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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation des capacités biotechniques de boutures de Salicaceae et Tamaricaceae sur un gradient de sécheresse / Biotechnical capabilities evaluation of Salicaceae and Tamaricaceae cuttings according to drought gradient

Lavaine, Catherine 12 November 2013 (has links)
Le phénomène naturel d’érosion des berges peut menacer des infrastructures humaines. Des protections végétales peuvent être installées afin de mimer les dynamiques de végétation et armer la berge grâce aux racines. Cependant, les changements climatiques globaux sont susceptibles d’entraîner et d’aggraver les sécheresses, ce qui va stresser les végétaux présents et compromettre la bonne réussite des ouvrages de génie végétal. La principale question est donc « Quelles sont les caractéristiques biotechniques et les facultés d’acclimatation à la sécheresse de boutures de Salicaceae et Tamaricaceae, espèces utilisées ou potentiellement utilisables en génie végétal ? ». L’étude de différentes populations d’espèces classiquement utilisées que sont les saules démontre une résistance à la sécheresse plus efficace des populations méridionales tandis que les productions de biomasses restent plus élevées chez les populations septentrionales. L’étude des traits biotechniques et du comportement racinaire d’espèces potentielles appartenant aux Tamaricaceae (Tamarix gallica et Myricaria germanica) montre un taux élevé de reprise au bouturage, une forte production de biomasses et une stratégie de prospection racinaire différente des saules, ce qui leur confère une résistance à la sécheresse accrue. Ceci confirme une utilisation possible de ces espèces dans des ouvrages de génie végétal soumis à sécheresse. / The natural phenomenon of riverbank erosion can threaten human stakes. Vegetative bioengineering protections can be installed to imitate the vegetation dynamics and anchor the soil bank thanks to roots. However, global climate change could induce and increase droughts, what is going to stress plants and to compromise the bioengineering works success. The main question is thus " what are the biotechnical capabilities and the drought acclimatization faculties of cuttings of Salicaceae and Tamaricaceae, species used or potentially useful in bioengineering? ". The study of different populations of species such as willows demonstrates a more effective drought resistance of the Southern populations whereas the biomass productions remain higher with the Northern populations. The study of the biotechnical traits and the root behavior potentially useful species such as Tamaricaceae (Tamarix gallica and Myricaria germanica) show a high resprouting rate, a high biomass production and a prospecting root strategy different from willows. This results confer them a better drought resistance. This confirms a possible use of these species in vegetative bioengineering works subjected to drought.

«Wordes bolde». Evoluzione stilistica dal "Roman de Horn" a "King Horn" a "Horn Childe"

