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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explorer la physique de l'accélération cosmique / Exploring the physics of cosmic acceleration

Steigerwald, Heinrich Maria 02 March 2015 (has links)
L'expansion accélérée de l'univers est devenu un fait établi que personne ne pouvait prévoir il y a encore une vingtaine d'années. Pour expliquer l'accélération cosmique, l'univers doit être composé de $75%$ d'énergie noire, une matière hypothétique à pression négative. Une alternative aussi vertigineuse consiste à modifier la relativité générale d'Einstein à l'échelle cosmique.Mes travaux de thèse portent sur la contrainte des modèles d'énergie noire et de gravité modifiée avec les données observationnelles provenant de la croissance linéaire des structures cosmologiques. Une méthode basée sur une nouvelle paramétrisation de l'index de croissance des perturbations linéaires cosmologiques permet d'analyser un grand nombre de modèles "accélératoires" en même temps. Nous avons évalué et validé cette méthode par une analyse systématique de sa précision et de sa performance. Mes résultats montrent que le modèle standard de la cosmologie (le modèle $Lambda$CDM) reste en accord avec les données actuelles. Dans une étude approfondie, nous simulons les contraintes possibles avec les futures sondes cosmologiques de "précision" comme Euclid. Pour analyser encore plus de modèles en même temps, nous introduisons la théorie effective des champs de l'énergie noire (EFT) dans le formalisme développé auparavant. La EFT est un formalisme prometteur qui permet d'explorer d'une manière complète tous les modèles gravitationnels non-standards résultant de l'addition d'un degré de liberté supplémentaire dans l'équation d'Einstein. Nous proposons une paramétrisation de cette théorie que nous confrontons avec les données actuelles et futures. / The accelerated expansion of the universe has become an established fact that nobody could foresee until twenty years ago. To explain the cosmic acceleration, the universe must be composed by $75%$ of dark energy, a hypothetical form of matter with negative pressure. Alternatively, Einstein's field equation must be modified on cosmic scales. During my thesis I have worked on the constraint of dark energy and modified gravity models with data coming from the observed growth rate of cosmic structures. We have introduced a method based on a new parametrization of the growth index of linear cosmological perturbations. An advantage is the possibility of a concurrent analysis of multiple accelerating models. We have evaluated and validated the method in a systematic precision and performance check. My results show that the standard model of cosmology (the $Lambda$CDM model) remains consistent with current data. In an ongoing study, we have simulated future constraints for upcoming cosmological 'precision' probes like Euclid.In a second step, we introduce the effective field theory of dark energy (EFT) into our formalism. The EFT is a promising framework that allows to explore in a complete way all non-standard gravitational models that result from adding one degree of freedom in Einstein's field equation. Another advantage is its neat split of background and perturbation observables. We propose a parametrization of the EFT that we confront with current and simulated future constraints.

Invariance and Sliding Modes. Application to coordination of multi-agent systems, bioprocesses estimation, and control in living cells

Vignoni, Alejandro 26 May 2014 (has links)
The present thesis employs ideas of set invariance and sliding modes in order to deal with different relevant problems control of nonlinear systems. Initially, it reviews the techniques of set invariance as well as the more relevant results about sliding modes control. Then the main methodologies used are presented: sliding mode reference conditioning, second order sliding modes and continuous approximation of sliding modes. Finally, the methodologies are applied to different problems in control theory and to a variety of biologically inspired applications. The contributions of the thesis are: The development of a method to coordinate dynamical systems with different dynamic properties by means of a sliding mode auxiliary loop shaping the references given to the systems as function of the local and global goals, the achievable performance of each system and the available information of each system. Design methods for second order sliding mode algorithms. The methods decouple the problem of stability analysis from that of finite-time convergence of the super-twisting sliding mode algorithm. A nonlinear change of coordinates and a time-scaling are used to provide simple, yet flexible design methods and stability proofs. Application of the method to the design of finite-time convergence estimators of bioprocess kinetic rates and specific biomass growth rate, from biomass measurements. Also the estimators are validated with experimental data. The proposal of a strategy to reduce the variability of a cell-to-cell communication signal in synthetic genetic circuits. The method uses set invariance and sliding mode ideas applied to gene expression networks to obtain a reduction in the variance of the communication signal. Experimental approaches available to modify the characteristics of the gene regulation function are described. / Vignoni, A. (2014). Invariance and Sliding Modes. Application to coordination of multi-agent systems, bioprocesses estimation, and control in living cells [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37743 / Alfresco

Utsläpp från vägmarkeringar : Toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter med mikroalgen Raphidocelis subcapitata / Emissions from road markings : Toxicity tests of leachates from road marking products on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata

