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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių gyvensena ir tolerancija fiziniam krūviui / Elderly lifestyle and tolerance of physical strain

Vaišvilaitė, Vaiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvoje ir daugelyje Europos šalių pagyvenusių žmonių populiacija sparčiai didėja, tai kelia socialinių, ekonominių, medicininių bei psichologinių problemų. Viena iš aktualiausių problemų, turinčių įtakos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių aktyvumui ir savarankiškumui, yra ��irdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligos. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti skirtingo fizinio pajėgumo tiriamųjų širdies susitraukimų dažnio ir arterinio kraujo spaudimo pokyčius fizinio krūvio metu bei įvertinti jų gyvenseną. Tirtųjų kontingentą sudarė 23 pacientai (10 vyrų ir 13 moterų), kurių amžius nuo 48 iki 74 metų, amžiaus vidurkis 60,74 ± 7,21, vyrų 60,5 ± 5,84, moterų 60,92 ± 8,35. Tiriamieji pasirinkti atsitiktinės tvarkos būdu iš visos Lietuvos. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo tiriamas žmonių požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną. Siekiant išsiaiškinti tiriamųjų požiūrį į rūkymą, alkoholį, mitybą, fizinį aktyvumą, gyvenimo kokybės rodiklius bei paveldimas ligas buvo pateikta anketa. Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikų Kardiologijos poliklinikos veloergometrijos kabinete atliktas veloergometrijos tyrimas siekiant nustatyti širdies pajėgumą, jo rezervus. Šis tyrimas buvo atliekamas taikant nepertraukiamą palaipsniui didėjantį fizinį krūvį pradedant nuo 50 W ir didinant po 50 W 3 minučių pakopomis iki submaksimalaus (85 proc. maksimalaus) širdies susitraukimų dažnio (ŠSD) arba krūvį ribojančių simptomų. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstomi į 3 grupes pagal fizinį pajėgumą: blogas, patenkinamas, geras. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania and most European countries the population of elderly people is increasing rapidly, and this causes social, economical, medical and psychological problems. One of the most actual problems which influences activity and independence of elderly people is heart and vascular diseases. The purpose of work is to determine the changes in the heart contraction rate and arterial heart pressure during physical strain for testees of different physical fitness, as well as to evaluate their lifestyle. A testees’ contingent was comprised of 23 patients (10 men and 13 women) whose age differed from 48 to 74, an average age 60,74 ± 7,21, men 60,5 ± 5,84, women 60,92 ± 8,35. The testees were randomly selected in all of Lithuania. An attitude to healthy lifestyle was surveyed under a questionnaire method. Seeking to find out about the testees’ attitude to smoking, alcohol, nutrition, physical activity, rates for life quality, and hereditary diseases, a questionnaire was presented. A veloergometric research was carried out seeking to determine heart power and its reserves. Veloergometrics was performed in the veloergometrics room at the Cardiology Policlinics of Kaunas Medical University Clinics. It was performed applying a continuous and gradually increasing physical strain starting from 50 W and increasing by 50 W in 3 minute increments up to sub-maximal (85 percent maximal) heart contraction rate (HCR) or the symptoms of strain restriction. The testees were divided... [to full text]

Sveika gyvensena Lietuvos studentų populiacijoje: edukacinis diagnostinis aspektas / Healthy Lifestyle In Lithuanian Student Population: Eduacational Diagnostic Approach

