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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La naissance de la science politique moderne dans la Methodus de Jean Bodin : l'héritage de Budé et de Connan, du droit à la politique / The Naissance of Modern Political in the Methodus of Jean Bodin : heritage of Budé and Connan, from law to politics

Akimoto, Shingo 27 March 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de notre recherche est de préciser comment la conception novatrice de la science politique développée par Jean Bodin (1529/30-1596) dans sa Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem(1566 ; 1572) s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un programme humaniste de restauration juridique de la «science civile». Pour cela, nous dégageons une ligne de réflexions sur cette «science» dans les œuvres de deux de ses prédécesseurs, Guillaume Budé et François Connan, qui la développent, à l’adresse des gens de justice, en élaborant un dispositif théorique, la «méthode», destiné à unifier la théorie juridique avec la connaissance pratique. Ces réflexions les amènent à ériger un nouveau paradigme du jusnaturalisme et à rétablir le droit tout entier sur la base de la droite raison, voire sur la base de la communauté de droit dominée par la seule raison: la civitas universa. Nous montrons que lorsque cette communauté est identifiée à la société mondiale de son temps, censée être régie par le ius gentiumqui incarne la raison, Bodin confère à la «science civile» un caractère politique. Le paradigme du jusnaturalisme le conduit à envisager le passage d’un état sauvage à la société humaine juridique (la communauté de droit), mais c’est la fameuse théorie de la souveraineté (summum imperium) qui permet aux magistrats des parlements d’opérer ce passage, en définissant leur pouvoir coercitif. Nous avançons que la science politique se concrétise dans la «méthode» de lecture de l’histoire et qu’elle détermine, au-delà des limites du droit, le rôle du gouvernement de la «République» comme ce qui réalise la société politique, c’est-à-dire la civitas universa régie par le ius gentium. / Our research aims to examine how the innovative conception of “political science”, developed by Jean Bodin (1529/30-1596) in his Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (1566; 1572), falls within the scope of a humanist program which restores legal science in the name of scientia civilis. We therefore propose to investigate the line of thoughts which regard the scientia civilisin the works oftwo of his predecessors, Guillaume Budé and François Connan, who develop this “science” for the sake of magistrates-judges of the Parlements by devising a “method” which intends to unify legal theory with practical knowledge. Their considerations lead them to establish a new paradigm of jusnaturalism and to re-establish, in modern times, the very notion of law on the basis of right reason, id est, on the basis of a community of laws dominated only by reason: civitas universa. We bring light to the fact that, when this community is identified with the international society of his time, supposedly ruled by the ius gentiumwhich incarnates reason, Bodin bestows upon his scientia civilis a political character. If the jusnaturalist paradigm allows him to assume the transition from a barbarous state to ahuman society, it is his famous theory of sovereignty (summum imperium) that,by defining the coercive power delegated tothe magistrates of Parlements, allowsthem to realize this transition. We propose that his “method” of reading the history enables him to materialize the political science, which determines, beyond the limits of legal science, the role thegovernment plays in realizing the human society, or in other words, the new civitas universa, governed by the ius gentium.

Christianity as a Means of Identification: The Formation of Ethnic and Cultural Identities in the British Isles During the Early Medieval Period, 400-800

Conley, Caitlyn Augusta Brianna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Monáitaga úai – Palabra que se hace amanecer : el cambio en las formas de “gobierno propio” entre la Gente de Centro del medio río Caquetá, Amazonia colombiana