Österblad, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
Ackumuleringen av plast och mikroplast i miljön är idag en globalt aktuell fråga. Forskning kring mikroplast och dess påverkan på miljö och biota har ökat kraftigt det senaste decenniet. En av de största utsläppskällorna till mikroplast är slitage från vägtrafiken, speciellt från däck, men mikroplast kan även komma från vägmarkeringar. Vägmarkeringar innehåller plastpolymerer (som bindemedel), fyllnadsmedel, pigment och tillsatsämnen (additiv), och ofta ingår även glaspärlor. Vissa ämnen kan ge en negativ påverkan på människa och miljö. I dagsläget saknas det data för att kunna kartlägga i vilken omfattning vägmarkeringsslitage bidrar till spridning av mikroplaster samt för att bedöma om och hur det skulle kunna påverka miljön och vattenlevande organismer. I detta examensarbete har toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter utförts med algen Raphidocelis subcapitata för att studera om de är toxiska samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan olika vägmarkeringsprodukter. Partiklar från fyra olika typer av vägmarkeringsprodukter (prefabricerad termoplast, varmapplicerad termoplast, vattenbaserad akrylatfärg och 2-komponentsakrylatfärg) genererades och lakades var för sig med skakning i avjoniserat vatten under 24 timmar. Lakvattnen utan partiklar användes sedan till algtillväxthämningstest. Algerna exponerades under 72 timmar för lakvatten i olika koncentrationer, där den högsta motsvarade 100 g vägmarkeringspartiklar per liter, och algtillväxt mättes. Effektmåtten var maximal tillväxthastighet och lag-fas och dessutom analyserades korrelationen mellan dem som ett mått för anpassningseffektivitet. De fyra lakvattnen påverkade lag-fas och/eller tillväxthastighet i olika omfattning och medförde antingen inhibering eller stimulering av algtillväxten. Lakvattnet från den vattenbaserade akrylatfärgen påvisade störst inhibering av tillväxt och var även det mest toxiska eftersom ingen tillväxtanpassning skedde. För övriga lakvatten påvisades olika grad av anpassningseffektivitet av alger vid exponering. Dock krävs mer ingående statistisk utvärdering för att åtskilja de två lakvatten som hade minst påverkan, dvs. från den prefabricerade och den varmapplicerade termoplasten.  Detta är enbart en första studie. Upprepade tester med fler vägmarkeringsprodukter och fler tester med andra organismer, såsom bakterier, kärlväxter, kräftdjur och fisk, krävs för att bättre kunna utreda om och hur olika vägmarkeringar kan påverka biota. För ytterligare studier skulle det vara intressant att utvärdera vilka ämnen i vägmarkeringar som kan påverka miljön och om dessa skulle kunna ersättas med andra, mindre giftiga ämnen. / The accumulation of plastic and microplastics in the environment is a current global issue. Research on microplastics and its impact on the environment and biota has increased rapidly in the last decade. One of the largest sources of microplastics is wear from road traffic, especially tires, but they can also originate from road markings. Road markings contain plastic polymers (as a binder), fillers, pigments, and additives, and often also glass beads. Some substances may have a negative impact on humans and the environment. At present, there are no data to map the extent to which wear from road markings contributes to the emissions of microplastics, or to assess the effect they might cause on the environment and aquatic organisms. In this thesis, toxicity tests on leachates from road marking products were conducted on the alga Raphidocelis subcapitata to study the effect on the algae and if it differs between the different products.  Particles from four types of road marking products (prefabricated thermoplastic, hot-applied thermoplastic, acrylic water-based paint, and 2-component acrylic paint) were generated and leached separately by shaking in deionized water for 24 hours.  The leachates without particles were used in the standard algal growth inhibition tests. The algae were exposed for 72 hours to the leachates in different concentrations, with the highest corresponding to 100 g road marking particles per liter, and algal growth was monitored. Endpoints used were maximum growth rate and lag phase and, in addition, their correlation was analyzed as an indicator for adaptation capacity. The four leachates affected lag phase and/or growth rate to a varying extent and caused inhibition or stimulation of algae growth. Exposure to leachate from the water-based acrylic paint showed most inhibition of growth and was also the most toxic as no growth adaptation was observed. For the other tests, different rates of adaptation efficiency of the algae growth were found. However, more detailed statistical evaluation is needed to differentiate between the two leachates that had the least effect, i.e. the prefabricated and the hot-applied thermoplastic. This is only a first study. More tests with more road marking products and with other organisms, such as bacteria, vascular plants, crustaceans, and fish, are required to better understand if and how different road markings could affect biota. Additionally, an evaluation of what substances in road marking materials may cause effects and whether these can be replaced by other, less toxic substances, would be of interest.