Gottardi, Pierandrea 12 July 2022 (has links)
The doctoral thesis compares the style of the “Romance of Horn”, “King Horn”, and “Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild”. Each of them is a different version of the same story; the first is an Insular French romance, the second and third are Middle English romances. The stylistic analysis is both quantitative and qualitative, and it is developed employing the lemmatized edition of each witness of each version. The work begins with an introduction to the concept of style. The first chapter focuses on a review of the literature regarding each version, considering specifically the witnesses and textual criticism, metre and genre, language, date, and style. For the Insular French version, a specific review of the literature about the author is offered. The second chapter introduces stylometry and stylistic analysis with a brief literature review. Then, the protocols for the edition and lemmatization of each witness are described. Finally, the methods adopted for the stylistic analysis are explained. The third chapter develops the study of descriptions, anaphors, and formulas in each version. The collected data and their interpretations are considered altogether through the lens of a group of theoretical concepts: connotation, attribution, horizon of expectations and discursive tradition. Via these concepts, a trajectory of stylistic mutations is traced, and a link between style and socio-cultural context is displayed. The conclusions sum up all the information and inferences, suggesting further possibilities for new research. / La tesi sviluppa lo studio comparativo dello stile come osservato nel “Roman de Horn”, in “King Horn” e in “Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild”, tre versioni della medesima vicenda, la prima in anglonormanno, le altre due in inglese medio. Nella tesi l’indagine stilistica è svolta in maniera qualitativa e quantitativa, lavorando sulle edizioni lemmatizzate secondo codifica TEI dei singoli testimoni di ciascuna versione. Dopo un’introduzione sul concetto di stile, il primo capitolo è dedicato a un’introduzione ai testi e ai testimoni delle tre versioni. Dopo un cappello introduttivo sui rapporti genetici tra le versioni, di ciascuna di esse si opera un'escussione della bibliografia esistente intorno a testimoni ed eventuale stemmatica, metro e genere, lingua, datazione, stile dell’opera; per la versione anglonormanna si aggiunge uno specifico approfondimento sull’autore. Nel secondo capitolo, si inquadrano stilistica e stilometria nel panorama accademico attuale, quindi si espongono i protocolli di edizione e lemmatizzazione adottata, infine i metodi di analisi adottati e le ragioni per cui circoscrivere l’indagine ai fenomeni di descrizione, anafora e formula. Nel terzo capitolo si procede ad analizzare in ogni versione le descrizioni e poi anafore e formule. Per le descrizioni, dopo aver offerto un quadro specifico per versione, si opera una sintesi sulla base dei concetti di connotazione e attribuzione, chiarendo una possibile traiettoria del mutamento stilistico. Parallelamente, dopo un’analisi di anafore e formule in ciascuna versione si offre una visione d’insieme alla luce dei concetti di orizzonte d’attesa e tradizione discorsiva, ponendo così in relazione stile e contesto socioculturale dell’Inghilterra medievale. Nelle conclusioni, si riassumono gli approdi dell’analisi, valutando metodi e risultati e proponendo possibili aperture a lavori futuri.

Identifying the Classical Theologia Crucis and in this Light Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross

Bradbury, Rosalene Clare January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is presented in two parts. It first identifies the shape and content of an ancient system of Christian thought predicated on the theology of the cross of Jesus Christ, and proposes the marks typifying its theologians. Over against the ensuing hermeneutic it next finds the project of twentieth century Swiss theologian Karl Barth to exhibit many of the defining characteristics of this system, and Barth himself to be fairly deemed a modern theologian of the cross. He crucially recovers, reshapes and reasserts the classical theologia crucis as a modern theological instrument, one answering enlightened theology’s self-glorifying accommodation to modernity with the living Word of the cross. The crucicentric system itself is found to comprise two major theological dimensions, epistemological and soteriological. Each of these comprises dialectically corresponding aspects connected with false and true creaturely glory. The cruciform Word (or theology) speaking through this system likewise moves in two directions. It declares negatively that any attempt by the creature to circumvent the cross so as to know about God directly, or to condition God's electing decision, is necessarily the attempt to know and act as God alone may know and act - an attempt therefore on the glory of God. It declares positively that in the crucified Christ God formally discloses the knowledge of God, and determines the creature for God. This knowledge and election are appropriated to the creature as, drawn into the cruciform environment, its attempt to glorify itself is negated and Christ's exalted humanity received in exchange. Thence it is lifted to participate in Christ's mind and in his glory, a process guided by the Holy Spirit and completed eschatologically. The database for this research includes selected primary materials in the Apostle Paul, Athanasius, a group of medieval mystical theologians, the reformer Martin Luther - particularly here his Heidelberg Disputation, and Karl Barth. It also pays attention to the recent secondary literature peripherally or more concertedly connecting itself to the theology of the cross, of whatever period. In this literature numerous suggestions for the content of the theology of the cross exist, a major methodological task in the current research being to bring these together systematically. To the extent that the inner structure of the system carrying the cruciform Word has not previously been made explicit, and Barth's crucicentric status not finally determined, in moving towards these achievements this dissertation breaks fresh ground. In the process a new test by which to decide the crucicentric status of any theological project is developed, and a further and crucicentric way of reading Barth proposed. / This dissertation identifies the shape, content, and marks of the theology of the cross, an ancient and still extant epistemological and soteriological system of Christian thought. Applying the resulting hermeneutic it then shows this system to be present with renewed vitality and future significance in the modern project of seminal Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968).

