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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A gastronomia na aprendizagem do léxico em FLE: memória, sentidos e afetividade / The gastronomy in the process of learning the lexicon in FFL: memory, senses and affectivity

Lefèvre-Vigneron, Constança 04 September 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta as reflexões desenvolvidas sobre alguns fatores envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Servindo-nos da gastronomia, aspecto icônico da cultura francesa, e do seu campo lexical específico, buscamos provocar o encontro do aprendiz, por meio de sua história pessoal e de sua subjetividade, com a cultura e a língua do outro, alvo do seu aprendizado. Nossa hipótese é que as emoções positivas suscitadas pelo tema escolhido podem ser buscadas na memória para influir no resultado da aprendizagem. Nesse processo, a memória desempenha papel fundamental, tanto como fonte dessas emoções como no registro do conteúdo a ser aprendido e no seu resgate. Para analisar essa hipótese, foi realizada uma experiência baseada nos princípios da pesquisa-ação com um grupo de estudantes universitários em início de aprendizagem. A partir de um reality-show de culinária da televisão francesa, desenvolvemos e ministramos um minicurso onde os aprendizes foram levados a produzir um depoimento pessoal, em forma de filme, para falar de um doce apreciado em suas famílias. Além do filme, eles desenvolveram um léxico colaborativo no campo específico da gastronomia. Do ponto de vista teórico, nos baseamos, para as questões referentes ao papel das emoções, nos trabalhos de Freire (1996), Hubert (2006), Isen (1987), Krashen (1987), Mastrella (2011) e Revuz (1998); para abordar o papel cultural e a função de discurso da gastronomia, nos estudos de Amon (2008), Dória (2014, 2015) e Ory (1998, 2013), e, no que diz respeito ao ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira e de seu léxico, em Klein (1989), Leffa (2000), Pietraroia (2000, 2001, 2013) e Zucchi (2010). Como a memória perpassa essas questões e aparece em todos os temas abordados, além dos autores já citados, utilizamos a obra dos irmãos Tadié (1999) como referência. A pesquisa teve como objetos de análise as produções realizadas pelos participantes, e um questionário e uma entrevista feitos após o curso em dois momentos distantes em onze meses. A análise do material coletado mostra um ganho importante de autonomia, um bom domínio do vocabulário e um funcionamento eficiente da memória, o que provocou um aumento da autoconfiança dos aprendizes e, consequentemente, um desenvolvimento positivo de suas produções. / This research presents the reflections developed on some of the factors involved in the teaching-learning process of French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Through gastronomy - an iconic aspect of French culture - and of its specific lexical field, we seek to provoke the encounter of the learner, through his personal history and his subjectivity with the culture and language of the other, target of his learning. Our hypothesis is that positive emotions, raised by the chosen subject, can be searched in memory to influence the learning outcome. In this process, memory plays a fundamental role, as much as acting as the source of these emotions, but also in recording and rescuing the content to be learned. In order to analyze this hypothesis, we carried out an experiment based on the principles of action- research with a group of college students that were in the beginning of the learning process. Using a French reality-show on cooking as trigger we developed and applied a pilot course in which the apprentices were led to produce a personal testimony in film form, to talk about a dessert that is appreciated by their families. Besides the film, a collaborative lexicon specific to the gastronomic field was developed during the course. As a theoretical reference, we rely on questions related to the role of emotions in the works of Freire (1996), Hubert (2006), Isen (1987), Krashen (1987), Mastrella (2011) and Revuz (1998); to address the cultural role and discourse function of gastronomy, in the studies of Amon (2008), Doria (2014, 2015) and Ory (1998, 2013), and as for the teaching-learning process of a foreign language and its lexicon, in Klein (1989), Leffa (2000), Pietraroia (2000, 2001, 2013) and Zucchi (2010). As memory permeates these issues and appears in all previous themes, in addition to the authors previously quoted, we also used the work of the Tadié brothers (1999) as reference. The research had as analysis object the productions made by the participants, as well as a questionnaire and an interview made after the course in two moments with an eleven month distance between them. The analysis of the collected material shows an important autonomy gain, mastery of the vocabulary and efficient functioning of memory that led to a self-confidence reinforcement of the learners and, consequently, a positive development in their productions.