Vliv stresových faktorů na tvorbu karotenoidů v izolovaných kmenech půdních řas / Effect of stress factors on carotenoid production in isolated soil algae strains

Očadlíková, Terezie January 2021 (has links)
Microscopic green algae produce a number of beneficial substances. The commercially used ones include mainly pigments, especially secondary carotenoids. While primary carotenoids are part of the photosynthetic apparatus, secondary carotenoids are produced only under certain specific conditions (e.g. high exposure to light, nitrogen deficiency). Secondary carotenoids have antioxidant properties that protect the cell from adverse effects. The strains currently in commercial use and the strains that are tested for potential use come almost exclusively from algal collections, so this thesis focuses on strains isolated from nature. Two strains of aeroterrestrial green unicellular algae, which showed potential of producing carotenoids, were found and isolated. These strains were identified as Tetracystis pulchra (clade Dunaliellinia) and Tetracystis sp., a strain related to Tetracystis tetraspora SAG 98.80, belonging to the clade Stephanosphaerinia. The culture conditions for T. pulchra were subsequently optimized and then the culture was subjected to a series of experiments, examining the effect of stress factors on carotenoid formation and accumulation. Specifically, the effect of nitrogen starvation, light intensity, temperature and UVA radiation was tested. It has been shown that especially the light...

Growth Response of Mixed Native Grass Stands to Simulated Grazing In Mississippi: Forage Yield and Species Dynamics

Temu, Vitalis Wilbald 06 August 2011 (has links)
Some native warm-season forage grasses [indiangrass (IG, Sorghastrum nutans), big bluestem (BB, Andropogon gerardii) and little bluestem (LB, Schizachyrium scoparium)] are gaining popularity for improving summer forage production and wildlife habitat in the southeastern USA. Paucity of information about appropriate harvest management limits their restoration success. An experiment was conducted to assess effects of harvest intervals (30-, 40-, 60-, 90 or 120-d) and harvest duration on forage yield and quality, plant growth, sward structure and botanical composition of their mixed stands at Bryan Farms, Clay County, MS. Total season forage was greatest for 30-d and more from first (8472 kg ha-1) than second year plots (7627 kg ha-1). Yield was reduced by up to 43% in the second harvest year. Forage quality (crude protein content and in vitro digestibility) decreased with lengthening of harvest interval and across the harvest season. Tiller weight increased while specific leaf area and relative growth rate decreased with lengthening of harvest interval in first and second year plots. Harvesting reduced sward heights the following May, but treatment did not affect sward heights. Season mean sward heights were shorter for short harvest intervals. Light interception was greatest in the control and decreased with shortening of harvest intervals. Continuous harvesting controlled Solidago canadensis, increased herbaceous forbs, and LB, but decreased IG without substantial effect on BB. Rotational harvesting at 30- or 40-d intervals may improve forage production without compromising breeding cover during recovery. Studies on other management practices including fertilizer application and timing of harvest are needed.

Effects of Diet on Behavior and Development of Zebrafish (<i>Danio rerio</i>)

Weiss, Katherine 08 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de la variabilidad genética del género Capsicum frente a estreses abióticos para su uso como portainjertos. Estudio de los mecanismos fisiológicos de tolerancia, del comportamiento agronómico y de la calidad del fruto

