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Needle stick injury and the personal experience of health care workersKieser-Muller, Christel 30 January 2006 (has links)
This study describes the personal experience of heath care workers after a needle stick injury. The process of enquiry is embedded in a post modernistic ecosystemic perspective to elicit common themes in the health care workers’ (HCW) experiences of a Needle stick injury (NSI). Themes that emerged related mainly to the participants experience after having had a NSI. In the HCW environment HIV/AIDS is very well known disease. It is ironic that the HCW system at large is in denial regarding the dangers which the HCW’s face on a day to day basis working in a ‘mine field’ where every patient is a potential life threat to the HCW. From an ecosystemic stance one can clearly see the ecological principle at play. The HCW system seems to be stuck in a negative feedback process as the status quo is maintained by the defence/coping mechanisms. Adaptation seems to be limited. This inability to compensate leads to the disillusionment of the HCW who has to use ‘acceptable’ defence/coping mechanisms to deal with the trauma of being threatened by HIV/AIDS. The researcher found it constructive to use psychodynamic language, as defence mechanisms are psychodynamic concepts, to describe the process of the HCW system. As Keeney (1983) said that we are not surrounded, in a world of opposition, but rather in a realm of both/and dichotomies. The one cannot exit without, nor be discarded for, the other. Therefore, it could be suggested that an understanding of both systems and psychodynamic concepts may be a helpful tool in understanding and describing the processes of human interaction within an ecosystemic framework. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Att arbeta med livet som insats : Vårdpersonalens upplevelse av sin arbetssituation vid arbete under Covid-19. / To work with your life at risk. : Healthcare workers experiences of their work situation at nursing homes during Covid-19Angermund Ekdahl, Evelina, Berg, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för hur vårdpersonal på äldreboenden som arbetade på plats under pandemin upplevde sin arbetssituation med ett särskilt fokus på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med vårdpersonal som arbetade på plats på ett äldreboende under pandemin. Insamlad data transkriberades och analyserades genom en induktiv tematisk analys. De huvudteman som framkom var; Att arbeta under en kris, Personalens förutsättningar och Mer jobb mindre vila. Resultatet visade att samtliga respondenter upplevde att Covid-19 bidrog till en försämrad psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Särskilt utmärkande faktorer som bidrog till försämringen var den ökade arbetsbelastningen, en känsla av ovisshet, oro och rädsla samt brist på socialt stöd och skyddsutrustning. Det framkom också att samtliga respondenterna upplevde att deras arbete hade förändrats och blivit mer komplicerat till följd av nya arbetsuppgifter och hygienrutiner som infördes under pandemin. Respondenterna upplevde även en starkare sammanhållning inom arbetsgruppen som har haft en stor betydelse vid hanteringen av de svåra situationer de stått inför. / The aim of the present study was to examine and get at more profound knowledge for how healthcare workers at nursing homes who have worked on site during the pandemic have experienced their work situation with focus on their psychosocial work environment. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with health care workers that have been working on site at nursing homes during the pandemic. The material was transcribed and analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis. Three main themes were found; To work during a crisis, Employees conditions and More work less rest. The result showed that all of the respondents experienced that Covid-19 contributed to a worsened psychosocial work environment. Emergent factors of the worsened psychosocial work environment were the increased workload, feelings of uncertainty, worry and fear and also lack of social support and protective equipment. Furthermore, the respondents experienced that their work routines became more complicated due to new job assignments and health care protocols introduced during the pandemic. The respondents also experienced a stronger cohesion within their workgroup that had a great importance to how they handled the difficult situations they faced together.
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Barncancer och mental hälsa : En litteraturstudie om hur den mentala hälsan kan främjas under och efter cancerbehandling / Pediatric cancerand mental health : A literature review about how mental health can bepromotedduringand aftercancertreatmentÖberg, Sandra, Sundell, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Background: Children who suffer from cancer do not only suffer from a physical illness, they are also affected on a psychological level. There is a great lack of knowledge about how healthcare workers can promote mental health during and after cancer treatment. Studies show that most childhood cancer survivors suffer from extreme fatigue, poorer quality of life, emotional problems such as anxiety and depression but also post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Aim: The aim of this literature study was to investigate how mental health can be promoted during and after cancer treatment. Method: A general literature study with 16 quantitative articles. Results: Promoting mental health can be done in several ways: with physical activity, early detection of emotional symptoms and through alternative treatments. A number of health interventions can also be helpful such as psychological support and hospital clowns but mostly physical activity. Conclusion: There is a lot of health interventions that can promote mental health. Physical activity is the most researched subject that has been shown to have a strong connection to mental health. However, more research is needed on alternative treatments, as they have shown to have a positive effect on mental health.
