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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av HAZUS-MH i Sverige : Möjligheter och hinder / Implementation of HAZUS-MH in Sweden : Opportunities and obstacles

Thorell, Marcus, Andersson, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
För modellering av risker vid naturkatastrofer är GIS ett grundläggande verktyg. HAZUS-MH är ett GIS-baserat riskanalysverktyg, utvecklat av den amerikanska myndigheten FEMA. HAZUS-MH har en välutvecklad metodologi för modellering av naturkatastrofer, vilket är något som efterfrågas på europeisk nivå inom ramen för översvämningsdirektivet. Därför föreligger ett intresse för implementering av HAZUS-MH för icke amerikanska förhållanden. Denna studies syfte är att fördjupa kunskaperna för implementering och användning av HAZUS-MH i Sverige. För att möjliggöra implementering behöver svenska data bearbetas för att matcha datastrukturen i HAZUS-MH. Metoden innefattar en litteraturgenomgång av tidigare studier och manualer samt databearbetning. Erfarenheter av databearbetningen samlades in för att bygga upp en manual för databearbetning samt för att utvärdera möjligheter och hinder för implementering i Sverige. Resultatet visar hur systemkrav och övriga inställningar för användning av HAZUS-MH ser ut. De övriga inställningarna berör koppling till HAZUS-MH databas med mera. För anpassning av svenska data beskrivs databehov (administrativ indelning, inventeringsdata och hydrologiska data), data-bearbetning (rekommenderad arbetsgång för att fylla shape-filer och tabeller med information) och dataimport. Vidare redogör resultatet för tillämpningen av HAZUS-MH med svenska data. Denna studie identifierar flera möjligheter hos HAZUS-MH. Möjligheterna att skapa risk- och sårbarhetskartor samt dataimport är de största. Tidsåtgången för att utföra anpassningen av svenska data var runt 15 arbetsdagar. Denna studie uppskattar att med hjälp av manualer för anpass-ningen kan denna tid kortas till 3 arbetsdagar. Om processen att anpassa svenska data automat-iseras kan tiden kortas ytterligare. Den största barriären enligt denna studie är insamling av data. För att kunna använda HAZUS-MH fulla potential behövs omfattande datainsamling. En annan barriär är begränsningar i hydro-logiska data, det är nödvändigt med externa hydrologiska data för en så korrekt analys som möjligt. Vidare forskning inom området bör enligt denna studie fokusera på metoder för att samla in data samt hur en automatisk process för att anpassa data skulle kunna se ut. / When modeling risks for natural disasters, GIS is a fundamental tool. HAZUS-MH is a GIS-based risk analysis tool, developed by the American authority FEMA. HAZUS-MH has a well-developed methodology for modeling natural disasters, which is something that is demanded at European level within the flood directive framework. Hence, there is an interest in implementing HAZUS-MH for non-US conditions. The aim of the study is to deepen the knowledge for the implementation and use of HAZUS-MH in Sweden. To enable implementation, Swedish data is required to be processed to match the data structure of HAZUS-MH. Methods for this study are a literature review of previous studies and manuals and data processing. Experiences of the data processing were collected to build a manual for data processing and to evaluate opportunities and obstacles for implementation in Sweden. The result shows how system requirements and other settings for using HAZUS-MH look like. The other settings include connection to the HAZUS-MH database et cetera. For adaption of Swedish data, requirements including data (administrative division, inventory data and hydrological data), data processing (recommended workflow to fill shape-files and attribute tables with information) and data import are described. The result also describes the application of HAZUS-MH with Swedish data. This study identifies several possibilities of HAZUS-MH. The opportunities for creating risk and vulnerability maps and data import are the largest. The time required to perform the adaptation of Swedish data was approximately 15 working days. This study estimates that with the help of manuals for the adaption, this time could be shortened to approximately 3 working days. If the process of adapting data is automated, this time could be shortened further. The largest obstacle under this study is the data collection process, to use the full potential of HAZUS-MH extensive data collection is needed. Another obstacle is the limitation of hydrological data, external hydrological data is necessary to get as accurate analysis as possible. Further research in the field should, according to this study, focus on methods of collecting data and development of an automatic process for managing data.

