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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of Grammatical Gender and Religiosity in Shaping Implicit Gender Attitudes: An Investigation Into Dari and Pashto Languages

Shahidy, Muhammad Ali 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis contributes to the ongoing debate on the relationship between language and cognition by evaluating the impact of language-specific features, such as grammatical gender, on non-linguistic cognitive processes like implicit gender attitudes. Grammatical gender is a formal linguistic feature that categorizes nouns into classes such as masculine and feminine (with some languages, like Russian, having more than two gender categories) based on linguistic rules, including morphology and phonology. Previous studies have highlighted the influence of grammatical gender on various cognitive abilities, such as object categorization, semantic categorization, or gender perception. However, little attention has been given to the effect of grammatical gender on sexism and gender bias, with existing studies relying solely on explicit measures (e.g., Wasserman & Weseley, 2009). This thesis addresses this gap by examining the role of grammatical gender in implicit gender bias in two languages spoken in Afghanistan: Dari, a genderless language, and Pashto, a language with grammatical gender. The study employed the Gender-Career version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) (Greenwald et al., 1988), which measures implicit biases by assessing the strength of associations between target concepts and attributes based on response times. It was predicted that, after controlling for age, sex, and religiosity, L1 gender-type (Dari vs. Pashto) would significantly explain the variation in gender bias, with Pashto speakers exhibiting higher implicit gender bias than Dari speakers.To conduct this study, two online experiments were designed on Qualtrics: one in Dari and one in Pashto. Each experiment was comprised of a Consent Form, a Participant Background Questionnaire with items related to participants’ linguistic background, the Muslim Religiosity Scale, the IAT, and a debriefing statement. A total of 96 Afghan participants were recruited through flyers distributed on social media platforms—57 completed the Dari experiment, and 39 completed the Pashto experiment. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of Age, Sex, Religiosity, and L1-Gender type on participants' implicit gender bias measured by the IAT. Model 1 of the analysis comprising Age and Sex revealed that Sex, but not Age, was the only significant predictor, with male participants showing lower IAT scores compared to female participants. Model 2, which added Religiosity, showed that Religiosity was not a significant predictor of the IAT scores while Sex remained a significant predictor. Finally, Model 3 which introduced the primary independent variable, L1-Gender type, revealed that L1-Gender type emerged as the only significant predictor of variance in IAT scores with Pashto speakers exhibiting lower IAT scores compared to Dari speakers while other predictor variables (Age, Sex, and Religiosity) remained non-significant. Contrary to the study predictions, the results revealed that the Pashto language, a language with grammatical gender, leads to less gender bias compared to Dari, a language without a grammatical gender system. These findings challenge the current assumptions about the role of grammatical gender on gender attitudes and biases. Returning to the link between language and cognition, the findings of the present study support the modularity account of cognition showing that there is no direct impact of linguistic structures on general cognitive processes such as gender perception and bias.
