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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

Wretman, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in foster homecare have participated in this study. When I analyzed the results I also looked at earlier research, attachment theory and developmental ecology theory. One conclusion of the study was that the engagement the foster parents have reflects the quality and the future for the children. The foster parents must be able to win the children’s trust so they can attach and find a secured base to develop from. Finally the study showed that all of the interviewed people thought that it had been safe to grow up in a foster family and that they during their childhood saw their family as a “normal family”.</p>

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

Wretman, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in foster homecare have participated in this study. When I analyzed the results I also looked at earlier research, attachment theory and developmental ecology theory. One conclusion of the study was that the engagement the foster parents have reflects the quality and the future for the children. The foster parents must be able to win the children’s trust so they can attach and find a secured base to develop from. Finally the study showed that all of the interviewed people thought that it had been safe to grow up in a foster family and that they during their childhood saw their family as a “normal family”.

Att leva med bonussyskon : Om de biologiska barnens situation i familjehemmen / Living with bonussiblings : Biological children’s situation within their family’s work as a foster family

Dahlbom, Annie January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen "Att leva med bonussyskon – Om de biologiska barnens situation i familjehemmen" ur ett föräldra- samt professionellt perspektiv är utförd och skriven av Annie Dahlbom. Denna studie syftar till att få kunskap om de biologiska barnens situation och behov i familjehemmen. Följande frågeställningar har ställts : Hur ser familjehemsföräldrar och familjehemssekreterare på de biologiska barnens delaktighet och roll? Vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter får biologiska barn i och med familjens uppdrag? Har biologiska barn ett behov av stöd och hjälp för sin egen del och i så fall hur? Denna studie är av kvalitativ karaktär och bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med familjehemssekreterare samt familjehemsföräldrar. Studiens resultat visar att biologiska barn i familjehem anses ha en betydelsefull roll för uppdraget och är i hög grad delaktiga i den dagliga vården av det placerade barnet. Familjehemmets egna barn har ingen delaktighet vid möten eller i kontakten med socialtjänsten. Upplevelserna av att fungera som familjehem är av både positiv och negativ karaktär där förlorad tid med föräldrar samt goda och nyttiga kunskaper är exempel på sådana. Samtliga informanter tror att någon form av gruppverksamhet skulle vara ett bra forum för de biologiska barnen. / This essey "living with bonus siblings- Biological children’s situation within their family’s work as a foster family" have been written and executed by Annie Dahlbom. The purpose of this essay is to understand the biological situation within their family’s work as a foster family. How will the biological children react on their family’s mission? I want to gain knowledge about how these children’s participation takes place within the separate parts of their family’s work. Is there a need for shoring and help for foster homes own children according to their situation? The following questions have been asked to fulfill the purpose of this study: How do foster parents and professionals describe the biological children's participation and role? What experiences have biological children in the family's mission? Have biological children need support and help for their own part, and if so, how? This study is qualitative in nature and based on semi-structured interviews with professionals and foster parents.The results demonstrate that the biological children of the foster family have a significant role in the mission and is heavily involved in the daily care of the child is placed. The foster family’s own children have no involvement in meetings or in contact with social services. The experiences of serving as foster homes are both positive and negative character where lost time with parents as well as good and useful knowledge is examples of such. All respondents believe that some form of group activity would be a good forum for the biological children.

Det är ett sätt att växa att känna sitt eget värde, att man faktiskt är värd något : En kvalitativ studie om familjehemmens uplevelser av uppdraget

Netzel, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a picture of how foster parents perceive their task, the role of the placed children and their biological parents.  Even how they perceived their family have been affected by the mandates removal. Consistently showed the most positive experiences with strong ties to the children placed. However, there are experiences of the need for additional guidance, support, education and contact with the client to enhance a sense of competence in the task and prevent collapse. Burnout experienced often based in the placed child's difficulties in integration. That often grounded on the biological mother's lack of acceptance of the placement in the foster home. Aggression based on this lack of acceptance experienced by family homes to be something that the mother in the family home had to respond. By contrast, more children in the family home were something that the family home learns was positive and facilitated the integration of the placement. Furthermore, accountability of the role of foster parents experienced greater than accountability in the biological role of parents.

