den svenska korpusen utvärderades sedan med hjälp av de tre kriterierna betydelse-bevarande, formalitets-bevarande och flödes-bevarande. Resultaten från studien indikerade att den svenska modellen hade kapaciteten att matcha kvaliteten på den engelska modellen men hölls tillbaka av den svenska korpusens sämre kvalitet. Studien underströk också behovet av uppgiftsspecifika korpusar på svenska.

Stylistický rozbor jazykových prostředků v rozhlasových debatách v angličtině a v češtině / Analysis of stylistic features in English and Czech radio debates

Neubauerová, Alena January 2014 (has links)
This MA thesis focuses on the stylistically marked features that occur in an English radio debate called Any Questions? aired by BBC - Radio 4 and a Czech radio debate called Speciál Martina Veselovského aired on Český rozhlas 1 - Radiožurnál. Stylistically marked features are restricted to certain kinds of social context: in the case of this thesis, it is two radio debates broadcast by public service media. Those linguistics features that are considered stylistically marked in the two debates are identified on the morphological, syntactical and lexical level, and classified into categories based upon a view of their functions. Subsequently, they are described as standard or nonstandard. Some of the features found are shared by both debates. However, some are, due to the different language systems concerned, symptomatic of only one of the languages. The difference between the English and the Czech stylistically marked features is also revealed as to the frequency of their occurrence. Finally, the conclusions about the level of informality of the two debates are drawn.

特約條款之檢討與重構 / The examination and reconstruction of express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan

陳豐年, Chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
由於過度粗糙立法、缺乏相關深入研究暨流於形式之契約解釋取向,臺灣保險契約法第二章第三節特約條款制度實沈苛已深而積重難返,亟待立法者、司法者及主管機關進行大幅度改造。本文研究聚焦於探討該制度-相當於英美保險契約法之明示擔保條款-起源、本質暨新近發展,並研擬相關修法提案俾供後續立法者與研究者參酌。基此,本文擬採用法律經濟分析、實證分析與比較法等研究方式加以進行。從英美法系各國之立法潮流可發現,契約基礎條款因違反合理期待原則而遭多數國家揚棄。此從英格蘭暨蘇格蘭法律委員會目前保險契約法修法暫時提案,以及澳洲1984年保險契約法第24條規定即可窺見一斑。再者,鑑於肯定擔保條款當初建制基礎已消失殆盡,包含英國、澳洲及紐西蘭皆採取以不實陳述制度取代肯定擔保條款之立法,俾以達成較為公平之規範結果。至於允諾擔保條款部分,增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件實已蔚為潮流,包含英國、美國數州、澳洲及紐西蘭相關立法皆為適例。此外,相較於無效、得撤銷抑或自動向後免責,賦予保險人契約終止權誠屬較佳之法律效果,已獲各國之共識。職是之故,本文主張應修改特約條款有關肯定特約部分相關文字,使同法第64條據實說明制度可取代之,俾產生較有效率之核保資訊提供制度。另一方面,允諾擔保條款內容應限縮於與危險有關之重要性事項。此外,應考慮增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件,並使保險人於無因果關係之情形得以主張就系爭損失免責。鑑於解除權易使法律關係趨於複雜,本文建議應以契約終止權取代現行契約解除權較佳。又在前述修法前,法院得透過契約解釋方式緩和現行法弊端,而行政院金融監督管理委員會亦得透過保險商品審查機制過濾不妥之約款加以因應。 / Express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan provoke a great number of dilemmas in both theory and practice due to oversimplified legislation, a paucity of related studies and formalism of contract construction. This study aims not only at exploring the origin, nature and development of the institution for the purpose of elucidating pros and cons of express warranties, but also at providing an amendment to express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan. The dissertation achieves the dual goals by way of comparative study and economic analysis of law. Obviously, abolition of “basis of the contract clause”-an obsolete and bitterly-criticized contract term- has been an uncontroversial trend around the world on the grounds of reasonable expectations. English and Scottish Law Commissions’ tentative proposals, as well as Section 24 of Australian Insurance Contracts Act 1984, sets an excellent example. Also, with an eye to the collapse of affirmative warranties’ keystones, several countries, including the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, substitute misrepresentation for affirmative warranties for the purpose of leveling the playing field. As for promissory warranties, requirement of causal link between losses and breach of promissory warranties has gained a dominant position in the U.K., the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand on the grounds that considerable unfairness to policyholders would arise in the absence of it. In addition, the insurers’ right to terminate contracts has been generally regarded as a more superior legal effect than III rendering contracts void or avoid, even the insurer automatically discharged from liability. Based upon these foreign legislation and other considerations, the dissertation proposes the third section “express warranties” of insurance law in Taiwan should be amended thoroughly. Affirmative warranties in the section should be substantially supersede by misrepresentation set forth in article 64, since the latter is capable of inducing the insured to provide necessary information for the insurer in a more efficient way than is the former. On the other hand, promissory warranties of insurance law in Taiwan should be reconstructed by adding the requirement of causal connection to the insurer’s right not liable for specific losses. Furthermore, this dissertation also advocates that legislators replace the insurer’s right to avoid with the right to terminate on the basis of evading complicated legal relationship. Besides, in advance of amending aforementioned articles, the dissertation suggests that courts in Taiwan mitigate harsh effects via contract construction, and regulators should filter inappropriate or nominal warranties from insurance policies by means of administrative screening mechanism.

Ambition und Leibdistanz. / Sozialer Aufstieg als Indikator eines ambivalenten Zivilisierungsprozesses zwischen 1800 und 2000 / Ambition and distance from the body. / Social mobility as an indicator of an ambivalent civilising process between 1800 and 2000

Schömer, Frank 12 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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