A avaliação de aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira no secretariado: representação, sentido e significado / The assessment of French learning as a foreign language in the secretarial field: representation, sense and meaning

Santos, Emili Barcellos Martins 01 April 2016 (has links)
A avaliação é um elemento natural presente no cotidiano do ser humano e realizado constantemente em diferentes situações, das mais simples às mais complexas. No contexto escolar, apesar de perpassar toda a dinâmica educativa e ter como um dos objetivos contribuir para a construção de saberes rumo ao êxito do ensino, na memória social coletiva a avaliação de aprendizagem é marcada por diferentes representações, tais como a de ser uma prática social antidemocrática, burocrática e centralizada nas mãos do professor. Com o intuito de propor novas perspectivas às discussões realizadas por pesquisadores que defendem a articulação entre a avaliação de aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de uma prática pedagógica comprometida com a construção coletiva, esta pesquisa objetivou apreender, a partir das representações de estudantes e de profissionais de secretariado brasileiros, os sentidos e os significados atribuídos à avaliação de aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Por se tratar de um trabalho que se situa na confluência de áreas do conhecimento que são, ao mesmo tempo, conexas e próprias, como as ciências sociais, a pedagogia e o ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, adotaram-se como referenciais teóricos autores como Moscovici (1989), Abric (1994), Lussier e Turner (1995), Sá (1998), Perrenoud (1999), Chardenet (1999), Castellotti e Moore (2002), Bonniol e Vial (2001), Hadji (2001), Py (2004), Tagliante (2005) e Hoffmann (2008). Visto que o repertório linguístico é o suporte considerado mais concreto para o estudo das representações sociais, neste estudo foram analisados os discursos de dezoito estudantes e de oito profissionais brasileiros de secretariado, obtidos por meio da aplicação de dois questionários semiestruturados, elaborados em função das especificidades de cada um dos dois grupos.O tratamento dos dados foi baseado na metodologia de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011) e, no caso das respostas fornecidas na questão elaborada com base na técnica de associação ou evocação livre, pelo método proposto por Vergès (1992). Tais procedimentos permitiram a criação de cinco categorizações dos sentidos e significados contidos nas representações investigadas, a saber: 1. A avaliação de aprendizagem como sinônimo de instrumentos avaliativos: noção estável, embora reducionista; 2. A inadequação de instrumentos avaliativos vigentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de FLE; 3. A avaliação certificativa como possível diferencial no currículo do profissional de secretariado?; 4. Os papéis desempenhados pelo professor e pelo aprendiz na avaliação: entre a rigidez e a descontração e 5. A avaliação que transcende o espaço da sala de aula. A discussão dos resultados desta pesquisa aponta para a necessidade da instauração de um ambiente de estímulo à autonomia do aprendiz e, consequentemente, à autoavaliação. Para além das categorizações, o estudo propõe uma reflexão em torno da noção da avaliação. / Evaluation is a natural element in the daily lives of human beings, and it is performed constantly in different situations - from the simplest to the most complex ones. In the school context, the assessment of learning permeates the whole educational dynamics and has as one of its objectives to contribute to the construction of knowledge towards the success of education, even if it is featured by various representations - such as being a social undemocratic bureaucratic practice centralized in the teacher\'s hands - in the collective social memory. In order to offer new perspectives to the discussions held by researchers who advocate the link between the assessment of learning and the development of a pedagogical practice committed to the collective construction, the present research aimed at understanding the sense and the meanings attributed to the assessment of learning French as a foreign language (FFL) from Brazilian students\' and secretarial professionals\' representations. As this is a study which deals with areas of knowledge that are related and individual at the same time, such as the social sciences, pedagogy, and foreign language learning and teaching, authors such as Moscovici (1989), Abric (1994), Lussier and Tuner (1995), SA (1998), Perrenoud (1999), Chardenet (1999), Castellotti and Moore (2002), Bonniol and Vial (2001), Hadji (2001), Py (2004), Tagliante (2005) and Hoffmann (2008) were adopted as theoretical frameworks. Since the linguistic repertoire is considered to be the most concrete support for studying the social representations, this study analyzed the speeches of 18 Brazilian students and 8 secretarial professionals. These speeches were obtained by applying two semi-structured questionnaires developed according to the specificities of each group. Data analysis was based on the content analysis methodology proposed by Bardin (2011), and also on the method proposed by Vergès (1992) in the case of the answers provided in the question developed with the association technique or free recall. Such procedures allowed to create five categorizations of the senses and meanings contained in the investigated representations, namely: 1. Assessment of learning as synonymous with assessment tools: stable notion, although it is reductionist; 2. The inadequacy of the assessment instruments in force in the FFL learning and teaching process; 3.Certification evaluation as a likely differential in the secretarial professionals curriculum?; 4. The roles played by the teacher and the learner in the assessment between rigidity and relaxation; and 5. The assessment that transcends the classroom space. The discussion on the results of this research points to the need for establishing a stimulating environment for learner autonomy, hence self-assessment. In addition to the categorization, this study proposes a reflection on the notion of assessment.

