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Examination of Potentially Morally Injurious Events and Moral Injury in Medical ProfessionalsKeegan, Fallon 12 1900 (has links)
The current study examined the nature and extent of endorsement of PMIEs, the nature and severity of MI symptoms related to endorsement of a PMIE, and the relations between extent of endorsement of PMIEs and MI symptoms. We hypothesized that (1) PMIEs perpetrated by others would be endorsed to a greater extent than PMIEs perpetrated by oneself; (2) medical professionals who endorsed a PMIE would report significantly greater severity on all MI symptoms compared to medical professionals who did not endorse a PMIE; (3) experiencing PMIEs (perpetrated by oneself and/or others) to a greater extent would predict higher levels of MI symptom severity, and MI symptom severity would specifically be most strongly predicted by PMIEs perpetrated by oneself. Hypotheses were examined using t-tests, Pearson's r correlations, and multiple multivariate regression analyses. First, the current study found that PMIEs perpetrated by others were endorsed to a greater extent than those perpetrated by themselves; second, greater exposure to PMIEs was associated with significantly greater severity of 10 of the 14 outcomes. Third, PMIEs perpetrated by oneself predicted more MI symptomatology than PMIEs perpetrated by others, indicating that while PMIEs perpetrated by others are more common, PMIEs perpetrated by oneself are more strongly associated with MI outcomes. This study highlights the widespread and harmful impact of PMIEs among medical professionals.
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Healthcare workers' perceptions on diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) and foot care in Fiji: a qualitative studyRanuve, M.S., Mohammadnezhad, Masoud 05 August 2022 (has links)
Yes / To explore the perception of healthcare workers (HCWs) on diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) and foot care in Rotuma, Fiji.
Using a qualitative study design, two focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted among HCWs. A semistructured open-ended questionnaire was used to guide the discussion session. Each FGD was audiorecorded and was transcribed. The transcriptions were then manually analysed using thematic analysis.
Rotuma hospital, Fiji.
HCWs who were working in Rotuma hospital for at least a year and were involved in clinical foot care of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients were included.
There were five main themes, namely, depth of knowledge, quality of care in practice, factors of influence on practice, lack of resources and capacity building. Participants had superficial knowledge that showed lack of in-depth scientific knowledge. A lack of staffing in the clinics affected the delivery of service. Additionally, patients defaulting clinics, late presentations with DFU and traditional medicine also affected the quality of healthcare service in clinics. There was also a need for a multidisciplinary team to prevent and manage DFU. HCWs mostly advised on glycaemic control and ignored offering foot care advice in clinics due mainly to the lack of sound knowledge on foot care. There was also a lack of resources, infrastructure, space and professional development opportunities, which negatively impacted how HCWs deliver foot care services to patients.
HCWs lack significant in-depth knowledge on DFU and foot care. In addition, these are the availability of traditional medicine that delays presentations to hospital, further reducing the quality of services. HCWs need to keep their knowledge and skills updated through regular in-service training on foot care. Resources, infrastructure and supply chains need to be maintained by those in power to ensure HCWs deliver quality foot care services.
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”Gamla datorer, det är det vi jobbar med” : En interaktionsstudie av vård- och omsorgspersonalens användning av digitala artefakter på ett vård- och omsorgsboende / “Old Computers, That is What We are Working With” : An interaction study of the healthcare workers use of digital artefacts in an elder care homeAdolfsson, Emma, Weaver, Stephanie January 2019 (has links)
There is a need to create efficiency through digital technology within the elder care, as the elderly population of society is increasing. Existing IT-systems are considered incompatible with healthcare work, despite of Swedish investments in digital development in healthcare. Practices and the use of digital artefacts within an elder care home was therefore studied. Through an ethnographic qualitative method (consisting of field studies, video ethnography and interviews), the empirically driven study identified the healthcare workers existing interactions with- and use of digital technology, as well as the consequences that the use entailed. The study showed that the healthcare workers used the workplace’s existing digital technology as well as personal digital artefacts to solve daily tasks. Furthermore, the results showed that the healthcare workers interactions with personal digital artefacts mediated new work situations, and the healthcare workers desire for new digital work tools. / Inom äldreomsorgen finns ett behov av digital teknik som kan effektivisera omsorgsarbetet, eftersom den äldre befolkningen i samhället ökar. Trots Sveriges satsningar på digital utveckling inom vård- och omsorg, har det visat sig att personal inte anser att befintliga IT-system är kompatibla med vård- och omsorgsarbetet. Därför studerades praktiker och användning av digitala artefakter på ett vård- och omsorgsboende. Genom etnografisk kvalitativ metod (i form av fältstudier, videoetnografi och intervjuer) identifierade den empiriskt drivna studien personalens befintliga interaktioner med- och användning av digital teknik, samt de konsekvenser användningen medförde. Resultatet visade även att personalen använde arbetsplatsens befintliga digitala teknik, samt personliga digitala artefakter för att lösa dagliga arbetsuppgifter. Vidare visade studien att personalens interaktioner med personliga digitala hjälpmedel medierade nya situationer i arbetet och att personalen önskade nya digitala arbetsverktyg.
