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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gen Z @ Work: A Changing Management Situation : A Qualitative Study of Generation Z in a Remote Working Environment from a Management Perspective

Ljungquist, Simon, Lund, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Background: Remote work has in recent years been adapted by many organizations and are described to challenge the traditional managerial role. Simultaneously, generation Z are taking an increasingly large part of the labor market and bring new behaviors to organizations and managers. The combination of a remote working environment with a new generation workforce implies for a changing management situation, something a manager needs to consider. However, there is insufficient research that puts these aspects in relation to each other and recognize this changing management situation. Moreover, this thesis has a focus on motivation and loyalty due to the recognition of potential challenges for a manager within these areas.  Purpose: The practical situation generated by generation Z and remote work is not sufficiently dealt with in literature. It has failed to provide knowledge concerning how managers in a remote working environment manage their generation Z employees. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to increase the understanding of the changing management situation that is created by generation Z that works remotely.  Method: A qualitative research design has been applied to fulfill the purpose of this thesis and has been guided by an abductive approach. 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted and a thematic analysis has been utilized to interpret and analyze the empirical material. Conclusion: This thesis found four main challenges that can arise in this changing management situation which are interaction with the employees, creating and maintaining relationships, stimulating individualism and personal development, but also to convey the feeling of being significant and balancing freedom with oversight. It also presents practices managers can use to face these challenges which are to find suitable ways to interact, prioritize social activities and strengthen connection to the company brand, nurture personal growth, providing recognition and autonomy. Additionally, the changing management situation is complex where several different parts are intertwined and affect each other. It was also found that as a manager, leadership qualities with a transformational leadership style is to be preferred when approaching this changing management situation.

Individanpassad marknadsföring och den personliga integriteten : En komparativ studie kring påverkan av individanpassad marknadsföring sett ur generation X och generation Z:s perspektiv / Personalized marketing and personal integrity : A comparative study on the impact ofpersonalized marketing from the perspectives of Generation X and Generation Z

Larsson, Ellen, Nilsson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Genom dagens digitalisering har den traditionella marknadsföringen utvecklats till en mer individanpassad marknadsföring, där företag i större utsträckning riktar sig till konsumenter på individnivå. Detta för att kunna nå konsumenten på ett personligt plan och därmed skapa annonser anpassade utefter den enskilda individen. Detta sker genom att data kring konsumentens beteenden och preferenser samlas in via cookies och röstassistenter. Med dessa möjligheter till informationsinsamling medförs även risker och utmaningar i säkerheten, i form av integritetsintrång. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur denna marknadsföringsmetod påverkar två generationsgrupper, generation X och generation Z. Studien utgick från en abduktiv ansats och har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Det empiriska materialet samlades in via tre fokusgrupper med totalt 16 medverkande individer. Resultatet som framkom av undersökningen var att attityderna till individanpassad marknadsföring skiljer sig åt beroende på generationstillhörighet. Generation X visade sig ha en skeptisk attityd kring individanpassade annonser, medan generation Z som är infödda i den digitala världen ser det mer fördelaktigt. Vad gäller generationernas personliga integritet visade resultatet att mängden kunskap kring ämnet är av betydelse för att kunna avgöra huruvida den personliga integriteten påverkas eller inte. Studiens resultat påverkades till viss del av konformitet då somliga respondenter ändrade åsikt utefter vad majoriteten i gruppen ansåg. Avslutningsvis visade resultatet att samtliga respondenter var överens om att avlyssning via röstassistenter frambringar en obehagskänsla, därmed anses rösten mer integritetskänslig.

Unga svenska TikTok-användare och konsumtion : Effekten av organisk marknadsföring av trendiga skönhetsprodukter som påverkar unga svenskars konsumtion / Young Swedish TikTok Users and Consumption : The Impact of Organic Marketing of Trendy Beauty Products on the Consumption Behavior of Young Swedes

Håkansson, Stina, Larsson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
This study includes an analysis and an understanding of the issue in the subject area of young adults in Sweden, TikTok, consumption and organic marketing. The purpose of the study is to examine how organic marketing on TikTok can influence young adults’ consumption, specifically of beauty products. By conducting research on the subject, we aim to contribute new insights regarding the impact that TikTok has on the consumption patterns of young Swedes when it comes to beauty products in Sweden. To enable this analysis, empirical qualitative data was collected, which was later analyzed using theories by, for example, Kotler et al. (2019), Denscombe (2021) and Fejes (2019). Data has been collected through interviews with young Swedish TikTok users and employees at two well-known beauty stores in Sweden. One key result that has emerged from this study is that young Swedes who use TikTok are significantly influenced by the content presented on this media platform. The results also show that TikTok users exhibit a higher tendency to resort to the consumption of beauty products to follow trends, join a community, and strive for similar appearances as the creators in the video clips. Therefore, the conclusion states that young Swedish TikTok users are influenced by consumption and different purchasing behaviors through organically marketed beauty videos, especially if the content of the video clips is engaging and informative. This is because these videos often inspire and create a desire for TikTok users to consume.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Sustainability: Unraveling Gen Z’s Decision-Making Journey for Sustainable Consumption