Identifying the Classical Theologia Crucis and in this Light Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross

Bradbury, Rosalene Clare January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is presented in two parts. It first identifies the shape and content of an ancient system of Christian thought predicated on the theology of the cross of Jesus Christ, and proposes the marks typifying its theologians. Over against the ensuing hermeneutic it next finds the project of twentieth century Swiss theologian Karl Barth to exhibit many of the defining characteristics of this system, and Barth himself to be fairly deemed a modern theologian of the cross. He crucially recovers, reshapes and reasserts the classical theologia crucis as a modern theological instrument, one answering enlightened theology���s self-glorifying accommodation to modernity with the living Word of the cross. The crucicentric system itself is found to comprise two major theological dimensions, epistemological and soteriological. Each of these comprises dialectically corresponding aspects connected with false and true creaturely glory. The cruciform Word (or theology) speaking through this system likewise moves in two directions. It declares negatively that any attempt by the creature to circumvent the cross so as to know about God directly, or to condition God's electing decision, is necessarily the attempt to know and act as God alone may know and act - an attempt therefore on the glory of God. It declares positively that in the crucified Christ God formally discloses the knowledge of God, and determines the creature for God. This knowledge and election are appropriated to the creature as, drawn into the cruciform environment, its attempt to glorify itself is negated and Christ's exalted humanity received in exchange. Thence it is lifted to participate in Christ's mind and in his glory, a process guided by the Holy Spirit and completed eschatologically. The database for this research includes selected primary materials in the Apostle Paul, Athanasius, a group of medieval mystical theologians, the reformer Martin Luther - particularly here his Heidelberg Disputation, and Karl Barth. It also pays attention to the recent secondary literature peripherally or more concertedly connecting itself to the theology of the cross, of whatever period. In this literature numerous suggestions for the content of the theology of the cross exist, a major methodological task in the current research being to bring these together systematically. To the extent that the inner structure of the system carrying the cruciform Word has not previously been made explicit, and Barth's crucicentric status not finally determined, in moving towards these achievements this dissertation breaks fresh ground. In the process a new test by which to decide the crucicentric status of any theological project is developed, and a further and crucicentric way of reading Barth proposed.

Evaluation des capacités biotechniques de boutures de Salicaceae et Tamaricaceae sur un gradient de sécheresse

Lavaine, Catherine 12 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le phénomène naturel d'érosion des berges peut menacer des infrastructures humaines. Des protections végétales peuvent être installées afin de mimer les dynamiques de végétation et armer la berge grâce aux racines. Cependant, les changements climatiques globaux sont susceptibles d'entraîner et d'aggraver les sécheresses, ce qui va stresser les végétaux présents et compromettre la bonne réussite des ouvrages de génie végétal. La principale question est donc " Quelles sont les caractéristiques biotechniques et les facultés d'acclimatation à la sécheresse de boutures de Salicaceae et Tamaricaceae, espèces utilisées ou potentiellement utilisables en génie végétal ? ". L'étude de différentes populations d'espèces classiquement utilisées que sont les saules démontre une résistance à la sécheresse plus efficace des populations méridionales tandis que les productions de biomasses restent plus élevées chez les populations septentrionales. L'étude des traits biotechniques et du comportement racinaire d'espèces potentielles appartenant aux Tamaricaceae (Tamarix gallica et Myricaria germanica) montre un taux élevé de reprise au bouturage, une forte production de biomasses et une stratégie de prospection racinaire différente des saules, ce qui leur confère une résistance à la sécheresse accrue. Ceci confirme une utilisation possible de ces espèces dans des ouvrages de génie végétal soumis à sécheresse.

