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Únos pro nábor: Odhalení nekonvenční taktiky Boko Haram - Porovnání Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab a ISIL pomocí Most-Similar-Systems Design / Kidnapping for recruitment: Unraveling Boko Haram's unconventional tactic - A comparison of Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and ISIL using a Most-Similar-Systems DesignVisser, Maarten January 2021 (has links)
explains the reasons behind Boko Haram's unconventional tactic of kidnapping uses abductees as 'human bombs' Boko Haram's unconventional Kidnapping for at Boko Haram's martyrdom concept must have failed Overall, this dissertation concludes that Boko Haram's Kidnapping
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Youth Radicalization and Violent Extremism in North-East Nigeria: An Assessment of Risk Factors and Government’s ResponsesOcheli, Edwin January 2022 (has links)
This study assesses the problem of youth radicalization and violent extremism in the northeast region of Nigeria. The study aimed to identify and explain the major factors that make these youths in the region vulnerable to the radical ideologies of Boko Haram, how these factors have interacted and resulted in them being sympathetic to terrorism in the region or being actively involved in the act. With these factors in mind, the study also aimed to critically access the government’s non-militarized response to violent extremism in order to ascertain whether or not these factors that have lured the youths into violent extremism in the first place have been taken into consideration in the design and implementation of such programs. Designed as a case study, the study relies on secondary data for its analysis and finds that poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, the almajeri system of Islamic education, and strong religious beliefs have been major risk factors for radicalization in the region. Also, findings show that the government’s deradicalization programs are flawed in their design and implementation, do not aim to address the root causes of radicalization into extremism, and give preferential treatment to repentant terrorists at the expense of the actual victims. I conclude by arguing that deradicalization in the region is in some way having a counter-effect (serving as an incentive for people to get radicalized into extremism) and also recommend further research on this with a possible comparative focus on other deradicalization programs in the country, past and present.
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BORTOM NYHETSRUBRIKERNA:KVINNLIGA & MANLIGA SJÄLVMORDSBOMBARE : En diskursanalys om språk,könsnormer och maktrelationer / Beyond the Headlines: : A Discourse Analysis on Gendered Narratives in News mediaCoverage of Female and Male Suicide BombersEriksson, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
There is currently a knowledge gap in terrorism research and in peace and conflict studiesregarding whether international news media use gender normative language when reporting onfemale and male suicide bombers in three different Islamic terrorism contexts. The contexts areAl-Qaeda, the Islamic State and Boko Haram. This thesis aims to highlight how internationalnews media use a language that reinforces gender norms through their portrayal of female andmale suicide bombers in the three mentioned Islamic terrorist contexts. Therefore, this thesisaims to analyze and compare a limited number of news media articles. To achieve the purposeof the study, a discourse analysis combined with a feminist post-structuralist theoreticalframework via Gentry and Sjoberg's (2015) narratives “mother, monster, and whore”, has beenused as a lens to examine the language use of news media. The study shows that the languageused by international news media reinforces gender norms and creates power relations betweenwomen and men who commit suicide bombing. Furthermore, these results may have policyimplications in terms of suboptimal efforts to combat Islamic terrorist efforts by women.
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Beautiful bombs : A comparative case study of female and male suicide bombers in Boko HaramJakobsson, Alice January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Crimes against humanity have become a global concern, garnering widespread media coverage over the past decade. Boko Haram's actions pose a threat to both domestic and international security, with frequent attacks on civilians, churches, security forces, and even international organizations like the United Nations. The group's impact is felt across all 36 states of Nigeria, impacting the country's socio-political and economic development. The absence of agreement on whether non-state actors can be held responsible for crimes against humanity in the same way as states, can create a potential risk of serious crimes going unpunished. As non-state actors are increasingly gaining influence and have the capacity to plan and execute widespread atrocities, it is crucial to address this issue. This research project aims to investigate whether there is an Organizational Policy behind Boko Haram’s atrocities and how it can be categorized as committing crimes against humanity under Article 7(2)(a) of the Rome Statute.
