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Innanför och utanför : Familjehems upplevelser av barnterapi / Inside and outside : Foster families experience of child therapyNess, Stuart January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Det råder en brist i forskning kring hur psykosociala behandlingarinverkar på närstående. Ännu mindre insikt finns i hur familjehem upplever enpsykodynamisk behandling av ett barn i deras vård. Avsikten med denna studie är attskapa en bild av den subjektiva upplevelsen av att ha ett familjehemsplacerat barn ipsykoterapi samt vad intervjupersonerna har uppfattat som behandlingens syfte ochmålsättning. Frågeställningar: Hur har intervjupersonerna upplevt att ha ansvaret för ett barnsom samtidigt går i barnterapi och hur upplever de att terapin har påverkat barnetsamt den övriga familjen?Vad har intervjupersonerna förstått av behandlingens syfte och mål och i vilken gradhar de upplevt sig vara delaktiga i behandlingsprocessen ? Metod: Via fem semistrukturerade djupintervjuer har författaren ämnat att skapa enförståelse för intervjupersonernas subjektiva upplevelser av att ha ett professionelltansvar för ett familjehemsplacerat barn i psykoterapi. Intervjuerna har analyseratsoch tematiserats utifrån de gemensamma latenta teman i det grundläggandematerialet. Resultat: Materialet har kategoriserats utifrån ett huvudtema och tre underteman.Den övergripande teman som framstår i materialet är en ambivalent hållning till denpsykodynamiska behandlingen. Huvudteman har sedan brutits ner i treunderkategorier utifrån hur den ambivalenta hållningen belyses i relation tillupplevelsen av delaktighet , allians och förändring .Diskussion: Studien visar att ambivalensen som uppstår i förhållande till detpsykodynamiska arbetet är ett förväntat resultat av behandlingens inverkan påfamiljesystemet. Vidare instämmer studien med tidigare forskning som lägger tonviktpå betydelsen av en stark allians mellan föräldrar och terapeuten för att möjliggör ettframgångsrikt behandlingsarbete. / Introduction: There currently exists a dearth of research studying how psychosocialtreatment methods affect relationships outside of the treatment. Still less insightexists into how foster families experience the psychodynamic treatment of childrenin their care. This study attempts to examine and describe foster families experienceof psychodynamic child therapy and what they themselves have understood to be thetreatments purpose and goal. Question:How have the interview subjects experienced having responsibility for a child intherapy and what have they understood to be the treatments purpose and goals?What effect has the therapy had on the child itself and how has the therapy affectedtheir own relationship to the child?Method: The author has attempted to gain an understanding of the interviewsubject’s subjective experience of having responsibility for a foster child inpsychotherapy. The method chosen has been five semi-structured interviews thathave then been analyzed to uncover the underlying latent themes in the originalmaterial. Result: The material has been categorized into one main theme and threesub-themes. The main theme that the material shows is an ambivalent to thepsychotherapeutic treatment. The main theme has then been broken down in thethree subsets based upon how the interview subjects ambivalence appears in relationto their experience of participation , alliance , and change. Discussion: Results of the study show that the ambivalence that i felt towards thepsychodynamic treatment is an expected result of the treatment influence on thefamily system. The study confirm earlier research that places importance on a strongalliance between the therapist and the parents in the facilitation of a successfultherapeutic treatment.
