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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri: análise da influência da hipóxia sobre a injúria celular / Study of rat hepatocytes invasion by Shigella flexneri: analysis of hypoxia influence on cellular injury

Camila Bárbara Cantalupo Lima 07 February 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) nas condições de normóxia e hipóxia. O estudo do microambiente de hipóxia tem grande importância, por estar presente em muitas doenças hepáticas, além de aumentar a translocação quando presente no lúmen intestinal. Bactérias invasivas como S. flexneri podem romper a barreira intestinal e chegar ao fígado através da circulação portal. O efeito da invasão bacteriana das células hepáticas é pouco conhecido. Neste trabalho buscamos pesquisar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais de hepatócitos de rato após infecção por S. flexneri na presença e na ausência de hipóxia. Para esta finalidade foram utilizados hepatócitos de rato cultivados pela técnica de cultura primária. Vários parâmetros foram analisados, tais como: taxa de invasão celular pela bactéria, quantificação da produção e liberação de DHL, produção de TNF-, taxa de morte celular por apoptose e a expressão do fator de transcrição HIF-1a. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia empregada para a obtenção do microambiente hipóxico foi satisfatória, com redução de 70% da pO2 inicial (atingindo 43.2 mmHg in vitro ou 6.5% O2). A invasão de hepatócitos de rato por S. flexneri foi menor nas células previamente expostas à hipóxia quando comparada com a invasão das células cultivadas em normóxia. A viabilidade dos hepatócitos não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais, variando entre 74 e 86%. A liberação de TNF- nas situações de normóxia e hipóxia foi similar, embora as células infectadas em normóxia tenham aumentado a liberação desta citocina. Na condição de hipóxia + infecção a liberação de TNF- foi menor do que na condição de normóxia + infecção, porém ambos os grupos produziram aumento significativo da citocina em relação aos controles normóxicos e hipóxicos. Este resultado sugere que a presença da bactéria no interior das células aumenta significativamente a liberação de TNF-pelos hepatócitos. A produção de DHL também foi maior de forma significativa no grupo hipóxico em relação ao grupo normóxico, porém não apresentou alteração nos grupos infectados por S. flexneri após uma hora. As taxas de apoptose aumentaram nos grupos hipóxia e nos grupos infectados com S. flexneri de maneira similar, variando entre 24 e 31%, quando comparados aos grupos controle em normóxia. A expressão do fator de transcrição HIF ocorreu nos grupos: hipóxia, normóxia + infecção e hipóxia + infecção, evidenciando que a infecção por S. flexneri induz a expressão deste fator. Em seu conjunto, nossos resultados buscam contribuir para o maior conhecimento da interação entre S. flexneri e hepatócitos em condição de hipóxia e normóxia. Tal conhecimento poderá ser útil na construção de futuras estratégias para auxiliar no combate a esta importante bactéria invasiva, principalmente nos casos de septicemia / This study evaluated the invasiveness of rat hepatocytes by Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) in normoxia and hypoxia conditions. The study of hypoxia microenvironment is of great importance, since hypoxia is present in many liver diseases and increases bacterial translocation when present in intestinal lumen. Invasive bacteria such as S. flexneri can disrupt the intestinal barrier and reach the liver through portal circulation. The effect of bacterial invasion in liver cells is poorly understood. In this study we investigated the morphological and functional changes of rat hepatocytes after infection with S. flexneri in the presence and absence of hypoxia. For this purpose we used primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Several parameters were analyzed, such as: bacterial invasion cell rate, quantification of LDH production and release, TNF-a production, cell death rate by apoptosis and expression of the transcription factor HIF-1a. The results showed that the methodology used to obtain the hypoxic microenvironment was satisfactory, with 70% reduction of initial pO2 (to 43.2 mmHg in vitro or 6.5% O2). The invasion of rat hepatocytes by S. flexneri was lower in cells previously exposed to hypoxia compared with the invasion of cells grown in normoxia. The viability of hepatocytes showed no significant differences between experimental groups, ranging between 74% and 86%. The release of TNF-a in situations of normoxia and hypoxia was similar, although the infected cells in normoxia have increased the release levels of this cytokine. In hypoxia + infection condition the release of TNF-a was lower than normoxia + infection condition, but both groups produced a significant increase in cytokine release when compared to normoxic and hypoxic controls. This result suggests that the presence of bacteria inside the cells significantly increases the release of TNF-a by hepatocytes. DHL production was also significantly greater in the hypoxic group compared to the normoxic group, but had no change in the groups infected with S. flexneri after an hour. The apoptosis rates increased in hypoxia and infected groups in a similar way, varying between 24% and 31% when compared with control group in normoxia. The expression of HIF- 1a transcription factor occurred in hypoxia, normoxia + infection and hypoxia + infection groups, indicating that infection with S. flexneri induces the expression of this factor. Overall, our results sought to contribute to a greater understanding of the interaction between S. flexneri and hepatocytes under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. Such knowledge may be useful in building future strategies to assist in combating these major invasive bacteria

