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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Less conservative conditions for the robust and Gain-Scheduled LQR-state derivative controllers design /

Beteto, Marco Antonio Leite January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Edvaldo Assunção / Resumo: Neste trabalho é proposta a resolução do problema do regulador linear quadrático (Linear Quadratic Regulator - LQR) via desigualdades matriciais lineares (Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMIs) para sistemas lineares e invariantes no tempo sujeitos a incertezas politópicas, bem como para sistemas lineares sujeitos a parâmetros variantes no tempo (Linear Parameter Varying - LPV). O projeto dos controladores é baseado na realimentação derivativa. A escolha da realimentação derivativa se dá devido à sua fácil implementação em certas aplicações como, por exemplo, no controle de vibrações. Os sinais usados na realimentação são aceleração e velocidade, sendo obtidos por meio de acelerômetros. Por meio do método proposto é possível obter condições LMIs para a síntese de controladores que garantam a estabilização do sistema em malha fechada, sendo que os controladores possuem desempenho otimizado. Para a formulação das condições LMIs, uma função de Lyapunov do tipo quadrática é utilizada. Exemplos teóricos e simulações são utilizados como forma de validação dos métodos propostos, além de mostrar que os novos resultados apresentam condições menos conservadoras. Além disso, ao final é apresentada uma implementação prática em um sistema de suspensão ativa, produzida pela Quanser®. / Abstract: The resolution of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem via linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) for linear time-invariant systems subject to polytopic uncertainties, as linear systems subjects to linear parameter varying (LPV), is proposed in this work. The controllers' designs are based on the state derivative feedback. The aim to the choice of the state derivative feedback is your easy implementation in a class of mechanical systems, such as in vibration control, for example. The signals used for feedback are acceleration and velocity, it is obtained by means of accelerometers. Through the proposed method it is possible to obtain LMIs conditions for the synthesis of controllers that guarantee the stabilisation of the closed-loop system, being that the controllers have optimised performance. For the LMIs conditions formulations, a Lyapunov function of type quadratic is used. As a form of validation, theoretical examples and simulations are performed, besides to show that the new results are less conservative. Furthermore, a practical implementation in an active suspension system, produced by Quanser®, is performed. / Mestre

A coaching intervention for burnout amongst generation y medical doctors

Disemelo, Keitumetse Kholofelo 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The aim of the research was to describe how Generation Y medical doctors working in the South African public health sector at a hospital in the Limpopo Province experienced a coaching intervention for burnout. Generally, there are limited empirically based coaching interventions for burnout, even for at-risk populations such as Generation Y medical doctors working in the South African public health sector. Burnout affects Generation Y medical doctors, the service they offer, private lives, and the recipients of their care. Most research focuses on identifying the risk factors for Generation Y medical doctors working in the debilitating South African public health sector, and rarely on potential intervention. This study offers findings from a coaching intervention that could be incorporated into a bigger burnout intervention strategy in the South African public health sector. This would involve all stakeholders at the different levels to ensure that burnout is combatted on a long-term basis. The study took a phenomenological approach using a collective case study method. The aim was to gather and analyse information to explore the experiences of a coaching intervention for burnout. The study was done in three phases, namely: Phase I – Pre-coaching intervention; Phase II – Coaching intervention; and Phase III – Post-coaching intervention. The study incorporated the Maslach Burnout Inventory to quantify the level of burnout before (Phase I) and after (Phase III) the coaching intervention. The findings emphasised certain structural issues, the impact that neglecting burnout has on medical doctors, including Generation Y medical doctors, and how burnout affects patient care. Certain recommendations were made for the public health sector, future research in the field of coaching psychology, and coaches/consultants working with burnout amongst Generation Y medical doctors. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Effects of Variations in High Molecular Weight Glutenin Allele Composition and Resistant Starch on Wheat Flour Tortilla Quality

