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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imunolocalização de galectina-3 na sinfise pubica de camundongos durante a prenhez e pos-parto / Immunolocalization of galectin-3 in mouse public symphysis during pregnancy and post-partum

Nascimento, Maria Amalia Cavinato 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Pinto Joazeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T06:40:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nascimento_MariaAmaliaCavinato_M.pdf: 2973013 bytes, checksum: eef160eabbd2d1426a9f2e0795702488 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: É reconhecido que a sínfise púbica de algumas espécies de mamíferos, incluindo camundongos, passa por transformações estruturais durante a prenhez e no período pós-parto. Estas transformações incluem o surgimento de um ligamento interpúbico e o amolecimento deste tecido nos dois últimos dias antes do parto. Este ligamento permite a separação dos ossos púbicos, garantindo a passagem segura do feto pelo canal de parto. Após o parto ocorre a involução deste ligamento. Ambos os períodos de remodelação tecidual envolvem grandes modificações da matriz extracelular e de seus componentes, bem como um balanço entre proliferação e morte celular programada. A galectina-3, uma lectina animal com especificidade de ligação por ß-galactosídeos, é uma proteína amplamente distribuída entre diferentes tipos de células e tecidos, podendo ser encontrada dentro das células tanto no núcleo quanto no citoplasma, ou ainda na superfície celular ou no espaço extracelular. Através de interações específicas com diversos ligantes intra e extracelulares, a galectina-3 participa de numerosos processos fisiológicos e patológicos, como por exemplo, desenvolvimento, reações imunes, controle do ciclo celular, apoptose e metástase. Este estudo teve como objetivo localizar a expressão de galectina-3 nas populações celulares que compõem esta articulação durante o período de prenhez, a fim de investigar seu possível envolvimento nos processos de remodelação da sínfise. Foi observado que a galectina-3 está presente em todas as populações celulares que compõem a sínfise púbica e o ligamento interpúbico de todos os grupos estudados. Além disso, a galectina-3 é co-localizada com a a-actina de músculo liso em alguns tipos celulares. A quantificação da detecção de galectina-3 nos permitiu observar que ela é expressa em diferentes concentrações durante o período estudado. Esses resultados nos permitiram concluir que a galectina-3 parece estar envolvida na remodelação da sínfise púbica, através de sua participação na ativação de células semelhantes a fibroblastos, no ciclo celular, na diferenciação e nos processos de morte celular programada. / Abstract: It is recognized that the pubic symphysis of some mammal species, including mice, undergoes structural transformations during pregnancy and post-partum. These transformations include the emerging of an interpubic ligament and softening of this tissue in the two last days of pregnancy. This ligament allows the pelvic bones separation, warranting fetus self passage through the birth channel. After delivery this ligament involutes. Both periods of tissue remodeling involve changes in extracellular matrix and its components, as so a balance between cell proliferation and death. Galectin-3, an animal lectin with specificity for ß-galactosídes, is widely spread among different types of cells and tissues, thus being found inside the cells in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, on cell surface or in the extracellular space. Through specific interactions with a variety of intra and extracellular ligands galectin-3 participates of numerous physiological and pathological processes, like for example, development, immune reactions, cell cycle control, apoptosis and metastasis. This research had the objective to localize galectin-3's expression in mouse pubic symphysis cells during pregnancy, and to investigate its involvement in the pubic remodeling process. It was observed that galectin-3 is present in all pubic cells populations of all of the studied groups. Besides that, galectin-3 is colocalized with a-smooth muscle actin in some cell types. Quantifying of galectin-3 detection revealed that this protein is expressed in different concentrations during the studied period. These results allowed us to conclude that galectin-3 seems to be involved in mouse pubic symphysis remodeling, probably working in the activation of fibroblast like cells, on cell cycle, on differentiation and in the processes of programmed cell death. / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Evidência da dualidade funcional de galectina-3 no crescimento de melanoma murino / Evidence for a dual role of galectin-3 in murine melanoma growth