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Gramáticas pós-NGB: do discurso oficial a outros discursos (im)possíveis / Grammars after NGB: from the official discourse to other (im)possible discourse

Thaís de Araujo da Costa 23 March 2010 (has links)
A implementação da Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira (NGB) em 1959 e a assunção da Linguística no Brasil na década de 60 são acontecimentos que provocaram profundas mudanças no fazer gramatical. A NGB, enquanto acontecimento discursivo, ao evidenciar determinados termos e silenciar outros, reestrutura a memória do discurso gramatical brasileiro, regulando a relação do sujeito com o dizível e instaurando uma nova formação discursiva dominante, a qual se sobrepôs às formações discursivas anteriores. No presente trabalho, partimos do pressuposto de que, apesar do efeito da censura imposta pela terminologia oficial, o discurso gramatical produzido após a sua instituição é constitutivamente da ordem do heterogêneo. Assim sendo, com base no aporte teórico da Análise de Discurso de Pêcheux e Orlandi e nos estudos do projeto História das Ideias Linguísticas, investigamos o funcionamento do discurso legitimado pela NGB nas gramáticas cuja publicação a sucederam, mais especificamente em sete gramáticas publicadas entre 1959 e 1969. Interessa-nos, portanto, com vistas a depreender a forma como se materializa a tensão entre os sentidos oficiais e os sentidos censurados, desnaturalizar o processo de (re)significação dos termos acolhidos pela NGB, depreendendo, assim, como os sentidos silenciados se fizeram significar na materialidade linguística das gramáticas / The Implementation of Brazilian Grammatical Nomenclature (NGB) in 1959 and the assumption of science Linguistics in Brazil in the 60 are events that caused profound changes to the grammar. The NGB as a discursive event, highlighting certain terms and silencing others, restructured the memory of Brazilian speech grammar, regulating the relationship between subject and utterable and establishing a new dominant discursive formation, which overlapped the previous discursive formations. In this paper, we assume that, despite the effect of the censure imposed by the official terminology, the grammatical discourse produced after its establishment is constitutively of the order of the heterogeneous. Therefore, based on the Theoretical Analysis of Discourse of Pêcheux Orlandi and on studies about project História das Ideias Linguísticas (Linguistic History of Ideas), we investigated the functioning of discourse legitimized by NGB in grammars which followed publication, specifically in seven grammars published between 1959 and 1969. Then we are interested in, in order to show the embodiment of the tension between the senses and the senses official censored, deconstruct the process of (re) signification of the terms accepted by the NGB, deducing, how the silenced senses got a meaning by themselves in the linguistic materiality of the grammars
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La importancia del género gramatical en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera

Rios Moreno, Cynthia P. 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent travail est encadré dans le domaine de la linguistique appliquée de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), et plus spécifiquement dans l'enseignement du genre grammatical en ELE. Notre intérêt en tant que enseignants c’est de pouvoir établir une méthode fiable selon les critères du Plan curricular de l'Institut Cervantès et la technique du consciousness-raising, ainsi que élaborer des activités destinées à l'enseignement du genre grammatical dans la classe d’ELE. L'enseignement d'ELE au Québec suit les mêmes méthodes qu'en Europe. En ce qui concerne l'enseignement du genre grammatical, les études consultées ratifient le manque d'instruction pertinente à propos du genre grammatical, ainsi que la difficulté dans la concordance même dans des niveaux avancés. Cependant, l'analyse de manuels d'ELE utilisés dans les diverses institutions de Montréal permet de conclure que ceux-ci ne suivent pas les règles établies par le Plan curricular en ce qui concerne l'enseignement du genre. Pour vérifier ces faits un travail de champ a été mis en place avec 84 étudiants et étudiantes de six institutions de Montréal pendant deux mois et deux semaines. Les résultats de la recherche et l'analyse d'erreurs nous montrent qu’il y a des problèmes avec le genre grammatical chez les étudiants de niveau intermédiaire et que les erreurs ne disparaissent pas avec les activités de renfort créées. Il est donc nécessaire d’adopter une méthode plus appropriée à l'apprentissage du genre grammatical dans une classe d’ELE et la présence du professeur pour la présenter. En effet, l'exécution d'activités créées n'est pas suffisant, car bien que les résultats montrent un léger progrès dans le cas du groupe B, ou d’expérience, en comparaison au groupe A, ou de control, on a constaté qu’une instruction formelle aurait entrainé un meilleur et plus complet apprentissage du genre grammatical dans le cas de nos étudiants; de là la nécessité d'établir une méthode fiable pour son enseignement. / The present work is part of the applied linguistics area; it particularly focuses on the methodology of teaching the grammatical gender in TSFL. Our interest as a teacher is to put together a reliable method, under the criteria of the Plan curricular