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Būrio vado edukacinės funkcijos / Educational functions of Platoon commanderSirtautas, Narūnas 05 July 2006 (has links)
To be a commander at military it doesn’t mean implement instance of statutory only or to give commands and require to do them implicitly commander is mentor and authority for this troop. Officer of these days, who graduate from Military Academy have pedagogical knowledge, know principals of battle craft and main rules of soldier preparation, methodology of practical and theoretical activities.
This postgraduate work contains three parts, conclusions, recommendations, summary in English, list of literature and two appendixes (it is authorless questionnaire and date after investigation). Before an introductory part there are explanations of useful and more common phrases and notions.
Introductory part contains explanation component parts of national defense of Lithuania, its system, formation military staff and there is conception about personality commander. There reveal studying of military pedagogical and psychological literature, also literature of war management and administration.
The author studied statute of national defense, also law of it, organization also law of arm. Statute – book of soldiers honors. All these documents have conception about the main function of commander which is administrational, strategically, expertational and adjustable of communication.
The object of these post graduated work in reduction of military.
The main problem is validity of educational functions in the reality. While military service and eslimation its effects.
At the end of... [to full text]
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Prokuroras ikiteisminiame tyrime / Public prosecutor in pre-trial investigationValackaitė, Vilma 23 December 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe yra analizuojama prokuroro veikla ir statusas ikiteisminiame nusikalstamų veikų tyrime bei santykiai su kai kuriais kitais ikiteisminio tyrimo subjektais. Galiojantis Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas įtvirtina dominuojantį prokuroro vaidmenį šiame proceso etape, suteikdamas daug įvairių įgaliojimų, kurių tinkamas įgyvendinimas gali užtikrinti greitą ir išsamų nusikalstamų veikų tyrimą. Darbe nagrinėjamos pagrindinės prokuroro veiklos ikiteisminiame tyrime kryptys, tokios kaip, tyrimo organizavimas ir vadovavimas jam, procesinė ikiteisminio tyrimo pareigūnų kontrolė bei su išimtine kompetencija susijusios prokuroro teisės ir pareigos. Praktinės prokuroro veiklos analizės metu paaiškėjo, jog nevisiškai tikslus bei aiškus kai kurių įstatymo nuostatų turinys ir kitos objektyvios bei subjektyvios aplinkybės trukdo efektyviam prokuroro funkcijų ikiteisminiame tyrime realizavimui. Todėl šiame darbe nagrinėjamos tam tikros prokuroro funkcijų įgyvendinimo problemos ir, pasitelkiant užsienio šalių patirtį bei doktrinoje išakytas nuomones, ieškoma galimų jų sprendimo būdų. / This master work analyses the activity and the status of the prosecutor in pre-trial investigation of crimes and his relationships with some of the other investigating bodies. The Code of Criminal Procedure in Lithuania establishes the dominant role of the prosecutor in this stage of the process, providing a wide range of powers, which can ensure the proper implementation of the prompt and the thorough investigation of criminal acts. This work researches the main directions of prosecutor‘s activities in pre-trial investigation, such as, organization and conduct of investigation, procedural control of pre-trial investigation officers and the rights and obligations, concerned with the exlusive competence of the prosecutor. Practical analysis of activities of the prosecutor proved that some provisions of the law, which are not fully clear and precise, and other objective and subjective circumstances impede to implement the functions of the prosecutor in pre-trial investigation effectively. Therefore, this work deals with certain problems, concerned with implementation of the functions of the prosecutor, and using the experience of foreign countries and commanded views of doctrine searches possible solutions.
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Ribinė teorema su svoriu analizinių funkcijų erdvėje bendrosioms Dirichlė eilutėms / A weighted limit theorem in the space of analytic functions for general dirichlet seriesPacevičius, Zigmas 01 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe prisimenami jau esami rezultatai ir įrodoma ribinė teorema su svoriu analizinių funkcijų erdvėje bendrosioms Dirichlė eilutėms. / Work reminds existing results and proves a weighted limit theorem in the space of analytic functions for general Dirichlet series.
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Būsimųjų jaunavedžių požiūris į šeimos funkcijas ir pasiruošimą jas atlikti / Future couples point of view at a family function’sGerasimovič, Natalija 07 June 2005 (has links)
After restitution of Lithuanian Republic, the evolution of the family has noticed certain “rises” and “deserts”. It were influenced by country’s economical evolution, social- cultural changes and still not changing societal point of view in a certain ethical and cultural valuables. These changes reflected the most in family’s states and it’s stability. According to Lithuanian’s sociologists remarks- family has been change, has lost typical peculiarities, which are characteristic for traditional family and tap modern family life style of Western countries: marriages have fallen, divorces increasingly have risen. The birth numbers of children in illegitimate families have risen, conjugations plans has been delaying, people live without any responsibility, birthrate doesn’t secure generation’s changes.
