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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'hyperactivité et l'attachement dysconfiant

Guilhot, Marc 27 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le trouble déficitaire de l'attention avec hyperactivité ( T.D.A.H.) consiste en l'association de trois syndromes : l'hyperactivité motrice, le trouble de l'attention et l'impulsivité. Les enfants hyperactifs ont souvent des difficultés d'apprentissage. L'attachement entre la mère et l'enfant est un besoin primaire. Les types d'attachement à la mère sont " sécure " s'il y a présence sécurisante du parent ou " insécure ". Les troubles vont engendrer un attachement dysconfiant. Y a-t-il un lien entre attachement et hyperactivité ? Notre étude s'est effectuée à partir de la passation d'un questionnaire et de vingt cinq entretiens de mères d'enfants hyperactifs à la Réunion. Nous avons observé que des difficultés dans l'acquisition de la lecture sont présentes chez 76% de la population étudiée. Il semble probable qu'un attachement dysconfiant se soit développé entre les mères et les enfants hyperactifs.

L'emploi des personnes handicapées entre discrimination et égalité / Disabled person’s employment discrimination and equality

Joly, Laurène 13 December 2013 (has links)
Centrée sur l’intégration professionnelle, cette thèse emprunte un itinéraire de recherche qui, à partir de l’analyse des politiques sociales en faveur des personnes handicapées, se tourne vers l’étude de la réalisation de l’action publique repensée par le prisme de la non-discrimination. Deux axes structurent ce travail de recherche. Le premier axe porte sur l’évolution de la notion de handicap et son incidence sur la conception de l’action publique en direction des personnes handicapées. Le second axe s’articule autour de la mise en acte de l’exigence de non-discrimination à l’égard des personnes handicapées. / Focused on professional integration, this thesis follows a search path that from the analysis of social policies for people with disabilities, turned to the study of the implementation of public policy through the prism of redesigned non-discrimination. Two axes structure this research. The first area focuses on the evolution of the concept of disability and its impact on the design of public policy towards people with disabilities. The second theme focuses on the enactment of the requirement of non-discrimination against people with disabilities.

Sport, interculturel et attitude face à la déficience dérangeante : le cas des étudiants étrangers à l'Université de Strasbourg / Sport , interculturality and attitude toward disturbing disability : a case studies of the foreign students of the university of Strasbourg

Aleboyeh, Sahand 07 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat établit la relation entre les représentations de l’activité physique et sportive et les attitudes à l’égard des personnes porteuses de déficience dans un contexte interculturel, celui des étudiants en mobilité temporaire de l’université de Strasbourg. Il a été établi que certaines représentations de l’activité physique et sportive principalement centrée autour de la santé et/ou la compétition ont une influence sur les attitudes à l’égard des personnes porteuses de déficience chez les étudiants étrangers. Une enquête par questionnaire en ligne (N= 399), une démarche d’entretiens semi-directifs (N=20) et un recueil de données ethnographiques ont été articulés pour obtenir le corpus empirique à analyser. Pour examiner les attitudes des étudiants étrangers à l’Université de Strasbourg, nous avons élaboré le concept de « déficience dérangeante » en nous basant sur les notions « d’inquiétante étrangeté » et le concept de « vallée dérangeante » employés respectivement dans le champ de la psychologie et le champ de la robotique. De plus, nous avons utilisé le concept de « dimension culturelle » d’Hofstede, afin de découvrir s’il existe une forme d’homogénéisation culturelle dans la perception des personnes en situation de handicap. Ce travail a permis de mettre en lumière l’existence de discours idéologique sur l’accessibilité et le sport santé, s’exprimant dans toutes les cultures chez les étudiants étrangers. Ces discours sont présents dans les représentations de l’activité physique et sportive et dans les attitudes portées à l’égard des individus porteurs de déficience, ils utilisent d’ailleurs des mécanismes similaires. Il a aussi été démontré qu’il existe chez les étudiants une dichotomie entre le corps et l’esprit qui avait une influence à la fois sur les représentations de l’activité physique et sportive, mais également sur la vision de la déficience. Cette dichotomie s’exprimant chez tous les étudiants interrogés en dépit des différences de culture, bien qu’il existe certaines nuances en fonction de la culture interrogée. Il a également été observé des similitudes entre la façon dont les sportifs de haut niveau et les personnes porteuses de déficience sont perçus par cette population. En effet, ces deux populations sont vues comme « hors norme » ou comme étant des héros. Nous démontrons comment les représentations du sportif de haut niveau sont similaires à celles des personnes en situation de handicap, et en quoi ces deux populations vivent le même processus d’altérisation. / This thesis establishes a link between physical and sporting activities and the attitudes toward disabled people. Foreign students at the University of Strasbourg are put in an intercultural context. In this context, we have demonstrated that some physical and sportive activities, which mainly focuses on health and/or competition, have an impact on the attitudes toward disabled people. Quantitative thanks to an online survey (N=399), qualitative thanks to semi directive interview (N=20) and ethnographic methods were used to establish such link. In order to analyze we have elaborated the notion of “disturbing disability,” based on the Freudian notion of “worrying strangeness,” and the concept of the “uncanny valley,” mainly used in the field of robotics. Furthermore, we have used Hofstede’s concept of “cultural dimension” to uncover a cultural homogenization in the perception of disabled people. This homogenization manifests itself in every culture through some ideological speeches that are present in the representation of physical and sporting activities, and the attitudes toward disabled people. These speeches are not identical, but both are based on the same mechanisms. This work has also illustrated that for foreign students there is a dichotomy between mind and body that expresses itself in every culture, and has an influence in the perception of physical and sporting activities, as well as on disability. Finally, in this thesis we have proven that both athletes and disabled people are seen as “special”, “inhuman” or “heroic” because they both go through the same “othering” process.

