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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of fruit maturation and ripening potential for optimum eating quality of 'Forelle' pears

Carmichael, Patricia Cassie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Horticulture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Climatic differences between production areas or seasons directly affect the rate of fruit maturation and the eating quality following storage and ripening. South African ‘Forelle’ pears are harvested at an optimum firmness of 6.4 kg and have mandatory cold storage duration of 12 weeks at -0.5°C to ensure even ripening. The firmness variable alone, however, is not a good indicator of ripening potential. Hence, various maturity variables (ethylene production, ground colour, firmness, total soluble solids (TSS) titratable acidity (TA), and starch breakdown) and their rates of change were evaluated to identify consistent maturity indices that can be reliably used in a prediction model to determine optimum harvest maturity (Chapter 2). This was then related to the ripening potential (Chapter 3) and eating quality (Chapter 4), defined by optimum ‘edible firmness’ (3.5 kg), presence or absence of astringency or mealiness. Fruit were harvested from three main producing areas: Warm Bokkeveld (WBV), Elgin and Koue Bokkeveld (KBV). Harvesting was done biweekly on five harvest dates over three successive seasons (2007-2009). At harvest, 20 of 240 fruit per block were used to determine maturity using all the mentioned parameters in order to understand their changes and behaviour pre-harvest. The remaining 220 fruit were stored at -0.5°C for three storage durations followed by ripening at 15°C. At harvest, the 2007 season’s fruit were more advanced in ground colour and were significantly softer (6.7 kg) than the 2008 (7.0 kg) and 2009 (7.1 kg) seasons. Firmness, ground colour, TSS and TA, all displayed a linear relationship with days after full bloom. For the firmness and ground colour, more than 90% and 73%, respectively, was explained by the variation in the linear model, while for the TSS and TA less than 70% could be accounted for by the model. Fruit harvested before commercial harvest (pre-optimum) in 2007 and 2009 failed to ripen to an ‘edible firmness’ when stored for eight weeks at -0.5oC plus 11 days at 15oC. In 2008, eight weeks storage was sufficient to induce ripening changes in pre-optimum harvested fruit. The development of ripening potential in the 2008 earlier harvested fruit, corresponded with a higher rate of change (3.15 µL.kg-1.h-1.day-1) in ethylene production at 15oC compared to the 2007 (1.98 µL.kg-1.h-1.day-1) and 2009 (1.87 µL.kg-1.h-1.day-1) seasons. The 2007 season fruit experienced maximum incidence of astringency (36.7%) on the first harvested fruit. In all three seasons, fruit harvested at commercial harvest time and later (optimum and post-optimum), required an eight week storage period to induce ripening. However, the eight weeks storage period developed highest mealiness. More than 40% of the last harvested fruit were mealy after eight weeks at -0.5°C plus seven days at 15°C. Mealiness significantly reduced with prolonged storage at -0.5°C. Fruit from the WBV and Elgin, warmer areas than the KBV, were more prone to mealiness. In conclusion, firmness was the most consistent variable at harvest and could be used in conjunction with ground colour to determine ‘Forelle’ harvest maturity. Furthermore, the study does not support shortening the current mandatory 12 weeks period at -0.5°C due to the higher incidence of astringency and mealiness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klimaats verskille tussen produksie areas of seisoene affekteer die tempo van vrugrypwording en eetkwaliteit na opberging en rypwording direk. Suid-Afrikaanse ‘Forelle’ word ge-oes by ‘n optimum fermheid van 6.4 kg en het ‘n verpligte opbergingstydperk van 12 weke by -0.5°C om egalige rypwording te verseker. Die veranderlike ‘fermheid’ is egter nie ‘n goeie aanduiding van die rypheidspotensiaal op sy eie nie. Dus is verskeie rypheidsparameters (etileen produksie, agtergrond kleur, fermheid, total oplosbare vaste stowwe (TOVS), titreerbare suur (TS) en stysel afbraak) en die tempo van verandering ge-evalueer om konstante rypheidsverwysings te identifiseer wat met vertroue in ‘n voorspellingsmodel gebruik kan word om optimum oes rypheid te kan bepaal (Hoofstuk 2). Dit is dan in verband gebring met die rypwordingspotensiaal (Hoofstuk 3) en eetgehalte (Hoofstuk 4), wat gedefiniëer is deur “eetbare fermheid” (3.5 kg), frankheid en melerigheid. Vrugte is ge-oes uit drie, hoof verbouingsareas: Warm Bokkeveld (WBV), Elgin en Koue Bokkeveld (KBV). By oes is 20 van die 240 vrugte per blok gebruik om die vrug rypheid te bepaal, deur al die bogenoemde parameters te gebruik, om die verandering en reaksie voor oes te begryp. Die oorblywende 220 vrugte is opgeberg by -0.5°C vir drie opbergingstye, gevolg deur rypmaking by 15°C. By oes was die vrugte van die 2007 seisoen verder gevorderd in agtergrond kleur en betekenisvol sagter (6.7 kg) as die van 2008 (7 kg) en 2009 (7.1 kg). Fermheid, agtergrond kleur, TOVS en TS het almal ‘n lineêre verband getoon met dae na volblom. In geval van fermheid en agtergrond kleur, is meer as onderskeidelik 90% en 73% verklaar deur die variasie in die lineêre model, terwyl in geval van die TOVS en TS, minder as 70% deur die model verklaar kon word. Vrugte wat voor die kommersiële oes (pre-optimum) ge-oes is in 2007 en 2009, het nie daarin geslaag om ryp te word tot by ‘eetbare fermheid’ na ag weke by -0.5°C en 11 dae by 15°C nie. Daarteenoor kon vrugte wat pre-optimum ge-oes is in 2008, wel geïnduseer word om ryp te word met ag weke opbeging. Die ontwikkeling van die rypwordingspotensiaal van vrugte wat vroeër ge-oes is, stem ooreen met die hoër tempo van verandering (3.15 µL.kg-1.h-1.dag-1) in etileen produksie by 15°C in vergelyking met seisoene 2007 (1.98 µL.kg-1.h-1.dag-1) en 2009(1.87 µL.kg-1.h-1.dag-1). Die 2007 seisoen vrugte het die maksimum voorkoms van frankheid (36.7%) getoon vir vrugte van die eerste oes datum. In al drie seisoene waar vrugte wat by kommersiële oes of later (optimum en post optimum) ge-oes is, was ‘n ag weke periode van opgeberging voldoende om rypwording te inisiëer, alhoewel die ag weke opberging ook gelei tot die hoogste voorkoms van melerigheid. Meer as 40% van die laat ge-oeste vrugte was melering na ag weke opberging by -0.5°C en sewe dae by 15°C. Melerigheid is betekenisvol verlaag met ‘n verlengde opbergingsperiode by -0.5°C. Vrugte vanaf die WBV en Elgin, warmer areas as die KBV, was meer onderhewig aan melerigheid. Opsommend was fermheid die reëlmatigste veranderlike by oes en kan tesame met agtergrondkleur, gebruik word om vrugrypheid van ‘Forelle’ te bepaal. Verder het die studie nie ‘n verkorting van die huidige, verpligte 12 week opberingsperiode by -0.5°C gesteun nie, weens die hoë voorkoms van frankheid en melerigheid.