Jondiko, Tom Odhiambo 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Tortilla sales are projected to exceed 9.5 billion by 2014. However, currently no wheat cultivars have been identified that possess the intrinsic quality attributes needed for the production of optimum quality tortillas. Tortillas made with refined wheat flour low in dietary fiber (DF) are popular in the United States due to their sensory properties. This study explored the use of wheat lines (WL) possessing variations in high molecular weight glutenin allele sub-units (HMW-GS) for production of tortillas and also investigated the use of corn based resistant starches (RS), type II (RS2) and wheat based RS type IV (RS4) to increase DF in tortillas. Tortillas were made with 0-15 percent RS and 100 percent whole white wheat (WW). Flour protein profiles, dough, and tortilla properties were evaluated to determine the effects of the allelic variations and RS substitution on tortilla quality. Sensory properties of tortillas with RS were determined. Variations in HMW-GS composition significantly affected the protein quality and tortilla properties. Flour from WL possessing allelic combinations (2*, 17+18, 7, 2+12), (1, 17+18, 5+10), (2*, 17, 2+12) and (1, 2*, 17+18, 2+12) had 12.8-13.3 percent protein. These WL had extensible doughs and produced large diameter tortillas with superior (greater than or equal to 3.0) flexibility after 16 days compared to control. However, WL with (17+18 and 5+10) and (2*, 17+7, 5) produced extensible doughs, large, but less flexible, tortillas compared to control. WL with (2*,17+18,5+10) and (1,2*,7+9,5+10) produced smaller diameter tortillas, but with superior flexibility compared to control. RS2, WW, and cross-linked-pre-gelatinized RS4 (FiberRite) produced hard, less-extensible doughs and thinner tortillas compared to control, due to high water absorption. Cross-linked RS4 (Fibersym) dough and tortillas were comparable to control. 15 percent of RS2 and RS4 increase DF in control to 6 and 14 percent respectively, compare to control (2.8 percent DF). WW tortillas were less acceptable than control in appearance, flavor and texture, while tortillas with 15 percent Fibersym had higher overall acceptability than control. RS2 negatively affected dough machinability and tortilla shelf stability. However, 15 percent RS4 improved the DF in refined flour tortillas to meet FDA's "good source of fiber claim," without negatively affecting dough/tortilla quality.

Representation och strukturers betydelse för inflytande : Om fackförbunden inom LOs ungdomsverksamhet / The importance of representation  and structures to establish  influence : A study of the Trade Unions Youth Activities within The Swedish Trade Union Confederation

Olofsson, Katrin January 2015 (has links)
“The importance of representation and structures to establish influence. A study of the Trade Unions Youth Activities within The Swedish Trade Union Confederation.” -Katrin Olofsson This essay is studying the importance of representation and structures for the youth to establish influence, within the Trade Unions of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO. More specific it is about the youths influence in each trade union´s executive committee. The representation and structures studied is at a central level and the youths are restricted to being under the age of 30. The purpose is to try to find a model and specific factors that can explain if, and in that case what, that could be the cause of a higher level of influence in some trade unions compared to others.  Three questions are essential for the essay. Are the different structures for youth activities, within the trade unions of LO, affecting the representation of youths in their executive committees? Do any combinations of structures seem to be more profitable for a higher level of representation of youths within the executive committees?   How do the different forms of structure and representation seem to affect the influence of youths within the executive committees? The study is built on interviews with representatives from each of the fourteen trade unions within LO, that has the mandate and trust from their organisations to represent them in these questions. They are also all representatives in the LO Youth Committee.      The findings were essentially that formal structures in forms of youth committees together with the possibility to have a co-opt member from the youth committee within the executive committee seemed to affect and enhance the representation and the influence.