Vaikų globos šeimoje ir šeimynoje organizavimo prielaidos Lietuvoje / Preconditions of child care in the family and foster homes in Lithuania

Ratiuk, Natalija 24 September 2008 (has links)
Problema: Didžioji vaikų dalis, netekusių tėvų globos pirmiausia patenka ne į šeimynas, o į vaikų globos namus, kurie besąlygiškai laikomi veiksminga vaikų globos forma, nors vaikų globa organizuojama, atsižvelgiant į vaiko poreikius. Aktualumas:  Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje visiems yra suprantama, kad vaikais reikia pasirūpinti pirmiausia, tačiau dauguma jų vis dar lieka labiausiai skriaudžiami ir pažeidžiami;  Daugėja vaikų, netekusių tėvų globos;  Vaikų globos įstaigos pilnos vaikų, todėl negali suteikti šiems vaikams tinkamos priežiūros bei pagalbos. Hipotezė: Globa šeimoje ir šeimynoje geriausiai atitinka vaiko poreikius ir labiausiai padeda vaikui socializuotis visuomenėje bei aktyviai dalyvauti greitai besikeičiančiuose kaitos procesuose. Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti vaiko globos šeimoje ir šeimynoje organizavimo privalumus, lyginant su vaikų globos namais. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti vaiko globos organizavimo raidą, skiriant ypatingą dėmesį vaikų globai šeimoje ir šeimynoje; 2. Aptarti Lietuvos Respublikos pagrindinius įstatymus, reglamentuojančius vaiko globos organizavimą; 3. Išanalizuoti respondentų nuomonę apie mūsų šalyje vykdomą vaiko globos organizavimą, taip pat sužinoti respondentų šeimyninio globos modelio vertinimą. Metodai:  Mokslinių darbų ir teisės aktų analizė;  Apklausa. Tyrimo objektas – šeimyninis globos modelis. 1. Vaiko globos organizavimas yra dinaminis procesas, kuris kiekvienais metais kinta, o tai skatina tobulinti vaiko globos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem At present child care is organized according to their needs. However, a large majority of orphaned children are not placed in families, but in children’s homes. Importance It is universally established that children are still most vulnerable and wronged individuals. The number of children abandoned by parents is increasing. Institutions for children’s are too crowded to provide proper aid. Hypothesis Child care in the family and foster homes best meet children’s needs and teach them socialization skills. Aim Estimate the advantages of organizing child care in the family and foster families and compare them with children’s homes. Tasks: 1. To analyze the development of organizing child care with an emphasis on children’s care in the family and foster family. 2. To overview the laws of the Republic of Lithuania regulating organization of child care. 3. To analyze the respondents’ opinion of the organization of child care and to find out their evaluation of the foster family model. Methods • Analysis of scientific works and analysis of legal acts. • Interview. Object of investigation- foster family model. Conclusions: *Organizing child care is a dynamic process whose changes in the course of time contribute to its perfection; *The fundamental aim of child care is to secure his/her education and care in the environment beneficial to the promotion of his/her welfare and which would be similar to that of a natural family; *The shortage of guardians and their inadequate... [to full text]

Catholic Upbringing in the Foster Family as a Social Pedagogical Phenomenon / Katalikiškas auklėjimas šeimynoje kaip socialinis pedagoginis fenomenas

Ratnikaitė, Inesė 04 August 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses phenomenon of catholic upbringing in the foster family. The foster family is spouses who, successfully growing or having grown their children, accept to foster from 6 to 12 children who have lost parents’ care. The main feature of foster family as foster care institution is created family environment which is necessary for the child’s cohesive and versatile development. The cohesive development of foster children is disturbed by loss that is caused by unwanted pregnancy, deprivation, violence, finally by lost of parents (together family and home). The consequences of that lost appear as destroyed relations with surroundings, oneself and life. The coping with consequences of loss requires strong measures, which are given by Catholic upbringing, which in its essence is orientated to reconstruction and perfection of relations. So, there are discussed the peculiarities of the foster family as a structure that is close to the family environment, presented the characteristics of social pedagogical work with non-parental children of this structure, reviewed theoretical foundations of children’s upbringing in the foster family, identified problems of Catholic upbringing in the foster family, emphasized the role of the foster family as a poly-functional social community, upbringing children in a Catholic way in the theses. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynose reiškinys. Lietuvoje sukurtos šeimynos – tai sutuoktiniai, į savo šeimą priėmę nuo 6 iki 12 tėvų globos netekusių vaikų. Skiriamasis šeimynos, kaip globos institucijos, bruožas – šeiminė aplinka, būtina visapusiškam ir harmoningam vaiko vystymuisi. Šeimynoje augančių vaikų harmoningas vystymasis būna sutrikdytas netekties: nepageidaujamo nėštumo; deprivacijos, smurto, asocialios aplinkos gimus; galiausiai - tėvų (šeimos, namų) praradimo tėvams atėmus tėvystės teises ar, rečiau, mirties, ligos, emigracijos atvejais. Netekties pasekmės - pažeisti santykiai su aplinka (jaučiamas nesaugumas, nepasitikėjimas kitais, negebėjimas prisirišti ir palaikyti nuoširdžius santykius su kitu asmeniu, negebėjimas pritapti), savimi (pasireiškia žema saviverte, nepasitikėjimu savimi, bejėgiškumo, nevykėlio jausmais, negebėjimu suprasti savo emocijų, autoagresija), gyvenimu (pesimizmas, suicidinės mintys). Šių pasekmių įveikai reikalingos stiprios priemonės, kurias, teikia katalikiškas auklėjimas, savo esme orientuotas į santykių atkūrimą. Taigi, disertacijoje aptariami šeimynos kaip šeimos aplinkoje tėvų globos netekusius vaikus globojančios bendrijos struktūros ypatumai, pateikiama šios struktūros socialinio pedagoginio darbo su bešeimiais vaikais charakteristika, apžvelgiami vaikų auklėjimo šeimynoje teoriniai pagrindai, nustatomas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynoje problemiškumas, pabrėžiamas šeimynos kaip įvairialypės ir polifunkcinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