Norkus, Andrius 17 November 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje sveikos gyvensenos fenomenas konceptualizuojamas kaip visuomeninė ir edukacinė vertybė bei ugdymo tikslas, kurio įgyvendinimui modernioje visuomenėje kyla nauji iššūkiai. Remiantis kiekybine socialinių tyrimų paradigma, laikomasi požiūrio, kad edukacinė diagnostika leidžia įvertinti ugdymo tikslų įgyvendinimą realybėje. Disertaciniame tyrime edukacinė diagnostika pasitelkiama įvertinti studentų sveikos gyvensenos (kaip ugdymo rezultato) priklausomybę nuo edukacinių, socialinių, aplinkos faktorių bei ištirti jos sąsajas su subjektyviu savo kūno vertinimu. Taikant matematinės statistikos metodus, atskleidžiamas įvairių sveikos gyvensenos komponentų paplitimas studentų populiacijoje ir jo edukaciniai veiksniai. Analizuojant ir pateikiant tyrimo rezultatus, išryškinami lyčių skirtumai. Empirinio tyrimo duomenys rodo nemažą rizikingos sveikatai elgsenos paplitimą tarp studentų. Ryškiausios studentų gyvensenos problemos – neracionali mityba, psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų vartojimas, patiriamas stresas, nepakankamas fizinis aktyvumas. Šie ir kiti studentų gyvensenos rodikliai bei atrastos jų sąsajos su ankstesne ugdymo/si patirtimi leidžia kelti prielaidas apie nepakankamą formaliosios švietimo sistemos veiksmingumą ugdant sveikos gyvensenos įgūdžius, konstatuoti, kad ugdymą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose deklaruojami tikslai nėra sėkmingai įgyvendinami. Remiantis literatūros analize bei empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, pateikiamos rekomendacijos sveikos gyvensenos įgūdžių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the doctoral dissertation the phenomenon of healthy lifestyle is conceptualized as a social, educational value and the objective of education that poses new challenges in the modern society. On the basis of quantitative social research paradigm, educational diagnostics allows the measuring of achieving educational objectives in reality. In the dissertation research educational diagnostics helps to assess students' health behavior (as a result of education) and its dependence on the educational, social and environmental factors, and to investigate its relationship with subjective evaluation of own body. An application of mathematical statistical methods allows revealing the prevalence of various components of health behavior in the students’ population and its educational factors. In the analysis and presentation of research results gender differences are highlighted. Empirical study shows considerable risky health behavior prevalence among students. The principal students’ lifestyle issues - irrational nutrition, psychoactive substance use, stress, lack of physical activity. These and other indicators of students health behavior, and the discovered link with the previous educational experience lead to assumptions about the lack of formal educational system effectiveness in developing healthy lifestyle habits, and state that objectives declared in the documents regulating education have not been successfully implemented. Based on literature analysis and empirical study... [to full text]

Sveika gyvensena Lietuvos studentų populiacijoje: edukacinis diagnostinis aspektas / Healthy Lifestyle in Lithuanian Student Population: Educational Diagnostic Approach