L’éducation au handicap en contexte scolaire pour répondre à l’enjeu sociétal du « vivre ensemble » : approche par les représentations sociales dans une population lycéenne / Education to disability in a school environment to answer the social issues of « coexistence » : an approach by the social representations within a high school student group

Cadet-Mieze, Maryse 06 October 2017 (has links)
La rencontre avec l’Autre différent n’est pas un « allant de soi » (Jodelet, 2003). La RS du handicap est le plus souvent entachée d’une vision subjective stigmatisante (Gardou & Poizat, 2007 ; Goffman, 1975 ; Martinez, 2006) qui fait obstacle au « vivre ensemble ». Lorsque les RS font obstacles au « vivre ensemble », L’École se doit d’accompagner les enfants à une transformation de leur regard porté sur la différence. Le législateur engage l’École dans une démarche d’inclusion et de transformation des RS du handicap pour accompagner l’évolution des comportements et des pratiques. La place est donnée à l’émergence de dynamiques éducatives pour aborder un enjeu sociétal du XXIème siècle. La théorie des RS (Abric, 1994 ; Rateau, 1995) est utilisée comme un outil à l’usage de la réflexion sur une éducation à pour répondre à l’injonction du législateur. Nous interrogeons le vécu et l’information à l’École sur le handicap comme facteurs potentiels de transformation de la RS des lycéens dits ordinaires. Sur la base de 366 questionnaires, nous définissons une cartographie représentationnelle du handicap du groupe lycéens. Puis, nous conduisons une expérimentation sur deux années avec 31 lycéens en classe de TPE. L’approche éducative expérimentée allie une dimension relationnelle à une dimension réflexive. L’expérimentation tend à montrer que par l’approche éducative des éducations à (Barthes & Alpes, 2012 ; Floro, 2013 ; Lange & Barroca-Paccard, 2017 ; Legardez & Simmoneaux 2011)- un vécu avec le handicap est possible à l’École, et qu’il est facteur potentiel de transformation positive de la RS. Mais les obstacles au « vivre ensemble » demeurent. / The encounter with the Other isn’t “self-evident” (Jodelet, 2003). The social representations of disability is often tainted with a subjective stigmatizing vision (Gardou & Poizat, 2007 ; Goffman, 1975 ; Martinez, 2006) that creates a barrier to “coexistence”. When the SR are a barrier to “coexistence”, the School must go with the children to change their vision of difference. The law is committing School in an inclusive and transformative approach of SR of disability in order to go with the evolution of behaviors and practices. Hence, there’s a spot provided for uprising teaching dynamics to address a social issue of the XXIst century. The SR theory (Abric, 1994 ; Rateau, 1995) is used as a tool for thinking on a “educations to” approach to answer the law’s injunction. We will question the experience and the School’s information on disabilities as potential factors of transformation of the SR of said “ordinary” high school students. Based on 366 surveys, we will define a representative mapping of disability in the high school students group. Then, we will lead an experiment within two years with 31 high school students in the TPE class. The teaching approach experimented links a relational dimension to a more reflexive one. The experience tends to show that – with the teaching approach of “educations to” (Barthes & Alpes, 2012 ; Floro, 2013 ; Lange & Barroca-Paccard, 2017 ; Legardez & Simmoneaux 2011) an experience with disability is possible within the School, and that it’s a potential factor of positive transformation of SR. However, the barriers to “coexistence” are still in place.