A decision support system for scheduling the harvesting and wine making processes at a winery

Van der Merwe, Adri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technological advances made over the past century have had a major impact on traditional wineries. Software solutions for management issues are widely available and give rise to the prospect of computerized decision support systems assisting in various aspects of managing a winery. The most popular applications seem to be concerned with supply chain management or harvest scheduling. Such projects are under way all over the globe and great success has been achieved to this e ect. However, prior to this study no such project has been considered in South Africa. The phrase active cellar scheduling problem refers to the assignment of grape batches to processors inside the cellar where bottlenecks often occur during the busy harvesting period. The phrase harvest scheduling problem, on the other hand, refers to selecting the best possible dates to harvest the respective vineyard blocks in order to preserve grape quality. A mixed integer programming model for the active cellar scheduling problem is derived in this thesis, but proves to be too time consuming to solve exactly via the branch-and-bound method. A meta-heuristic tabu search approach is therefore designed to solve the problem approximately instead. When applied to a small, ctitious cellar, it is found that the tabu search method often solves the problem optimally. The computer processing time associated with the tabu search approach also constitutes a signi cant (often thousand-fold) improvement over that of the branch-and-bound approach for realistically sized problem instances. A generic tabu search is also designed to solve the over-arching harvest scheduling problem for a general winery. This schedule is found by referring to the smaller tabu search of the active cellar scheduling in order to verify the impact that harvesting moves have on activities in the cellar. One harvesting schedule is considered a better schedule than another when it has a lower harvest evaluation score, determined by the placement of the vineyard blocks in the harvesting schedule. The harvest evaluation score takes into account the combination of vineyard blocks selected for harvesting on the same day (and their e ect on the active cellar) as well as the ripeness and quality of the grapes. Both tabu searches are nally included in a exible, computerized decision support system, called VinDSS. This system is found to produce good harvesting schedules when compared to an actual ve day schedule during the 2009 harvesting period at Wamakersvallei, a winery serving as case study for this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegnologiese vooruitgang oor die afgelope eeu het 'n groot invloed op tradisionele wynkelders gehad. Sagteware-oplossings wat besluitsteun tot bestuursaangeleenthede bied, is algemeen beskikbaar en het gelei tot die rekenaarmatige implementering van besluitsteunstelsels vir wynkelders. Dit blyk dat die mees popul^ere besluitsteuntoepassings in die wynindustrie te make het met besluite rakende van voorsieningskettings en oes-skedulering. Sulke besluitsteunprojekte is w^ereldwyd onderweg en het alreeds groot sukses behaal. Daar is egter tot dusver geen so 'n projek in Suid-Afrika onderneem nie. Die frase aktiewe kelderskeduleringsprobleem verwys na die toekenning van druifvragte aan masjiene binne die kelder waar bottelnekke algemeen tydens die besige parstydperk voorkom. Die frase oes-skeduleringsprobleem, daarenteen, verwys na die seleksie van bes moontlike oesdatums vir elk van die wingerdblokke om sodoende druifkwaliteit te verseker. 'n Gemengde heeltallige programmeringsmodel is vir die aktiewe kelderskeduleringsprobleem ontwikkel, maar die rekenaaroplossingstyd van hierdie benadering blyk te lank te wees om die probleem eksak deur middel van 'n vertak-en-begrens metode op te los. 'n Meta-heuristiese tabu soektog is dus ontwikkel om die probleem benaderd op te los. Wanneer hierdie benadering op 'n klein, ktiewe kelder toegepas word, word optimale oplossings dikwels verkry. Verder toon die rekenaaroplossingstyd van die tabu soektog 'n groot (in sommige gevalle byna 'n duisendvoudige) verbetering op di e van die eksakte oplossingsmetode. 'n Generiese tabu soektog is ook ontwikkel om die oorkoepelende oes-skeduleringsprobleem vir 'n algemene wynkelder op te los. So 'n oes-skedule word gevind deur na die kleiner tabu soektog vir die aktiewe kelderskedulering te verwys om sodoende die e ekte van veranderinge in die oesskedule op die prosesse binne die aktiewe kelder na te speur. Een oes-skedule word beter as 'n ander skedule beskou wanneer dit met 'n beter oes-evalueringswaarde gepaard gaan, soos deur die plasing van die wingerdblokke in die skedule bepaal. Die oes-evalueringswaarde neem die moontlike kombinasies van wingerblokke wat op dieselfde dag geoes word, in ag (en ook die e ek wat dit op aktiwiteite in die kelder het), asook die rypheid en kwaliteit van die druiwe. Beide tabu soektogte word in 'n plooibare, rekenaar-ge mplementeerde besluitsteunstelsel, bekend as VinDSS, ingesluit. Daar word gevind dat hierdie stelsel goeie oes-skedules lewer wanneer dit vergelyk word met 'n werklike vyf-dag skedule tydens die 2009 parsseisoen van Wamakersvallei, die kelder wat as gevallestudie vir hierdie tesis gedien het.