Norkus, Andrius 17 November 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje sveikos gyvensenos fenomenas konceptualizuojamas kaip visuomeninė ir edukacinė vertybė bei ugdymo tikslas, kurio įgyvendinimui modernioje visuomenėje kyla nauji iššūkiai. Remiantis kiekybine socialinių tyrimų paradigma, laikomasi požiūrio, kad edukacinė diagnostika leidžia įvertinti ugdymo tikslų įgyvendinimą realybėje. Disertaciniame tyrime edukacinė diagnostika pasitelkiama įvertinti studentų sveikos gyvensenos (kaip ugdymo rezultato) priklausomybę nuo edukacinių, socialinių, aplinkos faktorių bei ištirti jos sąsajas su subjektyviu savo kūno vertinimu. Taikant matematinės statistikos metodus, atskleidžiamas įvairių sveikos gyvensenos komponentų paplitimas studentų populiacijoje ir jo edukaciniai veiksniai. Analizuojant ir pateikiant tyrimo rezultatus, išryškinami lyčių skirtumai. Empirinio tyrimo duomenys rodo nemažą rizikingos sveikatai elgsenos paplitimą tarp studentų. Ryškiausios studentų gyvensenos problemos – neracionali mityba, psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų vartojimas, patiriamas stresas, nepakankamas fizinis aktyvumas. Šie ir kiti studentų gyvensenos rodikliai bei atrastos jų sąsajos su ankstesne ugdymo/si patirtimi leidžia kelti prielaidas apie nepakankamą formaliosios švietimo sistemos veiksmingumą ugdant sveikos gyvensenos įgūdžius, konstatuoti, kad ugdymą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose deklaruojami tikslai nėra sėkmingai įgyvendinami. Remiantis literatūros analize bei empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, pateikiamos rekomendacijos sveikos gyvensenos įgūdžių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the doctoral dissertation the phenomenon of healthy lifestyle is conceptualized as a social, educational value and the objective of education that poses new challenges in the modern society. On the basis of quantitative social research paradigm, educational diagnostics allows the measuring of achieving educational objectives in reality. In the dissertation research educational diagnostics helps to assess students' health behavior (as a result of education) and its dependence on the educational, social and environmental factors, and to investigate its relationship with subjective evaluation of own body. An application of mathematical statistical methods allows revealing the prevalence of various components of health behavior in the students’ population and its educational factors. In the analysis and presentation of research results gender differences are highlighted. Empirical study shows considerable risky health behavior prevalence among students. The principal students’ lifestyle issues - irrational nutrition, psychoactive substance use, stress, lack of physical activity. These and other indicators of students health behavior, and the discovered link with the previous educational experience lead to assumptions about the lack of formal educational system effectiveness in developing healthy lifestyle habits, and state that objectives declared in the documents regulating education have not been successfully implemented. Based on literature analysis and empirical study... [to full text]

Paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas kaip specialiojo pedagogo kompetencija / Educating the healthy lifestyle as the competence of a special pedagogue

Urbonienė, Gina 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas kaip specialiojo pedagogo kompetencija. Iškelta hipoteze, jog kad specialiesiems pedagogams trūksta netradicinių sveikos gyvensenos sudedamųjų dalių ugdymo kompetencijos. Tyrime dalyvavo 95 specialieji pedagogai, dirbantys specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, koks yra specialiųjų pedagogų požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną ir jos ugdymą specialiosiose mokyklose, kurioms sveikos gyvensenos sritims jie skiria daugiausia dėmesio, kokiais principais remiantis yra organizuojamas sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas, kokie ugdymo būdai ir metodai yra taikomi bei su kuo bendradarbiaujama siekiant optimizuoti sveikos gyvensenos ugdymą. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad daugelis pedagogų nėra susipažinę su sveikatos, o tuo pačiu ir sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo politika, o kai kurie jų net nemano, kad specialusis pedagogas, kalbėdamas apie sveikos gyvensenos principus, pats turi jais vadovautis. Išsiaiškinta, jog sveikatos ugdymo turinys dažniausiai susijęs su tradicinėmis sveikatos ugdymo kryptimis, tokiomis kaip sveika mityba ir fizinis aktyvumas. Dažniausiai sveikos gyvensenos pagrindai diegiami klasės valandėlių bei atskirų projektų metu, o pagrindiniai iniciatoriai ir atsakingi asmenys yra patys pedagogai kartu su mokyklos bendruomenės slaugytoja. Dažniausiai sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo turinys yra perteikiamas kūno kultūros ir gamtos mokslų pamokų metu, o pagrindiniai metodai yra pokalbiai, diskusijos, vaizdinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the work is analyzed teen’s healthy lifestyle education as a special education teacher competence. The hypothesis says that special educators are lacking of non-traditional healthy lifestyle education components. In this research took part 95 special education teachers who work in special education institutions. Questionnaire survey method analyzed special education teachers attitude towards healthy life style and passing it in special education schools, in which healthy lifestyle areas were put the most attention, what principles are used to organize the basis of a healthy lifestyle education, what education methods and techniques are applied and who are the co-operation partners in order to optimize a healthy lifestyle education in special education schools. The study found that many teachers are not familiar with health education and at healthy lifestyle education policy, and some of them even do not consider that special teacher, talking about the principles of healthy living, has to be part of it. Also found that the medical curriculum is usually associated with traditional health education areas, such as healthy eating and physical activity. The most common grounds for a healthy lifestyle are introduced lessons after main classes and in individual projects too. The main initiators and the responsible people are school teachers and a community nurse. In most cases a healthy lifestyle curriculum is passed in the physical culture and nature science lessons, and basic... [to full text]

Kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinių įtaka moksleivių fizinės saviugdos formavimuisi / Physical fitness and healthy lifestyle knowledge influence on schoolchildren physical self – help formation

Masalskytė, Raminta 25 May 2005 (has links)
PHYSICAL FITNESS AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE INFLUENCE ON SCHOOLCHILDREN PHYSICAL SELF – HELP FORMATION (SUMMARY) One of the most approachable means of the pedagogical effect while stimulating the physical training of the pupils at school is rendering of the integral theoretical knowledge. In this paper the analysis of the village and city pupil approach to the regulations of physical training, physical activity and values were made. The training experiment was made also and results were given while the pupils were fostered to get into training. The object of the thesis was to analyse the effect of the physical training and healthy manner of living on the fostering of the pupils’ physical self-command formation. In order to realise the object the following tasks were made: 1) to analyse the point of view of the pupils about the physical training and physical activity; 2) analyse the pupil approach to the healthy way of living; 3) analyse the place of self-command in the pupil’s value scale; 4) in this pedagogical experiment to estimate the impact of the physical training and healthy way of living onto the formation of the physical self-command among the pupils. The research was made among the pupils of kaunas Simonas Daukantas secondary school and Jurbarkas region secondary schools, between the seventh, nineth and eleventh forms (No of pupils –230). All the pupils were distributed according to the age, gender and living place. They were given a 29 points questionarry. In... [to full text]

Using South African food companies’ nutrition strategies and consumer knowledge, attitudes and practices pertaining to nutrition information, to develop guidelines for the promotion of the prevention of chronic diseases of lifestyle