Éléments de civilisation francophone dans l’enseignement du FLE (Elementi frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika) / Elements of Francophone Civilization in Teaching French as a Foreign Language

Manić Matić Vanja 14 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U našem radu reč je o elementima frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog jezika. Tokom rada sa učenicima i studentima nivoa znanja A1-B2 francuskog, primetili smo da su manje senzibilizovani za frankofonu kulturu, i da su više upoznati sa elementima francuske kulture, u ovom slučaju mislimo na teritoriju današnje Francuske. To nas je navelo da uradimo analizu frankofonih elemenata u udžbenicima francuskog kao stranog jezika, korišćenim na prostoru Srbije. Naš korpus ekscerpiran je iz sto dvadeset čitanki i metoda francuskog jezika, od Drugog svetskog rata do 2013. g., reč je o metodama koje su objavljene na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije, današnje Srbije i Francuske.<br />U prvom delu rada objašnjeni su razlozi izbora teme, ciljevi rada kao i sama njegova struktura. Takođe je prikazano mesto koje zauzima učenje francuskog kao stranog jezika u obrazovnom sistemu aktuelne Srbije.<br />Nakon toga izložen je teorijski pregled stavova kada su u pitanju pojmovi civilizacija, kultura i jezik, neodvojivi u učenju stranog jezika, kao i pojam interkulturalnosti, koja je jedna od nezaobilaznih kompetencija u nastavi stranih jezika danas. Potom je dato viđenje francuske i frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog iz perspektive bivše i sadašnje teritorije naše države.<br />U trećem delu rada objašnjen je pojam Frankofonije, razlozi zašto je značajna u nastavi francuskog, koja je njena uloga i šta ona zapravo danas predstavlja. Takođe je definisan pojam frankofonog elementa i dat opis udžbenika francuskog jezika, korišćenih od Drugog svetskog rata na prostoru današnje Srbije, kao i tematske kategorije prema kojima su klasifikovani frankofoni elementi.<br />Četvrto poglavlje posvećeno je analizi korpusa koji je prethodno podeljen u sledeće tematske kategorije: &bdquo;jezički varijeteti&ldquo;, &bdquo;geografija&ldquo;, &bdquo;slavne ličnosti, kulturni spomenici, istorija&ldquo;, &bdquo;grafičke umetnosti, skulptura i arhitektura&ldquo;, &bdquo;književnost&ldquo;, &bdquo;muzika&ldquo;, &bdquo;film&ldquo;, &bdquo;štampa i dokumentarni tekstovi&ldquo; i &bdquo;stripovi&ldquo;. U ovom delu rada prikazani su frankofoni elementi kroz osnovni pedagoški materijal, njihova upotreba, kao i jezičke kompetencije za koje su predviđeni.<br />U poslednjoj fazi rada predložen je dodatni pedagoški materijal, nekoliko autentičnih frankofonih dokumenata, kao i njihova primena u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika, sve u cilju njihove bolje iskorišćenosti.<br />VIII<br />Na osnovu urađene analize izvodi se zaključak da frankofoni elementi nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u nastavi francuskog jezika i da bi trebalo da budu više prisutni, kroz različit i raznovrstan pedagoški materijal, pogotovo s obzirom na to da ih je moguće uklopiti u već postojeće udžbenike, za šta dajemo primere na samom kraju rada.<br />U našem svetu višejezičnosti, mulitkulturalnosti i interkulturalnosti, budućnost francuskog jezika jeste u prihvatanju svih njegovih raznovrsnosti i različitosti.</p> / <p>Our dissertation deals with elements of the Francophone civilization in teaching the French language. While teaching students with the French language knowledge (level A1-B2), we noticed that they are less familiar with elements of Francophone culture, and more familiar with elements of French culture, meaning the culture of the territory of present-day France. That led us to perform an analysis of Francophone elements in textbooks used for teaching French as a foreign language which are used on the territory of Serbia. Our corpus was extracted from a hundred and twenty textbooks and methods used for teaching the French language, starting from the period of World War Two up to 2013. These methods were published on the territory of former Yugoslavia, present-day Serbia, and present-day France.<br />The first part of the dissertation explains the reasons behind the choice of the topic, the aims of dissertation and its structure. This part also indicates the position of learning French as a foreign language in the current educational system of Serbia.<br />This is followed by a theoretical overview of perspectives on the notions of civilization, culture, and language which are inseparable in learning a foreign language, including the notion of interculturality which is one of the mandatory competencies in teaching foreign languages today. After that, a look at the French and Francophone civilization in teaching the French language from the perspectives of the former and present-day territory of our country is provided.<br />The third part of the dissertation explains the notion of Francophony, provides the reasons why it is significant in teaching the French language, what its role is and what it represents today. The notion of a Francophone element is also defined with a description of French language textbooks used from the period of World War Two on the territory of present-day Serbia, including thematic categories according to which the Francophone elements are classified.<br />The fourth chapter is dedicated to analyzing the corpus which has previously been divided into the following thematic categories: &ldquo;language varieties&rdquo;, &ldquo;geography&rdquo;, &ldquo;famous persons, cultural monuments, history&rdquo;, &ldquo;graphic arts, sculpting, and architecture&rdquo;, &ldquo;literature&rdquo;, &ldquo;music&rdquo;, &ldquo;film&rdquo;, &ldquo;press and documentary texts&rdquo;, and &ldquo;comic books&rdquo;. This part of the dissertation displays Francophone elements through basic pedagogical material, their use, as well as language competencies they are prescribed for.<br />The last phase of the dissertation suggests additional pedagogical material, several authentic Francophone documents, as well as their application in teaching French as a foreign language, all with the aim of maximizing their use.<br />X<br />Based on the performed analysis, a conclusion can be made that the Francophone elements are underrepresented in teaching the French language and that their presence should be increased through various and diverse pedagogical material, especially when it is taken into consideration that they can be fitted into already existing textbooks which is displayed by examples at the very end of the dissertation.</p>