Avaliação de cinco cultivares de bananeira em Baraúna/RN / Evaluation of five banana cultivars de bananeira in Baraúna/RN

Fernandes, Paula Lidiane de Oliveira 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:15:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PaulaLOF_DISSERT.pdf: 2431124 bytes, checksum: 1fb8fb1c65259e7cd7bd60b561796c3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aims to evaluate the agronomic performance of five banana cultivars on their development in the city of Baraúna/RN, as well as its quality, post-harvest shelf life and its acceptance by the potential local consumers. The experiment was established in WG Fruticultura Farm, located in the city of Baraúna/RN. In the first experiment, the agronomic aspects of these cultivars, for example: plant growth, production, diseases appearance. Evaluations of plant growth were made to give birth sixty days after planting until 300 days of development, the physiological analyzes were performed at flowering and disease incidence was assessed during three stages of plant development and production characteristics were evaluated at harvest. In the second experiment, the fruits were picked and took to the Laboratory of Irrigated Agriculture of UFERSA/RN where quality evaluations were realized (shell color, external appearance, loss of weight, pulp yield, skin thickness, vigour, soluble solids, acidity, pH, SS / TA ratio, vitamin C, soluble sugars and starch) of the fruits in the harvest day and stored during 12 days (24°± 2ºC e 55% ± 5% RH) and evaluated every three days. It was realized the sensorial analysis of the fruits when they were ripe. It was used the based in randomized blocks, using five treatments (FHIA 18, Catherine Silver, Guaranteed Silver, Tropical and FHIA 01), in four replications, and the useful plot consisted of six useful plants with spacing of three meters between rows and two meters between plants. The schema of subdivided parcels; the data were submitted to the varying analysis and the averages were compared through the Tukey test under 5% of possibility, in order to evaluate the diseases the no parametric statistic and the Friedman test were realized. In the first experiment, it was concluded that Silver Catarina e Tropical cultivars favorable agronomic features; with respect to the production FHIA 18 was superior; FHIA 18, Catarina e a FHIA 01 were superior with respect to the physiological behavior; FHIA 18, a Catarina e a FHIA 01 showed a bigger photosynthetic rate and with respect to the resistance to disease, it was proved according to the description of each one, where it was proved the existence of yellow sigatoka, for the cultivars FHIA 18, Catarina and FHIA 01, the Tropical and Garantida did not show any symptoms of diseases. In the second experiment, it was concluded that the cultivars Silver Catarina, Silver Garantida e Tropical physico-chemical characteristics obtained higher proved to be good to the human intake until 12 days after being harvested, while the cultivars FHIA 18 e FHIA 01 had lifetime to the nine days of storage.Sensorially, the cultivars Catarina and Guaranteed were classified as the favorite ones by the consuming potentials / Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o comportamento agronômico de cinco cultivares de bananeira quanto ao seu desenvolvimento no município de Baraúna/RN, bem como a qualidade, vida útil pós-colheita dos seus frutos e sua aceitação por parte dos potenciais consumidores locais. O experimento foi implantado na Fazenda WG Fruticultura no município de Baraúna/RN. No primeiro experimento, foram avaliados os aspectos agronômicos das cultivares, tais como: crescimento da planta, produção, comportamento fisiológico e incidência de doenças. As avaliações de crescimento da planta foram realizadas a parir dos sessenta dias após o plantio até os 300 dias de desenvolvimento; as analises fisiológicas foram realizadas na floração e a incidência de doenças foi avaliada durante três fases do desenvolvimento da planta e as características de produção foram avaliadas na colheita. No segundo experimento, os frutos foram colhidos e levados para o Laboratório de Agricultura Irrigada da UFERSA/RN, onde foram realizadas avaliações da qualidade (coloração da casca, aparência externa, perda de massa, rendimento de polpa, espessura da casca, firmeza, sólidos solúveis, acidez, pH, relação SS/AT, Vitamina C, , açúcares solúveis e amido) dos frutos no dia da colheita e armazenados por 12 dias (24°± 2ºC e 55%± 5% UR) e avaliados a cada três dias.Ainda foi realizada a análise sensorial dos frutos quando estavam completamente maduros. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (FHIA 18, Prata Catarina, Prata Garantida, Tropical e FHIA 01) e quatro repetições, sendo a parcela útil constituída de seis plantas úteis com espaçamento de três metros entre fileiras e dois metros entre plantas. O esquema utilizado foi o de parcela subdividida, os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, para a avaliação de doenças foi realizado a estatística não paramétrica e realizado o Teste de Friedman. No primeiro experimento, foi concluído que cultivares Prata Catarina, e Tropical apresentaram características agronômicas favoráveis; quanto à produção, a FHIA 18 apresentou-se superior, FHIA 18, Catarina e a FHIA 01 foram superiores quanto ao comportamento fisiológico; a FHIA 18, a Catarina e a FHIA 01 obtiveram uma maior taxa fotossintética, e com relação à resistência a doenças foi comprovada conforme a descrição de cada uma, onde foi constatada apenas a ocorrência de sigatoka amarela, para as cultivares FHIA 18, Catarina e FHIA 01, a Tropical e a Garantida não apresentaram nenhum sintoma de doenças. No segundo experimento, conclui-se que as cultivares Prata Catarina, Prata Garantida e Tropical obtiveram características físico-quimicas superiores e apresentaram-se boas para o consumo até os 12 dias depois de colhidas, já as cultivares FHIA 18 e FHIA 01 tiveram sua vida útil limitada aos nove dias de armazenamento. Sensorialmente as cultivares Prata Catarina e a Garantida foram classificadas como as preferidas pelos potenciais consumidores