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Analyse narrative du récit de la bataille de Jéricho à Canaan par l'armée d'Israël (Josué 6) en comparaison avec le discours de la bataille de Baga au Nigéria par le groupe terroriste islamiste Boko HaramGanamé, Joël 01 May 2024 (has links)
La violence au nom de Dieu et de la religion gagne du terrain en Afrique de l’Ouest, en particulier au Nigéria, au Mali et au Burkina Faso. Face à cette situation terrorisante et angoissante, certains lecteurs situés incriminent la Bible en la considérant comme un livre de sang et comme une source d’inspiration des terroristes islamistes actuels. Pour porter un regard objectif sur cette problématique, nous avons décidé d’entreprendre une analyse narrative du récit de la bataille de Jéricho (Jos 6), inspirée par l’analyse de la réponse du lecteur, et de la comparer avec le discours de la bataille de Baga au Nigéria par Boko Haram. Cette étude comparative a pour but fondamental de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre ce récit de guerre biblique et les tueries de masses perpétrées par les groupes terroristes, en particulier Boko Haram, lors de la bataille de Baga, au Nigéria, le 3 janvier 2015. Pour ce faire, nous avons retenu comme cadre théorique, la méthode d’analyse narrative. Suivant cette méthode, il appert que la violence rapportée dans le récit de Jos 6 obéit avant tout à un genre littéraire particulier : l’étiologie. De ce fait, l’application de la loi de l’interdit qui légitime l’extermination de toute la population de Jéricho, ainsi que tous les animaux, n’est qu’un fait liturgique et imaginaire qui a servi à la création de l’épopée panisraélite de la conquête du pays de Canaan. Selon notre interprétation pacifiste de texte, il s’agit d’un récit qui prône la non-violence, la coexistence pacifique, l’inclusion des autres nations au sein du peuple juif, l’amour de Dieu pour toute l’humanité et le salut de Dieu pour l’Homme. En revanche, la violence que produit le groupe terroriste Boko Haram est réelle. Les massacres aveugles des populations locales, la destruction des symboles de l’État et l’expansion de la terreur dans tous les esprits, sont autant de facteurs qui caractérisent ce groupe terroriste salafiste djihadiste, au grand mépris des conventions internationales qui ont été mises en place au fil des ans et qui régissent aujourd’hui les guerres dites conventionnelles. Concernant les effets, il existe une similitude apparente entre les deux batailles (Jéricho et Baga) qui offusquent certains lecteurs non avertis et les amènent à vouloir les confondre. Mais les effets du récit de Jos 6 et du discours sur la bataille de Baga sont diamétralement opposées. Le récit de Jos 6 est un discours religieux qui met en scène une tuerie de masse, et Boko Haram justifie sa tuerie de masse par un discours religieux. Ce qui nous a amené à conclure que la violence rapportée dans le récit de Jos 6 n’est pas du terrorisme comme nous l’entendons aujourd’hui. Boko Haram, par contre, s’inscrit dans le terrorisme international et étend ses actes terroristes jusqu’au Burkina Faso en passant par le Mali. Actuellement, le groupe Ansarul Islam, alliés idéologique, stratégique et militaire de Boko Haram, menace et attaque l’Église Protestante des Assemblées de Dieu (AD) du Burkina Faso. Pour aider cette communauté chrétienne qui subit présentement la persécution sanglante des terroristes djihadistes, nous avons exploité les résultats de notre analyse pour lui proposer quelques recommandations. Nous espérons qu’une mise en application de celles-ci l’aidera à gérer la problématique terroriste en évitant tout recours à la violence et en menant une éthique biblique et sociale responsable. / Violence in the name of God and of religion is gaining ground in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso. Before this terrifying and agonizing situation, some voices raise to incriminate the Bible by considering it as a blood book and a source of inspiration for the current Islamist terrorists. To take an objective look at this issue, we have decided to undertake a narrative analysis of the battle of Jericho (Jos 6), inspired by the reader- response criticism, and to compare it with the speech of the battle of Baga in Nigeria made by Boko Haram. The main purpose of this comparative study is to ascertain whether there is a connection between this biblical story of war and the mass killing perpetrated by terrorist groups, particularly Boko Haram, during the Battle of Baga, in Nigeria, on January 3, 2015. To complete this study, we have adopted the method of narrative analysis as a theoretical framework. This reading method combines narrative analysis with sociological analysis. According to this method, it’s apparent that the violence reported in Jos 6’s story is above all a particular literary genre: etiology. Therefore, the application of the law of the prohibition, which legitimizes the extermination of the whole population of Jericho, and all the animals, is only a liturgical and imaginary construct that served to create the pan-Israelite epic of the conquest of Canaan. According to our pacifist interpretation of the text, it is a story that advocates non-violence, peaceful coexistence and the inclusion of other nations in the Jewish people. In contrast, the violence produced by the terrorist group Boko Haram is real. This Salafist jihadist terrorist group, in contempt of humanitarian laws, massacres civil populations, destroys the symbols of the State and spread terror. Based on the effects, one can find an apparent similarity between the two battles (Jericho and Baga). Such a similarity offends some uninformed readers and lead them to confuse the two speeches. But the effects are concerned the two narratives are diametrically opposed. The story of Jos 6 is a religious speech that staged a mass killing, and Boko Haram justifies his mass killing by a religious speech. Therefore, the violence reported in Jos 6's story is not terrorism as understood today. Boko Haram, in contrast, is part of the international terrorism and extends its terrorist acts to Burkina Faso via Mali. Currently, the group Ansarul Islam which is an ideological, strategic and military ally of Boko Haram, threatens and attacks the Protestant Church of the Assemblies of God (AG) of Burkina Faso. To help this Christian community undergoing the bloody persecution of jihadist terrorists, we present some recommendations drawn from our analysis. If implemented, they may help to manage the terrorist problem, avoiding the trap of a violent response to violence and embracing a social ethics informed by biblical values.
