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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Och vad Gud beträffar så tror jag att hen går hel ur det här." : En studie av ordet hens funktion i dagspress / "And in regards to God, I think hen will make it out of this." : A study of the use of the Swedish gender-neutral pronoun hen in daily press

Aronsson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie analyseras funktionen av ordet hen i syfte att undersöka hur ordet används i dag. Hen fungerar som könsneutralt pronomen i svenskan men fyller även andra syntaktiska och könsöverskridande funktioner. Materialet har analyserats med en kvantitativ ansats och består av texter från dagspress där de olika förekomsterna av hen har kategoriserats efter funktion och texttyp. Uppsatsens avsnitt om teori behandlar språkplanering, feministisk språkplanering och hens uppkomst. Resultatet visar att hen främst fyller syntaktiska funktioner i dagspress, där 143 av 167 förekomster av ordet användes i funktioner som i den här studien kategoriserats som syntaktiska. Den vanligaste funktionen i materialet var hen i generisk referens. Ordet användes inom 15 olika texttyper inom dagspress, främst artiklar och krönikor, där hen i generisk referens var vanligast i artiklar och hen i maskerande funktion var vanligast i krönikor. / This study analyzes the function of the Swedish gender-neutral pronoun hen with the purpose of examining how the word is used today. Aside from being used as a gender-neutral pronoun, hen is also used in other syntactical functions as well as gender-transcending functions. The study material consists of texts from daily press that have been analyzed through a quantitative method. The various uses of hen have been categorized by function and text type. The theoretical part of the study introduces language planning, feminist language planning, and the origins of hen. The results of the study indicate that hen mainly fills a syntactical function in daily press, as 143 out of 167 uses of the word were in functions that can be categorized as syntactical. The most common function of hen found in the material was hen in generic reference. Hen was used in 15 different text types within daily press, most commonly in articles and columns. In articles, hen in generic reference was most common, while in columns most of the found hen were used in a concealing function.

Jorge Peña Hen, acteur social pour une décentralisation musicale / Jorge Peña Hen, a major contributor in musical decentralization

Jara, Claudio 21 January 2017 (has links)
L'objet de cette étude vise à comprendre le processus de décentralisation de l’éducation musicale au Chili tel qu'il a été mené par le compositeur et chef d’orchestre Jorge Peña Hen, de 1950 à 1973. Ce musicien, engagé socialement, a fondé et développé de manière riche et prolifique un nombre important d’institutions musicales au nord du pays, notamment en créant des orchestres symphoniques, des chœurs, un conservatoire et des écoles de musique expérimentales, organisant de nombreux concerts et activités culturelles, faisant naître enfin le premier orchestre d’enfants en Amérique latine. Son exemple sera repris sur tout le continent sud-américain, donnant naissance à un fort mouvement culturel dont l'ampleur s'étend jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine. C'est dans un tel contexte que Jorge Peña Hen mit en place un système direct de participation civile par le biais de la pratique musicale, ce qui va rompre avec les tendances musico-culturelles conçues jusqu'alors par et pour une élite chilienne étroitement liée aux politiques d’État. Il connut malheureusement une fin tragique en 1973 sous la dictature militaire chilienne du général Augusto Pinochet. Cependant, ses principes égalitaires et sa pédagogie novatrice ont inspiré de nombreux autres projets, du Venezuela jusqu’en France, comme le montre l’exemple de l’orchestre d’enfants de Grigny sur lequel nous conclurons cette étude afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes et les enjeux de tels processus. / This study aims to understand how the composer and conductor Jorge Peña Hen succeeded, from 1950 to 1973, in implementing a decentralisation process in the musical education in Chile. It shows an analysis of the Chilean musical Institution and the construction of Chile State from the middle of the twentieth century until now. Jorge Peña Hen, who was a socially committed musician, founded and developped a great number of musical institutions in the north of Chile, including symphonic orchestras, choirs, a conservatoire and experimental music schools. Within these premises, as well as in the whole country, he organised numerous concerts and cultural activities. This approach led him to create the first children orchestra in South America, an experiment which became a model duplicated all around the south of the American continent, giving birth to a strong cultural movement whose extent goes until these days. It is within this context that Jorge Peña Hen put in place a direct system of civilian participation through musical practice, which will break with the current cultural and musical tendancies conceived by and for a chilean elite closely related to State policies. He unfortunately knew a tragical end in 1973 under the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. However, the egalitarian principles and innovative teaching method which guided his work inspired many other projects, from Venezuela to France, as shown by the children orchestra of Grigny for example, which will also be studied in this thesis in order to get a better understanding of the mechanisms and stakes of such process.