Problem’s research: young people prepearing to accomplish family’s functions.
Object’s research: young people, which are prepearing to create a family.
Research was accomplished in 2004 April- May.
Searching. General congeries made future young couples, which were consulting for marriage in an archbishorpic family center in Vilnius. There were culled 150 future marrieds, 145 of them took part in research.
Results research.
Research information shows that more than a half of researching people had their first sexual intercourse in 16- 17 and 18- 19 years old (accordingly 25, 0 % and 25, 9 % ). Otherwise, 3, 4 % of the respondents had their first sexual intercourses at the... [to full text]
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Funkcijų savybių atvaizdavimo kompiuterizuota mokymo priemonė / Computer-based training tool for representing the properties of the functionsSutkaitienė, Edita 13 August 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama funkcijų svarba matematikoje. Atlikta kompiuterinių programų skirtų funkcijoms braižyti analizė. Darbe supažindinama su sukurtos priemonės funkcijų savybių atvaizdavimui paskirtimi, struktūra ir turiniu. Pristatoma sukurta svetainė, kurioje bus talpinama kompiuterinė priemonė. Pateikiama mokinių apklausos rezultatų analizė po priemonės išbandymo. Atlikus darbą padarytos išvados, kad priemonė gali būti naudojama 9 klasės funkcijų savybių mokymui ir mokymuisi. Priemonė pasižymi savybėmis, kurios yra patrauklios mokiniams, pagerinančios žinių įgijimą bei jų tikrinimą, skatina mokytis. / The paper analyses the importance of functions in mathematics. The analysis of software used for graphing functions has been performed. The paper presents the purpose, structure and content of a programme designed for graphing the features of the functions. Also a newly made site where the computer programme is going to be hosted is introduced. What is more, the analysis of the results of student survey after the follow-up testing of the programme is presented. The conclusions made after completing the research proved that the programme can be used in order to teach and learn the features of functions in the ninth form. The programme has properties that are attractive to students; this improves knowledge acquisition and examination as well as student motivation to learn.
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Teoriniai ir praktiniai fraktalinių interpoliacinių funkcijų sudarymo aspektai / Theoretical and practical aspects of fractal interpolation function analysisJančiukaitė, Giedrė 08 June 2005 (has links)
This thesis introduces fractal interpolation functions, exposes advantages of fractal interpolation of real world objects and presents some newly developed procedures, associated with fractal interpolation process.
The work briefly presents the context needed for introduction of fractal approach and relevant definitions. Also, the detailed description of fractal generating algorithms (deterministic, random iteration, “escape time”) as well as fractal classifications is presented. Since the research object is theoretical and practical aspects of fractal interpolation function analysis, special attention is paid to geometric fractals, obtained using systems of iterated functions (IFS).
The notion of a fractal interpolation function is introduced in the work. The author shows that it is possible to generate fractal interpolation functions for various types of data. The generated functions are “close” (in the sense of Housdorf dimension) to the data under processing, i.e., it is possible to ensure that the fractal interpolation graph dimension were equal to the fractal dimension of experimental data (graph). The random iteration algorithm is used for the analysis of fractal interpolation functions, since it is relatively simple and fast enough. The author makes an attempt to analyze and solve the problem of choosing interpolation points (general case). A few approaches are proposed, namely the uniform distribution of interpolation points (for the interactive use) and collage. On... [to full text]
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B. von Bahr asimptotiniai skleidiniai / Asymptotic expansions of B. von BahrKinderytė, Jūratė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Bengt von Bahr irode reorema, kurios rezultato optimalumas yra nezinomas.Sio uzdavinio sprendimui yra reikalinga pasiskirstymo funkcijos asimptotinis skleidinys esantis darbe. / Bengt von Bahr proved theorem which rezult is more useful then is shown.the asymptotics is the result of work.