RACHEL FONTES BAPTISTA 28 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Algumas crianças, cujos direitos foram violados, são encaminhadas à modalidade protetiva intitulada família acolhedora, também conhecida como acolhimento familiar. Esta é uma alternativa provisória, na qual uma família já constituída recebe, em sua residência, crianças que precisam de cuidados. O núcleo familiar acolhedor comprometesse a valorizar e respeitar as particularidades individuais e culturais de cada uma. As famílias acolhedoras devem contribuir para a restituição de afetos e efetivação dos direitos fundamentais, conforme preconiza o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e a Lei de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens. Os objetivos mais importantes do acolhimento em famílias são proteger, garantir a convivência familiar e comunitária, e prezar pela rápida reintegração familiar, quando possível e seguro. Hoje, no Brasil, o acolhimento familiar está inserido em uma política pública nacional, como ação a ser implementada nos serviços de Proteção Social Especial de Alta Complexidade. Os serviços de famílias acolhedoras têm grande relevância, principalmente neste cenário, pois sugerem a não institucionalização, conferindo caráter de cuidados mais direcionados. Em Portugal, esta medida também está contemplada em legislação, contudo, assim como no Brasil, vem sendo desenvolvida de forma residual. Este trabalho é uma reunião de artigos científicos cujo objetivo principal é pensar os desafios e possibilidades da reintegração familiar de crianças acolhidas nesta modalidade. Por meio da metodologia survey monkey e da análise de conteúdo os dados foram coletados e analisados em três etapas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a necessidade de ampliação do acolhimento, melhor compreensão do fenômeno da reintegração, e reflexão sobre o tempo de retorno valorizando a singularidade de cada caso. Assim, o aprimoramento dos estudos e o investimento no acolhimento familiar precisa ser priorizado tanto em Portugal quanto no Brasil em detrimento das práticas de institucionalização. / [en] Some children, whose rights have been violated, are referred to the protective modality called the foster family, also known as the foster care. This is a temporary alternative, in which an already constituted family receives, in their residence, children in need of care. The warm family nucleus commits itself to valuing and respecting the individual and cultural particularities of each one. The foster families must contribute to the restoration of affections and fulfillment of fundamental rights, as recommended in the Statute of the Child and Adolescent and the Law on the Protection of Children and Young People. The most important objectives of foster care in families are to protect, ensure family and community coexistence, and to ensure that family reintegration is possible, when possible and safe. Today, in Brazil, the foster care is inserted in a national public policy, as an action to be implemented in the services of Special Social Protection of High Complexity. The services of foster family have great relevance, mainly in this scenario, since they suggest the non-institutionalization, giving character of more directed care. In Portugal, this measure is also contemplated in legislation, however, as in Brazil, it has been developed on a residual basis. This paper is a meeting of scientific articles whose main objective is to think about the challenges and possibilities of family reintegration of children accepted in this modality. Through the survey monkey methodology and the content analysis the data were collected and analyzed in three stages. The results of the research point to the need to increase the reception, better understanding of the phenomenon of reintegration, and reflection on the time of return valuing the singularity of each case. Thus, the improvement of studies and investment in family care must be prioritized both in Portugal and in Brazil, to the detriment of institutionalization practices.

