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A ABORDAGEM ABOLICIONISTA DE GARY L. FRANCIONE. / Animals as persons: Gary L. Francione's abolitionist approachTrindade, Gabriel Garmendia da 27 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present study addresses the Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights proposed by the American legal scholar Gary L. Francione. This research aims to discuss three h v w h h : h moral relationship between humans and nonhumans; (B) the property status of nonhuman animals; (C) the philosophical grounding for a moral theory in defense of nonhuman animals based solely on sentience. For doing so, this study not only x h k g q y h h h perspectives of other authors. In view of this, the present dissertation is divided in three chapters. In the first chapter, it will be investigated the issue of the moral relations held between human beings and nonhumans animals. Major emphasis will be placed on the analysis of the d moral schizophrenia the last one was coined by Francione. In the second chapter, it will be detailed the moral and legal status of nonhuman animals as economic resources and its numerous theoretical and practical implications. Other key issues approached in this h h y K h hy defense of animal rights, and a reconstruction of the debate among Francione and Robert Garner on the relation between equal consideration of interests and property. In the third chapter, four major themes will be subject of problematization: (a) the attempts to exclude nonhuman animals from the moral community; (b) the similar-minds theory of the human/nonhuman relationship; (c) the lifeboat dilemma, the harm of death on sentient beings and their interest in continued existence; and (d) the creation of an animal rights moral theory based solely on sentience and the extension of the moral personhood to all sentient nonhuman animals. As a general conclusion, it will be sustained that the extension of moral personhood as well as moral rights to nonhuman animals will lead to the abolition of institutionalized animal exploitation. / O presente estudo versa sobre a Abordagem Abolicionista dos Direitos Animais proposta pelo scholar de Direito norte-americano Gary L. Francione. Esta pesquisa almeja discutir três tópicos centrais da perspectiva ética de Francione em defesa dos animais não-humanos: (A) a relação moral entre humanos e não-humanos; (B) o estatuto de propriedade dos animais não-humanos; (C) a fundamentação filosófica de uma teoria moral em defesa dos animais não-humanos baseada somente na senciência. Para fazê-lo, esse estudo não apenas explora o pensamento moral de Francione, mas igualmente contrapõe suas ideias às perspectivas éticas de outros autores. Com isso em vista, a presente dissertação divide-se em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, investigar-se-á a questão das relações morais mantidas entre seres humanos e animais não-humanos. Dar-se-á maior ênfase à análise das õ q z esta última, cunhada por Francione. No segundo capítulo, será detalhado o estatuto moral e legal dos animais não-humanos como recursos econômicos e suas diversas implicações teóricas e práticas. Outros assuntos-chave abordados nesse capítulo incluem uma discussão sobre o problema da crueldade na filosofia moral kantiana, uma defesa dos direitos dos animais e uma reconstrução do debate entre Francione e Robert Garner sobre a relação entre igual consideração de interesses semelhantes e propriedade. No terceiro capítulo, quatro grandes temáticas serão alvo de problematização: (a) as tentativas de exclusão dos animais não-humanos da comunidade moral; (b) a teoria das mentes similares da relação entre humanos/não-humanos; (c) o dilema do bote salva-vidas, o dano da morte em seres sencientes e o seu interesse na existência continuada; e (d) a criação de uma teoria moral dos direitos animais baseada apenas na senciência e a extensão da pessoalidade moral a todos os animais não-humanos sencientes. Como conclusão geral, será sustentado que a extensão da pessoalidade moral, assim como de direitos morais aos animais não-humanos, acarretará na abolição da exploração animal institucionalizada.