Mañón, Alfredo 01 January 2015 (has links)
Effects of dietary supplementation with low levels of organic sources of trace minerals in place of normal levels of their inorganic salts and phytase on growth performance and mineral metabolism were evaluated in two studies using pullets of white and brown shell laying strains. The organic sources were proteinates of copper, iron, manganese and zinc and selenium yeast. A corn-soybean meal diet was fed alone, plus inorganic minerals or plus organic minerals, and with or without phytase in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement. Twelve groups of 16 pullets, 2 weeks old, were used per treatment. Compared with inorganic minerals, feeding no mineral supplement or organic minerals significantly (P<0.05) decreased manure Cu, Fe and Zn for white pullets and Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn for brown pullets. Dietary phytase significantly reduced manure Fe, P and Ca for white pullets and Fe, Mn, Zn, P and Ca for brown pullets. Adding phytase to diets containing inorganic minerals reduced manure Zn concentration for white pullets and manure Fe, Mn, Zn, P and Ca concentrations for brown pullets. These studies indicate manure levels of trace minerals can be decreased by using low levels of organic mineral supplements and phytase in pullet diets.

Caracterização tipológica e bioclimática da avicultura de postura no Estado de São Paulo &#150; um estudo de caso / Typology and bioclimatic characterization of laying hen housing in the State of São Paulo &#150; a case study

Telatin Junior, Aurélio 31 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou a caracterização dos ambientes de criação de aves poedeiras, de granjas comerciais no Estado de São Paulo, sob o ponto de vista bioclimático, tipológico e do bem-estar do trabalhador. Na primeira etapa foram selecionadas 6 granjas. Nestas granjas, escolhidas por critérios pré-estabelecidos, foram realizadas análises do ambiente de produção, com medições em loco, da concentração de amônia, do nível de pressão sonora, da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar, e também, por meio de um levantamento quanti-qualitativo, a satisfação do trabalhador. Na segunda etapa, foi realizado um estudo de caso, com a análise bioclimática de dois sistemas de produção, sendo um piramidal 2x2 com cobertura de telhas cerâmicas e o outro piramidal 2x3 com cobertura de telhas de cimento-amianto. Como resultados foram caracterizados diferentes sistemas de produção de ovos: 1) piramidal 2x2 e 2x3, que ainda se diferenciam quanto a largura do aviário, manejo, automatização e tipo de cobertura, além de poderem ser suspensos ou diretamente no solo; 2) vertical, obrigatoriamente automatizado e com uso de ventilação mecânica, e 3) horizontal, pouco utilizado pela baixa densidade que oferece. Concluiu-se que a concentração de amônia não atingiu o nível de insalubridade indicado pela norma regulamentar NR15 (20ppm). Os maiores níveis foram encontrados nos aviários verticais, e os níveis mais baixos nos aviários suspensos. O nível de pressão sonora, embora citado por funcionários como sendo incômodo, esteve abaixo do limite de insalubridade indicado pela norma regulamentar NR15 para 8 horas de serviço (85dB). O setor de produção de ovos é pouco exigente quanto à escolaridade e experiência funcional, podendo ser considerado uma boa oportunidade para o primeiro emprego. Foi predominante o número de jovens com menos de 20 anos, do sexo masculino, com baixa incidência de doenças trabalhando nos aviários. Houve baixo índice de rejeição ao ambiente de trabalho. O setor não oferece, tampouco exige a utilização de EPI. Os sistemas avaliados na segunda etapa, quanto ao nível de pressão sonora e concentração de amônia foram considerados salubres. A avaliação bioclimática mostrou que aviários com telha cerâmica apresentaram melhores resultados. / This work aimed to characterize the rearing system environment of laying hens, of the commercial farms in the State of São Paulo, in relation to the typology, bioclimatology, and the stockmanship well-being. In the first stage, 6 farms were selected. In these farms, chosen for the previous settle criteria, was carried out analyzes of the environment by means measurements of ammonia concentration, sound pressure level, temperature and relative humidity of air and the thermal comfort index in the facilitie and also, by means of poll between the workers, was analyzed the stockmanship welfare. In the second stage, a case study was achieve, making bioclimatic analysis of two rearing systems: battery cages (pyramidal format) with 4 rows in 2 levels with ceramic roofing tiles and the pyramidal format with 6 rows in 3 levels with asbestos roofing tiles. As results, was found facilities that can be suspended or in the ground with multi tiered cages (battery cages arranged back-to-back in a pyramidal format) that differs in width, handling, automation and type of covering; 2) multi tiered in vertical arrangement (obligatorily automatic and with mechanic ventilation), and 3) single horizontal rows, poorly utilized in function of its low density. The ammonia concentration did not reach the insalubrities level, being, also below the indicated level by the NR15 (20ppm). The biggest levels were found in farms with vertical arrangements of cages and the lowest levels was observed in the farms with suspended facilities. The sound pressure level, even so cited for employees as being bothering, was inside that limits of salubrious indicated by the technique norm to eight hours of labor (85dB). The egg production sector makes few exigencies in relation to the level of schoolarity and experience, being able to be considered a good chance for the first job. The observed predominance working into facilities was of young people with less than twenty years old, male, with good health. There was low index of repulse of work environment. The sector didn&#39;t offer exigency for the IPE use. At the second stage, none of the two studied systems was considered unhealthy concerning the ammonia concentration and sound pressure level and the thermal comfort index. The bioclimatic estimate, showed that those system covered by ceramic roofing tiles had better results.