Conception et synthèse de molécules à visée anti-infectieuse selon deux stratégies : le criblage à haut débit et l’approche par fragments / Design and synthesis of anti-infectious molecules using two different strategies : high throughput screening and fragment-based drug discovery approaches

Prevet, Hugues 30 September 2016 (has links)
La découverte d’un candidat médicament repose sur l’identification de hits, présentant des propriétés physico-chimiques adéquates pour leur optimisation. Le criblage à haut débit et l’approche par fragments sont deux techniques couramment utilisées lors de cette étape d’identification et elles ont été mises en œuvre au cours de ma thèse dans le but de découvrir de nouveaux composés ciblant d’une part le complexe CD81/CLDN-1 pour empêcher l’entrée du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) dans les hépatocytes et d’autre part EthR2, un régulateur transcriptionnel mycobactérien, afin de potentialiser l’activité d’un antituberculeux sur les souches résistantes de M. tuberculosis.Dans une première partie, un criblage à haut débit sur le complexe CD81/CLDN-1 a permis d’identifier des modulateurs en série thiéno[2,3-c]pyrazole. Ces composés ont été pharmacomodulés et un composé spécifique de l’étape d’entrée du VHC, non toxique et présentant une activité submicromolaire a pu être ainsi identifié. Cette sonde pharmacologique permettra de mieux comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans le processus d’entrée virale.Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous sommes intéressés à la conception de nouveaux fragments dits privilégiés. Ainsi, le développement des voies de synthèse, sous irradiation micro-onde, de deux entités moléculaires, le noyau 1,4-benzodiazepine-2,5-dione et le noyau spirohydantoïne, nous a permis d’obtenir 34 composés originaux. Afin d’évaluer le potentiel de cette stratégie, une librairie virtuelle de fragments a été générée et son criblage in silico sur la protéine MDM2 a été effectué. La mesure in vitro de l’activité des hits identifiés permettra de valider l’intérêt de cette approche pour la découverte de nouveaux ligands ciblant les interactions protéine-protéine.Dans une troisième partie, des inhibiteurs d’un répresseur transcriptionnel mycobactérien impliqué dans la potentialisation de l’activité de l’éthionamide ont été développés. A l’issue d’un criblage de 960 fragments, l’identification d’un hit en série tropinone, et sa cocristallisation avec la protéine EthR2, a permis d’entamer une optimisation rationnelle qui a conduit à l’obtention rapide de composés présentant de meilleures activités. / The discovery of drug candidates is based on the identification of hits with appropriated physico-chemical properties for further development. High throughput screening and fragment-based drug discovery approaches are two strategies commonly used for this identification. These strategies were applied during my PhD research work for identifying not only new modulators of the CD81/CLDN-1 complex to prevent entry of the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) into hepatocytes but also inhibitors of the mycobacterial transcriptional repressor, called EthR2, to boost ethionamide antibacterial activity against resistant strains of M. tuberculosis.Firstly, a high throughput screening assay was developed to identify molecules bearing a thieno[2,3-c]pyrazole scaffold that modulate the CD81/CLDN-1 complex. The structure-activity relationships allowed us to design and synthesize one non-toxic compound that inhibits viral entry with an IC50 in the submicromolar range. This best analog will be used as pharmacological tool to understand the molecular mechanism involving the CD81/CLDN-1 interaction during virus entry.Secondary, we worked on the design and synthesis of a new generation of fragments called privileged fragments. We focused our interest on the 1,4-benzodiazepine-2,5-dione and spirohydantoin scaffolds and using microwave-assisted conditions 44 original privileged fragments have been synthesized. To further illustrate the potential of our privileged fragments, a virtual focused library has been generated and screened in silico on MDM2 protein. The in vitro evaluation of the identified hits will allow us to validate our approach and to show the potential of our privileged fragments for the discovery of new hits against protein-protein interactions.Finally, inhibitors of a new mycobacterial transcriptional repressor involved in the boosting of ethionamide activity have been developed. Screening of 960 fragments allowed us to identify a hit bearing a tropinone scaffold which was cocrystallized with EthR2. A rational design from this cocrystal structure led rapidly to more potent ligands.

