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Las relaciones entre España y la Unión Soviética a través de las Asociaciones de Amistad en el siglo XXGarrido Caballero, María Magdalena 27 September 2006 (has links)
La investigación ha abordado los contactos oficiales y extraoficiales entre España y la Unión Soviética durante el siglo XX, y, especialmente, se ha centrado en la proyección del modelo soviético desplegado por las Asociaciones de Amistad, tales como la Sección Española de los Amigos de la Unión Soviética y la Asociación España - URSS, como un medio de calibrar su impacto en España. Asimismo, se ha prestado atención a las asociaciones de amistad británicas para comparar el relativo éxito de estas asociaciones en los dos países. Las principales fuentes utilizadas han sido los fondos VOKS y SODD, procedentes de los archivos estatales rusos, documentos privados de las Asociaciones y testimonios, los cuales han sido cruciales para comprender estas asociaciones, los problemas que encararon así como sus éxitos y fracasos. Las Asociaciones de Amistad con la Unión Soviética fueron un medio de difundir ideales - el antifascismo y la coexistencia pacífica- defendidos por el gobierno Soviético. Así, estas asociaciones constituyeron un tipo de diplomacia popular. En términos generales, la gente que creía en un modelo diferente al capitalista se unió a estas asociaciones y proveyeron ejemplos de respecto en un mundo multicultural. Debido a ello, su mensaje no es obsoleto en el mundo de hoy. / The research deals with the official and unofficial contacts between Spain and the Soviet Union, focussing particularly on those perceptions of the latter disseminated through the various Friendship societies, such as the Spanish Friends of the Soviet Union and the Spain - USSR Society. As a way of assessing their impact in Spain, a chapter is dedicated to the British Friendship societies, which will compare the relative successes of these societies in the two countries. The main sources utilized have been the VOKS and SSOD files from the Russian Federation archives, private documents of the societies and testimonies, which have been crucial to understanding these associations, the problems they faced, as well as their successes and failures.The friendship societies with the Soviet Union were a way of spreading ideals -antifascism and peaceful coexistence - championed by the Soviet government. As such, these societies were a type of popular diplomacy. Broadly speaking, people who believed in a different model than capitalism joined these associations and they provided examples of respect in a multicultural world. Because of that, their message is not obsolete in today's world.
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Relations entre le programme de promotion des habiletés d’adaptation pour les enfants de 6-7 ans "Les amis de Zippy" et le climat de classeGosselin, Sabrina 06 1900 (has links)
Le programme d’enseignement des habiletés d’adaptation Les amis de Zippy vise la promotion de la santé mentale des élèves du premier cycle du primaire. La présente étude est une analyse secondaire réalisée à partir des données d’évaluation des effets du programme. L’objectif général vérifie si l’appartenance au groupe d’intervention est associée à une meilleure qualité du climat relationnel de classe à la fin de l’année scolaire, tel que perçu par les enseignants, tout en contrôlant pour la qualité du climat avant la réalisation du programme. La qualité du climat correspond aux relations entre les élèves et aux relations entre les élèves et l’enseignant. L’effet modérateur de la gestion de comportements et les pratiques pédagogiques est aussi analysé. L’échantillon est constitué de 35 enseignants auto-sélectionnés, répartis entre deux groupes non aléatoires. Les échelles suivantes du QES pour le primaire, version enseignant, sont utilisées : relations entre les élèves, relations entre les élèves et les enseignants, gestion des comportements et pratiques pédagogiques. Les résultats, obtenus grâce à des régressions linéaires multiples, montrent que généralement, l’appartenance au groupe n’explique pas significativement la qualité du climat de classe. Cependant, un effet d’interaction entre le climat de classe et la gestion de comportements est identifié. Lorsque les enseignants gèrent plus difficilement leur classe, le programme Les amis de Zippy est associé à un climat relationnel entre les élèves et l’enseignant moins favorable que dans le groupe témoin. Puisque ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être attribuables à des variables externes non contrôlées, ils devront être approfondis par des études subséquentes. / Les amis de Zippy teaching program for coping skills aims to promote mental health in junior elementary students. This study is a secondary analysis done with data derived from the program evaluation. The general goal is to verify if belongingness to the intervention group is linked to a better class relational climate at the end of the school year, as perceived by the teachers, while controlling for the class relational climate before the implantation of the program. The class relational climate refers to the relationships between the students and the relationship between the students and the teacher. The moderating effects of behaviors management and educational practices are analyzed as well. The sample is composed of 35 self-selected teachers no randomly separated into two groups. The following scales from the elementary school QES, teacher’s version, were used: relationships between the students, relationship between the students and the teacher, behaviors management and educational practices. Multiple linear regressions revealed that, generally, group belongingness does not significantly explain the quality of the class relational climate. However, an interaction effect with behaviors management is identified. When teachers have a hard time managing their class, the Les amis de Zippy program is associated with a less favorable relational climate between the students and the teacher then in the comparison group. However, these preliminary results need to be studied more thoroughly because they may be due to uncontrolled external variables.