Geoinformační systém pro zrakově postižené / Geoinformation system for the visually handicapped

Šupák, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis named "Geoinformation system for the visually handicapped" deals with design and creation geoinformation system that should serve to visually handicapped people with planing the most appropriate route and their movement in a city. First part of thesis is a brief summary of who are visually handicapped people, their needs, abilities and principles of movement. Further are described barrier-free adaptations for visually handicapped people and existing solutions. Practical output is the design of an algorithm for automatically locating and evaluating critical locations based on OpenStreetMaps solution. Visually handicapped people choose not shortest route, but the safest route for their movement. Key words: Critical Point, Visual Handicap, Shortest Route, Optimization, Routing

Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u dětí s těžkým kombinovaným postižením / Specificity of nursing care for children with multiple disability

MARŠÁLKOVÁ GREŠOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focused on the issues of nursing care of children with serious combined handicap. Thanks to scientific progress in the field of medicine and nursing care lives of children with such a handicap are extending. This is why correct understanding of the issue, its link to nursing care, but also finding the right approach to these children and their parents are so important. The theoretical part deals with nursing care in paediatrics, needs of handicapped children and their families, specifics of communication and complex care of children with combined handicap. Three goals were set within the research. The first goal was to find out the experience and opinions of nurses related to specifics of nursing care of children with serious combined handicap. The second goal was to map services provided to parents of children with serious combined handicap in Prague and in the Central Bohemia Region. The third goal was to map the problems of cooperation between nurses and parents taking care about a child with serious combined handicap. Qualitative research was used in the empiric part of the thesis. We used a questioning method in the form of semi standardized interview. The first test sample consisted of 9 nurses working in facilities providing care to children with serious combined handicap in Prague and Central Bohemia. There were nurses from a child centre, a social service centre, a paediatric neurology ambulatory surgery and a paediatric neurology ward. The second research sample consisted of 9 parents caring for children under 18 years of age with the third or fourth dependence degree. An open coding technique ? the paper & pencil method ? was used for processing the interviews. Document analysis was applied to mapping the services in Prague and Central Bohemia. Three research questions were set: 1 - What experience do nurses providing care to children with serious combined handicap have? 2 - What services are available to parents with children with serious combined handicap in Prague and Central Bohemia? 3 - How does cooperation between a nurse and parents caring about a child with serious combined handicap work? The quantitative research results show clearly that nursing care of children with serious combined handicap has its specifics in the field of communisation, in the files of the needs of the children and their families and is affected by obstacles to the care and competence of nurses caring for these children. Answers of the nurses and the children differ in some cases. The interviews with the respondents showed that cooperation is based on mutual information, education in nursing procedures, mutual confidence and involvement of the family in the care for the handicapped child. Answers of the respondents were identical in the category of cooperation between nurses and parents. The second aim was to map the services provided to parents of children with serious combined handicap. We found 48 facilities upon document analysis, of which 9 were in Prague and 39 in the Central Bohemia region. A table and a map where the individual facilities are located were prepared upon content analysis and consequently a graph describing the form of the care provided there. The research results will be provided to nursing managements of the facilities that showed interest during the research and presented in specialized seminars. An informative brochure for parents of the children and nurses providing nursing care to children with serious combined handicap will be based on the information obtained during elaboration of the thesis.

Caractérisation des spécificités motrices d'utilisateurs en situation de handicap : application à la conception de systèmes personnalisables pour la pratique musicale instrumentale / Physical specifities characterization of disabled user : application to the design of customized product for playing music