L'agir enseignant en classe de FLE multilingue et multi-niveaux en milieu homoglotte / The act of teaching (FFL) French as a foreign language in a multilingual and multi-level class

David-Lodovici, Catherine 22 November 2013 (has links)
Dans ce travail de recherche, nous nous interrogeons sur les modalités d’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE dans une classe multilingue et multi-niveaux en FLE (A1-B2+). Notre terrain : un public d’une vingtaine d’apprenants au pair venus étudier en France pour un an et disposant d’une journée par semaine pour venir assister au cours de français, dans un contexte multi-niveaux. Notre recherche se fonde sur trois corpus. Le corpus 1 rassemble les évaluations diagnostiques et finales de ces apprenants. L’analyse quantitative du corpus 1 révèle une progression dans toutes les capacités langagières, quasi comparable aux statistiques de progression du CECR. Le corpus 2 est composé d’une trentaine de questionnaires d’enquête dans lesquels les apprenants au pair évaluent leurs progrès ainsi que les aspects positifs et négatifs de ce contexte d’apprentissage. Nous avons codé leurs réponses en plusieurs catégories : 67 % des catégories recensées ont une valeur positive (Révisions, stimulation, tutorat, exercices adaptés au niveau) et 33% évoquent des aspects négatifs (progression parfois lente, frustration, disponibilité de l’enseignant insuffisante). Nous montrons comment les concepts issus des approches communicatives et actionnelles peuvent justifier de la pertinence d’une classe multi-niveaux en milieu homoglotte. Notre hypothèse est de dire que l’agir enseignant escorte le processus d’apprentissage dans ce contexte et vient compléter le bain linguistique. Quels sont alors les gestes professionnels récurrents spécifiques à ce contexte didactique ? Dans le corpus 3, nous avons filmé 15 heures de classe et nous analysons, à l’aide d’un synopsis, la structure des séances ainsi que les gestes didactiques (dispositifs, régulations et mémoire didactique). Des transcriptions d’interactions viennent illustrer nos analyses. Il se dégage une « grammaire de l’action didactique » dont la logique combine 5 modalités de regroupements possibles avec 3 manières différentes de didactiser les supports. / We wonder about the ways of teaching/learning the FLE (French as a foreign language) in a multilingual and multi-level (A1 - B2 +) class. This research concern au pair learners in France for a year and attending French class once a week, in a multi-level context. Our research is based on three corpus. Corpus 1 compare the diagnostic and final results of these learners. The quantitative analysis reveals that they improve in all language skills, which is almost comparable to the CECR progression statistics. Corpus 2 is composed of thirty survey questionnaires in which learners evaluate their progress as well as the positive and negative aspects of this learning context. We have coded their responses in several categories: 67% of the identified categories have a positive value (Revisions, stimulation, tutoring and exercises tailored to the level) and 33% evoke negative aspects (sometimes slow progress, frustration, insufficient teacher availability). We show how the concepts from the communicative and task-based approaches can justify the relevance of a multi-level homoglotte class. Our hypothesis is that the actions of the teacher escort the learning process in this context and complement the full-immersion. In this educational context-specific, what are the recurring professional actions? In the corpus 3, we have filmed 15 hours of class and using a synopsis, we analyze the structure of the sessions as well as the educational actions (devices, regulations and teaching memory). The transcriptions of interactions illustrate our analysis. This leads us to propose a "grammar of the didactic action" whose logic combines 5 way of grouping the students as well as three different ways of apprehending didactically the documents for the class.