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L'évolution des comportements d'agressivité physique de la petite enfance à l'âge scolaire : le rôle des relations d'amitié en début de scolarisationSalvas, Marie-Claude 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre les relations d’amitié et l’évolution des comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation. Guidé par les principes énoncés par les théoriciens de l’apprentissage social, de l’attachement, du développement de la personnalité et de la théorie du jugement moral, le rôle principal et modérateur de certaines dimensions spécifiques à la qualité de la relation d’amitié, ainsi que des attributs comportementaux des amis et des caractéristiques personnelles de l’enfant a été évalué. Des données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), de l’Étude des Jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec (EJNQ) et de l’évaluation des effets d’un programme d’intervention dyadique ont été analysées. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées entre la maternelle et la 2e année du primaire, soit de 5 à 8 ans, directement auprès des enfants, de leurs amis, leurs pairs, leurs parents et leurs enseignants par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues sociométriques et de mises en situation hypothétiques.
En lien avec la perspective de l’apprentissage social, les résultats ont montré que l’association à des amis agressifs en maternelle est liée à une augmentation des comportements d’agressivité physique chez l’enfant. Cependant, en lien avec les théories du développement de la personnalité et la perspective de l’attachement, le fait d’établir une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité est reliée à une diminution des comportements agressifs à travers le temps. De plus, une interaction entre la qualité de la relation et les attributs comportementaux des amis a indiqué que le risque lié à l’association à des amis agressifs est atténué dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié de bonne qualité. Les résultats indiquent également que chez les garçons, la présence de conflits entre amis à la maternelle est associée de façon linéaire à de plus hauts niveaux de comportements agressifs, indépendamment du risque génétique de l’enfant face à cette problématique. Une interaction triple a par ailleurs révélé que le conflit n’était pas lié à une augmentation de l’agressivité physique dans le contexte d’une relation d’amitié caractérisée par l’affect positif et une bonne capacité à régler les conflits. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un effet indirect d’une intervention dyadique sur la diminution des comportements d’agressivité physique, qui opère à travers l’amélioration de la capacité des amis à régler leurs conflits. Ces résultats appuient le rôle bénéfique de la qualité de la relation d’amitié sur l’évolution des manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique et suggèrent que cet aspect relationnel soit pris en compte dans les programmes de prévention des conduites agressives.
En somme, la mise en évidence d’associations et d’interactions significatives entre la qualité des relations d’amitié, les attributs comportementaux des amis et les manifestations de comportements d’agressivité physique en début de scolarisation suggère que certains aspects et dimensions relationnelles positives peuvent être bénéfiques au développement des enfants agressifs. La prévention du maintien et de l’aggravation des conduites agressives par l’entremise de l’amélioration de la qualité des relations d’amitié représente une avenue prometteuse. / The aim of the present dissertation was to investigate the prospective links between friendship relationships and physical aggression development during the early school years. Within a theoretical framework based on social learning, personality, attachment and socioconstructivist theories, we examined the unique and combined role of various dimensions of friendship quality, friends’ behavioral characteristics and child’s pre-existing vulnerabilities in regard to the persistence of young children’s physical aggression. Data from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study (QNTS) and from an efficacity test through a dyadic intervention program were used. Measures in this dissertation were collected from kindergarten to grade 2, when the children were aged from 5 to 8 years old, with the children themselves, their friends, their classmates, their parents, as well as their teachers, through various questionnaires, a peer evaluation procedure and hypothetical scenarios.
In line with the social learning perspective, friends’ aggression was linked to a significant increase in children’s physical aggression. However, in line with the social bonding perspective, a good friendship quality played both a compensatory and a protective role, by respectively reducing children’s initial level of physical aggression and by mitigating the associations between friends’ and children’s physical aggression. Results also show that friendship conflict was associated to a linear increase with boys’ but not with girls’ physical aggression over time. Shared positive affect and conflict resolution skills were found to mitigate the prospective association between friendship conflict and children’s physical aggression. These results were independent of children’s sex and genetic risk for physical aggression. No interaction effects were found between the friendship dimensions and genetic risk for aggression, suggesting that children are equally affected independently from their genetic liability. Results showed an indirect effect of the dyadic intervention on decreasing levels of physical aggression through the improvement of one specific feature of friendship quality: conflict resolution. These results support the causal role of friendship quality on the developmental course of physical aggression and point to the inclusion of this relational aspect in prevention programs targeting young aggressive children.