Veytizou, Julien 09 December 2014 (has links)
La prise en compte des usagers et des usages dans la conception des produits reste un aspect difficile à traiter, en particulier lorsque leur caractérisation est très spécifique (c'est le cas des personnes handicapées ou des situations d'usages dans des environnements contraignants). Dans ce contexte, l'objet de ces travaux est de contribuer à une meilleure prise en compte des usagers et usages par la mise en place d'outils et de méthodes permettant de les caractériser. Cette caractérisation, intégrée dans un processus de conception de produits, a contribué à répondre aux besoins de l'Association AE2M (Adaptation Ergonomique du Matériel Musical). Celle-ci a pour objectif de mettre à disposition de personnes en situation de handicap moteur des aides techniques leur permettant de jouer un ou plusieurs instruments de musique avec le même niveau d'autonomie que les personnes valides. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, nous avons tout d'abord proposé une conceptualisation commune de ce qu'est une situation de handicap et avons mis en avant les conditions de bon déroulement des travaux de recherche. Dans un second temps, nous avons effectué une étude bibliographique centrée sur les approches de conception liée au handicap, les interactions Homme Machine dans le contexte musicale et les moyens et méthodes d'analyse des spécificités motrices des sujets. Cette étape nous a permis de proposé une méthode générique de processus de conception adapté au contexte de la conception d'aides techniques pour personnes en situation de handicap. Cette méthode nommée CARACTH est inspirée de la méthodologie de la Conception Centrée Utilisateur à laquelle nous proposons d'insérer : (1) une étape de caractérisation des spécificités motrices des utilisateurs et (2) une étape pour la définition d'une architecture produit modulaire. Ces évolution permettent notamment (3) de simplifier les phases d'itérations à l'intérieur du processus de conception pour permettre une personnalisation efficace et rapide du produit (partie commande et partie opérative). Nous présentons ensuite un ensemble d'expérimentations menées au laboratoire et sur le terrain. Elles ont permis de proposer et de valider la pertinence de l'architecture produit modulaire pour faciliter la conception d'aides techniques pour la pratique musicale, mais aussi de concevoir un système nommé KinecLAB pour la mesure et l'interprétation des possibilités gestuelles des usagers. Ce système KinectLAB a été testé et validé auprès de professionnel kinésithérapeute du CHU Michallon de Grenoble. Enfin, notre processus CARACTH a été appliqué pour la conception d'un système personnalisable aux capacités motrices d'un utilisateur en situation de handicap. Nous avons pu vérifier sa bonne intégration dans une situation d'usage en concert et aussi d'étudier la pertinence de la personnalisation sur les performances et la charge de travail de l'utilisateur. / The users and uses inclusion in product design remains a difficult aspect to be addressed, especially when their characterization is very specific (in the case of disabled people or situations of uses in stressful environments). In this context, the purpose of this work is to contribute to a better consideration of the users and uses by the implementation of tools and methods to characterize them. This characterization integrated into the design process, helped to meet the needs of AE2M Association (Ergonomic Adaptation of Musical Equipments). It aims to provide assistive technologies for people with physical impairments. These systems allow them to play musical instruments with the same level of independence that able-bodied people. In the context of this thesis, we firstly proposed a common conceptualization of "disability situation" in our context and have highlighted the constraints to the success of this thesis. Secondly, we did a bibliography study about design approaches in the disabled context, Human-Machine Interface in the musical context, and means and methods for the analysis of the users' motors specificities. This step allowed us to propose a generic design process approach adapted to the context of the design of assistive technology for people with physical impairments. This CARACTH method is inspired from the User Centered Design methodology to which we propose to insert: (1) a specific users' motor characterization step and (2) a modular architecture product definition step. These proposals permitted (3) to simplifying the iteration phases within the design process to allow a quick and effective personalization of the product (control and operative parts). Next, a set of experiments was conducted in the laboratory and in situ. They allowed offering and validating the modular product architecture pertinence for facilitating the assistive devices design for music practice, but also for proposing a system named KinecLAB to measure and interpret user's gestural capabilities. This KinectLAB system was tested and validated with professional physiotherapists in the Michallon Grenoble Hospital. Finally, our CARACTH process was applied to design a customizable system adapted to the physical capabilities of a disabled user. We confirmed its successful integration into a use situation during musical concert. We also studied the relevance of customization on user performances and workload.