of the Cervantes Institute and the technique of the consciousness-raising, also to elaborate activities for the teaching of the grammatical gender in Spanish as a Foreign Language SFL class. SFL is thought in Quebec with the same methods as those used in Europe. In regards to the grammatical gender, the consulted studies show the lack of pertinent instruction of the grammatical gender, as well as the difficulty in the assignment of the concordance in advanced levels. The analysis of SFL's manuals used in the diverse institutions of Montreal confirms that they do not follow the guidelines established by the Plan curricular. To verify these facts a two months and two weeks long fieldwork was carried out with 84 students. The students came from six different institutions of Montreal and were, therefore, divided in groups. The research’s results and the Errors’ Analysis confirm the existence of the grammatical gender problems in the students of intermediate level. Furthermore, the research shows that these mistakes do not disappear with reinforcement activities designed. In fact, it is necessary to adopt a method specifically adjusted to the learning of the grammatical gender in a SFL's class. Just as the method, the teacher should take a specific posture when teaching the grammatical gender. As shown by the results of the investigation, the execution of activities is not sufficient. The data demonstrate that the group B - categorized as of experience- has a slight progress in comparison to group A - control. Such results indicate that the formal instruction would have led to a better and more complete learning of the grammatical gender, hence the need to gather a reliable method of teaching. / El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de la lingüística aplicada, y más específicamente dentro de la enseñanza del género gramatical en ELE. Nuestro interés como docente es poder armar un método confiable, bajo los criterios del Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes y la técnica del consciousness-raising, y elaborar actividades para la enseñanza del género en clase de ELE. La enseñanza de ELE en Quebec sigue los mismos métodos que en Europa. En cuanto a la enseñanza del género gramatical, los estudios consultados muestran tanto la falta de instrucción pertinente sobre el género gramatical, como la dificultad en la asignación de la concordancia en niveles avanzados. El análisis de manuales de ELE utilizados en las diversas instituciones de Montreal confirma que no siguen las pautas establecidas por el Plan curricular. Para comprobar estos hechos se llevó a cabo un trabajo de campo con 84 estudiantes, divididos en grupos, de seis instituciones de Montreal durante dos meses y dos semanas. Los resultados de la investigación y el análisis de errores nos muestran que existen problemas de género gramatical en los estudiantes de nivel intermedio y que los errores no desaparecen solo con las actividades de refuerzo diseñadas, es necesario un método más adecuado para el aprendizaje del género gramatical en clase de ELE y la figura del profesor para presentarlo. En efecto, la ejecución de las actividades no es suficiente, pues aunque los resultados del grupo B o de experiencia exhiben un ligero progreso en comparación a los del grupo A o de control, se constata que la instrucción formal hubiera conducido a un mejor y más completo aprendizaje del género gramatical por parte de los estudiantes de la muestra; de ahí la necesidad de armar un método confiable para su enseñanza.
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L'opposition Imparfait/Passé simple : approche théorique et application didactique par le film en français langue étrangère

Surcouf, Christian 19 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse aborde l'opposition Imparfait/Passé simple d'un point de vue théorique puis didactique en FLE. En premier lieu sont envisagés les paramètres temporels de la communication langagière, menant à la définition de la situation élémentaire d'interaction verbale, socle de notre réflexion. Dans la continuité de KLEIN (1994) et de GOSSELIN (1996), les temps verbaux sont appréhendés en termes de relations temporelle et aspectuelle, combinant les intervalles d'énonciation, de référence et de procès. Nous envisageons l'intervalle de référence comme un espace mental (FAUCONNIER 1984) susceptible de recouvrir trois réalités selon qu'il est défini de façon positive (espace mental de base), négative (espace mental alternatif), ou autonome (espace mental autonome) par rapport au repérage spatiotemporel de la situation élémentaire d'interaction verbale. Une répartition systémique des tiroirs verbaux de l'indicatif est alors proposée. Après un examen de l'aspect grammatical et lexical, nous envisageons l'organisation des plans dans le texte en nous inspirant de HOPPER & THOMPSON (1980) et COMBETTES (1992). Sont ainsi mises en évidence des corrélations entre, d'une part, premier plan, Passé simple et consécution, et d'autre part, arrière-plan, Imparfait et simultanéité. À l'issue de cet examen théorique, nous exposons certaines des correspondances entre les stratégies linguistiques, narratologiques et cinématographiques servant à l'expression de la simultanéité et de la consécution dans les récits écrit et filmique. Nous proposons ensuite un ensemble d'activités pédagogiques basées sur l'image filmique pour faciliter l'apprentissage en FLE de l'opposition Imparfait/Passé simple.