Identifying the Classical Theologia Crucis and in this Light Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross

Bradbury, Rosalene Clare January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is presented in two parts. It first identifies the shape and content of an ancient system of Christian thought predicated on the theology of the cross of Jesus Christ, and proposes the marks typifying its theologians. Over against the ensuing hermeneutic it next finds the project of twentieth century Swiss theologian Karl Barth to exhibit many of the defining characteristics of this system, and Barth himself to be fairly deemed a modern theologian of the cross. He crucially recovers, reshapes and reasserts the classical theologia crucis as a modern theological instrument, one answering enlightened theology’s self-glorifying accommodation to modernity with the living Word of the cross. The crucicentric system itself is found to comprise two major theological dimensions, epistemological and soteriological. Each of these comprises dialectically corresponding aspects connected with false and true creaturely glory. The cruciform Word (or theology) speaking through this system likewise moves in two directions. It declares negatively that any attempt by the creature to circumvent the cross so as to know about God directly, or to condition God's electing decision, is necessarily the attempt to know and act as God alone may know and act - an attempt therefore on the glory of God. It declares positively that in the crucified Christ God formally discloses the knowledge of God, and determines the creature for God. This knowledge and election are appropriated to the creature as, drawn into the cruciform environment, its attempt to glorify itself is negated and Christ's exalted humanity received in exchange. Thence it is lifted to participate in Christ's mind and in his glory, a process guided by the Holy Spirit and completed eschatologically. The database for this research includes selected primary materials in the Apostle Paul, Athanasius, a group of medieval mystical theologians, the reformer Martin Luther - particularly here his Heidelberg Disputation, and Karl Barth. It also pays attention to the recent secondary literature peripherally or more concertedly connecting itself to the theology of the cross, of whatever period. In this literature numerous suggestions for the content of the theology of the cross exist, a major methodological task in the current research being to bring these together systematically. To the extent that the inner structure of the system carrying the cruciform Word has not previously been made explicit, and Barth's crucicentric status not finally determined, in moving towards these achievements this dissertation breaks fresh ground. In the process a new test by which to decide the crucicentric status of any theological project is developed, and a further and crucicentric way of reading Barth proposed. / This dissertation identifies the shape, content, and marks of the theology of the cross, an ancient and still extant epistemological and soteriological system of Christian thought. Applying the resulting hermeneutic it then shows this system to be present with renewed vitality and future significance in the modern project of seminal Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968).

Identifying the Classical Theologia Crucis and in this Light Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross

Bradbury, Rosalene Clare January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is presented in two parts. It first identifies the shape and content of an ancient system of Christian thought predicated on the theology of the cross of Jesus Christ, and proposes the marks typifying its theologians. Over against the ensuing hermeneutic it next finds the project of twentieth century Swiss theologian Karl Barth to exhibit many of the defining characteristics of this system, and Barth himself to be fairly deemed a modern theologian of the cross. He crucially recovers, reshapes and reasserts the classical theologia crucis as a modern theological instrument, one answering enlightened theology’s self-glorifying accommodation to modernity with the living Word of the cross. The crucicentric system itself is found to comprise two major theological dimensions, epistemological and soteriological. Each of these comprises dialectically corresponding aspects connected with false and true creaturely glory. The cruciform Word (or theology) speaking through this system likewise moves in two directions. It declares negatively that any attempt by the creature to circumvent the cross so as to know about God directly, or to condition God's electing decision, is necessarily the attempt to know and act as God alone may know and act - an attempt therefore on the glory of God. It declares positively that in the crucified Christ God formally discloses the knowledge of God, and determines the creature for God. This knowledge and election are appropriated to the creature as, drawn into the cruciform environment, its attempt to glorify itself is negated and Christ's exalted humanity received in exchange. Thence it is lifted to participate in Christ's mind and in his glory, a process guided by the Holy Spirit and completed eschatologically. The database for this research includes selected primary materials in the Apostle Paul, Athanasius, a group of medieval mystical theologians, the reformer Martin Luther - particularly here his Heidelberg Disputation, and Karl Barth. It also pays attention to the recent secondary literature peripherally or more concertedly connecting itself to the theology of the cross, of whatever period. In this literature numerous suggestions for the content of the theology of the cross exist, a major methodological task in the current research being to bring these together systematically. To the extent that the inner structure of the system carrying the cruciform Word has not previously been made explicit, and Barth's crucicentric status not finally determined, in moving towards these achievements this dissertation breaks fresh ground. In the process a new test by which to decide the crucicentric status of any theological project is developed, and a further and crucicentric way of reading Barth proposed. / This dissertation identifies the shape, content, and marks of the theology of the cross, an ancient and still extant epistemological and soteriological system of Christian thought. Applying the resulting hermeneutic it then shows this system to be present with renewed vitality and future significance in the modern project of seminal Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968).

