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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les facteurs déterminants de la carrière des enseignantes chercheures : une approche genre organisation système (gos) intégrée : cas de l'UCAD / Determining factors of the career of teaching enquiring, an approach kind : an approach kind organization (kid) integrated : case of UCAD

Kande, Ndeye Mariama 19 July 2014 (has links)
Notre étude s’intéresse particulièrement à la construction de carrières des enseignants chercheurs du supérieur en général et plus particulièrement de celle des femmes universitaires au Sénégal. nous tentons de répondre aux questions suivantes: Quels sont les facteurs à l’origine des différences de carrière constatées entre hommes et femmes à l’UCAD? Les objectifs poursuivis dans ce travail de thèse sont doubles. D’abord d’étudier la carrière des enseignants chercheurs dans une approche genre afin d’identifier les principaux déterminants de cette carrière. Cette étude vise à comprendre vraisemblablement les raisons du non avancement des EC (en particulier des femmes), de la sous représentativité des femmes dans le milieu académique. Ensuite, cette étude vise également à faire un état des lieux de la situation universitaire afin de répertorier tous les problèmes susceptibles d’affecter la carrière des enseignants chercheurs et tenter de préconiser des solutions offrant par la même occasion des opportunités de carrières scientifiques surtout aux femmes.Comment se construit la carrière des enseignants chercheurs au Sénégal ?Pourquoi les enseignants chercheurs ont-ils des difficultés à progresser dans leur carrière ? en ce qui concerne le cadre théorique et conceptuel,des auteurs ont essayé de situer la carrière des enseignants chercheurs et sont arrivés à une conclusion. La carrière universitaire est à cheval entre la carrière traditionnelle et la carrière nomade. Les activités universitaires se résument en deux contraintes : la première reste l’organisation de l’enseignement et de la recherche, la seconde est liée à l’académie qui donne une place particulière à la recherche et aux promotions professionnelles, (Le Guyader, 2005). Cette dernière contrainte renvoie à l’évolution de carrière des enseignants chercheurs.Nous avons passé en revue les différentes théories de carrière et essayé de conceptualiser la notion de carrière.Nous avons aussi mis en relief l’aspect Genre Organisation Système de Fagenson (1993). Cette approche a orienté notre revue de la littérature, notre approche méthodologique et l’analyse des résultats. Nous sommes inscrites dans une posture interprétative. en effet Nous avons opté pour une démarche qualitative inductive interprétativiste. Nous avons choisi comme cas d’étude l’université UCAD et ses 6 facultés puisqu’elle est l’université qui compte plus d’EC et l’université de référence au Sénégal. comme méthode de collecte des données nous avons les entretiens semi directifs et les récits de vie et les techniques de l'analyse de contenu seront mises à contribution pour le traitement de ces données. / This study is interested particularly in construction of careers of the teachers of the superior and more precisely of that of the university women. It relates to the way in which the women could be interested more in the university careers and take part in the development of the scientific research...

La féminisation des établissements de l'enseignement agricole : un cas révélateur de la dynamique des rapports sociaux de sexe dans le monde rural / The feminization of agricultural education institutions : a revealing case of dynamics gender relations in the rural world

Dahache, Sabrina 21 March 2011 (has links)
A partir d’une perspective empruntant aux théories réalisées dans le champ de la sociologie de l’éducation, de la sociologie rurale et aux approches traitant des rapports de genre, la thèse s’attache à saisir les enjeux du processus de féminisation des formations professionnelles de l’enseignement agricole. A l’aide d’un dispositif méthodologique combinant une analyse statistique de ce phénomène, des observations participantes, des entretiens semi-directifs, elle identifie les formes du « régime de genre » et de « l’ordre de genre » à l’œuvre dans le monde rural et agricole. Au-delà de la ségrégation interne des formations, la féminisation révèle un effet de structure. L’analyse sociologique des « expériences sociales de genre » des filles et des garçons permet d’identifier les mécanismes de reproduction des rapports de genre ainsi que leurs dynamiques. / From a perspective that draws on theories from educational sociology, rural sociology and studies of gender-related patterns, this thesis attempts to study the factors underlying and driving the feminisation of vocational training in the context of agricultural education. Using a methodology that combines a statistical analysis of the phenomenon, participant observations and semi-directive interviews, it identifies the forms of “gender regime” and “gender order” at work in the rural and agricultural world. Apart from segregated training schemes, feminisation is also seen to have a structuring effect. A sociological analysis of “social experiences of gender” by girls and boys highlights the mechanisms by which gender-related patterns are reproduced, together with their dynamics.