Andrade, Camilo A. 06 1900 (has links)
Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, des dynamiques sociales diverses – holocauste du caoutchouc, colonie pénale, missions catholiques, présence d’institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales — ont reconfiguré les formes d’organisation sociale des habitants du moyen fleuve Caquetá, dénommés Gens de centre. Nous nous arrêterons en particulier sur l’effet de ces changements sur leurs formes d’autonomie. Avec la reconnaissance par l’État, au cours des années 1980 et 1990, des peuples indigènes en tant que minorités ethniques, surgit une dichotomie entre ce qui est « traditionnel » autochtone, par opposition à ce qui est « moderne », étant donné les processus d’acculturation et inclusion de ces groupes dans la société majoritaire. Dans le présent travail, on établit une comparaison des figures « d’autorité traditionnelle » et de « leader », une différenciation faite dans la région du moyen fleuve Caquetá. Dans un premier temps, on donne un aperçu théorique de la figure de chef dans les terres basses de l’Amérique du Sud et sa validité et pertinence dans la situation du moyen fleuve Caquetá. Puis, l’on présente comment se forme l’autorité traditionnelle et ses champs d’action. On montre, de la même façon, les différents processus qui ont donné lieu à l’apparition de la figure de leader et les espaces où celle-ci évolue. La relation entre les deux figures est à la fois contradictoire et complémentaire. Finalement, on expose, avec des exemples concrets, les rapports entre les Gens de centre et les institutions gouvernementales et la remise en question de l’autonomie accordée aux groupes minoritaires dans la Constitution politique de la Colombie de 1991. / The inhabitants of the Middle Caquetá river, called People of the Center, have experienced a series of varying impacts since the late nineteenth century –rubber holocaust, Penal Colony, catholic missions, presence of governmental and non-governmental institutions. These reshaped their forms of social organization. In this particular case, their forms of “self-government”. With the recognition of the indigenous people as ethnic minorities in the 1980s and 1990s, a dichotomy arose between what is “traditional” in relation to the indigenous as opposed to the “modern”, given the processes of acculturation and inclusion of these groups into mainstream society. In this sense, this work compares the figures of “traditional authority” and “leader”, as differentiated in the context of the inhabitants of the Middle Caquetá River. The first part is a theoretical revision of the figure of the chief in the lowlands of South America and its validity and relevance in the context of the Middle Caquetá River. Next, the context of formation of a traditional authority and its contexts of action are presented. Likewise, the different processes leading to the emergence of the figure of leader and the spaces in which it operates are shown. The relationship between these two figures is at once contradictory and complementary. Finally, some contexts that illustrate the relationship between the People of the Center and governmental institutions are considered. This leads to a questioning of the autonomy of minority groups recognized in the Colombian Political Constitution of 1991. / Los pobladores del medio río Caquetá, denominados Gente de Centro, vivieron desde finales del siglo XIX diferentes dinámicas –holocausto cauchero, Colonia Penal, misiones católicas, presencia de instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales- que reconfiguraron sus formas de organización social; para este caso particular, sus formas de “gobierno propio”. Con el reconocimiento de los pueblos indígenas como minorías étnicas entre las décadas de 1980 y 1990 por parte del Estado colombiano, se plantea una dicotomía entre lo que es “tradicional” en relación a lo indígena, por oposición a lo “moderno”, dados los procesos de aculturación e inclusión de estos grupos a la sociedad mayoritaria. En este sentido el presente trabajo muestra de manera comparativa las figuras de “autoridad tradicional” y “líder”, diferenciación que se hace en la región del medio río Caquetá. En un primer momento se hace una revisión teórica de la figura del jefe en las tierras bajas de Suramérica y su vigencia y pertinencia en el contexto del medio río Caquetá. Acto seguido, se presenta el contexto de formación de una autoridad tradicional y sus contextos de acción. De la misma manera, se muestran los diferentes procesos que llevaron a la aparición de la figura de líder y los espacios donde se desenvuelve. La relación entre estas dos figuras es a la vez contradictoria y complementaria. Finalmente, se exponen algunos contextos donde se muestra la relación entre la Gente de Centro y las instituciones gubernamentales, contextos donde se pone en cuestión la autonomía reconocida para los grupos minoritarios, en la Constitución Política Colombiana de 1991.