Aplicação do GHS na indústria de saneantes: roteiro para classificação de produtos saneantes / GHS implementation for sanitizer industries: Classification Guide for cleaning products

Moneró, Tatiana Oliveira 23 November 2016 (has links)
Com o aumento gradativo da tecnologia e da necessidade de consumo humana, a cada dia são desenvolvidos novos produtos e novas substâncias. Além dos benefícios desta modernização, surgem as preocupações relacionadas com o uso excessivo de produtos químicos. Muitos produtos químicos possuem potencial de causar efeitos adversos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente e, por isso, de uns anos pra cá, passou a ser essencial e obrigatória a comunicação dos riscos advindos desses produtos dentro do ambiente de trabalho. O GHS, um sistema globalmente harmonizado de classificação e rotulagem de produtos químicos foi criado pela ONU para trazer critérios e elementos harmonizados para a comunicação desses perigos. A identificação dos perígos do GHS é um procedimento complexo e muito difícil para as empresas, com destaque para aquelas de menor porte, como é o exemplo do setor de saneantes, que é, em sua maioria, constituido por micro e pequenas empresas. Além de terem a obrigação de seguir os requisitos estabelecidos pelo GHS, os fabricantes de saneantes seguem as exigências da Anivsa para comercialização de seus produtos. Combinando os requisitos da Anvisa com os do GHS, percebe-se que algumas classes e categorias de perigo do GHS não se aplicam para saneantes. Com isso, o propósito desse trabalho foi desenvolver um roteiro para classificação do GHS destinado especificamente ao setor de saneantes. Para o desenvolvimento do roteiro foram elaborados fluxogramas de decisões lógicas com requisitos do GHS e exigências da Anvisa. O trabalho atingiu o seu objetivo como um todo, criando um modelo de roteiro para aplicação do GHS para o setor de saneantes. Após a aplicação do roteiro em um produto exemplo e após as discussões levantadas, percebeu-se que alguns detalhes poderiam ser melhor incorporados no roteiro. Apesar do roteiro possuir suas limitações e algumas imperfeições, acredita-se que possa contribuir de alguma forma para o setor. Ao invés dos profissionais consultarem o GHS como um todo, um guia simplificado, resumido e com particularidades do setor, pode fazer com que as indústrias tenham uma maneira mais fácil de aplicar o GHS e, assim, contribuir para que as classificações sejam realizadas de uma maneira correta. / With the technology gradual increase and the need of human consumption every day new products and new substances are developed. In addition to the benefits of this modernization, there are concerns about the excessive use of chemicals. Many chemicals have potential to cause adverse effects on human health and the environment and, therefore, a few years ago the risk communication of these products in a workplace became essential and mandatory. The GHS, a globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals was created by the UN to bring harmonized criteria and elements to communicate these dangers. The GHS hazard identification is a complex and difficult procedure for the industries, especially those ones that are small, as sanitizer sector for example, which is mostly composed of micro and small companies. In addition to have the GHS obligation the sanitizer manufacturers follow the Anvisa regulation as well. Combining the Anvisa requirements with GHS ones, it is clear that some GHS hazard classes and categories do not apply for cleaning products. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop a GHS classification guide intended specifically for sanitizer industry. To build the guide flowcharts were developed with logical decisions with GHS and Anvisa requirements. This study reached its goal as a whole, creating a guide model for GHS implementation in sanitizer industries. After the guide application in a product sample and the discussions, it was noted that some details could be better incorporated into the script of the guide. Although the guide has some limitations and imperfections, it can contribute in some way to the industry. Instead of a professional consulting GHS as a whole, a simplified, summarized and with the sanitizer particularities guide may give to the industries an easier way to apply the GHS contributing to the correct classifications.

Modélisation numérique des liens entre séismes et glissements de terrain au cours du cycle sismique : processus déclencheurs, distributions de tailles et implications géologiques / Numerical modeling of the links between earthquakes and landsliding during the seismic cycle : triggering processes, size distribution, and geological implications