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La importancia del género gramatical en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera

Rios Moreno, Cynthia P. 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent travail est encadré dans le domaine de la linguistique appliquée de l'espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), et plus spécifiquement dans l'enseignement du genre grammatical en ELE. Notre intérêt en tant que enseignants c’est de pouvoir établir une méthode fiable selon les critères du Plan curricular de l'Institut Cervantès et la technique du consciousness-raising, ainsi que élaborer des activités destinées à l'enseignement du genre grammatical dans la classe d’ELE. L'enseignement d'ELE au Québec suit les mêmes méthodes qu'en Europe. En ce qui concerne l'enseignement du genre grammatical, les études consultées ratifient le manque d'instruction pertinente à propos du genre grammatical, ainsi que la difficulté dans la concordance même dans des niveaux avancés. Cependant, l'analyse de manuels d'ELE utilisés dans les diverses institutions de Montréal permet de conclure que ceux-ci ne suivent pas les règles établies par le Plan curricular en ce qui concerne l'enseignement du genre. Pour vérifier ces faits un travail de champ a été mis en place avec 84 étudiants et étudiantes de six institutions de Montréal pendant deux mois et deux semaines. Les résultats de la recherche et l'analyse d'erreurs nous montrent qu’il y a des problèmes avec le genre grammatical chez les étudiants de niveau intermédiaire et que les erreurs ne disparaissent pas avec les activités de renfort créées. Il est donc nécessaire d’adopter une méthode plus appropriée à l'apprentissage du genre grammatical dans une classe d’ELE et la présence du professeur pour la présenter. En effet, l'exécution d'activités créées n'est pas suffisant, car bien que les résultats montrent un léger progrès dans le cas du groupe B, ou d’expérience, en comparaison au groupe A, ou de control, on a constaté qu’une instruction formelle aurait entrainé un meilleur et plus complet apprentissage du genre grammatical dans le cas de nos étudiants; de là la nécessité d'établir une méthode fiable pour son enseignement. / The present work is part of the applied linguistics area; it particularly focuses on the methodology of teaching the grammatical gender in TSFL. Our interest as a teacher is to put together a reliable method, under the criteria of the Plan curricular of the Cervantes Institute and the technique of the consciousness-raising, also to elaborate activities for the teaching of the grammatical gender in Spanish as a Foreign Language SFL class. SFL is thought in Quebec with the same methods as those used in Europe. In regards to the grammatical gender, the consulted studies show the lack of pertinent instruction of the grammatical gender, as well as the difficulty in the assignment of the concordance in advanced levels. The analysis of SFL's manuals used in the diverse institutions of Montreal confirms that they do not follow the guidelines established by the Plan curricular. To verify these facts a two months and two weeks long fieldwork was carried out with 84 students. The students came from six different institutions of Montreal and were, therefore, divided in groups. The research’s results and the Errors’ Analysis confirm the existence of the grammatical gender problems in the students of intermediate level. Furthermore, the research shows that these mistakes do not disappear with reinforcement activities designed. In fact, it is necessary to adopt a method specifically adjusted to the learning of the grammatical gender in a SFL's class. Just as the method, the teacher should take a specific posture when teaching the grammatical gender. As shown by the results of the investigation, the execution of activities is not sufficient. The data demonstrate that the group B - categorized