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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifické vzdělávací potřeby zrakově postižených pedagogů v rámci dalšího profesního vzdělávání / Specific educational needs of the visually handicap in the context of another professional education

Vodová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The final thesis on the topic specific educational needs of visually impaired teachers as part of continuing professional education focuses on needs and opportunities related to education and lifelong education of visually impaired teachers in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the support, rehabilitation and use of assistive devices for this education. Furthermore, mapping companies and organizations supporting the visually impaired and offers examples of good practice. The practical part analyzes the possibilities of further professional education of visually impaired teachers, and seeks to identify the needs and currently offers this education into practice. KEYWORDS visual handicap, educational needs, further professional education, professional increase, compensatory aid

Famille, communauté villageoise et violence : la société rurale finistérienne face à la justice (1815-1914) / Family, village community and violence : rural society in Finistere (Brittany) facing the justice (1815-1914)

Le Fur-Le Douget, Annick 24 November 2012 (has links)
Grâce à l’exploitation conjointe du fonds des archives judiciaires et diocésaines, l’étude spectrale de la violence dans le groupe familial se déploie sur la toile de fond de la société rurale et maritime du Finistère (Bretagne) dans son processus d’acculturation au XIXe siècle. L’analyse des dispenses de mariage met en relief le caractère marqué d’appartenance au groupe communautaire. Le matériau judiciaire permet de scruter la dynamique de la violence dans la famille. Il donne en outre un éclairage nouveau sur les rapports des Finistériens avec la justice et l’appareil judiciaire d’État, ainsi que sur la part d’obstruction à l’action de normalisation de la justice que constituent l’usage de la langue bretonne et le poids des traditions. Le choc des cultures en lice est-il le signe augural de la déliquescence d’une civilisation paroissiale face à la modernité ? / Drawing on the combined resources of the judicial and diocesan archives, this study of the spectre of violence within the family group unfolds against the backdrop of the rural and maritime society of Finistère during the period of cultural change that took place in the XIXth century. The study of marriage dispensations stresses the deep importance of belonging to a community group. The material from the archives of the judiciary allows us to gauge the dynamics of violence within the family. Moreover, it sheds a new light on the relationship between the people of Finistère’s own justice system and the machinery of the law, as well as the part played by the Breton language and the weight of tradition as a hindrance in the process of normalization of law. Was this clash of cultures an ominous sign, foretelling the decay of a parochial civilization facing modernity ?

Variabilita přípravy jezdců na handbiku / Changes in preparation exercises in handbike riders training.

Holubová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Title: Changes in preparation exercises in handbike riders training Objectives: The aim of work is to collect and systematically process available information about sports discipline handbike and thereby expand knowledge about the theory and sport practice especially to persons with physical disabilities Methods: Implementation of data collection was accomplished through semi- structured interview (interview with instructions). Information gathering was carried out by one-time survey (testimony) of respondents. There was carried out repeated terrain inquiries of the respondents, followed by evaluation of statements. Results: Findings of this work form information about sports discipline known as handbike and allow insight into the issues of this sports industry. Primarily it deals with the material aspects and implementation of training program. Findings of this work can be used to popularize handbike discipline. Keywords: Sport for people with special needs, physical disability, handbike, handcycle, handicap, sports training.

Celoživotní vzdělávání osob s mentálním postižením / Lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities

Kolomazníková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the specifics of the lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities. The work consists of theoretical and practical parts. Thesis is mainly based on professional literature, laws and regulations Czech Republic and Internet resources. The first chapter deals with the explaning of the concept of mental retardation, its classification, etiology, and psychological traits of these people. The second chapter describes the system of education people with mental disability in the Czech Republic and activities of special education centers and of early care centers. The next chapter is devoted to lifelong learning, Chapter describes general lifelong learning and lifelong learning of people with mental disability, brief history of lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities in the Czech Republic and didactic principles of education for this group and example of this education are also describe in this chapter. Fourth part deals with empirical research. Research is about learning opportunities of adults with mental disabilities in the regional capital Liberec.