De la guivre au crapaud : l'analyse du motif merveilleux du baiser désenchanteur à la bête, dans le roman médiéval et dans le conte

Laporte, Jacinthe January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Effekten av 10 veckors styrketräning på markörer för hypertrofi, translation och proteolys

Väisänen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Det har forskats mycket på olika signalvägar i det mänskliga genomet, trotts detta finns det många frågetecken som kvarstår. Denna uppsats undersöker några av dem. Syfte: Undersöka förändringar i genuttryck och mRNA-nivåer för hypertrofi- (MRF4) translations- (5.8S & 18S) och proteolysreglerande gener (MuRF1 & GDF-8) efter en 10 veckor lång styrketräningsperiod hos kvinnor och män. Frågeställningar: (1) Finns det en förändring i total mängd RNA före och efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. (2) Finns det en förändring i uttryck av MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, MuRF1 samt GDF-8 efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. (3) Finns det en könsskillnad i förändringen av total mängd RNA samt aktivering av MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, MuRF1 och GDF-8 efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. Metod: Urvalet för analysen bestod av 16 otränade försökspersoner varav 8 var män och 8 var kvinnor. Försökspersonerna utförde unilateral styrketräning av nedre extremiteten under 10 veckor, under 2 av dessa veckor utfördes ocklusionsträning.  Träningsperiodiseringen var vågformig (70-90% av 1RM, 5-12 rep, 3 ggr/vecka). Muskelbiopsier togs i det arbetande benet före träningsperiodens start samt 3-7 dagar efter träningsperiodens avslut. Genuttryck analyserades med qPCR. Resultat: Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad i förändring mellan män och kvinnors totala RNA eller genuttryck. Total RNA ökade signifikant (p<0,01) med 19,2 %. Kvinnorna hade en signifikant ökning (P<0,05) av RNA på 27,6 % medan männen hade en signifikant ökning (p<0,05) på 14 %. MRF4 hade en signifikant (P>0,05) procentuell ökning i genuttryck med 55,7 % och kvinnor för sig hade en signifikant (P>0,05) ökning på 64 %. GDF-8 ökade signifikant (P>0,05) med 55,5 % medan GAPDH ökade signifikant (P>0,05) för båda könen tillsammans med 70,6 % och för män med 87,8 %. MuRF1 och 5.8S hade inga signifikanta förändringar i genuttryck. Slutsats: Det verkar som att både män och kvinnor får en liknande procentuell förändring av total RNA och mRNA genuttryck 3-7 dagar efter en 10 veckors hypertrofistyrd styrketräningsperiod. För att mäta genuttryck av translationsgenen MRF4 verkar 3-7 dagar efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsperiod vara en tidpunkt då det fortfarande pågår hypertrofi av skelettmuskulaturen.  Av de proteolysreglerande generna GDF-8 och MuRF1 sågs en uppreglering av GDF-8 vilket skulle kunna vara ett tecken på att hypertrofin börjar hämmas. Ett oväntat fynd var att GAPDH visade sig vara olämplig som kontrollgen vid en styrketräningsintervention på 10 veckor och att 18S var väldigt stabil. Detta kan betyda att GAPDH inte skall användas vid längre styrketräningsinterventioner. / There have been much research on signaling pathways in the human genome, but there still remain many questions. This paper examines some of them. Aim: Investigate changes in gene expression and mRNA levels of hypertrophy (MRF4), translation (5.8S & 18S) and proteolysis regulating genes (GDF-8) after a 10-week strength training period in men and women. Research questions: (1) Is there a change in the total amount of RNA before and after a 10-week strength training intervention. (2) Is there a change in the expression of MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, Murf1 and GDF-8 after 10 weeks of strength training. (3) Is there a gender difference in the change of total RNA and the expression of MRF4, 5.8S, Murf1 and GDF-8 after a 10-week long strength training intervention. Method: The sample for analysis consisted of 16 untrained subjects, of whom 8 were men and 8 were women. The subjects performed unilateral resistance training of lower extremities for 10 weeks, during two of these weeks blood flow restriction training were performed. The training was undulating (70-90% of 1RM, 5-12 cord, 3 times / week). Muscle biopsies were taken from the working leg before the start and 3-7 days after the training period. Gene expression was analyzed by qPCR. Results: There was no significant gender difference in total RNA or gene expression. Total RNA was significantly increased (p <0.01) with 19.2 %. The women had a significant increase (P <0.05) of RNA at 27.6 %, while the men had a significant increase (p <0.05) at 14 %. MRF4 had a significant (P> 0.05) percentage increase in gene expression by 55.7 %, and women had a significant (P> 0.05) increase of 64 %. GDF-8 increased significantly (P> 0.05) with 55.5 %, while GAPDH increased significantly (P> 0.05) for both sexes with 70.6 % and for men with 87.8 %. Murf1 and 5.8S had no significant changes in gene expression. Conclusions: It seems that both men and women experience a similar percentage difference of total RNA and mRNA gene expression 3-7 days after a 10 weeks long strength training period. To measure the gene expression of MRF4 3-7 days after a 10-week weight-training period seems to be a time when there still is a anabolic responses in the skeletal muscle. Of the proteolysis regulating genes GDF-8 and Murf1 there was an upregulation of GDF-8, which could be a sign that the inhibition of hypertrophy started. An unexpected finding is that GAPDH was found to be unsuitable as a control gene at a strength training intervention at 10 weeks and rRNA 18S was very stable, which could mean that GAPDH should not be used as control gene in longer strength training studies.

