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Global warming without global mean precipitation increase?Salzmann, Marc 19 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Global climate models simulate a robust increase of global mean precipitation of about 1.5 to 2% per Kelvin surface warming in response to greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing.Here, it is shown that the sensitivity to aerosol cooling is robust as well, albeit roughly twice as large. This larger sensitivity is consistent with energy budget arguments. At the same time, it is still considerably lower than the 6.5 to 7% K−1 decrease of the water vapor concentration with cooling from anthropogenic aerosol because the water vapor radiative feedback lowers the hydrological sensitivity to anthropogenic forcings. When GHG and aerosol forcings are combined, the climate models with a realistic 20th century warming indicate that the globa lmean precipitation increase due to GHG warming has, until recently, been completely masked by aerosol drying. This explains the apparent lack of sensitivity of the global mean precipitation to the net global warming recently found in observations. As the importance of GHG warming increases in the future, a clear signal will emerge.
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Global warming without global mean precipitation increase?Salzmann, Marc January 2016 (has links)
Global climate models simulate a robust increase of global mean precipitation of about 1.5 to 2% per Kelvin surface warming in response to greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing.Here, it is shown that the sensitivity to aerosol cooling is robust as well, albeit roughly twice as large. This larger sensitivity is consistent with energy budget arguments. At the same time, it is still considerably lower than the 6.5 to 7% K−1 decrease of the water vapor concentration with cooling from anthropogenic aerosol because the water vapor radiative feedback lowers the hydrological sensitivity to anthropogenic forcings. When GHG and aerosol forcings are combined, the climate models with a realistic 20th century warming indicate that the globa lmean precipitation increase due to GHG warming has, until recently, been completely masked by aerosol drying. This explains the apparent lack of sensitivity of the global mean precipitation to the net global warming recently found in observations. As the importance of GHG warming increases in the future, a clear signal will emerge.
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How do water companies adapt to climate change impacts?Weber, Marie-Christin 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The primary objective of this work was to analyse how water companies are affected by climate change and how they try to adapt to it. Therefore, a systematic literature review was being accomplished.
The work is being divided into a theoretical and a methodological part. First of all an overview of the climatic changes that are projected to occur during the next years is being given. Then, resulting impacts on the water cycle are being pointed out. Furthermore, raw water sources, water companies obtain water from are being defined as well as the treatment process. Within the methodological part the approach of a systematic literature review is being applied, which includes the selection of references as well as their evaluation.
The results of the literature review are that concerning the effects of climate change on water companies, the risks water providers might face, clearly predominate possible opportunities. Especially the deterioration of the raw water quality caused by increasing temperatures, floods as well as heavy rainfalls can be seen as a serious problem. Moreover, the most often mentioned adaptation strategies are dealing with quantitative water problems such as measures to increase storage as well as treatment capacity or leakage reductions.
All in all it can be stated that there is still uncertainty about how climate change is going to effect water companies, especially concerning water quality changes and the treatment process.
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How do water companies adapt to climate change impacts?: A literature reviewWeber, Marie-Christin January 2011 (has links)
The primary objective of this work was to analyse how water companies are affected by climate change and how they try to adapt to it. Therefore, a systematic literature review was being accomplished.
The work is being divided into a theoretical and a methodological part. First of all an overview of the climatic changes that are projected to occur during the next years is being given. Then, resulting impacts on the water cycle are being pointed out. Furthermore, raw water sources, water companies obtain water from are being defined as well as the treatment process. Within the methodological part the approach of a systematic literature review is being applied, which includes the selection of references as well as their evaluation.
The results of the literature review are that concerning the effects of climate change on water companies, the risks water providers might face, clearly predominate possible opportunities. Especially the deterioration of the raw water quality caused by increasing temperatures, floods as well as heavy rainfalls can be seen as a serious problem. Moreover, the most often mentioned adaptation strategies are dealing with quantitative water problems such as measures to increase storage as well as treatment capacity or leakage reductions.
All in all it can be stated that there is still uncertainty about how climate change is going to effect water companies, especially concerning water quality changes and the treatment process.