Jeandet, Louise 18 December 2018 (has links)
Les interactions entre les processus tectoniques et l’érosion ont été peu étudiées à des échelles de temps courtes (< 1000 ans). Cependant, les séismes peuvent activement contribuer à l’érosion des chaînes de montagne en déclenchant de nombreux glissements de terrain. Des études récentes ont également montré que ces grands événements érosifs pourraient engendrer des changements de contraintes suffisants à proximité des failles actives pour modifier la sismicité régionale. Dans cette thèse, cette problématique a été abordée via une approche numérique. Dans un premier temps, le développement d’un modèle simple de glissements de terrain prenant en compte la topographie des versants a permis de démontrer le rôle des paramètres mécaniques (cohésion et friction), et de la forme des versants sur la distribution de taille des glissements de terrain. Ce modèle a été validé à l’aide de cas naturels de glissements de terrain co-sismiques. Dans un deuxième temps, le rôle de la forme finie des versants sur la probabilité de grands glissements de terrain a été démontrée en se basant sur des données. Enfin, dans un troisième temps, le potentiel effet d’un grand évènement érosif sur la sismicité a été exploré à l’aide d’un modèle numérique de cycle sismique dans lequel ont été implémentées des variations temporelles de la contrainte normale sur la faille. Les résultats mettent en évidence le rôle du volume de sédiments, mais aussi de leur temps d’export. En particulier, les paysages caractérisés par une hauteur unstable des versants importante pourraient, en favorisant de grands glissements de terrain, induire une érosion assez importante et rapide pour modifier de façon significative la sismicité régionale. / Interactions between tectonic processes and erosion have been poorly investigated at short time-scales (<1000 years). However, earthquakes can largely contribute to the erosion of mountain belts by triggering widespread landsliding. Moreover, recent studies have shown that such large erosional events could induce stress changes in the fault environment efficient enough to influence regional seismicity. In this thesis, this problematic is tackled through a numerical approach. Firstly, the development of a simple mechanical model accounting for the complexity and variability of natural hillslopes allowed to demonstrate the role of mechanical parameters (cohesion and friction), and of hillslope shape in the probability density function of landslide sizes. This model has been validated using natural cases of co-seismic landsliding. Secondly, the role of unstable hillslope height on large landslide probability has been demonstrated based on natural data, and the exponential distribution of this unstable height has ben shown. Finally, the potential effect of a large erosional event on seismicity has been explored with a numerical model of seismic cycle, in which has been implemented temporal normal stress variations. The results emphasize the role of eroded sediment volume, but also of the export time of sediments away from the mountain belt. In landscape with high unstable hillslopes, large landslides are favored and in turn, could induce fast an important enough erosion to modify regional seismicity.

"A convenção de Basiléia e o destino dos resíduos industriais no Brasil" / The Basel Convention´s and the destination of the industrial waste in Brazil

Ziglio, Luciana Aparecida Iotti 09 December 2005 (has links)
A Convenção de Basiléia sobre o Controle de Movimentos Transfronteiriços de Resíduos Perigosos e seu Depósito trata-se de um acordo que define mecanismos de organização dos movimentos transfronteiriços de resíduos sólidos e líquidos perigosos e sua disposição final. Os resíduos perigosos são materiais descartados que podem colocar em risco a segurança da vida.A Convenção para atingir seu propósito de existência permite a concessão prévia e explícita de importação e exportação dos resíduos autorizados entre os países que dela participam, de modo a evitar o tráfico ilícito. O Brasil através do Decreto número 875 de 1993 confirmou sua permanência como integrante da convenção, internalizando assim o documento no país. A partir de então, todo o comércio internacional de resíduos perigosos entre o Brasil e o exterior passou a ser regulamentado. Os resíduos industriais, considerados perigosos constituem, no Brasil, motivo de preocupação das autoridades e órgãos ambientais, seja devido às quantidades que vem sendo geradas, principalmente como resultado da elevada concentração industrial em algumas regiões do país, seja pela carência de instalações e locais adequados para o tratamento e destino final. Descrever e discutir as dimensões deste documento e ao mesmo tempo demonstrar sua repercussão na realidade brasileira será o propósito desta dissertação. / The Basel Convention about movement control cross border of danger residues and your deposit it cames agree that definite organization mechanisms from movements cross border of solids residues and dangerous liquids and your last arrangement. The dangerous residues are material discarded that can place in risk the security of life. The Convention to reach its intention of existence allow to the previous and explicit concession of importation and exportation of the authorized residues between the countries that of it participate, in order to prevent the illicit traffic. Brazil through the Decree 1993 number 875 confirmed its permanence as integrant of the convention, thus inserting so the document in country. From now on, all the international trade of dangerous residues between Brazil and the exterior passed to be regulated. The industrial residues, considered dangerous constitute, in Brazil, ambient reason of concern of the authorities and agencies, either had to the amounts that come being generated, mainly as resulted of the raised industrial concentration in some regions of the country, either for the lack of installations and places adjusted for the treatment and destination. To describe and to argue the dimensions of this document and at the same time to demonstrate its repercussion in the Brazilian reality will be the intention of this communication.