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Can Proscription Fuel Violence? : The Case of Boko HaramThalmann, Carole January 2024 (has links)
This research explores the impact of proscription on non-state groups' behaviour, specifically regarding their use of violence. Recognizing that counterterrorism measures influence the behaviour of targeted groups, this thesis builds on existing literature that identifies proscription as a critical tool used by governments. Utilizing Social Identity Theory (SIT) and the naming and shaming principle to explain group behaviour, the analysis focuses on the shaming mechanism associated with terrorist designation. The developed theory posits that groups perceive their terrorist designation as an existential threat, prompting increased violence as a defensive strategy. A within-case comparison of Boko Haram before and after proscription reveals inconsistent shaming effects but shows changes in the group's narrative and identity. These findings challenge the proposed theory, suggesting that terrorist labels may bolster group identity. The study underscores the complex dynamics of labelling and its potential to increase violence and civilian casualties.
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The Gamble of Going Global : How Global Transnational Terrorist Networks Transform Group CohesionOber, Tristan January 2019 (has links)
With the rise of global transnational terrorist networks (GTTNs), there has been an increase in scholarly output on the subject. While many scholars have focused on the ways in which these networks enable terrorist organizations to achieve their goals, few have studied the transformative impact that GTTNs have on group cohesion. In order to fill this gap, I seek to answer the question how, if at all, GTTNs affect the likelihood of armed groups experiencing fragmentation. In doing so, I propose three ways in which GTTNs can influence cohesion among their members and explore these in the cases of al-Shabaab and Boko Haram, while using the Taliban as a counterfactual. Although I find that both GTTN members and non-members experience fragmentation, the ways in which fragmentation manifests itself differs. Whereas the Taliban experienced fragmentation following key events, al-Shabaab and Boko Haram experienced splits as a result of long-term processes. Thus, GTTN membership ostensibly reinforces internal processes that may cause factions to split from the organization, thereby increasing the risk of fragmentation. However, more research is required on the different ways through which GTTNs exert influence over their members and the effect this has on the risk of fragmentation.
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Några muslimska elevers hemsituation och relation till skolämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap : en undersökning om mat och jämställdhetJacobsson, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ämnets kärna är att studera hur muslimska elever kommer i kläm vid undervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap. Samt hur muslimska elever tycker och tänker i frågan om mat och matvanor men också hur jämställdheten ser ut i deras familjer. Uppsatsens främsta syfte är att studera vad muslimska elever anser om undervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap, sker undervisningen i deras här och nu? Valet föll på att använda en kvalitativ intervju för att lära känna eleverna bättre och komma dem närmre, vilket också ger ett djup åt uppsatsen. Metoden är vald med baktanken om vad som ger mest insikt i informanternas egna sätt att tänka, lära, agera, uppleva och förstå.</p><p>Valet föll på att djupintervjua fem muslimska elever, tre pojkar (Henrik, Leo och Max) och två flickor (Sara och Fia). Dessa elever går i årskurs åtta eller nio. Resultatet av undersökningen är att de allra flesta informanterna känner ett mer eller mindre utanförskap i skolans hem- och konsumentkunskap, den verklighet de möter där är inte alls samma som de möter i hemmet.</p>
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Några muslimska elevers hemsituation och relation till skolämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap : en undersökning om mat och jämställdhetJacobsson, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
Ämnets kärna är att studera hur muslimska elever kommer i kläm vid undervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap. Samt hur muslimska elever tycker och tänker i frågan om mat och matvanor men också hur jämställdheten ser ut i deras familjer. Uppsatsens främsta syfte är att studera vad muslimska elever anser om undervisningen i hem- och konsumentkunskap, sker undervisningen i deras här och nu? Valet föll på att använda en kvalitativ intervju för att lära känna eleverna bättre och komma dem närmre, vilket också ger ett djup åt uppsatsen. Metoden är vald med baktanken om vad som ger mest insikt i informanternas egna sätt att tänka, lära, agera, uppleva och förstå. Valet föll på att djupintervjua fem muslimska elever, tre pojkar (Henrik, Leo och Max) och två flickor (Sara och Fia). Dessa elever går i årskurs åtta eller nio. Resultatet av undersökningen är att de allra flesta informanterna känner ett mer eller mindre utanförskap i skolans hem- och konsumentkunskap, den verklighet de möter där är inte alls samma som de möter i hemmet.
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