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Att främja sömn hos personer med demenssjukdom : En litteraturöversiktPihl, Niklas, Söderberg Bergqvist, Saga January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom påverkar de kognitiva funktionerna och varje år insjuknar ca 20000–25000 personer i en demenssjukdom. Sömnstörningar är vanliga och drabbar många vuxna men är speciellt påfrestande för personer med en demenssjukdom. Sömnlöshet eller sömnstörningar påverkar livskvaliteten och hälsan på ett negativt sätt. Problem: Sömnproblematik är ett problemområde hos personerna med en demenssjukdom som kan leda till störningar i det vardagliga livet genom att yttra sig som oro eller förvirring eller förvärra Behavirol and Psycological Symtoms of Dementia (BPSD-symtom). En farmakologisk behandling av sömnstörningarna ger mer utmaningar då det kan medför sedering och fall. Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en översikt av omvårdnadsåtgärder för att främja sömnen hos personer med en demenssjukdom. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt bestående av åtta kvantitativa studier, en kvalitativ studie och en mixad studie, utgör resultatet i detta examensarbete. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier för att främja sömnen hos personer med en demenssjukdom. Dessa var att främja sömnen via beröring, olika aktiviteter och olika aspekter i miljön hos personerna. Slutsats: Omvårdnadsåtgärder kan användas för att främja sömnen och ett personcentrerat arbetssätt bör användas för att omvårdnadsåtgärderna ska gynna den enskilda individen. Författarna anser även att ytterligare forskning behövs inom området för att främja sömnen hos personer med en demenssjukdom. / Background: Dementia affects cognitive functions and every year, about 20,000-25,000 people fall ill with dementia. Sleep disorders are common and affect many adults but are especially stressful for people with dementia. Insomnia or sleep disorders affect the quality of life and health in a negative way. Problems: Sleep problems are a problem area in people with a dementia disease that can lead to disturbances in daily life by manifesting as anxiety or confusion or worsening Behavioral and Psycological Symtoms of Dementia (BPSD-symptoms). A pharmacological treatment of the sleep disorders presents more challenges as it can lead to sedation and falls. Aim: The aim is to create an overview of nursing actions to promote sleep in people with dementia. Method: A general literature review consisting of eight quantitative studies, a qualitative study and one mixed study constitutes the result of this work. Results: The results revealed three categories for promoting sleep in people with dementia. These were to promote sleep through touch, various activities and various aspects of the environment in the people. Conclusion: Nursing measures can be used to promote sleep and a person-centered approach should be used to ensure that the nursing measures benefit the individual. The authors also consider that further research is needed in the field to improve the sleep of people with dementia.
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Perceptions of Healthcare Workers Toward Influenza VaccinationAdedokun, Amos 01 January 2018 (has links)
Even though influenza vaccinations were provided free to all healthcare workers in the United States, healthcare workers were not 100% compliant. The non-compliance with influenza vaccinations may expose their patients, their families, and the public at large to a high-risk source of influenza infection. This study's research questions included how registered nurses perceived influenza and influenza vaccination; registered nurses' self-reported incidents with influenza vaccination; and factors that contributed to registered nurses' non-compliance with influenza vaccination. Guided by the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the factors that contributed to the non-compliance of registered nurses with receiving the influenza vaccination. Twenty participants from a healthcare facility in Florida were interviewed using an interview guide. Audio data was transcribed to text data; text data was coded and thematically analyzed by using ATLAS.ti software. Results revealed that 70% of registered nurses were afraid of influenza vaccination, while 80% of them saw influenza vaccination as ineffective; 90% of them had bad experiences or have seen colleagues/friends who have had bad experiences after influenza vaccination. In addition, 40% of registered nurses claimed that they already had good immunity, while 20% of them declined influenza vaccination because of personal choices. Research findings from this study may be utilized to bring positive social change to society at large. The findings may be utilized to enhance existing strategies or policies or even help formulate new policies and strategies that would address the concerns of HCWs, especially registered nurses.