Optimisation-based retrofit of heat-integrated distillation systems

Enriquez Gutierrez, Victor Manuel January 2016 (has links)
Distillation systems consist of one or more distillation columns, in which a mixture is separated into higher-value products, and a heat exchanger network (HEN) that recovers and reuses heat within the system. For example, crude oil distillation systems comprise crude oil distillation units (CDU), in which crude oil is distilled into products for downstream processing, a HEN and a furnace. Heat-integrated distillation systems present complex interactions between the distillation columns and HEN. These interactions, together with the many degrees of freedom and process constraints, make it challenging to retrofit or modify the operating conditions of existing distillation processes to accommodate changes in process operating conditions. Retrofit designs aim to re-use existing equipment when process objectives change, for example to increase throughput, improve product quality, or reduce energy consumption or environmental impact. To achieve these retrofit objectives, operational, structural and/or flowsheet modifications to the overall system (distillation columns and HEN) may be considered, subject to specifications and system constraints. This work proposes an optimisation-based approach to retrofit design for the capacity expansion of heat-integrated distillation systems, with a particular focus on crude oil distillation systems. Existing retrofit approaches found in the open research literature consider operational optimisation, replacing column internals, adding preflash or prefractionation units and HEN retrofit to increase the capacity of existing systems. Constraints considered usually relate to the distillation column hydraulic limits, product quality specifications and heat exchanger performance (e.g. minimum temperature approach and, pressure drop). However, no existing methodologies consider these possible modifications simultaneously; thus, beneficial interactions between flowsheet modifications, operational changes, heat integration and equipment modifications may be missed. In this work, retrofit design solutions for crude oil distillation are developed using a stochastic optimisation framework implemented in MATLAB to optimise the system operating parameters and to propose flowsheet, column and HEN modifications. Within the framework, the optimiser can propose addition of a preflash unit, modifications to the CDU internals and changes to its operating conditions; the separation system is then simulated using Aspen HYSYS (via the MATLAB interface) and the hydraulic performance of the column is analysed using published hydraulic correlations. The optimiser also proposes modifications to the HEN (i.e. installed heat transfer area, HEN structure and operating conditions), which is then simulated to evaluate heating and cooling utility demand. Either simulated annealing and global search optimisation algorithms are applied to identify the optimal design and operating conditions that meet the production requirements and product specifications. Industrially relevant case studies demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of using the proposed retrofit approach. The case studies illustrate that combined structural and operational modifications can be effectively and systematically identified to debottleneck an existing crude oil distillation system with a relatively short payback time, while simultaneously reducing energy consumption per barrel of crude oil processed.

Caracterização tipológica e bioclimática da avicultura de postura no Estado de São Paulo &#150; um estudo de caso / Typology and bioclimatic characterization of laying hen housing in the State of São Paulo &#150; a case study