Overall, the main and moderating effect found between friendship quality, friend’s aggression and child personal characteristics bring both theoretical and practical implications. Indeed, these results suggest that fostering a positive relationship between friends in the early school years may decrease physical aggression even if the friends are aggressive. Besides, high friendship quality may also buffer against the risk associated with experiencing conflict. These findings underscored the importance of taking into account the relational characteristics, such as conflict resolution and positive affect, in order to better understand the impact of friendship relationships on children’s physical aggression development.
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Paulus in gemeinschaft seiner Mitarbeiter: eine Untersuchung der Kollegialmission im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte (Paul in the fellowship of his co-workers: a survey of Paul among his co-workers in the Corpus Paulinum and in Acts)Drews, Alexander 30 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the significance of what has been called the "coworkers"
for Paul's mission. At the same time it revises the traditional portrait of Paul as a
"lone ranger", not properly understood and appreciated by others. Thus the focus is on the
way in which Paul together with his co-workers as his missionary partners achieved the
various tasks of early Chrisian mission, namely the proclamation of the gospel and the
consolidation of churches. This phenomenon is best described with the German term
Kollegialmission, i.e. a mission carried by a team of colleagues.
A survey of research is followed by a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in the letters
commonly recognised as written by Paul himself. In additon to explicit statements on the
co-workers, attention is also given to implicit references, e.g. verb forms in the first person
plural which appear in some letters and contribute to understanding this Kollegialmission.
Then the same methodological procedure is applied to the disputed letters of Paul. A final
chapter examines the portrait of Paul and his co-workers in the Book of Acts.
This dissertation demonstrates that this understanding and practice of Kollegialmission
was a central point in Paul's mission and self-understanding. His co-workers receive their
commission and authority from God, to whom they are responsible. The gospel constitutes
the foundation for this cooperation between Paul and his co-workers. Thus the co-workers
perform the same duties as Paul himself, though his special apostolate remains in place.
The picture of the Kollegialmission in the Deuteropauline letters differs only slightly from
that of the letters generally recognised as Paul's own. As the author of Acts is mainly
interested in the person of Paul, his co-workers appear increasingly on the backstage as the
story unfolds. This examination closes with an application of some principles of Paul's
Kollegialmission to present day congregational ministry and mission work. / Theology / M.Th.
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Die nuwe moeder as opvoeder se belewing van `n steungroepRossouw, Elizabeth 30 November 2003 (has links)
The aim of this research was to support new mothers in groups, so that they can function optimally as educators. During the research mothers with babies up to three months of age were used by means of a support group. This research project was done after it became evident from a literature study that new mothers suffered with unique problems during this adaption phase.
In the empirical survey the researcher gave attention to the new mothers' specific needs and problems during this trimester. The researcher aimed to explore the experiences of the new mother as educator through weekly group sessions. From the results it was clear that there was a need of support from other mothers that is going through the same experiences. In this way new mothers could receive emotional support and obtain knowledge regarding relevant issues experienced during this unique life phase. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Contribution respective du rejet par les pairs et de l’agressivité des amis aux fonctions réactive et proactive de l’agressivité : une étude associative génétiquement contrôléeValiquette, Judith 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Women in British Nonconformity, circa 1880-1920, with special reference to the Society of Friends, Baptist Union and Salvation ArmyLauer, Laura Elizabeth January 1997 (has links)
The reclamation and analysis of women's experiences within three Nonconformist denominations is the focus of this thesis. The first chapter places each denomination in its social and theological context, and describes its governing structures. The bulk of the thesis is devoted to situating women within this context and examining the ways in which women sought representation within male-dominated governing structures. Chapter two examines the conflict between Friends' egalitarian theology and women's lack of governing power. Although women Friends gained access to the governing body of the Society, the issue of equality remained problematic. The chapter finishes with a discussion of the Society's split over women's suffrage. The Baptist Zenana Mission is the focus of the third chapter. Zenana missionaries claimed spiritual and imperial authority over "native" women and used the languages of separate spheres to carve out a vocation for single women in keeping with denominational norms. In so doing, they marginalised the work done by missionary wives. The fourth chapter begins with an examination of the life and theology of Catherine Booth, whose contribution to the Salvation Army is often neglected. Catherine advocated women's ministry in terms that validated both "women's work for women" and public preaching. This chapter looks at the appeal of officership for women, especially the empowering experiences of salvation and holiness, and charts the growth of the Women's Social Work. Despite the Army's egalitarian theology, conflict was felt by women officers who struggled to combine corps and family duties. The final chapter briefly examines idealised representations of women to conclude that their defining power, while significant, was by no means hegemonic.