L'enseignement du français langue étrangère à l'Université en Libye : analyse linguistique et didactique des écrits produits par des étudiants de niveau intermédiaire / Teaching French as a foreign language in Libye universities : linguistic and didactic analysis of intermediate students written works

Altammami, Mohammed 20 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis la dernière réforme du système éducatif libyen (2009), le français est enseigné dans les cycles primaire, secondaire et universitaire. En effet, après l'arabe et l'anglais, le français se situe en troisième position en Libye et est considéré comme une langue d'ouverture au monde extérieur. C'est dans cette perspective que toutes les universités libyennes ont créé des départements de français. Pourtant, cette initiative n’a pas eu toujours les effets escomptés et les performances des étudiants libyens en français restent fragiles, comme en témoignent les productions que nous avons recueillies pour cette thèse. Notre travail, en effet, s’appuie sur un recueil d’écrits produits par des étudiants, de niveau intermédiaire, de l'université de Sebha. Nous avons soumis les textes recueillis à une description empirique et méthodique, dans le but d’y repérer des « familles d’erreurs » et de les classer par domaines d’infraction. Nous nous sommes particulièrement attachés aux erreurs qui concernent le lexique, la morphosyntaxe (laconstruction des énoncés) et la cohésion (l’enchaînement transphrastique). L’hypothèsegénérale est que ces domaines (lexique, syntaxe, cohésion) sont « liés » et qu’il fautconcevoir, en didactique du français langue étrangère, des activités langagières qui développent des compétences dans ces trois domaines, leur fixant des objectifslinguistiques (la langue) tout en assurant une visée communicative et pragmatique (lesgenres de texte et les formes-sens en usage). Le but de notre travail est d’apporter un éclairage modeste mais nouveau aux méthodologies qui sont en vigueur à l’université de Sebha, au sujet de l’apprentissage de l’écriture et du français langue étrangère / Since the last reform of the Libyan education system (2009), French is taught in primary, secondary and university. Indeed, coming after Arabic and English, French takes the third position in Libya and is considered a language of communication with the outside world. This explains why all the Libyan universities have established departments of French. However, this initiative has not always had the expected results and the performance of the Libyan students in French remain below what is expected, as evidenced the writing we collected for this thesis. Our work, in fact, is based on a collection of writings produced by intermediate students from the University of Sebha. We have submitted the texts collected to an empirical and methodological description in order to identify "sets of errors" and to classify them by areas of offense. We have focused particularly on the errors that relate to the lexicon, the morphosyntax (the construction of utterances) and the cohesion (the transphrastic chain). The general hypothesis is that these domains (lexicon, syntax, cohesion) are "linked to" and that, in the didactics of French as a foreign language, language activities must develop competences in these three domains, (Language) while ensuring a communicative and pragmatic aim (the kinds of text and the forms-meaning in use). The purpose of our work is to provide a modest but a new insight into themethodologies that are in effect at the University of Sebha, about the learning of writingand French as a foreign language