Les violences de genre en contexte de migrations forcées : les réfugié·e·s rohingyas de Birmanie : sociologie critique de l’aide humanitaire en Malaisi / Gender-based violence in forced migrations context : case study of the Rohingya refugees from Myanmar : critical sociology of humanitarian aid in Malaysia

Voisin, Élodie 20 December 2018 (has links)
À travers une étude sur les violences de genre, cette thèse examine les masculinités et les féminités des Rohingyas, réfugié·e·s en Malaisie. Cette étude montre comment un modèle hégémonique birman basé sur un masculin protecteur, « gardien de la nation » et un féminin vulnérable, « mère de la nation » fait l’objet à la fois d’une réappropriation et d’une distanciation par les réfugié·e·s rohingyas. Pour autant, le féminin et le masculin ne font pas consensus et relèvent davantage de contenus instables. La migration joue un rôle majeur dans les reconfigurations des relations de genre. Les discriminations raciales, les inégalités économiques et des changements liés à la migration dans l’ordre de genre viennent exacerber les tensions entre les sexes, et peuvent se résulter par une intensification des violences conjugales et sexuelles mais aussi par l’émergence de nouvelles formes de violences. Pendant que des programmes humanitaires tendent à réifier la différence naturelle entre les sexes, des masculinités et des féminités hybrides se forment pour revendiquer une égalité entre les sexes tout en maintenant la suprématie masculine. L’enquête s’appuie sur une ethnographie menée en 2016 dans une ONG à Kuala Lumpur, la Commission Internationale Catholique pour les Migrations, et sur 91 entretiens approfondis avec 21 femmes, 24 hommes et 29 humanitaires. / Through a study on gendered violence, this paper describes the masculinities and femininities of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia. This study shows how a Myanmar hegemonic model, based on a masculine protector, « guardian of the nation » and a feminine vulnerable « mother of the nation » is both object of re-appropriation and distancing by the refugees. However, what constitutes feminine and masculine is not consensual and further reveals unstable bases. Migration to Malaysia plays a major role in the reconfiguration of gendered relations. Racial discrimination, economic inequalities and the changes in the gender order due to migration create more tensions between men and women, and result in the intensification of domestic and sexual violence while new forms of gendered violence emerge. Finally, humanitarian programs tend to reify the natural difference between the sexes, whilst hybrid masculinities and femininities among the Rohingya refugees claim gender equality while maintaining the masculine supremacy. The thesis is based on ethnographic research carried out in 2016 within an NGO in Kuala Lumpur, International Catholic Migration Commission, and 91 interviews with 21 women, 24 men and 29 humanitarian workers.

י הנני (Here Am I, Send Me): Person and Proximity in Literary Prophecy

Kershaw, Matthew S 01 July 2018 (has links)
Prophecy is a poorly understood genre, commonly understood as literature primarily focused on mantic visions of future events. A more nuanced understanding of literary prophecy recognizes the limits of this view, as well as the diversity of genres within many prophetic texts. These two views present one problem: forced readings of prophecy as a kind of reverse history on the one end and the problem of generic diversity on the other, resist an easy scheme of classification for prophetic literature. This study elucidates some of the problematic assumptions of primarily Biblical prophecy, and suggests that contemporary genre theory"“which views genre it terms of function more than a mere scheme of literary kinds"“can offer a unified conception of prophecy. From this, I suggest that prophecy can be defined as goal-oriented literary rhetoric intended to re-orient the reader or hearer into face-to-face aesthetic proximity with the Divine. The definition is defended utilizing a reading of the Denkschrift section of Isaiah, focusing primarily on chapter 5. The implications of this definition and the reading that follows are then explored through the lens of contemporary hermeneutics, where the theophanic encounter implicit in a reading of prophetic text is explored, and the proximity of second-person orientation is re-introduced to suggest that Biblical prophecy is intended to create a lived experience of the Covenant, where fidelity to the Covenant amounts to a face-to-face encounter with God.