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Le rêve américain dans l'oeuvre de Romain Gary / The american dream in the works of Romain GaryPerreur, Carine 12 April 2010 (has links)
Le rêve américain est une source d’espoir pour les personnages garyens qui, en localisant leurs rêves et en leur offrant des modèles idéaux, leur insuffle une force nouvelle. Cette Amérique, faite de clichés que Gary détourne ou s’approprie, peut prendre appui dans la réalité mais il en amplifie les traits, jusqu’à réinventer un pays plus grand que nature, mythique et miraculeux. Le Nouveau Monde, libérateur de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a gardé, pour les personnages européens, une image plus intacte que l’Europe meurtrie. Vu comme neuf et différent, il est la destination rêvée, mais difficile d’accès, pour ceux qui veulent changer de vie et « devenir quelqu’un ». Il pourrait peut-être même laisser apparaître cet homme nouveau qu’espère Gary. Mais les États-Unis sont loin d’être parfaits et Gary nuance avec lucidité ces images, évoquant un pays affecté par des problèmes et remises en questions qui sont souvent l’écho de ses propres interrogations et déceptions. La terre promise imaginée par les personnages n’est qu’un pays, presque comme les autres, de même que les Noirs américains, que certains auraient voulu croire différents et supérieurs aux autres hommes, ne sont qu’humains : tous sont capables du pire comme du meilleur. Les textes garyens sont ancrés dans la culture américaine, nourris par l’histoire contemporaine, parfois l’actualité brûlante, et par des citations, références ou parodies puisées dans un vaste fonds littéraire et populaire américain. Gary connaît l’Amérique et refuse d’en donner une image trop simple ; il utilise son omniprésente ironie pour s’en distancier, mais il conserve toujours son intérêt pour ce pays qui trace un chemin vers le futur. / The American Dream is a source of hope for Romain Gary’s characters which, by locating their dreams and offering them ideal models, inspires them with a new strength. This America, made of clichés that Gary diverts or appropriates, can be based on reality but Gary amplifies its features, up to reinventing a country larger than life, mythical and miraculous. The New World, liberator of World War II, kept a more intact image for European characters than the wounded Europe. Seen as new and different, it’s the dream but hard to reach destination for those who want to change their life and « become someone ». Maybe there could even appear what Gary longs for, a new humanity. The United States are nevertheless far from being perfect and Gary lucidly qualifies those images when he describes a country affected by problems and reappraisals which often echo his owns queries and disillusions. The promised land characters had imagined is just a country after all, almost like the others, as Black Americans, who some characters wanted to believe could be different and superior, are only humans : they’re all as capable of giving their worse or best. Gary’s works are anchored in American culture, making use of contemporary history and of many quotations, references or parodies drawn from a large collection of American literature and popular culture. Gary knows America and refuses to portray it in too simplistic a way ; he uses his omnipresent irony to distance himself from it but never ceases to show his interest for this country which leads the way towards the future.
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Les thèmes de l’amitié et de la solidarité dans La vie devant soi de Romain Gary (Émile Ajar) et Kiffe, kiffe demain de Faïza GuèneWidhagen, Anna-Karin January 2020 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions comment les thèmes de l’amitié et de la solidarité sont représentés dans les romans La vie devant soi (1975) de Romain Gary (Émile Ajar) et Kiffe, kiffe demain (2004) de Faïza Guène. Dans la notion d’amitié, nous incluons également l’amour qui existe entre les membres d'une famille. Les récits se déroulent dans le cadre des quartiers populaires parisiens et les thèmes sont véhiculés par les auteurs à travers la voix d’un enfant/adolescent et à l’aide d’un style humoristique. Après notre analyse de ces thèmes, nous pouvons constater que la représentation de l’amitié consiste principalement en un amour entre une mère et un enfant ainsi que d’une amitié entre un enfant/adolescent et des personnes plus âgées. En ce qui concerne la solidarité, elle est surtout représentée par l’entraide parmi les voisins dans le quartier. Les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent qu’il y a plus de similitudes que de différences dans la représentation de ces thèmes. Les dissemblances sont principalement dues aux différentes époques où se déroulent les récits et les circonstances dans lesquelles se trouvent les personnages principaux. / This paper examines how the themes of friendship and solidarity are portrayed in the two novels The Life Before Us (1975) by Roman Gary (Émile Ajar) and Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow (2004) by Faïza Guène. In the notion of friendship, this paper includes love that exists between family members. Within the context of working-class Parisian neighborhoods, the authors explore these themes through the narration of a child/teenager by using a humorous style. The results of the study indicate that the representation of friendship for the protagonists mainly consists of a love between a mother and a child and of a friendship between the child/teenager and an older individual. As far as solidarity is concerned, it is mainly represented by the mutual aid within the community among neighbors. The results of the present study suggest that there are more similarities than differences in the representation of the themes. The points of contrast generally relate to the particular era or setting in which the stories unfold and the particular set of circumstances experienced by the main characters.
