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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governança corporativa e estrutura de propriedade: determinantes e relação com o desempenho das empresas no Brasil / Corporate governance and ownership structure: determinants and association with firm value in Brazil

Alexandre di Miceli da Silveira 30 November 2004 (has links)
Governança corporativa pode ser entendida como o conjunto de mecanismos de incentivo e controle, internos e externos, que visam a minimizar os custos decorrentes do problema de agência. O tema é importante por ser bem difundida a hipótese de que as práticas de governança afetam o desempenho das empresas. Esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar se os mecanismos de governança são exógenos e se exercem influência sobre o valor de mercado e a rentabilidade das companhias abertas no Brasil. A pesquisa foi dividida em três partes inter-relacionadas. A primeira parte investigou os determinantes da qualidade da governança corporativa, isto é, os fatores que fazem com que algumas empresas apresentem um nível de governança maior do que outras submetidas a um mesmo ambiente contratual. Como aproximação para a qualidade da governança corporativa, construiu-se um índice de governança para as 161 companhias componentes da amostra. O resultado principal desta primeira parte sugere que a estrutura de propriedade influencia a qualidade da governança corporativa. Especificamente, encontrou-se uma relação negativa significante entre o excesso de direito de voto em posse do acionista controlador e a qualidade da governança. Os resultados também indicaram que as empresas maiores, emissoras de ADRs e com melhor desempenho apresentam, em média, melhor governança corporativa. A segunda parte do estudo investigou os determinantes da concentração da propriedade, isto é, os fatores que fazem com que o acionista controlador detenha um percentual maior de ações nas companhias abertas. Aplicando técnicas de dados em painel para o período de 1998 a 2002, os resultados indicaram que a concentração da propriedade não parece ser determinada de forma endógena por outras variáveis corporativas. Os resultados, todavia, dependem do método de estimação dos coeficientes empregado, já que se obteve significância estatística pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinário mas não pelos procedimentos de Efeitos Aleatórios e de Efeitos Fixos, que se mostraram mais adequados. A terceira parte da pesquisa investigou a relação entre governança e desempenho por meio de diferentes abordagens econométricas em escala crescente de complexidade. Os resultados não indicaram uma influência significante e consistente da qualidade da governança sobre o desempenho das empresas, já que houve mudança no sentido da relação entre o nível de governança e algumas variáveis de desempenho quando foi aplicada a abordagem de equações simultâneas, em relação aos resultados obtidos nas regressões múltiplas com equações isoladas. Das variáveis de desempenho testadas, Q de Tobin foi a que mostrou a relação positiva mais consistente com a qualidade da governança. Como outros resultados importantes, observou-se que as empresas com menor concentração do direito de voto em posse do controlador, menor nível de endividamento, maior proporção de intangíveis, maior tamanho, emissoras de ADRs e com ações mais líquidas apresentaram, em média, melhor desempenho. A discrepância dos resultados obtidos na relação entre governança corporativa e desempenho, em função da abordagem econométrica empregada, destaca a necessidade de um maior desenvolvimento da teoria sobre governança corporativa, de forma a melhor especificar, por meio de equações estruturais, os relacionamentos entre os diferentes mecanismos de governança. / Corporate governance can be defined as the set of incentive and control mechanisms designed to minimize the costs deriving from the managerial agency problem. The subject is important since it is well spread the hypothesis that governance practices impact firm’s performance. This thesis aims at evaluating if governance mechanisms are exogenous and if they influence market value and profitability of listed companies in Brazil. The research is divided into three interrelated sections. The first section investigated the determinants of firm-level corporate governance quality, trying to uncover which firm’s observable characteristics lead some companies to achieve higher governance ratings than others in the same contractual environment. In order to obtain a proxy for corporate governance quality, a governance index was built for the sample of 161 firms. The main result of the first section suggests that ownership structure influences corporate governance quality. Specifically, it was found a significant negative relationship between the excess of voting shares held by controlling shareholder and corporate governance rating. Furthermore, the results indicated that larger companies, ADR issuers, and firms with better performance have, on average, better corporate governance. The second section investigated the determinants of ownership concentration in Brazil. The analysis aims at uncovering which firm’s characteristics lead some controlling shareholders to have higher concentration of shares. By applying panel data techniques for 1998 to 2002 period, the results indicated that ownership concentration doesn’t seem to be endogenously determined by other corporate variables. The results, however, are sensitive to coefficients’ estimation method. Statistically significant coefficients were found when Ordinary Least Squares were applied. However, this method appeared to be less adequate than Random Effects and Fixed Effect procedures, whose resulting estimates revealed that none of the explanatory variables’ coefficients were statistically significant. The third section investigated the relationship between corporate governance and performance through different econometric approaches in increasing level of complexity. The results didn’t indicate a significant and consistent influence of governance quality on corporate performance, since there was a sign change of the relation between governance level and some performance variables when the simultaneous equation approach was applied, compared with the results obtained by the single equation regressions approach. From the performance variables used, Tobin’s Q showed the more consistent positive relation with governance level. The results also suggest that firms with lower voting rights’ concentration held by controlling shareholder, lower debt level, higher proportion of intangibles assets, larger size, more liquid shares and ADRs issuers show, on average, better performance. The discrepancy of the results on the relation between corporate governance and performance, due to the econometric approach employed, highlights the need for a better development of corporate governance theory, in order to improve the specification, through structural equations, of the relationships between different governance mechanisms.