New applications of Antrad Medical's thawing technology : Applications within the clinical and laboratory segment / Nya tillämpningar av Antrad Medicals upptiningsteknik : Klinik- och laboratorietillämpningar

Truvé, Malin, Kilegran, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Antrad Medical has developed an ultra-fast blood plasma thawing device named UFT100. The method is based on thawing with an oscillating electrical field and unlike water baths it is a dry method. Fast and homogeneous thawing is achieved. This project investigates new possible applications where this thawing technology could be used within the clinical and laboratory segment. The aim was to identify existing thawing and heating methods for a substance that can be improved and potentially replaced with the UFT100.   Data has been collected through literature research and interviews with Antrad Medical and specialists working in Sweden. The specialists are working within the clinical and laboratory field. A number of criteria for establishment of the UFT100 were set up and used as a tool for evaluation.   The substances investigated during this project were infusion medicine, embryos, substance in a sampling tube, protein based pharmaceuticals, stem cells for transplantation and research, biobank sampling tubes, cryoprecipitate, human hepatocytes, live vaccines, API, BDS, intermediate and antibodies. Two applications within the clinical area are found probable, stem cells and cryoprecipitate. Further investigation for human hepatocytes, API, BDS, intermediate and pharmaceuticals is needed. / Antrad Medical har utvecklat en ultra-snabb blodplasmaupptinare kallad UFT100. Det är till skillnad från vattenbad en torr metod baserad på upptining med hjälp av oscillerande elektriska fält. Genom detta uppnås snabb och homogen upptining. Detta projekt undersöker nya möjliga kliniska- och laboratorietillämpningar för upptiningstekniken. Målet var att identifiera substanser vars nuvarande upptining- och uppvärmningsteknik kan förbättras och kanske ersättas med UFT100. Data har samlats in genom litteratursökning och genom intervjuer med Antrad Medical och specialister som arbetar i Sverige. Specialisterna arbetar inom kliniska områden och laboratorieverksamheter. Ett antal kriterier för etablering av UFT100 sattes upp och användes för utvärdering. Substanserna som undersöktes under projektets gång var infusionsmedicin, embryon, innehåll i ett provrör, proteinbaserade läkemedel, stamceller för transplantation och forskning, biobank-provrör, kryoprecipitat, humana hepatocyter, levande vaccin, aktiva substanser, läkemedelssubstanser, intermediat och antikroppar. Två tillämpningar inom det kliniska området ses som möjliga, stamceller och kryoprecipitat. Humana hepatocyter, aktiva substanser, läkemedelssubstanser och intermediat behöver undersökas vidare.