Família é a gente com quem se conta: o Programa Família Acolhedora ampliando a rede de pertencimento / "Family is the people you count on": welcome Family Program making making people feel like

Carolina Sette Pereira 26 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo cartografar o campo de intervenção do Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA) do Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de perceber máquinas da gestão das menoridades operadas por políticas públicas neste recorte, pelo PFA. Para tal, foram realizados grupos com as famílias de origem, famílias acolhedoras e crianças e adolescentes acolhidos, além de entrevistas com duas famílias de origem e diversos encontros e discussões com uma equipe técnica. A partir do referencial teórico da Análise Institucional francesa e do método cartográfico, a defesa da convivência familiar preconizada nos discursos que sustentam programas de acolhimento familiar foi posta em análise, evidenciando práticas-discursivas que naturalizam modelos de família e cuidado, operando certa gestão da infância que, em última análise, visa à neutralização de uma parcela da população tida como potencialmente perigosa através da inserção ou manutenção em unidades domésticas. A análise das tensões postas nas negociações travadas no cotidiano do Programa explicita o tensionamento da proteção que tutela, inerente à intervenção. A emergência de dinâmicas, como a gestão da solidariedade e da retórica da gratidão, permitiu analisar um campo de relações enunciativas e agenciamentos de posições que produzem os sujeitos em relação e agenciam possibilidades de negociação. Através da discussão do trabalho com grupos e da desmontagem de dois casos, discutimos experiências de famílias de origem e acolhedoras no Programa. Foi possível perceber como as famílias e as equipes técnicas se apropriam do Programa, apesar do caráter impositivo como prática disciplinar de governo, criando linhas de fuga e mantendo algum grau de autonomia, não se confirmando nem rebeldes, nem coitadas. / The present dissertation had the goal of charting the field of intervention of Rio de Janeiros Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA), in order to comprehend the tools of management of minorities operated by public policies in this case, the PFA. In order to do this, groups were conducted with families of origin, foster families and foster children and adolescents, and interviews with two families of origin and several meetings and discussions with technical staff. From the theoretical framework of the french Institutional Analysis and the cartographic method, the defense of family life advocated in speeches that support foster family programs was put under review, showing discursive-practices that naturalize models of family and care, operating certain childhood management that ultimately aims neutralizing a portion of the population considered as being potentially dangerous through the insertion or maintenance in households. The analysis of tensions placed on the negotiations held in the Programs quotidian explains the tension of the protection that tutorizes, which is inherent to the intervention. The emergence of dynamics, such as management of the solidarity and rhetoric of gratitude, allowed the analysis of a field of enunciative relationships and negotiation of positions that produce the subjects in relation and work the possibilities of negotiation. Through the discussion of the work with groups and the dismantling of two cases, we discuss experiences of families of origin and foster families in the Program. We could see how families and technical staff appropriate the Program to themselves, despite the impositive character as a government disciplinary practice, creating vanishing lines and maintaining some degree of autonomy, not affirming themselves as rebellious or pitiful.

Família é a gente com quem se conta: o Programa Família Acolhedora ampliando a rede de pertencimento / "Family is the people you count on": welcome Family Program making making people feel like

Carolina Sette Pereira 26 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo cartografar o campo de intervenção do Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA) do Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de perceber máquinas da gestão das menoridades operadas por políticas públicas neste recorte, pelo PFA. Para tal, foram realizados grupos com as famílias de origem, famílias acolhedoras e crianças e adolescentes acolhidos, além de entrevistas com duas famílias de origem e diversos encontros e discussões com uma equipe técnica. A partir do referencial teórico da Análise Institucional francesa e do método cartográfico, a defesa da convivência familiar preconizada nos discursos que sustentam programas de acolhimento familiar foi posta em análise, evidenciando práticas-discursivas que naturalizam modelos de família e cuidado, operando certa gestão da infância que, em última análise, visa à neutralização de uma parcela da população tida como potencialmente perigosa através da inserção ou manutenção em unidades domésticas. A análise das tensões postas nas negociações travadas no cotidiano do Programa explicita o tensionamento da proteção que tutela, inerente à intervenção. A emergência de dinâmicas, como a gestão da solidariedade e da retórica da gratidão, permitiu analisar um campo de relações enunciativas e agenciamentos de posições que produzem os sujeitos em relação e agenciam possibilidades de negociação. Através da discussão do trabalho com grupos e da desmontagem de dois casos, discutimos experiências de famílias de origem e acolhedoras no Programa. Foi possível perceber como as famílias e as equipes técnicas se apropriam do Programa, apesar do caráter impositivo como prática disciplinar de governo, criando linhas de fuga e mantendo algum grau de autonomia, não se confirmando nem rebeldes, nem coitadas. / The present dissertation had the goal of charting the field of intervention of Rio de Janeiros Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA), in order to comprehend the tools of management of minorities operated by public policies in this case, the PFA. In order to do this, groups were conducted with families of origin, foster families and foster children and adolescents, and interviews with two families of origin and several meetings and discussions with technical staff. From the theoretical framework of the french Institutional Analysis and the cartographic method, the defense of family life advocated in speeches that support foster family programs was put under review, showing discursive-practices that naturalize models of family and care, operating certain childhood management that ultimately aims neutralizing a portion of the population considered as being potentially dangerous through the insertion or maintenance in households. The analysis of tensions placed on the negotiations held in the Programs quotidian explains the tension of the protection that tutorizes, which is inherent to the intervention. The emergence of dynamics, such as management of the solidarity and rhetoric of gratitude, allowed the analysis of a field of enunciative relationships and negotiation of positions that produce the subjects in relation and work the possibilities of negotiation. Through the discussion of the work with groups and the dismantling of two cases, we discuss experiences of families of origin and foster families in the Program. We could see how families and technical staff appropriate the Program to themselves, despite the impositive character as a government disciplinary practice, creating vanishing lines and maintaining some degree of autonomy, not affirming themselves as rebellious or pitiful.