Barn med astma og deres foreldre : læring, deltakelse og samarbeid

Trollvik, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: Astma er den hyppigste kroniske sykdommen i barnealderen, den påfører barn og familierpersonlige og sosiale påkjenninger samtutgjør et betydelig folkehelseproblem. For å handtere hverdagen trenger barna og foreldrene kunnskap. Det overgripende målet med avhandlingen er å utvikle læringstilbud til barn og foreldre der den pedagogiske tilnærmingen tar utgangspunkt i barns, foreldres og helsepersonells vurderinger om hva som er viktig å lære. Metode: Avhandlingen inkluderer 5 studier (I–V) ut fra 2 prosjekter som forgikk på en barneavdeling i Norge, i 1995–1998 og 2004–2007. I studie I og IIble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 9 foreldre deltok i dypintervju. I studie IIIble innholdsanalyse brukt i et aksjonsforsknings prosjekt, handlings-orientert forskningssamarbeid, der 90 personer deltok. I studie IV ble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 15 barn i alderen 7–10 år tegnet og deltok i dypintervju. I studie V ble innholdsanalyse brukt der samhandlingen mellom 3 barn og 2 helsepersonellble observerti et læringstilbud. Resultateneviser at både barn med astma og foreldrene erfarte engstelse og redsel i hverdagen (I,IV). Foreldrene uttrykte følelser av usikkerhet,hjelpeløshet og skyld (I). Barna var redde for forverrelser av astmaenog hvordan sykdommenpåvirket kroppen. De brukte mange forskjellige ord når de beskrev astma.De kjente astma i hele kroppenogsituasjonenkunne endre seg raskt fra vanliglek til at all energi var borte. Barna var redde for å bli utestengt fra lek og aktivitet, og opplevde det som et dilemma om de skulle fortelle om astmaen til andre eller holde det hemmelig(V). Både barn og foreldre erfarte det å dele erfaringer i gruppe som betydningsfullt (II, V). Barnas perspektiv og deltakelse ble ivaretatt gjennom intervensjonsfasen, mens barneperspektivet ble ivaretatt av voksne gjennom hele prosjekt 2 (III). I læringstilbudet kjente barna seg trygge, var aktive, lærte av hverandre og satte ord på egne følelser(IV). Fortellinger og bilder fungerte godt i pedagogisk tilnærming til barn. Barnas egne tegninger var et godt redskap for å kommunisere med barn og for å få tilgang til deres livsverden(V). Konklusjon: Denne avhandlingen viser at for å støtte barn og foreldre til å handtere astma i hverdagen, er det viktig at helsepersonell legger tilrette for læring ved å utforme læringstilbud som tar utgangspunkt i deres perspektiver. Det at barna selv er aktive, at deres egne erfaringer brukes og verdsettes i dialogen, viser et nedenfraperspektiv som er en god kilde til empowerment-prosesser. Slike prosesser styrker barna i troen på egne krefter og gir dem handlekompetanse. Læringsprosessene som er beskrevet i meningsfull læringvil styrke barnas begripelighet, handterbarhet og meningsfullhet og derved styrke barnas Sense of Coherence (SOC). Ved styrket SOC vil barna i større grad mestre utfordringer i livet og derved oppnå bedre helse og livskvalitet / Background and aim: Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease,many children and families are personally and socially affected which makes asthma a public health problem. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop an asthma education programme for children with asthma and their parents, where the pedagogic approach takeschildren’s, parents’and health care personnel’s experiences and views as a starting point. Methods: This thesis includes 5 studies (I–V) from 2 projects performed in a paediatric ward in Norway in 1995–1998 and 2004–2007. In studies I and IIa hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used, in which 9 parents participated in qualitative research interviews. In study III, 90 persons participated in a co-operative inquiry. Data were analysed by content analysis. Study IV used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach: 15 children (7–10 years of age) participated in qualitative research interviews. In study V, 3 children and 2 health care personnel participated in an observational study. Content analysis was used in the analysis. The results showed that both the children and the parents experienced fear in their experiences of asthma in everyday life (I, IV). The parents expressed feelings of uncertainty, helplessness and guilt (I). The children experienced fear of exacerbations and how the asthma affected their bodies. They used many different words when they described how asthma affected them. They felt asthma in their whole body,and the condition could change quickly. The fear of being ostracised concerned all aspects of the children’s livesand they related a dilemma of keeping the asthma secret or being open about it (V). Sharing experiences in group settings was experienced as meaningful to both children and parents (II, V). The adult’s child perspectives were taken into account throughout the project, while the children’sown perspectives were taken into account during the period of intervention (III). During the asthma education programmethe children actively participated and learned from each other. As the pictures and stories were related to their experiences made it easier for them to express their own feelings. Drawings were a good way toinitiate a dialogue with the children and to get access to their lifeworld (V). Conclusion: This thesis shows that in order to support children and parents to cope with asthma, it is crucial to build on their perspectives in learning processes. Active involvement of the children shows a bottom-up perspective that can lead to confidence in their own strength and empowerment. Overall, this approach corresponds to an educational approach and learning theory that takes meaningful learning into account. Meaningful learning strengthens children’s comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness and their Sense of Coherence (SOC). A strong SOC leads to better health and a better quality of life