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Weather Extremes in a Warming Climate / Methodological Advancements to Identify Anthropogenically Forced ChangesPfleiderer, Peter 19 July 2022 (has links)
Seit der industriellen Revolution haben Menschen durch Verbrennung von fossilen Energieträgern die Treibhausgaskonzentration in der Atmosphäre erhöht. Die daraus folgende Erderwärmung hat weitreichende Folgen für das Klima, unter anderem häufigere und intensivere Wetterextreme. Wegen ihrer gravierenden Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft, ist es von allgemeinem Interesse zu verstehen, wie der menschengemachte Klimawandel diese Wetterextreme beeinflusst.
In dieser kumulativen Dissertation analysiere ich erst zwei komplexe Wettereignisse, die die Nahrungsmittelproduktion in Europa beeinträchtigen: Frosttage nach dem Beginn der Apfelblüte und Feuchte Frühsommerperioden nach warmen Wintern. In einer dritten Studie untersuche ich wie dynamische Klimaveränderungen in den mittleren Breiten der Nordhalbkugel zu beständigerem Sommerwetter beitragen. Schließlich beschäftige ich mich mit tropischen Stürmen im Nordatlantik und damit, wie sie von der globalen Erwärmung beeinflusst werden.
Eine zentrale methodische Herausforderung in diesem Forschungsfeld ist, dass Wetterextreme per Definition selten sind und dass es aufgrund der starken internen Klimavariabilität schwierig ist, die Veränderungen zu quantifizieren, die auf den menschgemachten Klimawandel zurück zu führen sind. In dieser Arbeit verfolge ich zweigegenläufige Ansätze um mit dieser Herausforderung um zu gehen: 1) Ich verwende große Klimasimulationsensembles um den Effekt der internen Klimavariabilität aus zu glätten und dadurch die erzwungenen Veränderungen beim Apfelfrost und in der Persistenz zu ergründen. 2) Mit Methoden, die auf Beobachtungsdaten beruhen, quantifiziere ich den Einfluss der internen Klimavariabilität auf tropische Zyklone um dann einschätzen zu können, in welchem Maß der beobachtete Anstieg der tropischen Zyklonaktivität im Atlantik der internen Klimavariabilität oder erzwungenen Veränderungen zugeschrieben werden kann. / Since the industrial revolution, humans have increased the greenhouse gas concentration of the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. The resulting global warming has far reaching impacts on the climate system including increasingly frequent and intense weather extremes. Due to the severe impacts these weather extremes cause to societies, there is a strong interest in understanding how anthropogenic climate change affects weather extremes.
In this cumulative thesis I first study two compound weather extremes that affect food production in Europe: frost days after apple blossom and wet early summers after warm winters. In a third study I quantify how dynamic changes in the climate system contribute to more persistent summer weather extremes in the northern hemispheric mid-latitudes. Finally, I analyze tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin and changes in tropical cyclone activity as a result of global warming.
One central methodological challenge in the research field is that weather extremes are rare by definition and that due to the strong internal climate variability it is difficult to quantify changes that are forced by anthropogenic climate change. In this thesis I explore two divergent approaches to this challenge: 1) Using large ensemble climate simulations I smooth out the effect of internal variability thereby exposing the forced change in apple frost and weather persistence. 2) Using observation based approaches, I quantify the contributions of internal climate variability on tropical cyclones in order to subsequently estimate to which extent the observed increase in tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic can be attributed to internal climate variability or forced changes.
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Gutes Klima – ein schmaler Grat zwischen Fakten und InterpretationenArnold, Marlen Gabriele 16 June 2020 (has links)
Satire erlaubt alles – so die Aussage einiger Comedians und Freunde des gepflegten Spöttelns. Doch wenn politisches Kabarett dazu beiträgt, Falschinformationen und Fehlinterpretationen zu verbreiten – darf Satire dann immer noch alles? Trägt nicht auch das politische Kabarett Verantwortung für eine adäquate Faktendarstellung anstelle einseitiger Politisierung? Satire blendet leider auch einige Fakten und Wirkbezüge in der Klimadebatte und den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aus. Dass diese Blindheit und Ignoranz nicht zwingend zuträglich für eine gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und die Aufgeklärtheit einer Gesellschaft sind, liegt auf der Hand – aller Freiheit politischer Satire zum Trotz. Auch wenn zu viel Informationen und Wissen, und erst recht ambigue und widersprüchliche Daten, zu Verwirrungen und häufig nicht zur Irritation der eigenen (festgefahrenen) Weltbilder führen können, soll dieser Beitrag die Vielfalt der Daten und Interpretationsspielräume aufzeigen und zu mehr factfulness in der Klimadiskussion motivieren. / Satire allows everything - so the statement of some comedians and friends of the cultivated mockery. But if political cabaret contributes to spreading misinformation and misinterpretations - is satire still allowed to do everything? Doesn't political cabaret also bear responsibility for an adequate presentation of facts instead of one-sided politicization? Unfortunately, satire also ignores some facts and causal relations in the climate debate and scientific knowledge. It is obvious that this blindness and ignorance is not necessarily conducive to social development and the enlightenment of a society - despite all the freedom of political satire. Even if too much information and knowledge, and even more so ambiguous and contradictory data, can lead to confusion and often not to the irritation of one's own (deadlocked) world views, this contribution is intended to show the diversity of data and scope for interpretation and motivate more factfulness in the climate debate.