Literární text ve výuce francouzštiny jako cizího jazyka / Literary text in courses of french as a foreign language

ZEZULOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Literary text in courses of french as a foreign language This graduation theses (thesis) researches the use of artistic text in the textbooks for French as a foreign language. It monitors both its quantitative and qualitative developments linked with increasing language level of students and incorporated exercises. It is concentrated on the corpus of textbooks available on the Czech market of which it analyzes the five French and two Czech textbooks that represent the didactic production from the 90th of the 20th century to the present. The essential part of this work is to create a typology of accompanying activities of artistic texts. The goal is to compare the results obtained by analyzing of the selected material. It is evaluated in term of books publishing, their provenance, range and character of the artistic text.

A avaliação de aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira no secretariado: representação, sentido e significado / The assessment of French learning as a foreign language in the secretarial field: representation, sense and meaning

Emili Barcellos Martins Santos 01 April 2016 (has links)
A avaliação é um elemento natural presente no cotidiano do ser humano e realizado constantemente em diferentes situações, das mais simples às mais complexas. No contexto escolar, apesar de perpassar toda a dinâmica educativa e ter como um dos objetivos contribuir para a construção de saberes rumo ao êxito do ensino, na memória social coletiva a avaliação de aprendizagem é marcada por diferentes representações, tais como a de ser uma prática social antidemocrática, burocrática e centralizada nas mãos do professor. Com o intuito de propor novas perspectivas às discussões realizadas por pesquisadores que defendem a articulação entre a avaliação de aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de uma prática pedagógica comprometida com a construção coletiva, esta pesquisa objetivou apreender, a partir das representações de estudantes e de profissionais de secretariado brasileiros, os sentidos e os significados atribuídos à avaliação de aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Por se tratar de um trabalho que se situa na confluência de áreas do conhecimento que são, ao mesmo tempo, conexas e próprias, como as ciências sociais, a pedagogia e o ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, adotaram-se como referenciais teóricos autores como Moscovici (1989), Abric (1994), Lussier e Turner (1995), Sá (1998), Perrenoud (1999), Chardenet (1999), Castellotti e Moore (2002), Bonniol e Vial (2001), Hadji (2001), Py (2004), Tagliante (2005) e Hoffmann (2008). Visto que o repertório linguístico é o suporte considerado mais concreto para o estudo das representações sociais, neste estudo foram analisados os discursos de dezoito estudantes e de oito profissionais brasileiros de secretariado, obtidos por meio da aplicação de dois questionários semiestruturados, elaborados em função das especificidades de cada um dos dois grupos.O tratamento dos dados foi baseado na metodologia de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011) e, no caso das respostas fornecidas na questão elaborada com base na técnica de associação ou evocação livre, pelo método proposto por Vergès (1992). Tais procedimentos permitiram a criação de cinco categorizações dos sentidos e significados contidos nas representações investigadas, a saber: 1. A avaliação de aprendizagem como sinônimo de instrumentos avaliativos: noção estável, embora reducionista; 2. A inadequação de instrumentos avaliativos vigentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de FLE; 3. A avaliação certificativa como possível diferencial no currículo do profissional de secretariado?; 4. Os papéis desempenhados pelo professor e pelo aprendiz na avaliação: entre a rigidez e a descontração e 5. A avaliação que transcende o espaço da sala de aula. A discussão dos resultados desta pesquisa aponta para a necessidade da instauração de um ambiente de estímulo à autonomia do aprendiz e, consequentemente, à autoavaliação. Para além das categorizações, o estudo propõe uma reflexão em torno da noção da avaliação. / Evaluation is a natural element in the daily lives of human beings, and it is performed constantly in different situations - from the simplest to the most complex ones. In the school context, the assessment of learning permeates the whole educational dynamics and has as one of its objectives to contribute to the construction of knowledge towards the success of education, even if it is featured by various representations - such as being a social undemocratic bureaucratic practice centralized in the teacher\'s hands - in the collective social memory. In order to offer new perspectives to the discussions held by researchers who advocate the link between the assessment of learning and the development of a pedagogical practice committed to the collective construction, the present research aimed at understanding the sense and the meanings attributed to the assessment of learning French as a foreign language (FFL) from Brazilian students\' and secretarial professionals\' representations. As this is a study which deals with areas of knowledge that are related and individual at the same time, such as the social sciences, pedagogy, and foreign language learning and teaching, authors such as Moscovici (1989), Abric (1994), Lussier and Tuner (1995), SA (1998), Perrenoud (1999), Chardenet (1999), Castellotti and Moore (2002), Bonniol and Vial (2001), Hadji (2001), Py (2004), Tagliante (2005) and Hoffmann (2008) were adopted as theoretical frameworks. Since the linguistic repertoire is considered to be the most concrete support for studying the social representations, this study analyzed the speeches of 18 Brazilian students and 8 secretarial professionals. These speeches were obtained by applying two semi-structured questionnaires developed according to the specificities of each group. Data analysis was based on the content analysis methodology proposed by Bardin (2011), and also on the method proposed by Vergès (1992) in the case of the answers provided in the question developed with the association technique or free recall. Such procedures allowed to create five categorizations of the senses and meanings contained in the investigated representations, namely: 1. Assessment of learning as synonymous with assessment tools: stable notion, although it is reductionist; 2. The inadequacy of the assessment instruments in force in the FFL learning and teaching process; 3.Certification evaluation as a likely differential in the secretarial professionals curriculum?; 4. The roles played by the teacher and the learner in the assessment between rigidity and relaxation; and 5. The assessment that transcends the classroom space. The discussion on the results of this research points to the need for establishing a stimulating environment for learner autonomy, hence self-assessment. In addition to the categorization, this study proposes a reflection on the notion of assessment.