Byte genre : Kan man gå ur en genre och in i en annan genom att göra en remix av en låt?

Söfelde, Astrid January 2022 (has links)
What is a genre and what elements decide a genre? Is it possible to change the characteristics of one genre and thereby evolve a track into a new one? How much of a genre lies in the production and how much lies in the composition? These are some questions that I have explored and investigated in my thesis. I have been particularly interested in whether, and if so how, I could make tracks in their original genres into my own through remixes. Based on previous research on music psychology and theory of genres I develop a framework to position my work. The production process has been based on a directionless instinct to truly unveil a personal sound. By creating three different remixes from three different tracks I manage to change some of the key concepts and evolve the original tracks to something different, eventually changing the genre itself. Through this investigation of transforming these three tracks from their original genre into another one that is more in line with my musical identity, I explore the limitation of the concept “genre”. / <p>Till dokumentationen hör även följande inspelningar:</p><p>Aloft Quartet - False Fetch.mp3 <em>- Originallåt</em></p><p>False Fetch (Søfelde Remix).wav <em>- Min remix</em></p><p>Boys and Ivy - Boys We Chased.mp3 <em>- Originallåt</em></p><p>Boys We Chased (Søfelde Remix).wav <em>- Min remix </em></p><p>Pastlife - This is Her.mp3 <em>- Originallåt</em></p><p>This is her (Søfelde Remix).wav <em>- Min remix</em></p>

Expressions in Genrelessness: Genre in the Netflix Era of Television

Isaac, Alexis N. 05 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

An "[Un]Readiness To Be Touched": The Critique of Sentimentalism in Sensation Fiction

Wolfe, Rachel Vernell 14 December 2018 (has links)
Early sensation novels such as Wilkie Collins’s The Woman in White, Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret, and Ellen Wood’s East Lynne use the eighteenth-century notion of sentiment in very distinct manners. These novels demonstrate a perspective in transition regarding sentimentality in how they apply sentimental qualities to very specific character types. Some characters are extremely sentimental, whereas others appear completely void of emotion and are even described as automata. These sensation novels even feature sentimental journeys and objects, as well as allusions to sentimental novels such as Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey and Henry Mackenzie’s Man of Feeling. The occurrence of sentimentality in these sensation novels aligns characters into two categories: those that are controlled (and in some instances debilitated) by sentiment, and those that can control their feelings. Thus, the sensation novel calls into question the authenticity of emotional expression as it is represented in the sentimental literary tradition. Existing research on these novels tends to focus on gender and madness, a majority of which focuses specifically on madwomen. Instances of women being driven to madness, however, also coincides with a pattern of sentimental behaviors that male characters share. These overly sentimental characters rarely, if ever, demonstrate rational thinking, and are cast in a negative light. In contrast, the sensation novel casts non-sentimental characters of both genders as skeptics and investigators who generally meet felicitous ends. This thesis will contribute to existing scholarship on sensation fiction by taking into account how these novels treat excessive affect as a sign of generic critique rather than just a biological symptom of a pathologized woman.