as of experience- has a slight progress in comparison to group A - control. Such results indicate that the formal instruction would have led to a better and more complete learning of the grammatical gender, hence the need to gather a reliable method of teaching. / El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de la lingüística aplicada, y más específicamente dentro de la enseñanza del género gramatical en ELE. Nuestro interés como docente es poder armar un método confiable, bajo los criterios del Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes y la técnica del consciousness-raising, y elaborar actividades para la enseñanza del género en clase de ELE. La enseñanza de ELE en Quebec sigue los mismos métodos que en Europa. En cuanto a la enseñanza del género gramatical, los estudios consultados muestran tanto la falta de instrucción pertinente sobre el género gramatical, como la dificultad en la asignación de la concordancia en niveles avanzados. El análisis de manuales de ELE utilizados en las diversas instituciones de Montreal confirma que no siguen las pautas establecidas por el Plan curricular. Para comprobar estos hechos se llevó a cabo un trabajo de campo con 84 estudiantes, divididos en grupos, de seis instituciones de Montreal durante dos meses y dos semanas. Los resultados de la investigación y el análisis de errores nos muestran que existen problemas de género gramatical en los estudiantes de nivel intermedio y que los errores no desaparecen solo con las actividades de refuerzo diseñadas, es necesario un método más adecuado para el aprendizaje del género gramatical en clase de ELE y la figura del profesor para presentarlo. En efecto, la ejecución de las actividades no es suficiente, pues aunque los resultados del grupo B o de experiencia exhiben un ligero progreso en comparación a los del grupo A o de control, se constata que la instrucción formal hubiera conducido a un mejor y más completo aprendizaje del género gramatical por parte de los estudiantes de la muestra; de ahí la necesidad de armar un método confiable para su enseñanza.
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Gramatické časy vyjadřující budoucnost v učebnicích anglického jazyka pro 2. stupeň ZŠ / Grammatical tenses expressing future in textbooks of English for lower secondary schools

KOŤAROVÁ, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with grammatical structures expressing future, which are presented in series of English language textbooks. This thesis is divided into two parts a theoretical and an empirical one. Emphasis is given on the empirical part. There is defined grammar and particular types of grammar are also described in theoretical part. There is focus especially on the linguistic and pedagogical grammar. Particular attention is paid to the conception of grammatical structures expressing future which is presented in the linguistic and pedagogical grammars. This part functions as theoretical basis for empirical part. The objective of the empirical part is to present research of chosen series of English language textbooks. The heart of the empirical part comprises an in-depth analysis and comparative study of grammatical structures expressing future which are presented in chosen series of English language textbooks. The aim of the analysis and comparison is to find out, which grammatical structures expressing future are presented in the series, what order they are presented in, what thematic context they are presented in, if there is paid attention to typical mistakes in these structures in the series, if the conception of grammatical structures expressing future which is presented in the linguistic grammars matches the presentation of these structures in the series. The aim is also to find out whether there are presented the same grammatical structures expressing future in similar orders and analogous thematic contexts in the chosen series of textbooks.
