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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GMO-lagstiftningen i Sverige och EU : Frihandelns regler vs. miljö- och hälsoskydd

Jönsson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva och undersöka GMO-lagstiftningen i EU och Sverige och hur denna påverkas av gällande frihandelsavtal samt kan komma att påverkas av frihandelsavtalet TTIP, mellan EU och USA. Frågan är huruvida det föreligger en risk att TTIP-avtalet, om det träder i kraft, kan leda till att mer GMO-produkter hamnar på EU:s marknad samt att den strikta lagstiftning som råder påverkas. Den rättsdogmatiska metoden har använts och material har därmed införskaffats från källor såsom doktrin, förarbeten och lagtexter. I de fall där dessa källor inte räckt till, har information hämtats från relevanta myndigheters hemsidor och nyhetsuppdateringar. Trots att EU framhållit att avtalet inte kommer att påverka EU:s syn på hälso- och miljöskyddsfrågor så råder ännu en skepticism bland konsumenter, jordbrukare och miljöorganisationer. Dessa pekar på att det ännu råder stora oklarheter kring avtalets utformning och att det kan finnas en dold agenda. Den nya politiska uppkomna situationen, med Donald Trump som USA:s nye president kan även komma att påverka utgången av TTIP. Kanske blir det inte något avtal alls alternativt att avtalet kommer modifieras om ordentligt.

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Zetterman, Eric January 2009 (has links)
<p>Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above. Themunicipalities are the supervising authority and they shall follow up the decontaminations toassure that the PCB has been properly removed from the buildings. The PCBdecontaminationin Eskilstuna municipality has not been a prioritised work, hence, there isPCB left in the buildings which need to be removed. To facilitate the decontamination-work,a plan of action has been developed. This plan will assist the inspector in prioritising thedifferent cases.</p>

Avfallshantering på HFABs studentområden

Jörnling, Lina, Rosén, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>”Halmstads Fastighets AB” is a local real estate company investing in sustainable development. One problem though is that the domestic waste, particularly the source separation, at the three resident blocks for students’ isn´t working very well. This creates inconveniences for people and environment as well as decreasing the impression on the estates.</p><p>This project has had the ambition to improve the domestic waste and increase the amount of source separation at HFAB´s student hostels. This study is based upon earlier researches, observations, quantitative studies, inquiries made among the students living in those three areas taking part in the project and qualitative studies as well by interviewing some of those who took part in the quantitative studies. Finally a camera surveillance of the environmental disposal station at Gamletull has been installed as an attempt to improve the conditions in the area.</p><p>From a general point of view we have found out that most of the inhabitants at these three areas know how to handle their waste but few of them take their responsibility. Source separation serves as a good example, most respondents think it´s of importance to source separate and have got the knowledge how to separate the different groups of waste at the environmental disposal station. But the respondents are just good at sorting out material as glass, wrapping paper and newspapers while less than half of them sort out bulbs, energy saving bulbs, fluorescent tubes, metal packing and hard plastic packings.</p><p>This project aims at taking measures which will create a positive solution concerning waste disposal for the estate company. The information and communication between HFAB and the residents must be improved: </p><p>• Clear and distinct rules and directions.</p><p>• Each entrance and staircase is to have a host.</p><p>• New tenants get a personal reception and introduce them to the area.</p><p>• Information about how HFAB uses the rent revenues.</p><p>• The information should be given in English as well.</p><p>Among measures to be mentioned are camera surveillance to prevent permanently damage, maintenance work and to create an internet portal for student areas. </p><p>We are satisfied with the result this project has come to hand and look forward to contributing to some progress of this problematic issue.</p>

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Zetterman, Eric January 2009 (has links)
Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above. Themunicipalities are the supervising authority and they shall follow up the decontaminations toassure that the PCB has been properly removed from the buildings. The PCBdecontaminationin Eskilstuna municipality has not been a prioritised work, hence, there isPCB left in the buildings which need to be removed. To facilitate the decontamination-work,a plan of action has been developed. This plan will assist the inspector in prioritising thedifferent cases.

Avfallshantering på HFABs studentområden

Jörnling, Lina, Rosén, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
”Halmstads Fastighets AB” is a local real estate company investing in sustainable development. One problem though is that the domestic waste, particularly the source separation, at the three resident blocks for students’ isn´t working very well. This creates inconveniences for people and environment as well as decreasing the impression on the estates. This project has had the ambition to improve the domestic waste and increase the amount of source separation at HFAB´s student hostels. This study is based upon earlier researches, observations, quantitative studies, inquiries made among the students living in those three areas taking part in the project and qualitative studies as well by interviewing some of those who took part in the quantitative studies. Finally a camera surveillance of the environmental disposal station at Gamletull has been installed as an attempt to improve the conditions in the area. From a general point of view we have found out that most of the inhabitants at these three areas know how to handle their waste but few of them take their responsibility. Source separation serves as a good example, most respondents think it´s of importance to source separate and have got the knowledge how to separate the different groups of waste at the environmental disposal station. But the respondents are just good at sorting out material as glass, wrapping paper and newspapers while less than half of them sort out bulbs, energy saving bulbs, fluorescent tubes, metal packing and hard plastic packings. This project aims at taking measures which will create a positive solution concerning waste disposal for the estate company. The information and communication between HFAB and the residents must be improved: •Clear and distinct rules and directions. •Each entrance and staircase is to have a host. •New tenants get a personal reception and introduce them to the area. •Information about how HFAB uses the rent revenues. •The information should be given in English as well. Among measures to be mentioned are camera surveillance to prevent permanently damage, maintenance work and to create an internet portal for student areas. We are satisfied with the result this project has come to hand and look forward to contributing to some progress of this problematic issue.