Kriek, Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Embargo expiry date: 2010-07-31 plt 2010 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The prevalence of chronic diseases of lifestyle such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity are increasing worldwide due to changes in lifestyle patterns, including changes in the food consumption patterns of consumers. There are numerous players who need to be involved in addressing current lifestyle patterns and in encouraging positive behaviour change. Food companies have a role in evaluating the composition of the products that they offer, as well as in educating consumers with regard to healthy eating practices through both the on-pack information that they supply and in their nutrition strategies and programmes. The main objective of the study was to investigate the nutrition strategies that food companies in South Africa use to communicate with the consumers and to compare it with the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the consumers towards the nutrition information that they receive. The secondary objective was to develop guidelines for food companies in their promotion of the prevention of chronic diseases of lifestyle. Methodology The study population consisted of a sample of 7 food companies operating in South Africa and a sample of 230 South African consumers. Data were collected through test questionnaires aimed at each specific study population. The data were analysed statistically for each study population and the data between the two study populations were compared. Results Most food companies that participated stated that they have a nutrition strategy which outlines their consumer communication policy, but none of these were made available to the researcher. Seventy-one percent of the food companies also indicated that they address chronic diseases of lifestyle in their nutrition strategies, with cardiovascular disease being the main focus. The medium used most frequently by food companies for nutrition education of the consumer is the food label. The majority of food companies agree that they do have a responsibility towards the education of the consumer, but stated that it is not solely their responsibility. Ninety-six percent of consumers read (always or sometimes) the labels of food products when making a purchase. The older the consumer, the more unlikely they are to read the ingredients statement on the label. Consumers are most concerned with cardiovascular disease when purchasing food products. Ninety-five percent of consumers agreed that food companies have a responsibility towards them with regard to nutrition education. The consumers indicated that they prefer food labels and television as the medium for nutrition education, but that they trust doctors and nutritionists the most to relay nutrition messages. Conclusion Consumer education on the prevention of chronic diseases of lifestyle is essential if the behaviour change, necessary to address their rising prevalence, is to become a part of consumers’ lifestyles. Food companies should be actively involved with consumer education pertaining to healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits. Communication with regard to nutrition education is critical and should be consistent with an integrated approach involving all the role players including the food industry, the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Education (DOE). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die prevalensie van kroniese lewensstyl siektes soos hartvatsiektes, kanker, tipe 2 diabetes mellitus en vetsug is wêreldwyd aan die toeneem weens ’n verandering in die lewenstyl van verbruikers wat ’n weer ‘n verandering in eetgewoontes teweeg bring. Daar is verskeie rolspelers betrokke wat ’n bydrae kan lewer om die huidige lewensstyl patrone van verbruikers aan te spreek en om positiewe gedragsveranderinge te bevorder. Voedselmaatskappye speel ‘n tweeledige rol: deur die samestelling van voedselprodukte wat hulle versprei te evalueer, en deur die verbruiker op te voed oor gesonde eetgewoontes. Maatskappye se voedingstrategieë en programme, asook die verpakking van produkte, kan gebruik word om voedingsinligting te verskaf. Die studie se hoof doelwit was om die voedingstrategieё te ondersoek wat deur voedselmaatskappye in Suid Afrika gebruik word en om dit te vergelyk met die kennis, houding en praktyke van die verbruiker teenoor voedingsinligting wat hulle ontvang. Die sekondêre doelwit was om riglyne vir voedselmaatskappye te ontwikkel ter ondersteuning van die maatskappye se inisiatiewe om kroniese lewensstyl siektes te voorkom. Metodologie Die studiepopulasie het bestaan uit ’n steekproef van 7 voedselmaatskappye wat in Suid Afrika werksaam is en ‘n steekproef van 230 Suid Afrikaanse verbruikers. Data is ingesamel deur twee uitgetoetsde vraelyste te gebruik wat spesifiek geteiken was vir elke studie populasie. Die data is statisties geanaliseer vir elke studie populasie en die studie populasies is ook met mekaar vergelyk. Resultate Die meeste voedselmaatskappye wat deelgeneem het aan die studie verklaar dat hulle ‘n voedingstrategie het wat die wyse waarop daar met die verbruiker kommunikeer word uitstippel, nogtans was geeneen van die voedingstrategieë beskikbaar gestel aan die navorser nie. Een en sewentig persent van die voedselmaatskappye het ook aangedui dat kroniese lewensstyl siektes aangespreek word in hul voedingstrategieë en dat daar gefokus word op hartvatsiektes. Voedselmaatskappye gee voorkeur aan die voedseletiket as medium vir voedingvoorligting aan die verbruiker. Die meeste voedselmaatskappye het saamgestem dat hul wel ‘n verantwoordelikheid het teenoor die verbruiker ten opsigte van voedingvoorligting, maar beskou dit nie as uitsluitlik hul verantwoordelikheid nie. Ses en negentig persent van die verbruikers lees voedsel etikette (altyd of soms) wanneer hul aankope doen. Dit blyk dat die ouer verbruiker minder geneig is om die bestanddelelys te lees. Verbruikers is oorwegend bekommerd oor hartvatsiektes wanneer hulle voedselaankope doen. Vyf en negentig persent van die verbruikers stem saam dat voedselmaatskappye ‘n verantwoordelikheid het teenoor verbruikers ten opsigte van voedingvoorligting. Die verbruikers gee voorkeur aan die voedsel etiket en televisie as mediums vir voedingvoorligting, maar hul vertrou meestal op dokters en voedingkundiges om die voedingboodskappe oor te dra. Gevolgtrekking Om gedragsverandering by verbruikers mee te bring met die oog daarop om die toename in kroniese lewensstyl siektes aan te spreek, is dit essensiëel om die verbruiker toe te rus met die nodige kennis oor die voorkoming van kroniese lewenstyl siektes. Voedselmaatskappye behoort aktief betrokke wees by verbruiker opvoeding oor gesonde leef- en eetgewoontes. Kommunikasie ten opsigte van voedingvoorligting moet konsekwent wees en ‘n geїntegreerde benadering moet deur alle rolspelers gevolg word, insluitende voedselmaatskappye, die Departement Gesondheid en die Onderwysdepartement.