The Classical Spring Poem

Garafeanu, Dorin 08 1900 (has links)
<p>Despite the existence of valuable commentaries on some Classical spring poems, this area of study has been insufficiently explored. After providing a definition and a schema of the spring poem as such, this dissertation investigates, through the detailed analysis of the specific spring poems (Catullus 46; Horace Odes 1. 4, 4. 7, 4. 12; Palatine Anthology 9. 363, 10. l, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16 and Ovid Tristia 3.12), the evolution undergone by this genre from the third century B.C. to the sixth century AD.</p> <p> The Greek spring poems form an obvious group, as their authors follow A.P. 10.1 as a model, employing its schema and some of its elements, while trying to vary and improve on the chronologically earlier poems. Distancing themselves from the Greek tradition, the Latin authors take the genre off in significant new directions, starting new trends and making major changes both in the content and tone of their poems. Defined by their thematic and generic admixture, the Latin spring poems are distinguished by a complexity, depth of thought and variety of form unkown to the Greek tradition.</p> <p>From the spring poems of the Palatine Anthology to Ovid's Tr. 3.12, the genre has known a remarkable evolution. Despite the apparent simplicity of the theme, the authors of the Classical spring poems have reached high levels of sophistication in the way they have succeeded in transforming a relatively straight forward poetic form into a complex and sophisticated genre. Since this series of poems is more than a simple literary parlour game, but constitutes a genre on its own that illustrates, through its major features - stylistic refinement, the use of the Hellenistic techniques of imitatio cum variatione and aemulatio (especially in the Greek tradition, but also in the Latin spring poems) and the blending of literacy and mythological allusions (especially in Horace's spring poems) - typical aspects of Classical poetry, the analysis undertaken in this dissertation gives the Greek and Latin spring poems the critical attention they fully deserve.</p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Fantasi eller verklighet? : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om vad mellanstadieelever läser.

Eriksson, Hanna, Carlsson, Jessika January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få fram vad mellanstadieelever helst läser, hur tillgången till litteratur ser ut på skolorna och hur skönlitterära verk arbetas med i skolan. Metoden vi har använt oss av är öppna intervjuer. Resultatet visar på att faktaböcker är den mest framträdande genren på vår undersökningsskola och på andra plats kommer spännande böcker. Resultatet visar också på att majoriteten av eleverna främst läser i skolan och inte har tid att läsa på fritiden. Samtliga intervjuade lärare är överens om att tystläsning borde ha mer tid i skolan och förstår vikten av tystläsning, men uttrycker samtidigt att det är svårt att få till den tiden.

Rock och popmusik i undervisningenEn studie om betydelsen av musicerande på gymnasiets estetiska program

Zavgorodni, Nikolai January 2009 (has links)
SammanfattningZavgorodni, Nikolai (2008). Titel: Rock- och popmusik i undervisningen. En studie om betydelsen av musicerande på gymnasiets estetiska program (Rock and pop music in music education. Investigating the importance of music creation in high school’s aesthetic program).Syfte med denna studie är att undersöka vilken betydelse musicerandet har i elevernas musikaliska utveckling. Studien omfattar musikundervisning i gymnasieskolan. Jag har använt mig av kvantitativ metod i min studie. Den kvantitativa metoden var i form av enkätundersökningen. Resultatet visar att musicerandet har en stor betydelse för musikstuderande och rock- och popmusik har en hög status i undervisningen. Majoriteten av alla studerande anser att det är viktigt att man ska satsa mer på musicerandet än på teori på lektionerna. Det framgick även av enkätstudien att det är mycket viktig med genrebredd i musikundervisningen. Många musikstuderande i studien anser att rock och popmusikgenrer har en stor betydelse i musikundervisningen. En viktig aspekt är att läraren ska engagera sig i elevernas musikaliska utveckling. Sökord: genre, ensemble, musikundervisning, musicerandet. / Abstract Title: Rock and popmusic in education. A study on the importance of rock and popmusic playing in music education. The aim of this study is to find out what music students think about playing in music lesson and their reflections on the importance of genre in music education. The study covers music education in high school. I have used both of quanititative and qualititative methods in my study. The quantitative method vas in the form of queststionnaires and qualitative method in the form of my observations above all in the form of definitions, conceptions and theoretical constructions. The result shows that play the instuments is very important for students and rock and popmusic have a high status in music education. The majority of students prefer more to play the instruments than their have theory in the lesson. The most of music students in high school believ that rock and popmusic is very important things in music education. One importans aspect is that teacher’s commitment to the students musical development. Keywords: genre, ensemble, music education, play the instruments.

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