Design kompenzační pomůcky horní končetiny / Design of Upper Limb Assistive Device

Minaříková, Olga January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with a new approach of designing ortho-prosthetic devices in terms of mechanical solution and innovative design. The work was addressed to a specific patient with congenital malformation of upper limbs called phocomelia. A custom-made compensatory aid was made on basis of personal consultations and meetings on specialized workplace; however the aid was built in a way and from parts for other kind of disability. As it turned out, the use of this equipment is associated with many complications, and therefore as a result, this solution proved as unsatisfactory. Nevertheless, thanks to this compensation aid it was possible to specify the problems, to reveal important patterns and highlight the needs for development of entirely new and unique aid designed for patients with phocomelia disability. The work is based on these findings and knowledge acquired from bibliographic search in the field of orthotics, prosthetics, assistive devices and prosthetic equipment. A complete redesign was done with the aim to eliminate all detected problems. The presented result is a unique tool for people with specific congenital disability of upper limbs, with working label 4TE.

Fenomény integrace paralympijského cyklisty / Integration phenomena Paralympic cyclists

Diepoldová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Title: Integration phenomena Paralympic cyclists. Objectives of work: Try to find integration phenomena in relation to sport training and its impact on selected cyclists with disabilities. Methods: Case report structured interview, data collection method - the method of interrogation. Results: Based on case studies developed a structured interview, we found differences in the integration, which we have divided into phases - before obtaining disability, acclimatization, sports integration. Furthermore, we found differences in load on the three specific physical disabilities. Keywords: Disability, handicap, disabled sports training, biking persons with disabilities.

Troubles visuels chroniques, nystagmus pendulaire et oscillopsie dans la sclérose en plaques / Chronic visual dysfunctions, pendular nystagmus and oscillopsia in multiple sclerosis

Jasse, Laurence 05 May 2011 (has links)
Les manifestations neuro-ophtalmologiques, observées dans la sclérose en plaques sont parfaitement déterminées à l’heure actuelle. Cependant, l’aspect chronique des troubles visuels résultants n’est pas toujours précisément évalué, or de telles lacunes sont un frein à leur prise en charge. Dans une première partie, les caractéristiques des troubles visuels chroniques ont été mesurées. Il s’agissait de quantifier le pourcentage de plaintes visuelles chroniques chez des patients atteints de sclérose en plaques puis de mesurer le degré d’intensité des troubles visuels chroniques, de déterminer leurs origines physiopathologiques et de rendre compte de leur retentissement sur la qualité de vie des patients se plaignant de troubles chroniques. Les voies visuelles afférentes étaient altérées dans 68% des cas. Des troubles oculomoteurs étaient fréquemment observés (89%) dont le nystagmus pendulaire (28%), source de gêne visuelle. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous sommes donc intéressés au nystagmus pendulaire et à sa conséquence fonctionnelle, l’oscillopsie, afin de proposer une prise en charge spécifique. Néanmoins, les mécanismes de ce nystagmus ne sont pas encore bien définis. Il était donc important de développer une hypothèse explicative à partir de l’observation de deux cas particuliers de nystagmus monoculaire et de démontrer que le nystagmus pendulaire de la sclérose en plaques est à distinguer du nystagmus pendulaire du tremblement oculopalatin, souvent confondus. Enfin, nous proposons une méthode évaluant la détection du mouvement (par stimuli de contraste asservis au regard) ainsi qu’un protocole de stimulation optocinétique tentant de réduire ce symptôme / Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations observed in multiple sclerosis are well-known. However, the chronic feature of visual dysfunctions is not always precisely determinated. These imprecision impede the development of specific therapeutic approach. In a first part, the chronic characteristics of visual dysfunctions were assessed. The percentage of chronic visual complaints in multiple sclerosis patients was quantified and then the intensity of chronic visual deficits was measured, their pathophysiologic origins determined and finally their impact on quality of life was taken into account. Visual pathways were impaired in 68% of patients. Ocular motor disorders were frequently observed (89%) including pendular nystagmus (28%), accounted for visual discomfort. In a second part, we focused on pendular nystagmus and its functional consequence, oscillopsia, to propose a specific treatment. First of all, the mechanisms of this nystagmus are not yet well defined. Therefore, we developed some hypothesis from the observation of two patients with monocular nystagmus and demonstrated in a second part that the pendular nystagmus in multiple sclerosis is distinct from the pendular nystagmus of oculopalatal tremor. Finally, we proposed a method evaluating oscillopsia (motion detection by contrast stimuli moving synchronically with gaze) that was tested before and after an optokinetic stimulation protocol aimed to reduce this symptom