Avaliação de cinco cultivares de bananeira em Baraúna/RN / Evaluation of five banana cultivars de bananeira in Baraúna/RN

Fernandes, Paula Lidiane de Oliveira 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:18:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PaulaLOF_DISSERT.pdf: 2431124 bytes, checksum: 1fb8fb1c65259e7cd7bd60b561796c3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aims to evaluate the agronomic performance of five banana cultivars on their development in the city of Baraúna/RN, as well as its quality, post-harvest shelf life and its acceptance by the potential local consumers. The experiment was established in WG Fruticultura Farm, located in the city of Baraúna/RN. In the first experiment, the agronomic aspects of these cultivars, for example: plant growth, production, diseases appearance. Evaluations of plant growth were made to give birth sixty days after planting until 300 days of development, the physiological analyzes were performed at flowering and disease incidence was assessed during three stages of plant development and production characteristics were evaluated at harvest. In the second experiment, the fruits were picked and took to the Laboratory of Irrigated Agriculture of UFERSA/RN where quality evaluations were realized (shell color, external appearance, loss of weight, pulp yield, skin thickness, vigour, soluble solids, acidity, pH, SS / TA ratio, vitamin C, soluble sugars and starch) of the fruits in the harvest day and stored during 12 days (24°± 2ºC e 55% ± 5% RH) and evaluated every three days. It was realized the sensorial analysis of the fruits when they were ripe. It was used the based in randomized blocks, using five treatments (FHIA 18, Catherine Silver, Guaranteed Silver, Tropical and FHIA 01), in four replications, and the useful plot consisted of six useful plants with spacing of three meters between rows and two meters between plants. The schema of subdivided parcels; the data were submitted to the varying analysis and the averages were compared through the Tukey test under 5% of possibility, in order to evaluate the diseases the no parametric statistic and the Friedman test were realized. In the first experiment, it was concluded that Silver Catarina e Tropical cultivars favorable agronomic features; with respect to the production FHIA 18 was superior; FHIA 18, Catarina e a FHIA 01 were superior with respect to the physiological behavior; FHIA 18, a Catarina e a FHIA 01 showed a bigger photosynthetic rate and with respect to the resistance to disease, it was proved according to the description of each one, where it was proved the existence of yellow sigatoka, for the cultivars FHIA 18, Catarina and FHIA 01, the Tropical and Garantida did not show any symptoms of diseases. In the second experiment, it was concluded that the cultivars Silver Catarina, Silver Garantida e Tropical physico-chemical characteristics obtained higher proved to be good to the human intake until 12 days after being harvested, while the cultivars FHIA 18 e FHIA 01 had lifetime to the nine days of storage.Sensorially, the cultivars Catarina and Guaranteed were classified as the favorite ones by the consuming potentials / Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o comportamento agronômico de cinco cultivares de bananeira quanto ao seu desenvolvimento no município de Baraúna/RN, bem como a qualidade, vida útil pós-colheita dos seus frutos e sua aceitação por parte dos potenciais consumidores locais. O experimento foi implantado na Fazenda WG Fruticultura no município de Baraúna/RN. No primeiro experimento, foram avaliados os aspectos agronômicos das cultivares, tais como: crescimento da planta, produção, comportamento fisiológico e incidência de doenças. As avaliações de crescimento da planta foram realizadas a parir dos sessenta dias após o plantio até os 300 dias de desenvolvimento; as analises fisiológicas foram realizadas na floração e a incidência de doenças foi avaliada durante três fases do desenvolvimento da planta e as características de produção foram avaliadas na colheita. No segundo experimento, os frutos foram colhidos e levados para o Laboratório de Agricultura Irrigada da UFERSA/RN, onde foram realizadas avaliações da qualidade (coloração da casca, aparência externa, perda de massa, rendimento de polpa, espessura da casca, firmeza, sólidos solúveis, acidez, pH, relação SS/AT, Vitamina C, , açúcares solúveis e amido) dos frutos no dia da colheita e armazenados por 12 dias (24°± 2ºC e 55%± 5% UR) e avaliados a cada três dias.Ainda foi realizada a análise sensorial dos frutos quando estavam completamente maduros. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (FHIA 18, Prata Catarina, Prata Garantida, Tropical e FHIA 01) e quatro repetições, sendo a parcela útil constituída de seis plantas úteis com espaçamento de três metros entre fileiras e dois metros entre plantas. O esquema utilizado foi o de parcela subdividida, os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade, para a avaliação de doenças foi realizado a estatística não paramétrica e realizado o Teste de Friedman. No primeiro experimento, foi concluído que cultivares Prata Catarina, e Tropical apresentaram características agronômicas favoráveis; quanto à produção, a FHIA 18 apresentou-se superior, FHIA 18, Catarina e a FHIA 01 foram superiores quanto ao comportamento fisiológico; a FHIA 18, a Catarina e a FHIA 01 obtiveram uma maior taxa fotossintética, e com relação à resistência a doenças foi comprovada conforme a descrição de cada uma, onde foi constatada apenas a ocorrência de sigatoka amarela, para as cultivares FHIA 18, Catarina e FHIA 01, a Tropical e a Garantida não apresentaram nenhum sintoma de doenças. No segundo experimento, conclui-se que as cultivares Prata Catarina, Prata Garantida e Tropical obtiveram características físico-quimicas superiores e apresentaram-se boas para o consumo até os 12 dias depois de colhidas, já as cultivares FHIA 18 e FHIA 01 tiveram sua vida útil limitada aos nove dias de armazenamento. Sensorialmente as cultivares Prata Catarina e a Garantida foram classificadas como as preferidas pelos potenciais consumidores