Luciana Nogueira de Sousa Andrade 17 April 2007 (has links)
Tumores são definidos como microambientes compostos não só pelas células malignas, mas também por células endoteliais, fibroblastos e leucócitos, que promovem o crescimento tumoral e a angiogênese. Galectina-3, uma proteína que se liga a b- galactosídeos, é abundantemente expressa por monócitos/macrófagos, dentre outros leucócitos. Inúmeras evidências sugerem que galectina-3 atua como uma molécula reguladora da resposta inflamatória. Tendo em vista que o infiltrado inflamatório pode promover a progressão de tumores, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar se galectina-3, expressa tanto pela célula tumoral como pelas células estromais, modula o crescimento de melanoma. Para tal, células de melanoma murino Tm1 foram transfectadas com o gene de galectina-3. Ambos clones celulares (galectina-3 positivos e negativos) foram injetados na intrafáscia ou no subcutâneo de camundongos (fêmeas) C57BL/6 selvagens e/ou nocautes para o gene de galectina-3 para análise da implantabilidade e crescimento tumoral. Com relação à implantabilidade, não foi observado diferenças no estabelecimento de uma massa tumoral proliferativa em animais selvagens inoculados com células Tm1 transfectadas ou não com o gene de galectina-3 em animais selvagens. Em relação a taxa de crescimento dos tumores, nenhum animal nocaute inoculado com células Tm1 galectina-3 positivas apresentou tumores de dimensões mensuráveis até o 11º dia pós-inóculo. Independente do nível de expressão de galectina- 3 pela célula tumoral, os tumores originados nos animais nocautes apresentavam menor massa em gramas comparados ao grupo selvagem, sugerindo que galectina-3 expressa pelas células estromais promove o crescimento tumoral. Ainda, os tumores originados nos animais nocautes e no grupo selvagem inoculado com células Tm1 galectina-3 positivas apresentavam menor extensão de área necrótica do que os animais selvagens inoculados com células Tm1 galectina-3 negativas. Interessantemente, os animais selvagens e nocautes inoculados com células Tm1 galectina-3 positivas apresentaram tumores com menor área vascular e menor número de estruturas vasculares funcionais quando comparados aos animais selvagens inoculados com células Tm1 galectina-3 negativas. A análise de expressão gênica nos tumores mostrou que os níveis relativos de RNAm de VEFG (fator de crescimento de endotélio vascular) foram menores nos animais inoculados com células Tm1 galectina-3 positivas em relação aos inoculados com células Tm1 galectina-3 negativas, indicando que galectina-3 expressa pelas células tumorais atua como uma molécula anti-angiogênica. Finalizando, o presente trabalho sugere que galectina-3 pode atuar como uma molécula pró- ou anti-tumoral, dependendo do tipo celular que a expressa no microambiente tumoral. / Tumors have been described as microenvironments composed not only by malignant cells, but also by endothelial cells, fibroblasts and leukocytes, which can promote tumor growth and angiogenesis. Galectin-3, a b-galactoside binding protein, is expressed by monocytes/macrophages and others leukocytes. In fact, several lines of evidence suggest that galectin-3 act as master regulators of the inflammatory response. Based on the fact that the inflammatory infiltrate can promote tumor progression, the proposal of this study was to evaluate if galectin-3, either from tumor or stromal cells could modulate melanoma growth. Tm1 murine melanoma cell line was transfected with the galectin-3 gene. Both clones (galectin-3 negative and positive) were injected in the foot pad or subcutaneous in female C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and galectin-3 knock-out (KO) mice to tumor engraftment and growth analysis. There was no difference in the tumor engraftment between animas injected with Tm1 galectin-3 positive or negative cells. In addition, any knock-out mice injected with galectin-3 positive cells had measurable tumors up to day 11 post inoculation. Regardless the galectin-3 expression level in the melanoma cell, tumors from galectin-3 KO mice were smaller than those from WT animals, suggesting that galectin-3 expressed by stromal cells promotes tumor growth. Moreover, tumor necrotic area was smaller in KO mice and in wild-type animals injected with Tm1 galectin-3 positive cells compared to wild type animals injected with Tm1 galectin-3 negative cells. Interestingly, both vascular area and the number of functional vessels in animals injected with galectin-3 positive Tm1 cells were smaller in WT as well as in KO mice compared to the same animals injected with galectin-3 negative Tm1 cells. Gene expression analysis showed that VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) mRNA levels were smaller in wild type animals injected with Tm1 galectin-3 positive cells compared to those injected with Tm1 galectin-3 negative cells, indicating that galectin-3 expressed by tumor cells can act as an anti-angiogenic molecule. The present study suggests that galectin-3 can act either as a pro or antitumoral molecule, depending on which type of cell (tumoral or stromal) this lectin is expressed within tumor microenvironment.