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Compliance with standard precautions and occupational exposure reporting among operating room nurses in AustraliaOsborne, Sonya Ranee, n/a January 2002 (has links)
Occupational exposures of healthcare workers tend to occur because of
inconsistent compliance with standard precautions. Also, incidence of occupational
exposure is underreported among operating room personnel. The purpose of this
project was to develop national estimates for compliance with standard precautions
and occupational exposure reporting practices among operating room nurses in
Australia. Data was obtained utilizing a 96-item self-report survey. The Standard
Precautions and Occupational Exposure Reporting survey was distributed
anonymously to 500 members of the Australian College of Operating Room Nurses.
The Health Belief Model was the theoretical framework used to guide the analysis of
data. Data was analysed to examine relationships between specific constructs of the
Health Belief Model to identify factors that might influence the operating room nurse
to undertake particular health behaviours to comply with standard precautions and
occupational exposure reporting. Results of the study revealed compliance rates of
55.6% with double gloving, 59.1% with announcing sharps transfers, 71.9% with
using a hands-free sharps pass technique, 81.9% with no needle recapping and 92.0%
with adequate eye protection. Although 31.6% of respondents indicated receiving an
occupational exposure in the past 12 months, only 82.6% of them reported their
exposures. The results of this study provide national estimates of compliance with
standard precautions and occupational exposure reporting among operating room
nurses in Australia. These estimates can now be used as support for the development
and implementation of measures to improve practices in order to reduce occupational
exposures and, ultimately, disease transmission rates among this high-risk group.
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Bättre eller sämre på jobbet? : en jämförelse mellan olika yrkeskategoriers arbetsrelaterade hälsa ur ett salutogent perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvården mellan åren 2005-2009 / A comparison between professional categories work-related health from a salutogenic perspective in the health care between the years 2005-2009.Möller, Mariana, Olsson, Malena January 2013 (has links)
People spend much of their timeat work and health is affected by how we experience our everyday work situation. Health in the workplace is important for public health and seems to improve the occupational health of theemployees. The pace of work and requirements have hasincreased at work and it's not equal accepted to have an obstacle that makesyour work capacity decreases. Despite this, there are health factors that enable us meet therequirements and can maintaingood health in the workplace. Theaim of the studywas to see if there has beena change in healthcare workers work-related health over time. The Method entailed analysis of the existing data materials researchersfrom Kristianstad University have developed through cross-sectional studies in hospitals insouthern Sweden during the fouroccasions between 2005-2009. The result shows thatthe reported work-related health has improved markedly over the years within the professional categories. By looking at thevarious health factors, there wasa opportunity to see if the factors affect the occupational groupsdifferent. Conclusion, based on the results, it can be shown thathealthcare workers work-related health has been positively affected by various health factorswhich have enhanced in the workplace. Health promotionis therefore important for thepositive development of the work-relatedhealth. / Människan tillbringar en stor del av livet på arbetet och hälsan påverkas av hur vi upplever vår vardagliga arbetssituation. Hälsa i arbetslivet är därför ett viktigt folkhälsomål som verkar för att förbättra den arbetsrelaterade hälsan hos anställda. Arbetstempot och kraven har ökat ute på arbetsplatserna och det är inte lika accepterat att ha något hinder som gör att din arbetsförmåga minskar. Det finns hälsofaktorer som gör att vi klarar av kraven och kan behålla en god hälsa i arbetslivet. Syftet med studien var att påvisa om det har skett en positiv eller negativ förändring i sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa genom att studera vilka faktorer som har förändrats under en fyraårs period. Metoden innebar analys av befintligt datamaterial som forskare från Högskolan Kristianstad har tagit fram genom tvärsnittsstudier på två olika sjukhus i södra Sverige under fyra tillfällen mellan åren 2005-2009. Resultatet visar att den rapporterade arbetsrelaterade hälsan har förbättrats markant mellan åren inom yrkeskategorierna. Genom att titta på olika hälsofaktorer fanns det möjlighet att se om de olika faktorerna påverkar yrkesgrupperna olika. Slutsats, utifrån resultatet kan det visas att sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsrelaterade hälsa har påverkats positivt vilket relateras till olika hälsofaktorer har förbättrats på arbetsplatsen. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet är därmed viktigt för att kunna fortsätta få en positiv utveckling av den arbetsrelaterade hälsan.