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Vnější a vnitřní faktory utváření obrazu Sovětského svazu v meziválečném Československu / External and internal factors of Soviet Union image creation in interwar CzechoslovakiaLomíček, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Jan Lomíček Doctoral thesis External and internal factors of Soviet Union image creation in interwar Czechoslovakia Abstract The doctoral thesis uses both Czechoslovak and foreign archival sources and period sovietica to analyse the most relevant inner and outer factors influencing the creation of a positive image of the Soviet Union in the eyes of interwar Czechoslovak public. On one hand, there were various mechanisms used by the Soviet propaganda. Here we can mention propagandist image of the USSR which was created according to Czechoslovak sympathizers' needs - pictorial periodicals, foreign broadcasting meeting listeners' demands etc. At the same time, the Czechoslovak public adopted the identical categories that were used by the Soviet side to describe the reality, such as work - education - equality - emancipation - freedom - new versus old - civilization - development - growth. Besides common propagandist means the USSR used also the foreigners' visits to confirm its idealized image. The approach to Czechoslovak citizens was improved after the Soviet travel agency Inturist had been launched. This agency should take care of the foreign visitors. However, the interwar travels to the USSR were not too common and frequent, which was caused both by the Soviet byrocracy and costs of such trips. The...
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The Spirituality of “Following Jesus” according to the Gospel of John: an investigation of "akoloutheo" and correlated motifsKim, Sean Seongik 04 1900 (has links)
The present thesis explores the Spirituality of following Jesus according to the Fourth Gospel by investigating the whole profile of the term akoloutheo. In particular, this thesis probes what theological implications are communicated by the association of akoloutheo with correlated motifs in the pericopes where it is employed in spiritual connotation. The texts investigated are: John 1:35-51; 8:12; 10:1-42; 12:26; 13:36-14:3; 21:1-19. Each text communicates the particular and manifold aspects of the Spirituality of following Jesus. Yet, the most distinctive aspects of the Johannine Spirituality of following Jesus imparted throughout almost all the research texts can be summarized by “directional” and “relational.” The life of following Jesus is a journey toward a destination to which Jesus leads his followers, that is, into a relationship with the Father by being with Jesus where he is, and by being with him where he goes and will be in glory. It is ultimately participating in the Son’s communion with the Father. Jesus, who was with the Father and in the bosom of the Father, came down (descended) to bring his followers to the Father, and ascends to the Father taking them with him, so they may be with him where he is with the Father in love and glory. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Romancing the vernacular : Sammy Cahn and the enactment of requestHolloway, Marilyn June 04 1900 (has links)
The lyrics of Sammy Cahn played a dominant role in shaping the Golden Age of American light music.
He remains the most successful lyricist in cinema history, in terms of Academy Awards and Nominations, yet he has received little acclaim for his achievements. This thesis explores the diverse constituents of his
creative genius, focusing on his ability to “romance the vernacular”, and write “bespoke” material on request. The argument follows a chronological path, tracing the major influences on Cahn’s life:
vaudeville and musical theatre, the growth of the film industry, and the collaborators and performers who helped him achieve a level of mastery that he sustained for nearly fifty years. Particular emphasis is placed on his relationship with Frank Sinatra, on both a personal and professional level. Cahn had an acute awareness of the human condition and his ability to convey a range of emotions to match mood and moment displayed consummate craft and intellect, with a self-confidence that bordered on bravado. His contemporaries in the Golden Age of popular song have received due recognition, yet little has been written about Cahn, whose appreciation of the interaction between spontaneity and creativity remains unsurpassed by fellow lyricists. He had an intuitive understanding of the vernacular and an instinctive ability to write to order. The imagistic texture of the lyrics coupled with the prosodic intonation
demonstrate an intimate correlation between personality and composition which is supported by biographical content. The argument, augmented by an audio-documentary, develops systematically through a study of the lyrics, focusing on the cultural and musicological significance of Cahn’s oeuvre.
The material for both the written text and the two accompanying CDs are from personal archives and the Margaret Herrick Library in Los Angeles, which is the repository for the Sammy Cahn Collection, bequeathed to that institution after the death of Cahn in 1993. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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