Hojící se rána jako model pro studium buněčných interakcí. / Healing wound as a model for the study of cell interactions

Gál, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Healing wound as a model for the study of cell interactions Abstract Galectins play an important role in the processes of cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and extracellular matrix formation. Furthermore, galectins are able to transfer cellular signals and to participate in cell interaction. It has been proven that galectins play an important role in the microenvironment formation of a tumor and/or healing wound. This study demonstrated significant role of galectins, in particular Galectin-1, in wound healing and cell interactions (endothelial cells, fibroblasts and keratinocytes) forming a part of the granulation tissue and tumor stroma. We have demonstrated that the extracellular matrix rich on Galectin-1 creates a suitable environment for the cultivation of keratinocytes. Galectin-1 also induces differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts. The knowledge of above mentioned processes is important to better understand the complexity of cancer biology and its parallel to wound healing. Key words: tissue repair, regeneration, galectin, tumor

Glykobiologie nádorů hlavy a krku / Glycobiology of the head and neck cancer

Szabo, Pavol January 2012 (has links)
Povrch buněk je bohatě pokryt oligosacharidy, které jsou v plazmalemě ukotvené pomocí proteinů a lipidů. Oligosacharidy zprostředkují vzájemnou vazbu mezi buňkami nebo vazbu buněk k složkám extracelulární matrix. Galektiny jsou živočišné lektinů které mají afinitu k oligosacharidům obsahujícím β-galaktózu. Jsou to multifaktoriální proteiny, které se účastňují řady reakcí v organizmu, jako jsou mezibuněčné interakce, interakce buněk s mezibuněčnou hmotou, proliferace i apoptóza a sestřih pre-mRNA. Proteiny po translaci procházejí různými strukturálnimy úpravami, které mají vliv na jejich funkci. Galektin-3 je možný prognostický ukazatel u nádorů vycházejících z vrstevnatých dlaždicových epitelů je fosforylován na N-konci. Prokázali jsme, že tato posttranslační modifikace nemá vliv na jeho vazebnou reaktivitu. Jiný endogenní lektin, galektin-1 je charakteristickou molekulou nádorového stromatu a granulační tkáně hojícího se poranění. Zjistili jsme, že galektin-1 indukuje na TGF-β nezávislý in vitro přechod normálních fibroblastů na myofibroblasty včetně produkce sítě extracelulární matrix bohaté fibronektinem a galektinem-1. Tento poznatek je využitelný v terapii hojení ran a v tkáňovém inženýrství. Dnes je jasné, že nádorové stroma ovlivňuje i biologické vlastnosti nádoru (lokální agresivita,...

Critical Role of Tim-3 Mediated Autophagy in Chronic Stress Induced Immunosuppression