Farmakologické modifikace potenciálních signálních systémů regulujících metabolismus adipocytů a hepatocytů a jejich vliv na obezitu / Pharmacological modifications of potential signal systems regulating metabolism of adipocytes and hepatocytes and their influence on obesity

Hodis, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: Thesis abstract: Background and aims: Both obesity and metabolic syndrome form severe health problems in the whole world. Nevertheless the armament of pharmacotherapy for both diseases remains unsatisfactory. We aimed our work to main organs in risk of the mentioned diseases -liver and visceral fat using hepatocytes and visceral adipocytes as model. We detected 3 main metabolic and signalization activities- glycogenolysis, Nitric oxide (NO) production and transcription of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in hepatocytes, lipolysis, NO production and iNOS transcription rate in adipocytes. We directed our interest to combination of peroxisome proliferation activator receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist, antagonist and β3 adrenergic agonist in the culture of epididymal rat adipocytes in the first part of our work. While in the second part we investigated the influence of β and α adrenergic mimetics, adrenergic blockers in the culture of rat high glycogen content hepatocytes. Methods: NO production was detected under the active agents treatments by detection of NO oxidative products NO2 and NO3 in media. Glycogenolysis was measured as free glucose rise released by hepatocytes into the media. NOS transcription level was extrapolated after comparative polymerase chain reaction with reverse...

The Mechanistic Role and Therapeutic Potential of microRNA-122 in Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Dissertation

Satishchandran, Abhishek 07 April 2016 (has links)
Chronic alcohol use results in accelerated liver injury, leading to alcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, due to the complex nature of this disease process, a central, druggable mechanism has remained elusive. microRNAs are potent post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. A single miRNA has the ability to regulate hundreds of pathways simultaneously, defining cellular fate and function. microRNA-122 (miR-122), the most abundant miRNA in hepatocytes, has a demonstrated role as an tumor suppressor, regulator of hepatocyte metabolism, and hepatic differentiation. In this dissertation I demonstrate the role of miR-122 on alcoholic liver disease (ALD) pathogenesis over four parts. In chapter II, I will demonstrate chronic alcoholic patients, free of neoplastic changes, have a reduction of miR-122 and that this miRNA regulates HIF-1α, a determinant of ALD pathogenesis. In chapter III, using hepatocytetropic adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) vector, I demonstrate that miR-122 inhibition mimics ALD pathogenesis, and furthermore, using hepatocyte-specific HIF-1α-null (HIF1hepKO) mice that this phenomenon is HIF-1α dependent. Given this finding, in chapter IV, I demonstrate that ectopic expression of miR-122 in vivo can reverse alcoholinduced liver damage, steatosis, and inflammation by directly targeting HIF-1α. Finally, in chapter V, I present evidence that alcohol-induced dysregulation of grainyhead-like proteins 1 and 2 (GRHL2), mediate the inhibition of miR-122 at the transcriptional level. These findings dissect a novel mechanistic regulatory axis of miR-122 and indicate a potential opportunity for restoration of miR-122 as a therapy in early ALD.

Telomerase and its reverse transcriptase subunit TERT : identification and oestrogenic modulation of telomerase transcription in two aquatic test species - European Purple Sea Urchin (Paracentrotus Lividus) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)