Gisbert Mullor, Ramón 01 September 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En la actualidad, los estreses abióticos son una de las principales limitaciones en la producción agraria y seguridad alimentaria. La búsqueda de estrategias para conseguir una mejor tolerancia a los estreses abióticos es un objetivo de gran interés a nivel mundial, especialmente frente al estrés supra-térmico teniendo en cuenta el escenario de calentamiento global en el cual nos encontramos. Un modo de sortear los estreses ambientales, bajo el prisma de un manejo integrado o ecológico del cultivo, es la utilización de plantas injertadas como estrategia de adaptación. En pimiento, cultivo de gran importancia económica en nuestro país, la menor utilización de la técnica del injerto es debida a la inexistencia de patrones con suficiente adaptabilidad a condiciones de estrés abiótico. En este sentido, el equipo de investigación mixto entre la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) y el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), el cual engloba esta tesis doctoral, ha sido capaz de seleccionar diferentes accesiones e híbridos de pimiento, entre ellos el híbrido NIBER®, que utilizados como portainjertos han obtenido buenos resultados en término de rendimiento en condiciones de estrés hídrico y salino, y generar información respecto a los diferentes mecanismos fisiológicos y moleculares responsables de dicha tolerancia. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, la información sigue siendo limitada en diferentes sentidos: no se ha estudiado en profundidad el efecto del injerto a las altas temperaturas; no se ha profundizado en el estudio de los mecanismos de tolerancia del portainjerto NIBER® frente al estrés hídrico causado por un riego deficitario controlado; y por último, ningún estudio se ha centrado en analizar los efectos del propio injerto sobre el rendimiento y calidad de los frutos de variedades tradicionales de pimiento. En este sentido, los objetivos que se han planteado en esta tesis doctoral han sido: I) evaluación fisiológica y agronómica de la tolerancia al estrés supra-térmico de accesiones de Capsicum annuum L. utilizadas como portainjertos; II) estudio de los mecanismos fisiológicos que subyacen en el comportamiento de portainjertos tolerantes a estrés supra-térmico; III) estudio de las bases del comportamiento agronómico y fisiológico de portainjertos de pimiento tolerantes a estrés hídrico en condiciones controladas de riego deficitario; IV) evaluación agronómica y de la calidad del fruto de variedades tradicionales de pimiento injertadas sobre patrones tolerantes a estreses abióticos. En esta tesis doctoral, por un lado, hemos sido capaces de seleccionar accesiones de pimiento, especialmente A57, que utilizadas como portainjertos confieren a la variedad injertada cierto grado de tolerancia al estrés térmico por altas temperaturas. También hemos podido comprobar que estos portainjertos tolerantes permiten a la variedad generar respuestas adaptativas a los efectos negativos de este estrés mediante la modificación de su comportamiento fisiológico, disminuyendo la fuga de electrolitos y la acumulación de H2O2, y aumentando el contenido de clorofilas y carotenoides en las hojas. Esta respuesta fisiológica observada en las hojas resulta en una mejor adaptación fisiológica en su fase reproductiva, mejorando el contenido de prolina en las anteras y la viabilidad de los granos de polen, incrementando con ello el cuajado de frutos y en consecuencia el rendimiento comercial. Por otro lado, hemos visto que la tolerancia al estrés hídrico conferida por el portainjerto NIBER® es consecuencia de una modificación fisiológica que permite mantener los niveles de fotosíntesis con una adecuada eficiencia en el uso del agua, resultando en un mayor rendimiento comercial. En este sentido, el uso de la estrategia de riego deficitario combinada con el uso de portainjertos tolerantes al estrés hídrico y con un mayor desarrollo radical, como es el caso del NIBER®, puede considerarse útil para reducir el consumo de agua, amortiguando lo / [CA] En l'actualitat, els estressos abiòtics són una de les principals limitacions en la producció agrària i seguretat alimentària. La cerca d'estratègies per a aconseguir una millor tolerància als estressos abiòtics és un objectiu de gran interés a nivell mundial, especialment davant de l'estrés supra-tèrmic tenint en compte l'escenari de calfament global en el qual ens trobem. Una manera de sortejar els estressos ambientals, sota el prisma d'un maneig integrat o ecològic del cultiu, és la utilització de plantes empeltades com a estratègia d'adaptació. En pimentó, cultiu de gran importància econòmica al nostre país, la menor utilització de la tècnica de l'empelt és deguda a la inexistència de patrons amb suficient adaptabilitat a condicions d'estrés abiòtic. En aquest sentit, l'equip d'investigació mixt entre la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) i l'Institut Valencià d'Investigacions Agràries (IVIA), el qual engloba aquesta tesi doctoral, ha sigut capaç de seleccionar diferents accessions e híbrids de pimentó, entre ells l'híbrid NIBER®, que utilitzats com portaempelts han obtingut bons resultats en terme de rendiment en condicions d'estrés hídric i salí, i generar informació respecte als diferents mecanismes fisiològics i moleculars responsables d'aquesta tolerància. No obstant això, fins hui, la informació continua sent limitada en diferents sentits: no s'ha estudiat en profunditat l'efecte de l'empelt a les altes temperatures; no s'ha aprofundit en l'estudi dels mecanismes de tolerància del portaempelt NIBER® enfront de l'estrés hídric causat per un reg deficitari controlat; i finalment, cap estudi s'ha centrat en estudiar els efectes del propi empelt sobre el rendiment i qualitat dels fruits de varietats tradicionals de pimentó. En aquest sentit, els objectius que s'han plantejat en aquesta tesi doctoral han sigut: I) avaluació fisiològica i agronòmica de la tolerància a l'estrés supra-tèrmic d'accessions de Capsicum annuum L. utilitzades com portaempelts; II) estudi dels mecanismes fisiològics que subjauen en el comportament de portaempelts tolerants a estrés supra-tèrmic; III) estudi de les bases del comportament agronòmic i fisiològic de portaempelts de pimentó tolerants