Identifying the Classical Theologia Crucis and in this Light Karl Barth's Modern Theology of the Cross

Bradbury, Rosalene Clare January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is presented in two parts. It first identifies the shape and content of an ancient system of Christian thought predicated on the theology of the cross of Jesus Christ, and proposes the marks typifying its theologians. Over against the ensuing hermeneutic it next finds the project of twentieth century Swiss theologian Karl Barth to exhibit many of the defining characteristics of this system, and Barth himself to be fairly deemed a modern theologian of the cross. He crucially recovers, reshapes and reasserts the classical theologia crucis as a modern theological instrument, one answering enlightened theology’s self-glorifying accommodation to modernity with the living Word of the cross. The crucicentric system itself is found to comprise two major theological dimensions, epistemological and soteriological. Each of these comprises dialectically corresponding aspects connected with false and true creaturely glory. The cruciform Word (or theology) speaking through this system likewise moves in two directions. It declares negatively that any attempt by the creature to circumvent the cross so as to know about God directly, or to condition God's electing decision, is necessarily the attempt to know and act as God alone may know and act - an attempt therefore on the glory of God. It declares positively that in the crucified Christ God formally discloses the knowledge of God, and determines the creature for God. This knowledge and election are appropriated to the creature as, drawn into the cruciform environment, its attempt to glorify itself is negated and Christ's exalted humanity received in exchange. Thence it is lifted to participate in Christ's mind and in his glory, a process guided by the Holy Spirit and completed eschatologically. The database for this research includes selected primary materials in the Apostle Paul, Athanasius, a group of medieval mystical theologians, the reformer Martin Luther - particularly here his Heidelberg Disputation, and Karl Barth. It also pays attention to the recent secondary literature peripherally or more concertedly connecting itself to the theology of the cross, of whatever period. In this literature numerous suggestions for the content of the theology of the cross exist, a major methodological task in the current research being to bring these together systematically. To the extent that the inner structure of the system carrying the cruciform Word has not previously been made explicit, and Barth's crucicentric status not finally determined, in moving towards these achievements this dissertation breaks fresh ground. In the process a new test by which to decide the crucicentric status of any theological project is developed, and a further and crucicentric way of reading Barth proposed. / This dissertation identifies the shape, content, and marks of the theology of the cross, an ancient and still extant epistemological and soteriological system of Christian thought. Applying the resulting hermeneutic it then shows this system to be present with renewed vitality and future significance in the modern project of seminal Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968).

As equivalências no português e no italiano de verbos suecos com prefixos de origem germânica num corpus paralelo de textos escritos / The equivalences of Swedish verbs with prefixes of a Germanic origin in Portuguese and Italian in a parallel written corpus