Brannan, Katla Jorundsdottir January 2012 (has links)
A plethora of naturally-produced steroid hormones, or artificial homologues of them, are being introduced into the aquatic and terrestrial environments each year. Two examples of these are the natural oestrogen 17-oestradiol (E2) and the oestrogen receptor antagonist, Bisphenol A (BPA), both of which target the ribonucleoprotein telomerase through upregulation of its telomerase reverse transcriptase component, TERT. The main objectives of this study were firstly to isolate and characterize the actual mRNA sequence for the telomerase catalytic subuninit, Tert, in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Walbaum, 1792) and European purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) (Lamarck, 1816), with the aim of developing qPCR assays for the amplification and quantification of Tert. Further objectives were to use these assays in controlled exposure studies to establish whether and to what extent the aforementioned chemicals regulate Tert transcription and by doing so further understand the mechanism of Telomerase gene expression and the extent to which environmental oestrogen can interfere. The initial step of sequence characterization and assay devlopment was successful in the case of rainbow trout where two possible splice variants of Tert mRNA are identified, omTertShort and omTertLong. Two qPCR assays were developed for the relative quantification of both of these splice variants in rainbow trout samples, the latter of these successfully amplifying its target in test samples. In order to demonstrate in vitro and in vivo modulation of telomerase activity and mRNA expression, early life-stages of rainbow trout and purple sea urchin, as well as rainbow trout hepatocytes, were exposed to a range of concentrations of E2 and BPA. Purple sea urchin embryos were exposed to 200, 20 and 2 ng E2/ml for 28 hours until they had reached the stage of pluteus larvaes. Rainbow trout embryos were exposed to 500, 20 and 0.1 ng E2/ml and 600 and 150 ng BPA/ml for 167 days from immediately after fertilization. Rainbow trout hepatocytes were exposed to 20 and 2 ng E2/ml for 48 hours. The results from this study show that telomerase activity as well as TERT mRNA expression can be significantly modulated by exposure to oestrogens and other oestrogenic chemicals. E2 concentrations as low as 20 ng/ml lead to an increase in telomerase activity early-life stages of purple sea urchin and upregulation in the transcription of Tert mRNA in unhatched rainbow trout embryos. BPA induced similar response (600 ng/ml) in hatched rainbow trout alevins larvae. Very high exposures to E2 (500 ng/ml) do however lead to downregulation of Tert mRNA in hatched alevins larvae. Differential regulatory response can be observed between different tissue types of 167 day old fry, with an upregulatory response observed at 0.1 ng E2/ml in liver and muscle tissues, but not in brain. Similarly, brain tissues were observed expressing significantly less mRNA than liver and muscle samples when exposed to BPA (150 ng/ml). It is evident that the previously observed link between environmental oestrogens and telomerase is also present in the two test species examined; purple sea urchin and rainbow trout.

Physiological responses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after exposure to diclofenac and metoprolol