Examining consequences of principal-agent and corporate governance interactions in South Africa : a study of FTSA/JSE TOP40 companies

Muzata, Tapiwa 15 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract in Zulu, English and Afrikaans / This study examined the consequences of Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance interactions within South Africa’s FTSE/JSE Top40 listed companies from 2008 to 2016. The study’s objectives were to examine the prevalence of Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems, to ascertain potential costs of these problems, to establish their socio-economic consequences, and evaluate the effectiveness of the governance codes. The study is anchored in Principal-Agent theory. Mixed methods methodology was employed, specifically Concurrent and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods design logics. The main findings include that, 23.91% of sample companies experienced Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems- significantly exceeding the study’s expectations that negligible governance problems exist and reveals the pervasiveness of these problems; executive compensation plays a bigger role in exacerbating Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems than expected and often considered in governance mechanisms; multi-billion rands potential costs are ascribed to Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems incurred by principals; unjustifiable salary inequalities resulting in other inequalities that build social mistrust; and there is limited conviction that current governance codes are effective. This study’s contributions include; proposing an executive remuneration model that considers governance of the company in determining executive compensation; formulating a governance index calculated based on King III and King IV recommendations to standardise the measurement of the quality of governance in companies; the salary Gini was used to establish compensation gaps and red-flag potential Principal-Agent problems and flaws in governance systems; and used value at risk procedures to quantify potential Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance costs. The main theoretical implications of the study’s findings are; agency theory needs extension to capture socio-economic costs and not only focus on the principal; remuneration models should consider the executive’s company governance and social and economic egalitarianism; flexibility of ‘comply or explain’ should subordinate socio-economic consequences, suggesting a hybrid approach which makes certain governance code provisions compulsory; and finally, behavioural finance theories should be used in governance research for better insights. / Lolu cwaningo lwacubungula futhi lwahlolisisa imiphumela yokuxhumana phakathi kwesimo seNhloko ne-Ejenti, i-Principal-Agent, (lapho umuntu eqoka omunye ukuba athathe izinqumo kanye/noma izinyathelo egameni lakhe) nokuPhathwa nokuLawulwa Kwenkampani, ezinkampanini ezingama-40 ebezikleliswe phezulu ohlwini lwe-FTSE/JSE eNingizimu Afrika kusukela ngowezi-2008 kuya kowezi-2016. Izinhloso zalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukubheka ukuthi zivamise kangakanani futhi zisabalele kangakanani izinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani ukuze kutholakale ukuthi zingakanani izindleko ezibangelwa yilezi zinkinga, nokuthola umthelela walokhu kwinhlalomnotho, kanye nokuhlola ukuthi zisebenza kahle kangakanani izinkambiso zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwezinkampani. Lolu cwaningo lwakhelwe phezu kwethiyori yeNhloko ne-Ejenti. Kwasetshenziswa izindlela zocwaningo ezixubile, ikakhulukazi izindlela ezixubile zokuhlola kusetshenziswa izinyathelo ezenziwa kanyekanye noma ngesikhathi esisodwa kanye nezinyathelo ezilandelanayo. Okusemqoka okwatholakala ocwaningweni kubandakanya nokuthi izinkampani okwenziwa kuzona ucwaningo ezingama-23.91% zahlangabezana nezinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani – okuyinani elingaphezulu kakhulu kwalokho obekulindelekile ocwaningweni, ngoba phela kwakulindeleke ukuthi zibe yingcosana kakhulu izinkinga ezikhona eziphathelene nalokhu, kepha-ke ucwaningo lwaveza ukuthi lezi zinkinga zixhaphakile impela; imiholo yabaphathi abakhulu bezinkampani idlala indima enkulu ekubhebhethekiseni izinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani kunalokho obekulindelekile futhi esikhathini esiningi lokhu akuyona neze into evamise ukubhekisiswa uma kwenziwa izinqubo zokuphatha nokulawula; zibalelwa kwizigidigidi zamarandi izindleko ezingena kuzona izinhloko zezinkampani okucatshangwa ukuthi zibangelwa yizinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani; ukungalingani ngokwemiholo, ngaphandle kwesizathu esizwakalayo salokhu, okuyinto eholela kokunye futhi ukungalingani, okudala ukungathembani emphakathini; futhi kuncane kakhulu ukuqiniseka nokukholelwa ekutheni zisebenza kahle izinkambiso zokuphatha nokulawula ezikhona njengamanje. Igalelo lalolu cwaningo libandakanya isiphakamiso semodeli yemiholo yabaphathi abakhulu ebhekisisa nodaba lokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwenkampani ngenkathi kucutshungulwa udaba lwemiholo yabaphathi abakhulu; ukuhlanganiswa kwenkomba yokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwenkampani ebalwa ngokususela kwizincomo ze-King III kanye ne-King IV zokusetshenziswa kwesikali esifanayo sokukala ikhwalithi yokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwezinkampani; isikali semiholo se-Gini sasetshenziswa ukuhlonza amagebe akhona phakathi kwemiholo kanye nokuxwayisa ngezinkinga ezingahle zivele eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani kanye namaphutha nobuthakathaka obukhona ezinhlelweni zokuphatha nokulawula; futhi kwasetshenziswa izinqubo zezikali zobungozi bokulahlekelwa kwenkampani ukubala inani lezindleko okungenzeka kungenwe kuzona ngenxa yezinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani. Imibonongqangi evele kulokho okutholakale ocwaningweni yilena elandelayo; ithiyori echaza ubudlelwano phakathi kwenhloko ne-ejenti kumele yelulwe ukuze ifake phakathi nezindleko eziphathelene nenhlalomnotho futhi lokhu kungagcini nje kuphela kwinhloko; amamodeli omholo kumele abhekisise nendlela ephethwe ngayo inkampani ngabaphathi abakhulu kanye nemfundiso yokulingana kwabantu bonke ngokwenhlalo nangokomnotho; ukuguquguquka ‘kokuthobela umthetho noma ukuchaza’ (‘comply or explain’) kumele kube ngaphansi uma kuqhathaniswa nemiphumela yenhlalomnotho, ukuze kuqhanyukwe nendlela exubile ephoqelela ukusetshenziswa kwezinkambiso zokuphatha nokulawula ezithile; kanti futhi, okokugcina, ocwaningweni lokuphatha nokulawula kumele kusetshenziswe amathiyori aphathelene nesimo somqondo sabaphathi ngenkathi bethatha izinqumo nezinyathelo eziphathelene nokuphathwa nokusetshenziswa kwezimali ukuze kuqondakale kangcono konke okuphathelene nalokhu. / Hierdie studie het van 2008 tot 2016 die gevolge van die wisselwerking tussen hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering in Suid-Afrikaanse FTSE/JSE Top 40- genoteerde maatskappye bestudeer. Die oogmerke was om die voorkoms van probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering te ondersoek; die moontlike koste en die sosio-ekonomiese gevolge daarvan te bepaal; en die doeltreffendheid van die regeerkodes te evalueer. Hierdie studie berus op die hoofagentteorie. Gemengde metodes is as metodologie gebruik, in die besonder gelyklopende en verkennende, opeenvolgende metodes. Die belangrikste bevindings is dat 23,91% van steekproefmaatskappye probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering ondervind. Dit is beduidend hoër as die persentasie wat verwag is, en ʼn aanduiding van hoe diepgaande hierdie probleme is. Die vergoeding van uitvoerende beamptes is ʼn groter oorsaak van die probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering as wat verwag is en waarvoor in regeermeganismes voorsiening gemaak word. Die potensiële koste, wat miljarde rande beloop, word gewyt aan die probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering wat prinsipale hulle op die hals haal. Onregverdigbare salarisverskille lei tot ongelykheid wat sosiale wantroue wek. Hierbenewens is daar bedenkinge oor die doeltreffendheid van die huidige regeerkodes. Die bydrae van hierdie studie behels ʼn vergoedingsmodel vir uitvoerende beamptes wat korporatiewe regering in ag neem. Hierdie studie formuleer ʼn regeerindeks wat op King III- en King IV-aanbevelings berus, en die meting van die gehalte van korporatiewe regering standaardiseer. Verskille in vergoeding, potensiële rooivlag-hoofagentprobleme en gebreke in