Relationship between burnout and work engagement amongst employees within a pharmaceutical distribution industry

Sonn, Chantel 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between burnout and work engagement among employees in the pharmaceutical distribution industry. The research conducted on these concepts was geared towards adding to the knowledge base in the field of industrial and organisational psychology, to enable the current organisation from which the sample was chosen and other organisations in South Africa to focus on the effect that burnout has on employees, which directly affects the company. A quantitative survey using primary data was conducted on a convenience sample (N = 204) of full-time employees in a South African pharmaceutical distribution company. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey model (MBI-GS) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) model were used to gather data. The work engagement-burnout continuum has received a great deal of research attention (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003; Schutte, Toppinen, Kalimo, & Schaufeli, 2000) that has produced contradicting results. One viewpoint regards the core constructs of work engagement and burnout as opposite poles of two continua (vigour-exhaustion and dedication-cynicism), labelled energy and identification, respectively (González-Romá, Schaufeli, Bakker, & Lloret, 2006). Work engagement is ”characterized by a high level of energy and strong identification with one’s work”, while burnout is ”characterized by the opposite: A low level of energy combined with poor identification with one’s work” (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003, p. 5; Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, & Taris, 2008). Hence work engagement and burnout can be recognised as inseparable and co-dependent constructs that share more or less 10 to 25% of their variance and are moderately negatively related (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004; Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, & Bakker, 2002). The second viewpoint regards work engagement and burnout as being strongly related, but fundamentally different in their separation in the work experience. They are therefore not opposite poles of a continuum (Denton, Newton, & Bower, 2008; Huhtala & Parzefall, 2007; Rothmann & Joubert, 2007; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004; Schaufeli et al., 2002). Work engagement is defined as a ”positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterised by vigour, dedication, and absorption” (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004, p. 295). Burnout, however, is defined by Maslach and Jackson (1981, p. 99) as a ”syndrome of emotional exhaustion and cynicism that occurs frequently amongst individuals who do ‘people-work’ of some kind”. The statistical results of this study confirmed the hypothesis. It was found that there is a significant relationship between burnout and work engagement. Burnout is indeed negatively related to work engagement in the contact centre. However, a definitive relationship between burnout and work engagement in the distribution centre was not established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)

Биолошка активност и хемијски састав аутохтоних врста гљива Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 и Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biološka aktivnost i hemijski sastav autohtonih vrsta gljiva Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 i Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001 / Biological activity and chemical composition of autochthonous mushroom species Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers. Gray, 1797 and Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Monclavo, 2001