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Olika perspektiv på rättssäkerhet och vad det betyder i förhållande till barn- och ungdomsutredningar inom socialtjänstenWall, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
En av de vanligaste insatserna inom den sociala barnavården är familjehemsplaceringar av barn. Det är kommunen som har det övergripande ansvaret för placeringen. Det är vidare samhällets ansvar att enligt lag se till att den unga kommer ifrån en otrygg, bristfällig tillvaro och får god vård i familjehemmet. Socialnämnden beslutar om vården som antingen sker frivilligt med stöd av Socialtjänstlagen, eller med tvång med stöd av Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara vad begreppet rättssäkerhet innebär, både utifrån en allmän definition och mer specifikt vid socialnämndens utredning och beslut om familjehemsplacering av barn och unga. Mitt intresse ligger i att undersöka vad barn och unga har för rättssäkerhet vid en sådan situation, jag koncentrerar mig dock på processen innan och fram till beslutet av en eventuell familjehemsplacering. Utifrån studiens syfte har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, för att få en djupare förståelse av intervjupersonernas personliga upplevelser. Jag har intervjuat tre socialsekreterare som arbetar med barn- och ungdomsutredningar i Skåne. Resultatet och analysen beskriver intervjupersonernas egna upplevelser av vad rättssäkerhet betyder för dem i förhållande till deras arbetsuppgifter. Resultatet visade bland annat att kunskap om de lagar som ligger till grund för utredning och beslut är en viktig del för att kunna utföra ett rättssäkert arbete. / One of the most common interventions in social services for children is a foster home placement. The municipality has overall responsibility for the placement. Furthermore, it is society's responsibility to legally ensure that the young are coming from an insecure, inadequate existence and given good care in the family home. Social Welfare Committee decides on the care, which is either voluntary under the Social Services Act, or enforced under the law of special provisions for the care of young people. The purpose of this paper is to explain what the term rule of law means, both from a general definition and more specifically at the social welfare committee and decisions on foster placement of children and young people. My interest lies in examining what children and young people have for legal certainty in this situation, I concentrate however on the process before and until the decision of a potential foster home placement. Based on the study's purpose, I used a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews, to gain a deeper understanding of the interviewees' personal experiences. I have interviewed three social workers that work with children and youth investigations in Skåne. The results and analysis describes the interviewees' own experiences of what rule of law means to them in relation to their duties. The results showed that knowledge of the laws that form the basis for investigation and decision is an important component in order to perform a proper safe work.
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Mladí lidé s postižením v pěstounské rodině / Young people with disabilities in foster familyHolasová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis presents the results of research focused on young, disabled people who grew up in foster families. The aim of the research is to observe the lives of these people from their own perspective and to map their life experience. The research is focused on problem areas of their lives and barriers that prevent them from achieving certain goals. The work is based on an analysis of interviews with five respondents, evaluated by means of Life Course Theory. Key words: young person, person with disabilities, foster family, Life Course Theory
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Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem? / How to integrate children placed in foster care?Mazrimaite, Orinta, Michanek, Angelica January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study’s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence. The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process. The foster family needs to bond with the foster child, let the foster child in into the family system, open up and be who they really are, respect each other and reserve time to be able to satisfy the needs of foster child. The results emphasize that the foster parents should treat the foster child in the same way as the biological child. We have also been able to identify factors that may have an impact on integration, like the age of the foster child. Our results suggest that foster parents experience different varieties of ambivalence to both the foster child and the foster child's biological parents. Those children who have a poor relationship with their biological parents and are of relatively young age tend to be over-integrated in the foster family.