A pessoa estomizada e o processo de inclusão no trabalho: contribuição para a enfermagem / The person with stoma and the inclusion process at work: contribution to nursing

Vanessa Cristina Mauricio 01 March 2011 (has links)
Estudo cujo objeto tratou da inclusão do cliente estomizado no mundo do trabalho. Os objetivos foram: identificar as dificuldades e facilidades dos clientes estomizados para inclusão no mundo do trabalho; analisar as possibilidades de inclusão no mundo do trabalho; discutir, a partir do ponto de vista do cliente estomizado, as orientações fornecidas pelos enfermeiros com vistas à inclusão no mundo do trabalho. O referencial teórico baseou-se no campo da Saúde do Trabalhador, enfocando a reabilitação profissional e o capítulo de bases conceituais abordou o conhecimento da estomaterapia, do mundo do trabalho, da deficiência física e aspectos legais que envolvem a reabilitação do estomizado no mundo laboral. O desenho metodológico foi de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, realizada com 20 clientes estomizados definitivos, aos quais se aplicou uma entrevista semiestruturada. O método de análise dos dados foi a Análise Temática de Conteúdo, a qual fez emergir quatro categorias: a) Sentidos do Trabalho para o Ser Estomizado; b) O Estomizado e Sua Problemática Biopsicossocial; c) Contexto Social e Aspectos Legais Envolvendo a Inclusão do Estomizado no Mundo Laboral; d) O Enfermeiro e Sua Participação na Reabilitação do Cliente Estomizado. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos sujeitos trabalhava informalmente e recebia ao mesmo tempo algum auxílio governamental. Ressalta-se que eles reconheciam a ilegalidade desta situação, porém, julgavam-na necessária devido aos baixos valores dos benefícios, enfatizando-se a sensação de utilidade causada pelo fato de trabalharem. Referiram que o retorno ao trabalho era prejudicado devido a empecilhos encontrados nas dimensões psíquica, física e social, as quais estavam articuladas intimamente. Enfatizaram grande dificuldade em encontrarem empregos adequados às suas especificidades, e que não prejudicassem sua condição de saúde, pois há necessidade de banheiros adaptados, de não exposição ao calor na região do estoma e nem a esforços físicos severos, sem contar com a necessidade de um emprego que lhes permita flexibilidade para irem às consultas da equipe multiprofissional. Os maiores empecilhos sociais referiram-se ao desconhecimento e descaso social e governamental a respeito do que é ser estomizado, pois esta problemática não é divulgada, e nem conhecida pela maioria da população. Em relação aos enfermeiros, os sujeitos foram quase unânimes em referirem falta de orientação por parte desses profissionais, acerca de esclarecerem sobre sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho. Este fato caracterizou-se como preocupante, pois os enfermeiros são educadores por excelência e a orientação está intimamente ligada ao processo de reabilitação. Concluiu-se que o retorno ao trabalho foi considerado essencial, mas existem inúmeras dificuldades para que este retorno e manutenção no universo laboral. Estes empecilhos os levam a adquirirem aposentadorias precoces ou auxílios-doença. Há de se rever o processo de reabilitação da pessoa com estoma, especialmente no que se refere a sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho, no sentido de melhor prepará-la para suas potencialidades e limitações, destacando-se que ela não é incapaz e que existem atividades formais em que elas podem ser produtivas e felizes. / This is a study which considered the inclusion of the colostomy clients into the labor world. The objectives were: to identify the difficulties and also the facilities of these clients for the inclusion in job field; to analyze such possibilities of inclusion, to discuss, from the point of view of the client the orientation provided by the nurses who aim to inclusion their clients into the job world. The theoretical reference was based on the field of Employee Health, focusing o the professional rehabilitation and the chapter for supporting the theory has approached the knowledge of colostomy , job- or employment world, physical handicap and the legal aspects which involve the rehabilitation of colostomyzed client in labor world. The methodology drawing was a qualitative descriptive, exploratory survey accomplished with 20 definitive colostomyzed clients, to whom were prepared semi-structured interviews. The data analysis method was the Thematic Content Analysis, which emerged four categories: a)Meanings of the Work for the Colostomyzed Being; b) The Colostomy patient and his/her Biopsychosocial problem; c) Social Context and Legal Aspects Involving his/her the Inclusion in Labor World; d) The Nurse and the Participation in the Rehabilitation of Such Client. The results have shown that most subjects worked informally and at the same time they had been receiving some type of government aid. It is also important to highlight that they recognized such illegal situation, however, they considered it important due to the poor payment of the aid, emphasizing the sensation of usefulness emerging from job opportunities. They have referred to the return to work as an impaired opportunity due to the obstacles set in psychic, physical and social dimensions which were close articulated. They have emphasized great difficulty in finding jobs that would fit their specific needs and that would not cause troubles to their health conditions, because there has to be an adapted bathroom, non exposure to heat in the stoma area neither severe physical efforts. In addition to this, they need a job that allows them the flexibility to leave work in order to see the multiprofessional staff. The greatest obstacles referred to the lack of knowledge and social as well as government disregard in relation to the concept of what is, in fact a colostomy patient, once this problem is not spread neither known from most part of the population. In relation to the nurses, the subjects were almost unanimous referring to the lack of orientation from the part of these professionals about the explanation on how to inclusion this group of client in the labor world. This fact had been characterized as a worry, because nurses are educators and orientation is closely linked to the rehabilitation process. It was concluded that the return to job was essential, but there are several difficulties related to such return and the maintenance in labor word. These obstacles lead them to early retirement or sickness aids. It is important to analyze once again such inclusion in order to prepare the client to his limitations and potentials, highlighting he is not an incapable person and that there are many formal activities and they can be productive and happy.