Keitel-Gröner, Frederike 06 March 2017 (has links)
(Oberflächen-) Gewässer weltweit sind mit geringen Mengen (ng/L bis wenige µg/L) humaner Pharmazeutika belastet. Diclofenac (DCF; nicht-steroidal, entzündungshemmend) und Metoprolol (MTP; ß-Blocker) gehören entsprechend ihres hohen Verbrauchs zu den am häufigsten gefundenen Substanzen. Deren biologische Aktivität ist nicht auf den Menschen beschränkt. Gut konservierte Enzyme innerhalb der Vertebraten legen Auswirkungen auf Nicht-Zielorganismen wie Fische nahe, die bisher in Langzeituntersuchungen mit umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen unzureichend untersucht wurden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die physiologischen Effekte von DCF und MTP auf die Nil-Tilapie (Oreochromis niloticus), einem der wichtigsten Aquakulturfische weltweit, untersucht. In vitro konnte anhand primärer Hepatozyten gezeigt werden, dass bereits umweltrelevante Konzentrationen von DCF zu einer erhöhten Genexpression verschiedener Schlüsselenzyme der Detoxifizierung führten. Nach MTP-Exposition waren die Veränderungen weniger eindeutig. Beide Substanzen induzierten die Vitellogenin Genexpression, nur DCF jedoch bereits in umweltrelevanter Konzentration. In vivo wurden in zwei Langzeit-Expositionsversuchen die physiologischen Effekte vom befruchteten Ei bis 80 Tage nach Schlupf in O. niloticus untersucht. Beide Substanzen hatte keinen Einfluss auf Schlupferfolg und Überleben, das Wachstum war nach 80 Tagen nach Schlupf leicht reduziert. Die deutlichsten Auswirkungen waren histopathologische Veränderungen der Kiemen, veränderte Genexpressionen der Gonadotropine und eine erhöhte Expression von Vitellogenin. Die Ergebnisse legen eine stärkere östrogene Aktivität von DCF im Vergleich zu MTP nahe. Zusammenfassend sind die Bedenken gegenüber den Einzelsubstanzen eher gering, negative Auswirkungen auf die Reproduktion und sich verstärkende Effekte bei zeitgleicher Exposition gegenüber DCF und MTP lassen sich jedoch nicht ausschließen und sollten im Weiteren untersucht werden. / Surface waters worldwide are contaminated with low levels (ng/L up to few µg/L) of human pharmaceuticals. Diclofenac (DCF; non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory) and metoprolol (MTP; ß-blocker) are highly consumed and therefore commonly detected. Their biological activity is not restricted to humans. Well conserved enzymes within the vertebrates suggest effects on non-target organisms such as fish, poorly studied in long-term exposure experiments using environmentally relevant concentrations. In the presented work, physiological effects of DCF and MTP on the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an important aquaculture fish species, were studied. Using primary hepatocytes, it was shown in vitro that environmentally relevant concentrations of DCF increased the gene expression of different key enzymes of the detoxification, while MTP exposure had a less clear effect. Both substances induced vitellogenin gene expression, but only after DCF exposure this was significantly elevated already at the environmentally relevant concentration. In vivo, two long-term exposure studies on the physiological effects from the fertilized egg until 80 days post-hatch were evaluated. Both substances did not affect hatching success and survival, while growth was slightly reduced after 80 days post-hatch. Histopathological alterations of the gills, changed gene expression patterns of the gonadotropins and induced vitellogenin gene expression were the most dominant findings. The results indicate a stronger estrogenic mode of action of DCF compared to MTP. Overall, the risk due to a single substance exposure seems to be relatively low but adverse effects on reproduction and additive effects during simultaneous exposure to DCF and MTP cannot be excluded and should be investigated further.

Génération de progéniteurs hépatiques dérivés de cellules souches : application à l’hypercholestérolémie familiale / Generation of stem cell-derived hepatic progenitors : application to familial hypercholesterolaemia

Corbineau, Sébastien 05 October 2011 (has links)
La transplantation d’hépatocytes représente une alternative à la transplantation hépatique pour le traitement de certaines maladies métaboliques dont l’hypercholestérolémie familiale. Les cellules souches embryonnaires (ES) et les cellules souches pluripotentes induites (iPS) humaines représentent de nouvelles sources de cellules hépatiques. Nous avons mis au point une approche de différenciation des cellules souches humaines en cellules hépatiques et généré ainsi des cellules dérivées de cellules iPS de patients atteints d’hypercholestérolémie familiale. / Hepatocyte transplantation represents an alternative to liver for the treatment of metabolic diseases including familial hypercholesterolaemia. Embryonic stem cells (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) represent new sources of hepatic cells. We have developed an approach to differentiate human stem cells into hepatic cells and thus we have generated hepatic cells derived from iPS of familial hypercholesterolaemia patients.

Charakterisierung eines neuen ATP-binding-cassette Transporters aus der ABCA-Subfamilie / Characterisation of a novel ATP-binding-cassette transporter of the ABCA subfamily

Petry, Frauke 30 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of expression pattern and localization of iron transport proteins in rat liver, brain and spleen during acute phase response:invivo and invitro studies / Vergleich der Expressionsmuster und Lokalisierung von Eisentransportproteine Ratte in Leber, Gehirn und Milz während der Akutphase-Antwort: In-vivo-und In-vitro-Studien

Naz, Naila 12 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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