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Gramáticas pós-NGB: do discurso oficial a outros discursos (im)possíveis / Grammars after NGB: from the official discourse to other (im)possible discourse

Thaís de Araujo da Costa 23 March 2010 (has links)
A implementação da Nomenclatura Gramatical Brasileira (NGB) em 1959 e a assunção da Linguística no Brasil na década de 60 são acontecimentos que provocaram profundas mudanças no fazer gramatical. A NGB, enquanto acontecimento discursivo, ao evidenciar determinados termos e silenciar outros, reestrutura a memória do discurso gramatical brasileiro, regulando a relação do sujeito com o dizível e instaurando uma nova formação discursiva dominante, a qual se sobrepôs às formações discursivas anteriores. No presente trabalho, partimos do pressuposto de que, apesar do efeito da censura imposta pela terminologia oficial, o discurso gramatical produzido após a sua instituição é constitutivamente da ordem do heterogêneo. Assim sendo, com base no aporte teórico da Análise de Discurso de Pêcheux e Orlandi e nos estudos do projeto História das Ideias Linguísticas, investigamos o funcionamento do discurso legitimado pela NGB nas gramáticas cuja publicação a sucederam, mais especificamente em sete gramáticas publicadas entre 1959 e 1969. Interessa-nos, portanto, com vistas a depreender a forma como se materializa a tensão entre os sentidos oficiais e os sentidos censurados, desnaturalizar o processo de (re)significação dos termos acolhidos pela NGB, depreendendo, assim, como os sentidos silenciados se fizeram significar na materialidade linguística das gramáticas / The Implementation of Brazilian Grammatical Nomenclature (NGB) in 1959 and the assumption of science Linguistics in Brazil in the 60 are events that caused profound changes to the grammar. The NGB as a discursive event, highlighting certain terms and silencing others, restructured the memory of Brazilian speech grammar, regulating the relationship between subject and utterable and establishing a new dominant discursive formation, which overlapped the previous discursive formations. In this paper, we assume that, despite the effect of the censure imposed by the official terminology, the grammatical discourse produced after its establishment is constitutively of the order of the heterogeneous. Therefore, based on the Theoretical Analysis of Discourse of Pêcheux Orlandi and on studies about project História das Ideias Linguísticas (Linguistic History of Ideas), we investigated the functioning of discourse legitimized by NGB in grammars which followed publication, specifically in seven grammars published between 1959 and 1969. Then we are interested in, in order to show the embodiment of the tension between the senses and the senses official censored, deconstruct the process of (re) signification of the terms accepted by the NGB, deducing, how the silenced senses got a meaning by themselves in the linguistic materiality of the grammars
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MARIA DE OLIVEIRA MENDES RAMOS 19 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar processos verbais nominalizados e analisar suas funções na produção textual de alunos do Ensino Médio, considerando-se o uso de nominalizações do ponto de vista da oração como mensagem, que se organiza em torno do sistema de Tema e Rema. A pesquisa baseia-se na teoria sistêmico-funcional (Halliday, 1994, Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004) para o estudo da metáfora gramatical através da identificação de formas metafóricas que apresentam variação léxico-gramatical na expressão de um dado significado e são consideradas como mais elaboradas do que as formas congruentes. Essas transformações na estrutura lingüística têm início a partir da adolescência e variam em função de contextos que demandam novos usos da língua. Para analisar o uso de formas nominalizadas na escrita escolar, cinquenta textos dissertativo-argumentativos em língua portuguesa, produzidos por alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio, foram coletados em uma escola pública e uma particular. Além disso, os participantes da pesquisa responderam a um questionário socioeducacional cujos resultados foram quantificados visando a evidenciar fatores individuais e/ou sociais que pudessem estar relacionados à sua produção textual. A análise qualitativa identificou o uso de nominalizações (Basilio, 2003) com diferentes funções discursivas. Em relação à estrutura temática, observou-se que as nominalizações estabelecem relações lógicas e favorecem o fluxo das informações no texto. A comparação entre textos evidenciou uma variação no uso da linguagem metafórica nos diferentes contextos educacionais. A partir desses resultados, propõe-se a conscientização de alunos e professores quanto aos efeitos textuais e discursivos que certos mecanismos linguísticos podem criar, visando evitar a produção de textos pouco proficientes para a finalidade a que se propõem. / [en] The aim of this study is to identify nominalized verbal processes and analyze their functions in the written production of secondary school students. These nominalizations are examined in clauses viewed as messages, which are organized according to the Theme and Rheme system. The research is based on systemic-functional theory (Halliday, 1994, Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004) for the study of grammatical metaphor through the identification of metaphorical constructions which present lexico-grammatical variation in the expression of meaning, being therefore considered as more complex than congruent forms. These transformations within linguistic structures start to appear in early adolescence, varying according to new contexts that require specific uses of the language. In order to study the use of nominalized forms in school writing, fifty argumentative essays in Portuguese were collected among 12th grade students from public and private secondary schools. Research participants also answered a socioeducational questionnaire that generated quantitative data so that social and/or individual features could be associated with students textual production. Qualitative analysis led into the identification of nominalizations (Basilio, 2003) with different discursive functions. Concerning the thematic structure, it was observed that nominalizations establish logical relations and help develop the flow of information in texts. A comparison between texts pointed out variation in metaphorical language use in different school contexts. These results indicate that it is important to make students and teachers aware of the textual and discursive effects that some linguistic mechanisms can produce, and based on this knowledge possibly avoid the production of texts that are not adequate to their intended purpose.