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Female User Experience in Industrial Design– Redesigning Medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) SuitsWang, Yukun 22 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelse av vårdpersonalens bemötandeBergman, Karolina, Pilipović, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Våld i nära relation är ett utbrett problem som existerar globalt. Våldet utgör ett hot mot de mänskliga rättigheterna och sjukvårdspersonal är en grupp som ofta möter de kvinnor som blivit utsatta. För att kvinnorna ska kunna erhålla god vård är det därav viktigt att sjukvårdspersonalen besitter rätt kompetens i handläggning och bemötande. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur våldsutsatta kvinnor upplevde vårdpersonalens bemötande. Metod: Studien var en deskriptiv litteraturöversikt där kvalitativa studier undersöktes. Artiklar söktes via databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Resultatet visade både positiva och negativa erfarenheter då kvinnor mött sjukvårdspersonal under tiden de varit våldsutsatta. Tre kategorier framkom efter analys av studierna: positiva erfarenheter, negativa erfarenheter samt önskad vård. De positiva upplevelserna kunde bero på att vårdpersonalen frågade om våldsutsatthet och gav en hjälpsam respons. Viktigt var även att vårdpersonalen bekräftade kvinnornas känslor, brydde sig samt tog sin tid för att lyssna på dem. Negativa upplevelser kunde bero på ignorering av våldsutsattheten, en stressad framförhållning eller osympatisk attityd, samt att frågan ställdes i allmänna utrymmen. Många kvinnor önskade att frågan ställdes upprepade gånger, och att åtgärder och stöttning erbjöds trots nekande av våld. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att frågan om våldsutsatthet ställs och att tecken på detta uppmärksammas oavsett metod. För att vårdpersonalen ska våga ta upp våldet behöver de erhålla adekvat undervisning i ämnet. Tills detta sker bör vårdpersonal att våga beröra frågan även vid osäkerhet kring det optimala tillvägagångssättet. / Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a widespread problem that exists globally. The violence poses a threat to the human rights of the person’s affected by it, mostly women. Healthcare professionals often meet the women who have been exposed to such violence. Purpose: The aim of the study has been to describe how abused women experience treatment from healthcare professionals. Method: The study has been a descriptive literature review where qualitative studies have been examined. The articles were searched through the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Results: The results of the study showed both positive and negative experiences during the meetings between abused women and healthcare professionals. Three categories were developed after analysing the studies: positive experiences, negative experiences and desired care. The positive experiences described depended on the healthcare professionals asking about exposure to violence and giving helpful response. Healthcare professionals affirming the abused women’s feelings and taking time to listen was also a part of the positive experience. Negative experiences were characterized by health care professionals ignoring the violence, a stressed encounter or unsympathetic attitude, as well as the fact that the question was asked in public spaces. Many women expressed that they wished that the questions were asked repeatedly, and that different measures and support were offered despite denial of violence. Conclusion: It is crucial that the exposure of violence gets addressed regardless of the method used. In order to feel comfortable raising the issue, healthcare professionals must receive appropriate training in the subject. Until this occurs, it is important to have the courage to broach the subject, even if there is uncertainty regarding the optimal approach.
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Evaluating the Aerosol Exposure and Respiratory Protection of Healthcare Workers in Different EnvironmentsElmashae, Yousef Saleh January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Role of TNF-alpha polymorphism -308 in Irritant Contact Dermatitis and Neurosensory ResponseDavis, Jennifer A. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Vårdpersonals upplevelse av work-life balance : En studie efter införandet av det nya direktivet gällande 11 timmars sammanhängande dygnsvila / Healthcare workers' experience of work-life balance : A study after the introduction of the new directive regarding 11 hours of continuous daily restBälin, Lina, Bergman, Kajsa January 2024 (has links)
Under hösten 2023 infördes ett nytt direktiv gällande 11 timmars sammanhängande dygnsvilaför anställda inom Sveriges kommuner och regioner. Direktivet har förändratarbetsförutsättningarna för vårdpersonal, en yrkesgrupp som ofta arbetar skift. Syftet medstudien var därför att undersöka vårdpersonals upplevelse av work-life balance vid skiftarbetesedan det nya direktivet trädde i kraft. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en kvalitativstudie bestående av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med undersköterskor och sjuksköterskor,vilka analyserades med en induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att respondenternalägger stor vikt vid att försöka separera arbetslivet från privatlivet för att på så sätt skapabalans i livet. Trots detta upplevde dock majoriteten av respondenterna att arbetet går ut överprivatlivet. Resultatet tyder på att det nya direktivet gällande 11 timmars sammanhängandedygnsvila har haft en negativ inverkan på respondenternas work-life balance / During the autumn of 2023, the new directive regarding 11 hours of continuous daily rest foremployees within Sweden's municipalities and regions was introduced. The directive haschanged the working conditions for healthcare staff, a professional group that often works inshifts. The purpose of the study was therefore to investigate the healthcare workers'experience of work-life balance during shift work since the new directive came into effect. Toexamine this, a qualitative study was performed in which eight semi-structured interviewswere conducted with assistant nurses and nurses, which were analyzed using inductivethematic analysis. The results showed that the respondents put a lot of emphasis on trying toseparate work life from private life in order to create balance in life. Despite this, however,the majority of respondents felt that work overrides private life. The results indicate that thenew directive regarding 11 hours of continuous daily rest have had a negative impact on therespondents' work-life balance.
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