La réadaptation à base communautaire - gouvernance et évaluation / The community based rehabilitation – governance and évaluation

El messnaoui, Hamid 30 September 2011 (has links)
La notion de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire (RBC), promue par l'OMS, a pour objectif de favoriser l'intégration des personnes en situation de handicap. Cette stratégie est née du constat de la nécessité de conjuguer les efforts des différents acteurs (les personnes handicapées et leurs familles, la communauté, les services sociaux, les services de santé, d'éducation et de formation) pour assurer la réussite et la pérennité des actions. Développé dans les pays en voie de développement, le concept de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire s'applique également aux pays industrialisés, où il est souvent appelé "désinstitutionalisation". La diversité des contextes, tant géographique, économique, politique que culturelle, nécessite une adaptation des modes de gouvernance et des actions. Cette adaptation résulte d'une évaluation poussée, qu'il s'agisse de l'évaluation ex ante, ou des évaluations en cours de programme ou de l’évaluation ex post.Cette thèse présente des outils d'évaluation et des modes de gouvernance adaptés aux programmes RBC. Elle présente également une étude sur la pertinence et les limites de ce concept.Alors est-ce que la RBC est une stratégie pertinente et efficiente, facilement adaptable à tous les contextes ? Quelles en sont les limites ? La présente recherche tentera d'apporter des réponses à ces questions à travers l'étude de trois contextes différents : la France, le Maroc, et le Cameroun / The notion of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), has as its main objective the integration of individuals living with a disability. This strategy arose from an acknowledgment of the necessity of pooling the efforts of people involved (people with disabilities and their families, the community, social services, health services, educational and training services) to ensure the success and sustainability of the actions undertaken.Developed in emerging countries, the concept of Community Based Rehabilitation also applies to industrialized countries, where it is often called "de-institutionalisation". The diversity of contexts, including geographical, economical, political as well as cultural, requires the adaptation of governance models and actions. This adaptation is carried out following a thorough evaluation and the evaluation may be ex ante, ongoing or ex post. This thesis presents evaluation tools and governance models adapted to the CBR. It also presents a study on the relevance and limits of this concept.So, is the CBR a relevant and efficient strategy, easily adaptable to every context? What are its limits?The present research will attempt to provide answers to these questions through the study of three different geographical contexts: France, Morocco and Cameroon

Conception des outils pour le suivi des activités et l’aide au pilotage dans le secteur médico-social / Design tools for monitoring activities and support for decision-making in the medico-social sector