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Evaluation of Occupational Risk Factors for Nurses and CNAs: Analysis of Florida Workers' Compensation Claims DatabaseMohammed, Sheila 01 January 2013 (has links)
Musculoskeletal injuries lead to most claims even though needlestick injuries receive the most attention. In 2010, health expenditures in the United States neared $2.6 trillion. CNAs, orderlies, and attendants had the highest rates of musculoskeletal disorders of all occupations with an incidence of 249 per 10,000 compared to 34 per 10,000 for all workers. The financial burden of back injuries in the healthcare industry is estimated to add up to $20 billion annually. Data was extracted for cause of injury, nature of injury and body part injured. Extracted data was analyzed both descriptively and by logistic and linear regression using SAS version 9.2. Results were significant for falls, lifting, being struck and pushing and pulling as major causes for injury. Regarding the nature of injury, sprains and strains constituted the majority of claims. The lower back was the body part most commonly injured in a claim. It was concluded that emphasis must be placed on risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries such as falls, lifting, temporal and environmental factors, age and lifestyle factors rather than needlestick injuries.
Results from this study will be used to characterize risk factors for occupational injuries in CNAs and nurses, and to devise and implement preventive measures, including new legislation, to curb such injuries.
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Sundhedspersonales opfattelser og håndtering af smitterisiko : et kvalitativt studie / Healthcare workers perceptions of and approach to handle infection control : a qualitative studyJensen, Anette January 2012 (has links)
Formål: Formålet med dette studie var at udforske og beskrive hvordan sundhedspersonale opfatter og håndterer risiko for smittespredning, både hos isolationspatienter og patienter, som ikke er isoleret. Desuden var formålet at afdække, om en eventuel særlig opfattelseaf smitterisiko hos isolationspatienter påvirker sundhedspersonalets opfattelse af betydningen af de generelle infektionshygiejniske forholdsregler. Metode:Studiet er et kvalitativt studie, hvor det empiriske materiale blev indsamlet i otte fokusgruppeinterviews, hvor deltagerne var sundhedspersonale.Som analysemetode blev anvendtsystematisk tekstkondensering. Den konceptuelle ramme omfatter antibiotikaresistens i et folkesundhedsperspektiv, en beskrivelseaf rammerne for infektionsforebyggelse i Danmark samt en teoretisk ramme bestående af risikobegrebet, sundhedspædagogik og et perspektiv på samarbejde. Resultater:Studiet viste, at sundhedspersonalet vurderede smitterisikoforskelligt, både ved isolationspatienterog ved ikke-isolerede patienter. De opfattede, at deres hygiejne ved isolations-patienter var bedre, fordi de tænkte sig bedre om og arbejdede mere struktureret. Samarbejde var en vigtig motivationsfaktor for arbejdet på isolationsstuer. Hos ikke-isolerede patienter opfattede sundhedspersonalet det som risikosituationer, når patienter delte stue og toilet. De oplevede selv brist i egen smitteafbrydelse og at patienters og pårørendes adfærd udgjorde en smitterisiko. Sundheds-personalet læste og forholdt sig forskelligt til infektionshygiejniske forholdsregler, hvilket kunne give anledning til forvirring og misforståelser. Det blev betragtet som en udfordring at skulle forholde sig til,at viden og praksis ændrede sig over tid og at ny udvikling skabte nye infektionshygiejniske udfordringer. Konklusion:Sundhedspersonale opfatter smitterisiko forskelligt, både i forhold til smitterisiko ved isolerede og ikke-isolerede patienter og arbejdet med at pleje og behandle isolationspatienter kunne være forbundet med stor angst for at sprede smitte. Forskelle i videns-og erfaringsgrundlag samt individuelle risikovurderinger ses som medvirkende årsager til,at sundhedspersonale opfatter og håndterer smitterisiko forskelligt / Aim:This study aimed to explore and describe how healthcare workers (HCWs) perceive and handle the risk of infection in isolated and non-isolated patients.The study also sought to determinewhetherany specialperceived risk of infection in isolated patients affects how HCWsperceive the importance of general infection control measures. Method:This was a qualitative study. Data was collected from eight HCW focus groups and analyzed using a systematic textcondensation method. The conceptual framework includes antibiotic resistance in a public health perspective, adescription of the context of infection controland prevention in