a estrés hídric en condicions controlades de reg deficitari; IV) avaluació agronòmica i de la qualitat del fruit de varietats tradicionals de pimentó empeltades sobre patrons tolerants a estressos abiòtics. En aquesta tesi doctoral, d'una banda, hem sigut capaços de seleccionar accessions de pimentó, especialment A57, que utilitzades com portaempelts confereixen a la varietat empeltada un cert grau de tolerància a l'estrés tèrmic per altes temperatures. També hem pogut comprovar que aquests portaempelts tolerants permeten a la varietat generar respostes adaptatives als efectes negatius d'aquest estrés mitjançant la modificació del seu comportament fisiològic, disminuint la fugida d'electròlits i l'acumulació de H2O2, i augmentant el contingut de clorofil·les i carotenoides en les fulles. Aquesta resposta fisiològica observada en les fulles resulta en una millor adaptació fisiològica en la seua fase reproductiva, millorant el contingut de prolina en les anteres i la viabilitat dels grans de pol·len, incrementant amb això el quallat de fruits i en conseqüència el rendiment comercial. D'altra banda, la tolerància a l'estrés hídric conferida pel portaempelt NIBER® és conseqüència d'una modificació fisiològica que permet mantenir els nivells de fotosíntesi amb una adequada eficiència en l'ús de l'aigua, resultant en un major rendiment comercial. En aquest sentit, l'ús de l'estratègia de reg deficitari combinada amb l'ús de portaempelts tolerants a l'estrés hídric i amb un major desenvolupament radical, com és el cas del NIBER®, pot considerar-se útil per a reduir el consum d'aigua, esmorteint els efectes negatius de l'estrés sobre el rendiment, degut principalment a la menor incidència de BER. Finalment, hem sigut capaços de constatar que l'ús de portaem / [EN] Currently, abiotic stresses are one of the main limitations in agricultural production and food security. The search for strategies to achieve a better tolerance to abiotic stresses is an objective of great interest worldwide, especially in the face of supra-thermal stress, considering the global warming scenario in which we find ourselves. One way to overcome environmental stresses, under the prism of an integrated or ecological management of the crop, is the use of grafted plants as an adaptation strategy. In pepper, a crop of great economic importance in our country, the lesser use of the grafting technique is due to the lack of rootstocks with sufficient adaptability to abiotic stress conditions. In this sense, the mixed research team between Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), which includes this doctoral thesis, has been able to select different pepper accessions and hybrids, including the NIBER® hybrid, which used as rootstocks have obtained good results in terms of yield under conditions of water and saline stress, and generate information regarding the different physiological and molecular mechanisms responsible for said tolerance. However, to date, the information remains limited in different ways: the effect of grafting at high temperatures has not been studied in depth; the study of the tolerance mechanisms of the NIBER® rootstock against water stress caused by controlled deficit irrigation has not been studied in depth; and finally, no study has focused on analyzing the effects of the graft itself on the yield and quality of the fruits of traditional pepper varieties. In this sense, the objectives that have been set in this doctoral thesis have been: I) physiological and agronomic evaluation of the tolerance to supra-thermal stress of accessions of Capsicum annuum L. used as rootstocks; II) study of the physiological mechanisms that underlie the behavior of rootstocks tolerant to supra-thermal stress; III) study of the bases of the agronomic and physiological behavior of pepper rootstocks tolerant to water stress under controlled conditions of deficit irrigation; IV) agronomic and fruit quality evaluation of traditional pepper varieties grafted on rootstocks tolerant to abiotic stresses. In this doctoral thesis, on the one hand, we have been able to select pepper accessions, especially A57, which, when used as rootstocks, give the grafted variety a certain degree of tolerance to thermal stress from high temperatures. We have also been able to verify that these tolerant rootstocks allow the variety to generate adaptive responses to the negative effects of this stress by modifying its physiological behavior, decreasing electrolyte leakage and H2O2 accumulation, and increasing the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the leaves. This physiological response observed in the leaves results in a better physiological adaptation in its reproductive phase, improving the proline content in the anthers and the viability of pollen grains, thereby increasing fruit set and consequently commercial yield. On the other hand, the tolerance to water stress conferred by the NIBER® rootstock is the consequence of a physiological modification that allows maintaining photosynthesis levels with an adequate water use efficiency, resulting in a higher commercial yield. In this sense, the use of the deficit irrigation strategy combined with the use of tolerant rootstocks to water stress and with greater root development, as is the case of NIBER®, can be considered useful to reduce water consumption, cushioning the negative stress effects on yield, mainly due to the lower incidence of blossom-end rot (BER). Finally, we have been able to verify that the use of tolerant rootstocks to abiotic stresses, such as NIBER®, in traditional pepper varieties could be a useful technique to improve the yield and commercial quality of this crop, mainly by reducing the incidence of BER, / Esta tesis doctoral ha sido realizada gracias a la financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) mediante los proyectos RTA-2017- 00030-C02 y PID2020-118824RR-C2, y a la financiación del Ministerio de Universidades a través de un contrato predoctoral FPU (FPU18/00564) / Gisbert Mullor, R. (2023). Análisis de la variabilidad genética del género Capsicum frente a estreses abióticos para su uso como portainjertos. Estudio de los mecanismos fisiológicos de tolerancia, del comportamiento agronómico y de la calidad del fruto [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196652 / Compendio