Acidente do trabalho: ainda uma realidade a ser desvendada. Ribeirão Preto/SP - 1996. / Occupational hazard: a reality to be disclosed.

Cortez, Solange Aparecida Estevão 19 February 2001 (has links)
As repercussões do trabalho na vida e na saúde do Homem há muito vêm sendo objeto de estudo na história da humanidade. No Brasil esta questão necessita ser melhor compreendida, principalmente após as recentes mudanças ocorridas na Constituição, onde observamos uma atenção maior ao capítulo da Saúde e, em especial, à Saúde do Trabalhador. A municipalização da saúde impõe mudanças profundas no lidar com estas questões. A informação fidedigna é pré-requisito básico para a efetivação de ações que visem a prevenção e a promoção de saúde. Para tanto delineamos como objeto de nosso trabalho o estudo da dinâmica da Comunicação do Acidente do Trabalho no município de Ribeirão Preto, no ano de 1996. Elegemos como método investigativo o estudo descritivo transversal da trajetória da notificação do Acidente do Trabalho e de suas repercussões, traçando um paralelo entre este sistema de notificação compulsória e o sistema utilizado pelo Serviço de Vigilância Epidemiológica, também compulsório. Os dados foram obtidos através da análise de documentos e da aplicação de entrevista semi-estruturada com representantes de todos os serviços envolvidos com o Acidente do Trabalho no município. Verificamos que na prática, apesar do preconizado legalmente, as transformações necessárias não foram efetivamente implementadas. O Sistema de Informações em Saúde do Trabalhador apresenta-se incompleto, persistindo um fluxo de Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho (CATs) fragmentado, não permitindo o desencadeamento de ações preventivas e de controle dos agravos. Ações conjuntas entre os níveis de atuação possíveis inexistem, não havendo uma interface entre as instituições. Em razão da precariedade das informações e da atual organização destes serviços, fica inviabilizada a execução de estudos epidemiológicos, diferentemente do que ocorre no sistema utilizado pelos Serviços de Vigilância Epidemiológica municípal. Faz-se necessário o enfrentamento desta problemática, de maneira a permitir a transformação do sistema de notificação dos Acidentes do Trabalho em instrumento eficaz à prevenção e à promoção de saúde. / The effect of work in the Man’s life and health has from long been object of studies in the human kind history. In Brazil, this point must be better understood, mainly after the recent changes occurred in the Brazilian Constitution, where we can see a greater attention to the Workman’s Health. The municipalization of the Health Service urges deep changes to deal with these items. The reliability of information is a basic pre-requisite for the rendering of actions the aim the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. For this purpose, the object of our research is the study of the dynamics of the Communication of the Work Accident, in Ribeirão Preto, in the year of 1996. We chose as a researching method the transversal descriptive study of the process of notification of the work accident and its effects, comparing this type of compulsory notification with the as well compulsory system used by the Epidemiology Vigilance Service. The data was obtained upon the analysis of documents and the application of semi-structured interview with representatives of all the services involved with Work Accident in this town. We could observed that, in fact, despite legally advocated, the necessary changes were not effectively implemented. The Information System of the Workman Health Care shows incomplete, with a fragmented flux of Work Accidents Communications (WACs) what hinders the development of preventive actions, and the control of damages. No joiner proceedings are held between institutions. Due to the precariousness of information and to the present organization of this service, evident is the unfeasibility of the execution of epidemiologic studies, different from what happens in the system used by the Municipal Epidemiology Service. It’s urgent, therefore, to face this problem, in order to transform the system of notification of work accidents into an efficient instrument of health promotion and prevention.

The Valuation of Credit Default Swaps

Diallo, Nafi C 11 January 2006 (has links)
The credit derivatives market has known an incredible development since its advent in the 1990's. Today there is a plethora of credit derivatives going from the simplest ones, credit default swaps (CDS), to more complex ones such as synthetic single-tranche collateralized debt obligations. Valuing this rich panel of products involves modeling credit risk. For this purpose, two main approaches have been explored and proposed since 1976. The first approach is the Structural approach, first proposed by Merton in 1976, following the work of Black-Scholes for pricing stock options. This approach relies in the capital structure of a firm to model its probability of default. The other approach is called the Reduced-form approach or the hazard rate approach. It is pioneered by Duffie, Lando, Jarrow among others. The main thesis in this approach is that default should be modeled as a jump process. The objective of this work is to value Asset-backed Credit default swaps using the hazard rate approach.