Pěstounská péče u dětí s handicapem / The foster care of handicapped children

JEŽKOVÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Substitute family care is a form of care for abandoned or orphaned children when a child is brought up by foster parents in an environment which is similar to a natural family environment. In the Czech Republic, there are various forms of substitute family care, mainly adoption and foster care. Arranging foster care means seeking children who are suitable for placement in foster care and finding correspondent foster parents for those children. There are few different groups of children acceptable for foster care. One of those groups includes children with handicap. Handicap means an obstacle, difficulty, disadvantage or unfavourable situation which ensues from a limited ability or even inability of an individual to assert as well as other people. The aim of this dissertation is to asses foster care situation abroad and to compare foster care for children with handicap in South Bohemia and Pilsner Regions. Based on the aim, two hypothesis were determined. The first one: Variability of different foster care forms in the Czech Republic is not optimal compared to abroad. The second one: Comparison results of data from both surveyed regions will not be fundamentally different. Secondary data analysis method was used for the survey. The data was acquied from available professional literature and foster family files from Foster Care Centre of South Bohemia County Council in České Budějovice and Pilsner County Council in Plzeň. Required data were gathered from foster parents' records and fostered children documentation from 2001 to 2005. The established aim was accomplished. The first hypothesis was confirmed. The second hypothesis was not confirmed. The survey established that some European countries have already introduced further forms or foster care, especially professional foster care. This form of foster care is not available in our country yet but as the interest to become foster parents decreases in the Czech Republic, professional foster care may be the solution of this situation. Furthermore, the survey established that there is hardly any difference among foster parents and fostered children in individual character in both counties. However, there is a distinctive difference in the amount of foster parents who accepted a child to foster care. The same situation arises in the amount of children placed in foster care. Contribution of this dissertation for the health and social section consists in a creation of statistics during the years 2001-2005 and in an estimate of characteristics of foster parents which can assist in searching for new foster parents.

Projevy psychické deprivace u dětí s kombinovaným somatickým postižením a její odraz ve výtvarném projevu / Manifestations of psychical deprivation of children with combined somatic disablement and its manifestations in this art

KLOZOVÁ, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
As the fundamental motif of my thesis I selected topic ``Symptoms of psychical deprivation of children with a combined somatic handicap and its reflection in artistic expression{\crqq}. I selected this topic on purpose since I was very interested whether physically handicapped children who spend most of their life behind the walls of an asylum with similarly affected individuals show any mental deprivation and whether it influences their drawing. The main objective of the thesis was to ascertain whether children suffering from a physical handicap experience mental deprivation, immediately connected with their primary handicap and the life behind the walls of an asylum among similarly handicapped individuals. I believe that this issue has not been examined thoroughly yet. In the introductory part of the thesis I described the issue of mental deprivation and physical handicaps and outlined art therapy techniques in several chapters. In the practical part I pursued the objective of the research, i.e. analysis of drawings and collages and the manner how mental deprivation is reflected in the artistic works. I analysed particularly three kinds of basic drawing tests: Figure Test, Baum Test (tree test) and House Test. Some children also made drawings and collages on topics: I and My World{\crqq}, ``Snow White and Seven Dwarfs{\crqq} and ``Sleeping Beauty{\crqq}. I evaluated the works according to the Blatruschov{\crq}s and Ogdonov{\crq}s Figure Test and classic Koch{\crq}s Baum Test. Considering the character of the research objective and the nature of the available data, I decided for a qualitative methodological approach, using the following information collection techniques: analysis of personal documents (artistic works of physically handicapped children) documented by elaborated case studies. The diploma thesis may be utilized by art therapists, special pedagogues, psychologists and also students of special pedagogy and other health-social branches.

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