Cuofano, Letizia January 2011 (has links)
Os prefixos germânicos de alguns verbos suecos serão comparados numa análise contrastiva com as relativas equivalências em português e em italiano num corpus paralelo escrito composto por um romance de língua sueca, um de língua portuguesa e um de língua italiana e pelas suas respectivas traduções. As funções desenvolvidas pelos prefixos germânicos dos verbos suecos analisados serão examinadas e depois confrontadas com as relativas equivalências, com o resultado que também nas duas línguas românicas relevam-se, de maneira bastante constante, procedimentos gramaticais parecidos aos desenvolvidos pelos prefixos germânicos. / Germanic prefixes of which some Swedish verbs are composed are going to be compared in acontrastive analysis with their relative equivalences in Portuguese and Italian in a parallel written corpus characterized by a Swedish-language romance, a Portuguese-language romance and an Italian language romance, and by their relative translations. The functions executed by the German prefixes of the analysed Swedish verbs are going to be examined and then compared with their relative equivalences, with the result that even in the Romance languages it is possible to find in a quite constant way grammatical processes which are similar to those executed by the Germanic prefixes. / I prefissi germanici di alcuni verbi svedesi saranno comparati in un'analisi contrastiva con le relative equivalenze in portoghese e in italiano in un corpus parallelo scritto composto da un romanzo di lingua svedese, uno di lingua portoghese e uno di lingua italiana e dalle rispettive traduzioni. Le funzioni svolte dai prefissi germanici dei verbi svedesi analizzati saranno esaminate e poi confrontate con le relative equivalenze, con il risultato che anche nelle due lingue romanze si riscontrano in maniera abbastanza costante processi grammaticali simili a quelli svolti dai prefissi germanici. / De germanska prefix som återfinns i vissa svenska verb kommer att jämföras med sina motsvarigheter på portugisiska och italienska. Detta görs med hjälp av en skriven korpus bestående av en roman ursprungligen skriven på svenska, en skriven på portugisiska och en skriven på italienska samt översättningar av dessa romaner till de två andra språken. Funktionen hos de svenska verben med germanska prefix kommer att analyseras och sedan jämföras med verbens motsvarigheter. Resultatet av analysen visar att det är möjligt att finna systematiskt återkommande grammatiska processer i de romanska språken, som liknar de som förekommer i samband med de germanska prefixen på svenska.

As equivalências no português e no italiano de verbos suecos com prefixos de origem germânica num corpus paralelo de textos escritos / The equivalences of Swedish verbs with prefixes of a Germanic origin in Portuguese and Italian in a parallel written corpus

Cuofano, Letizia January 2011 (has links)
Os prefixos germânicos de alguns verbos suecos serão comparados numa análise contrastiva com as relativas equivalências em português e em italiano num corpus paralelo escrito composto por um romance de língua sueca, um de língua portuguesa e um de língua italiana e pelas suas respectivas traduções. As funções desenvolvidas pelos prefixos germânicos dos verbos suecos analisados serão examinadas e depois confrontadas com as relativas equivalências, com o resultado que também nas duas línguas românicas relevam-se, de maneira bastante constante, procedimentos gramaticais parecidos aos desenvolvidos pelos prefixos germânicos. / Germanic prefixes of which some Swedish verbs are composed are going to be compared in a contrastive analysis with their relative equivalences in Portuguese and Italian in a parallel written corpus characterized by a Swedish-language romance, a Portuguese-language romance and an Italian-language romance, and by their relative translations. The functions executed by the German prefixes of the analysed Swedish verbs are going to be examined and then compared with their relative equivalences, with the result that even in the Romance languages it is possible to find in a quite constant way grammatical processes which are similar to those executed by the Germanic prefixes. / I prefissi germanici di alcuni verbi svedesi saranno comparati in un’analisi contrastiva con le relative equivalenze in portoghese e in italiano in un corpus parallelo scritto composto da un romanzo di lingua svedese, uno di lingua portoghese e uno di lingua italiana e dalle rispettive traduzioni. Le funzioni svolte dai prefissi germanici dei verbi svedesi analizzati saranno esaminate e poi confrontate con le relative equivalenze, con il risultato che anche nelle due lingue romanze si riscontrano in maniera abbastanza costante processi grammaticali simili a quelli svolti dai prefissi germanici. / De germanska prefix som återfinns i vissa svenska verb kommer att jämföras med sina motsvarigheter på portugisiska och italienska. Detta görs med hjälp av en skriven korpus bestående av en roman ursprungligen skriven på svenska, en skriven på portugisiska och en skriven på italienska samt översättningar av dessa romaner till de två andra språken. Funktionen hos de svenska verben med germanska prefix kommer att analyseras och sedan jämföras med verbens motsvarigheter. Resultatet av analysen visar att det är möjligt att finna systematiskt återkommande grammatiska processer i de romanska språken, som liknar de som förekommer i samband med de germanska prefixen på svenska.

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