Coughlin, Alexandra, Dorner, Elena January 2023 (has links)
The largest generation on earth, Generation Z, holds substantial market power. They were born onto a planet that is overheating, in a society characterized by high growth and technological advancements at an accelerated speed, and are inheriting substantial sustainability, socio-economic, and climate change challenges. Given this, they are aware of the importance of incorporating sustainability into their purchasing decisions. Since the contemporary topic of sustainable decision-making of Gen Z is still in its nascent stage, this research further investigates the process an individual goes through when deciding what aspects guide them in decisions as well as what could possibly hinder Gen Z to turn sustainable purchasing intentions into behavior. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with individuals of Europe’s Gen Z cohort and subsequently processed using thematic analysis. Based on the EBM customer decision model, the information integration theory, and the green intention-behavior gap model, three categories focusing on rational, value-based, and intentional themes were derived. Results show that Gen Z goes through a complex decision process which is based on their strongly held values. Their intention to act sustainably is prevalent throughout the process, where they often combat internalized consumerism, search for authentic and honest information, rely on family, friends, their sustainability education and knowledge, their favorite brands, and are skeptical about claims made by companies. Even if individuals desire to purchase sustainably all the time, price, availability and accessibility, missing aesthetics as well as skepticism and the lack of transparency and regulations in terms of sustainability terminology hinders them to turn intentions into actions.

Finding the Perfect Fit : A Study of Person-Organisation Fit Between Generation Z and Employers

Colliander, Ellen, Olsson, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the conditions for perception of a person-organisation (P-O) fit between Generation Z (Gen Z) and employers in a talent acquisition context. The study is based on the presumption that the perception the candidate gets of the employer is based on the employer’s brand and vice versa. To explore these two actors' brands, personal- as well as organisational attributes identified in a literature review were used and a mixed method was adopted. The employer brand of six audit and accounting services firms and what they value in a future employee was explored through semi structured interviews. Furthermore, the personal brand of Gen Z business students and graduates and what they value in a future employer was explored through a questionnaire with 157 respondents. Based on the data, a discussion on the subject of P-O fit was conducted. Overall the results of the study both support previous research and add to it. The results indicate favourable conditions for Gen Z to perceive a P-O fit towards employers regarding four of the six identified organisational attributes. Additionally, favourable conditions were indicated regarding employers to perceive a P-O fit towards Gen Z regarding four of the seven personal attributes identified.


Nagy, Dominika, Tomm, Sabine-Jana January 2023 (has links)
Background: As a truly digitally native generation, Generation Z just started entering the workforce and their unique characteristics and expectations should not be ignored. To satisfy and retain this newest generation it becomes important for the employers to understand and adapt their strategies accordingly.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to research what factors contribute to the overall job satisfaction of Generation Z and why these are important for them. By investigating these factors and their underlying causes, our goal is to give insights that will help employers in creating a more engaging work environment for Generation Z. We also aim to contribute to the existing literature on generational differences in the workplace and highlight Generation Z’s distinct expectations. Finally, we would like to provide practical advice for companies on how to attract, motivate and retain Generation Z.  Method: We conducted a qualitative study with an abductive research approach. We followed a relativistic ontology and a social constructionist epistemology as these aligned the most with our beliefs. Our research design is an exploratory case study, for which we have collected data through interviews and by examining archival company documents. To analyze our data we created a coding tree and built our findings on the already existing literature. Conclusion: Our findings show that it is essential to understand the unique needs of Generation Z to avoid high turnover rates in organizations. As this generation grew up in a fast-paced world, they require a challenging work environment, where they have the opportunity to develop themselves both personally and professionally. They are more aware of the social, environmental, and political issues and they are seeking work environments that align with their values. Moreover, as they place a much higher priority on the balance between their work and private life, they expect their employers to provide them with flexibility and support.

På den framtida arbetskraftens villkor : En kvalitativ studie av generation Z:s preferenser på arbetsmarknaden

Gardell, Alice, Heino, Emelie, Hägg Edelönn, Vilma January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks personer med IT-kompetens i generation Z:s åsikter om viktiga egenskaper hos arbetsgivare. På grund av rådande kompetensbrist inom tekniksektorn finns det ett stort behov av att rekrytera kompetent arbetskraft. Då majoriteten av de som tar examen i närtid tillhör generation Z spelar de en viktig roll i företags rekrytering. Genom att förstå vad som tilltalar generationen kan arbetsgivare anpassa sin marknadsföring med målet att attrahera den kompetens de behöver. Utgångspunkten i studien har varit att identifiera de faktorer som IT-kompetenta i generation Z värderar högt vid val av arbetsgivare med hjälp av teoretiska verktyg. Den data som använts har erhållits genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio individer från målgruppen. Resultatet antyder att kompetensutveckling och intressanta arbetsuppgifter som gör skillnad är de faktorer som generationen attraheras mest av, medan en marknadsmässig lön och god arbetskultur anses vara grundläggande för att en arbetsgivare över huvud taget ska vara intressant.