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A Holocene temperature (brGDGT) record from Garba Guracha, a high-altitude lake in EthiopiaBittner, Lucas, De Jonge, Cindy, Gil-Romera, Graciela, Lamb, Henry F., Russell, James M., Zech, Michael 22 February 2024 (has links)
Eastern Africa has experienced strong climatic changes since the last deglaciation (15 000 years ago). The driving mechanisms and teleconnections of these spatially complex climate variations are yet not fully understood. Although previous studies on lake systems have enhanced our knowledge of Holocene precipitation variation in eastern Africa, relatively few studies have reconstructed the terrestrial temperature history of eastern Africa from lake archives. Here, we present (i) a new branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (brGDGT) temperature calibration that includes Bale Mountains surface sediments and (ii) a quantitative record of mean annual air temperature (MAT) over the past 12 ka cal BP using brGDGTs in a sediment core collected from Garba Guracha (3950ma.s.l.) in the Bale Mountains. After adding Bale Mountains surface sediment (n = 11) data (Baxter et al., 2019) to the existing East African lake dataset, additional variation in 6-methyl brGDGTs was observed, which necessitated modifying the MBT'5ME calibration (MBT denotes methylation of branched tetraethers) by adding 6-methyl brGDGT IIIa0 (resulting in the MBT Bale Mountains index, r² = 0:93, p < 0:05). Comparing the MBT'5ME and the new MBT Bale Mountains index, our high-altitude Garba Guracha temperature record shows that warming occurred shortly after the Holocene onset when the temperature increased by more than 3.0°C in less than 600 years. The highest temperatures prevailed between 9 and 6 ka cal BP, followed by a temperature decrease until 1.4 ka cal BP. The reconstructed temperature history is linked to supraregional climatic changes associated with insolation forcing and the African Humid Period (AHP), as well as with local anomalies associated with catchment deglaciation and hydrology.
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Integrated farming systems for food and energy in a warming, resource-depleting worldRodriguez, Lylian 29 August 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer Strategie für die eine CO2 sparende zu- künftige Landwirtschaft, in der nur geringe Emissionen von Treibhausgasen entstehen, die Stromerzeugung vor Ort aus natürlichen Ressourcen erfolgt, eine maximale Ausnutzung der Sonnenenergie genutzt wird, und der Konflikt zwischen der Nutzung der verfügbaren Ressourcen für Nahrungsmittel und Treibstoff Produktion vermieden wird. Alle Versuche in der Arbeit wurden in den Jahren 2005 -2009 auf der Öko-Farm (TOSOLY) der UTA (Fundación para la Producción Agropecuaria Tropical Sostenible Capitulo Kolumbien - UTA) unter der Leitung von Dr. TR Preston (Präsident ) und MSc Lylian Rodríguez (Director) durchgeführt. / This thesis is a contribution to the strategy that should underpin all future farming systems: namely the need to “de-carbonize” the system, by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, generating electricity locally from natural resources, making maximum use of solar energy and ensuring there is no conflict between use of available resources for both food and fuel production. All the experiments described in the thesis were carried out in the period 2005 -2009 at the ecological farm (TOSOLY) of the UTA Foundation (Fundación para la Producción Agropecuaria Tropical Sostenible Capitulo Colombia – UTA) of which the principals are Dr T R Preston (President) and MSc Lylian Rodríguez (Director).
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