Crossing the Bridge : An Interpretation of the Archaeological Remains in the Etruscan Bridge Complex at San Giovenale, Etruria

Backe-Forsberg, Yvonne January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis discusses the archaeological remains in the Etruscan bridge complex, found during the excavations at San Giovenale in 1959–1963, and 1999. The aim has been to reach a holistic perspective of the bridge complex with the bridge seen as a link between topography, economy, social relationships, politics, symbols and ritual, reflecting its importance for the whole community at San Giovenale and its surroundings. Situated at the border between the two largest city-states Tarquinia and Caere, the site seems to have been an important middle range transit town for foreign ideas, goods and people. </p><p>The character of the remains and the various levels of contextual analyses made it possible to distinguish five distinctive functions for the structures at the bridge over the Pietrisco. From a more generalised point of view these suggested that specialized functions may be divided into practical, social and symbolic functions and these aspects have been of help in identifying an object or a structure. Besides practical functions of everyday use, economic and strategic functions have also been considered. </p><p>These functions were more or less in use contemporaneously, at least during several hundred years, from about the middle of the 6th down to the first century B.C. Pottery and small finds show that some activity has taken place at the site from the 9th century. Features of continuity, such as in the choice of crossing, the direction of the bridge construction after its destruction, the architectural ground-plans, the use of basins and a well, pottery fabrics of local and Greek imports and shapes, as well as changes in ground-plans, slight changes in the environment due to water erosion, earth-quakes and slides, have been observed. The physical as well as the liminal boundary between land and water as well as between man and spirits was accentuated by the tufa building, the water installations, and the road at the northern abutment. The thesis raises the hypothesis that the Etruscans believed that a crossing of a river via a bridge could violate the spirits of nature on land and in the water and therefore special rites were needed to restore the balance between nature and man before entering the bridge in order to reach safely at the other side of the ravine. The bridge itself can be seen as sacred, a liminal area where time and space do not exist and a place where it is easy to gain contact with the supernatural world. </p>

Importancia de los receptores estrog��nicos en el estr��s oxidativo y el c��ncer. Funci��n, biog��nesis y din��mica mitocondrial

Sastre Serra, Jorge 27 July 2012 (has links)
El 17��-estradiol (E2) es un factor de riesgo tanto en la iniciaci��n como en la progresi��n de c��nceres hormonodependientes. El E2 modula el estr��s oxidativo afectando, entre otras, a la proliferaci��n celular y por tanto en el proceso tumorig��nico. Los objetivos de la presente tesis fueron, estudiar la acci��n de las hormonas sexuales en la modulaci��n del estr��s oxidativo en las c��lulas cancerosas, y el estudio de la importancia del balance de los receptores estrog��nicos alfa y beta (ER�� y ER��) en la acci��n del E2 en la funci��n, la biog��nesis y la din��mica mitocondrial, as�� como en el control del estr��s oxidativo. Los resultados obtenidos en la presente tesis la importancia de la acci��n de E2 a trav��s de los diferentes receptores sobre el estr��s oxidativo, la funci��n, la din��mica y la biog��nesis mitocondrial, tanto en l��neas celulares como en tumores de mama.