Le travail dans l’accueil familial : quels enjeux pour l’enfant accueillant ? / The child of foster parents

Mazza Mainpin, Aurore 18 December 2014 (has links)
Si les enjeux du placement familial à titre permanent dans le cadre de l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance concernent évidemment en tout premier lieu les enfants déplacés d’une famille à l’autre, l’accueil constitue néanmoins un événement particulier au regard du système familial et plus encore des enfants accueillants. Notre travail de recherche vise à mieux saisir la singularité des expériences fraternelles susceptibles de se tisser entre enfants (« accueillants » et « accueillis »), au-delà des configurations relationnelles traditionnellement issues de la filiation. Plus précisément, dans la mesure où le cadre du placement s’institue à la croisée des sphères familiales et professionnelles, nous cherchons à comprendre comment ces expériences fraternelles sont « habitées » par les dimensions du travail et de là, comment l’enfant accueillant, devenu adolescent, vit ce dispositif d’accueil familial. Divers types de données (quantitatives et qualitatives) ont été recueillies auprès de 45 adolescents accueillants âgés de 11 à 18 ans. Dans une perspective de triangulation, nous avons articulé un traitement statistique des questionnaires, une analyse lexico-métrique de l’intégralité de notre corpus et enfin une analyse qualitative de contenu de quatre entretiens. Même si les enfants accueillants manifestent des scores moyens d’anxiété et de dépression inférieurs à ceux de la population du même âge, nos résultats montrent qu’accueillir chez soi un enfant en placement constitue une expérience de vie complexe, notamment de par les remaniements relationnels, familiaux et personnels qu’elle requiert. La manière dont les enfants accueillants parlent leur expérience montre clairement l’existence d’une dynamique singulière de socialisation professionnelle, mais aussi un certain enlisement dans l’éprouvé brut d’une relation marquée par des difficultés, ainsi qu’une mise en tension des appartenances familiales. Finalement, nous mettons en évidence deux postures et conceptions de l’accueil opposées, selon que les enfants pensent et vivent le rapport à l’enfant accueilli dans une perspective de care ou de prestation de services / If the foster care concerns at first foster children displaced from a family to another, it constitutes a singular event for the entire family but mainly for children of foster parents. Our research aims to understand the particularity of these potential fraternal experiences between children (fostered and fostering), beyond the traditional relational configurations derived from filiation. Specifically, to the extent that the foster care is instituted at the intersection of work and family spheres, we seek to understand how these fraternal experiences are invested by the dimensions of work and then how child of foster parents, as a teenager, lives the foster care system. Various types of data (quantitative and qualitative) were collected from 45 teenagers aged from 11 to 18 years. From the perspective of triangulation, we have articulated a statistical analysis of questionnaires, a lexical metric analysis of our entire corpus and finally a qualitative content analysis of four interviews. Even if children of foster parents present anxiety and depression scores lower than the population of the same age, our results show that receiving a child in foster care at home is a complex life experience, changing relational, family and personal balances. How fostering children speak their experience clearly shows the existence of a singular dynamic professional socialization, but also a certain risk of feeling overwhelmed with relationship problems and contrasting family memberships. Finally, we highlight two postures and opposing conceptions of foster care, as children think and live the relationship with the foster child from a perspective of care or service delivery

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