regeerstelsels is met behulp van die salaris-gini bepaal. Waarde-op-risikoprosedures is gebruik om die potensiële koste van hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering te kwantifiseer. Die belangrikste teoretiese implikasie van die bevindings is dat die agentskapsteorie uitgebrei moet word sodat die sosio-ekonomiese koste vasgestel word, en daar nie alleen op die hoofsom gekonsentreer word nie. Afgesien hiervan moet vergoedingsmodelle rekening hou met ʼn uitvoerende beampte se korporatiewe regering en met maatskaplike en ekonomiese egalitarisme. Voorts moet die sosio-ekonomiese gevolge ondergeskik wees aan die buigsaamheid van “voldoen of verduidelik”. Dit impliseer ʼn hibridiese benadering wat die bepalings van sekere regeerkodes verpligtend maak. Ten slotte behoort finansieringsgedragteorieë in regeernavorsing aangewend te word om groter insig te verkry. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies (Finance))

Ensaios em Finanças

Araújo, Gustavo Silva January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Gustavo Silva Araujo (00araujogs@gmail.com) on 2013-12-11T15:36:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese Gustavo Araujo.pdf: 1480340 bytes, checksum: 7f293b1022a44c6056c471633c80981d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2013-12-16T12:31:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese Gustavo Araujo.pdf: 1480340 bytes, checksum: 7f293b1022a44c6056c471633c80981d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-12-19T16:32:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese Gustavo Araujo.pdf: 1480340 bytes, checksum: 7f293b1022a44c6056c471633c80981d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-19T16:32:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese Gustavo Araujo.pdf: 1480340 bytes, checksum: 7f293b1022a44c6056c471633c80981d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / This thesis is dedicated to studies in finance. The topics are distributed in two subareas, microstructure and asset pricing. There is also an insertion of the study in corporate finance, since we deal with the corporate governance of firms. In the first chapter I estimate the adverse selection cost component embedded in the spreads of Brazilian stocks. I also study the patterns of spreads and adverse selection costs as a function of the size and time of the trade. In chapter two, I implement an extensive research through a series of regressions in order to determine characteristics of the companies that are correlated with the adverse selection component and the spread. In particular, we analyze the relationship between the adverse selection and corporate governance levels. In the third chapter I detect which corporate governance mechanisms cause an opposite relationship between the returns of Brazilian stocks and corporate governance levels, as shown by Carvalhal and Nobili (2011). In this analysis, I emphasize the ownership concentration of Brazilian companies, which is extremely high when compared with more developed countries. / Esta tese se dedica a estudos na área de finanças. Os estudos se subdividem nas subáreas de microestrutura e apreçamento de ativos, mas há uma inserção do trabalho em finanças corporativas, uma vez que trato da governança corporativa das empresas. No primeiro capítulo estimo o coeficiente de assimetria de informação embutido no spread de compra e venda de ações brasileiras. Além disso, verifico se há padrões para esse coeficiente e para o próprio spread em relação ao tamanho da transação e à hora de negociação. No capítulo dois, eu investigo quais características ligadas às empresas têm relação com as variáveis estimadas no capítulo 1, o coeficiente de assimetria de informação embutido no spread de compra e venda de ações brasileiras e o próprio spread. A governança corporativa das empresas é uma das características examinadas. No terceiro capítulo, eu observo quais mecanismos de governança corporativa fazem com que haja uma relação antagônica entre os retornos das ações brasileiras e o índice de governança corporativa, conforme mostrado por Carvalhal e Nobili (2011). Nesta investigação, dou ênfase à concentração acionária das empresas brasileiras que, em comparação com países mais desenvolvidos, é extremamente alta.

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