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Katalikiškas auklėjimas šeimynoje kaip socialinis pedagoginis fenomenas / Catholic Upbringing in the Foster Family as a Social Pedagogical PhenomenonRatnikaitė, Inesė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynose reiškinys. Lietuvoje sukurtos šeimynos – tai sutuoktiniai, į savo šeimą priėmę nuo 6 iki 12 tėvų globos netekusių vaikų. Skiriamasis šeimynos, kaip globos institucijos, bruožas – šeiminė aplinka, būtina visapusiškam ir harmoningam vaiko vystymuisi. Šeimynoje augančių vaikų harmoningas vystymasis būna sutrikdytas netekties: nepageidaujamo nėštumo; deprivacijos, smurto, asocialios aplinkos gimus; galiausiai - tėvų (šeimos, namų) praradimo tėvams atėmus tėvystės teises ar, rečiau, mirties, ligos, emigracijos atvejais. Netekties pasekmės - pažeisti santykiai su aplinka (jaučiamas nesaugumas, nepasitikėjimas kitais, negebėjimas prisirišti ir palaikyti nuoširdžius santykius su kitu asmeniu, negebėjimas pritapti), savimi (pasireiškia žema saviverte, nepasitikėjimu savimi, bejėgiškumo, nevykėlio jausmais, negebėjimu suprasti savo emocijų, autoagresija), gyvenimu (pesimizmas, suicidinės mintys). Šių pasekmių įveikai reikalingos stiprios priemonės, kurias, teikia katalikiškas auklėjimas, savo esme orientuotas į santykių atkūrimą. Taigi, disertacijoje aptariami šeimynos kaip šeimos aplinkoje tėvų globos netekusius vaikus globojančios bendrijos struktūros ypatumai, pateikiama šios struktūros socialinio pedagoginio darbo su bešeimiais vaikais charakteristika, apžvelgiami vaikų auklėjimo šeimynoje teoriniai pagrindai, nustatomas katalikiško auklėjimo šeimynoje problemiškumas, pabrėžiamas šeimynos kaip įvairialypės ir polifunkcinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyses phenomenon of catholic upbringing in the foster family. The foster family is spouses who, successfully growing or having grown their children, accept to foster from 6 to 12 children who have lost parents’ care. The main feature of foster family as foster care institution is created family environment which is necessary for the child’s cohesive and versatile development. The cohesive development of foster children is disturbed by loss that is caused by unwanted pregnancy, deprivation, violence, finally by lost of parents (together family and home). The consequences of that lost appear as destroyed relations with surroundings, oneself and life. The coping with consequences of loss requires strong measures, which are given by Catholic upbringing, which in its essence is orientated to reconstruction and perfection of relations. So, there are discussed the peculiarities of the foster family as a structure that is close to the family environment, presented the characteristics of social pedagogical work with non-parental children of this structure, reviewed theoretical foundations of children’s upbringing in the foster family, identified problems of Catholic upbringing in the foster family, emphasized the role of the foster family as a poly-functional social community, upbringing children in a Catholic way in the theses.
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Varje familjehem är unikt : En kvalitativ studie av familjehemsföräldrars stressfaktorer, stärkande faktorer och behov av stöd från socialtjänsten / Every foster family is unique : A qualitative study of foster parents' stressors, strengthening factors and needs of support from the social servicesBranchetti Hallberg, Cajsa, Mellström, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Zkušenost sociálních pracovníků doprovázejících organizací pro pěstounské rodiny se sebereflexí / Experience of social workers supporting foster families with self-reflectionKřížová, Hana January 2018 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The diploma thesis is focused on experience with self-reflection of social workers who supporting foster families. It is divided into two parts - theoretical and empiric. Aim of the thesis was to find out what kind of experience with self-reflection has social workers of organizations supporting foster families. The theoretical part has five chapters. The first chapter shows to readers what profession of a social worker is about - at first it looks at social work in context of helping professions, then it defines expert studies, abilities, and personality of social worker, and it also mentions possible motivation for working in this field. The second chapter brings topic of foster care and a definition of supporting; it describes supporting organizations for foster families and role of social worker in it. In the third chapter there can be found definition of self-reflection (in narrow meaning it brings nearer parts of self-reflection such as self-approach, self-knowledge, or self-regulation); further there can be found consideration of what importance self-reflection has for social workers and which tools to reach it they can use. The fourth chapter is aimed at view of influence which can affect self-reflection, such as emotion of worker, projection, topic of power and powerlessness, work with...
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När inte kaffet är framdukat : En studie om oanmälda hembesök i familjehem / When the coffee isn't served : A study about unannounced visits in foster familiesNicander, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out about the presence of unannounced home visits in foster families based on a survey of Swedish municipalities. The study also aimed at increasing knowledge about why unannounced home visits were made. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, mixed methods were used in both a quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative part of the study consisted of a census where all Swedish municipalities' guidelines and procedures for the prevention of foster homes were collected. Qualitative interviews were held with five social services, which stated in their guidelines that unannounced home visits should be made. To analyze both the study's quantitative and qualitative results, theories of legitimacy and power were used. The study concluded that the law on follow-up of foster homes gives municipalities a large margin of interpretation because the visits are regulated by the municipalities themselves. Another conclusion from the study was that no one knows which follow-up methods that really helps. Therefore, evaluations and research on follow-up of foster care must be established.