O papel da gramática no ensino e na aprendizagem de francês - língua estrangeira: importância, função e delimitação / The role of grammar in the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language: importance, function and delimitation

Maria Elisabeth Vitullo 25 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho discute o espaço destinado à gramática e sua complexidade no processo de ensino e aprendizagem do francês como língua estrangeira, em meio institucional. Para tanto, a pesquisa contempla desde um estudo retrospectivo do aprendizado de línguas estrangeiras desencadeado pela simples necessidade das trocas sociais, até a sistematização e surgimento de métodos de ensino, observando sempre a relevância da gramática no pensamento linguístico e pedagógico. Na sequência, apresenta uma revisão de metodologias modernas de francês para estrangeiros, com destaque na abordagem e no tratamento dado a pontos gramaticais selecionados de livros didáticos da área. Em seguida, investiga o que pode ser considerado o cerne do trabalho: a concepção, a importância e o enfoque conferidos à gramática no desenvolvimento do ensino e aprendizagem. Tal investigação foi feita por meio de questionários aplicados a professores e alunos bem como de observações de aulas. O intuito foi o de abranger várias situações pedagógicas a fim de obter-se maior confiabilidade nos resultados. Finalmente, a tese pretende mostrar o lugar destinado à gramática no ensino e aprendizagem do francês como língua estrangeira. / This study aims at discussing the issue of teaching and learning French as a foreign language, more specifically, the role of grammar and its complexity in such process in institutional environments. In order to achieve its goals, this research starts with a retrospective study of foreign language learning, triggered by the simple need for social exchanges until the systematization and development of teaching methods, considering the relevance of grammar in the linguistic and pedagogical thinking. It also presents a review of modern teaching methods of French for foreigners, with emphasis on the approach given to grammar as well as the way to cope with it in related textbooks. Then, it investigates what can be considered the core of this study: the concepts, the importance and the focus on grammar in the development of the teaching and learning process. The investigation was conducted by applying questionnaires to teachers and students, as well as class observation. The aim was to comprise the context taken into account in order to obtain more reliable results to the analysis. Finally, it intends to show the role of grammar in the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language.