Структурные признаки корневых систем и поглощающих корней у представителей семейства гвоздичных, различающихся по приуроченности к разным типам субстрата : магистерская диссертация / Structural features of root systems and absorbing roots in representatives of the some Caryophyllaceae, differing in confinement to different types of substrate

Сергиенко, А. О., Sergienko, A. O. January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the morphological adaptation of the root systems of petrophytic family Caryophyllaceae to extreme conditions. The work consisted of two blocks: Laboratory experiment to study the growth of Ni-excluder Silene baschkirorum roots on agar plates with the introduction of Ni, Ca, Mg in different combinations in comparison with the Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum obovatum. The structural features of the leaves and the underground sphere of the 6 types of Caryophyllaceae from natural habitats with moisture deficiency. The objects of the study were four perennial main-rooted species: Dianthus versicolor, Gypsophila altissima, Silene baschkirorum, Dianthus acicularis, and two annual species – Spergula arvensis and Arenaria serpyllifolia. The influence of Ni, Ca, Mg in different combinations on the growth of roots of seedlings Alyssum obovatum and Silene baschkirorum was studied in a laboratory experiment on agar plates under standard conditions at a constant temperature and a 16-hour photoperiod in accordance with the Protocol with modifications [Xu et al., 2013]. Morphological parameters of the leaf and underground sphere of Caryophyllaceae were measured by standard morpho-anatomical methods during adaptation to moisture deficiency [Иванова, 2014; Таршис, 2007]. The results of laboratory studies have shown that in all variants of the experiment the root system of Alyssum obovatum was in 1,5–5 times better developed than Silene baschkirorum. The introduction of metals stimulated the growth of the root system in A. obovatum and didn’t affect the growth of S. baschkirorum roots. Analysis of the leaf structure in 6 species of Caryophyllaceae growing in conditions of lack of moisture revealed that xeromesophytes Arenaria serpyllifolia, Dianthus versicolor, Gypsophila altissima have low leaf density both per area and per leaf volume in comparison with mesoxerophytic species Silene baschkirorum, Dianthus acicularis, Spergula arvensis. Analysis of the root system and absorbing roots revealed no differences between studied xeromesophytic and mesoxerophytic Caryophyllaceae species. It’s established that the adaptation of the underground sphere of the studied Caryophyllaceae to the moisture deficit is realized by species-specific ways of restructuring of the root system and absorbing roots. The work consists of 3 chapters, 34 pages, includes 67 sources, 1 table and 7 pictures. The materials of the master's thesis were presented at the all-Russian conference of young scientists «Ecology: facts, hypotheses, models», dedicated to the memory of N. V. Glotov on April 10–13, 2018. In July 2019, it is planned to present the materials of this work in the form of a graphic stand at the international conference IAVS 62nd ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM «Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research» at the University of Bremen, Germany. / Цель выпускной квалификационной работы магистра заключается в изучении морфологической адаптации корневых систем петрофитных гвоздичных к экстремальным условиям. Работа состояла из двух блоков: Лабораторный эксперимент по изучению роста корней исключителя Ni Silene baschkirorum Janisch. на агаровых пластинах с внесением Ni, Ca, Mg в разных комбинациях в сравнении с гипераккумулятором Ni Alyssum obovatum (C. A. Meyer) Turcz. Описание структурных характеристик листьев и подземной сферы у 6 видов сем. Caryophyllaceae из естественных местообитаний с дефицитом влаги. Объектами исследования послужили четыре многолетних стержнекорневых вида: Dianthus versicolor Fisch. ex Link, Gypsophila altissima L., Silene baschkirorum, Dianthus acicularis Fisch. ex Ledeb., и два однолетних вида – Spergula arvensis L. и Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Влияние Ni, Ca, Mg в разных комбинациях на рост корней проростков Alyssum obovatum и Silene baschkirorum изучали в лабораторном эксперименте на агаровых пластинах в стандартных условиях при постоянной температуре и 16-часовом фотопериоде в соответствии с протоколом с модификациями [Xu et al., 2013]. Морфологические параметры листа и подземной сферы гвоздичных при адаптации к дефициту влаги измеряли с помощью стандартных морфо-анатомических методов [Иванова, 2014; Таршис, 2007]. Результаты лабораторных исследований показали, что во всех вариантах опыта корневая система у Аlyssum obovatum была лучше развита, чем у Silene baschkirorum в 1,55 раз. Внесение металлов стимулировало рост корневой системы у А. obovatum и не влияло на рост корней S. baschkirorum. Анализ структуры листа у 6 видов гвоздичных, произрастающих в условиях недостатка влаги выявил, что ксеромезофиты Arenaria serpyllifolia, Dianthus versicolor, Gypsophila altissima отличаются низкой плотностью листьев как в расчете на площадь, так и на объем листа в сравнении с мезоксерофитными видами Silene baschkirorum, Dianthus acicularis, Spergula arvensis.Анализ корневой системы и поглощающих корней не выявил различий между ксеромезофитными и мезоксерофитными видами изученных гвоздичных (сем. Caryophyllaceae). Установлено, что адаптация подземной сферы изученных гвоздичных к дефициту влаги реализуется видоспецифичными путями перестройки корневой системы и поглощающих корней. Работа состоит из 3 разделов, 34 страниц, включает в себя 67 источников, 1 таблицу и 7 рисунков. Материалы магистерской диссертации были представлены на Всероссийской конференции молодых ученых «Экология: факты, гипотезы, модели», посвященной памяти Н. В. Глотова 1013 апреля 2018 г. В июле 2019 года планируется представить материалы данной работы в форме стенда на международной конференции IAVS 62nd ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM «Vegetation Science and Biodiversity Research» в Бременском университете, Бремен, Германия.