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Han Shan, Chan Buddhism and Gary Snyder : perspectives on Gary Snyder's ecopoetic wayTan, Qionglin January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Tree-Ring Dating of the Karr-Koussevitzky Double Bass: A Case Study in DendromusicologyGrissino-Mayer, Henri D., DeWeese, Georgina G., Williams, Dustin A. January 2005 (has links)
Sergei Koussevitzky was one of the world’s premier conductors and virtuoso bass players whose favorite instrument was an unusually-shaped bass reportedly made in 1611 by the Amati brothers, Antonio and Girolamo. In 1962, 11 years after Koussevitzky’s death, his widow gave the bass to Gary Karr, currently considered to be the world’s premier double bassist. In 2004, Karr donated the bass to the International Society of Bassists. Close inspection by a team of experts in 2004, however, revealed stylistic inconsistencies that suggested a later construction date. We used four reference tree-ring chronologies developed from treeline species in the European Alpine region to anchor the dates for the tree rings from the double bass absolutely in time. The bass yielded a 317-year long sequence, the longest sequence yet developed from a single musical instrument. Statistical and graphical comparisons revealed that the bass has tree rings that date from 1445 to 1761. Based on the strength of these correlations, the spruce tree harvested to eventually construct the double bass likely came from the treeline Alpine area of western Austria, not too far from Obergurgl at the Italian border. Our results demonstrate that the double bass was not made by the Amati Brothers, but likely by French luthiers in the late 18th Century.
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Summer Troubles and Other PoemsBurke, Jeremy Thomas 23 May 2019 (has links)
Following the example of Gary Snyder's "Axe Handles," I introduce my poetics and poems in the preface. Other influences, including Lucille Clifton, John Ashbery, and Anne Carson, are also explored. The original poetry that follows the preface attempts to enact the language of philosophical exploration, relationships, memory, conversation, and meditation while paying close attention to the musicality of everyday speech and avoiding clear and specific conclusions.
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The Need for Children : How economic conditions affects birth rate / Efterfrågan på barn : Hur ekonomiska förhållanden påverkar barnafödandetSundelin Svendsen, Hans Christian, Sundqvist, Oscar January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den åldrande befolkningen sägs föra med sig problemet att allt färre får ta hand om allt fler, diskussionen handlar ofta om pensionsfrågor. Samtidigt har man glömt bort den andra dimensionen i form av barnafödande och fertilitet. En del faktorer kan inverka på hushållen mer än andra när de väljer att skaffa barn, förstår vi hushållens val på aggregerad nivå så förstår vi även samhällets val när det kommer till barnafödandet.</p><p>Genom en regressionsanalys, innehållande tre modeller, undersöks hur och om de makroekonomiska variablerna disponibel inkomst, arbetslöshet, sparkvot, utbildningskostnader och om inkomstskillnader mellan män och kvinnor samt föräldraförsäkringen påverkar barnafödandet i Sverige. Variablerna är valda med utgångspunkt i Gary Beckers teori om efterfrågan på barn. Sekundärdata är hämtad från Statistiska Centralbyrån.</p><p>Resultatet visar att disponibel inkomst har ett positivt samband med barnafödandet. Utbildningskostnader och föräldraförsäkringen visar dock ett negativt samband med barnafödandet. Variabeln arbetslöshet visar varierande signifikans beroende på om vi inkluderar en föräldraförsäkring eller inte. Variablerna sparkvot och könsrelaterade inkomstskillnader visar ingen signifikans.</p><p> </p>
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"Living Outside the Madness" : reform and ecology in the work of Henry Thoreau and Gary SnyderHiatt, Bryan 20 February 1997 (has links)
Recent conflicts in America concerning the environment (the harvesting of old growth
timber in the Pacific Northwest, or the proposed opening of public lands in southern Utah to mining
interests, for instance) have precipitated a personal examination of "historical others" (Jensen 64),
individuals that possess very different sensibilities from a larger capitalist culture. Two such
writers, Henry Thoreau and Gary Snyder, use the wilderness to enact alternative patterns of living
that are designed to change cultures that have lost touch with the land, and have spiraled into a
future where nature is a mere afterthought.