Risk Assessment in Telephone Exchanges

Johnson, Peter F. 25 April 2005 (has links)
A systematic framework has been developed to assess what it is that is at risk in any given telephone exchange. This critical area procedure is designed to identify high risk areas, both in terms of potential property damage and business interruption. This procedure utilizes a functionally based approach that is pictorial in presentation n and well suited to management decision making processes.

A possibilidade de acumulação dos adicionais de insalubridade e periculosidade

Cardoso, Gerson Alves 15 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-02-22T11:42:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gerson Alves Cardoso.pdf: 1472341 bytes, checksum: 8c0f6ae1e2101029680ee570708895cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-22T11:42:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gerson Alves Cardoso.pdf: 1472341 bytes, checksum: 8c0f6ae1e2101029680ee570708895cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present study deals with the right to accumulate additional health and safety hazards, which should not be an end in itself, but a mechanism that aims to discourage the lack of initiatives of employers with the health and safety of workers, and reveals the concern With the effectiveness of the right to an adequate working environment, free from any agents that may endanger the life or health of the worker, starting from the analysis of the doctrine, jurisprudence, national and foreign legislation. In this way, undoubtedly the Labor Law has followed new directions, aiming to eradicate unemployment, keep jobs, etc., and promoting the adequate working environment essential for the dignification of the worker. However, it can be seen that preventive and corrective measures taken by employers have not always been effective in eliciting hazardous and unhealthy agents from the work environment, resulting in exposure to the danger or even sickness of the worker. Thus, recent judgments have recognized that when the measures taken to make the environment of work adequate prove unsatisfactory, it is due to the employee the right to receive, cumulatively, additional unhealthiness and dangerousness, in a true change of position of the Labor Court, And which may culminate, with the possibility of an additional insalubrity for each unhealthy agent present in the working environment / O presente estudo versa sobre o direito à acumulação dos adicionais de insalubridade e periculosidade, que não devem ser um fim em si mesmo, mas um mecanismo que objetiva desestimular a falta de iniciativas dos empregadores com a saúde e segurança dos trabalhadores, e revela a preocupação com a efetividade do direito ao meio ambiente de trabalho adequado, isento de quaisquer agentes que possam colocar em risco a vida ou a saúde do trabalhador, partindo-se da análise da doutrina, jurisprudência, legislação pátria e estrangeira. Nessa toada, sem dúvidas o Direito do Trabalho tem seguido novos rumos, visando a erradicar o desemprego, manter postos de trabalho etc., sendo a promoção do meio ambiente de trabalho adequado essencial para a dignificação do trabalhador. Entretanto, verifica-se que nem sempre as medidas preventivas e corretivas adotadas pelos empregadores têm se demonstrado eficazes para elidir os agentes perigosos e insalubres do meio ambiente de trabalho, resultando na exposição ao perigo ou mesmo o adoecimento do trabalhador. Assim, julgados recentes têm reconhecido que quando as medidas adotadas para tornar o meio ambiente do trabalho adequado se mostrarem insatisfatórias, é devido ao empregado o direito de receber, cumulativamente, adicionais de insalubridade e periculosidade, numa verdadeira mudança de postura da Justiça do Trabalho, e que pode culminar, inclusive, com a possibilidade de um adicional de insalubridade para cada agente insalubre presente no meio ambiente do trabalho

Inovação financeira e risco moral : os títulos condicionalmente conversíveis e as instituições grandes demais para falir