Single and binary effects of atrazine, copper and chromium on duckweed

Nguyen, Vu, Nguyen, Thi Thuy Trang, Vo, Thi My Chi, Dao, ThanhSon 13 May 2020 (has links)
Recently, the agricultural, industrial and mining activities have led to increase in contaminant emission. Trace metals or herbicides are among the pollutants to be concerned in the world. In this study we evaluated the effects of the herbicide atrazine (at the concentrations of 5, 50 and500 µg L-1) and its combination with copper (Cu, 50 µg L-1) and chromium (Cr, 50 µg L-1) on duckweed over the period of 10 days in the laboratory conditions. We found that 50 and 500 µg atrazine L-1 severely impacted on the growth or even caused the death of the plants, whereas there was no statistically significant difference in the duckweed growth rate between the 5 µg atrazine L-1 exposure and control. In the combined treatments (50 µg atrazine L-1 with Cu; with Cr or with both Cu and Cr), the plant growth rate of atrazine with either Cu or Cr was strongly reduced. However, the mixture of atrazine with Cu and Cr did not significantly decrease the development and growth rate of duckweed. Besides, atrazine and investigated heavy metals resulted in turning whiteof duckweek leaves that evidence ofthe chlorophyll degradation. Our results showed the negative influences of the herbicide atrazine and metals on development and morphology of duckweed. / Gần đây, những hoạt động nông nghiệp, công nghiệp và khai khoáng đã và đang dẫn đến sự gia tăng phát thải các chất gây ô nhiễm. Kim loại nặng hoặc thuốc diệt cỏ là những chất gây ô nhiễm đang được quan tâm trên thế giới. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đánh giá ảnh hưởng của thuốc diệt cỏ atrazine (nồng độ 5, 50 và 500 µg/L) và sự kết hợp của chất này với đồng (Cu, 50 µg/L) và crom (Cr, 50 µg/L) lên bèo tấm trong thời gian 10 ngày trongđiều kiện phòng thí nghiệm. Chúng tôi nhận thấy atrazine tại nồng độ 50 và 500 µg/L đã gây nên những ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng lên sự phát triển hay thậm chí làm cho bèo tấm bị chết, trong khi đó, không ghi nhận được bất kì sự khác biệt có ý nghĩa thống kê về tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm giữa lô thí nghiệm phơi nhiễm 5 µg atrazine / L và lô đối chứng. Trong những lô phơi nhiễm kết hợp (50 µg atrazine / L với Cu, với Cr hoặc với đồng thời Cu và Cr), tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm khi phơi nhiễm với atrazine và Cu hoặc Cr bị giảm mạnh, tuy nhiên, việc phơi nhiễm đồng thời atrazine với Cu và Cr đã không làm giảm đáng kể sự phát triển và tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm. Bên cạnh đó, atrazine và kim loại nặng đã làm cho màu của lá bèo tấm chuyển sang màu trắng, điều này chứng tỏ có sự suy giảm chlorophyll. Kết quả nghiên cứu này đã cho thấy những ảnh hưởng tiêu cựccủa thuốc diệt cỏ atrazine và kim loại lên sự phát triển và hình thái của bèo tấm.

Rôle des régulations de la stabilité des ARN messagers dans l'adaptation d'Escherichia coli à son environnement / Role of mRNA stability regulation in Escherichia coli adaptation to environment