Tešanović Kristina 20 September 2017 (has links)
<p>У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитана је биолошка активност екстраката плодних тела и потопљених култура (мицелије и филтрата) аутохтоних врста гљива <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Такође, испитан је&nbsp; метаболизам фосфата мицелија обе врсте употребом нуклеарно магнетне резонантне спректроскопије (<sup>31</sup>Р NMR), утицај ванадијума на метаболизам фосфата као и идентификација облика ванадата присутних у ћелији мицелије (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Утврђена је антирадикалска и антиоксидативна активност&nbsp; етанолних,метанолних и водених екстраката гљива при чему су се екстракти потопљених култура издвојили по антирадикалској, а екстракти плодних тела по антиоксидативној активности. Екстракти потопљених култура истакли су се и у погледу антибактеријске активности, где се као најпотентнији показао&nbsp; хлороформски екстракт филтрата потопљене културе<em> C. comatus</em>. Такође, етанолни екстракт филтрата потопљене културе <em>C. comatus</em> показао се као најпотентнији у анти-ацетилхолинестеразној активности у односу на&nbsp; конвенционални лек донепезил. Испитан је и утицај екстраката на вијабилност ћелијских линија HepG2 (хумане хепатома ћелије) и Rin-5F (&szlig; ћелије панкреаса пацова).</p><p>Спектрофотометријским методама одређен је укупан садржај фенола и флавоноида у већини анализираних екстраката.</p><p>LC/MS идентификацијом и квантификацијом фенолних киселина уочена је разлика између фенолних једињења присутних у плодном телу, мицелији и филтрату потопљене културе. Екстракти потопљених култура бележе већи број и већи садржај једињења. Укупан садржај протеина одређен само у воденим екстрактима, а укупан садржај угљених хидрата у полисахаридним екстрактима.Употребом Фуријеве инфрацрвене спектроскопске методе (FTIR) детектоване су везе између угљених хидрата&nbsp; присутних у полисахаридним екстрактима, а планарном&nbsp; хроматографијом показано је да екстракти плодног тела и филтрата врсте <em>С. truncorum</em>, као и екстракт плодног тела врсте <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, садрже велику&nbsp; количину D-глукозе, док екстракт мицелије <em>C. truncorum</em>, баш као и екстракти филтрата и мицелије <em>C. comatus</em>, садрже највише галактозе. Квалитативном и квантитативном елементарном анализом (ААS) утврђен је виши садржај&nbsp; калијума и гвожђа у анализираним узорцима. GC-МS идентификацијом и квантификацијом масних киселина указано је на значајно присуство линолне киселине код обе врсте.&nbsp;<br />Како за аутохтону врсту&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>постоји мало података у литератури, подаци о њеном хемијском саставу могу се сматрати иновативним.<br />Компаративним прегледом биолошке активности и хемијског састава екстраката плодног тела и мицелије и филтрата (потопљених култура) указано је да су анализирани екстракти извори биоактивних супстанци са медицинским потенцијалом, а потопљене културе датих гљива представљају атрактивне кандидате за даља биотехнолошка истраживања.</p> / <p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitana je biološka aktivnost ekstrakata plodnih tela i potopljenih kultura (micelije i filtrata) autohtonih vrsta gljiva <em>Coprinus comatus</em> i<em> Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Takođe, ispitan je&nbsp; metabolizam fosfata micelija obe vrste upotrebom nuklearno magnetne rezonantne sprektroskopije (<sup>31</sup>R NMR), uticaj vanadijuma na metabolizam fosfata kao i identifikacija oblika vanadata prisutnih u ćeliji micelije (<sup>51</sup>V NMR). Utvrđena je antiradikalska i antioksidativna aktivnost&nbsp; etanolnih,metanolnih i vodenih ekstrakata gljiva pri čemu su se ekstrakti potopljenih kultura izdvojili po antiradikalskoj, a ekstrakti plodnih tela po antioksidativnoj aktivnosti. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura istakli su se i u pogledu antibakterijske aktivnosti, gde se kao najpotentniji pokazao&nbsp; hloroformski ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture<em> C. comatus</em>. Takođe, etanolni ekstrakt filtrata potopljene kulture <em>C. comatus</em> pokazao se kao najpotentniji u anti-acetilholinesteraznoj aktivnosti u odnosu na&nbsp; konvencionalni lek donepezil. Ispitan je i uticaj ekstrakata na vijabilnost ćelijskih linija HepG2 (humane hepatoma ćelije) i Rin-5F (&szlig; ćelije pankreasa pacova).