Vědomostní úroveň o problematice zdraví u studentů, adolescentů na středních školách technického zaměření / The level of knowledge about health issues for students adolescents in secondary technical colleges

BLÁHOVÁ, Věra January 2015 (has links)
In diploma thesis is an analysis of the literature to characterize health and healthy lifestyle. The aim of this thesis is to gain an overview of knowledge about health and physical activity, the level of knowledge about health issues of selected group of students at secondary technical schools. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of the term healthy lifestyle. For quantitative research is selected the knowledge test. The practical part presents results from 120 students of the knowledge test relating to issues of health physical activity and also the questionnaire of healthy lifestyle. The research found that the inform and knowledge in the areas of students of Secondary technical colleges (Machinery and Electrical) is average and it is not significantly different from the knowledge level of Secondary grammar school students. The diploma thesis can help to increase the knowledge level of students in the areas of health, an increase in motivation in applying and following a healthy lifestyle in your life.

Selfmanagement součást zdravého životního stylu seniora / Selfmanagement constituent part of healthy lifestyle of senior

DOLEŽALOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Lifestyle is called like an approach man to himself, to others and to our environment. By doing so, we affect our health. Self-management uses the personal potential of humans to care for their health carried by more responsibility and be a good manager himself during period of health and illness. Thanks to healthy lifestyle we are able to reduce the load to the body and prevent premature aging. Compliance with the principles of healthy lifestyle and health promotion are important elements in the modern care of the senior´s population. The main theme of this thesis is the orientation of seniors in healthy lifestyle and their ability to take responsibility for their own health. This thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part deals with old age and healthy lifestyle. There is also a topic that describes the role of nurses in the care of the seniors. The last topic of theoretical part is chapter of activities to promote senior´s health. This chapter is included a topic of self-management as a conscious behavior of the person aimed at encouraging his own health. For processing the empirical part of the thesis were used techniques of qualitative research. Data collection was performed by using semi-structured interviews. The research group consisted of seniors from 65 years old. The information was gathered by technique of interviews. The strategy of purposeful selection of respondents was chosen to obtain additional information necessary for the analysis. The criterion for the selection of respondents was willing to cooperate on research and a minimum age limit of 65 years of research sample consisted of twelve seniors divided into three age groups of four respondents. In each group were two women and two men. The first age group of respondents were aged 65 -70 years, in the second group aged 71 -75 years old and in the third group aged 76 and over. The sample consisted of senior´s citizens from České Budějovice and Tábor, who voluntarily agreed to give an interview and complied the criteria above. Interview contained identification questions, closed questions and open questions that allow individual replies. The aim was to identify attitude of senior people to healthy lifestyles in the timeline of senior´s age. At the beginning of the survey were asked four research questions. Do seniors know the principles of a healthy lifestyle? Are seniors able to follow the principles of healthy lifestyle? Is a medical condition of the seniors observing a healthy lifestyle better than the elderly who do not follow principles of healthy lifestyle? Is experience of self-management to a healthy lifestyle seen differently by women and men? By the interview technique was investigated senior´s attitude to healthy lifestyles, their knowledge of and complying of healthy lifestyle, how to care about health and how self-management is perceived in a healthy lifestyle by gender. The next step was an analysis of the collected data, which was an essential step to transcript of conversations followed by categorization. 11 same categories were created for each age group. For clarity, the selected categories were shown in the diagram. The research revealed that seniors have decent knowledge of the principles of healthy lifestyle. Seniors follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle by limits of their possibilities. They allow some reserves in the care of health and try to solve it. Health is more dependent on their age and their diseases. The question is how they care for their health in the past. The research revealed that women and men perceive self-management to a healthy lifestyle accordingly. Both genders tend to deal with shortcomings in the care of their health. Results of the research can help to analyze the situation of senior´s attitude to their health.