Crossing the Bridge : An Interpretation of the Archaeological Remains in the Etruscan Bridge Complex at San Giovenale, Etruria

Backe-Forsberg, Yvonne January 2005 (has links)
This thesis discusses the archaeological remains in the Etruscan bridge complex, found during the excavations at San Giovenale in 1959–1963, and 1999. The aim has been to reach a holistic perspective of the bridge complex with the bridge seen as a link between topography, economy, social relationships, politics, symbols and ritual, reflecting its importance for the whole community at San Giovenale and its surroundings. Situated at the border between the two largest city-states Tarquinia and Caere, the site seems to have been an important middle range transit town for foreign ideas, goods and people. The character of the remains and the various levels of contextual analyses made it possible to distinguish five distinctive functions for the structures at the bridge over the Pietrisco. From a more generalised point of view these suggested that specialized functions may be divided into practical, social and symbolic functions and these aspects have been of help in identifying an object or a structure. Besides practical functions of everyday use, economic and strategic functions have also been considered. These functions were more or less in use contemporaneously, at least during several hundred years, from about the middle of the 6th down to the first century B.C. Pottery and small finds show that some activity has taken place at the site from the 9th century. Features of continuity, such as in the choice of crossing, the direction of the bridge construction after its destruction, the architectural ground-plans, the use of basins and a well, pottery fabrics of local and Greek imports and shapes, as well as changes in ground-plans, slight changes in the environment due to water erosion, earth-quakes and slides, have been observed. The physical as well as the liminal boundary between land and water as well as between man and spirits was accentuated by the tufa building, the water installations, and the road at the northern abutment. The thesis raises the hypothesis that the Etruscans believed that a crossing of a river via a bridge could violate the spirits of nature on land and in the water and therefore special rites were needed to restore the balance between nature and man before entering the bridge in order to reach safely at the other side of the ravine. The bridge itself can be seen as sacred, a liminal area where time and space do not exist and a place where it is easy to gain contact with the supernatural world.

De la guivre au crapaud : l'analyse du motif merveilleux du baiser désenchanteur à la bête, dans le roman médiéval et dans le conte

Laporte, Jacinthe January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Animal-Like and Depraved: Racist Stereotypes, Commercial Sex, and Black Women's Identity in New Orleans, 1825-1917

Dossie, Porsha 01 August 2014 (has links)
My objective with this thesis is to understand how racist stereotypes and myths compounded the sale of fair-skinned black women during and after the slave trade in New Orleans, Louisiana. This commodification of black women's bodies continued well into the twentieth century, notably in New Orleans' vice district of Storyville. Called "quadroons" (a person with ¼ African ancestry) and "octoroons" (1/8 African ancestry), these women were known for their "sexual prowess" and drew in a large number of patrons. The existence of "white passing" black women complicated ideas about race and racial purity in the South. Race as a myth and social construct, or as Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham explains in her essay, African-American Women's History and the Metalanguage of Race, a "metalanguage" exposes race not as a genetic fact, but rather a physical appearance through which power relations and status were to be conferred. My methodology uses race and gender theory to analyze primary and secondary sources to understand and contextualize how population demographics, myths, and liberal 18th century colonial laws contributed to the sale of black women's bodies. The works of Emily Clark, Walter Johnson, Gwendolyn Midlo Hall and other historians who utilize Atlantic history have been paramount in my research. Emily Clark has transformed the "white-black" women from a tragic, sexualized trope into a fully actualized human being, while Hall has tackled the racist underpinnings inherent in the neglect of black women's history. The writings of bell hooks, particularly her essay Eating the Other, establishes the modern day commodification of black women vis-à -vis their representation in media, as well as through the fetishism of their bodies by a white patriarchal system. During slavery plantation owners could do virtually anything they wanted with their property, including engaging in sexual intercourse. By depicting black women as hypersexual jezebels, they could justify their rape, while establishing their dominance and place in the white male hegemony of that time period. For the right price a white male of a lesser class could achieve the same thing at a brothel down in Storyville at the turn of the twentieth century, for as Emily Clark argues in her book, The Strange History of the American Quadroon, these brothels were a great equalizer, allowing all white men to experience "…sexual mastery enjoyed only by elite planters before the Civil War." By democratizing white supremacy, the quadroon and others like her forged solidarity that bridge across all classes, while upholding whiteness and oppressing people of color at the same time.

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