Osorio Montoya, Geovanny 15 December 2015 (has links)
L’amélioration de la performance du secteur médico-social nécessite des outils de pilotage aptes à donner rapidement et de façon synthétique une vision claire et quantifiée des activités réalisées en direction des usagers. Or, il n’existe pas aujourd’hui d’outils satisfaisants permettant un pilotage des activités au niveau de chaque structure, mais également au niveau de l'organisme gestionnaire. L’objet du travail de recherche est de concevoir des outils pour l’aide au pilotage et au suivi des activités dans le secteur médico-social permettant d’améliorer la vision actuelle du secteur médico-social trop cloisonné. En relation étroite avec Ressourcial (ancien département du système d’information de la Fondation OVE), ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une thèse CIFRE et constitue l'une des premières thèses des sciences de l'ingénieur qui s'attaquent aux problèmes d'organisation dans le secteur médico-social. Le premier enjeu scientifique de cette recherche est de proposer une démarche formelle et structurée de suivi des activités réalisées dans ces établissements. L’approche proposée devra être capable de rendre compte d’une typologie d’activités au spectre très large ; activités réalisées par des établissements ayant des modes de fonctionnements, et des cultures métiers, fortement hétérogènes. Sur ce volet, le verrou scientifique de ce travail est celui l’agrégation sur un même modèle, de modes de fonctionnement intrinsèquement hétérogènes. Le second enjeu scientifique de cette thèse est celui du développement d’approches innovantes pour l’analyse de ces données de suivi et pour l’aide au management de ces structures à partir de ces mêmes données. / Improving the performance of medico-social sector requires management tools capable of quickly and synthetically provide a clear and quantified view of activities towards the users. Unfortunally, today does not exist a satisfactory tools to control activities in each structure, as neither at the level of the managing organization. The object of the research work is to develop tools to aid management and monitoring of activities in the medico-social sector in order to improve the current vision of the medico-social sector too compartmentalized. Closely related to Ressourcial (former information system department of OVE Foundation), this work is part of a CIFRE thesis and is one of the first theses of engineering sciences that address to organizational problems in the medical-social sector. The first scientific challenge of this research is to propose a formal and structured approach to monitoring activities in these institutions. The proposed approach should be able to realize a typology of activities in a very broad spectrum; activities performed by institutions with operating modes, and business cultures, highly heterogeneous. On this aspect, the scientist lock of this work is that the aggregation on the same model, intrinsically heterogeneous operating modes. The second scientific challenge of this thesis is the development of innovative approaches for analyzing these monitoring data and to aid management of these structures from the same data.

Les fonctions sociales des troubles du comportement ou la gestion médicale des désordres sociaux / The social functions of behaviour problems or the medical managing of social disorders

Guinard, Yves 01 December 2011 (has links)
Classés parmi les troubles mentaux de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, les troubles du comportement (TC) justifient fréquemment l’exclusion scolaire d’élèves vers des établissements du monde du handicap, les ITEP. En croisant les mondes vécus des jeunes et de leurs parents, l’histoire de la catégorie et sa mobilisation par différents acteurs, cette recherche se présente comme une tentative de compréhension du monde des TC et de ses fonctions. Plus qu’une simple catégorie médicale, les TC résultent d’une construction sociale et fonctionnent comme un outil d’exclusion et d’assignation sociale des enfants des classes défavorisées. Prolongeant les stratégies de l’école, ils favorisent le glissement de la responsabilité de l’échec scolaire de l’école vers les familles. A l’intérieur de cet univers normatif, la médecine joue un rôle central. Elle apporte une caution qui se veut scientifique à l’exclusion de la fraction économiquement et culturellement la plus pauvre de la population scolaire,ainsi qu’aux politiques les plus sécuritaires. La prévention de la délinquance passe par l’assujettissement dès leur plus jeune âge des élèves en échec scolaire et le contrôle des familles les plus démunies. Cette gestion par la médecine des désordres sociaux s’inscrit dans l’élargissement de ses missions tel que l’a décrit Foucault. Malgré les conflits qui la traversent, la médecine mentale se pose aujourd’hui en experte de la prévention de la délinquance à travers la gestion de l’échec scolaire et le dépistage précoce de troubles qu’elle se révèle incapable de définir. / Behaviour disorders of children and adolescents, classified among mental disorders justify the exclusion of pupils from schools to place them in institutions for disabled persons. By interfacing the study of the experience of young people and their parents, the history of that category and the part played in it by different actors, this research aims at understanding the world of behaviour problems and their functions. Behaviour disorders are more than a medical category, they are the the results of a social construction, they serve as a means to exclude and socially define children from the underprivileged classes. Following what happens in schools, they favour the shift of responsibility for underperforming from schools to families. The medical world plays a major part in this normative universe. It provides a would be scientific guarantee for the exclusion of the economically and culturally poorest section of the school population and for the more drastic security measures as well. The prevention of delinquency lies in controlling underperforming children from a very early age and socially deprived families. This implication of the medical world in the control of social disorders is a development of its missions as Foucault described it. In spite of inner conflicts, the world of mental medicine today wants to appear as experts in the prevention of deliquency through managing underperforming in schools and offering an early diagnosis of problems it fails to define.

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