Ayres, Leonardo Staevie January 2016 (has links)
O custo elevado da crise financeira do subprime, que assolou a economia norte-americana nos últimos anos e provocou a intervenção estatal no salvamento de diversas Instituições Financeiras consideradas Grandes Demais para Falir, abriu espaço para o crescimento dos títulos Condicionalmente Conversíveis (CoCos). Trata-se de títulos que injetam capital automaticamente no balanço do banco sempre que o nível de capital fique abaixo de determinado parâmetro pré-estabelecido – chamado de gatilho – pela conversão da dívida em capital e com termos de conversão já estabelecidos em contrato. Essa é uma inovação do mercado que entrou no arcabouço de Basileia III e poderá exercer um importante papel na prevenção ao risco moral, uma vez que tais instrumentos permitem a divisão dos riscos entre o banco emissor do título e o investidor, retirando eventuais encargos dos recursos públicos de ter que salvar grandes empresas insolventes. Espera-se, assim, reduzir ou até mesmo eliminar o problema da existência de companhias Grandes Demais para Falir. Mas o mercado de CoCos, que são títulos híbridos, terá de se tornar mais líquido – de forma a atrair mais investidores – e buscar um caminho em torno da padronização nas emissões ao eliminar, principalmente, incertezas relacionadas ao nível do gatilho e aos termos de conversão. / The high cost of the 2007-08 subprime financial crisis that led to state intervention with the rescue of several financial institutions considered too big to fail made room for the growth of the contingent convertible bonds (CoCos). These securities automatically inject capital in the bank’s balance sheet when its capital level is below certain pre-set ratio (trigger), by converting debt into equity. Both trigger and conversion terms are established by contracts. This is a market innovation that has entered the Basel III framework and can play an important role in preventing moral hazard, since such instruments allow risk sharing between the issuing bank and CoCos investors, preventing government bailouts. CoCos are expected to reduce or even eliminate the existence of too big to fail companies. But these hybrids must provide more liquid markets – in order to attract more investors – and seek contracts standardization by eliminating mainly uncertainties related to the trigger level and conversion terms.

The deer-vehicle collision phenomena in the United States

Sielecki, Leonard 11 January 2017 (has links)
Deer-vehicle collisions in the United States (US) have increased dramatically over the last 50 years. Over one million deer-vehicle collisions are estimated to occur throughout the nation annually. These collisions result in hundreds of human deaths, thousands of human injuries, and billions of dollars in motor vehicle damage and health care costs. The increase in deer-vehicle collisions is partly the result of a growing deer population, caused largely by human manipulation of natural ecosystems. Awareness of the hazard deer pose is essential for drivers. Deer represent a dynamic, spatial and temporal hazard. Driver knowledge about deer at any time is critical for hazard awareness. State driver licensing agencies and state departments of transportation are the primary sources of information regarding driving hazards for most drivers. Through driver manuals, driver licensing agencies advise new drivers of hazards and provide strategies for dealing effectively with the hazards. Using nationally standardized warning signs, state departments of transportation advise drivers of potential hazards found along state highway systems. The first extensive nation-wide historical retrospective of the state driver manuals was conducted. The study assessed how new drivers have been informed of the hazard deer pose as this hazard has evolved. The assessment shows, although generally increasing in content, the information provided by state driver licensing agencies has been inconsistent from decade to decade, and from state to state. This inconsistency has left potentially millions of US drivers without fundamental knowledge of the growing deer hazard and/or strategies for dealing with the hazard. Recommendations and an exemplar for improving driver manuals are provided. The first historical retrospective of the standardized warning signs used by state departments of transportation was conducted to assess the effectiveness of these signs for advising drivers of deer hazards. The assessment shows standard deer warning signs used by state departments of transportation provide little temporal information for drivers. The paradigm shifting, risk matrix-based, colour-coded, Wildlife Hazard Rating System® (WildHAZ®) was developed to augment and transform conventional standard static deer warning signs into variable message signs that provide drivers with more consistent and comprehensive warnings about the deer hazard. The results of a web-based questionnaire survey regarding the WildHAZ® system demonstrated the majority of drivers who responded to the survey understand the system and would respond in a manner that should reduce their potential for a wildlife-related motor vehicle collision and/or the potential severity of such a collision. The majority of the survey respondents indicated that they would prefer a system like WildHAZ® to be used on roads and highways. Simulations of the effect of the WildHAZ® system on mean vehicle speeds were conducted. The results of the simulations suggest WildHAZ® system augmented deer warning signs could lead to fewer and less severe deer-vehicle collisions, if mean vehicle speeds were reduced at high risk periods. The risk matrix-based, colour-coded concept incorporated in the WildHAZ® system may have the potential to warn drivers of other spatially and temporally dynamic hazards. / Graduate / 0366 0709 0478 / lookforhelp@shaw.ca

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