A gastronomia na aprendizagem do léxico em FLE: memória, sentidos e afetividade / The gastronomy in the process of learning the lexicon in FFL: memory, senses and affectivity

Constança Lefèvre-Vigneron 04 September 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta as reflexões desenvolvidas sobre alguns fatores envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Servindo-nos da gastronomia, aspecto icônico da cultura francesa, e do seu campo lexical específico, buscamos provocar o encontro do aprendiz, por meio de sua história pessoal e de sua subjetividade, com a cultura e a língua do outro, alvo do seu aprendizado. Nossa hipótese é que as emoções positivas suscitadas pelo tema escolhido podem ser buscadas na memória para influir no resultado da aprendizagem. Nesse processo, a memória desempenha papel fundamental, tanto como fonte dessas emoções como no registro do conteúdo a ser aprendido e no seu resgate. Para analisar essa hipótese, foi realizada uma experiência baseada nos princípios da pesquisa-ação com um grupo de estudantes universitários em início de aprendizagem. A partir de um reality-show de culinária da televisão francesa, desenvolvemos e ministramos um minicurso onde os aprendizes foram levados a produzir um depoimento pessoal, em forma de filme, para falar de um doce apreciado em suas famílias. Além do filme, eles desenvolveram um léxico colaborativo no campo específico da gastronomia. Do ponto de vista teórico, nos baseamos, para as questões referentes ao papel das emoções, nos trabalhos de Freire (1996), Hubert (2006), Isen (1987), Krashen (1987), Mastrella (2011) e Revuz (1998); para abordar o papel cultural e a função de discurso da gastronomia, nos estudos de Amon (2008), Dória (2014, 2015) e Ory (1998, 2013), e, no que diz respeito ao ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira e de seu léxico, em Klein (1989), Leffa (2000), Pietraroia (2000, 2001, 2013) e Zucchi (2010). Como a memória perpassa essas questões e aparece em todos os temas abordados, além dos autores já citados, utilizamos a obra dos irmãos Tadié (1999) como referência. A pesquisa teve como objetos de análise as produções realizadas pelos participantes, e um questionário e uma entrevista feitos após o curso em dois momentos distantes em onze meses. A análise do material coletado mostra um ganho importante de autonomia, um bom domínio do vocabulário e um funcionamento eficiente da memória, o que provocou um aumento da autoconfiança dos aprendizes e, consequentemente, um desenvolvimento positivo de suas produções. / This research presents the reflections developed on some of the factors involved in the teaching-learning process of French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Through gastronomy - an iconic aspect of French culture - and of its specific lexical field, we seek to provoke the encounter of the learner, through his personal history and his subjectivity with the culture and language of the other, target of his learning. Our hypothesis is that positive emotions, raised by the chosen subject, can be searched in memory to influence the learning outcome. In this process, memory plays a fundamental role, as much as acting as the source of these emotions, but also in recording and rescuing the content to be learned. In order to analyze this hypothesis, we carried out an experiment based on the principles of action- research with a group of college students that were in the beginning of the learning process. Using a French reality-show on cooking as trigger we developed and applied a pilot course in which the apprentices were led to produce a personal testimony in film form, to talk about a dessert that is appreciated by their families. Besides the film, a collaborative lexicon specific to the gastronomic field was developed during the course. As a theoretical reference, we rely on questions related to the role of emotions in the works of Freire (1996), Hubert (2006), Isen (1987), Krashen (1987), Mastrella (2011) and Revuz (1998); to address the cultural role and discourse function of gastronomy, in the studies of Amon (2008), Doria (2014, 2015) and Ory (1998, 2013), and as for the teaching-learning process of a foreign language and its lexicon, in Klein (1989), Leffa (2000), Pietraroia (2000, 2001, 2013) and Zucchi (2010). As memory permeates these issues and appears in all previous themes, in addition to the authors previously quoted, we also used the work of the Tadié brothers (1999) as reference. The research had as analysis object the productions made by the participants, as well as a questionnaire and an interview made after the course in two moments with an eleven month distance between them. The analysis of the collected material shows an important autonomy gain, mastery of the vocabulary and efficient functioning of memory that led to a self-confidence reinforcement of the learners and, consequently, a positive development in their productions.

Kooperativní učení ve výuce francouzského jazyka / Cooperative learning for the French as a foreign language

Rambousková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Thesis explores relationship between cooperative learning and education of French as a foreign language. Main goal of the thesis is to find out, whether cooperative learning is effective method for teaching foreign languages and how such lessons should be constructed. The thesis is divided in three parts, first describes cooperative learning, its characteristics and place in pedagogical context. Second part is aimed on researching possible usage of cooperative learning as a part of foreign language didactics, particularly French. Third part is a list and description of activities designed to fulfill bothlanguageand personal development objectives. Therefore they are examples of cooperative approach in teaching French as a foreign language. KEYWORDS French as a foreign language, cooperative learning, cooperation, instruction

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