En studie av sambandet mellan urbanisering och maximiflödena i Hagbyån i Stockholms län

Groth, Erika January 2016 (has links)
Befolkningen i Stockholmsregionen har ökat kraftigt under de senaste decennierna och förväntas fortsätta öka i framtiden. Ökad urbanisering medför normalt att andelen hårdgjorda ytor ökar. På hårdgjorda ytor som tak, vägar och parkeringsplatser kan vattnet inte infiltrera marken utan rinner av längs ytan som dagvatten. En ökad andel hårdgjorda ytor antas därför resultera i högre och snabbare avrinning, särskilt vid kraftiga regn, vilket ökar risken för översvämningar. I Stockholms län förväntas den pågående klimatförändringen leda till ökad nederbörd, speciellt på vintern, och dessutom förväntas det bli vanligare med extremt kraftiga skyfall. I den här studien undersöker jag kopplingen mellan urbaniseringsgraden, mätt både som befolkningstäthet och som andelen hårdgjorda ytor, och storleken på de årliga maximiflödena i Hagbyån nära Vallentuna från andra hälften av 1900-talet och fram till nutid. Hårdgjorda ytor definieras i denna studie som byggnader, vägar, järnvägar och stigar och beräknas utifrån fastighetskartan som representerar nutid och den ekonomiska kartan som representerar studieperiodens början. Återkomsttiderna för årsmaximivattenflödena beräknas utifrån dagliga värden på vattenföringen vid Skällnora mätstation med frekvensanalys enligt de tre metoderna Weibullmetoden, Gringortenmetoden och Gumbelmetoden. Urbaniseringsgraden i studieområdet har som förväntat ökat vilket märks både på att befolkningen i kommunerna och i den största tätorten i studieområdet har ökat och på att andelen hårdgjorda ytor nästan har fördubblats från studieperiodens början till nutid. Trots detta har storleken på årsmaximiflödena minskat. När storleken på 100-årsflödena vid Skällnora mätstation beräknas baserat på årsmaximiflödena från första hälften av studieperioden blir 100-årsflödet 3,9 m3/s men när årsmaximiflödena från andra hälften av studieperioden används blir 100-årsflödet 2,4 m3/s. De största flödena har blivit ovanligare. Detta är tvärtemot det förväntade resultatet som var att årsmaximiflödena skulle öka med ökad andel hårdgjorda ytor. Detta resultat beror inte på minskad nederbörd. Den här studien inkluderade inte någon analys av hur evapotranspirationen i området har förändrats över tid. Ett varmare klimat med mindre snö och en förskjutning av nederbörden till vintern skulle kunna vara en bidragande orsak till att årsmaximiflödena har minskat. / The population in the Stockholm region has increased in the last few decades and this population increase is expected to continue in the future. Increased urbanization normally means that the fraction of impervious surfaces increases. On impervious surfaces such as roofs, roads and parking lots water cannot infiltrate the ground but run off as surface runoff. An increased fraction of impervious surfaces is therefore assumed to result in higher and faster runoff, especially at heavy rainfall, which increases the risk of flooding. In Stockholm county the ongoing climate change is expected to result in increased precipitation, especially in winter, and extreme precipitation events are also expected to become more common. In this study I investigate the connection between the degree of urbanization, measured both as population density and as the fraction of impervious surfaces, and the size of the yearly peak flows in Hagbyån near Vallentuna from the second half of the 20th century until today. Impervious surfaces are defined in this study as buildings, roads, rail roads and paths and calculated based on the property map (fastighetskartan) which represents the present day and the economical map (ekonomiska kartan) which represents the beginning of the study period. The recurrence interval of the annual peak flows was calculated from the daily flow values at Skällnora hydrological station using frequency analysis according to the three methods the Weibull method, the Gringorten method and the Gumbel method. The study area has, as expected, become more urbanized during the study period. Both the population in the municipalities and the population in the largest town in the study area have increased and the fraction of impervious surfaces has nearly doubled from the beginning of the study period until today. Despite this the size of the annual peak flows has diminished. When the size of the 100-year flow at the Skällnora station is calculated based on the yearly peak flows of first half of the study period the 100-year flow is 3,9 m3/s but when the yearly peak flows from the second half of the study period are used the 100-year flow is 2,4 m3/s. The largest annual peak flows have become more rare. This contradicts the expected result which was that the annual peak flows would increase when the fraction of impervious surfaces increased. This result is not due to reduced precipitation. This study did not include an analysis of changes in evapotranspiration over time in the area. A warmer climate with less snow and a shift of the precipitation pattern to more precipitation in winter might be part of the explanation.

Översyn av vattenskyddsföreskrifter med tillhörande vattenskyddsområde i Hallstahammars kommun. : Vilka revideringsbehov finns?

Råberg, Linnéa January 2010 (has links)
Water is an important food and an important natural resource. In order to protect these are the Environmental Code and the EU directive given to water protection and related water protection regulations will be established for all water sources until 2010. Those who will prepare a water protection and related water protection regulations is the municipality or person responsible for water supply. The person then decides and declares the area as water protection and related water protection regulations are municipal or provincial government. The idea of creating a water protection is to protect the water supply and the body of water against pollution caused by point sources, diffuse sources and accidents combined. Hallstahammar Municipality has a water protection and related water protection regulations and those set up in 1997, the question is whether these are the needs to be revised. Literature studies on geological and hydrological conditions in Hallstahammar Municipality was also studying literature with regard to current legislation and other parameters needed to establish a water protection and related water protection regulations. Literature studies showed that the need to revise the map of the water protection zone, there were few and minor revisions were needed in their water protection regulations.

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