Esquerre, Thomas 01 July 2014 (has links)
L‘adaptation des bactéries à leur environnement résulte de régulations de l’expression génique pour optimiser leur physiologie aux conditions de culture. Le contrôle de la concentration des ARNm constitue l’une de ces régulations. Il dépend à la fois des variations de transcription et de dégradation des messagers. Si ces deux mécanismes sont bien étudiés à l’échelle moléculaire chez E. coli, leurs poids respectifs sur la régulation du niveau des transcrits à l’échelle du génome restent inconnus en raison de l’absence de données omiques relatives à la dégradation des ARNm lors de changements environnementaux. D’autre part, les paramètres déterminant la stabilité des messagers sont mal identifiés et n’ont jamais été hiérarchisés.Au cours de cette thèse, la stabilité de chacun des ARNm d’E. coli a été mesurée par la détermination du stabilome. Plus précisément, le temps de demi-vie de près de 70 % de tous les messagers a pu être déterminé de façon fiable pour quatre taux de croissance différents obtenus dans les mêmes conditions de culture à l’aide de chémostats. Pour la première fois, cette étude démontre qu’une croissance bactérienne plus rapide entraîne une augmentation globale de la dégradation des transcrits. L’intégration de ces données avec les données transcriptomiques montre que même si la transcription est le mécanisme principal de régulation du niveau des messagers, la dégradation exerce un effet inverse dans la plupart des cas. De plus, le rôle de la dégradation dans le contrôle de la concentration des ARNm s’accentue de façon significative avec l’augmentation du taux de croissance et affecte particulièrement les gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme carboné central. À partir des données de stabilité générées à différents taux de croissance, des approches de biologie intégrative ont permis d’identifier et de hiérarchiser les déterminants de la dégradation des ARNm. Ainsi, la concentration des messagers qui est le principal paramètre, mais aussi le biais de codon, la longueur de la séquence codante et la présence de certains motifs de séquence déterminent la stabilité d’un ARNm. Toutefois, si la hiérarchie des déterminants identifiés reste identique avec la variation du taux de croissance, la stabilité des ARNm de certaines catégories fonctionnelles en est dépendante. Cependant, d’autres déterminants du temps de demi-vie des messagers, en particulier à fort taux de croissance, restent encore à être identifiés. La protéine CsrA, appartenant au système Csr, est un exemple de régulateur post-transcriptionnel qui contrôle positivement ou négativement l’expression d’ARNm par divers mécanismes qui peuvent modifier leur stabilité. Toutefois, l’étendue de l’action de CsrA sur la stabilité des ARNm à l’échelle omique n’a jamais été étudiée. En comparant les stabilomes et transcriptomes d’une souche sauvage et d’une souche où l’activité de CsrA est diminuée, les effets indirects transcriptionnels de CsrA ont été mesurés et de nouveaux ARNm cibles de CsrA dont la stabilité est régulée par la protéine (en majorité stabilisés) ont été identifiés. De plus, la protéine CsrD, régulateur de la stabilité des ARN non codants CsrB/C, n’est pas impliquée dans la régulation de la stabilité des ARNm, mais agit sur la transcription de nombreux gènes indépendamment de son rôle au sein du système Csr. En conclusion, ces travaux ont permis de mieux appréhender les régulations de la stabilité des ARNm, en identifiant leurs déterminants et en caractérisant leur rôle et portée dans le contrôle de la concentration des messagers. Ils soulignent en particulier l’importance de ces régulations dans le processus d’adaptation bactérien / Bacterial adaptation to environment results from regulations of gene expression to optimize cell physiology to growth conditions. Control of mRNA concentration is one of those regulations. It depends on both variations of transcription and transcript degradation. Although these two mechanisms are well defined at the molecular level in E. coli, their respective impact on mRNA level regulation is still unknown at the genome scale because of a lack of omic data on mRNA stability during changing environment. Moreover, parameters determining messenger stability are not yet clearly identified and have never been ranked.During this PhD, the stability of each of the E. coli mRNAs was measured through stabilome determination. More precisely, the half-life of around 70 % of all messengers was reliably determined at four different growth rates obtained in the same growth conditions in chemostats. For the first time, this study demonstrated that increase of growth rate led to global increase of transcript degradation. Integration of these data with transcriptomic data showed that although transcription was the main mechanism which regulated mRNA level, messenger degradation exerted an opposite effect in most of the cases. The role of messenger degradation in the control of mRNA concentration was significantly accentuated with increasing growth rate and affected particularly genes involved in central carbon metabolism. Using mRNA stability data produced at different growth rates, integrative biology approaches allowed identification and ranking of the determinants of messenger stability. mRNA concentration which was the main parameter, but also codon bias, length of the coding sequence, sequence motifs contributed to transcript stability. However, although the hierarchy of determinants remained identical with variations of growth rate, the stability of mRNAs belonging to specific functional categories differed with the growth rate. Nevertheless, other determinants of messenger half-life, in particular at high growth rates still remain to be discovered. The CsrA protein, which belongs to the Csr system, is one example of a post-transcriptional regulator. CsrA positively or negatively controls expression of several mRNAs by mechanisms able to modify transcript stability. Nevertheless, the extent of CsrA effect on mRNA stability at the omic level has never been studied. By comparing stabilomes and transcriptomes of the wild type strain with a strain with reduced CsrA activity, the indirect transcriptional effects of CsrA were measured and new mRNAs whose stability was targeted by CsrA (mostly stabilized), were identified. Moreover, the CsrD protein, a regulator of CsrB/C small RNA stability, was not involved in mRNA stability regulation, but played a role in transcriptional regulation of many genes independently of its role in the Csr system. To conclude, this work provides a better understanding of the regulation of the mRNA stability. It identifies mRNA stability determinants and characterizes the role and extent of mRNA stability regulation in the control of messenger concentration. The study underlines the importance of this regulation in the process of bacterial adaptation

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