</p><p>Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen je ukupan sadržaj fenola i flavonoida u većini analiziranih ekstrakata.</p><p>LC/MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom fenolnih kiselina uočena je razlika između fenolnih jedinjenja prisutnih u plodnom telu, miceliji i filtratu potopljene kulture. Ekstrakti potopljenih kultura beleže veći broj i veći sadržaj jedinjenja. Ukupan sadržaj proteina određen samo u vodenim ekstraktima, a ukupan sadržaj ugljenih hidrata u polisaharidnim ekstraktima.Upotrebom Furijeve infracrvene spektroskopske metode (FTIR) detektovane su veze između ugljenih hidrata&nbsp; prisutnih u polisaharidnim ekstraktima, a planarnom&nbsp; hromatografijom pokazano je da ekstrakti plodnog tela i filtrata vrste <em>S. truncorum</em>, kao i ekstrakt plodnog tela vrste <em>C</em>. <em>comatus</em>, sadrže veliku&nbsp; količinu D-glukoze, dok ekstrakt micelije <em>C. truncorum</em>, baš kao i ekstrakti filtrata i micelije <em>C. comatus</em>, sadrže najviše galaktoze. Kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom elementarnom analizom (AAS) utvrđen je viši sadržaj&nbsp; kalijuma i gvožđa u analiziranim uzorcima. GC-MS identifikacijom i kvantifikacijom masnih kiselina ukazano je na značajno prisustvo linolne kiseline kod obe vrste.&nbsp;<br />Kako za autohtonu vrstu&nbsp; <em>C.truncorum </em>postoji malo podataka u literaturi, podaci o njenom hemijskom sastavu mogu se smatrati inovativnim.<br />Komparativnim pregledom biološke aktivnosti i hemijskog sastava ekstrakata plodnog tela i micelije i filtrata (potopljenih kultura) ukazano je da su analizirani ekstrakti izvori bioaktivnih supstanci sa medicinskim potencijalom, a potopljene kulture datih gljiva predstavljaju atraktivne kandidate za dalja biotehnološka istraživanja.</p> / <p>The biological activity of extracts of basidiocarps (fruiting bodies)&nbsp; and submerged cultures (mycelium and filtrate) of autochthonous mushroom species&nbsp; <em>Coprinus comatus</em> and&nbsp; <em>Coprinellus truncorum&nbsp;</em> was examined. Furthermore, the metabolism of phosphate&nbsp; of mycelia&nbsp; of both types was studied using nuclear magnetic&nbsp; resonance spectros-copy ( <sup>31</sup> R NMR), the influence of vanadium on phosphate metabolism and the identification of vanadate oxidation states present in the mycelia cell ( <sup>51</sup> V NMR). The antiradical and antioxidant activity of methanolic, ethanolic and water fungal extracts was determined. Extracts of submerged cultures achieved the best anti- radical activity while fruit body extracts showed the best antioxidant activity. Extracts of submerged cultures also highlighted in terms of antibacterial activity, where the chloroform extract of the submerged culture&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>&nbsp; showed as the most potent. Also, the ethanolic extract of the submerged culture of<em>&nbsp; C. comatus</em>&nbsp; was found to be most relevant in anti-acetylcholinesterase activity&nbsp; compared with&nbsp; the conventional donepezil drug. The influence of extracts on the viability of cell lines HepG2 (human hepatocytes cells) and Rin-5F (&szlig; pancreatic cells of the rat) was also examined.</p><p>Spectrophotometric methods determined the total con-tent of phenol and flavonoids in most of the analyzed extracts.</p><p>The LC/MS identification and quantification of phenolic acids revealed the difference between the phenolic compounds present in the fruiting body, mycelium, and the submerged culture filtrate. Extracts of submerged cultures record a greater number and higher content of compounds.