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As relações de cuidado e de proteção no serviço de Acolhimento em Família AcolhedoraValente, Janete Aparecida Giorgetti 06 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis examines the network for Care and Protection detected in the context of the SAPECA
a Foster Family service in the City of Campinas, from the narrative of children and adolescents
forstered and fostering, families of origin, foster families and of the professional team of the foster
The study starts with an analysis of the movements in the 80s of the the 20th century aiming the
institution of a democratic state of rights, particularly the rights of children and adolescents under
protective measures and their families. In the context of this movement, with the approval of the National
Social Assistance Policy (PNAS/2004), the Foster Family Service has been instituted as a public policy,
which is reaffirmed with the changes in the Statute of Children and Adolescents by Law 12.010/2009.
The stories collected and the approaches with the theoretical reflections found the existence of a
network of Care and Protection in the operationalization of the work. It was noticed that next to the
technical nature of the actions taken in Sapeca there is a way of working which includes sensitivity,
lovingness and concern for doing a job efficiently and effectively. This service is presented as an action of
the State that has intentions and guidelines that are developed from goals, methodology consistent with
the the situtuation and measured by indicators.
The findings of this study confirm the centrality of the categories Care and Protection to ensure
the full development of children and adolescents under protective measure, focusing on the shared
responsibility by the state, the family and society / Esta Tese analisa a trama de Cuidado e de Proteção detectada no contexto do Serviço de
Acolhimento em Família Acolhedora da Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas, o SAPECA, a partir da
narrativa de crianças e adolescentes acolhidos e acolhedores, das famílias de origem, das famílias
acolhedoras e de sua equipe profissional.
Inicia sua apresentação com a análise do movimento que se institui no país a partir da década de
80 do século XX, no sentido da construção de um Estado Democrático de Direitos, particularmente, dos
direitos de crianças e adolescentes sob medida protetiva e de suas famílias. No contexto desse
movimento, com a aprovação da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS/2004), o Serviço de
Acolhimento em Família Acolhedora passa a ser executado como política pública, o que é reafirmado
com a mudança provocada no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, pela lei 12.010/09.
As histórias coletadas e as suas aproximações com as reflexões teóricas constataram a existência
de uma trama de cuidado e de proteção na operacionalização desse trabalho. Percebeu-se que junto ao
caráter técnico das ações realizadas no SAPECA existe um modo de trabalhar que inclui a sensibilidade,
a amorosidade e a preocupação por realizar um trabalho com eficiência e com eficácia. Este Serviço
apresenta-se como uma ação do Estado que tem intencionalidades e diretrizes que se desenvolvem a partir
de metas, com metodologia condizente às ações suscitadas em uma proteção especial e com resultados
medidos a partir de indicadores.
As conclusões deste trabalho confirmam a centralidade das categorias Cuidado e Proteção para a
efetivação do desenvolvimento integral das crianças e adolescentes sob medida protetiva, enfocando a
responsabilidade compartilhada pelo Estado, pela família e pela sociedade
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Identifying Future Effective Foster Parent Characteristics: Using the Casey Foster Family AssessmentGrimes-Vawters, Jennifer 01 January 2016 (has links)
In 2014, Washoe County Department of Social Services in Nevada, licensed only 50 of 400 parents who applied to foster children. Lack of long-term effective foster parents creates instability within the system. Significant concern over increased numbers of children entering foster care and a decreased number of qualified foster care applicants continues. The Casey Foster Family Assessment (CFFA), a comprehensive assessment of key traits of effective foster parents may further enhance the fostering application process. The identified CFFA subscales most predictive of future foster parent effectiveness, may help WCDSS more effectively identify applicants likely to provide long-term stable homes for children. Local licensed foster parents and their case managers were recruited to complete the CFFA, and Effective Foster Parent Survey (EFPS). Using the Ecology theory of Bronfenbrenner and Belsky as a foundation, a series of Pearson bivariate correlations were conducted using the CFFA and EFPS scores and a regression analysis was conducted to determine the results. Results showed foster parents (N=35) with a high level of dedication, sufficient time, higher perceived degree of responsibility then the agency, and willing to foster children of differing racial, religious, cultural, or sexual identity backgrounds were viewed by their case managers as being highly effective. Identifying effective skills, and providing support and training to foster parents, may increase the likelihood that a child will stay in one home instead of moving repeatedly, reducing mental health risks of foster children. Three significant correlates were identified: positive parent-child interaction, participation in spiritual activities and attendance at agency training, set a foundation for continued research in additional effective foster parent skills and how to assess for these qualities in incoming applicants.
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