Denmark, a theoretical framework consisting of the concept of risk, health education and a perspective on cooperation. Results: The study showed that HCWsassessed risk differently inisolated and in non-isolated patients. HCWs perceivedthat they prevented infection more effectively in isolated patients, due to greater attentiveness and a more structured approach.Cooperation was an important motivation in isolation rooms. HCWsperceived special risk situations among non-isolated patients who shared rooms and toilets. The HCWs experienced flaws in their own infection control measures andin the behaviour of patients and their relatives. HCWs read and interpreted infection control protocols differently leading to confusion and misunderstandings. It was a challenge keeping up the changing of knowledge and practice over time as well as new development caused new infection control challenges. Conclusion:HCWsperceive the risk of infection differently in isolated and non-isolated patients. Further, HCWs often associatethe work of caring for and treating isolated patients with fear of spreading infection. Differences in knowledge base, experience level and individualrisk assessments contribute to the explanation of differing perceptions and approaches to handle infection control / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-49-2</p>
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Utilisation of insecticide treated nets among women in rural Nigeria : themes, stories, and performanceNzute, Anastesia January 2017 (has links)
Background: The effect of Malaria attack on maternal and child health in Nigeria is high compared with other countries in sub Saharan Africa. This problem has been a persistent issue in Nigeria and many researchers have tried to proffer solutions. Insecticide treated nets (ITN) have been identified as providing approximately 80% protection against malaria attack. However, all the measures put in place to control malaria failed to meet up with the set target of the Roll Back Malaria Initiative, which aimed at reducing malaria deaths in Nigeria by half by 2010 in line with the Millennium Development Goals (Anyaehie et al., 2009). As part of the global initiative to reduce malaria deaths before 2015 (Amoran, Senbanjo and Asagwara, 2011) the Nigerian government introduced intervention programmes to protect pregnant women, and children under-five years of age (Anyaehie et al., 2011). However, although there has been considerable and effective intervention in controlling this preventable disease in the African continent, marked inconsistency in the distribution of the ITN, scarcity and low usage in Nigeria (Amoran, Senbanjo and Asagwara, 2011) are apparent, despite emphasis on community-based strategies for malaria control (Obinna, 2011). For midwives in rural Nigeria the disproportionate vulnerability of pregnant women and young children is of great concern. This particular issue is the focus of a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry into the experiences of pregnant women and mothers in their efforts to protect their families and themselves from malaria attack. The study contends that the ‘big (pan-African/national) story’ of malaria has found many voices, speaking from a predominantly positivist perspective. While some more interpretivist approaches to exploring experience have been employed elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa (Rachel and Frank 2005), there remains a need for more participatory research related to health care issues in Nigeria (Abdullahi et al 2013). Women and children make up the majority of the Nigeria population of over 160 million. An attack of malaria on them affects entire households and the economy of the nation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to give voice to the ‘small (household) stories’ of Nigerian women (mothers and health workers), living and working in impoverished rural communities, and consider how their viewpoints, perspectives and imaginings might contribute to the fight for a malaria-free Nigeria. Methodological approach: The research draws on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The participants’ accounts are interpreted in terms of Africana ‘Womanism’ as defined by Hudson-Weems (1993), the socio-narratology approach elaborated by Frank (2010), and Igbo world-view. Research procedure: Individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted with Igbo women in three rural communities in Enugu State in eastern Nigeria (Nsukka, Ngwo, and Amechi). This was a three-phase process involving an initial orientation visit to engage with local gatekeepers and community health workers. A first round of interviews and discussion took place in three communities in 2014, followed by the first phase of interpretation. A second field trip took place in 2015, during which participants discussed the ongoing interpretation and elaborated further on some of the issues raised. Interpretive phases 2 and 3 followed this visit. Interpretive process: Interpretive shifts in understanding were accomplished in three ways: 1. Seeking thematic connections between participants’ accounts of living with the threat of malaria. 