Aurélio Telatin Junior 31 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou a caracterização dos ambientes de criação de aves poedeiras, de granjas comerciais no Estado de São Paulo, sob o ponto de vista bioclimático, tipológico e do bem-estar do trabalhador. Na primeira etapa foram selecionadas 6 granjas. Nestas granjas, escolhidas por critérios pré-estabelecidos, foram realizadas análises do ambiente de produção, com medições em loco, da concentração de amônia, do nível de pressão sonora, da temperatura e da umidade relativa do ar, e também, por meio de um levantamento quanti-qualitativo, a satisfação do trabalhador. Na segunda etapa, foi realizado um estudo de caso, com a análise bioclimática de dois sistemas de produção, sendo um piramidal 2x2 com cobertura de telhas cerâmicas e o outro piramidal 2x3 com cobertura de telhas de cimento-amianto. Como resultados foram caracterizados diferentes sistemas de produção de ovos: 1) piramidal 2x2 e 2x3, que ainda se diferenciam quanto a largura do aviário, manejo, automatização e tipo de cobertura, além de poderem ser suspensos ou diretamente no solo; 2) vertical, obrigatoriamente automatizado e com uso de ventilação mecânica, e 3) horizontal, pouco utilizado pela baixa densidade que oferece. Concluiu-se que a concentração de amônia não atingiu o nível de insalubridade indicado pela norma regulamentar NR15 (20ppm). Os maiores níveis foram encontrados nos aviários verticais, e os níveis mais baixos nos aviários suspensos. O nível de pressão sonora, embora citado por funcionários como sendo incômodo, esteve abaixo do limite de insalubridade indicado pela norma regulamentar NR15 para 8 horas de serviço (85dB). O setor de produção de ovos é pouco exigente quanto à escolaridade e experiência funcional, podendo ser considerado uma boa oportunidade para o primeiro emprego. Foi predominante o número de jovens com menos de 20 anos, do sexo masculino, com baixa incidência de doenças trabalhando nos aviários. Houve baixo índice de rejeição ao ambiente de trabalho. O setor não oferece, tampouco exige a utilização de EPI. Os sistemas avaliados na segunda etapa, quanto ao nível de pressão sonora e concentração de amônia foram considerados salubres. A avaliação bioclimática mostrou que aviários com telha cerâmica apresentaram melhores resultados. / This work aimed to characterize the rearing system environment of laying hens, of the commercial farms in the State of São Paulo, in relation to the typology, bioclimatology, and the stockmanship well-being. In the first stage, 6 farms were selected. In these farms, chosen for the previous settle criteria, was carried out analyzes of the environment by means measurements of ammonia concentration, sound pressure level, temperature and relative humidity of air and the thermal comfort index in the facilitie and also, by means of poll between the workers, was analyzed the stockmanship welfare. In the second stage, a case study was achieve, making bioclimatic analysis of two rearing systems: battery cages (pyramidal format) with 4 rows in 2 levels with ceramic roofing tiles and the pyramidal format with 6 rows in 3 levels with asbestos roofing tiles. As results, was found facilities that can be suspended or in the ground with multi tiered cages (battery cages arranged back-to-back in a pyramidal format) that differs in width, handling, automation and type of covering; 2) multi tiered in vertical arrangement (obligatorily automatic and with mechanic ventilation), and 3) single horizontal rows, poorly utilized in function of its low density. The ammonia concentration did not reach the insalubrities level, being, also below the indicated level by the NR15 (20ppm). The biggest levels were found in farms with vertical arrangements of cages and the lowest levels was observed in the farms with suspended facilities. The sound pressure level, even so cited for employees as being bothering, was inside that limits of salubrious indicated by the technique norm to eight hours of labor (85dB). The egg production sector makes few exigencies in relation to the level of schoolarity and experience, being able to be considered a good chance for the first job. The observed predominance working into facilities was of young people with less than twenty years old, male, with good health. There was low index of repulse of work environment. The sector didn&#39;t offer exigency for the IPE use. At the second stage, none of the two studied systems was considered unhealthy concerning the ammonia concentration and sound pressure level and the thermal comfort index. The bioclimatic estimate, showed that those system covered by ceramic roofing tiles had better results.

Behavioral Effects of Functionalized CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in Self-Organization and Protein Fibrillation

Vannoy, Charles Harvey 11 June 2010 (has links)
Advances in recent nanoscience technologies have generated a new compilation of biocompatible, fluorescent nanoparticles derived from semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). QDs are extremely small in size and possess very large surface areas, which gives them unique physical properties and applications distinct from those of bulk systems. When exposed to biological fluid, these QDs may become coated with proteins and other biomolecules given their dynamic nature. These protein-QD systems may affect or enhance the changes in protein structure and stability, leading to the destruction of biological function. It is believed that these QDs can act as nucleation centers and subsequently promote protein fibril formation. Protein fibrillation is closely associated with many fatal human diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases and a variety of systemic amyloidoses. This topic of protein-QD interaction brings about many key issues and concerns, especially with respect to the potential risks to human health and the environment. Herein, the behavioral effects of dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA)-capped CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) QDs in hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) and human serum albumin (HSA) protein systems were systematically analyzed. This study gives rise to a better understanding of the potentially useful application of these protein-QD systems in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine as a bioimaging tool and/or as a reference for controlled biological self-assembly processes.