Crescimento e acúmulo de nutrientes em cultivares de gergelim / Growth and accumulation of nutrients in sesame cultivars

Ribeiro, Rayanne Maria Paula 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2016-11-18T14:22:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RayanneMPR_DISSERT.pdf: 4610718 bytes, checksum: ca7ebb85bd1595434465cfc2cc6c6bca (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T14:38:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RayanneMPR_DISSERT.pdf: 4610718 bytes, checksum: ca7ebb85bd1595434465cfc2cc6c6bca (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T15:04:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RayanneMPR_DISSERT.pdf: 4610718 bytes, checksum: ca7ebb85bd1595434465cfc2cc6c6bca (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T15:05:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RayanneMPR_DISSERT.pdf: 4610718 bytes, checksum: ca7ebb85bd1595434465cfc2cc6c6bca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Sesame is considered the oldest oilseed in use by mankind. It is a culture of high complexity Morphophysiological with great variability in growth habit. Knowledge about factors involved in the growth and nutrition of plants allows producers proper planning of culture, contributing to a more efficient use of production area aiming to increase productivity becoming the study of the growth and accumulation of nutrients in the ground sesame seeds, but they are still few studies in the Northeast with culture. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the growth and accumulation of nutrients in sesame cultivars during their development. Two experiments were performed in Horta Didactics at UFERSA Mossoro-RN, from November 2014 to February 2015 and from April to July 2015. The experimental delineation in each experiment was a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were arranged in a split plot where each experimental plot was represented by sesame cultivars: CNPA G2, CNPA G3 and CNPA G4 and the subplots consisted of the collection times, the first being conducted 21 days after sowing and the following at intervals of 14 days (35, 49, 63, 77, 91 and 105 DAS). The growth analysis characteristics evaluated were: plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, dry matter accumulation in leaves, stems, fruits and plant, leaf area index, duration of leaf area, leaf area ratio, rate absolute growth, growth rate cultivation, thousand seed weight, number of fruits per plant and grain yield. In relation to the accumulation of chemical analysis were: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The homogeneity of the variances was made for all variables, except for dry weight of the leaf, making it possible to carry out a joint analysis of the experiments. Independent of the cultivation period, sesame plants presented slow growth until 35 DAS, and for the time I growth intensified up to 91 DAS and for the time II until 77 DAS, where the CNPA G4 revealed higher response regarding the cultivars in two harvest time. The total accumulation of nutrients to the cycle of the final followed the decreasing order of N> K> P in the two growing seasons, where period of increased demand for nutrients occurred between 77 and 105 DAS. In relation to the cultivars, the CNPA G3 had higher accumulations at the time I, while the CNPA G4 at the time II / O gergelim é considerado a oleaginosa mais antiga em utilização pela humanidade. É uma cultura de elevada complexidade morfofisiológica, com grande variabilidade no hábito de crescimento. O conhecimento sobre os fatores envolvidos no crescimento e nutrição de plantas permite aos produtores o planejamento adequado da cultura, contribuindo para uma maior eficiência na utilização da área de produção visando à maior produtividade, tornando-se o estudo do crescimento e acúmulo de nutrientes no gergelim fundamental, porém ainda são escassos os estudos na região Nordeste com a cultura. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em cultivares de gergelim durante seu desenvolvimento. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos na Horta Didática da UFERSA em Mossoró-RN, no período de novembro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015 e de abril a julho de 2015. O delineamento experimental em cada experimento foi em blocos casualizados completos, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em parcelas subdivididas, onde as parcelas foram representadas pelas cultivares de gergelim: CNPA G2, CNPA G3 e CNPA G4 e as subparcelas consistiram das épocas de coletas, sendo a primeira realizada 21 dias após a semeadura e as seguintes em intervalos de 14 dias (35, 49, 63, 77, 91 e 105 DAS). As características de análise de crescimento avaliadas foram: altura média de plantas, diâmetro caulinar, área foliar, acúmulo de massa seca nas folhas, caule, frutos e planta, índice de área foliar, duração da área foliar, razão da área foliar, taxa de crescimento absoluto, taxa de crescimento de cultivo, peso de mil sementes, número de frutos por planta e rendimento de grãos. Com relação às análises químicas de acúmulo foram: nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. A homogeneidade das variâncias foi aceita para todas as variáveis, exceto para massa seca da folha, possibilitando a realização de uma análise conjunta dos experimentos. Independentes da época de cultivo, as plantas de gergelim apresentaram crescimento lento até os 35 DAS, sendo que para a época I o crescimento intensificou-se até 91 DAS e para a época II até 77 DAS, onde a cultivar CNPA G4 mostrou resposta superior em relação às cultivares estudadas nas duas épocas de cultivo. O acúmulo total de nutrientes ao final do ciclo obedeceu a ordem decrescente de N > K > P nas duas épocas de cultivo, onde período de maior demanda de nutrientes ocorreu entre 77 e 105 DAS. Em relação as cultivares, a CNPA G3 obteve maiores acúmulos na época I, enquanto que a CNPA G4 na época II / 2016-11-18