Qin, Anna, Zhong, Ting, Zou, Huajiao, Wan, Xiaoya, Yao, Bifeng, Zheng, Xinbin, Yin, Deling 22 January 2019 (has links)
Background: Psychological and physical stress can either enhance or suppress immune functions depending on a variety of factors such as duration and severity of stressful situation. Chronic stress exerts a significantly suppressive effect on immune functions. However, the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon remain to be elucidated. Autophagy plays an essential role in modulating cellular homeostasis and immune responses. However, it is not known yet whether autophagy contributes to chronic stress-induced immunosuppression. T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3 (Tim-3) has shown immune-suppressive effects and obviously positive regulation on cell apoptosis. Tim-3 combines with Tim-3 ligand galectin-9 to modulate apoptosis. However, its impact on autophagy and chronic stress-induced immunosuppression is not yet identified. Results: We found remarkably higher autophagy level in the spleens of mice that were subjected to chronic restraint stress compared with the control group. We also found that inhibition of autophagy by the autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA) significantly attenuated chronic stress-induced alterations of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels. We further elucidated that 3-MA dramatically inhibited the reduction of lymphocyte numbers. Moreover, chronic stress dramatically enhanced the expression of Tim-3 and galectin-9. Inhibition of Tim-3 by small interfering RNA against Tim-3 significantly decreased the level of autophagy and immune suppression in isolated primary splenocytes from stressed mice. In addition, α-lactose, a blocker for the interaction of Tim-3 and galectin-9, also decreased the autophagy level and immune suppression. Conclusion: Chronic stress induces autophagy, resulting with suppression of immune system. Tim-3 and galectin-9 play a crucial regulatory role in chronic stress-induced autophagy. These studies suggest that Tim-3 mediated autophagy may offer a novel therapeutic strategy against the deleterious effects of chronic stress on the immune system.

Interactions between E-selectin and Galectin-1 via Ligand Intermediaries During Breast Cancer Metastasis

Reynolds, Nathan M. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Dysregulation and phenotypic modification of osteoarthritic osteoblast by Galectin-3 : Identification of cellular ligands / Modulation de la dérégulation phénotypique des ostéoblastes par la galectine-3 : identification des ligands cellulaires

Hu, Yong 29 September 2015 (has links)
La cellule principale de l’os sous-chondral est l’ostéoblaste qui joue un rôle central dans la production qualitative et quantitative de la matrice ostéoïde. Plusieurs études montrent que le collagène de type I et la phosphatase alcaline sont des marqueurs précoces de la différenciation des ostéoblastes tandis que l’ostéocalcine (OCN) et la minéralisation sont des marqueurs des stades tardifs de cette différenciation. L’os sous-chondral est le site actif de nombreux changements morphologiques qui peuvent être différents au cours de l’arthrose (OA) mais qui sont partie prenante du processus pathologique. Ces changements consistent en une formation de la matrice osseuse importante associée une inhibition de la minéralisation. Ces phénomènes peuvent être reliés aux changements phénotypiques des ostéoblastes. La galectine-3 (gal-3) est un facteur inflammatoire qui a été détecté dans le tissu synovial et dans le liquide synovial lors d’inflammation d’OA. Des études antérieures ont montré que la gal-3 participait à la destruction du cartilage et inhibait fortement la production d’OCN par les ostéoblastes OA. Ces faits ont permis de suggérer que la gal-3 pouvait participer soit à l’initiation soit à la progression de l’arthrose. Peu d’études ont globalement été réalisées sur le rôle de la galectine-3 dans l’arthrose et encore moins sur le rôle de gal-3 sur les altérations de l’os sous-chondral.Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse a consisté à caractériser les ostéoblastes arthrosiques, puis investigué la modulation du phénotype des ostéoblastes arthrosiques par gal-3 en et enfin identifier les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués. D’une part, nous avons identifié deux populations ostéoblastes OA grâce à l’expression d’OCN. Dans les conditions basales, ces deux populations expriment de façon différentielle le TGF-ß1, Wnt5b et DKK2, ce qui suggère une différenciation et un phénotype hétérogènes des ostéoblastes chez les patients OA. D’autre part, nous confirmons le rôle délétère de la gal-3 dans l’articulation lors d’inflammation puisqu’elle stimule la production de collagénase 1 impliquée dans la dégradation osseuse. De plus, elle accentue la perturbation phénotypique des ostéoblastes qui produisent plus de leptine lors d’épisodes hypoxiques. Bien que plusieurs ligands membranaires puissent médier les effets de gal-3, 4F2hc semble jouer un rôle récurrent / Osteoblasts are the main cells in subchondral bone (SCB), which are responsible for the bone matrix production. Their differentiation can be evaluated by type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase in the early stage and by osteocalcin (OCN) and mineralization in the late stage. Alterations of SCB are essential episodes of osteoarthritis (OA) and are represented by a significant bone formation accompanied with abnormal hypomineralization. These changes in SCB are related to phenotypic modifications of osteoblasts. Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is an inflammatory factor markedly detected in the synovial tissue and synovial fluid during OA inflammation. Previous studies have demonstrated that gal-3 was deleterious for cartilage and inhibited the production of OCN in OA osteoblasts. These findings suggest that gal-3 can participate in either the initiation or progression of osteoarthritis. So far, a few studies have been conducted to explore the role of Gal-3 in OA and particularly related to SCB. In this context, the thesis has consisted to characterize OA osteoblasts, to investigate the modulation of the OA osteoblast phenotype by gal-3 and finally to identify the involved cellular mechanisms. We have identified two populations of OA osteoblasts according to the OCN expression. Under basal conditions, these two populations express TGF-ß1, Wnt5b and DKK2 differentially, suggesting various differentiation and heterogeneous phenotype of osteoblasts in OA patients. Moreover, we confirmed the deleterious role of gal-3 in the joint during inflammation since it stimulates the production of collagenase 1 involved in bone degradation. In addition, it emphasizes the disruption of phenotypic osteoblasts by producing more leptin during hypoxic episodes. Although several membrane ligands can mediate the effects of gal-3, 4F2hc seems to play a prominent role