In response to the growth of his society, Thoreau built a cabin at Walden pond as an
experiment to determine if life could be lived simply and morally. His activities were an effort to
"wake up" his "neighbors" who were just beginning to explore capitalism. "Moral reform," Thoreau
believed, "is the effort to throw off sleep" (WAL 61). Thoreau's criticism of capitalism, agricultural
reform, and slavery were generated to help his culture understand what it is to live morally, and
Gary Snyder is the voice of Thoreau in the late 20th century, and his work addresses a
world fully enveloped in capitalism. The exploitation of wild creatures and places by world
governments and multi-national corporations is the problem of the modern age for Snyder, and
place-based living is a way of dissenting from a consumption-oriented culture. Reform begins with
the individual living close to the land, but also involves people living in communities and creating
patterns of living that are ecologically stable.
This paper is, in an immediate sense, a comparison of two "American" non-conformists,
but it is also a response to cultural and environmental crises that both writers faced. Chapter I of
this study introduces Thoreau and Snyder and establishes the parameters of this paper. Chapter
II discusses Thoreau's views on capitalism, agricultural reform, and environmental degradation.
Chapter III highlights Snyder's interest in place-based living and bioregionalism. Chapter VI brings
Thoreau and Snyder together in a discussion of political and social reform. The final chapter of
this study reflects how Thoreau and Snyder mesh as ecological philosophers. / Graduation date: 1997
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Landscape and memory in the poetry of Philip Levine and Gary SnyderHarner, Devin Grant. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Delaware, 2006. / Principal faculty advisor: Susan Goodman, Dept. of English. Includes bibliographical references.
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The Need for Children : How economic conditions affects birth rate / Efterfrågan på barn : Hur ekonomiska förhållanden påverkar barnafödandetSundelin Svendsen, Hans Christian, Sundqvist, Oscar January 2009 (has links)
Den åldrande befolkningen sägs föra med sig problemet att allt färre får ta hand om allt fler, diskussionen handlar ofta om pensionsfrågor. Samtidigt har man glömt bort den andra dimensionen i form av barnafödande och fertilitet. En del faktorer kan inverka på hushållen mer än andra när de väljer att skaffa barn, förstår vi hushållens val på aggregerad nivå så förstår vi även samhällets val när det kommer till barnafödandet. Genom en regressionsanalys, innehållande tre modeller, undersöks hur och om de makroekonomiska variablerna disponibel inkomst, arbetslöshet, sparkvot, utbildningskostnader och om inkomstskillnader mellan män och kvinnor samt föräldraförsäkringen påverkar barnafödandet i Sverige. Variablerna är valda med utgångspunkt i Gary Beckers teori om efterfrågan på barn. Sekundärdata är hämtad från Statistiska Centralbyrån. Resultatet visar att disponibel inkomst har ett positivt samband med barnafödandet. Utbildningskostnader och föräldraförsäkringen visar dock ett negativt samband med barnafödandet. Variabeln arbetslöshet visar varierande signifikans beroende på om vi inkluderar en föräldraförsäkring eller inte. Variablerna sparkvot och könsrelaterade inkomstskillnader visar ingen signifikans.
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