Lär vi oss av våra misstag? : En kvantitativ studie om hur olika generationer av investerare agerar vid kriser med särskilt fokus på generation Z

Karlsson, Vilma, Lantz, David January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under våren 2020 föll Stockholmsbörsen kraftigt med över 30% under en månads tid till följd av den globala corona-pandemin. Börsen skulle dock återhämta sig inom ett halvår och fortsätta visa en starkt positiv trend där flera index avslutade året 2020 med en totalt sett positiv utveckling. På en turbulent marknad med stora svängningar ställs stora krav på investerare som genom aktiv handel både kan uppnå hög avkastning och undvika stora förluster. Vid beslutsfattning kan börspsykologiska bias samt erfarenhet av tidigare kriser spela en viktig roll och avgöra om utfallet blir lyckosamt. Med denna betydande orolighet på aktiemarknaden har det blivit relevant att undersöka psykologiska beteenden hos investerare med olika typer av erfarenhet genom beteendefinans och hur de agerar under kriser med stor osäkerhet på marknaden. Syfte: Studien har som syfte att undersöka om investerare med tillhörighet i olika generationer agerat annorlunda under corona-pandemin samt om tidigare erfarenhet av en kris kan ha reducerat påverkan från börspsykologiska faktorer. Vidare vill studien jämföra beteendemönster hos investerare under tidigare kriser för att undersöka om liknande mönster återuppstått även under pandemin. Metod: Studien har enligt en kvantitativ karaktär tillämpat en enkätstudie inriktat mot icke-professionella svenska investerare från samtliga generationer. Baserat på detta har det varit möjligt att kartlägga ageranden hos investerare både under pandemin men även vid tidigare kriser. Slutsats: Studien har påvisat att investerare oavsett tillhörighet till generation generellt sett fått en ökad riskaptit under pandemin samt att det observerats indikationer på bias hos investerare oberoende av erfarenhet. Generationer har till stor del agerat liknande och haft en likartad uppfattning gällande risk och börspsykologiska faktorer. Det har dock varit möjligt att urskilja en viss skillnad i vilket bias som är mest förekommande samt så har det illustrerats att personer som tillhör äldre generationer varit mer riskbenägna vilket motsäger tidigare forskning gällande livscykelhypotesen.

Newsjacking and generation Z consumer behavior : Identifying patterns through a comparison with generation Y

Goret, Alice, Lifvergren, Erik January 2022 (has links)
The term Newsjacking was popularized by David Meerman Scott in his book “The new rules of marketing & PR” (2020). The author describes this practice as a tool for marketers that consists in turning “a breaking news story” into an advertisement (p. 360). One key element to take into consideration with newsjacking is the necessity for this type of commercials to be broadcasted as early as possible. Indeed, breaking news stories are usually not trending for a long time, and thus need to be shared before the trend starts to generate less interest. This is where social media comes in. Scott (2020) explains they are the main playground for most newsjacking advertisements, because of the speed with which they allow marketers to publish content. A major part of social media users is composed of people from the generation Z (Parry, 2021). They were born between 1997 and 2012 and grew up in a world revolving around social media (Dimock, 2019). Yet, despite the large presence on social media of both newsjacking practices and generation Z consumers, there is no research connecting the two of them. This is the gap we seek to study in this research. To address this research gap, we compare generation Z to another one, namely generation Y. To generate a comparison five case studies were done, all of them featuring a different brand and two of their advertisements, one using newsjacking, and the other not. Six people were interviewed, three from generation Z and three from generation Y. The purpose of comparing two generations is to highlight differences in behavior, so that specific preferences in terms of newsjacking advertising can be assigned to generation Z. This research found that generation Z can indeed be targeted with the use of newsjacking. Yet, they have particular preferences that must be taken into consideration. They favor quick-paced social media platforms, and are more sensitive than generation Y about the ethics conveyed in advertising. Hence, the study provides a framework for how marketing professionals can use newsjacking when trying to reach out to generation Z consumers.

Generation Z and Greenwashing: A Comprehensive Study of the Marketing Phenomenon and Its Implications on Boston College’s Undergraduate Clothing Consumption Habits

Bunge, Diana January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Richard Spinello / This thesis studies the effects of greenwashing in the fashion industry on the Generation Z cohort. It aims to understand the behaviors, motivations, attitudes, and processes behind their clothing shopping habits, including external and internal factors. It seeks to broaden the discussion around greenwashing in the 21st century, especially in the current age where firms are being evaluated on their Environmental, Social, and Governance practices. Therefore, it includes an extensive research background, including a brief history of greenwashing as a marketing tactic, the fashion industry, a study of clothing supply chains, and finally background information on Generation Z and their generational characteristics.This, as well as the small research study conducted at Boston College, all inform the conclusions of this study. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Environmental Studies.

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