Kvalita vody odtékající z rybníků v průběhu vypouštění a výlovu se zřetelem na bilanci fosforu a nerozpuštěných látek / Impact of fish pond harvest on water quality especially on

FREIDINGER, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the impact of fish pond harvest on water quality especially on concentration of suspended solids and phosphorous. Goal of the study is to contribute to ongoing discussion about carp aquaculture's role in fresh water pollution. Sampling was carried out in five carp ponds in the Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area. Main monitored parameters were concentration of suspended solids and total phosphorous during pond drainage and fish harvest.Results of the study confirmed very negative impact of fish harvest on water quality in recipient water.

Initiatives of the Pentecostal assemblies of God (Zambia) in response to the unequal distribution of Christian mission resources in the world

Phiri, Elisha Francis 11 1900 (has links)
The subject of “unreached people” is still debated in Christian circles. Given the vast resources of the Church, it is difficult to understand that there are still people unreached by the gospel. This study views that part of the reason for this is that there is an unequal distribution of Christian mission resources. It thus critically examines the reasons that have been advanced to explain this unequal distribution. Next, it makes an in-depth study of one particular church in Zambia, namely the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Zambia), which has more than 1400 congregations across the country, by looking at the initiatives it has taken towards reaching the unreached. Chapter 5 reveals that the lack of a clear mission policy and the autonomy of congregations contribute to an unequal distribution of mission resources in the PAOG (Z). The dissertation uses the “praxis cycle” to structure its theoretical framework and research methodology. / Christian Spiritual Church History and Mission / MTH (MSN)

Avaliação da estrutura populacional e sustentabilidade do extrativismo foliar de Butia catarinensis Noblik & Lorenzi em remanescentes do litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul

Kaurmann, Karyne January 2016 (has links)
O uso de Produtos Florestais Não Maderáveis (PFNM) têm se apresentado como alternativa para a conservação de ecossistemas e culturas tradicionais em relação a outros usos do solo. Entre os PFNM mais utilizados, destacam-se as folhas das palmeiras (Arecaceae). Apesar do crescente interesse e estímulo ao uso sustentável dos PFNM, o conhecimento sobre os níveis sustentáveis de coleta ainda é escasso, especialmente para as espécies da Mata Atlântica. A retirada desregulada de PFNM afeta não só os indivíduos, como também pode comprometer a permanência das populações e modificar drasticamente o ambiente das espécies de interesse. No Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul encontram-se densos agrupamentos da palmeira Butia catarinensis Noblick & Lorenzi, formando o ecossistema butiazal. Apesar de ser uma espécie chave para o ecossistema local e de seu uso tradicional há dezenas de anos, pouco se sabe sobre a ecologia e os impactos da desfolhação na performance dos indivíduos. O conhecimento sobre o ecossistema é ainda mais incipiente, o qual tem sido convertido continuamente em outros usos do solo, especialmente agropecuários. De 1974 a 2008 foram perdidos mais de 80% dos remanescentes de butiazais da região, restando hoje pequenos e isolados fragmentos desse ecossistema, outrora dominante na paisagem. A grande diversidade de formações vegetais onde ocorrem e o desconhecimento quanto ao estado de suas populações impedia a gestão adequada tanto da espécie B. catarinensis, quanto dos remanescentes do ecossistema butiazal. A fim de propor níveis sustentáveis de uso, este trabalho avaliou a resposta vegetativa e reprodutiva de indivíduos de B. catarinensis submetidos a quatro diferentes intensidades de desfolhação (baseadas no manejo tradicional), em quatro diferentes fisionomias vegetais, nas estações pré e pós-frutificação durante dois eventos de corte consecutivos. Buscando entender o estado atual das populações nos butiazais, foram descritas a estrutura populacional e vegetacional de dezoito áreas remanescentes de B. catarinensis localizadas entre os municípios de Osório à Torres, RS, representando diferentes fisionomias vegetais onde a espécie é encontrada. As áreas mais abertas e os tratamentos mais intensos apresentaram maior produção de folhas, porém esta foi menor no segundo ano. A produção de cachos apresentou interações entre os fatores, tendendo a ser menor no segundo ano e na estação pós-reprodutiva, e maior nas áreas mais abertas e nos tratamentos alternativos e controle. Nossos resultados sugerem que o butiazeiro é resistente ao manejo tradicional da folha em áreas savanóides. Entretanto, a desfolhação contínua combinada com outras perturbações, pode resultar em respostas negativas. Assim, nós sugerimos que o manejo ocorra em áreas alternadas, e seja proibido em áreas muito fechadas ou com intensos usos de solo, e a criação de áreas protegidas que permitam conciliar conservação e uso sustentável. De qualquer forma, é fundamental ter um monitoramento contínuo das respostas ao manejo, a fim de garantir a sustentabilidade do mesmo. Diferentemente do esperado, a estrutura da vegetação não foi fortemente correlacionada com a estrutura populacional, assim como a maioria das áreas estudadas apresentou maior proporção de indivíduos no estágio intermediário. Embora não seja possível predizer a distribuição normal e as tendências populacionais desta espécie, pois todas as áreas apresentaram um mosaico de perturbações, o pequeno tamanho populacional encontrado e os efeitos drásticos tanto no desenvolvimento dos indivíduos (pequena proporção de estágios finais), quanto na capacidade de regeneração da população (pequena proporção de estágios iniciais) indicam um sério risco para a permanência das populações. Os resultados desse trabalho resultaram numa Normativa pela Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul (SEMA RS) embasada pelo Instituto Curicaca e Centro de Ecologia da UFRS, para regularização da colheita de flores e frutos do Butia catarinensis (butiá-da-praia). É imperativo realizar novos estudos a fim de melhor entender a dinâmica populacional, embasando assim ações para conservar a espécie e o ecossistema butiazal, assim como estimular o manejo controlado de folha de B. catarinensis e a criação de uma ou mais Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável do ecossistema butiazal, antes do seu total desaparecimento. / Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) are an alternative for conservation, cause minor ecosystems impacts and raise rural economy. The palm Butia catarinensis is a key resource to fauna and important NTFP for traditional populations, especially the leaves, but little is known about its harvest sustainability. This specie occurs in a very restricted area in southern Brazil, creating the unique butiazal vegetation, currently threatened by fast lost and fragmentation of the habitat. We tested the harvest sustainability, by vegetative and reproductive responses to four intensities of management (based to traditional harvest), in four vegetal physiognomies, in period pre and post-fructification, in two successive events of cutting (2009 and 2010). To analyze the status of populations in remnants, we described the population and vegetation structure of eighteen remnants with different types of plant physiognomy. The biggest intensity of defoliation raised significantly the production of leaves, even in open areas, and the first management. The factors have interacted in reproductive response, causing the decrease of the bunch production in the second year and in the post- fruiting season. Open areas, treatments control and alternative tended to bigger bunch production. B. catarinensis seems to be resistant to harvest, however, the continuous defoliation combined with another disorders, can result in negative responses to harvesting. We suggest rotation of areas; prohibition of harvest in closer and intense land uses areas, with constant monitoring and the creation of protect areas that allow the regulated harvest. Unlike expected, there was not a strong correlation between vegetation and population structure, even as most studied areas had a higher proportion of intermediate stages. The small population size and the negative effects in the development of individuals, shown by the small proportion of individuals in the late stage, as the regeneration capacity (small proportion early stage) indicated the high degree of threat level of the population.

Determinação da umidade relativa do ar em câmaras frigoríficas e sua relação com a qualidade de maçãs / Determination of relative humidity in storage room and its relation to the quality of apple