</p><p>The total content of proteins determined only in water extracts&nbsp; and the total content of&nbsp; carbohydrates in poly-saccharide extracts. Using the Fourier infrared spectro-scopic method (FTIR), the links between the sugar pre-sent in the&nbsp; polysaccharide extracts were detected, and planar chromatography showed that the extracts&nbsp; of the fruiting body and the filtrate of type<em>&nbsp; C. truncorum</em>, as well as the extract of the fruiting body of the species&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain a large amount of D-glucose, while the extract of the&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>C. comatus</em>, contain the most galactose. GC-MS identification and quantification of fatty acids indicated a significant presence of linoleic acid in both species, while qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis (AAS) has determined a higher content of potas-sium and iron in the analyzed samples. Since there is no data in the literature for the autochtho-nous species&nbsp;<em> C</em>. <em>truncorum</em>, the studies on its chemical composition can be considered advanced аs innovative. A comparative review of the biological activity and the chemical composition of the extracts of the fruiting body and&nbsp; mycelia&nbsp; and filtrates&nbsp; of&nbsp; medium of&nbsp; submerged cultures&nbsp; indicated that the extracts were analyzed by sources of bioactive substances with medical potential, and the submerged cultures of these mushrooms are attractive candidates for biotechnological research.</p> / <p>В рамках данной работы была исследованна биологическая активность экстракта плодородных тел и погружонных видов култур (мицелии и филтрата) автотоных видов грибов <em>Coprinus comatus</em> и <em>Coprinellus truncorum</em>. Также, исследованн метаболизм фосфата обеих видов&nbsp; мицелий с помощью ядерного магнитного резонанса спектроскопии (<sup>31</sup>Р ЯМР), влияние на содержание ванадия в метаболизме фосфата, а также идентификация формы ванадата присущего в клеток мицеллий (<sup>51</sup>V ЯМР). Установленная антирадикальная и антиоксидантная активность метанольных, этанольных и водных экстрактов гриб, причём выделяются экстракты погружённых культур по антирадикальной активности и&nbsp; экстракты плодородных тел по антиоксидантной активности.</p><p>Экстракты погружённых культур выделялись и в плане антибактериальной активности, причем,&nbsp; наиболее мощным из филтратов показался экстракт хлороформа погруженной культуры <em>C. comatus.</em> А также этанольный экстракт филтрата погружённой культуры<em> C. comatus</em> оказался найболее мощным в анти-ацетихолинестеразной активностипо сравнению с традиционным лекарством донепезилом. Было исследовано и влияние экстрактов на виябильность клеток линий&nbsp;&nbsp; HepG2 (гуманые хепатома клетки) и Rin-5F (&szlig; клетки поджелудочной железы крыс).<br />Методом спектрофотометрии определена совокупность фенола и флавоноида в большинстве проанализированных экстрактах.<br />С помощью ЛС ̸МС идентификации и квантификации фенолных кислот была замечена разница между соединениями фенола, присущих в плодородном теле, и мицелии, и филтрата погружённой культуры. Экстракты погружённых культур отражают больше количество и более высокое содержание соединений.<br />Общее содержание белков выделен только в водяных экстрактах, и общее содержание углеводов в полисахаридных экстрактах. Используя инфракрасный метод спектроскопии Фурия (ИКМСФ) были обнаружены связи между сахарами, присущими в полисахаридных экстрактах, а планарной хромотографиой было показано, что экстракты плодородного тела и филтратов вида <em>С. truncorum</em>,&nbsp; а&nbsp; также и экстракты плодородного тела вида <em>C. comatus</em> содержат большое количество D-глюкозы, в то время как экстракт мицелии <em>C. truncorum,</em> именно как и экстракт фильтрата и мицелии <em>C. comatus</em>, содержат больше всего галактозы.<br />GC-МS идентификацией и квантификацией жирных кислот показано значительное наличие линолевой кислоты у обоих видах. А качественным и квантитативным элементарным анализом установленно большее содержание калиума и железа в анализированых шаблонах.<br />Из-за того, что для автохтонного вида <em>C. truncorum</em> практически не было данных в литературе, данные о её химическом составе можно считать прогрессивным и инновационным.<br />Сравнительный анализ биологической активности и химического состава экстрактов плодородного тела и мицелии и фильтрат (погружённых культур) показаывает, что проанализированные экстракты &mdash; источники биологически активных веществ с медицинским потенциалом, и погружённые культуры данных гриб являются привлекательными кандидатами для биотехнологических исследований.</p>

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