2. Engaging in dialogical narrative analysis to explore the work done by the stories embedded in individual accounts of living under the threat of malaria. 3. Crafting found poetry from within the collective accounts to produce an evocative text that could mediate an emotional response and understanding of the malaria experience. Key outcomes: The research was a response to calls for more participatory research into the detailed experiences of people in Africa facing up to the threat of malaria. It has provided a vehicle for the voices of a group of Nigerian women and health workers to bring attention to the continuing plight of pregnant women and their families with limited access to insecticide-treated bed nets in poor living conditions. They have told how they seek to empower themselves in their own small and particular ways. It has provided insights into their worldview(s) and what others might see from where they stand. As such it has added to their own call expressed during the research to “Keep malaria on the agenda.” The research has used the women’s own testimony to create an oral resource designed https://youtu.be/XelMXLUzTV0 to facilitate education and action among small local groups of women and their families, and for health workers in local rural communities.
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Challenges faced by healthcare workers in conducting clinical Research in selected Western Cape sitesBruintjies, Grace Colleen January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / This study is interested in understanding and describing the everyday reality of clinical
researchers from the perspective of those who operate on the grassroots level –in this case, the field staff working under the guidance of the study coordinator and principal
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Individens oro för den nya pandemin COVID-19 / Peoples concern for the new pandemic COVID-19Oskarsson, Jean-Philippe, Montalvo Panezo, Adonaldo January 2020 (has links)
Ångest/ oro är något som vi alla drabbas av på olika plan. Vid världskatastrofer har detta haft en påföljd för människans ångest/oro som till exempel vid den nuvarande pandemin COVID-19 påverkar människors beteenden och ageranden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka oron för COVID-19, bland studenter och vårdpersonal. Den frågeställning som berör studien är hur oron för COVID-19 skiljer sig mellan studenter och vårdpersonal inom fyra olika dimensioner. Dessa var oro för; individen, andra, samhället och totalen. Denna studie utfördes genom ett enkätformulär som behandlar frågor gällande oro för COVID-19 från en modifierad version av Swine Flu Anxiety items mätskalan. 64 vårdpersonal (åldrarna mellan 21-63) och 113 studenter (åldrarna mellan 19-33) undersöktes i studien. Resultatet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna och dess oro för COVID-19 inom de olika dimensioner som i studien berördes. Alltså skiljer sig studenter och vårdpersonal inte i den upplevda oron för COVID-19. / Anxiety and concern is something that we all experience on different levels. Global catastrophes have had an impact on people's anxiety and concern, in this case with the novel corona outbreak COVID-19 which impact people's behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 differs among students and healthcare workers. The issue is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 is distinguish between students and healthcare workers regarding four dimensions. These being concern about; the individual, others, the society and the total concern. This study used a questionnaire to addresses questions regarding concern about COVID-19 using a modified version of the Swine Flu Anxiety items scale. 64 healthcare workers (ages between 21-63) and 113 students (ages between 19-33) were examined in the study. The result showed that there were no significant differences between the groups and their anxiety for COVID-19 within the different dimensions examined. Therefore there’s no difference between students and health care workers in their experience of anxiety amid COVID-19.
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