Interactions Of A 14 kDa β-galactoside Binding Animal Lectin With Its Ligands And Its Role In Cell-matrix Adhesion

Radha, V 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Galectin-3 bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion (HFpEF) - Klinische Assoziationen, Einfluss einer Aldosteron-Rezeptor-Blockade und prognostische Bedeutung - Ergebnisse der Aldo-DHF- Studie / Galectin-3 in patients with heartfailure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) -clinical associations, influence of an aldosterone receptor blockade and prognostic relevance - results of the Aldo-DHF-study

Unkelbach, Ines Angela 09 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Expressão de galectina-1 e -3 na leucemia mielóide crônica e sua contribuição para a progressão da doença. / Expression of galectin-1 and -3 in chronic myeloid leukemia and its contribution to disease progression.

Castro, Monica Alexandra Yon 09 June 2009 (has links)
A galectina-1 (LGALS1) participa em diferentes etapas da neoplasia, mas sua função na leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC) é desconhecida. Neste trabalho, a expressão etópica de BCR-ABL selvagem, mas não de BCR-ABL quinase deficiente, em linhagens celulares hematopoéticas, resultou em aumento de LGALS1. O efeito foi revertido com a inibição da tirosina quinase pelo mesilato de imatinibe. Este resultado indicou que a galectina-1 é modulada pela atividade tirosina-quinase de BCR-ABL. Em pacientes com LMC, a maior expressão de LGALS1 foi correlacionada a altos níveis de BCR-ABL, progressão da doença e a um tempo de sobrevida menor. Adicionalmente, as células K562 com LGALS1 inibida por RNA de interferência exibiram crescimento mais lento do que as células K562 com LGALS1 intacta, em camundongos nude. Portanto, o pior prognóstico de pacientes com altos níveis de galectina-1 sugere um efeito cooperativo de galectina-1 na tumorigênese de BCR-ABL reforçando o conceito de que a galectina-1 é um forte candidato para intervenção terapêutica na LMC. / Galectin-1 (LGALS1) participates in different steps of neoplasia but its role in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is unknown. In this work, ectopic expression of wild-type but not kinase-deficient BCR-ABL in different hematopoietic cells resulted in LGALS1 upregulation. Tyrosine-kinase inhibition by imatinib mesylate reversed this effect. This result indicate that galectin-1 is modulated by tyrosine kinase activity. In CML patients, the elevated expression of LGALS1 was correlated with high BCR-ABL levels, disease progression and shorter survival time. Additionally, in nude mice, LGALS1-deficient K562 cells obtained by RNA interference were less efficient in tumor formation than control K562 cells. Therefore, the worst prognosis in patients bearing high LGALS1 levels suggests a cooperative role for galectin-1 in BCR-ABL-positive leukemia and support the concept that galectin-1 is a strong candidate for CML therapeutic intervention.

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