Engineering analysis of the air pollution regulatory process impacts on the agricultural industry

Lange, Jennifer Marie 10 October 2008 (has links)
The EPA press release dated February 23, 2004 states that the three Buckeye Egg Farm facilities had the potential to emit more than a combined total of 1850 tons per year of particulate matter (PM). This number was based on flowrate calculations that were three times higher than those measured as well as a failure to include particle size distributions in the emissions calculations. The annual PM emission for each facility was approximately 35 tons per year. The EPA was unjustified in requiring Buckeye Egg Farm to obtain Title V and PSD permits as the facilities could not have met the thresholds for these permits. Engineers need to be concerned with correctly measuring and calculating emission rates in order to enforce the current regulations. Consistency among regulators and regulations includes using the correct emission factors for regulatory permitting purposes. EPA has adopted AERMOD as the preferred dispersion model for regulatory use on the premise that it more accurately models the dispersion of pollutants near the surface of the Earth than ISCST3; therefore, it is inappropriate to use the same emission factor in both ISCST3 and AERMOD in an effort to equitably regulate PM sources. For cattle feedlots in Texas, the ISCST3 emission factor is 7 kg/1000 hd-day (16 lb/1000 hd-day) while the AERMOD emission factor is 5 kg/1000 hd-day (11 lb/1000 he-day). The EPA is considering implementing a crustal exclusion for the PM emitted by agricultural sources. Over the next five years, it will be critical to determine a definition of crustal particulate matter that researchers and regulators can agree upon. It will also be necessary to develop a standard procedure to determine the crustal mass fraction of particulate matter downwind from a source to use in the regulatory process. It is important to develop a procedure to determine the particulate matter mass fraction of crustal downwind from a source before the crustal exclusion can be implemented to ensure that the exclusion is being used correctly and consistently among all regulators. According to my findings, the mass fraction of crustal from cattle feedlot PM emissions in the Texas High Plains region is 52%.

Hen - terrorist eller frihetskämpe? : En retorisk argumentationsanalys av hen-debatten i svensk storstadspress

Holmqvist, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
When Fredrik Reinfeldt during the TV4 broadcasting of the Ice hockey World Cup final in 2013 was titled Prime Minister instead of State minister it caused a twitter storm. Denominantions are important to us because they are so closely tied to our identity. We may even get upset on behalf of others. A language reform concerning personal pronouns therefore affect many. The gender- neutral pronoun hen received much media attention in 2012. Emotions ran high among both proponents and opponents who shared their opinions on various forums. In this study, seven debate articles that appeared in Swedish metropolitan press in 2012 are being analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. The intention is to investigate whether the debate is being conducted around the same topos, if misleading arguments occur, and to understand if proponents and opponents are trying to persuade each other and readers of their opinion. The result shows that the arguments often revolve around the same topos, but rests on such different values ​​that a comprehension between the parties does not seem likely in the current situation.

Den sökande är en man : Hur språket påverkar bedömningen i en rekryteringsprocess

Wikström, Johan, Strömbäck, Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Svensk arbetsmarknad är snedfördeladmellan män och kvinnor. Tidigare forskning har visat att könsstereotypiskt språk (agentic/communal) kan bidra till att upprätthålla denna snedfördelning, skapa statusskillnader mellan kvinnor och män samt leda till diskriminering av kvinnor redan i en rekryteringsprocess. Med ett flerfaktoriellt experiment (N=194) av dubbel-blind-design med randomiserade deltagare undersöktes, huruvida bedömningen av en arbetssökande påverkas av könsstereotypiskt språk, samt vilken attityd deltagarna hade till pronomenHen. Deltagare betingades med agentic eller communal platsannons samt en av fyra personbeskrivningar.Sedan skattades den sökandes agentic och communal egenskaper. Deltagarna svarade på frågor gällande sexism samt uttryckte sin åsikt om Hen. Två av studiens fyra hypoteser kunde styrkas, de övriga två förkastades. Studien visar att könsstereotypiskt språk har betydelse för hur en sökande bedöms, att Den sökande uppfattas som en man och att sexism predicerar negativa åsikter om Hen.

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