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Sakralinės architektūros paveldo aktualizavimo problemos / Heritage of sacral architecture. actualization problemsIgnatavičiūtė, Laima 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šis darbas analizuoja su sakralinės architektūros paveldu susijusią aktualizavimo problematiką. Paveldosaugos diskurse religinė architektūra yra neatsiejama nekilnojamojo kultūrinio paveldo dalis. Šiuo palikimu atskleidžiamos bene visos paveldo vertingumą apsprendžiančios vertės, pradedant autentiškumo ir baigiant technologine. Tyrinėjamos temos aktualumą lemia tai, jog religinis paveldas iki šiol nėra įpaveldintas, o sakralinių objektų samprata nėra reglamentuojama. Tačiau modernėjanti paveldosauga suteikia nemažai galimybių suaktualinti sakralinio palikimo aspektus. Mūsų gyvenamu laikmečiu bažnyčiose lankosi tik nedidelė visuomenės dalis ir sakralinės reikšmės objektai nebėra savaime suprantami. To priežasčių ieškome Lietuvos politinėje raidoje. Krikščionybės tradicijų tęstinumo pertrauką sąlygojo sovietinė okupacija. Dalis bažnyčių buvo uždarytos, o kita dalis egzistavo priverstinai atsisakiusios liturginės funkcijos. Atsižvelgiant į susiklosčiusią padėtį, svarbūs aktualizavimo momentai, kurie sakraliniam architektūros paveldui užtikrintų tinkamiausias išsaugojimo formas ir šiuos objektus paverstų “gyvais” - lankomais ir atvirais vietos visuomenei bei užsienio svečiams. Bažnytinis paveldas laikytinas reprezentatyviausiu meno sluoksniu. Todėl labai svarbu stengtis pateikti tinkamą informaciją apie Lietuvoje esančias šventoves. Populiarinimo procesuose, kurie vykdomi pasitelkiant įvairias komunikacijos priemones, svarbu suderinti piligrimams bei nereliginiams lankytojams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work analyses problems in connection with the heritage of sacred architecture. In the discourse of heritage conservancy, religious architecture is inseparable part of immovable cultural heritage. This heritage reveals nearly all the values that define the worth of heritage: from authenticity to technology. The actuality of the studied theme lies in the fact that law has not regulated religious heritage and the conception of sacred objects. As the protection of heritage becomes more modern, it enables to make the aspects of sacred heritage more relevant. At present only small part of society goes to church and objects that symbolize sacred meaning are not taken naturally any more. Reason for this lies in the political development of Lithuania. Soviet occupation has influenced the continuation of Christianity traditions. Part of the churches has been closed, the other part existed but the liturgical function has been changed under coercion. Considering the situation, it is a matter of great relevance to ensure the most favourable forms of protection to the sacred heritage of architecture, to make these objects “alive” - visited and open to local community and foreign guests. Church heritage is the most presentable layer of art, paying no attention to the destructive influence of political events and disasters in the past. It is very important to present relevant information about the existing sanctorum. In the process of popularisation, it is very important to coordinate... [to full text]
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Ankstyvos kineziterapijos poveikis sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu rankos funkcijai / Effect of early physiotherapy on arm function of stroke patientsŽidonienė, Marija Lilija 17 May 2005 (has links)
Stroke is an acute impairment of circulation of blood in the brain and it impairs function of all brain or its separate parts. Furthermore, after stroke shows up paralysis of one body side and especially impairs arm function. That’s why the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of early physiotherapy for arm function of patients after stroke.
The goals of the research was: to evaluate motions of shoulder girdle, hand and complicated motions of arm before physiotherapy; to evaluate motions of shoulder girdle, hand and complicated motions of arm after physiotherapy; to estimate whether additional physiotherapy improved retraining of arm function.
The research was performed in neurological department of Siauliai hospital. Sixty patients after cerebrovascular stroke took part in this study. They where grouped in two groups: thirty patients for control group and thirty patients for investigative group. For control group’s patients was applied a traditional physical therapy for retraining arm function. For investigative group besides the traditional physical therapy were applied additional physical therapy procedures accordingly to Carr and Shepherd (1990) for retraining arm function.
Study used these research methods: evaluation of motions of shoulder girdle, evaluation of motions of hand, evaluation of complicated motions of arm and mathematical statistics. Arm function was evaluated by motion assessment scale.
Several conclusions were made in summary of results of... [to full text]
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Atstumai tarp aritmetinių skirstinių / Distances between arithmetical distributionsPaunksnytė, Evelina 02 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos sveikareikšmės stipriai adityvios funkcijos, jų sekos bei pasiskirstymai. Pagrindinis rezultatas yra nustatyti, ar esant tam tikroms sąlygoms, atstumas tarp apibrėžtų skirstinių artėja į 0, kai x neaprėžtai auga. / Integer – valued strongly additive functions, their sequences and distributions are studied in this paper. The main result is to find out if having some conditions the distance between defined distributions vanishes while x tends to infinity.
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