A research about the impact of organizational culture on work efficiency and health lifestyle

Li, Wanwan January 2018 (has links)
It is well known that Nordic countries are among the world’s happiest countries. Because of the high welfare, social equality, more freedom and so on. But there are also many people living outside the Nordic countries, and there is a big question about why people in such a comfortable country would want to work, because the state provides good welfare to the poor even if they do not work. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to understand what motivates people work in Nordic countries and what affects their work efficiency, how work and life can achieve a balance. Whether a person is willing to work or not depends on his/her attitude and thoughts, which comes not only from the social environment but also from the organizational environment. When people are in a fair and free society, their attitudes about work are more from organization. The organizational environment is influenced by the organizational culture. Therefore, there is no doubt that organizational culture influences employees’ work attitudes. A good organizational culture stimulates employees to work harder, thus improving their work efficiency. A bad organizational culture reduces work efficiency by making people more negative about their work. In real life, people’s lives revolve not only around work, but also other aspects that require investment of energy and time. For example, how to run a good life, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This takes into account a person’s role at different times and places. Concentrate on finishing work at work and take care of your family and yourself in life. Therefore, only by harmonizing work and life balance can we improve work efficiency and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this thesis adopts the case analysis method to investigate an personal assistance organization. Through the investigation of this organization, we learned about employees’ views on organizational culture, the influence of organizational culture on their work efficiency and their choice of both work and life. After that, qualitative analysis was used to further analyze the research results, so as to find out the influence of organizational culture on work efficiency and how to balance work and life, so as to have a healthy lifestyle. In what follows I will review the previous literature and relevant theory, in order to understand the current status of organizational culture and work efficiency and lifestyle. After that I will present the results can conduct interviews to find out the impact of organizational culture on work efficiency and lifestyle.

Zhodnocení zdravotních rizik životního stylu u dětí staršího školního věku / Evaluation of health risks lifestyles of older school age children.

DOPITOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with assessment of the health risks of lifestyle of basic school children. The topic of the healthy nutrition, the healthy lifestyle and the healthy eating habits has been more and more popular. The healthy eating habits influence the whole human life and the term health has to be understood as a constant value that we have to protect and develop. Nutrition of children and youth is one of the most pronounced matter nowadays all over the world. First part of the thesis is focused on the lifestyle of basic school children, it´s parts and results too (especially the part about nutrition). Then it is focused on work of pediatric´s nurse who takes care about them. In my thesis I found two goals: to assess the specific lifestyle risks of basic school children and to find if basic school children keep the rules of healthy eating. Based on these goals four hypotheses were set: the H1 - Children eat more fruit than vegetables. H2 - Children drink sweet drinks more than water. H3 - Children don´t keep healthy eating habits. H4 - Children prefer fast-food meals to school meals. The hypotheses number H1, H3 and H4 were accepted. The H2 wasn´t accepted because the statistic showed that children drink more water than sweet drinks. The quantitative research was done to reach the goals and confirm the hypotheses via anonymous questionnaire for children from 13-15 years old. This research was given to approximately 310 pupils of primary school. The results were put into charts and tables and statistically assessed with Pearson chi square test. The results of research of my thesis were used for a booklet about healthy eating habits for children and their parents. The material should be ready for use for pediatric´s nurses who work for general practitioner for children and adolescents. The brochure can serve for gaining more information about healthy nutrition.

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