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A Sociolinguistic Comparison of the French and Anglo-Saxon Cultures : from codeswitched substantives to borrowings : the issue of grammatical gender / Comparaison sociolinguistique des cultures française et anglo-saxonne : des substantifs issus de l’alternance codique aux emprunts : la question du genre grammatical

Martin, Élodie 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’attribution du genre grammatical est une notion complexe qu’il est difficile d’expliquer de manière rationnelle en français car elle est, la plupart du temps, arbitraire. Cette thèse a pour but de théoriser le genre grammatical attribué aux substantifs issus de l’alternance codique et aux emprunts de l’anglais au français. L’alternance codique est un phénomène individuel alors que l’emprunt est un phénomène collectif. Ces deux phénomènes linguistiques sont donc généralement considérés comme différents. Ainsi, le second objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer l’existence d’un continuum entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt. Dans un premier temps, les concepts clés sont présentés, définis et exemplifiés. Puis, les principales notions caractérisant l’alternance codique et l’emprunt sont détaillées. Ce second chapitre met donc naturellement ces deux phénomènes en opposition dans le but de pouvoir les analyser comme un continuum lorsque des hypothèses concernant le genre grammatical qu’ils se voient attribuer sont formulées. Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux études de cas, et plus précisément à l’analyse de quatre corpus différents. Ce dernier chapitre a donc pour but de confirmer les hypothèses émises dans les deux chapitres précédents et permet de les classer dans cinq catégories afin d’expliquer l’attribution du genre grammatical. Ces catégories sont les suivantes : la raison extralinguistique, la raison interlinguistique, la raison métalinguistique, la raison à la fois interlinguistique et métalinguistique, et la raison grammaticale. Les résultats concernant les pourcentages de substantifs féminins et masculins sont présentés sous forme de graphiques, ainsi que ceux concernant les pourcentages de raisons expliquant l’attribution du genre grammatical aux substantifs issus de l’alternance codique, aux emprunts facultatifs, et aux emprunts obligatoires. Ainsi, l’interprétation de ces résultats est plus claire, plus objective, et plus scientifique. En outre, l’existence d’un continuum alternance codique – emprunt est par conséquent démontrée au moyen de l’explication de l’attribution du genre grammatical, ce qui crée un lien entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt facultatif, ainsi que par le biais du processus de lexicalisation menant à l’emprunt facultatif, dans lequel l’alternance codique est le point de départ. Le lien entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt obligatoire n’apparaît, quant à lui, pas de manière évidente étant donné que ces deux phénomènes linguistiques ne partagent pas de caractéristiques communes. / Grammatical gender attribution is quite a difficult notion to logically explain in French, due to the fact that it is, most of the time, arbitrary. This PhD thesis aims to theorise the grammatical gender allocated to codeswitched and borrowed substantives from English to French. Codeswitching and borrowing being generally considered as two distinct linguistic phenomena, since the former is an individual phenomenon, while the latter is a collective phenomenon, the second objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the existence of a codeswitching – borrowing continuum. Throughout three chapters, key concepts are firstly presented to lay the foundation of the thesis. Then, the main notions characterising codeswitching and borrowing are detailed – which naturally opposes these two linguistic devices – in order to eventually analyse them as a continuum, when hypothesising grammatical gender attribution. The last chapter devoted to case studies, and more precisely to the analysis of four different corpora, confirms the hypotheses exposed in the two previous chapters, and enables to classify them into five categories to explain grammatical gender attribution. These categories represent extralinguistic, interlinguistic, metalinguistic, both interlinguistic and metalinguistic, and grammatical reasons. Results on the percentages of feminine and masculine substantives, as well as the reasons explaining the grammatical gender allocated to codeswitched substantives, optional borrowings, and compulsory borrowings are displayed through graphs so that their interpretation is clearer, more objective, and more scientific. Additionally, the existence of a codeswitching – borrowing continuum is therefore demonstrated through the explanation of grammatical gender attribution, linking codeswitching with optional borrowing, as well as through the process of lexicalisation, in which codeswitching is the starting point of the chain, leading to optional borrowing. As for compulsory borrowing, connecting it with codeswitching is not that obvious considering that they do not share common features compared with optional borrowing.