Anese, Rogério de Oliveira 20 February 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Given the difficulties of determining the relative humidity (RH) in rooms used for the storage of apples accurately, the aim of this study was to calibrate the ventilated evaporimeter, an instrument used to measure the water evaporation that occurs due to the relative humidity and temperature, as well as evaluating if the mass loss improves gas diffusion and contributes to the quality maintenance of Royal Gala and Galaxy apples during storage and enables the use of a high CO2 partial pressure. This work also aimed to evaluate if there are any differences in the levels of mass loss between apples that were placed in distinct positions in the controlled atmosphere storage room. In order to do this, four experiments were performed: the first aimed to calibrate the ventilated evaporimeter in 85, 90, 95 and 100% of RH at a temperature of 1ºC. In the second experiment, the treatments were consisted by the period and level of mass loss (1 or 3%) in Royal Gala apple stored in controlled atmosphere at a temperature of 1ºC. For the third experiment, carried out with Galaxy apple, treatments were conducted with a high CO2 (3.0 kPa) and a low O2 (0.4 kPa) partial pressure associated with 3% of mass loss, aside from two treatments with a respiratory quotient (RQ) of 1.5, at 1ºC. For the fourth experiment, apple samples were placed in different positions in a commercial apple storage room in order to evaluate the mass loss. It was possible to obtain an average value of evaporation, in cm day-1, at a temperature of 1ºC, in different relative humidities through the calibration of the evaporimeter and the daily determination of water evaporation. The mass loss, both initial and linear, during the storage period, improved gas diffusion in the pulp of Royal Gala apple and reduced cracking, flesh breakdown and mealiness. The mass loss in Galaxy apple also improved the gas diffusion, which enabled the use of 3.0 kPa of CO2, however, with an RQ 1.5, a high CO2 partial pressure cannot be used. Mass loss occurred heterogeneously in the commercial storage room, being higher at the bottom and on the front of the storage room. / Diante das dificuldades de determinação precisa da umidade relativa em câmaras de armazenamento de maçãs, este trabalho teve como objetivo calibrar o evaporímetro ventilado, equipamento para quantificar a evaporação de água que ocorre em função da umidade relativa e temperatura, além de avaliar se a perda de massa aumenta a difusão de gases e contribui para manutenção da qualidade de maçãs Royal Gala e Galaxy e possibilita a utilização de pressão parcial de CO2 mais elevada em atmosfera controlada. O trabalho também objetivou avaliar se existe diferença de níveis de perda de massa em diferentes posições de uma câmara comercial de armazenamento de maçãs. Para isso foram realizados quatro experimentos: no primeiro buscou-se calibrar o evaporímetro ventilado nos níveis de UR de 85, 90, 95 e 100% na temperatura de 1ºC. No segundo experimento os tratamentos constituíram-se de período e nível de perda de massa (1 ou 3%) em maçã Royal Gala em atmosfera controlada na temperatura de 1ºC. No terceiro experimento, com maçãs Galaxy , os tratamentos foram com pressão parcial de CO2 (3,0 kPa) e O2 (0,4 kPa) associado com 3% de perda de massa, além de dois tratamentos com Quociente Respiratório (QR) de 1,5, todos em 1ºC. Num quarto experimento, os tratamentos foram amostras de maçãs expostas em diferentes posições de uma câmara comercial para avaliar a perda de massa. Por meio da calibração do evaporímetro foi possível, através da determinação da evaporação diária de água, obter um valor de evaporação médio, em cm dia-1, para temperatura de 1°C em diferentes umidades relativas. A perda de massa, tanto inicial quanto linear durante o período de armazenamento, aumentou a difusão de gases na polpa de maçã Royal Gala , reduziu rachadura, degenerescência e polpa farinácea. Em maçã Galaxy a perda de massa também aumentou a difusão de gases, o que possibilitou a utilização de 3,0 kPa de CO2, entretanto, com QR 1,5 o alto CO2 não pôde ser utilizado. A perda de massa ocorreu de forma heterogênea na câmara comercial de armazenamento, sendo mais elevada na parte inferior e na frente da câmara.

Desempenho operacional de semeadora-adubadorae perdas na colheita do milho em sistema de plantio direto

Grotta, Danilo Cesar Checchio [UNESP] 29 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-05-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:45:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 grotta_dcc_dr_jabo.pdf: 473302 bytes, checksum: f8cdc0255abc578da01bc3a223137e5e (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo buscado com o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi obter informações quanto às melhores alternativas para o sistema de semeadura direta em regiões com características semelhantes às de Jaboticabal/SP, na cultura do milho, em diferentes manejos de culturas de cobertura do solo. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP/Jaboticabal. Avaliou-se o desempenho do conjunto trator-semeadora-adubadora, o desenvolvimento de um híbrido simples de milho (DKB 390), e as perdas na colheita mecanizada em função de 2 culturas de cobertura crotalária (Crotalária juncea L.) e mucuna preta (Mucuna aterrina L.), manejadas de 3 formas, sendo duas mecânicas (triturador de palhas e rolo-faca) e uma química (herbicida via pulverizador) com a cultura do milho semeada a 5 cm de profundidade e deposição de adubo em 3 profundidades (11, 14 e 17 cm) totalizando 18 tratamentos com 4 repetições com delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial. Os resultados evidenciaram que a força de tração na barra foi menor nas profundidades 11 e 14 cm do sulcador de adubo, e o mesmo ocorreu para a força de tração na barra por fileira de semeadura, força de pico na barra de tração, potência na barra de tração, potência na barra por fileira de semeadura, consumos volumétrico e ponderal. O consumo específico foi maior na profundidade de 11 cm do sulcador de adubo. A distribuição longitudinal de plantas não foi influenciada pelos fatores. Os fatores cultura, manejo e profundidade não influenciaram as variáveis, fluxo de grãos, fluxo de material não grão, fluxo total e perdas totais. As perdas totais não foram influenciadas por nenhum dos fatores estudados. / The objective sought with the development of the work was to obtain information on the best alternatives to the no-tillage system sowing in regions with similar characteristics to those of Jaboticabal / SP, in the corn crop in different management cultures of soil cover. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Laboratory of Machinery and Agricultural Mechanization (LAMMA) of São Paulo University State. It was evaluated the performance of all tractor-seeder-fertilizer, the development of a simple hybrid maize (DKB 390), and losses in mechanized harvesting crops in function of 2 coverage cultures (Crotalária juncea L.) and black mucuna ( Mucuna aterrina L.), managed in 3 ways, two mechanical (crusher of straw and roll-knife) and a chemical (herbicide spray route) with the corn crop sown to 5 cm deep and deposition of fertilizer in 3 depths ( 11, 14 and 17 cm) totaling 18 treatments with 4 repetitions with design in randomized blocks in factorial plots. The results showed that the force of traction in the bar was lower at depths of 11 to 14 cm stem of fertilizer, and the same occurred for the traction force on the bar by row of sowing, the power peak in the bar of traction, potency on the traction bar, potency on the traction bar by the row of sowing, consumption volumetric and weight. The specific consumption was higher in the depth of 11 cm from steam of fertilizer. The longitudinal distribution of plants was not influenced by factors. The factors culture, management and depth did not influence the variables of grain flow, flow of material non-grain, total flow and total losses. The total losses were not affected by any of the factors studied.

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