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"Quand P" comme adverbial de localisation temporelle / "Quand P" as temporal locating adverbial

Gourlet, François 23 October 2015 (has links)
Nous nous demandons dans ce travail de quelle manière "quand" modifie l'interprétation qui serait faite d'une séquence de propositions P. Q ou Q. P lorsqu'il préfixe P. Après avoir souligné les problèmes que cette question soulevé dans plusieurs études fondatrices en sémantique temporelle, nous apportons des arguments pour défendre la théorie, admise par plusieurs auteurs, selon laquelle "quand P" est un adverbial de localisation temporelle. Nous montrons que les propriétés discursives de P, souvent traitée dans la littérature comme une proposition présupposée, s'expliquent par cette seule contrainte : "quand" impose de traiter cette proposition comme la description d'un repère temporel utilisé dans l'interprétation de Q. Nous montrons en outre que la théorie selon laquelle "quand P" désigne un repère temporel permet de rendre compte des contraintes qui pèsent sur les relations chronologiques pouvant s'établir entre les événements eP et eQ des deux propositions. En particulier, nous avançons que l'inférence d'une relation de succession immédiate entre eP et eQ reflète l'une des relations qui peuvent s'établir entre le référent d'un adverbial de localisation et l'événement qu'il localise : le référent de l'adverbial sert de borne initiale à l'intervalle d'occurrence de l'événement. Enfin, nous étudions la manière dont la description d'éventualité et le marqueur temporel accueillis par P contribuent à la sémantique de l'adverbial "quand P". Nous précisons les propriétés quantificationnelles et temporelles conférées au référent de "quand P" par les différents temps du français et expliquons par ces propriétés les contraintes de cooccurrence qui pèsent sur l'emploi des temps dans P et Q. / In this work, we adress the following question: how does "quand" change the interpretation that may be made of a sequence of clauses P. Q or Q. P when it prefixes P? After highlighting the problems that this matter raises in several pioneering studies in temporal semantics, we provide arguments to defend the theory E accepted by several authors E that quand P is a temporal locating adverbial. We show that the discourse properties of P, which is often treated in the literature as a presupposed proposition, is explained by the following single constraint: "quand" demands to treat this clause as the description of a time mark to be used in the interpretation of Q. We further show that the theory that "quand P" designates a time mark accounts for the constraints on the temporal relations that can be established between eP and eQ, the events of both clauses. In particular, we argue that the inference that eQ immediately follows eP reflects one of the relations that can be established between the referent of a temporal locating adverbial and the event it locates: the referent of the adverbial provides an initial bound to the interval of occurrence of the event. Finally, we study how the event description and the tense of P contribute to the semantics of the adverbial "quand P". We specify the quantificational and temporal properties imparted to the referent of quand P by the different tenses of French and explain these properties by co-occurrence constraints that impact the use of tenses in P and Q.
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